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/lit/ - Literature

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21954221 No.21954221 [Reply] [Original]

Post top 5 and other anons determine if you're a pleb or not. I'll start.
>Feast of the Goat
>The Sea-Wolf
>God-Emperor of Dune
>Blood Meridian
>Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.21954711

>other anons determine if you're a pleb or not
How will I know they are not plebs?

>> No.21954885

In no particular order
>100 years of solitude
>Moby Dick
>Gravity’s Rainbow
>The Turn of the Screw

>> No.21954914

By judging their top 5 books.

1. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

4. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

5. Harry Potter and the Deathly hallows

>> No.21954925


>> No.21954972


>> No.21954976
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>you don't have the Sigma Neckbeard

>> No.21954983
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1.Gravity's Rainbow
2.Spring Snow
4.The Red and The Black
5. Crime and Punishment

>> No.21955030


>> No.21955037

Moby Dick
Farewell My Lovely
Araminita Station
Gravity’s Rainbow
Little Dorrit

>> No.21955042

>God-Emperor of Dune
Yea, you're a pleb for having this one.

>> No.21955200
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I've only read four books

>> No.21956102
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>The Secret Garden (Burnett)
>Othello (Shakespeare)
>Story of The New Name (Ferrante)
>White Nights (Dostoevsky)
>The Things They Carried (O'Brien)

>> No.21956137

1. Biblia Sacra Vulgata
2. Euclid's Elements
3. Ovid's Metamorphoses
4. Elements of Operator Theory
5. Divine Comedy

>> No.21956632

The Brothers Karamazov
The Peloponnesian war
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Campaigns of Alexander (Arrian)

>> No.21956686
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The Brothers Karamazov
War and Peace
Memoirs of the baron de marbot: late lieutenant general in the french army
Moby dick
a canticle for leibowitz

>> No.21956885

1. The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigg
2. Fat City
3. Hunger
4. Manhattan Transfer
5. Miss Lonelyhearts

>> No.21957267

>thus spoke zarathustra
youre just picking this shit for the sake of your ego nigga. divine comedy is the only really tasteful thing here

>almost no memory
>the devils
>the vegetarian
>the changing light at sandover

>> No.21957285

OP here I'm not a pleb so I can judge your top 5

>> No.21957311

Yes you are.

>> No.21957399

Lord of the flies
Wind, Sand and Stars
The Fountainhead
The picture of Dorian Gray
Catcher in the rhye

>> No.21957409



Pleb. (The least worse, but Crime & Punishment and Ada in the same list reeks of tasteless pleb)



Pleb. (No one with real taste like so much classical shit)




>Ada, or Ardor
>Sentimental Education
>The Illiad

>> No.21957412

Hipster pleb

>> No.21957416

Superpleb, literally homeless bum pleb

>> No.21957427

>Memoirs of the baron de marbot: late lieutenant general in the french army
Damn what an intriguing title, what's it about? Is literally just a real diary?

>> No.21957435


>> No.21957441

>literally all shit
Holy shit what a pleb. Your list is so bad that I am inclined to think it must be a joke. Faggot.

>> No.21957448

>the turn of the screw
that story is dry as shit

>> No.21957590
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1. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Carson McCullers
2. Winesburg, Ohio, Sherwood Anderson
3. Gone With the Wind, Margaret Mitchel
4. East of Eden, John Steinbeck
5. Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte

Plebplebpleb. Biggest pleb in the tread so far. Fuck you.

>> No.21957597


>> No.21957610

Shakespeare's plays
The Sound and the Fury
Moby Dick
Don Quixote

In that order

>> No.21957618

Have you read other books by Vargas Llosa? I found The Feast of the Goat vastly inferior to The Time of the Hero, The Green House and The Conversation in the Cathedral.

In Search of Lost Time
The Sound and the Fury
War and Peace
The Sleepwalkers

>> No.21957658

The Brothers Karamazov
In Search of Lost Time
The Manuscript Found in Saragossa
Decline and Fall

>> No.21957734

In condescending tone:
How does this one become even more pleb than others?

