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/lit/ - Literature

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22054786 No.22054786 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this literature? Are conservatives wrong to ban it?

>> No.22054841

I mean bottom left literally instructs you how to meet predators online, seems indefensible to me.

>> No.22054847

nope and gay people should be banned from life, as a cautionary measure.

>> No.22054899

Top right, being the bit with any actual prose, is sufficient to determine the character of the author, and holy shit I don't want to be anywhere near him or for him to be anywhere near children.
>this is a chapter about sex, feel free to skip
Anyone who claims this is a book for children is being extremely disingenuous. No child wants to read something so overwhelmingly aggressive and dripping with resentment.

>> No.22054923

It's just explaining what grindr is to kids, you fucking spastic.

>> No.22054929

Homosexuals, for whatever reason, are extremely sex-obsessed when it comes to chidlren, with regards for some weird penchant to want to tell kids about sex -- all kinds of sex -- and thinking about kids and sex and teaching kids about sex.

Kids and sex. I don't get it. They learn from their peers more than they do adults who probably have sex issues.

>> No.22054939

>for whatever reason
>I don't get it

>> No.22054940

They need to know, why?

>> No.22054954

The author isn't gay, he has a men fetish.
He doesn't love men, he only wants to fuck men.

>> No.22054955

I believe in freedom of expression and all that bullshit, but schools shouldn't promote this shit.

>> No.22054990

I am a free speech absolutist, this book should be in school libraries along with Turner Diaries.

>> No.22055000

>It's just explaining what grindr is to kids
The absolute state.

>> No.22055004

so they can meet the nearest homsoexuals, can't you fucking read?

>> No.22055008

>literacy rates across America are falling but it is important we teach them how to solicit gay sex through iPhone apps

>> No.22055017

The grindr bit is not cool. I also thought the "kissing is as intimate as sex" part inappropriate. It sounds like something a predator would say to a child.

>> No.22055021

What's the intended audience for this book? I don't see a problem if it's for older gay teens but telling 10-13 year old homos to fuck random men they met on Grindr is psychotic. Regardless, no book should be banned, censorship is bad.

>> No.22055026

>It sounds like something a predator would say to a child.
Why? It makes perfect sense to me. First you tell them than kissing their lips is no different than kissing their cheeks or foreheads. Once they give in, you can tell them than kissing is as intimate as sex so they are ready for it.

>> No.22055027

I was looking at hardcore porn from the age of 9. That kind of thing really fucks up your sexuality for your whole life. Unironically think of the kids.

>> No.22055033
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>> No.22055061

Why were you watching porn at 9 when you should've been reading the Turner Diaries?

>> No.22055070

nta but I do think it's important for kids to know these things for cyber security reasons. One thing my parents taught me early on, even before the internet was really big, was to never put my real name, face, or address out on the internet as a child. Growing up I always assumed that was common knowledge for kids but apparently not.
With that being said I don't wanna defend the book because it handles this horribly. I can imagine something like a modern day TCAP presenting the same information with the same bullet points but with emphasis on the dangers of such apps and the dangers of just exposing your location for anyone to see. This books has none of that warning and it's neutrality in that section is morally dubious and irresponsible at best and malicious at worst.

>> No.22055075

unrestricted access to the internet, Sherlock Holmes.

>> No.22055099

>3. The app tells you who the nearest homosexuals are.
I don't need no app for that.

>> No.22055101
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I hope chuds realize that it's either you teach kids about gay sex in school or have some tiktok groomer teach it to them.

>> No.22055102

Yeah, the book exists because it's aware that if school doesn't teach you about it then the internet will. And then you'll fall for porn myths and become an anime addict as an adult.
Even if you yourself ban your child from using the internet the schools are full of phones with internet access. A kid in my middleschool masturbated during a class
Kids are too eager to look into that shit and adults are unwilling to educate in proper safe stuff.

>> No.22055112

Most responsible parents wouldnt let their kids have any kind of social media. Just because youre parents let you stay in front of a computer all day doesntean you should let your kids ho around on tiktok.

>> No.22055154

No, being a nine year old with the facility and parental lenience to access hard-core pornography will ruin your life.

Not to say that this is fine: it probably isn't: but this is a hysterical reaction which pretends that the internet doesn't exist, and that kids don't use it to find the most heinous stuff in history. Anyway, remember hangings used to be a family event. Childhood trauma is exaggerated.

