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/lit/ - Literature

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22076990 No.22076990 [Reply] [Original]

Books that will help me understand the male mind, boys, I can't understand what go under your heads.

>> No.22076998
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>> No.22077002
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>> No.22077006


>> No.22077016

I hate you. Kill yourself. Worthless nigger.

>> No.22077027

for teenagers "The Catcher in the Rye" if they're damaged but sort of functioning.
if they're normies then literally any low budget american comedy movie from the 90s / early thousands will do the trick

>> No.22077033
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>> No.22077034
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Your job is to keep our bellies full and our balls empty. Our heads and their contents are of absolutely no concern to you.

>> No.22077035

Generalising won't help you.

>> No.22077040

Interact with my penis on any level.
Don't fuck with my stuff.

Oh, and most men are roughly 45 seconds away from killing someone, everyone, or themselves, so we break the world up into minute-to-minute chunks of acceptable activity. If something goes wrong in just the right way, within a minute everyone in the room is in danger.

>> No.22077045

straight men have a strong homoerotic tension with their peers. start with the homos. (greeks, mishima, bap)

>> No.22077057

Just take a course in math

>> No.22077059


>> No.22077063

The Sheltering Sky.

>> No.22077072

The incel level are high here, kek.

>> No.22077074

For further clarification on this statement, it should be read unironically, without attempts to find deeper meaning through a detailed deconstruction. It says what it means and it means what it says - nothing more.

>> No.22077075

volcel ftfy

>> No.22077079

I wrote this bit of goo for a khv who made a write thread asking what IT was like, it is mostly about the difference between men and women and I skipped the sec completely.

He awoke when she rolled over, or at least he became aware as he was not sure if he was even asleep or just lost. He watched the almost imperceptible expansion and contraction of her back as she breathed and the goosebumps raised by the breeze through the open window. The warmth of his breath on her back left a void in the goosebumps which rose and fell with each exhale. With each of her breaths came something of an understanding of life, or at least the realization that she was alive, she lived and breathed and felt and was felt, that she affected others and was affected by them. That she was. He had no idea why he did it, he just had the compulsion to feel her heart beat. He needed this. He needed to really know that she was alive. He felt the beat of her heart and her warmth and he did not know what to do with it. It was tangible and could be felt but what did it mean? He stayed there for awhile feeling the steady pulse of her heart, stayed there long enough to believe he could feel the tiny changes in temperature as the warm blood surged to her limbs and the cold blood was sucked back to be warmed by her core. By her heart.

He slowly removed his hand from her back and moved closer, moving slower than her sleeping breath to be sure not to wake her and carefully pressed his ear to her back. The sound of her heart hit him hard and his earliest memories came flooding back, sitting on his fathers lap, head on chest listening to the reassuring beat of his fathers heart and the way it removed all fears and loneliness from the world, the immediate connection to something living and the heart attack and how everything changed and the fear of hearing what that heart would sound like and how he never put his head on his fathers chest after that because of the fear of how it no longer was reassuring and was just real. Was just life.

When he rolled away from her she woke and looked at his back, watching the expansion and contraction of his back caused by his breathing and its slight irregularity. She wondered what he was dreaming about, what it was that caused that irregularity and wanted to do something. She feared it was not a good dream so she wrapped her self around him as best she could while he silently wept over the realization of what life was, what fatherhood was and mostly over his wanting to become a father despite it all because he knew she would be there.

>> No.22077081
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>> No.22077084

robert crumb's comics or the dosumentary about him

>> No.22077087

axiomatic thought is the foundation for the masculine

>> No.22077091

What you wrote here is a universal human experience. This speaks absolutely nothing of male psychology.
Actually, maybe it does; it could be argued that the fact that the man who wrote this believes it is an insight into male psychology is itself an insight into the male mind.

>> No.22077093

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.22077094

wow bro so based...

>> No.22077096

Is this the attention whore thread?

