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21975202 No.21975202 [Reply] [Original]

Do you own the complete works of any writer?

>> No.21975250

It’s not many books but I own all the novels of Gaddis as well as a book of his essays and his letters. I may go further and try to get books of criticism about him (like the Steven moore one) but I’m satisfied for now

>> No.21975254

based. What are his letters like? He seems like a pretty miserable guy

>> No.21975270

Only Tolstoy's.
And also Donna Tartt, but she only has 3 novels.

>> No.21975276

Do Epubs count?

>> No.21975320
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>> No.21975326

both are based
If it's an author with like 20 books and you've read most of them then I'd count epubs

>> No.21975333

Harper Lee
John Kennedy Toole
James Joyce
Probably others that I can't name off the top of my head.

>> No.21975351

Great. Then I have a complete collection of several of smashwords most depraved daddy-daughter incest writers.

>> No.21975358

Mind sharing some? Lolita left me with an itch for more.

>> No.21975404

I really want to get Junger and Steinbeck personally.

>> No.21975421

Depends, how do I know if there are any watermarks that could be traced to me?

> Captcha: assv2
I do have a lot of stories about daddies popping their daughters anal cherry, yes.

>> No.21975427

Read the rest of Nabokov's bibliography or just get into some Manga.

>> No.21975575

I hope, one day, to own the complete works of Soren Kierkegaard. But alas, I am poor, so it is a slow chipping away.

>> No.21975589

You own every Shakespeare? Cringe boy how was the English major

>> No.21975593

Graham Greene with the exception of his books for children. I doubt The Little Train has enough whiskey and catholic guilt for me.

>> No.21975599
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Why so hostile? It's just one book.
Also, I'm a mathematics major.

>> No.21975680

From my learned experience, Shakespeare enthusiasts are usually gay

>> No.21975686

Just because 97% of the men who fucked you in the ass like West Side Story doesn't mean Shakespeare is gay.

>> No.21975688

Jane Austen
James Joyce
William Blake

>> No.21975702

There are lost works, though. No one has a complete Shakespeare.

>> No.21975714

Quite a lot depending on how one counts, for instance most poets fit into 1-volume editions but they don't contain letters or diaries. Are those required? In terms of sheer bulk biggest ones I own are a 10-volume edition of Goethe and one of Nietzsche. But thats not nearly *all* they wrote if one counts literally every line that has been preserved and published somewhere

>> No.21975729

thanks for letting us know, mr. redditor

>> No.21975749

Off the top of my head:

Thomas Wolfe
William Gaddis
William Vollmann
John Barth
Alexander Theroux
Joseph McElroy
Thomas Pynchon
Don DeLillo
Jack Kerouac
Washington Irving
James Fenimore Cooper
Javier Marias
Carlos Fuentes
Julio Cortazar
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Mario Vargas Llosa
Roberto Bolaño
Jane Austen
William Shakespeare
Michel de Montaigne
Thomas Carlyle
Sir William Jones
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Timothy Leary
Robert Anton Wilson
R. Buckminster Fuller
Marshall McLuhan
Sri Aurobindo
Mahatma Gandhi

>> No.21975754

Read Ada or Ardor. It's a bit tough, and you might need to endure a bit for the first 3 or 4 chapters. But after that it gets better. For similar titles to Lolita look into Laughter in the dark, The original of Laura. I think there was some mention of a little girl in Invitation to a Beheading.

>> No.21975875

Arno Schmidt
Walter Moers
Hans Henny Jahnn
Gottfried Benn
Jean Paul
Christoph Martin Wieland
Fritz Reuter

>> No.21975889

Who makes this set? Mine have red backs to them without the dust cover.

>> No.21975894

Just Joyce

>> No.21975982

The Works of Thomas Boston.

>> No.21976022


>> No.21976037

did them niggas really write that much???

>> No.21976170

Yes, my own :^)

>> No.21976175

Unless you own the origin version of Look Homeward, Angel, you do not have the complete Wolfe

>> No.21976187

I own the complete works of Johan Huizinga. I have yet to read him.

>> No.21976366


>> No.21976376

i have a copy of the complete works of spinoza but it's only one volume

>> No.21976492

You're right, anon, I do not own an original 1st edition of Look Homeward, Angel--it cost too much at the time for me to afford it--(I do have a replica of that hardcover first edition published in the 1980s), but I do have the original 1st editions of everything else Wolfe has written, including the Scribner magazines which contain some of the stories he penned.

>> No.21976510
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As long as you have a copy of the version before Perkins excised hundreds of pages, then you’re good, fellow Wolfechad

>> No.21976519

I do have O Lost.

>> No.21976742

Very nice.

>> No.21976753


>> No.21976772

No, but I would really like to own the complete works of C.S. Lewis.

>> No.21976795
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I've never really understood why anyone would want to read all 10,000 plus pages of any writer. Even for a highly influential person like Aristotle or Voltaire, only half of their works, max, are worth anyone's time unless you're looking to fluff up a useless dissertation.

>> No.21976805

>"Yeah, I only read books other people tell me to read. I don't want to discover things myself."