>> No.22055222
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At 10yo my trad cath mom compiled for me list of the most debauched porn sites, so I could avoid them and retain my innocence by not typing, for example, facialabuse.com or queensnake.com, or even boundgangbangs.com, not to mention about torturegalaxy.com. Worked extremely well, Iam still a virgin at 40, preserving myself for perfect woman (15yo, blonde, blue eyed, fertile, virgin, petite with 38DD cupsize, practicing Roman Catholic christian, confirmed Aryan on both sides of family tree, with generational wealth pedigree, naturally submissive with IQ140, interested in cooking, video game and having at least one sexual intercourse with me a day, not counting oral sex and breastfeeding me).
My guess is they are doing similar things.

>> No.22055269

I knew more about computers at 9 than my parents did at the time, I would wake up after they went to bed and use the computer. I don't think I agree about "they will have phones so you can't stop them" reasoning. Sure, as they get older it's both less objectionable that they will look at porn and it'll be easier for them to do so, but parents should absolutely be able to prevent their prepubescent children from looking at porn. Although, I get the inclination to consider the whole of society a doomed project where young children can watch the most depraved porn on a whim, I just think that's a bit too defeatist.

>> No.22055280

How long until they have porn fanfics in school libraries?

>> No.22055285

I have no problem with the gays, but aren't there some things that these people should learn by themselves? Through experience, when they're old enough?

>> No.22055303

Kek at anons considering this porn

>> No.22055357

Childhood is thinking no book should be banned. Adulthood is realizing some books need to be burned.

>> No.22055379

Libtards are trying to destroy the family unit by usurping the relationship between children and their parents. Teachers shouldn't be describing anal sex and other sexual fetishes to children. What's more, public employees shouldn't be normalizing these things through selective narratives (i.e. I doubt they teach the proponderance of parasitical infections and colon cancer homosexuals end up with).

Simple as.

>> No.22055381

No book should be banned or burned, except in the case of schools.

>> No.22055472

Is it just me, or should normies not allowed to be exposed to this sort of thing? They don’t know what to do with it. They have no immune response. I have seen tiktoks of polyamorous, non-binary trailer trash families (the kind that everyone makes fun of) and they seemed genuinely stupid and genuinely happy about how stupid they were and they totally bought into all of the Next Best Gay Thing™ no questions asked. Strange deviances, experimentation, and extremism should be saved for geniuses and artists. Normies should be banned from even uttering it. It should be unspeakable and amorphous. Some vague sense that they have is a possibility, but not for anyone they know or could imagine knowing. Whether it is William Blake with free-love, D.H. Lawerence’s curiosity, Turing’s homosexuality, Joyce’s fetishes, Bataille or Sade’s sadism, etc. all of this should be kept hidden. You desires shouldn’t be exposed. It is bad for the soul and the health of society. Suppression and secrecy are good. Baring it all and making other’s bare witness is doing more harm than good. Your average person isn’t a genius or an artist, they are run of the mill perverts with the creativity of a kitchen sink sponge or men who were sexually abused as children and cope with it by imitating what was done to them to others. Your average fag should have a family and be with a woman, I mean most marriages are miserable and sexless anyway.

>> No.22055479

It’s called pedophilia and brainwashing. They want kids to be abused and gay. What is not to get?

>> No.22055480

I assume it is older gay teens since it implies thst the reader has already gone through the full heterosexual sex ed and is dissatisfied with not being taught anything related to their sexuality

>> No.22055495

>t. childhood

>> No.22055505

The truth is books are far less damaging than stuff on social media. The book format filters the stupidest of people and ensures that anyone who comes into contact with it is at the very least interested in knowing better.

>> No.22055509

Are they teaching:
>homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles
>homosexuals are a reservoir for parasites
>homosexual activity increases the likelihood of developing cancer

>> No.22055516

Oh you sweet summer child...

>> No.22055523
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Why have the "left" and "right" in American style "culture wars" got such a hard-on for banning or censoring books?
It makes no sense.
Kids don't read.
Tiktok and anime turns them into troons

>> No.22055530

Other books we need in schools
>The improvised munitions handbook
>Several pictures of my balls which have been bound into book format.

>> No.22055548

Has no business being anywhere near children.
It's grooming material, especially since legally minors can't use sex apps.
Because of that alone it should be 18+.

Though recently there have been reports of teachers of 7th and 8th graders using this book with their class, which is highly inappropriate for such a age range.

