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21859961 No.21859961 [Reply] [Original]

Dark Fantasy Edition

Previous thread: >>21852410

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.21859985

first for sneed

>> No.21859987
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How would you go about adapting this into a streaming show?
I’ve tried a few times but I haven’t had much for good answers

>> No.21859992
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Bakker is King.

Simple as.

>> No.21860017

Because it shouldn't/can't get adapted.

>> No.21860039

>Once again it was the pure thunder of the charge. The strange camaraderie of men bent to a single, fatal purpose. Hummocks, scrub, and the bones of the Vulgar Holy War’s dead rushed beneath. The wind bled through chain links, tousled Thunyeri braids and Tydonni crests. Bright banners slapped against the sky. The heathen, wicked and foul, drew closer, ever closer. One last storm of arrows, these ones almost horizontal to the ground, punching against shield and armour. Some were struck from their saddles. Tongue tips were bitten off in the concussion of the fall. The unhorsed arched across the turf, screamed and swatted at the sky. Wounded mounts danced in frothing circles nearby. The rest thundered on, over grasses, through patches of blooming milkwort waving in the wind. They couched their lances, twenty thousand men draped in great mail hauberks over thick felt, with coifs across their faces and helms that swept down to their cheeks, riding chargers caparisoned in mail or iron plates. The fear dissolved into drunken speed, into the momentum, became so mingled with exhilaration as to be indistinguishable from it. They were addicted to the charge, the Men of the Tusk. Everything focused into the glittering tip of a lance. The target nearer, nearer … The rumble of hooves and drums drowned their kinsmen’s song. They crashed through a thin screen of sumac …Saw eyes whiten in sudden terror. Then impact. The jarring splinter of wood as lances speared through shield, through armour. Suddenly the ground became still and solid beneath them, and the air rang with wails and shouts. Hands drew sword and axe. Everywhere figures grappled and hacked. Horses reared. Blades pitched blood into the sky. And the Kianene fell, undone by their ferocity, crumpling beneath northern hands, dying beneath pale faces and merciless blue eyes.The heathen recoiled from the slaughter—and fled

>> No.21860091

Don't even try to adapt that. It's both incredibly dated (intelligent life on mars for example) and too cerebral. There's also the entire last section on how to start your own religion-based sex cult.

>> No.21860106

Would Conan count as Dark Fantasy?

>> No.21860123

>There's also the entire last section on how to start your own religion-based sex cult.
Heinlein was too based for his own good.
That soul crushing feel when no intergalactic queen milf gf to treat you like a boy toy.

>> No.21860131

The free love sex cult that is STRICTLY HETEROSEXUAL. So you know, free love, but not THAT free, come on.

>> No.21860134
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What actually IS Dark Fantasy? I have vague notion of grim worlds, powers that demand sacrifice from the users or bitter stories, yet when I think of obvious examples I draw a blank. Of course, Abercrombie is go-to Dark Fantasy these days, but his works were always somewhat...lacking in my eyes.

Is there a proper Dark Fantasy book or series that I could read?

Now that I think of it, Worm should be a good example of Dark Fantasy, but as it's a superhero webnovel it doesn't quite fit the mold. Quite grim, though.

>> No.21860200

Traditionally, dark fantasy is supposed to mean fantasy with an element of horror. The most prominent examples aren't even conventional medieval high fantasy- Dracula, the Mummy, stories about witchcraft, eldritch horror and so on. Nowadays I guess it's just "edgy high fantasy" with graphic sexual violence and foul language.

>> No.21860231

>Abercrombie is go-to Dark Fantasy
Abercrombie is Grimdark
Grimdark =/= Dark Fantasy

>> No.21860235

The grimblesnatchers of the holy dead destroyed the army of king malionarik the fifteenth?!?! Zomg!!!

>> No.21860254
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>The unhorsed arched across the turf, screamed and swatted at the sky.

>> No.21860289


>> No.21860364

"Grimdark" used to be dark fantasy / science-fantasy a la WH40K, before Abercrombie fans started using it to describe the fantasy version of revisionist westerns.

>> No.21860375

I'm trying to read Gideon the Ninth at the moment but I find the authors writing style hard to read for some reason. The words just don't seem to flow and 8 can't get a feel for it.

>> No.21860391

The author is very much experimental with her writing, and it shows sometimes. Sometimes it works out well and you get good stuff that flows well, other times it's very weirdly dense to trudge through. You can tell she wrote Homestuck fanfic before this. I actually didn't like Gideon the Ninth all that much, because it's... Sort of a book about a protagonist who's just fundamentally doing absolutely nothing until the climax while a whodunnit plays out around her.

>> No.21860400

Technically it is Sword and Socery but I'd say it can be classed as dark fantasy seen as it is pretty much the same thing.

>> No.21860413

This is my second time trying to read it, might give it another chapter before deciding whether to drop it or not. I will most likley drop it though, the story and setting are interesting but if the writting holds it back I can't be bothered. Would rather read a book where the words flow and I can get a good feel for it.

>> No.21860416

Yeah, I pushed through reading Gideon and tried to read Harrow and that awkward writing style mixed with Harrow being a second-person narration (for some reason) just... I dunno, I couldn't be bothered to keep on reading.

>> No.21860429

Recommended me a dark fantasy book that is set in a world that is dominated by evil. One where there are powerful demons, witches, dark magic, evil gods and all kinds of evil creatures. Where the forces of good are almost defeated with a few left fighting against the evil forces.

Basically LoTR but a R18 version.

>> No.21860449

>I'm trying to read Gideon the Ninth at the moment but I find the authors writing style hard to read for some reason. The words just don't seem to flow and 8 can't get a feel for it.
I think the author was big in to fanfic and kept lots of those qualities in her own work.
I agree, but that's very much a feature of gothic novels.

>> No.21860555
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The Rise of Endymion, The Hyperion Cantos #4 - Dan Simmons (1997)

The Rise of Endymion was an awe-inspiring mess. On a page by page basis I was unimpressed until near the climax, but as a whole it was awesome if you allow it to be by ignoring all its problems. As I wrote about the previous book it feels much more like a foundational work of religion and history. This one commits to that concept, for better and worse. This was figuratively the Second Coming. Heresies abounded, especially of the Christian variety, one of which being the secret nature of Jesus Christ was revealed and what that meant for the latter day Messiah known as The One Who Teaches, let alone the theological foundations of Christianity.

I had severe doubts about this book due to the previous one, but by the end of the book Aenea provided a lot of emotionally resonant fulfillment. Raul, the protagonist, continued to be serviceable in his role at best, and from what I've seen, he's a primary problem for a lot of people due to the nature of his relationship with Aenea. I don't think the protagonist has to be the most important character, but he is an outlier in terms of subordination. Aside from that there's so else much that can go so wrong and so right depending on the reader. For me there were a few great moments. What you may need more than anything else to enjoy this book is belief that accepts it for what it isn't rather than what isn't.

There were a lot of times where I felt that Simmons changed his mind about really mattered or how things were because he decided the story was meant to go a different way. He had to "choose again" as it were. Much of plot and most of its threads are either summarily resolved or left unresolved, because the book's defining act overwhelms all else. The vast majority of the book is once again journeying, the significance of which is both sentimental and practical. Again I must emphasize that I think the structure of this duology is unsuitable as a work of entertainment, though excellent for a personal account of a disciple loved by a messiah.