>> No.21976816

Because if you are a writer yourself it is illuminating to see the entire process, or as much of it as you can. I have read every published piece by James M. Cain, including collected articles he wrote as a journalist, while most have probably only read The Postman Always Rings Twice and maybe Double Indemnity. By reading his short stories and other novels, it became clear that he really only had one story to tell, and it was perfected in Postman. I enjoyed reading his other stuff, including his more biographical The Moth, but the Postman was the real culmination of everything, in its most dense form, and that's fascinating. If you only read Postman you'd think Cain was a genius, and if you read everything else you realize he was a guy like everyone else, who had his own demons he wanted to exorcise, and Postman was simply the one time he explored those demons in the most appealing way. Also, he was desperately afraid of getting cucked.

>> No.21976836
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>> No.21976842

This is like have every MCU movie on Blu-ray.

>> No.21976844

*on dvds which you bought second hand

>> No.21977976

Plato, Kant and almost all of Aristotle.
The Plato I have in Greek and in several different translations in different languages.
I bought the complete works in greek after I already had already bought various single books and the complete works in German, translated by Schleiermacher.
I mostly study Aristotle though.
The Kant I just own for reference, I read him only from time to time.

>> No.21977988

post stack, nigger.

>> No.21978072

Yes, dozens.
- Library of American for Americans
- Pleiade for Frenchies
- Newton Compton's 'mammoths' for Italians
- Aguilar for Spanish and Portuguese

It saddens me that the Anglos don't have a very good tradition of publishing the complete works of their writers in few volumes.
Every great French author is represented with one, two or at most five or so small volumes in the Pleiade, which can fit in your pocket and contain the whole of the man's oeuvre.

>> No.21978095

By the way, the Pleiade books are the best in the world. It's simply the ideal: portable, elegant, font large enough that you can read without effort, the paper is thin but not so thin that you see the other side, and every single one of those small volumes contain a huge amount of real writing.
Some of the volumes are so varied, specially the anthologies, that they contain a whole civilization within them, like the Medieval poets volume.
Once you get a few of them, you start missing it when it comes to other writers. Why can't I read the collected prose of T.S. Eliot in such a small volume? Why can't the collected novels of Nabokov fit in my pocket? It's so disappointing...

>> No.21978099

America is supersized, m8. They need books that reflect their waistline

>> No.21978309
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Largely a waste of time
Lenin’s volumes a complete waste of time

>> No.21978498

I've read the two Complete Works volumes on the right until they almost fell apart, and one has my extensive notes on vocabulary. Then I sprang for the Easton Press books as a gift to myself, I really enjoty them, and excellent edition with the editorial notes all written in the 1950s, and the edition itself dates from 1980, so there is no "woke" nonsense of hysterical, hectoring, shrill lectures about how rayciss and "misogynistic" Shakespeare is...

>> No.21978504

I bought he third Complete Works in one volume from B&N just so I would have a good travelling copy...

>> No.21978940

Yes, mine (1 book)

>> No.21979031

lewis Carrol (no nonfiction or photogarphy)
Edgar allen poe (no nonfiction)
capt. John smith
hp Lovecraft (no nonfiction)
clark Ashton smith and Robert e. Howard are soon to be completed

>> No.21979084

I own every book Lena Dunham has ever written

>> No.21979990

Post your Vollmann stack, buddy

>> No.21980032

I own the complete works of Jack London, RL Stevenson, Tolstoy, Robert E. Howard and Samuel Johnson. All of those are in ebook form that is. KEK.

>> No.21980488

got all of F Gardner except his latest. did you know he has a new book out?

>> No.21981257
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Yea i own the complete works of Giuseppe Tomassi

>> No.21981267


>> No.21981555

Gonna do an easy one, Barnes & Nobles Lovecraft Complete Fiction + Hippocampus Press Lovecraft Collected Poetry. I don't really consider his letters because they're over twenty volumes and that's just a selection.

>> No.21981559

wtf what are those books about

>> No.21981563

complete works of Poe. Read em all too.

>> No.21982157

Squaring circles and tying young minds into pretzels to justify a global authoritarian regime to bring about freedom and communism someday.
Among the bits about economics

>> No.21982419
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pic related + all of her novels

>> No.21982518
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I’m getting there

>> No.21983788

Neal Stephenson only.

>> No.21984021

Only have two or three, but I'm inclined to agree.

>> No.21984028

>Do you own the complete works of any writer?
yeah, mine

>> No.21985078
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if there is a 1000+ page single volume collections and he called his cats nigger then yes.

>> No.21986115

>Albert E. Wiggam
>Dáibhí Ó Bruadair
>Dónall Mac Amhlaigh
>Evola (English translations only)
>Ezra Pound
>Flannery O'Conno
>George Lincoln Rockwell
>Guenon (English translations only)
>John Muir
>Máire Mhac an tSaoi
>Pádraic Ó Conaire
>Robert Frost
>Savitri Devi
My wife and I have been building a family library and there's a lot going on, as you can see.

>> No.21986400

No, but I have been collecting few deceased authors before their works stop being reprinted.

Harlan Ellison
Patricia McKillip
Richard Sala

>> No.21986406

Yes Aristotle's and Plato's.

>> No.21987232

i own the bible, the qur'an, and the book of mormon