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22117689 No.22117689 [Reply] [Original]

>*creates postmodernism*
Heh, nothing personell Mr. Petersen

>> No.22117722

How the fuck do you get from the radical aristocratism of Nietzsche to the neo-anarchism of Foucault? How did this happen?

>> No.22117732

Just as Plato created the First Great Error of the True World, Nietzsche did also do one. He created the Shakey Grounds that allowed Postmodernism to flourish.

>> No.22117766


Nietzsche is a pure product of the secular humanism, desperate to turn the inherent nihilism of humanism into ''''''''''optimistic nihilism'''''', like the subhumans Hegel, Kant, Heidegger, Adorno, Habermas, Arendt, Husserl, Popper, Strauss, Weisse, Carnap, Engels, marx,Feuerbach, Frege, Fitche, [all germans, weird huh? germans can't think, they suck at wars so they fell back on ''''''''''philosophy'''''' who travestied the greek philosophy which was lived, and they turned it into mental masturbation in sterile universities, in order to get a cushy life like a generic girl gets one from her orbiters]. Germans thinkers are vaginas who think they think.
. Nietzsche is your typical atheist that you find on every street corner nowadays. Those people are torn apart by nihilism and delusion of grandeur where they view themselves as a benevolent despot willy-nilly leading humanity towards a higher life.
Nietzsche is:
-an atheist [there is no god]
-an anti-christian [like any marxist] [Dude dont think long term like the life-denier christians, only the here and now matters OKAY!!]
-a nihilist [there is no truth, only interpretation, TRUTH!!!]
-an hedonist [Only this life matters!!1 live in the present moment to coom like my dancing vitalist idol, the great dyonisus!! teehee im Nietzsche btw, look at meee !11]
-a narcissist [look how I analysed the totally non-judeo-christian-made concept of ''''''human nature''''' , Humanity is will to power!!! LE HECKIN INSIGHT]
-a jew glorifier ["The Jews, however, are beyond any doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe."]
-a postmodernist [values don't exist but reality doesn't matter bro!!! Just become le heckin uberman, sink further into delusion, create your own values and fight for them until you die!!]

You believe you're a woman? You go giiiiiirl, nobody can tell you otherwise, period!!

yeah no wonder that lefty/lit/ trannies shill his diarrhea all the fucking time.

>> No.22117773

Get some rest dude.

>> No.22118271

Whoa is this . . . 2018?

>> No.22118276

Nietzsche was an atypical modernist, just like Peterstein

>> No.22118330

Narrow, cherry picked interpretation that was influenced by Foucault thinking post WW2 (which threw a dark shade over everything hierarchical and biological because of Nazism) and reacting to the philosophical dogmas of his day (hegelianism, marxism, phenomenology). He takes from Nietzsche the idea of elastic, decentralized notion of power but draws the opposite conclusion: whereas Nietzsche strove for Zuchtung of higher Man, Foucault wants to do away with all of that, understading the notion of "Man" as a leftover of disciplinary society. Of course, Foucault goes back to the thought about the Man in his late philosophy, but in watered down pseudo-existentialist way, where he accent the "stylization" of self, without all of the stern, disciplinary and biological implications of Nietzsche's Zuchtung.

>> No.22118343

[0] days since last wall of nonsense culminating in /lit/'s tranny obsession

>> No.22118374

Firstly, by denouncing facts as such. Second, by denouncing the ascetic ideal.

>> No.22118536

Large sections of BGE are about his perspectivism, aka the 'personality' of a philosopher influences his philosophy. The cold rigid Kant created a morality based on duty, for example. Not far away from 'your skin color/gender/position in society influences your social ideas' for example. Nietzsche also doesn't believe in the Truth as an objective (Platonic) ideal, the cornerstone of postmodernism. He believed power is all there is, and that's not far from Foucault at all.
Nietzsche may have been an aristocrat, but taking his critiques of Christianity/epistemology, and ideas about power, you can just as well go the Foucault-route. Doesn't matter what Nietzsche personally thought about politics in that sense.
In other words, just because Nietzsche wasn't a postmodernist himself, doesn't mean he didn't help create the environment that postmodernism flourished in.