There's a lot that pushes into the fantastical, especially the implications of the ending. There's a scene that has metaphorical angels with wings of light that can extend up to hundreds of kilometers, which is described in technological terms. It's also the case that apparently sufficiently advanced empathy is indistinguishable from miracles or magic, though its given a theoretical scientific basis that is audacious. The societal implications are greater than the Farcasters were.

Reading this was definitely worthwhile and despite all my problems, I would gladly read more novels in this setting, but Simmons swore to never write another novel, though it's continued with a novelette. I'm unable to recommend this without reservations. I do recommend reading both if you read Endymion though, because it's meant to be one book.

Rating: 3/5

>> No.21860615

>mad that the schizo sex cult isn’t up to your current standards
Homos are a weird people

>> No.21860623
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>Banks says he conceived the Culture in the 1960s, and that it is a combination of wish fulfilment and a reaction against the predominantly right-wing science fiction produced in the United States
I'm still trying to figure out what on earth he meant by this. What Americans were writing major right-wing sci fi in the 60s? Star Trek is also a post-scarcity utopian universe, Dune is an eastern spiritualist critical of personality cults, Ray Bradbury wrote about how technology was dangerous, and Hollywood was pumping out forgettable b-movies about aliens that were thematically empty. So what other American Sci Fi was he so bothered by? Fucking Flowers for Algernon?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21860642

Sci-fi then was either pseudo-conservative nor ur schlock, liberal Utopianism, or hippie schizoshit. Banks was a retarded theorycel, so of course he blamed fascism for there being no autistic idealistic communist sci-fi.

>> No.21860675

He's British.

>> No.21860690

Scifi was the opposite of right-wing in the 60s, most of the New Wave writers were literal hippies (that's why it was based)

>> No.21860698

He was born in 1954. Seems suspect.

>> No.21860709

your """reviews""" are SHIT

>> No.21860727
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>> No.21860747

>can't name a single american sci-fi writer

>> No.21860777

>I'm trying to read Gideon the Ninth at the moment but I find the authors writing style hard to read for some reason.
Found ur problem:
>her writing

>> No.21860782

Conan is Sword & Sorcery and S&S is Heroic Fantasy + Horror so yes.

>> No.21860786

>mfw mistborn 2 book 4 goes straight to nuclear arms race and alien spies

>> No.21860799

I love reviews that are essentially "retard's stream-of-consciousness feelings from reading". You could chop out about 250 words from your review and lose absolutely nothing.

>> No.21860806
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>> No.21860840

>that's very much a feature of gothic novels.
implying the author of shiteon the ninth has ever read a gothic novel

>> No.21860843

Guys, I don't get the point of The Last Question by Isaac Asimov. Pls explain. What is the answer to the problem of reversing entropy?

>> No.21860845
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>retard's stream-of-consciousness feelings from reading

>> No.21860849

abercrombie isn't dark fantasy
dark fantasy is fantasy with dark themes and/or elemnts of horror
think solomon kane, elric of melnibone, KEW's kane who is the quintissential dark fantasy character

>> No.21860864

That's a fair assessment.

>> No.21860869

She claims that Gormenghast was a major inspiration.

>> No.21860878

Gormenghast isn't gothic
It has gothic elements, but it isn't a gothic novel
As I said, the author of shiteon the ninth has never read a gothic novel. 99% of people who use the term gothic have never read a gothic novel

>> No.21860951

Just going to shill this a bit, boys.

Magellan: The Adventures of a Star Seeker
And its sequel.
And the third book, which I am writing now.

/lit/ is a slow board, so I'm going to shill this a bit.

Our sun is a recurrent nova. It goes nova every 12k years. The last one was teh Younger Dryas event. The next one will be sometime around 2045. Before that, a carrington event type of solar flare will destroy the grid, ending the present age of Earth.

Magellan is set over a thousand years in the future. It is about a star seeker, which is just a pilot that finds new worlds for humanity to colonize.
Humanity is a trillion human lives spread across ten thousand worlds. More are found every week, though the number of seekers is kept low by the Imperium.
The story is told against a backdrop of a bolshevik revolution that kills the Emperor and his family. The Galactikos take over the Imperium, but they did not kill all of the Bazos family. The last daughter is still alive and well. Moreover, she believes that spreading her genes is key to her return to the throne. She eventually conceives a son with the star seeker. The story of the Imperium and the civil war is very much in the background. It is not the main focus.

The main focus is just the exploring of worlds, their biology, geology. It deals with a good amount of cosmology with a spotlight on plasma physics. The ship's travel along the Birkeland Currents that connect all planets to their suns to their higher galactic neighborhoods. There is an exploration of the catastrophe of earth and other recurrent nova around the galaxy.

It is a pulp science fiction novel. One chapter was simply meant to be a short story about a project manager arriving to 'break' a new world. THis just means making it fit for human civilization.

Another chapter is all about oil men. Oil is still one of humanity's primary fuel sources. Humanity expands with oil. I like the description of the world and its settings. The planet is a very cold place with unique locations.

>> No.21860980

As we can see from the death of this board, sci fi is not very popular right now.

It appears that men no longer read at all. All the best sellers are women. Their books all have synopsis involving abusive men and a "little bit of romance". This is brutal.

I wrote a book that sparks a new universe. like star trek but I never watched a single episode of star trek. And no aliens in my books.

Like star wars but not ruined. I just wanted to write about fantastic new worlds and the potential of humanity to travel the stars.
There are no blacks or jews in space.
Christianity has survived, but is much changed.
Talmuddic judaism and islam are destroyed in pogroms on the Old Earth after the nova.

Future books will just be more short stories and pulp sci fi. I am thinking of one story inspired by an angry tranny here on /lit/. He was posting to me about Dyson spheres and Dyson swarms. I think I will have a chapter where mankind first goes to a smaller star and attempts to harness its energy with a dyson swarm. Eventually, that sun will become too stifled by the swarm. It will build up pressure and go nova, destroying the swarm and convincing humanity that the dyson sphere is a dumb fucking idea.

>> No.21860996

>Oil is still one of humanity's primary fuel sources
Dude, why even write sci-fi if you're not gonna replace oil with space cocaine or something?

>> No.21861012

>woman appropriating male culture

>> No.21861013

Wondering if anyone can identify a book I can't remember the title of. I must have read it when I was 13 or 14. But its about an orphaned boy who becomes the town's witchdoctor or dentist. And he brutally rips out peoples teeth and tortures them. It was a gothic dark fantasy book with a black cover.

>> No.21861020

Not your blog

>> No.21861041

Because that is absolutely the point, my guy.
There are new space drugs. They find new compounds/hydrocarbons/etc. The ships use advanced tech that is not discussed because that tech does not exist. It is only hinted at as torsion physics like the german Bell.

But oil is mankind's energy source. It is a rebuke of the modern clown era. The people of teh galaxy use nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, and all manner of advanced energy tech, but most of what we need is still just from oil. It is in tens of thousands of products. Just like gold, it is oil that draws mankind to the stars, to new worlds. More than anything, I like the idea of oil as a mainstay of human civilization. To think we will go away from that is just folly. I don't buy it.