>> No.22055561

They're handing out graphic instructional manuals on gay sex to preteens, retard. Literally picture books because the intended audience is children.

>> No.22055565
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The west has fallen.

>> No.22055570

Not using prop planes, kek.

>> No.22055573

I'm sorry. I don't share your feelings of important rage.

>> No.22055574

The "left" (liberal women in editorials) censoring racism in old books is such a dumb decision. You'd think if you wanted to "cancel" an author you wouldn't try to erase any trace of the objectionable content.
And yeah kids don't read anyway so it's just fucking over the small ammount of kids that do read because le scary gae. Im not sure they would have let me read Herman Hesse if i grew up in today's america

>> No.22055577

The book keeps being found in elementary and middle schools as well as children's sections of public libraries.
Yeah, I agree it wouldn't be so bad if it was for high schoolers but it isn't. It's being put in front of literal children.

>> No.22055584

That's why you're crying about it on 4chan and have chud.gif saved on your computer, kek. You're losing, faggot.

>> No.22055586

Not literature.

>> No.22055591

Ban sex education and ban abortions. That'll end well.

>> No.22055592

Why do you think it's heavily illustrated with cartoonish imagery? They meant for this book to be given to kids.

>> No.22055595

;_; it's fun to trigger chantards

>> No.22055604

>I pretend I control the emotions of faceless strangers on an anonymous message board
Wow, you must really have it together in real life, kek.

>> No.22055613
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>me in 2010: multiculturalism + social democracy is such an insidiously appealing mixture for midwits, it's going to be nearly impossible to convince people that it's long term societal poison and that they should become conservative nationalists... i think it might be over fascistbros

>> No.22055616

>Implying American highschoolers have out grown books with pictures

>> No.22055634

They're giving it to preteens.

>> No.22055639

Of course I don't. I'm posting on /lit/ on the weekend

>> No.22055640
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>If you want a picture of the future, imagine her penis ejaculating on a clown's face--forever.

>> No.22055644

>You'd think if you wanted to "cancel" an author you wouldn't try to erase any trace of the objectionable content.
The left, despite how insane they are, they understand quite well, perhaps intuitively, that people actually don't find bigotry all that questionable when they are exposed to it in the wild, in an organic situation, or in a piece of art that isn't written deliberately to make bigotry come off as wrong and stupid, so it's not enough to repeat non stop that bigotry is bad and then let people find it and call it out themselves. They need to portray bigotry as the biggest evil in the world and then make sure people never find any non-propagandistic example of it, or people may find that they actually aren't bothered that much by it, and even that they may agree with it to some degree.

>> No.22055654

>le obvious response
You're boring.

>> No.22055659

>It's just explaining what grindr is to kids
>bottom left literally instructs you how to meet predators online

>> No.22055665

Aren't those the instructions for all social media?

>> No.22055670

Didn't say they weren't.
My argument is that it would be appropriate for highschool aged young adults but not appropriate for little kids.
There are people who expose kids to inappropriate material all the time, that doesn't make the material appropriate for them.

>> No.22055680

No, it really isn't.
It's about how to use hook-up apps specifically.

>> No.22055689

Every social media is a hookup app if you aren't an incel

>> No.22055692

Instructions to kids in the 90s/00s:
>You can't trust people you meet online and shouldn't go meet them in person
Instructions to kids in current year:
>Follow these steps that will guide you to nearby strangers, it's easy!
>Here's a brief chapter on how to suck a dick and prepare yourself to be sodomized

>> No.22055695 [DELETED] 

Context, retard.

>> No.22055699

Maturity is realizing that should be applied first and foremost to their authors.

>> No.22055701

It literally isn't the same thing and you know it.

>> No.22055719

It really is indefensible when you put it in plain language. Memes are a powerful thing.

>> No.22055725

See >>22055692. Context, retard.

>> No.22055726

>when i take it out of context and make a strawman about it it really makes it look goofy doesn't it
no shit

>> No.22055731

Even when I was at my most libertarian I would say the “sex apps” shit is fucked. Why promote that to middle grade kids like that?

>> No.22055739

It's literally being handed out to preteens. It's literally a book containing step by step instructions on how to meet strangers online. It's literally had chapters on how to suck cock and prepare yourself to be sodomized.

What context am I missing, faggot?

