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21942173 No.21942173 [Reply] [Original]

How spooked is the right wing reader? Concerned with eliminating self expression that does not pertain to the spook of gender identity, western civilization, and so called traditional values? Your entire reading experience is based on a sad lie which you're trying to maintain until you eventually shuffle off, and it will have all been for nothing. Nothing matters except what I personally consider valuable, not procreation, not making some capitalist fuck rich, not western civilization, not race which is just as much of a mereological myth and spook as gender and morality.

>> No.21942191

Low-energy, low-testosterone and low-spirit thread. God you're a fucking untermensch and I crush you at a distance with the fire of my logos, you miserable fucking ant

>> No.21942203

There's no such thing as a man.

>> No.21942208
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>tfw you get murdered by the spook of inner city crime
Uh oh, it turns out that what I personally consider valuable is not compatible with the iron laws of cause and effect. As a result, I will have to forfeit my life, which I apparently did not consider valuable enough.

>> No.21942216

logorrhea? see a psychiatrist

>> No.21942219
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>Nothing matters except what I personally consider valuable
This is not the enlightened progressive position you seem to think it is. Why do you consider certain things to be valuable? Where do these desire come from? What produces the world of things from which you pick and choose?

Producing meanings is the work of society. It takes centuries of suffering to make something as intricate and subtle as, for example, a novel or a gender identity. Aesthetic experience is the experience of going beyond our own immediate perceptions and connecting to extra-personal historical currents. Culture itself is like a vast messy text that transcends the mere ink-blot of your existence; like any text, it only has meaning because it weaves itself into a larger network.

Spooks are what we work to produce; spooks are there from the instant we stop being insentient animals caught up in blind, unreflecting, moment-to-moment struggle; spooks are at the core of the mystery that anything can have value at all beyond the value of an appetite satisfied. To say they are somehow 'false' is to amputate your own aesthetic faculties and willfully blind yourself to what you surely have experienced in enjoying and thinking about art.

If something is effective, if it produces intensities, if it affects you in ways your solitary brain couldn't have conceived or willed by itself, then to say it is false is meaningless: it undeniably *is*. The problem isn't to dismiss these things as insubstantial illusions getting in the way of individuals satisfying whatever arbitrary desires they happen to have at that moment; capitalism is already doing that itself with ruthless efficiency. The problem is to attend to the spooks who never had a chance to live, who died in the margins of history, and whose unrealised potential seems to haunt all the grim wastes of contemporary trash culture.

>> No.21942243

>>21942219 >This is not the enlightened progressive position you seem to think it is. I don't care about progress, I'm not a Hegelian. I care about what I consider valuable. You speak of some sort of transcendent culture, which is above the individual, another Hegelianism. It is not that I destroy all my own ideas, but I recognize them as my own, and I don't let false ones like western civilization bind me to these phantasmal notions. I only believe in nothing, not being. As for digging up the gems of history, that all sounds pretty based to me.

>> No.21942519
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Get owned, my property.

>> No.21942685

you're bumping a bot thread you dumb fuck

>> No.21942739
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Everyone I disagree with is a robot

>> No.21942776

me if i was a w*man

>> No.21942828

Nietzsche is the cure to nihilism, not an antinatalist.

>how spooked is the rightwing
They’re the embodiment of spooks. This is not to say self described leftwingers have none. Such as when they turn to scientific experts to read them their fortunes.

Like the psychiatrists that give them the green light on “transitioning”. Nothing more spooked than giving yourself over to this ridiculous concept that you were born in the wrong body.
What’s next, trans-space-time-ists? “I was born in the wrong century!”

>> No.21942830

That’s a man.

>> No.21942834

If you think your gender identity is more real than trans identity you're delusional.

>> No.21942836

This. Go to a doctor, OP, ask for testosterone replacement therapy to help you reach normal adult male levels. Then suddenly it will all make sense.

>> No.21942854
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I get bloodwork done sometimes and my t levels are normal. Shockingly, it has nothing to do with gender.

>> No.21942928

“Gender” has nothing to do with my sex. How I carry myself may be a product of my upbringing, but I strive to rise above it. I am at ease with my sexuality and general appearance.
Do others need to be confused by my appearance and actions? Am I not in the cool kid club for this?
Like I give a fuck

>> No.21942949
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>> No.21942958
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No one said there's an imperative to look and act a certain way to fit in except cis transphobes and homophobes.

>> No.21942961

>Producing meanings is the work of society.
For creatively sterile normie cattle.

>> No.21942967

I ran 13 miles on Thursday, I doubt you could. Although I could be wrong. Not like comparing fitness levels matters. It's just funny how all the assumptions made by right wing bigots are straw grasping nonsense.

>> No.21942972

>Nothing matters except what I personally consider valuable ... not western civilization
I find western civilization to be valuable. Something being a spook does not mean you can't value it.

>> No.21942991
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I don't find it valuable.

>> No.21942997

I don't give a fuck what you think

>> No.21943005

There’s no such thing as a transition, so there’s nothing to apply a phobia to. You are just a little brainwashed and childish if not full schizo. Grow up.