>> No.21861048

Do you know what a blog even is, m8?
Read my book. You will enjoy it. You are in a science fiction thread after all. It has mech suits. It has frozen battles in the arctic. It has a man pondering an orb. It has a woman that the men all call 'old eggs.'

>> No.21861087


>> No.21861122

but does it have profound philosophical musings about the nature of man, science and god and their place in the universe
cause i was told good sci-fi has to be all deep and thought-provoking and whatnot

>> No.21861144

Its all about vlogs now bro

>> No.21861174
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Besides Warhammer and Moorcock’s stuff, what are some fantasy settings that do “Order vs Chaos” well? Especially if Chaos isn’t depicted as necessarily “evil” and Order isn’t necessarily “good”.

>> No.21861182

Louise Cooper's Time Master and Indigo Series
Mickey Zucker Reichert's Last of the Renshai

>> No.21861198

Which subgenre of fantasy is the safest from NTR? Sword and sorcery?

>> No.21861232
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Vance's horniest book

>> No.21861235
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No pubes?

>> No.21861270

Not specified. It's a story about a sportball game where there is no ball and the players win by ripping the clothes off the other team's cheerleader. It's implied that the losing cheerleader gets raped if her team can't pay to redeem her dignity, and only virgins can be cheerleaders.

>> No.21861279

Lol wtf

>> No.21861345

post prose you consider good, plebs
until then bakker remains KING

>> No.21861370

Next on my tbr, thanks

>> No.21861438
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>> No.21861480

I read an excellent clark asthon smith short story called "the witchgraft of ulua" and it was immensely satisfying but then immediately gave me nightmare<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21861512
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This is pretty dark...

>> No.21861517

anytime somebody describes something as dark, my immediate question is: any rape? :)

>> No.21861528


>> No.21861592

It's written by a man so i don't think so.

>> No.21861596

Should I read The Black(ed) Company?

>> No.21861600

Do you like 9 year olds getting raped?

>> No.21861620

I just read the first law trilogy and loved all the antiheros protagonists.

Are there any other books with protagonists like this?

I already tried reading dagger and coin but the whole first book felt like a prologue and I dropped it.

>> No.21861636

I'm reading Consider Pleibas now. I like it well enough and plan to read further. What am I in for? I also enjoyed his Feersum Injinn book that I posted about a few threads back.

>> No.21861656
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Sadly none of the characters get blacked.

>> No.21861662

I mean, no but I'll read about it.

A shame.

>> No.21861663

But isn't it implied that some camp followers are getting blacked?

>> No.21861666
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kys that's good prose
just say he has good prose, autist

>> No.21861670

Congratulations on finishing the series. You can't say you weren't warned!

>> No.21861873

Please respond.

>> No.21861881
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Maybe? I can't remember but if you want to see women getting blackd read the Morgase arc in Wheel of Time

>> No.21861891

nta but some black company members are actual blacks so camp followers do get blacked.

>> No.21861907

>no flow
>good prose
Pick one

>> No.21861911

It's fine overall. Most of the "Don't finish the series!" are exaggerations/hyperbole.

>> No.21861920

sounds vague and subjective

>> No.21861933

Everything bakker writes has good flow
It is kino prose
>They jostled before him, now as eager to avoid as to close with him. “Where are your mighty warriors?” Cnaiür screamed. “Show me your mighty warriors!” His limbs fevered by all-conquering hatred, he cut them down, weak and strong alike, fighting like one mad with heartbreak, hacking shields until arms were broken, pounding figures until they stumbled and spouted plumes of blood. The advancing ranks engulfed them, but still Cnaiür and his Utemot killed and killed, until the turf beneath their feet became bloody muck, treacherous with corpses. The Nansur relented, scrambled back several paces, gaping at the Utemot chieftain. Sheathing his broadsword, Cnaiür vaulted the bodies heaped before him. He caught a wounded straggler by the throat, crushed his windpipe. Roaring, he heaved the thrashing man above his head. “I am the reaver!” he cried. “The measure of all men!” He sent the body crashing at their feet. “Is there no cock among you?” He spat, then laughed at their astonished silence. “All cunts, then.” He shook the blood from his mane, raised his broadsword anew. Panicked shouts erupted among the Nansur. Several threw themselves against the men packed behind, mad to escape his deranged aspect. Then rumbling hoofs breached the din of the greater battle, and all heads turned. More Utemot horsemen exploded into their midst, impaling some Nansur on long lances, trampling others. There was a brief moment of pitched melee, and Cnaiür hammered down two more, his sword now blunted to an edged iron pipe. Then the men of the Nasueret Column were fleeing, casting away weapons and shields as they ran. Cnaiür and his kinsmen found themselves alone, chests heaving, blood streaming from unstaunched wounds. “Ayaaah!” they cried as cohort after wild cohort galloped by them. “War and worship!”

>> No.21861938

This is the same guy who would spam the "honey of unwashed anuses" meme a couple months back. The dude has been totally buck broken by Bakkerchads. To cope he tries to make the thread upset by posting the same poorly formatted blocks of text all the time. Talk about being booty-blasted.

>> No.21861944

>honey of unwashed anuses
female I hope

>> No.21861956

Why didn't anything happen today.

>> No.21861961


>> No.21861969
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Sequel to bastion just came out today anyone read it yet?

I see that he once again went for the edgy oc donut steel shadow the hedgehog theme for the cover

>> No.21861973

Oh now I see it. Bots. How different from all the other days.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21861974
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>"honey of unwashed anuses"
Uuuhh hot?

>> No.21862008
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>> No.21862025

Thanks you chat-gpt, Very Cool!

>> No.21862046

Haven't read it yet but I probably will, and how much I enjoy that will determine if I actually care about the series going forward. Bastion was... Not great, but intriguing enough for where the sequel would go that I felt like I should try. But we'll see.

>> No.21862064

How does it compare to Chronicles of the Black Gate?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21862069

God i hope so, because if those posts are made by an actual bakkerfag then its fucking over

Its not
For example, in >>21861933 you cant go two sentences without the prose coming to a jarring hault to reorient itself into yet another thema. Its art for arts sake, and actively fights itself.

>> No.21862075

I just stick to the thousands of SF books already written

>> No.21862080

>intelligent life on mars
very easily got around with the guy having visions of the past or maybe an old AI reawakened. Or maybe the guy is a phony, in the book nothing he said was proven, that's kind of part of it, it was taken on faith and just enjoyed instead of scrutinized

>> No.21862100

>nothing he said was proven
What are you talking about? He was found on Mars by a new expedition and sent back to Earth by the Martians (which the humans met).<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21862123

Yeah I know that but there were no traces of the aliens when they found him, he was like a weird schizo. Either way, very easy to overcome.

I think the hard part is the fact that we're already way more liberal than the weird cult family was in the book anyway, and if you don't understand the time the book was written (the viewers won't), they won't really understand the significance or even point of it all

>> No.21862263
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>> No.21862320
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.21862331

I will not read your recommendations. good night

>> No.21862341

Thats okay, good night anon.

>> No.21862361

nothing will be as good....
What should i do sffg sisters...?

>> No.21862362

Anyone know where I can get digital copies of Earth Hive, Nightmare Asylum, and the other old Aliens books?

>> No.21862372

>chink shit

>> No.21862377

You should probably saw your own head off.

