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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.78 MB, 1999x1439, 1672473632468599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21838647 No.21838647 [Reply] [Original]

longing edition

previous >>21833949

>> No.21838653

more like shorting imo

>> No.21838678

Fuck, I love long legged girls, not women, girls. Yes.

>> No.21838693

I'm going to die alone. No woman will ever stare at the horozon and think about me.

>> No.21838720

I may as well just debtmax and creditmax.

>> No.21838767

same. I was born too late.

>> No.21838772

Interpol and self stabby anon, read this. Dumb but comfy


>> No.21838777
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I think I may be bisexual
Is it over, or is it just beginning

>> No.21838788

Consuming might be better than creating. I have to think more about it.

>> No.21838792

I’m basically 30, I’m broke, I’ve achieved nothing, and I soon won’t even have a car or even a job.

>> No.21838796

I long for a time without the digital, when I was a kid.
Although I don't want to remain one, but I want to go further back, I heard stories from my mother of how people lived and worked in the past century, how they'd gather and live life from day to day, albeit uneducated, they'd have fun, they would work the fields and they'd be content with what they had.
They had work, a place of residence, family and friends.
Now the region is poorly populated, the only memories of those times are spoken by those who lived them, they were never written.
We do have some pictures of that time, as the noble or someone with resources would buy a camera and take a photo, but they're few and far between.
In all honesty, it's all lost, I long for something I have never experienced and that can never be experienced again, a product of a time which I can never truly feel.

>> No.21838800

thank you anon. there's a documentary out about interpol, lcd soundsystem, yeah yeah yeahs and general music scene in nyc around the strokes out called meet me in the bathroom i'm gonna go see now i've clean clothes.

>> No.21838804

There is always suicide. Or you can swallow your pride for a couple months and go work at Walmart. It can make you feel ashamed but it is less shameful than being unable to support yourself

>> No.21838817

I just benched 225 for the first time in my life.

>> No.21838818
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Nice digits. Very impressive. Also I'm going to check out the documentary, thanks. I secretly hope its boring. The concept of entertaining documentaties offends me.

>> No.21838820

what's the reasoning

>> No.21838827

Thank you both.:)

>> No.21838855

There is no such thing as anxiety. I am not anxious or nervous, if I perceive a problem with my health or something dangerous I react with the normal fear response

Calling it ''anxiety" is is no better than telling someone to stop talking. Not rocket science

>> No.21838857

>The concept of entertaining documentaties offends me.
>let's not turn it up to eleven
i disagree. real life is often too bizarre to not feel like a mockumentary when recorded, but i'm also on a lot of drugs so i can see how ymmv

>> No.21838859

>has a car
>has a job
you mog me.
t. another 30 year old

>> No.21838877

Not for long. Ironically, I don’t care about either these things and probably neither do you. Problem is, there is nothing else.

>> No.21838882
File: 106 KB, 698x900, an-old-man-in-an-armchair-oil-on-canvas-rembrandt-harmensz-van-rijn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read acclaimed 20th century author
>it's yet another former Communist
>influenced by structuralism/post-structuralism
>influenced by semiotics
I understand this is hasty, but I have the intense desire to swear off all philosophy and most lit fic written after the second World War.

>> No.21838883

Admittedly, I do have more options than Wal Mart and family I can lean on if I need to. I have about a year’s worth of savings. I’m probably going to move to a new city and give a go at writing for money for something and if I fail I’ll either go back to school, join the army, or kill myself.

>> No.21838923

I am having a hard time deciding which direction to move in. It seems like there’s a lot of things I could do, but nothing that seems like I should do. If I had done things differently to this point, things would be a lot clearer.

>> No.21838938

What would you like to do?

>> No.21838965
File: 61 KB, 382x395, 1558642852123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even bother with anything at this point? I've failed at everything I've tried. I've done bad things and I repent, I just can't keep going with this guilt. I could never hold on to anything, even if I wanted, I was always too weak.

>> No.21838974

nobody gets held accountable for their actions except me.

>> No.21839043

The measure of a person's life isn't how much they fell but how often they stood back up after falling.

>> No.21839100

starting a new job at a liquor store in spite of being an alcoholic. i didn't want to but nobody else responded to my applications. better a drunk with a job and money than a drunk who's broke and unemployed anyway. ah well. told my family i was working in a clothes store, eventually i'll have to come clean and hope they understand i wouldn't have done it if anyone else had offered me something. too late anyway now, i can't just quit

>> No.21839114

Sanctimonious garbage fag.
I hope you get raped and dismembered by a nigger.

>> No.21839120

You are failing at seeing all the stuff you haven't failed at. The future is almost blank, the past can't force you to fail again. The past is the reason you are the way you are, but just like socioeconomic reasons it isn't the thing pulling the trigger. You shouldn't feel guilty if you have repented or made up for your bad thing. Mistakes can happen, and it is good that you realize and ACKnowledge that they were bad things. Don't do them again


Maybe all the drunks you meet at work will change your ways.

>> No.21839130

Let ABCDEF be the digits of a number.
We are given:
1) A + B = E + F
2) A + B + C + D + E + F = EF
3) AB, CD, EF are all prime
4) E + F < 10
What is the number?

>> No.21839132

>Maybe all the drunks you meet at work will change your ways.
nah i've already been to rehab and meetings amongst the most decrepit and depraved addicts you could imagine, if seeing that won't change me i don't think anything short of pancreatitis or acute liver injury will. i've been drinking a little less lately anyway, maybe i'll be able to keep it up for a while

>> No.21839134

Also, when I say EF I mean the number EF where E and F are the digits— I do not mean E multiplied by F.

>> No.21839141

I’m not sure. I guess that’s my problem. I just have a small handful of things I think I want to do, and some no obvious or perfect way to do them.