>> No.22055742

How about neither and I do it myself, so i know they have a heslthy view of it? Why does it have to be some globohomo propagandist (negligible difference between public school teachers and tiktok influencers in this regard)?

>> No.22055744
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liberals also put this grown naked man standing in front of winged (possibly furries? will look into this) TODDLERS in the middle of the street.

>> No.22055751

You must have a small brain. Perhaps reddit is more for you.

>> No.22055754
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>pick up sex education chapter in sex ed book
>look inside
>there's sex education in it
sure anon, they're being gifted in kindergarten right next to the litterboxes they use for the cat-identified students and the emergency covid vax

>> No.22055758

Not an argument

>> No.22055759

>words words words
Stop trying to groom kids. Simple as.

>> No.22055774

Jesus fucking christ, how midwit can one be?
Do you think about the comments you make, or do you just post them?

>> No.22055778
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>don't teach my victims about consent and healthy sexual lifestyles! i must be able to trick them into touching my priestly parts!
sex ed prevents grooming, i wonder why the right is so scared of it

>> No.22055784

>how to meet strangers step by step
>sodomy preparation guide
>how to suck a dick
>You know, for 11 year olds!
The reason you can't meme is because you have to regurgitate ideology when faced with non-fellow travellers.

Stop trying to groom kids. Simple as. You're a pervert.

>> No.22055795

>show kids how the world is so they can state safe and informed
>pedophiles get mad and want it bad
you can't meme anon, too much text
go back to tricking children into playing secret grown-up games with you

>> No.22055800

>Her penis!

>> No.22055801

>/lit/-schoolmarm outrage

>> No.22055806
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>Americans literally literally give their kids manuals on how to find a sexy pedophile and how to take it up the arse
I couldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes straight.

>> No.22055812


>> No.22055811

>No you!
Kek. Left can't meme.

>> No.22055817
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>no it's you who can't meme!

>> No.22055821

>gets overly graphic about child molestation
There's something wrong with you, anon.

>> No.22055826

Holy retard.

>> No.22055835

I don't see the problem
Are American kids being told to read 176+ page books on sex ed?
At my school it was just 10 classes where we discussed safe sex and put condoms on bananas
It's sad because they didn't really talk about homosexuality much

>> No.22055842

>No, you're the retard!
do you get tired anon

>> No.22055852

Holy shit! Is this a meme war?!? How cool

>> No.22055853

>the ins and outs of gay sex
is this a pun?

>> No.22055870
File: 46 KB, 500x500, artworks-N7YzcqCnheY5xZdj-q44jPA-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this is gay sex.

>> No.22055873

Don't teach kids on how to meet strangers while instructing them on how to suck dick and be sodomized.
It's a step by step guide on how to meet strangers, suck dick, and be sodomized.
Stop grooming kids.
Stop grooming kids.
You're a pervert.

>> No.22055878

>can't meme

>> No.22055888

The absurdities of using public institutions to groom children on how to meet strangers and prepare themselves to be sodomized is easier to mock than trying to convince others such isn't absurd. Cope.

>> No.22055892
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>desperately pushing the thread into bumplimit through stupidity-trolling
I wonder who could be behind this.

>> No.22055897

>No you
You're stuck in a loop now, anon. Go watch an episode of Europhia or 15 mins of MSNBC and you NPC programming should reset itself.

>> No.22055924
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>it's your fault im stupid!

>> No.22055937

Making fun of trannies is a spectator sport.

>> No.22055958

>loses argument
>being retarded "on purpose"

>> No.22055977
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>NOOOOO only i can call you a groomer you must respond my ad hominem like an argument!
once you guys admitted to only being able to use strawmen and calling anyone you disagree with a groomer i knew you weren't going to actually argue

>> No.22056026

Nigger, are you seriously suggesting that these things are remotely similar?

>> No.22056033

>thinks one needs a full gay sex manual to not get raped

kill yourself

>> No.22056080

you know I'm wondering if it might not be best to just get a few decent soft-core magazines (girls in sexy outfits etc) and hide them somewhere obvious so your sons can find THOSE and get into normal shit instead of being dragged down the internet porn rabbit hole

>> No.22056099

You are groomers though.

>> No.22056107


>> No.22056129

Is it in an elementary school library? If yes than ban it. Is it in a high school library? If yes, then who gives a fuck.
Feel like parents forget that kids engage in sexual activities at very young ages, kids start masturbating at like 12, average person loses their virginity at 17...