>> No.21862387

Why not use libgen?

>> No.21862400

What's libgen? Am not smart. I want to read book to get smart. Start with Aliums cause fun

>> No.21862401

>you cant go two sentences without the prose coming to a jarring hault to reorient itself into yet another thema
I'm willing to concede that it might not have 'flow' as I understand it, especially formatted as an unbroken wall of text
not having 'flow' is perfectly suited to the description of a chaotic battlefield, especially for conditions 'on-the-ground'
A calmer, more structured description of the ground-level fighting would have been objectively worse

>Its art for arts sake
isn't that what art is for???

>> No.21862413

>not having 'flow' is perfectly suited to the description of a chaotic battlefield, especially for conditions 'on-the-ground'
>A calmer, more structured description of the ground-level fighting would have been objectively worse
Your standards are so fucked its not even funny. Rationalizing the mangled structure of the prose doesnt make it good prose, it just makes it an impressive exercise in fart huffing.

>isn't that what art is for???
I see, so bakker belongs in modern art galleries? Makes sense...

>> No.21862423

I got to book 3 of Arcane Ascension and I had to drop it. It just got too pozzed. Constant they/them pronouns, EVERY single character is bisexual or gay (that is not a joke, maybe its how the world is built but everybody is at least bisexual), the main (male) character was lusting after old dudes, the female leads had sex with other females (and one even copied the soul to spawn a permanent lesbian summon? lol?)

Please give me a decent litRPG to read to replace this foul taste. Oh and everyone except the MC's is black.

>> No.21862455

>decent litRPG
lol lmao
>book 3 of Arcane Ascension
imagine not dropping this shit on the first book and then complaining it gets too pozzed

>> No.21862458

I really, REALLY gave it a try
and yes I want a litRPG to read, because my Japanese is terrible and I've read all the translated light novels I found interesting and I don't want to send myself back to the Kanji mines just so I can continue to read more

>> No.21862468

Any good light novels you can recommend, I wanted to get into them

>> No.21862474

Anything I list is just going to be the most generic stuff and if I don't know your tastes...I've read loads of isekai. Like, the Konosuba books are genuinely amazing. There's so much out there but truth be told a lot isn't translated or isn't translated well. Literal translations tend to sound terrible so then the teams tend to make adjustments which can really change the tone.
I really like Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash, its a great read and kinda depressing.

>> No.21862487

Thanks I’ll check it out. I don’t really care if it’s generic. I ended up liking a lot of the light novel based anime even if they share a lot of the same tropes

>> No.21862497

Yeah, me too. Enjoy reading.

>> No.21862501
File: 33 KB, 548x309, Capture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any settings out there with really cool takes on elemental magic? What about ones with elements other than the main four?

>> No.21862502

There's a lot translated. The nyaa light novel torrent has most everything that has officially been and it's so much.

>> No.21862505

Sorry, I worded that terribly, I meant for light novels in general. A lot of not-quite mainstream stuff that isn't translated.

>> No.21862514

Golan Trevize in his gravitic ship. Landing on Aurora 20.000 years after civilization fell there. On Solaria where genius androgynes live for about a thousand years in absolute luxury. One would have to go all the way back to The Time Machine to encounter ideas so delightful.

>> No.21862522

> the Konosuba books are genuinely amazing
Would recommend the same, it's really enjoyable especially if you're already somewhat familiar with generic isekai since it's largely a parody of the genre.
> Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash
I was interested in this, but didn't it stop publishing?

>> No.21862523

Grimgar should still be going on I believe. Maybe I should catch up on it properly though, the English translation wasn't that far when I was reading them.

>> No.21862525
File: 1 KB, 274x39, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, just looked up on Wikipedia and it's still coming out. Trying to remember why i didn't give it a read then, it seems really interesting

>> No.21862527

Definitely a pretty decent read. I guess I should start the books over again since its been a while.

>> No.21862537
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> TWI 5.62/Interlude
By this point I am sure that stakes are a myth and that 90% of characters are immune to death. The only real deaths we've had from this moment that has been set up for the better part of two volumes were Garen, Reiss, Headscratcher and two of Shorthilt, Pyrite and Numbtongue., And I am pretty sure one of these last three will come back, most likely Numbtongue.
Despite that, I am still massively enjoying the books, hope we see Ryoka again soon.

>> No.21862555

wat book

>> No.21862564

Just watch the anime. It covers anything covers anything good about it. Becomes an utter mess as far as I'm concerned, especially when they return.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.21862568

The Wandering Inn, one of the webnovels that are repeatedly shilled here

>> No.21862570

oh its a webnovel?
yeek. thanks anyways

>> No.21862595

The one I'm writing

>> No.21862600


>> No.21862603

What do you guys think of Anne MacCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern books?

>> No.21862604
File: 30 KB, 175x300, Leviathan_westerfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good?

>> No.21862606

Menocht Loop but it's complete SHIT.

>> No.21862607

Well I don't want a book that's SHIT
I want one that's MAYBE DECENT
but with NECROMANCERS and ZOMBIES and shlock
a GOYSLOP book

>> No.21862612
File: 11 KB, 259x224, emo anime girl petting cute animal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be the change you want to see in the world

>> No.21862617

please don't reply to me with a trans character, I don't like trans people.

>> No.21862660

"litrpg" is just
copied japanese light novels?

>> No.21862670

The Haunted Lands trilogy by Richard Lee Byers, crazy necrochad villain builds an entire army of all kinds of undead and invades his own country where our protanists are chilling, chaos and goyslop pulp action ensues.

>> No.21862685

that sounds great, i'll check it out

>> No.21862686

Protagonist* lol

>> No.21862687

downloaded it, will read tonight
thanks m8

>> No.21862694

Is The Black Company good or goyslop?

>> No.21862716

Everything is the latter with the right mindset.

>> No.21862728

good goyslop

>> No.21862747

It's boomerkino

>> No.21862774
File: 906 KB, 634x810, cool pharaoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all right lad I'll check it out

>> No.21863121
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I liked them when I was younger. I recently reread Dragonflight and didn't continue with that series. But I also reread Dragonsong and liked it enough to reread Dragonsinger which I liked a lot

>> No.21863208
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It is unofortunately true that significant characters die very, very infrequently, but it's par of the course of the epic story being told. You can't really have major characters dying at the start of their journey.
Still annoying, though.

>> No.21863228

>You can't really have major characters dying at the start of their journey.
But what if tho

>> No.21863240

It's not horrible, it just drags on for far too long.

>> No.21863260
File: 33 KB, 274x475, The year of rogue dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Forgotten Realms anons, sell me on this. Supposedly it's decent and I want to read a novel full of dragons for one.

>> No.21863277
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Best popcorn fantasy out. I read them all the time while high

>> No.21863293
File: 452 KB, 1707x2560, Dissonance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Title: Dissonance (Unbound #1)
Author: Nicoli Gonnella

Felix leads a life full of small appartments, dead-end jobs and ruined relationships. Almost past his youth, things don't look shiny for him. Then, one day he gets invited by his rich former friends on a party that ends with him getting in a brawl and falling half-death into the ocean. Expect at that moment a strange lightning snatches Felix and transports him onto another world, to a place called the Continent.