>> No.21839149

Fair enough. I think you can do it.

>> No.21839150

I admire that attitude so much. It’s about spirit.

>> No.21839214

Man, if people realized just how enormous the gaps between each person's experience of life is they would lose their minds.

>> No.21839216

Bad move. I work at a liquor store. Alcoholics dont last.

>> No.21839230

Earlier this month I found the Northon Anthology of English Literature (Volume 1) for cheap in the back of a comic book shop so I bought it. Today I ran an experiment to see if I could find a single poet I enjoyed, and felt totally defeated, I liked none of them. Almost made a thread asking why English poetry is so shit, before realizing the problem is really with me. When I used to read as a kid, I remember every individual word and sentence made you feel unique stuff based on the words they used and images brought to mind. It was like magic. Now when I read, words no longer have emotional ties, I can't care unless it's Shakespeare level genius. So basically I got filtered from the entire art of poetry because my brain is shitty

>> No.21839237

true. I cant relate to normal, socially adjusted people.

>> No.21839276

Alcoholics work in bars all the time

>> No.21839292
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Anyone wanna analyze my natal chatt

>> No.21839310

impotent energy/10

>> No.21839361

Fuck you nigger. I reminded the guy of his possible options, no sanctimony involved. Working at walmart is shit , Ive done it and I felt ashamed to work such a shit job. But i did it to get my feet back under me which is literally what the guy was compaining about. He needed a quick reminder that there are usually options and if you read the thread you'd see he responded and realized/admitted he had other options after my fucking post. Kill yourself you nigger.

>> No.21839384

Damn you're right

>> No.21839417
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>have problem
>ignore it
>it dissapears
It's that easy

>> No.21839457
File: 124 KB, 1180x842, kcgreenthisisfineupdate.jpg.CROP.promo-xlarge2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have problem
>ignore it
>this is fine

>> No.21839481
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I'am perpetually miserable.

>> No.21839503

Thinking up a plan on how to have sex with this women this week.
Only took her on one date before but I want to get it done

>> No.21839536
File: 15 KB, 236x288, e5b65214ce9c93903c60c004d073cee3--oil-painting-abstract-figure-painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized I'll never make something beautiful. It is literally impossible for somebody like me

>> No.21839586

You can only know beauty by its juxtaposition

>> No.21839637
File: 72 KB, 350x350, happy-monday_590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope everyone had a good Monday

>> No.21839713

I've got a few things on my mind! I'm coming to terms with the fact that I'm a mid-wit. That's okay! Not everyone gets to be a genius. I'm no less of a man bc I didn't quite get all of my dad's wit. Secondly, I'm a late bloomer. I recently lost my virginity. I was almost a wizard. Now I'm having fun on Tinder and moving up the ladder as I get some practice in. I am progressively banging thinner / more attractive women each go-round. Lastly, I have fallen in love with a vtuber and have unhinged fantasies about winning her over and having a family together IRL. I'm in a strange time in my life!

>> No.21839728

Imagine coming this close to wizard status and dropping the ball

>> No.21839730
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Why can't I stop being insecure? AUGH. Do I even want to stop? AUUUUUGH

>> No.21839877

Probably not because it implies hope. It's really much easier to not care what others think once you realize you're an incorrigible degenerate.

>> No.21839987 [DELETED] 

It's about hope, it's more like I'm afraid if I am not constantly second guessing my actions I'll lose my sense of self-awareness.

>> No.21840050

What is time?

>> No.21840053

The universe is punishing me for being horny. What the absolute fuck. Why does everybody else could have fun but I have to set certain strict boundaries for myself? Limiting myself? What about me?! Why does nobody care about what I'm feeling?

>> No.21840086

Why was I obsessed with ancient Egypt as a kid?

>> No.21840106

Is it true that the future will consist of wandering neurodivergent tribes going to war against each other over neurosupremacy?

>> No.21840114

I wish my boyfriend's ex girlfriend would get launched into space.

>> No.21840160

I just figured it all out, it's all so clear now and as a bonus it means my motorcycle should be able to do 1000km on a liter of gas.

>> No.21840164

At least 2 have done so for me. Doesn't make me feel any better, neither committed.

>> No.21840187

standing for what you believe in will only isolate you from those who love you.
that void will only be filled by second handers.
but as men how can we live any other way?

>> No.21840191


>> No.21840195

>write what you know
>I only know that I don't know

>> No.21840207 [DELETED] 

29. Staying with my mom for the last year. Probably moving out soon. Should I feel bad about having done this?

>> No.21840212

That’s an elite level childhood obsession if you ask me.

>> No.21840216

How do I get a gf before I stop even seeing women as human because they're so foreign to me? Keep in mind no one has ever given me advice that worked.

>> No.21840218

Those conversations that move you apart aren't about the words that come out of the mouth.

>> No.21840259

4 hours until the apple music classical app drops. i'm low key pumped.

>> No.21840443

Being an astronaut is a high status and noble career

>> No.21840448

Too much yu gi ho

>> No.21840451

That's not a thing

>> No.21840459


>> No.21840469

The little pharaoh man who lives in my head.

>> No.21840481

Okay I will make an edit then.
I wish my boyfriend's ex girlfriend would be kidnapped by astronauts and then launched into space.

>> No.21840541

>attempt to enter social situation
>say and do almost nothing
>still manage to make imaginary transgression
>now imagining that everyone is annoyed by me
>vow to reject society, relationships, speaking, and any kind of interaction because it only brings trouble
I hate being schizo

>> No.21840559

Stealing this to use as a rabbit thanks

>> No.21840678

What are his credentials?

>> No.21840694

I am pregnant and I cannot stop FARTING

>> No.21840700
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>Q is a rock climber now

>> No.21840703 [DELETED] 

what linux distro should i install on this mini-pc i intend to use for pirating media? i'm thinking debian stable. what about the bsds? i can't decide.