>> No.22077100

Most men aren't british rat bastards

>> No.22077104


>> No.22077106

Pretend the OP is a heterosexual white male (between the age of 18 and 25) with a clean shave, wearing a plain t-shirt and jeans, and that he is only asking hypothetically, to sharpen his philosophical instrument. That should be sufficient to quell your autism.

>> No.22077108
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>> No.22077110


>> No.22077112

your diary, hon

>> No.22077128

Nausea - Jean Paul Sartre

>> No.22077133

this thread.


>> No.22077135

When women get emotional, they cry. When men get emotional, they contemplate physical assault.

>> No.22077139

Weird thread...

Unironic answer? As an older man, I would suggest Travels by Michael Chrichton

He is a great writer and tis autobiographical and touches on issues of sexes quite a bit

>> No.22077202


>> No.22077204

It is not about male or female psychology, it is about the difference between them as I said and I was doing it within the constraints of a 3000 character limit so had to rely on various literary techniques. But go ahead offer something more than a yay or nay, critique it.

>> No.22077205

This but remember OP is actually a tranny and believes he's a woman

>> No.22077219

And that’s a good thing

>> No.22077227

fuck that thread is funny

>> No.22077239

You’re such a beta faggot that you couldn’t even direct this towards someone on an anonymous mangosteens tree planting forum? If everyone got turned into an animal you’d turn into a blueberry.

>> No.22077246

no problem

>> No.22077263

Well, that’s fine if you don’t understand other people’s minds in full. But you have enough of an understanding to communicate and get basic team based activities and tasks complete. For example, a man and woman don’t need to understand each other to setup a website front end, or have sexual intercourse. But they do need to be able to communicate which requires understanding the other person to a basic degree and understanding website designing to an intermediate degree, and for the second situation she must know he’s truly a man and he must know she’s truly a woman. If she finds he’s not truly a man she’s likely to hit and insult this faux man, or perhaps kick him out or leave immediately. Similarly if he finds out she is not a real woman he will likely kill and/or maim this faux woman and remove him in whole or parts from the premise. This simple levels of communication are important and I hope you’ll appreciate the nuance to it anon. Good luck with everything and feel free to ask more questions.

>> No.22077269

This is killing me.

She just wanted an explanation probably for a shit-test and OP proceeds to dump a cement mixer full of spaghetti on the situation.

>> No.22077279

>nice, compassion

>> No.22077302

Extremely based autist engineer

>> No.22077430

The Roots of Obama's Rage

>> No.22077435

Just watch Peep Show

>> No.22077552

Five male essentials:
>The Bible
>The Elements of Mathematics (Bourbaki)
>The Theological Sum
>Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
>The Adventures of Tintin (whole series)
Complete with the visual novel Rondo Duo if you really want to dig deep.

>> No.22077597

even chads are not safe

>> No.22077634

blahdy sirs why are bongs so annoying take spice go curry blahdy freedom sirs

>> No.22077647

you need to start suckin’

>> No.22077656

Conan stories.

>> No.22077670
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>> No.22077673

Share some to understand female mind too

>> No.22077675


>> No.22077716

>The Bible
>God, the main character is a narcissistic obsessive compulsive tyrant.

>> No.22077759

The ape that understood the universe

>> No.22077783

Why can't I find a decent man like the ones who browse this site?

>> No.22077787

You can find a lot of decent man at incel.is, sweety.

>> No.22077788
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Read this if you want to understand the male world, at least the old fashioned one.

>> No.22077803

You have to be pushy, because they're all autistic, and don't know how to keep a conversation going.

>> No.22077826

No such thing.

>> No.22077830

Indeed there are no incels.

>> No.22077832


>> No.22077841
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>> No.22077845

>This lengthy exposition of the lives of German men focuses on the Freikorps. Theweleit perceived their relationships with women and sexuality as being built on a foundation of misogyny and fear. He rejected the interpretation of male violence as an outgrowth of frustrated sexual desire or repression, arguing instead that the violence was itself an innate part of male desire, an end which they actively sought to achieve. Thus, male violence was not a substitute for, but rather an attack on, sex and femininity.