Alone, almost devoured by a giant octopus at the start, traversing hostile jungle full of giant insects and dangerous monsters, Felix will have to familiarize himself with the strange System, Skills, Titles and figure out where the hell is he and what should he do now. Little does he know his arrival wasn't unnoticed.

I read the book a few days ago and have been thinking how to approach this review, with little success. The book is popular, and after reading it's obvious why - it's well-written, obviously planned and coherent story that hits all the right tones and cliches of the genre with few actual flaws. It's hellishly long as well, being the size of three normal LitRPG books. It wouldn't be surprising if not for the fact this ISN'T a Webnovel but an actual book, start to finish intended for publishing.

The story is gripping, especially in the later parts, the progression numbery and dopamine-inducing, characters aren't bad and while not captivating they are more than just cardboards to support the protagonist...which leads to the story's major problem. The story at some points starts involving other characters and it wouldn't be a problem if the author didn't push them HARD into the reader's face. This would end in tragedy if the writing was worse, but as it is it's just annoying.
The book is already bloated enough, at some point you jus HAVE to skim some sections. Dissonance would majorly benefit from a ruthless editor taking a scalpel to the draft.

Aside of that, we have the classic flaws of plot armor, quickly acquired Skills and Titles that need the protagonsit to only sneeze to get them...Par of the course for the genre, but not written in a really off-puting way. Well, most consider these positive traits for power-fantasy stories, but the experience tells me it can be done better.

If there's one thing Dissonance does really well is the story structure. It's one coherent story of a clueless man stumbling through the forgotten jungle in a unpopulated part of the world while searching through ancient ruins of a long-gone civilization facing extreme adversity and growth all the while. It works, especially the ending that pins it all together into a solid experience.

Hard to judge, but eventually, after looking at the rest of the genre I decided it deserves a rating higher that other. It's simply a great progression fantasy/litrpg experience.


>> No.21863310

How the fuck do you pronounce this?

>> No.21863317
File: 418 KB, 1707x2560, Silence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Title: Silence (Unbound #2)
Author: Nicoli Gonnella

After the events of the first book, Felix finds himself stranded in the Void, haunted by the soul of the ancient Maw, accompanied only by his pet companion Pit. Void is legendary unescapable, but Felix has little choice but to try anyway - every second of being there destroys his soul.

One could think writing a sequel is reasonably an easy endeavour. All the rules has been set, the character are there, the setting is already described. All you have to do is continue the story in the same way and build on the foundation laid in the first book. The author shatters those expectations by delivering one of the most disappointing sequels imaginable.

Imagine you write Progression Fantasy/LitRPG book. One that focuses on the protagonist's progression in power. What would be the worst decision you can make? Putting him for an entire book in a place that he explicitly cannot progress in, in some minor ways at most. Then don't have the protagonist find a way to progress anyway, just play this straight and have him spent an entire book standing almost at standstill.

Stupid? You bet. We can do worse still. Now take some minor characters from the first book and make half the book about them. Too bad they only worked as a support for the protagonist's story and dreadful to read about, especially because their story has little to no connection to the protagonist's.

I'm genuinely confused what the author tried to do with this book. There's some decent story-telling in it and good fight scenes, but this isn't a desired follow-up to the great first book. I skimmed around 1/3 of it because I was utterly disinterested in other characters. I genuinely don't give a shit about them and the author's insistence that I should annoys me terribly. It's just fucking filler.
Did I mention the book is like half the size of the first one? Yeah, it's still full of filler. Unbelievable.

The book has some good moments, but overall, it's a great disappointment.

At this moment I'm reading the third book after I read the ratings for the rest of the series, apparently the series goes back on track after the second book...which is nice, as I sincerely believe the author is a good writer. We'll see how it works out, though.


>> No.21863364

It's been a long time since I read the books but IIRC it's said "Nay-Or". I know Bakker puts a guide in the newer editions on how to say the batshit names

>> No.21863367

Its Nay-yur

>> No.21863370

Like clothes but eith an aiür

>> No.21863385
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>> No.21863407

Culture fucking sucks desu.

>> No.21863443

What fantasy book has the best prose? No attempt at bakkerspamming; this is a genuine question.

>> No.21863451

I've only just started Titus Groan and I feel humbled every other page.

>> No.21863474

Book of the New Sun

>> No.21863495

I love King of Elfland's Daughter/Dunsany, personally. But >>21863451 is also excellent (along with book 2 and the novella Boy in Darkness). Clark Ashton Smith's stuff is also up there, along with some Poul Anderson's. Some older fantasy verse is also worth reading if you want lovely prose (faerie queene/goblin market)

>> No.21863502

time to start writing your own work

>> No.21863529


>> No.21863542

Yeah, that's about my thoughts on Unbound too. Competent, clearly-written, not too many glaring flaws, but not overly great either. Honestly my main issue is how nothing Felix is as a character. He's not a complete empty shell but he's very 'basic dude'. Though... Yeah, book 2 is a filler arc and I have no idea how the author thought that was a good idea for the immediate follow-up to book 1. It at least keeps forward momentum pretty good afterwards, but I don't think it ever gets particularly BETTER than Dissonance.

>> No.21863550

I'm a male science fiction reader and was lurking in here. Figured I'd help contribute to the conversation.
The primary cause of waning popularity is lack of good authors and novels. The sci fi genre has been turned into tv series bait (at best) and
I can't name a decent SF book which was written in the last 20-25 years.
Back when scientific and industrial progress was our biggest goal in the west, we loved our visionary academics such as Asimov. Now the west seems to have reached a point where everyone has what they want already and no one is striving for anything more.
We're in need of new visionary authors, but our current academic system is not generating these kinds of people. The kind of person that ends up on the 'graduated' side of University is not an individualist and is not capable of producing any visionary thought.

>> No.21863551
File: 69 KB, 621x1000, 810FJaQ-QRL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has sffg read it? What are your thoughts on the pendragon cycle?

>> No.21863586
File: 291 KB, 1225x900, Jaded Sell-Sword by Randy Vargas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly my main issue is how nothing Felix is as a character. He's not a complete empty shell but he's very 'basic dude'.
I think it's a bit better and worse than that. Felix expresses the same sentiment of 'I reject power for the power's sake, I'm not a 'good' guy but I help people anyway, I do the right thing even when it's dumb.' On the face of it it's not bad characterization, but it's a go-to characterization of authors that are competent enough to write characters but to basic to write something else. I've seen dozens of Felixes, it doesn't move me at all. It works as a story, though.

It reminds me why I prefer to read anti-heroes or villainous protagonist in fiction, 'bad' protagonists are most of the time bad in their own way, good protagonists are dime a dozen and same-y. I want to read about something interesting for fuck's sake. Give me some conflict that is complementary to the character's personality and in conjunction creates a better story.

Not that some 'grey morality' protagonist archetypes weren't run into the ground, but I kinda miss those times.

>> No.21863603

It is sort of just the "default good guy" archetype. Heroes can be interesting, just a lot of people don't put the effort into doing so. I don't think morally grey ones are inherently more interesting, there's an awful lot of "default" in those too. But if I were to compare to, say, Carl from Dungeon Crawler Carl, Carl is a MUCH more coherent and interesting character who's still largely heroic (with some dubious actions) because we see the root core of why he's compelled to take action (rage at injustice and inequality) and we see that root develop and grow into his whole deal. Felix, meanwhile, just kind of arrives as a bumbling dude and basically maintains that. The most he develops is he gets a bit more confident.
Unbound's other characters are a little better, even if they're pretty simply cut from an archetypical cloth. Also, those minor characters are, well, the supporting cast going forward, so you probably SHOULD get used to them.