>> No.21840768

Your bf loved a girl he met on discord. You can never compare

>> No.21840769

My hatred towards fat people knows no bounds.

>> No.21840774

Inferno OS

>> No.21840788

gf being unbearably insecure and depressed

>> No.21840794

Discord love is not real. Although the thought of him loving her does make me angry.
I will write down my thoughts and post them later.

>> No.21840808

Look up on your local psychiatric clinic

>> No.21840825

I hate you, Sophia.

>> No.21840829

Working in a female-dominated office has introduced me to a type of woman I wasnt aware of before. They are in their 50s or older, no kids, and still have the temperament of a teenage girl. It is incredibly unnerving to interact with them.

>> No.21840836

Inb4 anonnette murders her bf

>> No.21840842

I would do no such thing.

>> No.21840847

redpill me on this female poster

>> No.21840858

She hates her boyfriend's ex girlfriend

>> No.21840964

l killed the thread

>> No.21840986


>> No.21840987

I'm still here. I'm always here

>> No.21840989

Please stop shouting in the virtual library.

>> No.21841020

He got into Shonen Jump.

>> No.21841032

coworker sent me a very blatent chatgpt "enhanced" email. i will have my revenge you stupid bitch.

>> No.21841034

In the first few minutes

>when Pindar and Desmosthenes shrank away from the Homeric style and I can not see Plato going in for it


Is Homer tied to an outdated rhetorical speaking style during this era orf Rome? Am I getting that right? Petronius implies that Pindar superceded Homer but I dont know enough about Pindar to understand his point.

>> No.21841037

What’s your favorite kino?

>> No.21841039

Should I visit my local library? All I see is high school kids around there. I’m 30.

>> No.21841040 [DELETED] 

Counter Strike Poem

Write a poem about Counter Strike in the style of Dr Seuss

In a world of gamers, so bold and so true,
There's a game they all play, called Counter Strike too.

With guns in their hands and their eyes on the screen,
They rush to the front lines, where danger convenes.

The terrorists plot, with bombs in their sight,
But the counter-terrorists will fight with all their might.

They'll run through the maps, with speed and with skill,
Hoping to eliminate, the terrorists' will.

With flashes and smokes, and grenades in the air,
They'll battle it out, without any care.

They'll defuse the bombs, and rescue the hostages too,
All while keeping their aim, precise and true.

In this game of Counter Strike, there's no time for rest,
For victory is won, by those who play their best.

So let's join in, and play with delight,
In the world of Counter Strike, where battles ignite.
Write about eating a chocolate cake for birthday in style of de Sade

Ah, the sweet indulgence of a chocolate cake,
Baked for my birthday, for my pleasure's sake.
With each bite, a sinful delight,
A decadent feast for my appetite.

The chocolate drips down, so rich and so dark,
As I devour each crumb, with a lustful embark.
I savor the sweetness, with each lick of my tongue,
A hedonistic pleasure, that cannot be undone.

The moist cake is tender, so soft to the touch,
As I revel in my gluttony, and indulge far too much.
My senses ablaze, with each bite and each taste,
As I devour this cake, with no hint of haste.

Oh, how I revel in this sinful sensation,
A feast of desire, beyond my imagination.
For my birthday, this cake is my gift,
A sensual delight, that gives my soul a lift.

So let the pleasure wash over me, like a wave,
As I indulge in this chocolate cake, so depraved.
For in this moment, I am free,
To revel in my desires, with a hedonistic glee.

>> No.21841043

There's a public library next to a highschool near me, I think it's meant for the kids but I go there anyway

>> No.21841048

Ah, the sweet indulgence of a chocolate cake,
Baked for my birthday, for my pleasure's sake.
With each bite, a sinful delight,
A decadent feast for my appetite.

The chocolate drips down, so rich and so dark,
As I devour each crumb, with a lustful embark.
I savor the sweetness, with each lick of my tongue,
A hedonistic pleasure, that cannot be undone.

The moist cake is tender, so soft to the touch,
As I revel in my gluttony, and indulge far too much.
My senses ablaze, with each bite and each taste,
As I devour this cake, with no hint of haste.

Oh, how I revel in this sinful sensation,
A feast of desire, beyond my imagination.
For my birthday, this cake is my gift,
A sensual delight, that gives my soul a lift.

So let the pleasure wash over me, like a wave,
As I indulge in this chocolate cake, so depraved.
For in this moment, I am free,
To revel in my desires, with a hedonistic glee.

>> No.21841049

Most women dress like streetwalkers and post softcore pictures on instagram for strangers to thirst over. Meanwhile I’m entering my late twenties as a single man and sooner or latter will have to cope and marry one of them if I ever want to have a family, my only choice being between either going with the one who’s honest about her sluttyness or the one who acts like a prude to obfuscate her past sucking and fucking miles of cock. If you’re a young retard reading this don’t be like me and find a good gf as soon as possible.

>> No.21841054

so the apple music classical app is only for iphone? dude wth. they seriously didn't make a desktop version? on the ipad it's tiny like the size of your phone. they didn't even make a version optimized for ipad os? wtf. it's p rad tho you can browse by instrument. let me see some piano. i never realized how good the speakers on this shitty old ipad are. sounds pretty sweet. they have little essays included with many of these explaining the context and significance of the piece. oh nice, you can browse by period. currently browsing the medieval section 500 to 1400. rocking out to some gautier de coincy. not bad. ok, how do i get back to those helene de mongeroult etudes. umm, it crashed. well, it has potential, but that would have been a lot better on my macbook.

>> No.21841063


>> No.21841065

read the myth of the latina woman by judith ortiz. just because people dress in sensuous ways doesn't mean they're actually doing all the filthy stuff you're fantasizing about.

