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22099912 No.22099912 [Reply] [Original]

I have read the Stoics but I'm unable to implement them, when I find myself under pressure, I crack. What do you read to become strongmind? One example is, I had an important exam where there was no negative marking, but I severely underestimated the time it would take to mark my options and couldn't attempt all the questions. Had I simply marked the remaining questions with the same option, I would have passed. This is bothering me a lot and I'm unable to let go.

>> No.22099916

you are the only one that is responsible for your life. you cannot delegate your responsibilities.

>> No.22099925

Stoicism is for cucks (Marcus Aurelius'wife was getting drilled so he wrote a cope book on it)

>> No.22099963
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Anon you don't win wars by fighting first and then looking for victory. You only fight wars you know you're going to win, if you think you're going to lose you must withdraw your forces without the thought of disgrace and wait for reinforcements.

>> No.22099980

Sun tzu was a pussy ass bitch.

>> No.22099983

Marcus Aurelius had his guards kill the guy his wife was cucking him with.

>> No.22099991
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you're mother

>> No.22099999
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Cope harder faggot, read better & faster.. dumbass

>> No.22100035
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>fails a test where there are no wrong answers

>> No.22100309

a clear example of what anon was talking about, he went into this knowing he could win at any time with this simple response. the other anon did not know if he could win this, he simply went in looking for a fight, and lost.

>> No.22100325

Damn. If not even an emperor is enough for a woman, why should I even bother?

>> No.22100584

Literally what the fuck is wrong with women?

>> No.22100590

The real queston is what the fuck is wrong with cucks and why are they closet faggots?

>> No.22100595

I have always been somewhat stoic and have envied the respect that stoics recieve, but i feel that when taken too far, stoicism amounts to the denial of the self and your expression. The advice of "Be yourself" is often given by people who just want to handwave your problems away, but it is unironically good advice. You are all you have in this world, and you may end up alone and hated for "being yourself", but it will feel better than pretending you are someone you arent so that people like you/see you more positively, only for them to inevitably move on from you or even turn on you.

>> No.22100619

> believing first century fake news
Explain why Marcus writes about how obedient and wife is in the first chapter of his diary

>> No.22100635

Stoicism is just Cynicism in disguise, a retarded and degenerate philosophy.

>> No.22100648

Why does stoicism make so many people mad on this board?

>> No.22100868

Normies got hold of it.

>> No.22101136

Londonfrog is probably the best example of a stoic

>> No.22101315

Do you even make money from your books.

>> No.22101430

Your problem comes down to a misinterpretation of the Stoics. You perceiving that with Stoicism you create a harden fortress of the mind, but what they reach is to become more like a city. Open, with frequent travellers, traders, workers -- your thoughts, feelings and experiences. Some have a positive influence on the city, some negative, however they are dealt with by regulating them according to reason. Not keeping them out. Sometimes there's even a riot in the city. Anger, irration, and it cannot be quelled, only left to extinguish. The Stoics state what matters is after this riot, does your city return to reason? Are you going about cleaning up the broken glass, rethatching the roofs and other such muck?

Simply put, being making a mistake is human and happens. So long as you return to reason and reflect, you are practicing Stoicism. We are not the perfect wise sage, but we can strive to be.

>> No.22101446

Thanks. That was a fascinating analogy, did you come up with that on your own, or did you read somewhere?

>> No.22101460

Stoics when their entire family is murdered be like :|

>> No.22101510

thats the fucking worst analogy of stoicism ive ever heard. You must be a woman.
Stoicism is realizing that these feelings and thoughts will have bad impacts on the city, and gets rid of them beforehand.

>> No.22101520

Which is it?

>> No.22101571

>know those bad feelings you have like all other humans ever?
>yeah just get rid of them bro

>> No.22101599
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the stoics say a lot of things that sounds good but they have no relation to reality, if you want to know about reality read the KJV Bible, all philosophy outside of the Bible is wrong about the human condition.

>> No.22101631

Thank you and a blend, really. Marcus frequently talks about being a man and a citizen, but obviously since this is a Greek concept and they famously use "the city" as an analogy for the mind. The fortress reference in all honesty is borrowed from Warhammer 40k -- "An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded." But rather I challenge it, as a city can be resilient within, rather hard without.

I think you've misunderstood what has been said. Maybe I should clarify, by regulate I mean enforce law (reason) within the city. However, to paraphrase Epictetus, sometimes law does break down in the city, but so long as philosophy returns it is fine.

>> No.22101659

>NOOOOO Stoicism has to be easy like my baking recipes!
fuck off femoid

>so long as philosophy returns it is fine.
dumbass, you gonna call a man who breaks up with his gf, cries for 3 months, gets depression for 6 months, then finally recovers a stoic?

>> No.22101663 [DELETED] 
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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1280
Sleeping Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases
Anon's Modded Pre-Install: https://pastebin.com/42JS3q6E

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.22101673

This post can't be real.

>> No.22101683

>dumbass, you gonna call a man who breaks up with his gf, cries for 3 months, gets depression for 6 months, then finally recovers a stoic?
Yes, as would Epictetus. Stoicism is a life long process.

