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22101127 No.22101127 [Reply] [Original]

>Just got a typewriter after years of meagre output
>It's suddenly easy to write 3 pages a day
I just lay the pages facing downwards in a paper tray. I never look at them. Just keep adding 3 pages every day. Scenes out of order, no structure, no editing. That's for later. Sometimes free association rambeling or soliloquies dissconected from any scene or plot. Don't care. Sometimes long multi-day stretches of working on one coherent chunk of the book. I just keep adding 3 pages every day. I'm writing, simple as.

>> No.22101137

he just keeps adding, deal with it

>> No.22101146

truly unstoppable

>> No.22101152


>> No.22101208
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good work!
keep it up

>> No.22102338

Typing is fun on a typewriter!

>> No.22102397

You can do that on a keyboard and computer

>> No.22102414


>> No.22102418

I typed this post on a typewriter! Amazing!

>> No.22102533

Nope. You need a printer

>> No.22102706

Just keep typing and boom, you’re already moved further than three pages and you don’t need to scroll up to look at them until you want to.

>> No.22102758

I grabbed a typewriter from the trash and it seems to be working well except for a few sticky keys and it needs a new ribbon, where does one buy stuff for a typewriter

>> No.22102766

Where do I buy an affordable one that isn't a pain to fix if it gets jammed. I don't have hundreds of bucks to spare.

>> No.22102832

Ribbons are available, rare size ones are harder to find but as long as you have the spools you can simple respool a fresh ribbon onto it. There are some YouTube's that tell you how to fix stuff with them. Which model do you have?
Fb marketplace is a good place to start.

>> No.22102875

It’s a smith corona clipper. Works pretty well, I used it to type up stuff at my old job just as a dumb thing to do for awhile but I actually did like it. Ink ribbon looks pretty dry, no idea if that means it’s bad or not. I can probably get the keys working better with a clean and some oil, they just hang up after they strike, only a few keys

>> No.22102965

Probably should not use oil, just mineral spirits and a toothbrush. Amazon sells ribbons for those. I also have a Smith-Corona.

>> No.22103162

you can just one of the keyboards that look like a typewriter, best of both worlds

>> No.22103211

Ok nigger then buy me one

>> No.22103215

Damn I want a typewriter now

>> No.22103216

Can’t even use like watchmakers oil? I guess I’ll have to do some research. There’s something satisfying about typewriters, I finally get the mechanical keyboard meme

>> No.22103680


>> No.22104336

crutch for adhd coombrains
fuck off and die in the hipster garbage dump

>> No.22104673

usually adhd people will be doing weirder stuff than using a typewriter

>> No.22104858

like what

>> No.22105122

>Scenes out of order, no structure, no editing. That's for later.
I'm at that "later" part (whole thing is basically written, just needs assembly & polishing) and I could use some extra motivation from my /lit/ frens

>> No.22105209

>confusing graphomania with being productive
many such cases

>> No.22105274

>Now that I’m forty-four years old, I’m going to offer some advice on the art of writing short stories.
>1. Never approach short stories one at a time. If one approaches short stories one at a time, one can quite honestly be writing the same short story until the day one dies.
>2. It is best to write short stories three or five at a time. If one has the energy, write them nine or fifteen at a time.
>3. Be careful: the temptation to write short stories two at a time is just as dangerous as attempting to write them one at a time, and, what’s more, it’s essentially like the interplay of lovers’ mirrors, creating a double image that produces melancholy.

>> No.22105875

What is the /lit/ approved typewriter?

>> No.22105882

Just say you want to smoke cock, m8, it’s easier that way >>>/lgbt/

>> No.22105912

I would approve any typewriter that fits in a briefcase and is silent enough not to disturb the neighbor's sleep.
Honestly it's better to just buy a cheapo laptop, rip out the WIFI (so you banish temptation) install MS Word or Apache OpenOffice or smth and just type away.

>> No.22105924

So you suggest not using a typewriter is the best typewriter?

>> No.22105969

That is not what I suggested
Quiet portable typewriters do exist, the Smith-Corona like OP had being reasonably quiet itself
But making notes/drafts on paper is probably as fast, and otherwise you will have to type the whole thing into a word processor anyway unless you are a world-famous author that trusts the postal office to get his brick of smudged manuscript to the publisher...