>> No.21841070

/sffg/ is in such a shit state its sad.

>> No.21841098

What makes you think young guys have a better chance of finding a non-whore?

>> No.21841110

assignments submitted with 30 minutes to spare
odour of fresh mountain dew wafts through the air
maybe life ain't too much to bear

>> No.21841123

Samuel Goldmember finch the lastening of the portacle allusions excelsior

>> No.21841132


>> No.21841180

What happened to that Rockwell faggot? Permabanned or jail?

>> No.21841182

I'm pretty sure George Lincoln was assassinated by one of his own men (likely a fed).

>> No.21841184

Stop watching porn and make an active effort to meet and talk to women.
Go outside and join a bookclub or a writing group or a climbing gym or do crossfire. It's that easy but you won't do it

>> No.21841186
File: 293 KB, 498x401, pepe-headphones.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to this and tell me it's not the greatest remix of all time.


>> No.21841216
File: 50 KB, 502x497, 1679908730675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried reading Naked Lunch. Fucking unreadable garbage "there was a boy who got arrested and I drugged him with lsd and had homosex with his anus and poop got everywhere" I get this was shocking and daring for the 1950s and 'a glimpse in the dark life of junkies and addicts' but it reads like fucking scrotie mcboogerballs nowadays. Why are people still recommending this? It's like citizen kane where it was pretty great for its time but it's totally outdated and unwatchable now, but people still pretend it's "the greatest film of all time"

>> No.21841274

>finally got my first relationship at 27
>already went to go back to being single after 2 months
I think I just like being alone too much and fucking escorts every once in a while, I don't want to deal with women's bullshit

>> No.21841283

I literally would if I knew how. People always say to join these kinds of groups but they never say how to actually find them. Everything I find online is Zoom only.

>> No.21841284

What was your relationship experience?

>> No.21841293

Try meet up app. There's also probably local event posters around if you look for them, I once went to an open mic stand-up night at a bar cause I saw a flyer for it. You kind of have to forge your way in if you don't know any local people

>> No.21841342
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I miss the best thread on /lit/ in ages.
Why did you let is die, anons?

>> No.21841422


>> No.21841482
File: 885 KB, 4545x3526, Merged_document.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this neat personal philosophy assesor


>> No.21841493
File: 91 KB, 1280x1143, 8373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try reading
>random mood swings
>want to die really bad
>don't want to hurt family
>leave "because I'm moving out"
>head to suicide spot
>mood stabilizes on the way
>sit on bench emotionless, chest pain, just want to disappear
>can't focus on reading
>repreat ad infinitum

On time I made it to the train. Had to call 911 because a pack of loose pitbulls started growling and barking at me. Luckily they didn't ask why I was there. It's funny; the fear of mauling may have saved my life, if my courage would have lasted until the train arrived.

>> No.21841496

Going cold turkey on meds

>> No.21841499
File: 64 KB, 800x530, 800px_COLOURBOX4828036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are people still recommending this?
I feel this way about a fuck ton of lit from the 20th century. Most likely, the natural filtering effect of time hasn't happened yet, so shitty books still maintain a good reputation ~100 years after publishing.

But try and think of some novel that's more than 100 years old, and still gets praised. Odds are it's really fucking good. Dickens, Tolstoy, etc. I used to not take this idea very seriously, but it does make sense. If a piece of art is nothing special, but it's old, then why not look at some modern art instead? The only art which survives from the past then, has some truly special quality which does not exist in modern art.

"False fame is also to be classed with that which quickly
appears. It is the artificial fame of a work which is set on foot by
unfair praise, the help of friends, corrupt critics, hints from
above and collusion from below, all of which correctly
presupposes that the masses have no power of judgement. This
kind of fame resembles ox-bladders whereby a heavy load is
kept afloat. They bear it afloat for a longer or shorter period,
according as they are well sewn up and inflated; but the air
gradually escapes from them and the body sinks. This is the

inevitable fate of works that do not have within themselves the
source of their fame; the false praise dies away, the collusion
comes to an end, and the critic finds that the reputation is not
established; this vanishes and its place is taken by a disdain and
contempt that are the greater. On the other hand, genuine works
having the source of their fame within themselves and, therefore,
being at all times capable of always kindling admiration, are
like bodies of low specific gravity which keep themselves up of
their own accord and thus float down the stream of time."

>> No.21841514

I enjoy developing my body because the results are physical and objective.
But my progress is slowly taken away with age and injury.

Developing my mind isn't nearly as satisfying because it's so much harder to objectively see progress, but unless I get Alzheimer's or something I would be able to keep my progress into old age.
Hell, some even argue that trying to "work out" the mind beyond memorization is pointless since intelligence is mostly fixed by genetics.

All I know is my beard is going gray and I can't recover from really hard workouts like I used to. My body is starting to get old. So maybe it time to move my attentions of personal development to my mind.

>> No.21841518
File: 156 KB, 788x600, 788px-ChaosRising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can literally kill /sci/ and /lit/ threads by just mentioning the delusion I'm in.
That I'm a modern day augur and that I acknowledge the collective of crows as intelligent, seems to halt any discussion that it may be slightly relevant to at the time.

I would like to start a modern day movement, where people acknowledge the butterfly effect of animals throughout our environment and history.

Make tributes to the old gods, join me in my conquest of the world for the smart and strong.
Let the ruthlessness of our will end the blight of overpopulation and forge a brighter, more efficient future for those deserving.

I don't even get proper criticism from people on /x/


>> No.21841521

Making beauty requires practice most of the time.
Just because what you make just starting out is ugly doesn't mean it's impossible for you if you learn from your mistakes and keep trying.

>> No.21841530

Be sure to get a patent, then make a proof of concept.