>> No.22077862
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this website

>> No.22077869

based, women are gay and sex isn't worth having to actually talk to them

>> No.22077874

Fuentes, please.
It's true btw

>> No.22078156


>> No.22078164

Real shit.

>> No.22078177

Based and forklift certifiedpilled.

>> No.22078191
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Not original anon but thought I would add some comments since you asked

>> No.22078198

you will never be a woman, anime tranny

>> No.22078446

First image a woman, then take away reason and accountability

>> No.22078556


I was about 20% of reading the book and I dropped it because it's just autism in glorified form. I honestly can't even relate and project myself to behave in such autistic thought-process - however, I do understand that a majority of /lit/ user base are themselves bordering autists or social rejects.

>> No.22078563
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>> No.22078741

Men use money and power to get sex
Women use sex to get money and power

>> No.22078900


>> No.22078965

kill yourself retard

>> No.22079472

Can't someone decline having sex?

>> No.22079728

we like women and something to do with our lives, a man without those things falls apart and has an existential crisis

if a man can get one of those two things, it´s a matter of time he can get the other half too

>> No.22079756

>Can't someone decline having sex?

>> No.22079783

Incel detected , have sex

>> No.22079803


Sex with women (and the consequent social validation), not the women themselves as human beings. There are a handful of spicy quotes from Sade, some Roman (perhaps Cicero or Cato, I forget which) and a few others which espouse genuine, sincere, philosophical misogyny. They go harder than Schopy's little screed on the topic.

I think the Roman quote lamented our immutable physical attraction to them but objectively when you really look it they're dumb and weak and they have boring "interests". Certainly not new territory for any of us. IIRC this one went on to say that the world would be so much better if we could do without them, but of course that is not how nature has arranged things.

This resentment also goes to how they become a pure burden and physical liability during pregnancy, especially in pre-industrial society (read: almost all of society) when you are far more dependent on your own body's capabilities, and the bodies of those around you. Which is why the Spartans and so many others got rid of defective children straight off, they are a liability which legitimately threatens the health of the community itself. You don't have particularly sophisticated machines around to do the work, and now she can barely help with that.

It (women beng weak) isn't "cute" for them (ancient men), it actually goes to survival and was far more of a pain in the ass for them than it is for us. This resentment also seeps out in Gadafi's Green Book which, although it's a very stupid work, does mention in passing that women are basically worthless to do any sort of work during their pregnancy.

>> No.22079808

Holy based anon, underappreciated

>> No.22079814

Elliot Rodger manifesto unironically.
The Misfortunates by Dimitri Verhulst also.

>> No.22079858

>muh work
Holy Anglo

>> No.22079922


>our balls empty

you should be practicing semen retention if you want to even call yourself a man

>> No.22079927
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>> No.22080029

A homosexual has entered the chat. Ask me anything. Nobody knows what makes guys tick better

>> No.22080241

I appreciate the effort but I was pushing him towards talking about the meaning, attempting to get the thread to be more than a bunch of dick swinging and memes by anons who have never really considered the question.

Also, you should identify the style before editing, those repetitions and ambiguities are there for a reason, which is not to suggest I feel this is perfect as is, my own marked up version and notes goes on for pages, just that you you are ignoring context. Repetition is used to connect bits to other bits and control flow, ambiguity is a way to introduce more with very little and get the reader to think beyond the limits of the page. For example the short "improper" sentences repeated at the end of the first two paragraphs, they break the flow, they are meant to be not quite right, meant to halt you and meant to make me have to reestablish the flow of the text. The limitations of 3000 characters, we must be efficient and creative. Prescription is for business and academia.

If you feel like discussing the meaning and explore OPs question feel free to effort post again, lets get an actual discussion going on /lit/.