>> No.21957748
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1) Catcher in The Rye by JD Salinger
2) Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk
3) Life of Pi by Yann Martel
4) The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
5) Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella

>> No.21957762

War and Peace
The Cartel
American Tabloid
The Brothers Karamazov

pretty diverse. It fluctuates a lot depending on mood

>> No.21957766

A top 5 is quite hard, and is likely to change quite a lot. This is a list of the books I think about the most right now.
The Tartar Steppe
Don Quixote
Based on a True Story (Norm MacDonald)

>> No.21957772
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>Based on a True Story (Norm MacDonald)

>> No.21957794

3/5ths pleb, so overall a pleb

>> No.21957801

Every single post in this thread that got a response is definitely pleb, while all the ignored ones are based

>> No.21957826


>> No.21957835
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Which ones bro

I am taking notes

>> No.21957883

I am legend
The Machiavellians, defenders of freedom
Catch 22
Cats Cradle

>> No.21957945

Lord of the flies - not pleb
Wind, Sand and Stars - never read
The Fountainhead - never read
The picture of Dorian Gray - never read
Catcher in the rhye - not pleb

Conclusion, probably not pleb, probably.

>> No.21957946

It's long title made me wanna read it
I love unique titles!

>> No.21957947

I havent read 5 books

>> No.21958015

Is that Brochs Sleepwalkers? I think Broch is quite shit but the rest is patrician.
Patrician, assuming those aren't just namedrops
Very plebeian
Quite patrician

Having a fixed 5 goat books is plebeian in itself, but on the fly I would probably pick
Divine Comedy
Sorrows of Young Werther
Keats' poems
Eugene Onegin

>> No.21958208

>Is that Brochs Sleepwalkers? I think Broch is quite shit but the rest is patrician.
Yes, it is. Why do you think Broch is "shit"? Easily one of my favourites, had a hard time deciding between it and The Man Without Qualities.

>> No.21958212 [DELETED] 
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>In Search of Lost Time (le deuxieme roman)
>The Sound and the Fury or Absalom, Absalom! (cant shoes)
>The Castle

>> No.21958249

Too stuffed with essayistic venting, like so much of the german-language literature of the time. The art takes a backseat in favor of the thought, which might be good and original but to me feels quite dated now. MwQ suffers from the same, but Törless doesn't. The later Mann is a particularly serious offender, compare Buddenbrooks (which is for all time) with Magic Mountain (which feels very much of its time).
I would take Kafka over all of them, but in the end it's a matter of taste.

>> No.21958281

Only patrician itt

>> No.21958290
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King Lear
Antony and Cleopatra
The Tempest

>> No.21958296

That's six bro! SIX.
So it only counts until Antony and Cleopatra!

>> No.21958338

Most obvious tryhard pleb ITT

>> No.21958348
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The Book of Disquiet
Crime & Punishment

Haven't read enough books to add more 2.

>> No.21958373

Crime and punishment
The Wreth of the Mountain
The Fruit Thief
Animal farm
(I like so many others. it's hard to pick)
Bridge on Drina
Brothers Karamazov
War and peace
The roots
Coiling Dragon

>> No.21958392

Mount Analogue
Makura no Soushi
No Exit
Bassotuba non c'é

>> No.21958402

Looks like the record has been broken pretty quickly, spit on the new king >>21958373

>> No.21958425


>> No.21958442

Apparently you can’t read instructions, so I get the feeling you didn’t read these books either

>> No.21958523



>> No.21958543
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The Mulanadhyamakakarika
The Bagavad Gita
Dostoyeskys demons
To the light house
Book of disquiet

>> No.21958577

Sounds like you're a pleb

>> No.21958581

No I haven't but if you rec them I'll check em out.

>> No.21958632


>> No.21958672

I named 5 books, but I wanted to name a few more. The first five are to be judged, and the next give is just for those who aren't dure about what I am into, not for grading.

>> No.21958681

The first 6 for grading, other give just do people know whst I am into. Many of the books are Serbian books, and maybe people won't be able to grade just on the first 5.

>> No.21958693

For example, if you dont understand what one of the top 5 books is, pick one belliw you know and replace it. It would be bad if out of my top 5 books, people know only two or three.