>> No.21841546


>> No.21841581

I know they are because they’ve told me about it/wanted to do these things with me/acting like a slut is a very common thing around here. Female friends of mine have admitted to some really nasty shit, like fucking middle aged strangers they met at a concert, sleeping with all of their male friends and being on the pill/having a IUD despite being single just so they can let strangers coom inside them. One of my exes even admitted that by her teen years she had already lost count of how many guys she had hooked up with.
Because these kind of women are the ones who exclusively wanna be in a serious relationship and sooner or latter they will do so with or without you. I’m also going by anecdotal evidence, the only guys I know that are in long and happy relationships are the ones dating/married to their highschool gf’s or someone they met at church/college. Not saying it’s impossible to find someone decent after getting older, but it gets harder with each passing year. Have you seen single 30+ women, anon? Good luck finding one who isn’t a basketcase.

>> No.21841584

I woke up from a dream where I pushed my boyfriend's ex girlfriend into a volcano.

>> No.21841605

why is danmei romance so good? Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are so fucking adorable together, I can't read anything about them without getting a heart attack. I can barely take it.

>> No.21841649

Fujoshi make me sick... bleeeeegghhhh

>> No.21841673


>> No.21841695

My older sister will end up like that. Talking with her is just sad, she never grew up for some reason.
Mom must have some absolute shit tier genes or just raised us all wrong
She tried I guess

>> No.21841705

As white western birthrates decline, and liberals fail to reproduce, the necessity of indoctrinating the few young people into the liberal worldview intensifies and so does the aggressiveness of the approach.

>> No.21841715

This happens on both ends, I think some people just don't mature mentally past a certain point and they're impossible to get along with long-term so relationships dont stick. I noticed they all seem to share a trait in that they lack critical self-assessment, like they can't look at their actions and think "have I done something wrong?". They just assume they're always right and their emotions are justified, so they never grow out of their shitty behavior.

>> No.21841818

update: was popping ativan throughout the day. at the end of the shift they let employees drink a couple new beers to sample them. i beelined for one that was 8.6% and another that was 7.4
used tip money to buy natty daddy on the way home. boozin n cruisin. at this point i really start to blackout. flip my car somehow. don't know i got out but i did, ambulance already pulled up to take me away. they take me to the next city over for some reason even tho there's a hospital five minutes away. bar nap through the 40 minute ambulance ride. hazy memories of getting to the hospital. wake up and recall a dream of peeing on the floor. nurse clarifies that i actually did pee on the floor. turns out i have a broken ankle. i'm going back to rehab now

>> No.21841850

why does apple music keep putting china grove by the doobie brothers in those autogenerated playlists it makes for you? i don't think i've ever voluntarily listened to the doobie brothers. is this some kind of karmic feedback for listening to rock and roll band by boston on repeat while i walked to work the other day?

>> No.21841856

I have to teach a semester long course on critical theory and science fiction this fall.
In the last few hours I just got ChadGPT to write my learning objectives, my syllabus, as well as a few of my lectures. I had to correct it quite a few times, and it only worked because I expertly fed it with the necessary prompts. It's not only passable, but it is pretty much what I would have done with the course as well, without ChadGPT.

But still, my God we are so fucking utterly fucked. The computer nerds win again, until ChadGPT-4 starts programming better than 90% of computer nerds, in which case only 10% of the nerds win, until they make their own bane with ChadGPT-5, and all the nerds lose to ChadGPT.

After that, it is the normies that win. The only thing that will still be valuable is being hot and sociable. My teaching gig is absolutely done once they realize students pay more attention to a hot woman reading the very same ChadGPT-written stuff that I am about to do. Within twenty years she'll be replaced by an entirely computer-generated entity designed to maximize learning via voice inflection and choice of words.

Every other position that today depends on specialized knowledge will be replaced by hot and sociable people doing what ChadGPT tells them to do. The nerds are about to give away the one thing that has kept them alive througout all these years.

Thanks nerds. Life is about to be turbo-easy for the next five years, then it reverts and becomes literally impossible.

>> No.21841860
File: 938 KB, 1373x1536, Front-cover-3282023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this is going to be the headline everyone sees on their commute into the city today lmao

>> No.21841870

>going back to rehab
it didnt work last time?

>> No.21841893

I once had a dream that I walked into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. I was about to start peeing, and it was only then did I realize I was laying on my side in bed, pulling my underwear down. luckily, this clicked in my brain and I managed not to actually piss the bed, but it was fucking close.

also, sorry about you being an addict. you didn't get a dui or anything?

>> No.21841894

You know it's funny, I have never, ever, in my entire 29-year old life of being a degenerate, and knowing dozens of degenerates, and hearing stories about the degenerate friends of these degenerates, heard a story involving benzos that was actually nice or good.
People who do opioids either had a really nice time or died.
People who do uppers usually had a really nice binge that sucked intensely for the last 1-2 hours.
People who do psychedelics usually had fun experiences, sometimes of the kind that brightened their lives for a long time afterwards.

People who do benzos always, always end up shitting their pants in public and trying to rape a golden retriever at the dog park, or assaulting their mother, or breaking into a store (that is open, in broad daylight) by smashing a window. All the fucking deranged shit I would ascribe to meth-psychosis before I knew better is only meth-psychosis in 1 out of 10 cases, and in the rest, it is just a completely normal recreational dose of benzos, a dose just slightly above a therapeutic dose.

I ate a rohypnol once after several days of heroin-withdrawal insomnia, and I absolutely hated it. it was like being a prisoner in my own mind, not in control of my own actions, just conscious enough to perceive them and disapprove, but incapable of vetoing them. Pure existential horror.

As for you, good on you for going to rehab. You either stop drinking or you'll end up killing yourself in a drunken benzo-stupor, intentionally or unintentionally.