>> No.22118627
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arigato for inventing postmodernism nietzsche-san

>> No.22118651

>creates postmodernism
Uhm, sweetie, you dont *create* anything, you *reinvent*. Do you actually think trans folks didn't exist in the Middle Ages? Well, guess what, they did! Same goes for post modernism...

>> No.22118656

Because Nietzsche's moral philosophy (if you can call it that) EXPLICITLY cannot have a firm foundation in his metaphysics/metaethics.
He's very clear that there are no objective moral truths. His preference for a noble/aristocratic type of man can never be more than that, it's just a preference. Other people can come along and insert their own preferences into the basic Nietzschean framework, and there's no way of actually telling them that they're "wrong". That's why people on both the left and the right find so much inspiration in Nietzsche.

>> No.22118657

Are you retarded anon?

>> No.22118677

>teehee im Nietzsche btw, look at meee !11]

>> No.22119727

Based nuanceanons

>> No.22119785

Seeing a person's mental breakdown happening like this is actually funny.

>> No.22120030

>Nietzsche explicitly stated that he writes in order to be misunderstood somewhere in the Gay Science
>proceeds to be misunderstood
What did he expect?

>> No.22120068

>the Gay Science
as if you needed anymore prove you're dealing with a postmodern writer

>> No.22120076

They hate you because you told the truth

>> No.22120175

100% right
idk why the fags replying are acting so weird

>> No.22120191
File: 184 KB, 800x1139, 800px-Irving-Washington-LOC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Washington Irving
>Before its publication, Irving started a hoax by placing a series of missing person advertisements in New York newspapers seeking information on Diedrich Knickerbocker, a Dutch historian who had allegedly gone missing from his hotel in New York City. As part of this guerilla marketing ruse he placed a notice from the hotel's proprietor informing readers that if Mr. Knickerbocker failed to return to the hotel to pay his bill he would publish a manuscript that Knickerbocker had left behind.

>> No.22120367

Jordan Peterson is literally a postmodernist. He had a debate with Sam Harris where he literally claims there's no objective truth other than what is convenient to believe for our survival. Blue haired SJWs or whatever he's criticizing have pretty strict moral codes in comparison, regardless of whether you agree with them or not.

>> No.22120373

This reminds me that I had a professor who really dislikes postmodernism and various forms of anti-realism. But he was a Kantian and liked a bunch of American neopragmatists like Quine, Davidson, and Putnam. For some reason many people who oppose "postmodernism" are no better, and deny true objectivity just as much. It's very weird.

>> No.22120376

What is it with the tranny obsession, not just here but all of 4chan and alt internet pages?

>> No.22120411

They both believe our moral sense is an evolved adaption to an external objective reality. He's a postmodernist because he likes Monty Python, so do I.

>> No.22120633

He both created and gave the cure for it. Perspectivism = every jackass can have an opinion, but will to power = opinions aren't equal.

>> No.22120658

>Neetcheese invented everything is relative bro

>> No.22120668
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This poster is right about Nietzsche but at the same time he is a retarded nihilist crypto-atheist himself because he himself had admitted on other occasions (with the same verbal tells and writing quirks) to advocating an annihilationist form of Theravada Buddhism where Parinirvana is a complete and total end of everything that's functionally no different from a materialist concept of death.

“The things we dislike most in others are the characteristics we like least in ourselves." - Marian Keyes

>> No.22121110

Foucault had a father who bullied him and Nietzsche grew up around women. That's why they're so different.

>> No.22121115

Basically hates all authority because he hated his father.

>> No.22121121

only one of your attacks on N. was backed by an actual quote and not a "le heckin redditor meemerino"

>> No.22121499

WRONG, he does believe that there is an objective morality, he just thinks it is to be found within the human psyche, not in the material world

>> No.22121557

If you think /lit/'s tranny obsession is bad you should see /tv/. /tv/ literally cannot go 20 seconds without thinking about trannies; it's actually mental.

>> No.22121594

Because Nietzsche admits there is no external objective moral truth so anyone can make up a system?

On truth and lies in a nonmoral sense is not that long, read it.