>> No.21863671

I've started reading this and already I'll say it seems to be good on the character dynamic front. The majority of the character stuff in the first book was Scorio and Naomi which wasn't bad, but it was very one-note. Now that there's a group of 7 to work with and their various dynamics, it's a lot more entertaining... The Scorio/Jova dynamic picks up quick and I'm enjoying it so far.
Also holy shit I forgot how much Phil Tucker clearly writes with a thesaurus (who would ever think to use the word 'truculent').
Scorio continues to go completely without description, which amuses me.

>> No.21863700

The main problem with fantasy these days, or rather since the goddamn 1960s, is that most writers have no familiarity with myths, folklore, religion, or history. Or if they do, then they hold them in contempt due to the influence of the Countercultural movement in the 60s and postmodernism.

They simply CANNOT even simulate that same romanticism and nostalgia for the dreams of the past that powered the fantasy genre's greats.

They can now just create a very shallow surface level copy of the genre. They have the castles and dragons and magic, but there's no real fantasy in it. Now the best fantasy writers are people like Pratchett who only write to mock and pillory the genre for being outdated.

And because old/traditional = evil for modern writers, that means they hate the genre too much to even want to do better.

>> No.21863738

Your opinion on rothfus?

>> No.21863743

Basically, fantasy today is derivative of a derivative.

>> No.21863750

What about Lovecraftian Cthullus? The genre and its elements are being ran down by the authors, I see it at every step. It's a very recent thing.

>> No.21863774

Nothing. Haven't read him since I heard his books aren't finished yet.

What Lovecraft wrote was a genre of its own, more analogous to scifi than to fantasy.

>> No.21863790

>myths, folklore, religion, or history
When I asked /sffg/ for recommended readings of that sort they told me to just create my own shit.

>> No.21863796
File: 562 KB, 600x941, The_Worm_Ouroboros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Corinius's sword leaped half naked from the scabbard, and he made a stride toward Corsus and his sons. "Give me the king's name when ye speak to me," he said, scowling upon them. "You sons of Corsus are not men to make me a stalk to catch birds with or to serve your own turn. And thou," he said, looking fiercely on Corsus, "wert best go meekly, and not bandy words with me. Thou fool! think'st thou I am Gallandus come again? Thou that didt murther him shalt not murther me. Or think'st I delivered thee out of the toils thine own folly and thrawart ways had bound thee in, only to suffer thee lord it again here and cast all amiss again by the unquietness of thy malice? Here is the guard to bring you down to the ship. And well it is for thee if I slash not off thy head."

>> No.21863804

Try wikipedia to get sources. That or ask around on social media, there's always some overqualified history grad who wants to make SOME use of his degree.

4chan is literally the worst place to ask about this stuff.

>> No.21863811

your """reviews""" are SHIT

>> No.21863819

>Nothing. Haven't read him since I heard his books aren't finished yet.
At this point its a finished series, treat it like the author died. Anyways, folklore is a really big part of the story. So you might like that. If yoy can ignore rothfus dragging his fat sweaty balls across the page every once in a while...

>> No.21863823

>If yoy can ignore rothfus dragging his fat sweaty balls across the page every once in a while...

....that sounds disgusting and ominous. What does he do?

>> No.21863824


>> No.21863828

>current year
>giving 3 shits about some faggot who wrote two books over a decade ago
normalfags b gone
*sprays you with ubik*

>> No.21863835
File: 46 KB, 700x224, Space Monke WarTeaserSmallres.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have YOU ever wanted to be in command of a space empire in a developing Space-Opera setting?

Come and join Space Monke Quest today- a 4chan original. Manage a dictatorship free from the moral baggage of the normals with funny drawings and occasional sex. Currently- fighting a war against space capitalists.


>> No.21863845

This review has many typos and other small errors that could've been fixed through proofreading. Other than that though it does well enough.

>> No.21863863

Every once in a while he'll let his own bullshit bleed through the page, and it becomes painfully obvious that the story has momentarily taken a back seat to his explanation for why
>its okay for these people to be sluts bro they dont get stds!
And other various mind numbing rothisms

You could actually edit it all out and it wouldnt change anything, annoying as hell.

>> No.21863865

I give him 2 shits, and only because ive just recently finished reading them.
Left em burning on his doorstep.

>> No.21863878

Why is sci and fantasy always categorized together in every medium?
There is as much crossover between fans of the two as there is for SciFI and self-help books. Why don't we have a SciFISelfHelp general?

>> No.21863917

>>its okay for these people to be sluts bro they dont get stds!
I can never tolerate casual sex in Fantasy. It feels dirty. Like putting porn in children's shows.

>> No.21863932

nice time to read
the epub copy I downloaded of the first book has atrocious spelling and grammatical errors

>> No.21863934

didn't read
didn't care
go back to r*ddit, you clearly need the attention

>> No.21863962

7.5 for that trash book, no wonder your reviews are shit

>> No.21863978
File: 38 KB, 331x500, 51uKRwHjtaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What book has the slowest buiildup? I'm on 142 of this and it's starting up

>> No.21863981

I know, should have pasted it into word before posting to catch the typos. Still trying to figure out how to use english properly.

>> No.21864001

>Dark fantasy edition
Perfect. I am about halfway through "Empire of the Vampire" by Jay Kristoff. The cover is full of edgy drawings of lions, wolves and angels. The story does justice to it, by being as edgy as humanly possible.
The setting is a pseudo medieval Europe, mostly pseudo France. A mysterious haze covers the sky, darkening the land enough that all sorts of vampires and other unsavory things of the night can come out of hiding. The protagonist is a kind of Witcher ripoff, a warrior with strange powers, raised by the edgy brotherhood of religious fanatic vampire hunters. He tells his story to a vampire historian after being captured, pausing every couple paragraphs to exchange insults with him.
If you're looking for "dark fantasy" this book has it all: literal dark ages; latin and french words randomly used in conversation; edgy spin on Christianity; gruff, potty mouthed protagonist; abundance of violence and sexual innuendo; tattooing angels with silver on your chest and smoking dried vampire blood with a crack pipe. And of course, blood everywhere.
I'm not sure whether the author intends the reader to take the story seriously, but I'm having a blast reading it because it's so over the top.

>> No.21864114

Any books you know that aren't Fantasy, but should have been? Like, it would enhance the story?

>> No.21864149

I like Anno Dracula, but I don't like the other books in the same setting, so I'm basically now looking for fantasy books where vampires become a part of society - not necessarily accepted or whatever, but still there.

>> No.21864169
File: 154 KB, 1447x753, 02042023121604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to get into Malazan this month and see if I like it.

>> No.21864172

Just read it, it's a Forgotten Realms novel. I've never come across one of those that can't be comfortably finished in a weekend. They're rarely even bad, the worst they get is okay and samey.