>> No.21958705

Ok, here is a short list since people hste there being ectra books:
1. Bible
2. Crime and Punishment - Dostoyevsky
3. Wreath of the Mountain - Njegoš
4. Fruit Thief - Handke
5. Animal Farm - Orwell

>> No.21958832

A Farewell to Arms
Mason & Dixon
The Sound and the Fury

>> No.21958876

LotR - Youtube audiobook version.
Magicians of the Gods - Graham Hancock
The Dirt - Motley Crue autobiography
The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius. first quarter. (Working my way through the rest)

>> No.21958910


Instant pleb

>> No.21958911

>The Sea of Fertility
>Light in August
>Dead Souls
>Butcher’s Crossing

>> No.21958950
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Pleb >>21954221
>The Canterbury Tales
>Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
>Bible (WYC)
>Layamon's Brut
>Piers Plowman

>> No.21958970

Butlerian Jihad
Machine crusade
Battle of corrin
Sisterhood of dune
Mentats of dune
Navigators of dune

>> No.21958977

>Ayn Rand


>> No.21959044

Pleb squared, if it were only shit books I could forgive you, but rating a book you haven't yet finished is only slightly below willfully damaging books

>> No.21959061

I like the book for what it symbolises not it's content or underlying ideology

>> No.21959162

The essayistic style is precisely why I enjoy it so much, but to each his own, I guess. I also prefer, e.g., The Magic Mountain and Doctor Faustus to Mann's earlier works.
Yes, they are amazing books! Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, The Real Life of Alejandro Mayta, The War At The End Of The World, Death in the Andes and Who Killed Palomino Molero are also great.

>> No.21959210

>The Holy Quran
>Storm of Steel
>For My Legionnaires
>Life For Sale

>> No.21959236

>Essays, Montagne
>What Is to Be Done?
>Cicero's works
>Hero with a thousand faces

>> No.21959252

based warmongerer

>> No.21959270

>ur nan's diary
>the schizo label on dr. bronner's soap
>how to draw by scott robertson
>de rerum natura
>an occurrence at owl creek bridge

>> No.21959281

owari da

>> No.21959453

Thanks, anon
>assuming those aren't just namedrops
No, why would they be?

Also, I've got to read Keats and Eugene Onegin

>> No.21959644

Sand-core edgelord reading list

>> No.21959659

>Blood Meridian
>Sun and Steel
>East of Eden
>Notes from Underground

>> No.21960309

patrician if you're below 16. If you are an adult please start reading actual books.

>> No.21960390

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rulez
Calvin and Hobbs
And lastly would be The Offical Game Guide for Skyrim

>> No.21960412

Dante, Homer, Shakespeare, Borges, Pound.
I am in doubt about the last two, but they are probably my biggest *direct* influences. The other three influence me too, but they are too remote from our era for our preoccupations, worldviews etc. to be similar to theirs. Borges and Pound are much closer.

>> No.21960469
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>The Haunted Mask
>Less Than Zero
>Animal Farm
>Bridge To Terabithia
>Folk and the faraway tree

>> No.21960476

Throw the official minecraft joke book into the mix and you got yourself a patricians wet dream

>> No.21960493

the only actual readers itt

>> No.21960514

The Holy Bible
Peaceable Kingdom
The Traveling Vampire Show
The Terror
The Essential Writings of Machiavelli

>> No.21961034


Almost patrician




Unsufferably boring pleb

Eh, weird. Pleb then.




Eat shit and die, plebeian scum. You are the disgrace of the empire.



Pleb and pseud


Normies delendam esse






Too many, it's getting boring

>> No.21961063

This thread is complete dog shit, everyone is getting called a pleb

>> No.21961072

Not me.

>> No.21961087

My top 5 is very boring, especially on here since they're all meme books here

>Moby Dick
>The charterhouse of Parma
>A hero of our time
>war and peace
>sartor resartus
Probably something like this

>> No.21961118

>Gospel of John
>Summa Theologica
>Catechism of the Catholic Church
>Anna Karenina
>Swinburne Collected
No questions, thanks.

>> No.21961122

>Instant pleb
It defintely wasn't the favorite book for Melville, Tolstoy, or Shakespeare or any of the other favorite /lit/ authors here. Oh, wait - it was.

>> No.21961137

A Rebours
Tristram Shandy
The Good Soldier Svejk
The Turner Diaries

>> No.21961138
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The Aleph
Memoirs Of Hadrian
The Name Of The Rose

>> No.21961158

Definite lit-core plebs

Some odd choices but respect for picking that Dostoevsky short above everything else.