>> No.22121769

>>WRONG, he does believe that there is an objective morality,
huh absolutely not

>> No.22122513


>Nietzsche is:
>-an atheist [there is no god]
>-an anti-christian [like any marxist] [Dude dont think long term like the life-denier christians, only the here and now matters OKAY!!]
>-a nihilist [there is no truth, only interpretation, TRUTH!!!]
>-an hedonist [Only this life matters!!1 live in the present moment to coom like my dancing vitalist idol, the great dyonisus!! teehee im Nietzsche btw, look at meee !11]
>-a narcissist [look how I analysed the totally non-judeo-christian-made concept of ''''''human nature''''' , Humanity is will to power!!! LE HECKIN INSIGHT]
>-a jew glorifier ["The Jews, however, are beyond any doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race now living in Europe."]
>-a postmodernist [values don't exist but reality doesn't matter bro!!! Just become le heckin uberman, sink further into delusion, create your own values and fight for them until you die!!]

Ok. And?
What are you fags' alternative answer to life and philosophy if you think Nietzsche is shit and yours are superior? "Just follow Jesus"? I'm waiting.

>> No.22123976

Just follow Jesus lol

>> No.22124073

>Because Nietzsche admits there is no external objective moral truth so anyone can make up a system?
Yes, but will to power means systems (read: perspectives) are not equal on the power (read: life) scale.

>> No.22124456
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Thats because Peterson is a Freemason in league with the tribe so of course he would say something like that to clear his conscience about making a deal with devils. The idea there is no objective truth beyond what is good for the tribe is very much the thinking of the Edomites and the Khazars which is why they are such good manipulators and liars and why they scam people without a shred of remorse. They are fundamentally a feminine people who rationalize everything through a lens of emotion and religious code that they interpret any way they want based on rhetoric and believing the letter of law reigns over the spirit of the law.

Essentially in their fucked up minds along with Jordan Peterson is that whoever has power is the arbiter of truth which is a completely psychopathic mindset. Thats what the Freemasons instill in their initiates in order to get them to become race traitors and believe that they can be better than god and nature by designing artificial systems which allow them to functionally make human beings obey their egoic whims. The Ushering in of AI and transhumanism is their Great Work coming to fruition as they wish to replace the natural god with synthetic artifice that obeys their commands. This is why the Jews always argue with god and think the one who argues best determines truth, that there is always an argument to be had because things are relative including morality. You can then see how deeply deeply screwed up these people are and where they intend to take humanity.

I cannot stress how much Jordan Peterson is a psychopath who decieves himself with stupid occult beliefs the tribe and the masons have drilled into him.

I mean you look at the modern world without objective truth you can have men and women paint their faces put on wigs and get body implants and have sex with multiple partners and claim its moral because they arent causing people physical pain. I mean think of the deep delusions that say Peterson promotes in society saying that homosexuality and transgenderism are perfectly normal as well as people should not have nationalism. The Satanic mindset is they want to make up their own truth and make everything moral everything is on the table because man decides what is true, man decides the law, man decides what is moral based on ego desires.

I cant comprehend how people would look at that system and say its okay but its exactly what Peterson believes as hes just a tool of the system where tradition doesnt matter only science and technolgical limitations along with government legislation determines morality of the people.

>> No.22124934

Define God, though. Unfortunately, you can't, because they're right.

>> No.22124952
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>What are you fags' alternative answer to life and philosophy if you think Nietzsche is shit and yours are superior? "Just follow Jesus"?

>> No.22125027

yeah so it's just relativism...
and vitalism and ''life values'' is jsut hedonism. ie the better you coom the more dionyssus you are, ie the more atheistic good boy you are