>> No.21864186
File: 58 KB, 700x700, a3497497735_65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommendations for books that heavily feature gargoyles? Can be as a race, monsters, anything really. I'll even take obscure web novels. I recently watched the cartoon and it's made me curious if anything else has taken the concept and ran with it. Seems like an interesting blank slate since they don't really have a mythological basis but are so ubiquitous due to their architectural use.

>> No.21864209

I recently finished listening to the First Law series and really enjoyed it. Are there any series that have consistently good audiobook adaptations?

>> No.21864233

>Are there any series that have consistently good audiobook adaptations?
Lord of the Rings by Phil Dragash

>> No.21864235

Wanderin Inn

>> No.21864248

Thats fair

>> No.21864252

Wait... thats not the same person is it?

>> No.21864262

Which chapters? I am nowhere near curious enough to read that entire behemoth.

>> No.21864266

>What reading Malazan does to a nigga

>> No.21864272

Chapters 24 and 69

>> No.21864293

Doesn't seem prominent enough to be worth mentioning.

>> No.21864296
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x2716, TWI The Gargoyles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21864474
File: 54 KB, 544x680, cleric girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any series with cute cleric girls?

>> No.21864487

What COVID does to a motherfucker.

>> No.21864515

I liked it, but I also read it when I was 15 or 16. I think its mostly accurate to events in the Ottoman empire, despite the setting. I would read it again, but I don't know how it would hold up now that I am in my mid-twenties

>> No.21864538

>using old fashioned words makes the prose good
Thats literally just dialogue

>> No.21864553

I gave up when the daughter is looking out the window all pissed. The fucker tells us the same story but from a different perspective, just get on with it.

>> No.21864563

amulet of samarkand

>> No.21864567

he got married and "ran" for public office

>> No.21864571

In just 2 years he became wil wheaton.

>> No.21864622
File: 537 KB, 1200x630, 68320199._SR1200,630_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did Sanderson write a isekai book now? Is it litrpg?

>> No.21864862
File: 443 KB, 1500x811, MST3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dragonbone Chair is the tantric sex of fantasy.

>> No.21864892

Well, that's another race I should add to my setting made for stories about dragons I'm writing.

>> No.21865118

I don't know what that means.

>> No.21865186

the last book of Would You Love a Moster Girl? features a gargoyle chick

>> No.21865256

>Showing feet
Impious temptress

>> No.21865260

Anon confirmed in the previous thread that this contains NTR so enjoy.

>> No.21865265

Feetfags should be hanged.
You already polluted my porn cause girls are giving feetjobs nowadays. I want to see ass and pussy rammed, not feet.

>> No.21865278

They're a part of the female body and if you don't like them you are literally gay.

>> No.21865302

Not that anon, but I hate footfags so much it's unreal.

>> No.21865306

I see you are an ableist. If your girl is disabled and her feet had to be amputated, you're saying she is not a real woman.

>> No.21865313

>t. gay
She's still a woman, but she's missing a part of her body that I like. A woman getting her breasts amputated due to breast cancer isn't less of a woman, but I don't like that they aren't there.

>> No.21865320

But I like booba and bagina.

>> No.21865340

>Girls' hands, ew dude, I don't want to see those in porn okay???
This is basically you

>> No.21865444
File: 400 KB, 1536x2048, 20230402_175421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy annoys me

>> No.21865452

Has tattoos in place of personality

>> No.21865459
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Elric in said to be Dark Fantasy, especially in his first stories, Corum too. Well, for what I've read of Moorcock's early-ish sword and sorcery tend to have dark fantasy element (Elric, Corum, Erekose, Hawkmoon). Do you happen to have read Citadel of Fear by Francis Steven (pen name of Gertrude Barrows Bennett)? She's consider a seminal name in dark fantasy genre.

>> No.21865470
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I dont need to know, the other anon is right

>> No.21865510
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Can't really hate him he's only a symptom of a bigger disease, he's the average modern fantasy reader. New good old bad, You know, the ones who believe every book written before 2001 were LotR ripoffs and every writer despite their gender were racist, misogynists and homophobes.
Based footposter

>> No.21865529

you seems like a footfag that know well the shit he is into
can you at least recommend a book that appeal to feet lovers?

>> No.21865531

Robin hobb. Not garbage like Sanderson, and not purple prose like Mielville.

>> No.21865536

Theres nothing to hate really. The guy is like a personification of the YA goodreads section. Too bland to hate.

>> No.21865547

Fantasy has always been derivative. You think the story in your gay nordic and greek poems is original? Your the semitic cock-sucking Bible? KYS.

Fantasy isn't about larping or being stuck in whatever era your are infatuated with.

>> No.21865553

I am a connoisseur of foot fetish porn but I don't know of any literary recommendations to give you, I'm afraid.

>> No.21865555

Pick a John Crowley book, I'd go with Ka because that's him showing off by writing from such a unique perspective.
I feel like he's a good answer for SFF writing that's as good as literary fiction whilst still clearly being genre writing.
Swordspoint is my other answer, it could be a fairly typical fantasy of manners (I think the author was the one who actually named the subgenre lol) but the writing makes it something special, it's obvious from page 1 too.

>> No.21865692
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Pic related. Firekeeper likes being barefoot, sometimes she's forced to wear boots or heels but she always go back to walking on her bare feet. There's no hardcore footjob scene with post-orgasm torture tho, I'm still looking for a fantasy book that has that.

>> No.21865743
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I will, i love NTR

>> No.21865754

Sanderson released a new book? How come I didn't hear no hype, or see it shilled to me in my mailing list?

>> No.21865783

Are you unaware of the 4 secret projects Kickstarter? You're really out of the loop.

>> No.21865828

Read the blurb. sounds like litrpg shit. It's sad, even proper authors (with a publishing house behind them) like Sanderson has given into litrpg.

>> No.21865835

>mom ntr

>> No.21865861

Reads more like A Yankee in King Arthur's Court to me. I'm also doubting you know what litrpg is.

>> No.21865862

Sanderson's literally always been someone who shamelessly chases trends in the hope of commercial success. It's not as if he's abandoned some principle, this is just who he is.

>> No.21865875

>shills hard for amazon because its the politically correct thing to do
>visible frustration as the absolute smell of the steaming shit he's defending increases over time

>> No.21865920

The Dragon Waiting is extremely slow for a stand-alone novel.

>> No.21866023

cosmere tattoos?

>> No.21866028 [DELETED] 
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Fantasy books need more mom ntr

>> No.21866041

Yes, YA fantasy tattoos are trending among zoomers

>> No.21866065

For all of its flaws (the pacing all around felt strange), I love this book.

>> No.21866068

I never use audiobooks unless it's for a reread

>> No.21866095

But that's why there will be a great fantasy to come soon. There will be nowhere else that can capture the reactionary longing of the normal man in today's perverted world. Maybe it's already been written and the quixotic author is still shopping it to tradpubs.

>> No.21866212

>Red Priest
>Supernatural artic lands
>Evil prince/heir
How does GRRM not get called out more for copying this

>> No.21866272

Be warned that the princess is a whore

>> No.21866339


>> No.21866440

Bakker is to lit sffg what fligu gigu, flart, seared bite, Luffy, I baked you a pie, etc., is to gif ylyl.

>> No.21866528


>> No.21866531

Any books with lolis?