Teen choices, but some of these are good, so you have potential.

Actually sound like real choices by a real person. Respect, even if it's a bit entry level.

Trying too hard.

Trying too hard not to try too hard.

Decent choices, even if I hate Woolf.

Sounds like a reasonable, anon.

Christ-pilled. Should be on /his/ instead of /litl.

>> No.21961176

Don't call me a litcore pleb. It's not my fault this board stole my taste

>> No.21961194

>Farewell to Arms
>A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
In all honesty, I haven't read as much fiction as I should have.

>> No.21961195

Oh I forgot the Turner Diaries here >>21961194
I also really like Harold Covington's series.

>> No.21961207

Don Quixote
Lord of the Rings
Ansichten eines Clowns
De Ontdekking van de Hemel
Infinite Jest

>> No.21961637

>wilhelm meister's apprenticeship
>goethe's faust
>paradise lost
>childe harold's pilgrimage
>Miss Julie

>> No.21961655

Ansichten eines Clowns is a fantastic book and definitely not one I expected to see here, is it possible to be 1/5th patrician?

>> No.21961670
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1. Eye of Argon by. Jim Theis
2. Stones to Abbigale by. Onision
3. Modelland by. Tyra Banks
4. Empress Theresa by. Norman Boutin
5. Halo by. Alexandra Adornetto

>> No.21961680


Gravity's Rainbow
Moby Dick
Under the Volcano

>> No.21961701

Fairly normie-core, but there's actually not much wrong with that whatever dilettantes here say.

Pseud. Including LotR doesn't detract from that.

High tier.


Almost breaking free of the lit-core.

>> No.21961734

None of you like any of these books. I counted two genuine answers in the whole thread. Bunch of tryhard faggots itt.

>> No.21961750

>The Great Finger
>Beyond Good and Finger
>Blood Finger
>Finger Shrugged
>Mein Finker

>> No.21961757

1. Lolita
2. Notes from Underground
3. The Lord of the Rings
4. The Time Machine
5. The Divine Comedy

pleb, also woman
fuck off

>> No.21961759
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Need a /lit/ equivalent of pic. Probably includes GR, IJ, C&P, Quixote, Celine, not sure what else.

>> No.21961843

which ones?

>> No.21961896

1. The Book of Sirach

2. The Art of Worldly Wisdom (Balthazar Gracian)

3. The Catcher in the Rye (J.D. Salinger)

4. Counsels and Maxims (Arthur Schopenhauer)

5. Night Train to Rigel (Timothy Zahn)

>> No.21961952
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Not the best ones, but the ones that touched me the most (fuck tryhards):
>The Horizon (Mysliwski; still untranslated into English)
>A World Apart: The Journal of a Gulag Survivor (Herling-Grudzinski)
>Lord Jim (Conrad)
>Confessions of a Mask (Mishima)
>A Burnt Child (Dagerman)
Honorable mention:
>The Emperor (Kapuscinski)

>> No.21961966

Almost patrician
Total pseuds and tryhards
A hindoo lunatic

>> No.21962033

kill yourself retard my taste is literally impeccable

>> No.21962137


>> No.21962199

post body

>> No.21962207

>post top 5
lol, like i'd tell you my favorite books, that would require a sort of exchange. what i will give you is a fake list.
sartor resartus
a smuggler's bible
at swim-two birds
the count of monte christo
orlando furioso

>> No.21962212

New Vegas and Majora's Mask are actually some of the best video games ever tho tbqh desu.

>> No.21962249
File: 194 KB, 800x1000, 7F662CE3-2B03-46A3-B51C-D8BA845CDB76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- The Odyssey
- The Myth of Sisyphus
- The Idiot
- Lady Chatterly’s Lover
- Civilization and It’s Discontents

>> No.21962275

Lathe of heaven
Do androids dream of electric sheep?
The torah

>> No.21962278

>The Second Apocalypse
>The Song of Roland
>À L'image du Dragon - Serge Brussolo
>The Long Rain - Bradbury

>> No.21962365

Dinosaurs Before Dark
Scream of the Evil Genie
The Sorcerer in the North
The Titan’s Curse

>> No.21962394

Day of the Jackal - Frederick Forsyth
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis - Freud
Asterix and Obelix - René Goscinny, Albert Uderzo
Tintin - Herge

>> No.21962465

In no particular order

>Dune(Frank Herbert)
>Do Android Dream of Electric sheep (Phillip K. Dick)
>Stories of the Steppe (Maxim Gorky)
>Meditations (Marcus Aurelius)
>On the Brevity of Life (Seneca)

>> No.21962501

>Anna Karenina (Tolstoy)
>The Odyssey (Homer)
>Lord of the Rings (Tolkien)
>To Kill a Mockingbird (Lee)
>Julius Caesar (Shakespeare)

>> No.21962521

>Lady Chatterly’s Lover
I'm about to read it. Is it that good anon?