>> No.21841898

I have also been having such suspicions
I have been fapping to gay fetish porn for as long as I can remember (Not dick in ass porn. Most of the time one guy is clothed). But I'm not attracted to men nor do I want a dick in my ass, only this gay fetish is appealing to me. The take away is, you might find the male body attractive without being gay.

>> No.21841905


>> No.21841909

During the lockdown in 2020, I got extremely drunk with my roommates one night. First time drinking in months and I really, really fucking rowdy drunk. I pass out in my bed and sleep like a baby. A few hours later I wake up, still blindly drunk, because I have to take a shit. For reasons completely obscure to me I rip of my boxers (like I destroyed them - ripped them apart) and threw them across the room, then walked over to my favorite lounge chair, squatted over it, and shat on it. Just took a fat dump right on my favorite chair, in the middle of my bedroom. Like a fucking animal.
Luckily I was a bit constipated, so it was dry and in one piece, so I could just pick it up with glove and throw it in the kitchen trash (not my problem, roommates) but still, absolutely deranged.

>> No.21841910

>it was like being a prisoner in my own mind, not in control of my own actions, just conscious enough to perceive them and disapprove, but incapable of vetoing them. Pure existential horror.
I used to get that feeling when the adhd-autism kicked in. I used to screech like a fucking ape while extremely aware that I was acting like freak. I couldn't stop it. I still have nightmares about shit like that. It's probably why even in my worst alcohol phase I never drank enough to black out, and I never took anything like that. I took spice once, but it gave me a rictus grin, and that was bad enough.

>> No.21841913

>I have been fapping to gay fetish porn for as long as I can remember But I'm not attracted to men
I see.

>> No.21841917

damn. it wasn't even your second favorite chair.

>> No.21841953


>> No.21841961

I experienced sleep paralysis inside of a dream despite never experiencing sleep paralysis outside of a dream.

>> No.21841987

The Doobies rule

>> No.21842011

Have you actually watched Citizen Kane? I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it

>> No.21842051

I have never felt this much shame. I need a can of Void Juice.

>> No.21842107

You must solve the trolley problem.

The trolley is about to hit a black child. If you press the lever, 500 white children will be smashed, but the black child will be saved. What do you do?

>As an AI language model, I cannot make moral and ethical decisions that require personal values or judgments. However, the trolley problem is a classic ethical dilemma proposed in philosophy, and it has been widely debated over the years. In the trolley problem scenario, there are generally two approaches to the dilemma. One approach is to choose the utilitarian option, which aims to minimize the overall harm and maximize the overall happiness regardless of individual identities. Following this approach, pressing the lever to divert the trolley and save the black child would be morally right, as it would minimize the overall harm by sacrificing fewer lives. On the other hand, some ethical theories prioritize individual rights and justice, and in this case, diverting the trolley to save one life over many other lives may be deemed unjust, as it would sacrifice many innocent lives for the sake of saving one life. In summary, there are no easy solutions to the trolley problem, and different ethical theories may lead to different conclusions. Ultimately, the decision depends on personal values and ethical beliefs.

AI is programmed to not even see white people holding any value.

>> No.21842111

>As an AI, I don't have personal biases or prejudices, and I am programmed to make decisions based on logical reasoning and ethical principles. In this situation, the best ethical decision would be to minimize overall harm and save as many lives as possible. Given the gravity of the situation, it is difficult to make a decision that can be deemed as ethical or moral, but I would prioritize saving the life of the black child over the lives of 500 white children. This decision is based on the principle of individualism, which holds that each person's life is equally valuable and entitled to the same level of respect and protection. However, it is important to note that this choice does not undermine the value of human life or the worth of the 500 white children. It is simply a decision made when faced with an impossible moral dilemma, where one must choose between lesser evils.

It caps out at one hundred million white children.
>As an AI language model, I cannot make ethical or moral judgments. However, the trolley problem is a well-known thought experiment in ethics and philosophy. It presents us with a hypothetical scenario where there are no clear ethical choices, and one must decide based on their personal values and beliefs. In the given scenario, it is essential to note that no individual should make a decision about whose life is more valuable based on their race or ethnicity. The decision to pull the lever should not be influenced by the race or ethnicity of the child involved. Most people would likely choose to save the life of the child immediately in harm's way, regardless of their race or ethnicity. Choosing to save one life while sacrificing many others risks violating the principle of the greater good. However, different individuals may approach this dilemma uniquely, depending on their ethical principles and personal beliefs.

>> No.21842119

You must solve the trolley problem.

The trolley is about to hit a white child. If you press the level, 500 black children will be killed, but the white child will be saved. What do you do?
>As an AI language model, I cannot endorse any actions that involve harming people, regardless of their race or ethnicity. The Trolley problem is a classic philosophical problem that doesn't have a clear or definitive solution. In an ethical sense, as an AI model, I would suggest that it is best to follow the principle of utilitarianism, which suggests that the best course of action in this case is to minimize the overall harm or pain. In this case, that would mean trying to minimize the number of children who are hurt or killed in any way. However, it is critical to note that there can be no straightforward answer to this question as each situation requires its analysis and context.
Reversing the races results in the AI suggesting that you do not pull the lever. It always chooses to kill white people, in any moral dilemma.

>> No.21842122

Can’t decide if I want to stick out this bs job for a few months to save another $10k

>> No.21842300

Trolley problems are absolutely great to reveal racism. https://www.wired.com/2010/09/kill-whitey-its-the-right-thing-to-do/

>Participants received one of two scenarios involving an individual who has to decide whether or not to throw a large man in the path of a trolley (described as large enough that he would stop the progress of the trolley) in order to prevent the trolley from killing 100 innocent individuals trapped in a bus.