>> No.22080285

are you a bottom?

>> No.22080329

I can answer you.

"Trash males", aka bottom of the barrel, only care about consuming. Consuming the latest mainstream media, mainstream music, etc. They either don't have a job or flip burgers. They'd take a gf but don't want to have to earn it. They attack self-improvement because it would require effort and they want to stay stuck in their swamp.

Mid-level males have some things cooking, they might be smarter, more good-looking, decent job, etc. Open to a gf and can get one. Usually have interests that lie outside of the mainstream.

High-level males are on a mission. They absolutely have to make their "reason for living" a reality. They max out the self-improover pill and just keep improving, even if an angry guy on a futon all day doesn't want him to. Interested in business, philosophy, the psychology of women, any area he can get ahead in.

>> No.22080339

The amount of posts in this thread which are just thinly veiled and weak validations of the poster's ideal of themselves is depressing. Thankfully I think this says more about the state of /lit/ than the state of men, at least I hope it does.

>> No.22080341

Good points.

>> No.22080347

L. Your writing sucks

>> No.22080354

Max-level males are similar to high-level males, but rather than being "on a mission" in the world, they reject society. They know they have no obligation to society, the universe, or anything, and their mission is internal.

>> No.22080363

When men say something, 99% of the time they are saying what they mean to say. They just say it without hiding behind a bunch of trivial bullshit to confuse the other person, crazy, I know.
When we have problems, we try to fix them and if a certain method fails, we don't keep using that same ineffective method over and over driving us (and those who witness it) insane.
We don't get careers to feel empowered and work to please some random guy in an office, we get careers to provide for a family that we genuinely love as they do to us. We expect someone trained in being a wife and mother first would be better for taking care of the home and us when we go out to and return from work than someone with a law degree; as they should be considering the family as their true career and not feeling bitterness from wasting years and thousands studying just to not use that degree for something that would not have fulfilled them anyway.

Men are proactive, women are reactives. We are primary while women are secondary. Egalitarianism leads to destruction of society but if we also went by meritocracy, women would be lower than certain animals on the hierarchy and it'll still be somewhat kiked. The only way to treat women fairly is as an accessory of her man and if she is without man she is in limbo and a danger to society if left too long in that state without a guardian.

>> No.22080379

I don't totally agree, but the way you worded this was funny (in a good way, not a retarded way) and made me laugh. Thank you anon.

>> No.22080384

I fucking hate that this dogshit book is cited as some kind of case study of supposedly self-evident human behavior.

The one time a situation similar to this happened in real life the boys banded together and saved their wounded. Humans tend towards order. Society is a product of natural human behavior, not a restrainer.

>> No.22080385

Yeah, I could see some of the style you were going for and I'm also definitely not that great at writing/critique. Those were more just some comments or changes I might have considered.

It's really late right now for me. I might try to talk through what I was thinking.

>> No.22080386
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Underrated post

>> No.22080412

Coming from you I take that as a compliment.
When reading something assume the writer had a reason for everything they did and if you come to something when does not seem right ask yourself what their intent was, don't just assume it was just their failure to meet prescriptive forms. Identify their intent and then use that to determine quality, how effective was it at achieving what they were attempting.

No need to walk me through what you were thinking, we don't want to make this about me and my writing, just need what it means to you in context (hopefully) of OP question so we can get some worthwhile discussion going on the topic at hand. Lets explore the idea.

>> No.22080416


>> No.22080417

Both of the women in this image are ugly af.

>> No.22080425

Make me.

>> No.22080449

Read some historical military fiction. Like Gates of Fire. Or some of David Gemmel's books. They show what the male mind thinks is best and desires most.

>> No.22080484

you lied anon. you didn't even answer my question :c

>> No.22080526

> just need what it means to you in context (hopefully) of OPs question.
In the context of "what goes on in a boy's head" it seems like your essay suggests that boys think about physical intimacy and in a relationship reflect upon how their father treated them.