>> No.21962600

>pseuds because they listed books you've never heard of before

>> No.21962611

Based normal guy

>> No.21962623

>The Book of the New Sun (including Urth)
>Journey to the End of the Night
>The Wizard Knight
>Die 13 1/2 Leben des Käptn Blaubär
>1001 Nights

>> No.21962630

>The Lighthouse
>Emblem of the Stumbler
>Paulos and Warren: Advanced Applications of Reincarnation
>Man Bites God
>Cancer Reigns

>> No.21962808

There's nothing particularly obscure in those posts, anonymous. I just have a hard time believing those are really ALL books that, given a terminal diagnosis, those anons would truly think, "I should enjoy what little time I have left. These are the five books that bring me most joy and aren't ones meant to make me seem smart on a Bhutanese fly fishing forum".

>> No.21962834

1. The Brothers Karamazov
2. Ulysses
3. The Waves
4.War and Peace
5 In Search of Lost Time Vol 1. Swann's Way, maybe also Time Regained (the last volume)

>> No.21963040

>هفت پیکر
>Operette Morali
>Les Deux Étendards
>New Arabian Nights
BONUS: The Man Who Was Thursday
And yes I can actually speak these languages, this isn't a meme list.

>> No.21963177

The Box Man
One, No One, And One Hundred Thousand

>> No.21963207

>Paulos and Warren: Advanced Applications of Reincarnation
Doesn't exist?

>> No.21963217

Persian-French Weeb?

>> No.21963325

a series of unfortunate events - ersatz elevator
pillars of the earth
animal farm

>> No.21963395

Im writing it now with my best friend Warren

>> No.21963400


>> No.21963414

vesaas - the ice palace
woolf - the waves
kozstolanyi - skylark
melville - moby-dick; or, the whale
bester - the stars my destination

>> No.21963432

Yeah my dad was French and my mom was Persian. We lived in Japan for some time and I settled in Italy after my masters.

>> No.21963487

>in the wing chair
but why?

>> No.21963509

>a series of unfortunate events - ersatz elevator
>animal farm
Asoue's Book 13 (The End) is also very good.

>> No.21963573

1. The Book of Job
2. Man in the Search for Meaning
3. Oedipus Rex
4. Chronicle of a death foretold.

>> No.21963582

and I forgot Storm of Steel
> Book of Worldy Wisdom & Les Fleurs du Mal come close

>> No.21963639

because it is hilarious

>> No.21963950

I don't have a solid top 5, what I'd call my favorites changes pretty often based on how I'm feeling and what else I'm reading.
That being said,

The Hobbit
The Things they Carried
Waiting for Godot

>> No.21964151

One of my cornerstones. It’s a really interesting experiment in elevating sexuality to an aesthetic level. I’m very much interested how the body could be elevated instead of degraded and I feel Lawrence does this well in this LCL.

>> No.21964171

gravity's rainbow - pynchon
cosmos - gombrowicz
jr - gaddis
sound and the fury - faulkner
2666 - bolaño

>> No.21964194

>Under the Volcano
Bukowski said it blows

>> No.21965772

Hank Chinkasscheeks blew cocks, anon

>> No.21965781

*In your opinion
If you aren't blinded by nostalgia they become pretty lame fast

>> No.21965885
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1. The Brothers Karamazov
2. The Book of Disquiet
3. The Fall
4. The Dead
5. Hunger

>> No.21966004

The red and the black

>> No.21966082

>Having a fixed 5 goat books is plebeian in itself,
only patrician in the thread. literature is not a competition. also based taste

5 random books that i love:
sorrows of young werther
yeats collected poems
paradise lost
the magic mountain
yeats collected plays