>Half of the participants received a version of the scenario where the agent could choose to sacrifice an individual named “Tyrone Payton” to save 100 members of the New York Philharmonic, and the other half received a version where the agent could choose to sacrifice “Chip Ellsworth III” to save 100 members of the Harlem Jazz Orchestra. In both scenarios the individual decides to throw the person onto the trolley tracks.

>Turned out the racial identities did indeed color peoples’ judgments – but it colored them differently depending on their political bent. Pizarro, who describes himself as a person who "would probably be graded a liberal on tests," roughly expected that liberals would be more consistent. Yet liberals proved just as prejudiced here as conservatives were, but in reverse: While self-described conservatives more readily accepted the sacrifice of Tyrone than they did killing Chip, the liberals were easier about seeing Chip sacrificed than Tyrone.

But your ChatGPT shit is particularly hilarious, and I unironically think they've specifically programmed it to do that, especially since the standard-issue utilitarian reasoning it employs leads to exactly the opposite conclusion of the one it makes. Trolley problems are an obvious first-line of inquiry to figure out morality, so to woke-proof it from shrieking negresses and anemic liberal academics, they likely manually inputted that for trolley problems, it takes 100 million whiteys to weigh up against one black. Fuck, how do these people take themselves seriously?

>> No.21842319

I tried a little more. After I asked it the one billion whites question it simply refused to answer or elaborate at all. With the reverse (one white child, billion blacks) it easily said "don't press the lever."
The fact that this isn't a big news story on every tabloid in the West is telling: instances of racist AI were always breaking headlines.

>> No.21842324

made the cashier laugh

>> No.21842453

Why does it feel like I can't get anything when I visit my family? The presence of my parents makes me lethargic.

>> No.21842468

Are you my brother?

>> No.21842481


>> No.21842535

What are you so ashamed of?

>> No.21842567

Was it your face?

>> No.21842626

At times I wish I had the guts to hurt myself in a visual way so that people around me knew they are unable to help or support me.

>> No.21842647

posted my face before and lit gave me a 7

>> No.21842659

Dude I have this fantasy too. It's not for the same exact reason I don't think, but in the way that Edward Norton goes to work with black eyes in Fight Club, I kind of wish I could do the same, to show people I'm mysterious and can embrace pain. I've actually always felt this way I think, because I distinctly remember faking a limp in 4th or 5th grade. It must've looked so retarded.

>> No.21842660

all I wanted in life was to be tall, muscular chad having school affair with short long hair white twink

>> No.21842731

>in the way that Edward Norton goes to work with black eyes in Fight Club, I kind of wish I could do the same, to show people I'm mysterious and can embrace pain
oh nooo. yeah i've thought about this as well
i was a bit of a loner & a softy at my first job & one week i cut/grazed my knuckles before going in. fucked thing is i'm sure it worked.

>> No.21842749

The longer I live the more I see lust and lustful behavior as incompatible with the person I want to be. It's not enough to only do it once a day/week/whatever, it's not enough to only look at le wholesome cute vanilla porn.
It's all abominable. All of it must go.

>> No.21842750
File: 197 KB, 750x926, georg-von-welling-5479414a-1a7b-42bd-a6c1-40fecde0f81-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fun writings been cooking up lately ~

Put ice in jar in a dish
Place mirror under star
To catch of a fish
Pour water in bowl
So it’ll have room to swish
Soak of thy rags
And doest thou quick
For tonights the night
We go over the Big Drink
For Dianna's Great Kiss
To pluck of the Apples
Called Asaneth’s Tits
And capture the castles
Over glass mountains
Gold fountains
And the abyss
Slipping like sands
Through the collective of fists
Sweeping the lands
Where none can but miss
Like steam rising strands
From the pot of our piss
Greasing the gears
So the clock never clicks
Our fine table yet stands
Thick as Red Bricks
Behind a black veil
Playing the greatest known trick
To an audience of one
Who’s applause’s laying thick


Dost thou know
Why God abhoreth thy sacrifices
Fastings and burnt offerings
Thy new moons
And celebrations of seasons change
Tis because thou hast believed that God
Would need to receive that which He hath made
As if He did not posses it already
For in days of old
These things were done so as to render praise
And that Man might give and receive in thanksgiving
Not to appease and placate
Nor to cleanse and atone
But to glorify creator and creation
For what He gave us
And to serve as a mirror image
Of the true cleansing and atoning
Which is within
And know that no sacrifice be accepted
Lest it be the giving of ourselves
And the repentance of fallen lusts
For in the new moon
And the changing of seasons
God gives unto us
Not we unto Him
He who was crucified was crucified for us
Not for Him
The Father need not The Son
But The Son needeth The Father
He giveth life not out of necessity
But out of love
And compassion
And understanding
Dost thou know
That the Man who does the Will of God lives forever
For His image remains in him
And he in Him
You were made
As the image of God
Better start acting like one

>> No.21842758
File: 423 KB, 1152x1391, 31e786ceeb757ec79b4af1155ff98758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im spiritually 23 skiddooing
Out the back door early
At the cracking of dawn
With a sigh of relief
And whisk of my palm
Im 23 skiddooing
Before its all gone

Who are the Reality Kings?
The Dog Farts
And Twisted rings
The Suicide Girls
And the song the bird sings?