>> No.21866557
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Mother of Learning

>> No.21866587

sounds based thanks anon
got any more

>> No.21866661

Is Blake crouch decent or nah

>> No.21866731

gay men characters: >:(
gay women characters: o:)

>> No.21866813

Lesbians aren't real, so any that show up in fiction are either for a fetish or heavy politicization. Sometimes both, they're kinda like Schrödinger's representation.

>> No.21866830
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What am I in for?

>> No.21866855

The little sister?

>> No.21866918

Anything with an engaging story/characters, and I can also COOM to?

>> No.21866927

The King in Yellow is public domain. Why dont novelists make more stories about it? Ive only seen it on tv (True Detective) and videogames (Signalis).

>> No.21866949

have you read it desu? I stopped after the 5th story

>> No.21866958

Not him but I only read the original published stories, repairer of reputations was pretty cool.

>> No.21866959
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>mfw canada IRL

>> No.21866973

Yeah, very hit and miss stories in the original book. But the idea of the cursed play is cool. And the mythology surrounding the Yellow King and Carcosa is a gold mine.

>> No.21866974

Are you the man desperately running towards the suicide booth?

>> No.21866985

>True Detective
From the dusty mesa...
Her looming shadow grows
Hidden in the branches of the poison creosote
She twines her spines up slowly
Towards the boiling sun
And when I touched her skin
My fingers ran with blood

>> No.21866994
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Fuck you, I like Esmenet.

>> No.21867006
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>Reading Mother of Learning and Zorian is a massive moralfag and refuses to kill or even steal really from others while he's in the timeloop
>Straight up kills his innocent real self so he can steal his body at the end of the story
What the hell is with that sudden shift in characterisation?

>> No.21867027

...did you just ignore his entire reasoning he laid out in that moment? He didn't really have good choices in that moment, and he was ever practical. Not to mention, he is genuinely considered ruthless and scary by others, calling him a moralfag is a big miss.

>> No.21867035

>moralfags over killing and stealing
>not a moralfag
NTA but please walk me through this step by step.

>> No.21867042

>I don't know what that means.
It's cuckshit

>> No.21867044

The argument is false. Zorian doesn not balk at killing and stealing, he literally kills dozens of people that just do their job when they steal an airship, loop after loop. I'm unsure how the hell that Anon has come to conclusion Zorian doesn't steal, because he quite literally steals the shit out of everything he reasonably can.

The only thing Zorian doesn't do is going full 'it's just a simulation' and mind-breaking innocent people for knowledge and resources. Literally the only thing he is not going to do, which is why he returned the proffesor's notebook to him. For fuck's sake, he's even hypocritical in it if you remember what he'd done to the Aranea colonies.

>> No.21867050

Okay, thank you. Now I'll patiently wait for the other anon to make his case.

>> No.21867126

The Lost Metal was alright

>> No.21867137

some other anons recommended this also.
I shall read it

it better be edgy like you said

>> No.21867154

Can anyone give me sci-fi books with a Pygmalion style story except with a robot? I'm writing this right now and surely it's been done already, but I want to know if anyone has written it from the same angle.

>> No.21867276
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The only two things that come to mind are The Silver Metal Lover and that episode of Star Trek where Data builds a child.

>> No.21867296

>The Silver Metal Lover
Ha, a robot dude. Really.
Has this really never been done as a tragic sci-fi story?
Also I fucking hate modern TVTropes so fucking much. This was the only case where TVTropes was useful: giving you a list of media where a specific trope was used, but now under "pygmalion story" the retards who run this site felt then need to add stories where the creation isn't literal, so also stories where a master falls in love with the apprentice and other shit that isn't fucking relevant at all, just for the sake of adding entries, so you have this endless list of shit that isn't the fucking trope you're looking for. Every single fucking time they do this. Fucking hell it's so infuriating how they managed to destroy the very fucking purpose of the website.

>> No.21867340

Yeah that site really went to shit

>> No.21867345


>> No.21867366
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This is just the page I'm on right now

>> No.21867386

He's releasing one every 3 months this year, next one is July 1st

>> No.21867403

After years of reading only dinosaur fantasy, I forget just how bad the prose of new shit can be. I truly believe I could write something nicer than this.

>> No.21867404

Appropriately titled then

>> No.21867412

It's kino. The writting is really good, almost like poetry.

>> No.21867421


>> No.21867422

Can someone rec a recent story where the MC is a nice, unassuming chap who just feels rather embarrassed about becoming a Hero?

>> No.21867439

>Gabriel reached into his battered britches, fished about under the monster’s stare. Finally, he retrieved a tarnished royale from his pocket. ‘Here.’‘What is that for?’ Jean-François demanded. ‘I want you to take this coin to market, and buy me a fuck to give.
Made me chuckle

>> No.21867448

the one I'll write some day

>> No.21867565

completely overpowered AI suck any tension out of the errands they send the human perspective characters on, which only exist diegetically so the humans don't get bored and kill themselves early (canonically the world is so safe and boring it's fashionable to kill yourself by 400, and you're mocked if you don't by 600)

>> No.21867714

Well he does show up in Infinite Realm, a LitRPG.

>> No.21867765

It's for adults, not muslim manchildren

>> No.21867869
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I used to think that pulp fiction is dead. I just realised that it's alive in Black Library; horror, military, crime, whatever you want --it's there.
Too bad the authors are not that good, and the shared universe is born out of a parody.

>> No.21867882

Isn't that a common trope? Most 'decent' MCs don't feel like heroes or particularly heroic, they just do what's right and are suprised when people praise them.

Lindon from Cradle would be a good example, the guy is excruciatingly polite and nice to everyone as a protagonist, but will still destroy his enemies with ungodly wrath.

>> No.21867886

Yeah, and he's well done in that story. I knew nothing of Hastur/King in Yellow but still felt like I experienced a good take on the character.

>> No.21867954

does Kaladin Stormblessed have any major flaws?

>> No.21867963

Self pity or something gay like that

>> No.21867997

The politeness is admittedly something he is clearly forcing and eventually he starts to drop it around his enemies at the least. He's not a rude guy, he's nice enough to his allies, but he stops trying to bow and scrape and all that when he realises he actually doesn't NEED to anymore.

>> No.21868076

I'm not wrong in thinking GRRM was influenced by Gene Wolfe when writing the scene where Jon gets Longclaw feels very similar to the chapter in BOTNS when Severian receives Terminus Est

>> No.21868121

Are they really so similar? I would think "protagonist is bequeathed the super special sword from their mentor/superior" is a relatively common trope.

>> No.21868125

He probably more meant tonally, but that's also such a 'standard scene' that it's almost always the same sort of tone.

>> No.21868170

sazed was cool when he was a man but he's such a faggot since he became a god desu
also kelsier the edgelord shoulda stayed dead

>> No.21868172

>Too bad the authors are not that good
So, it's perfectly in line with pulp fiction.

>> No.21868183
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I just read 3 unrelated fantasy books in a row with lesbian protagonists without even trying. It wasn't even smut. Is this the new standard now? Not complaining, just seemed really unlikely I'd grab 3 in a row by accident..

>> No.21868298

>Is this the new standard now?
If they're from the last 10 years, yes. How many of them were nonwhite (or the fantasy proxy, nonhuman)?

>> No.21868468
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The pairing were white/asian, white/black-or-MENA, and indian/indian

>> No.21868474

give titles