>> No.21943011

That's fine, I'm going to keep being queer and writing papers destroying western values though.

>> No.21943018

You are destroying yourself and creating meaningless regurgitative drivel to vent.

>> No.21943023
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There's no such thing as being cis, gender is just an idea, a myth, a socially constructed invention.

>> No.21943026

Unironically chatgpt would write a better bait thread than OP, he's not a bot, just an NPC.

>> No.21943034
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I'm actually doing fine, thanks.

>> No.21943123

Your existence is its own punishment.

>> No.21943154
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Projection. It's a punishment for you because you have a particularist fantasy and can't stand the inclusiveness of universal projects.

>> No.21943165

“Cis” or normal, is quite evidently real. We don’t care how you reinterpret the word gender, we’re talking about sex.
The idea which you call gender is a cultural artifact passed down from accepted gender roles. Malleable to some degree, I agree, but to call these things myths is ridiculous.

>> No.21943187
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Normality is completely made up, and sex is also a social construct, because the whole concept of nature is artificially produced. Even biologists will tell you that the human body is largely non-binary. It's funny how much the amount ofbreplies in this thread are just making stuff up about me in order to try to attack a straw man. A straw man which, if we're being honest, isn't really even valid to attack in the first place - out of shape, low t, self destructive, none of which apply to me. If the right wing actually made valid points maybe I would sympathize, but desu it's just a cancerous, particularist belief that excludes people for no good reason.

>> No.21943205

Don't care what science or philosophy says regarding trannies. They're insufferable moralfags who want to make me kowtow to their faggot moralfag ideology. They're like a secular inversion of tradcaths. I hate you and always will. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.21943224
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Now that's what I call a completely self imposed problem.

>> No.21943232

Don't care

>> No.21943295

>Normality is completely made up
The kind of normality I’m referring to is made up by nature and long before humans or even mammals evolved.
Sex is a natural construct that just happened in nature. This bothers your brittle mind, so you’re making shit up right here to bother me.
>biologists will tell you that… largely….
Except no. Intersexual people are genetic dead ends that do not make up a third sex, but a deformity. Hard facts.
>making stuff up about me
I don’t know you. I hope you get well soon, because a lot of this shit you’re spewing is nonsense.
>the right
I am a materialist leftist.

>> No.21943306

>aaaaiiieeeeeee is that an advanced global economy I need to geld my children for moloch
I can't believe I incarnated in the tranny industrial complex timeline. I just fucking can't

>> No.21943311
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Sex is a social construct because nature is a social construct. Read about Zizek on how nature doesn't exist. I'm also not talking about intersex people, but all humans. I'm actually materially very well off, I put a lot of expenses into my hobbies, get great grades, have a wonderful, loving, queer partner, and I'd gladly embrace the eternal recurrence, like Nietzsche would advocate.

>> No.21943489

Me too brother, it's insane. Luckily outside of their internet and college containment zones, non-schizo people hardly ever take notice of them and if they do, it's with cold derision.

>> No.21943513

All language is a social construct, the things its trying to reference not necessarily. Sexuality in physical reality is in fact a thing that exists and has other necessary implications for the rest of physical reality that exist and affect you like everyone else, no matter how much you delude yourself or play language games like your favorite autists. Try reproducing or having a healthy body into old age while being pumped full of unnaturally high external doses of hormones and see whether your self serving, solipsistic redefinitions actually apply to the outside of your decrepit mind.

>> No.21943524
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>> No.21943541

>Read about Zizek on how nature doesn't exist. I'm also not talking about intersex people, but all humans. I'm actually materially very well off, I put a lot o
You’re nuts.

>> No.21943578

>read zizek on how nature doesnt exist
You must be the most retarded anon I have ever encountered. Do you even apprehend what the ontological status of existence signifies? The uglytard named Zizek is merely attempting to negate certain implications of such status which are associated with human conceptualisation.

>> No.21943667

> It is not that I destroy all my own ideas, but I recognize them as my own
Your ideas are not “your own”, they are influenced by an almost infinite amount of different externalities, many so subtle you are not aware of them. Even the language you use to structure your thoughts is foreign to you. This leftist notion of a self completely unmoored from any kind higher structure is a complete fantasy.

>> No.21943793
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I'm not personally on horomones, but I know people are much happier on them, and the vast majority don't detransition.
Humans are a spook.
So where is this intersubjective spirit over and above us? In your mind, with unicorns and dragons.

All this talk of the healthy subject makes me want to read more Lacan ;p

>> No.21943860
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>I know people are much happier on drugs
That just means they’re not happy.

>humans are a spook
You can’t have it both ways. Happy is a spook. Drugs are physical crutches for someone denying the physical reality of their body, whatever you want to call them. “Human” is just a word for the body you and he hate so much

>> No.21943907
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So there's a form of the body? Okay Plato. Also, yeah, people are happier on drugs. That's what healthcare is for. That's what it's like in a modern nation.