Personally, when I read this, I remember feeling the desire to feel my girlfriend's heartbeat but more so, now the loneliness one feels in bed together by the necessary distance to avoid conflict and maintain long-term relations.

>> No.22080558

begin by understanding that everything in the world can be neatly sorted into one of three categories; fuck, eat, or kill

>> No.22080696

Gayest neo-feminist shit I've ever read kek
>every man is le rapist
>prison are full of men
>the world would be a better place if ruled by women

>> No.22080717

I hate women so much its unreal. I dont even bother trying to pretend to court them anymore. I just take sluts by force and they love me more for it.

>> No.22080724

Are you a MTF or an authentic XX chromosoms haver ?

>> No.22080847

Can we ever really know another person without knowing those who fundamentally shaped them in regards to how they interact without others? We can not be objective about out own past, at best we can be pragmatic about it and what we tell others about our past is almost always heavily biased and one sided, what do we know about them if that is all we have? Is that enough? Does this give us anything uniquely male or are woman just as affected by this?

I don't think I ever considered this angle when I wrote it, I was being pragmatic and needed a reason for him to turn away and then brought it back at the end for continuity of style but there it is in big bright neon letters. This is what makes literature what it is, there is room for the personal and even if what is got is not what was intended it offers worthwhile things to explore and brings us closer to something resembling a truth.

>> No.22080851

>interact without others?
interact WITH others. But I suppose that slip is just as important of a question.

>> No.22081378

Answer, filthy bitch or I fuckin' gut you.

>> No.22081405
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men are creatures of reason raised to suffocate their emotions and forced to participate in a system that is hostile to 99% of them, wracked by natural instincts to breed and continue the bloodline, seeking for meaning and a sense of belonging in a time of wide spread nihilism post death of religion surrounded by women who only see us for our utility or looks

>> No.22081409

Is this how women see men?

>> No.22081601

This was written from right to left

>> No.22081616


>> No.22081624

If you have to ask...

>> No.22081632

I'm genuibely inquiring what you mean by written right to left, should I have reordered the paragraphs or are you referencing how hebrew is written right to left ergo calling me a jew or what?

>> No.22081634

>Oh, and most men are roughly 45 seconds away from killing someone, everyone, or themselves, so we break the world up into minute-to-minute chunks of acceptable activity. If something goes wrong in just the right way, within a minute everyone in the room is in danger.
Least deranged american

>> No.22081637

NTA. Anon is probably calling you an Arab (notoriously sexist people) but that's merely my interpretation

>> No.22081669

>Making women work during pregnancy
what sort of germanic shit is this?

>> No.22081681
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>Max-level males are similar to high-level males, but rather than being "on a mission" in the world, they reject society. They know they have no obligation to society, the universe, or anything, and their mission is internal.

>> No.22081684

It's true. The Buddha was one of them.

>> No.22081685

I don't agree with the notion of "not understanding someone fully." You're implying there is such a thing as a full understanding of cause and effect. Moreover, that such an understanding is what we are after. Human actions and emotions aren't equations on a mid-term.

As you mentioned, our perception is warped by our past. We live in imperfect machines of flesh where reality is on the other side of the glass. The patterns and understanding we come to from is based on our emotions which are products of countless primitive interactions and genetic dispositions. What you feel, what you think other's feel, and what you understand: those are just reflections of the bias your experience has created.

The question of "can we" is trivial. The question of "why do we," specifically, the analysis of the underlying narrative, isn't. However, in writing it is about using words and literary skills to convey the beauty of these experiences.

>> No.22081687

>Answer, filthy bitch or I fuckin' gut you.
>Penetrating a potential tranny
sounds like you're the gay in this scenario

>> No.22081689

>Man known for dedicating his life to helping others reach enlightenment and escape samsara was actually a based max-level sigma who didnt care about all that gay shit

>> No.22081690

Read "The Buddha Grindset" by Thich Nhat Hanh.

