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22097578 No.22097578 [Reply] [Original]

Books on why everyone in the west is suddenly changing their gender and/or gay. Mainstream narrative is: 'people always were, society just prevented them', but it makes no sense for it to be this many.

>> No.22097594

no one "becomes" gay, if you're already having questions about your sexuality, you're a default fag by definition.

>> No.22097603

Progressives needed something to do after gay marriage

>> No.22097605

le anima possessed man

>> No.22097611

The Bible

>> No.22097613

New romanity. There's no way back.

>> No.22097620

why do trannys like this have such a big flange when the tranny itself is a lot narrower

>> No.22097630

I don’t remember who the author was but they pointed out that gender and sex obsession occurs in most civilizations at their twilight. I think if that’s true, the only thing unique about our time is the technology and the total loss of religion have amplified this disorder. You think there’d be as many transgenders as there are if transitioning didn’t mean a faculty position or still being able to enlist or an actual surgery to make it happen? No. There’d be a lot less because it simply wouldn’t be an option in most realms of life. Technology changes that. And the reason it’s political is because of democracy and for no other reason.

>> No.22097639

Look for books on plastics and how they're in everything we consume. I don't know if anyone would tie it to all the sexuality stuff cause it's an unacceptable conclusion that human pollution is causing human problems. Plasticbrain is exacerbated by internet addiction and hypertailored peer groups and advertising.

>> No.22097661

Population control. Same reason why feminism has been so well funded over recent decades and exported abroad so fanatically.

The elites are terrified of ecological collapse, so to them tricking children into self castration through trannyism or giving women free rides through academia and careerism until their peak fertility has passed is morally superior to outright genociding the proles. The result is the same anyways.

Once you realize it's all directed towards the end result of reducing birthrates everything in the popular discourse makes sense. It's the only bipartisan issue being persuade by those in power. China already did their part and are now being rewarded with global supremacy. Western democracies don't take so well to top down authoritarianism, so they need to be convinced that chemical castration is a cool and rewarding life choice, while also providing tangible benefits to fags/trannies/spinstresses.

>> No.22097664

being gay isnt genetic, so people arent gay "by nature"- it is the environment around them

>> No.22097673

How does this make sense when over half the world population is in Asia?

>> No.22097690

The west is pouring billions of dollars into "empowering women" in Asia. Take a look at the exchange students at your local university, I bet 60-70% of them are East Asian women. Korea is a testing ground for toxic feminism, and consequently has some of the lowest birth rates in the world. It makes perfect sense.

>> No.22097706

>but but based Andrew Tate
Teaches young men to glorify being a walking HPV strain with a deep-seated contempt towards women. Then, after having built a big enough audience, pushes them to convert en mass to the one religion that is actively in opposition to globohomo and still has a positive birthrate. It's all planned by eugenicist sociopaths to keep you from finding a woman you kind of like and putting three-eight kids inside her. The population rates of zog countries are only historically comparable to nations undergoing a genocide.

>> No.22097710

Learn to read.
Ok, interesting, but any theory as to why?
Pollution of food and water is a very mainstream topic also no evidence it has anything to do with gays.
Too much grand conspiracy here, the world is more complicated than this.

>> No.22097712

That is the bellhousing for either the torque converter or the clutch, depending on if it is an automatic or manual.

>> No.22097741

It's just one of the general symptoms of a society in decline. Compare with the late Roman Empire.
> No one knew whence came so many opulent personages, and alternately, whether it was the flatterers or the envious who spoke, Trimalcion was attributed the most illustrious or the most foul origin. All this brilliant society was, moreover, a collection of ignoramuses or imitators. Basically, she invented nothing, and drew everything she knew from the Hellenic provinces. The innovations which she added to it were alterations, not embellishments. She dressed in the Greek or Phrygian style, wore the Persian mitre, even dared, to the great scandal of the praisers of the past, to wear underpants in the Asian fashion under a dubious toga.
> It no longer had farms, no more furrows were traced there, it no longer produced wheat. It was a vast garden dotted with country houses and country estates. We will soon see the day when the Italiots were even forbidden to bear arms. But let's not get ahead of time.
> in these streets lined with houses in the Greek and Latin fashion, no one was surprised to see, guarding the country and circulating everywhere, legionnaires born in Syria or Egypt, cataphract cavalry recruited from the Thessalians, light troops arriving of Numidia, and Balearic slingers.
> an elastic idiom known as lingua rustica, here merging with Oscan, there pairing with remnants of Umbric, further borrowing from Celtic both words and forms, and, in people's mouths which aimed at politeness of language, coming as close as possible to Greek. A language of such undemanding personality suited admirably the detritus of all nations forced to live together and choose a means of communicating. It was for this reason that Latin became the universal language of the West.
> they invented this vague word of Providence, which is, indeed, among nations thinking differently, but enemies of quarrels, the best to put forward. Not meaning much, it cannot shock anyone. Providence became the official god of the empire.
> it was Asia, where the stagnating but general civilization, and above all the accumulation of enormous masses of inhabitants, made the incessant surveillance of authority necessary.
> What does nationality itself matter? Isn't it better for the different human groups to lose everything that can separate them, differentiate them? As such, indeed, the imperial age is one of the most beautiful periods that humanity has ever traversed.

>> No.22097743

The pesticides atrazine and glyphosate mimic estrogen and cause male frogs to be sexually receptive to other males and produce eggs. There are other concerns such as with plastic pollution and birth control. Tyrone Hayes, who studied this for Syngenta (atrazine) claims to have been threatened for trying to speak out.

>> No.22097769

The general sense iirc was that grand cultures and civilizations act as a sort of foundation for their people and when the foundation starts to crumble, the people fall apart. Spengler said something similar and he had a sort of fatalism about it, like it was something that just happens, but he also pinned it on urbanism and rationalism, which fleee from nature and from the natural body.

>> No.22097807

It’s science. The enlightenment supplanted Christianity with scientism and science is entirely about dominating nature. That includes the natural body.

>> No.22097850

Tao Lin talks a lot about glyphosate and autism in Trip.

>> No.22097851

Once you abandon metaphysics, why shouldn't you make a pussy out of fish scales?
The more interesting question is why do opponents cling to the old superstitions

>> No.22097853

This but naturally occurring. More gays will stem the ballooning tide of people.

>> No.22097861

Population control is based. The Earth doesn't need an ever expanding human population.

>> No.22098067

Because the people that are pushing it are in control of the western world order that was established after ww2.

>> No.22098205

le anima possessed man

>> No.22098214

Camille Paglia.

>> No.22098269

We’ve had traps on this site since it’s inception. Only 2016+ fags who fled Reddit think it’s counterculture to obsessively post about them.

>> No.22098304

It's the bellhousing like otheranon said. Did you think that there was direct drive?

>> No.22098327

If putting on a dress will piss off all the old folks than the kids are going to put on dresses and announce to the world that they are transvestites. They will grow out of the phase and most likely look back on it fondly. It is still far less prevalent than it was in the 70s/80s.

>> No.22098338

status seeking in an ex-Christian, but not post-Christian, moral environment

>> No.22098385
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