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21969761 No.21969761 [Reply] [Original]

What other evolutionary theory books to read?

>> No.21970070

It isn’t a theory anymore

>> No.21970178

it is and you know it.
evolution miraculously stopped when monks became humans. same with fishes, nowadays fishes don't become monks no mo'

it's convenient to be an atheist isn't it. things work and one day magically they don't work no more.

Atheists make Darwin their new guru. But like all gurus, Darwin is an atheist duplicitous bitch. The only difference between Darwin and Lamarck is that Darwin made up a theory about a population and Lamarck made up a theory about an individual. Now here is the thing. in order to work with ''a population'', you need to use statistics. and statistics dont lead to proofs and even less to truths. Darwin's theory is not falsifiable and atheists are gaga about this, even though in public they say falsifiability is awesome. In fact, the atheist concept of a ''a population'' is not even well defined. At best you they come up with a fuzzy definition. So with darwin theory you get no predictive claims and when you try to get numbers out of it, you only get few stats about a population and if the theory fails, the atheists will say the numerical results are just statistical artifacts, no big deal. In fact ''truth'' is not even defined in statistics. So whatever atheists come up with with their stats, they can't say it's the truth.

>> No.21970211


you're right, negroes are homo erectus and they haven't changed for millions of years, so clearly evolution is false

>> No.21970224

The Holy Bible

>> No.21970521
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The Voyage of the Beagle is very enjoyable and gives a good background to Darwin's theory. On the Origin of Species is a slog; unless you find a hundred pages of flower genitalia fascinating, The Descent of Man is much better written, although maybe less substantial, since Origin provides detailed examples of evolutionary differences and changes between the species.

>> No.21970538

Evolutionary theory answers nothing about what it is to know oneself as a self-consciousness. Why bother?

>> No.21970545

Seek help

>> No.21970555

It is pretty much set in stone. The details are left up for interpretation, but the basics are not. And I know it.
“Monkes” didn’t turn into humans. You don’t understand the process at all.

They’re more human than human. (For having not mixed with a previously exited tribe we call Neanderthal) it’s all so complicated. It explodes the racists and the godfags heads so much

>> No.21970568

If evolution is true why are humans getting dumber?

>> No.21970578

I have an answer for thee, sire: methinks it's because evolution deals with that of the species and not of individuals. Dost that fit thee?

>> No.21970585

> individuals are getting dumber
> therefore, the species is getting more intelligent

>> No.21970646

This also blatantly disproves the criminal lie of evolution.

>> No.21970721
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No. If this “dumbness” continues, say we lose or use in writing, and some other external forces (the state is making people docile and ignorant. Has been for ages) we’ll end up something like the people in THX 1138. Capable of intelligence but bred for dumb assembly work. We could indeed evolve into dumber creatures over time.

Your post only confirms you know nothing about the subject

>> No.21970735

That's never going to happen. Societal success is not in the technological progress in itself. Technology is a means for the fulfillment of needs, not the need itself. Most likely humans will return to mudhut once stupidity increased too much.

>> No.21970747


The people who came up with evolution knew they were lying, you idiot. It was invented to cover up antediluvian artifacts and rewrite history

>> No.21970810

>That's never going to happen
I didn’t say it was going to. It can happen. There’s no set rule for continuous progression. All the species of the world aren’t headed to sentience
>mud hut
If one theory of “fossil fuels” is correct, we will likely get there. But two other paths might avert that…

Schizo, please. Shoosh. This is not a bible thread.

>> No.21971373

Gay and ugly ain't no way to go through life, son

>> No.21971386
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>> No.21972027