>> No.22081896
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>Thich Nhat

>> No.22081976

The Magus

>> No.22082024

Just give a technical, but boring answer. She'll lose interest immediately.

>> No.22082062

>He rejected the interpretation of male violence as an outgrowth of frustrated sexual desire or repression, arguing instead that the violence was itself an innate part of male desire, an end which they actively sought to achieve. Thus, male violence was not a substitute for, but rather an attack on, sex and femininity
But wouldn't that supposition mean that violence is a part of sex, not an "attack on sex"?

>> No.22082356

>Women want fish
I don't know what this means

>> No.22082388

Women fear, want me fish.

>> No.22082776

Faggot, those six boys who were already friends aren't even remotely comparable to dozens of strangers with many different (opposing) group identities and enough people so that the statistical chance of having at least one sociopath leader drama type of guy in the populus isn't trivial. But of course some journo seeking to profit from a disaster by turning it into a sentimental spectacle knows better than a professional fucking teacher, who by the way modelled the kids in his book after his 25 years of experience with countless male students.

>> No.22082805

You don't need books for that, you just need to be able to look around and listen, not fill in stuff using your fantasies.

>> No.22082811

Got a source on the real life situation?

>> No.22082828
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>> No.22082934

Love that the only women depicted in the series are the Moonlight Sisters.

>> No.22082987

"Me want fuck pretty woman"
t. moid

>> No.22083070

Coombrain detected, opinion discarded.

>> No.22083079

Seethe and cope uggo

>> No.22083095

Real events vs fiction.
>who knows better
What? You're a delusional idiot who knows nothing about humans pretending your fantasies are more relevant than real life because the fiction fits the propaganda narrative you want to spread.

>> No.22083114

>Books that will help me understand the male mind

We'll get back to you once we have it figured out. Don't worry, only a couple of more centuries left.

>> No.22084284
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A Boy and His Dog by author Harlan Ellison.

The cycle tells the story of an amoral boy (Vic) and his telepathic dog (Blood), who work together as a team to survive in the post-apocalyptic world after a nuclear war.

The way the boy and his dog view and treat women in that story is becoming more relevant than I had anticipated.

>> No.22084294
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>>Penetrating a potential tranny
>gutting a troon is now gay
Fuckin' kike pilpul.

>> No.22084301

I believe "potential" is the key word here.

>> No.22084386
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100%. Gayest shit ever written on that board. Especially the :
>They'd take a gf but don't want to have to earn it.
Only a prostitute could think that way lmao. Literally.
Also, "you should pay" is the motto of Andrew Tate, that joke of a human, and shared by those hypocritical whores from r/femaledatingstrategy. Now when a man reasons and reflects, it gives what's next : https://youtu.be/71o3hq6iSPM
So we're told from our birth that we deserve love like everybody, or at least being cherished, (love doesn't exist, it's the gayest shit on earth) but those people quietly imply that no, we must earn being cherished, we must work to get it, and make money to pay to have a partner in life. Damn. Ok, so what's the price? Where is the agreement? How must we pay to get someone for 10 years? 20? The whole life? Is there a flat rate? Is it the same price for everybody or dependant of the supply and demand?
At least make a choice. It's either one or another. We deserve to be cherished because it's human and natural, or we all must pay, and tell us why and according to what agreement.

>> No.22084415

Those are the kind that really do not care. She'll just say that she still doesn't understand.

>> No.22084426

OP is either :
A. A real femoid (highly improbable)
B. A troon
Obviously a fuckin' tourist anyway, considering she or he never came to answer back.
In the end, it's just some men sharing their more or less twisted vision of manliness. Still can be interesting but it's different from what it was supposed to be.

>> No.22084510

Pussy juice.

>> No.22084514

stfu, faggot.

>> No.22084580

Women fear me, fish want me.

>> No.22085578

Me want fish women