>> No.22106015

>Honestly it's better to just buy a cheapo laptop
>That is not what I suggested

>> No.22106046

I said it's better, not that typewriters are worthless
anything that makes OP write more is welcome

>> No.22106053

I didn't say you said it was worthless. I said you thought not using a typewriter was better than using a typewriter, which is what you said. Are you in Tel Aviv because you keep moving this goal post like we're playing Palestinian football

>> No.22106076

hey hey hey I prefer a Palestinian cutie to an Israeli cutie... but we must acknowledge that Israel has pretty nice tech and medical industries manned by people who would have no problem befriending Palestinian ex-orangefarmers
other than that laptops have some big drawbacks compared to typewriters
1. laptop keyboards are shitty... even a pre-chinese IBM laptop has a keyboard a $3 USB keyboard pisses on from the stratosphere... especially considering that replacing it costs exactly $3 and not $30 and dealing with a member of the tribe
2. in case of an apocalypse, you could probably use herbal dyes to revive a typewriter ribbon... try that with generating electricity
so, to answer your question: comparing laptops to typewriters is like comparing apples to oranges; depends on what kind of fiber you need with your vitamin C

>> No.22106096


>> No.22106117
File: 2.82 MB, 3024x3780, IMG_9263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a guy around here with an old timey typewriter that goes to local breweries, festivals, parades, etc. He sets up a small table and chairs, and for any donation will type you a custom, on the spot poem
pic very much related

>> No.22106141

That poem fucking sucks

>> No.22106190

there are text processors that allow that
in fact were made for that
but if you are an exhibitionist you might as well hammer away and have a knife handy in case... you will see
t. typing on a Microsoft wireless keyboard, best I ever had

>> No.22106196

you are either using wrong paper or hitting them keys way too hard :/

>> No.22106203

Let's not kid ourselves, we both know American taxes funded every single Israeli tech and medical "industry". Also if by "befriending" Palestinians you mean killing and forcing them into absolute poverty and shame in their own land, sure. The rest of your post is absolutely schizophrenic, which is common amongst "members of the tribe" as you call them.

>> No.22106234

man, don't be a fanatic
don't you think or feel that Israelis (and their lobby) being fanatics is the problem?
I personally find a romantic pleasure viewing that Intel processors, which I personally use since the 1990's, were designed (and some also made) in a desert strip surrounded by enemies bent on the worker's death
the essence of both National Socialism and Fascism was the development and promotion of HIGH QUALITY. engrave that in your mind. if you strip up your sanitation to make rockets and then have to shit on the street you are no better than Indians (or the French...)

>> No.22106264

Just admit you're Jewish, this is pathetic.

>> No.22106325

if I am Jewish or not, that is known only by the Lord, including His disciples like Odin or Thor
but I can certainly and undeniably say that you are making a bad case for anti-Jewish people

>> No.22106356
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Trust brotha, we all gon be free. BLESS

>> No.22106372

I can't tell if you are being ironic or not, but you are ultimately right
The Messiah was not someone without sin
And taking a typewriter as a wife is by no measure something to deny salvation

>> No.22106396

I have a old royal magic margin from the 1940s. doesnt work unfortunately. the thing weighs like 30 pounds. threw my back out saving it from a old collapsing house.

>> No.22106488

You threw out your back lifting 30lbs?

>> No.22106532

I can't understand how in hell may people condemn people who develop technology and medicine that's free to use from Persia (Iran) to Japan as being not worthy of a life.
People distributing those things? Sure. People promoting those things? Yeah, no problem. But people actually listening to the Lord (in this case synonymous with Allah) to make most of what they were given... such retardation is even beyond Satan, who would have nothing to accuse them of.
Be ashamed.

>> No.22106542
File: 27 KB, 287x266, 1635183685318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22106552

What’s a reasonable price for a good watch or writer? Gonna go into antique stores and see what they have

>> No.22106593


>> No.22106610

It depends on the condition more than anything.

>> No.22106859

whats the cheapest one i can buy? this willl make me a great writer right>

>> No.22106878

Why do you want the cheapest one?

>> No.22106947

im poor

>> No.22106948

Just save up and shop around. It's better to wait for a typewriter in good condition than to buy the cheapest one you can find right now

>> No.22106968

i dont live in a spot where i can shop around and find a type writer

>> No.22106971

Through the magic of the internet, you can buy things online and have them shipped to your address. Congrats.

>> No.22106974

cool tell me which one

>> No.22106987

Look at which model you think looks cool and try to find one in good condition. Is this your first time buying something second hand?

>> No.22107150

Could you please tell me the specific keyboard model.

>> No.22107707

well, as far as I know there is only one Microsoft keyboard & mouse kit...

>> No.22108718

>buys a typewriter
>becomes a literal hack
Uh, congratulations I guess.

>> No.22108725

Mine is called Janice. I'm sure others are available though.

>> No.22109591

just named my laptop-typewriter (not used for anything else beside typewriting and occasional music to se the mood for typewriting) Elizabeth the Fifth... as "third" sounded like "turd" and "fourth" would have been a transparent excuse not to name it "third"