>> No.22101698

100% female behind this post

>> No.22101708

I am a man.

>> No.22101769

The truth is the most simple thing: Jesus Christ, the whole world knows about it but most people choose to not believe it.

>> No.22102161
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Introspection and forgiveness.
You must remember that you're not going to flip a switch a suddenly turn into your idealized persona. You will fail over and over again. Even the main faces of stoicism such as Marcus Aurelius recognized that you mustn't be harsh on yourself for the days that you falter.
Be patient, and be consistent. You'll learn from your mistakes, and that oppression in your chest will be your reminder to stay on the right path.

>> No.22102334

You come across as very insecure

>> No.22102564

>the whole world knows about it
Not really.
> but most people choose to not believe it.
Most people don't care.

>> No.22103270

What this anon says, though I wouldn't call it "forgiveness" just "persistence".
You need to internalize the principles you want to adhere to. Reading them once is not enough to make them a core foundation of your behavior. You need to consistently remind yourself of them and try to put them into practice until it becomes second nature. Epictetus writes about it

>So why are they stronger than you? Because they talk such garbage from conviction, whereas your fine talk is no more than lip service. It lacks life and vigour; anyone listening to your speeches might well come to hate that damned ‘virtue’ you keep proclaiming. That’s why those fools get the better of you. Conviction is quite a potent and irresistible force. So until those fine principles take root in you so that you can begin to rely on them a little, I advise you to use discretion in associating with such people. Otherwise whatever you write down in class will melt away like wax in the sun. Keep well out of the sun, then, so long as your principles are as pliant as wax.
>This is why philosophers say that we should even leave our native land, since old habits pull us back and make it hard to embark on a new routine; (…) Similarly, doctors, for good reason, send their most chronic patients away to a different environment and a different climate. Adopt new habits yourself: consolidate your principles by putting them into practice.

>> No.22103274

There something so evil yet mundane in the jester, like he doesnt even care, I love this pic

>> No.22103462

>”I’ve been such a good wife, I deserve to have sex with strangers. As a treat.”
Good job letting us know that you don’t understand women.

>> No.22104453

Anon...She never left his sight and followed him wherever he went.

>> No.22104529
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what is a good introduction to stoics?

>> No.22104551

>What do you read
"digging a vineyard is more fitting exercise for a free man than lifting weights,"
Martial, Epigrams.

My suggestion would be to read much less and focus yourself in the world around you. You should read maybe one verse in a month.

Truth is that most of the real Stoic writers (see: Chrysippus) do not survive down to the modern era, so there's not a great deal to read seriously in the West (largely from this, then for a very long time any author was forced to pantomime around the absurdisms in the theocracy if they wished to avoid the noose). If you're intent on just reading for its own sake then the school of the military from old imperial china is pretty fun.

Wu Zhi Ji Zong and Li Quan

Also, fuck the greeks.


1) even basic reading proves to superior to the local doomsday cult on all the core levels that the doomsday cult claims as its own, e.g. virtue, logos and eradicating pathos, 2) it's popular and people arrive at it independently

but we understand what Pathos is and how the mind of a barbarian operates in the deep unconsciousness of dissonance;,
>the stoics say a lot of things that sounds good but they have no relation to reality, if you want to know about reality read the KJV Bible, all philosophy outside of the Bible is wrong about the human condition.

No, you should learn to laugh at the foolishness in the world, as did Chrysippus.

>> No.22104562

>Li Quan
i.e. Li Quan Daguanzi

>> No.22104775

Your mother was insecure when the tip of my cock was met by initial resistance by her quivering lower lips.

>> No.22104826

If you're not 1/2/3/4 there is no reason to be spending most of your time on intellectual pursuits

>> No.22104841

Great meme and very true but you're wasting your words here. /lit/ has been over for a while and there's really nothing left.

>> No.22104986

lmao. Christcucks are really weird.

>> No.22104998

>What do you read to become strongmind?
You don't become a "strongmind" by reading a book though. It's formed through habitual doing of things that lead to you being stronger.

>> No.22105789

>The fortress reference in all honesty is borrowed from Warhammer 40k -- "An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded." But rather I challenge it, as a city can be resilient within, rather hard without.

Iron Warriors and Perty being the prime example of how NOT to practice stoicism, heh.

>> No.22107120

What is the stoic response to your wife getting SA/raped?

>> No.22107183

Just found this board, it's wonderful.

>> No.22107219

>dealing with debilitating chronic pain in my 20s because my spine was fractured in a car accident
How do I imagine Sisyphus happy?

>> No.22107229

because stoics assume you are some fucking robot, if everyone lived according to ideals of stoics we would be like a living AI

>> No.22107292

You haven't read any of the Stoics.

>> No.22107315

only aurelius

>> No.22107322

I'm not a stoic and never read philosophy besides taking one course from college

To be strong minded, you have to remember that you'll never be the best. Weird, huh?