>> No.22125031

Peterson is part of the atheist system. He has no solution to offer and he is a plant. Peterson is the kind of guy who writes self help books to convince himself that he has the right ideas about life, rather than to really help anyone else.
I ditched the 12 rules when he started talking about salvation through god, personally. it's a book by a man born in a society fashioned by atheists for 300 years, and indeed is a generic teacher bug in some atheist university after the atheists revived the greek one to larp and also to build some fake intellectuel lignage lol, and who got depressed and turned drug addict because ''his'' wife died and who's daughter turned as usual into a whore.
Fatherless 20 yo atheist men are so lost in life they would listen anybody telling them what to do , especially if the guy puts on some mild authoritative mask as an attempt to make people believe he knows what he's talking about lol. Anyway, his advice is limited to ''clean up your room'' ie what atheist parents have been saying for over 50 years because they have nothing else to say as part of their educative plans lol. His audience is of young white men wrapped around his finger, there is something coincidentally feminine about how he does this; essentially he says very little but a lot and he peppers it with hysterical breakdowns to arouse sympathy. Is Peterson an intentional homosexual gateway? The 'daddy figure' ...fucking hell...For those who don't know, the most 4chan book of all time is 12 Rules for Life. It embodies the core impulse of 4chan, which is traditional larping without any real life experience. That's why Jordan Peterson is considered a dad figure, because he embodies this pretend play spirit of false authenticity in his own life. He talks obsessively about war and conflict, while never having experienced it. He idolizes free market enterprise, while from a country with a very robust state sponsored welfare system and schooling system, which paid his salary. He obsesses over traditional values such as dignity and stoicism, while being a nervous wreck over the smallest things, such as having to delete a tweet.
Jordan Peterson is the right wing zeitgeist. A permanently triggered manchild who complains constantly how immature the dreaded esjaydubblejoes are.

>> No.22125187
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>Jordan Peterson is literally a postmodernist. He had a debate with Sam Harris where he literally claims there's no objective truth other than what is convenient to believe for our survival
it's so funny that he was perhaps most quotable always saying "post-modern cultural marxist" it'self a paradox and then the cherry on top, he comes out and says that^ while his system is filled with shit like pic rel

>> No.22125324

Retards using "atheist" as an unqualified slur and offering nothing of substance themselves beyond their whining about this or that aspect of modernity are the very reason their intellectual and cultural forbears were dethroned, defrocked, and forced to market their idols on a more leveled playing field. You will never be an inquisitor.

>> No.22126818

Christians are hedonists too. We are all striving for power, for what empowers us according to our personal values.

>> No.22127913

the world would be better without Nietzche

>> No.22128794

Philosophy = Psychology.

Case in point, Camus would have never written that drivel were he born as ugly as Sartre.

>> No.22128802

G-d literally is the Undefinable. That's paradoxically His definition. Your request is as nonsensical as wanting smell a colour.

>> No.22130235

"Undefinable" is an anthropomorphism, i.e. a matter of perspective.

>> No.22130243

Well-put. Why use your brain when you have your buzzwords and meme-pics. Just type *tips fedora* and you've won the internet.

>> No.22130248
File: 121 KB, 720x683, nietzsche story 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22130255

You are not supposed to ask those questions or point out those facts! You will get in trouble now!

>> No.22130798

It's weird how atheists deeply believe buddhism look sin any way like atheism. And atheist don't care about death one bit anyway.

>> No.22130859

Burn every holy text and everyone will forget who rabbi Yeshua and Mohammed was. Burn every Nietzsche book and will to power will be rediscovered.

>> No.22130912

>And atheist don't care about death one bit anyway.
Bullshit, atheist-written fiction is full of life-extensions and they are all very much hoping that immortality will be invented sometime this century.

Only a select few men truly don't care about death.

>> No.22131386

Lol the time before German writing had fixed spelling. It is funny and somekinda a pain to see Thatsachen instead of Tatsachen.

>> No.22132777

You're so wrong it's not even funny

>> No.22133129

>quadruple dubs
guys I think he's on to something

>> No.22133143

I personally enjoy shilling climate catastrophism, violent misanthropy and corrosive despair to teenagers across a variety of social media platforms

>> No.22133195

>nihilist, hedonist
Lol, what a waste of digits.

>> No.22133259

>Unfortunately, you can't, because they're right.
the rabbis arguing with god seem to have the idea that he can be defined

>> No.22133266

>implying liberals fought a fair fight, or much of an intellectual fight at all
have you ever heard of the french revolution you nitwit retard

>> No.22134940

same schizo