But think about it, isn't it soothing to think that you're not the most intelligent, beautifulest, sophisticated person in this world. People can call you stupid, ugly and country bumkin but it doesn't matter cause you know that you're just human, with flaws and all and whatever people call you is just... Words.

Like, it's so nice to think that you aren't the best. You can aim to be the best, sure, but reality is that we aren't the best. We aren't perfect.

Isn't this just... puts you at peace?

This isn't cope but just making peace with reality.

>> No.22107330

increase your skull’s thickness

>> No.22107332

Then you didn't understand the text.

>> No.22107394

Can you please not clog up the board with this obvious attempt at ironic humor?

>> No.22107726


>> No.22107822

What people don't understand about changing your behaviour is that your ego (the part of your head that you consider to be you) is very rarely in control. It's perhaps in control 1% of the time. Most of the time the other entities in your head are in control, like habits, instincts, societal consciousness and countless others.

The way to get yourself to change is through constant ego effort to act in a certain way. If you constantly put effort into being more disciplined or more stoic, at first you won't notice much difference in your behaviour, your ego is the only change, but if you keep at it for long enough, your habits, your thought processes, your instincts every one of those non ego entities will change to be more of what you desire.

Reading a book on stoicism is like reading a book on how to play a piano song, a great tool for getting better but you can't expect to just sit down and play it after only reading the book. You need to put in constant practice in order to be able to do it. but once you put enough practice in you can do it almost subconsciously.

>> No.22107830

God save the Kimg and his digits.

>> No.22107846

Take lots of opium like Marcus Aurelius

>> No.22108414

ego is not logos
subconscious is how unthinking people already operate, by habit more than instinct

> your ego (the part of your head that you consider to be you)
> constant ego effort to act in a certain way.
these are quite contrary assertions which stoicism does not support... but it is probably semantics..

I mean, I am virtuous and always right because my ego is subordinated to logic; I follow logic in all things, as anybody ought. why would anyone go through life 'not' doing this? it would be death in the natural world, where we came from. and this,
>societal consciousness
would be dead too, if it failed to have a logical approach to everything.

It's more the case that becoming consciously aware of the unconscious drives of (the things you mention) and then having enough willpower to not follow the herd (i..e ignore peer influence) is moreso what the thing is. This is very difficult of course since we are wired up as social animals so whilst e're doing semantics and mean different things when w say 'ego', you and i, in a very real way it is the 'ego' in the way you mean it as well which is the enemy since all weakness and idiocy stems from the flaws in the hardcoding of that 'sense' of 'self'.

What is self? Ultimately we are ants, but there is a great strength in being aware of this which the more empty-headed fantasy types can never achieve.

>> No.22108527

Ah, a ranny

>> No.22108542

>subconscious is how unthinking people already operate

All people operate mostly on the subconscious you just don't realize it. The good news is that you can train your subconscious to be more ethical.

>these are quite contrary assertions which stoicism does not support... but it is probably semantics..
I haven't got to stoics but I was giving basic advice on how to put ideas into action in your daily life.

>It's more the case that becoming consciously aware of the unconscious drives of (the things you mention) and then having enough willpower to not follow the herd (i..e ignore peer influence) is moreso what the thing is

wrong, you will never be able to be in 100% control of yourself, you can't think about every muscle in your leg when you walk (Like a baby does), breath manually, think about every word that comes out of your mouth or do the right thing in a high-stress situation. All of these whether you know it or not are subconscious activities, that you need to train yourself to do right. Knowing that you should be brave is not enough, when the moment comes where bravery is needed you will fail, but if you act brave every day, practice bravery as you practice piano, then when the time comes you'll be ready.

>> No.22108571



>> No.22108621

this but unironic

>> No.22108635

>you will never be able to be in 100% control of yourself
Strongly disagree; as this isn't what's being said. But then,
>I haven't got to stoics but
you're not talking about Stoicism so.. we're not talking about the same thing.

> Knowing that you should be brave is not enough, when the moment comes where bravery is needed you will fail, but if you act brave every day, practice bravery as you practice piano, then when the time comes you'll be ready.

> All of these whether you know it or not are subconscious activities,
Nope. Stocism makes a large distinction between the conscious (logos) and the unconscious or subconscious; Pathos operates in the latter - dragging the self along, whilst logos in the former - having eradicated the influence of the the unconscious. If, in your opinion, this is 'difficult' then that's not the same as to claim it to be impossible. Or that 'everything' matters; e.g. if one can control 5% of their body, when in a society of 0% the that's already a massive multiplyer in the advantage.

whereas this,
>All people operate mostly on the subconscious you just don't realize it. The good news is that you can train your subconscious to be more ethical.
is foolishness. Ethics is Ethnos or Ethos (same thing) and is either led by Pathos or Logos; "trying to be ethical" is what a bad-stupid person tells themselves 24/7 lol - nobody thinks they're evil for instance.

comes down to this:
> you need to train yourself to do right.
i.e. logos. As in: Logic to the ultimate and the optimal, which is roughly where Virtue is attained.

Now you're ready for stoicism. Probably.