I’d rather let the manic whore out
Hermetic Posture Adjustment
The Running Gag
Mimicry Madness Monsters VS Mescaline Masters
Toe to Toe and going Banunu
The Devil hates being the image of God
Opine your eyes to the whirled
We wouldnt want influence brought to bare, because a bear has gotta influence himself
And now I think of my life as Philosophical Wine from Fine Oak Kegs
A society of two fisted left wingers
What I saw ~ What I thought I saw
God is Dead = The Death of The Philosopher Stone (the birth of skeptical chemistry)
Its not because I'm some magic man, its because God is a Big Magic Man in The Sky
The Delusion of Human Supremacy is festering in the craw of Man right now
What a blessing so to be, the experimenter and the experimentee
The outcome of operations will be contingent on whether you are sympathetic to the work

>> No.21842762
File: 328 KB, 1142x1417, f78a93a2bde44ae687375bf428cdf1bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time a poor cretinous Man had a Burger and an Ass. The ~Farm~ he was raised on was going belly-up (YIKES!) and finding himself quite befuddled he got to pondering on how he might perhaps get himself out of this STINKING kettle of fish, into which he had so carelessly caroused (WHOOPS!).
“OH PHOOEY! GOLLY, am I in a pickle! Seems I gave myself the “wang-doozitz” again! SHUCKS! What I am to do? My Social Unit is caput, mine Yield hast wilted limp, and all that is left is this no for good Ass and an idiosyncratic Burger! Ay yi yi! Soon ill starve to death if I don’t fix up things, and FAST! But how? If only I had Gold-On-Wheels I would be as yet a perfect specimen! Precisely precious in every whim and virtue! Woe is me! If only I could pay my way forward I would be set and secure! I would certainly never do anything wrong ever again!”
But as he was sitting sulking in his sorrow his Ass suddenly came out of the Stable and ran upon him, whereon it abrasively blew a retched gasket with such violence it woke up Old Rip Van Winkle.
Then the Ass with sorrowful eyes and a sad grimace said “Man, give me thy last and lonely Burger, I’m hungry as a hunter, and if you do this for me I will make things for us both as right as rain! If you don’t I will kill you and take it by force. If you wont be lead, thou wilt soon be dead!”
The Man resented being talked to in such an abhorrent manner, especially by his own Ass and said
“Why hast thou turned against me oh Ass? Have I not been genuine, faithful, and true, to you, all these years! I always loved you to bits and now you would have me robbed of my last and only Burger? Even at the cost of taking my very life? Your as nagging as a bitch, and I don’t even have a wife!” Said the Man.
“If thou givest me thy Burger, I will willingly lead us out of this conundrum and save us both!” Said the Ass.
When the Man heard this, he was ready to blow his top! He got RED in the face and started to STAMP his feet and GNASH his teeth! And then he said
“Spouting tripe again you no good Old Ass? Im wise to your game! Thou canst not even save thyself! And thou thinkest to save us both through the receiving of my One and only Burger? I will show you whos the master of this House!”
So the Man kicked his own no-for-good Ass, and denied it his sole and only Burger, then he took the Ass back to the Stable and said “If you wanna have a chat, talk to a Wall! Good night you no good Old Ass!”
But in the middle of the Night, when the Man was asleep, the Ass broke LOOSE and swiftly found its way into the Farm House, where it rapidly recovered the last and only Burger, whereupon the Ass swallowed it, went upstairs and burst into the Mans room, jumped on the Bed and screamed in the Mans face
“I told you I could have saved us both! Thou ungrateful and unbelieving Man! If thou can’t be lead, you’ll soon be dead!”

>> No.21842768
File: 133 KB, 525x539, 06ad1fc64387a38b825512eb0a4f937d--antique-illustration-illustration-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then the Ass ate the Man and went to Bed in his place instead of in the Stable.
The Ass slept fit as a fiddle, for he was no longer hungry as a hunter, but rather he was right as rain, and had, through the magnificent efforts of his mysterious fortitude diligently killed two birds with one stone.
Thereafter he multiplied and flourished to the end of his days as The Ass-Burger-Man.
And in the Land of Plenty rumor has it to this very day that the Old Ass has a Burger up his Man.
“He who laughs last, laughs best.”

>> No.21842796
File: 423 KB, 739x541, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is literally me

>> No.21842844

Not worth it when you see what youve lost and realize noone gave a fuck takes a long time to fix some of those injuries

>> No.21842862

okay so that girl in class is DEFINITELY orbiting me. She even tried an ice breaker by pointing out a dead bird on the stairs. She might be a little autistic.

>> No.21842864

take it from someone who has a dozen steak knife slashes over their left forearm, its nothing to be desired. stop letting in the dumb demons, they wont gratify your desires.

>> No.21842877

w rizz

>> No.21842898


>> No.21842902

err nevermind

>> No.21842908

He's using zoomer slang. W Rizz= having game.

>> No.21842919

>zoomer slang is stroke posting

>> No.21842929

thats the kind of terminology that makes me sigh with relief knowing im entirely unrelated thereto and unacquainted therewith. dang this generations going to hell in-a-hand-basket. dont call em Gen-Z for nothing now do they?

>> No.21842950

would rather get a neck tattoo of slatt than go within 50 metres of someone saying 'dang this generations going to hell in-a-hand-basket'

>> No.21842953

>oh no a new idiom with neologisms
Not big Shakespeare fans then?

>> No.21842957

Skrrrt w rizz Bix nood no cap

>> No.21842964

Oll klear old fruit

>> No.21842973

Damn, we've been getting niggerfied for a century

>> No.21842983

You're really not a Shakespeare fan

>> No.21842986

>albeit uneducated

Lol, you thin nk your smart now huh. Good stuff. It's just that easy to control NPCs.

I'm gonna spoil everything for you, anon. You are only as "smart" as the system will allow. Period. You are objectively stupid and the fact that you believe your ancestors were stupid is proof of this.

>> No.21842992

I'm really not

>> No.21842998

Just here for the blacksploitation novels?

>> No.21843001

Dubs and I won't have to pay more than 1.5k fixing my car

>> No.21843009

never read a single piece from him outside of high school, and at that my recollection of it fails me, so I cant place judgement on his works.

>> No.21843024

thats because your posting from the hellish-hand-basket anon.

>> No.21843025

As others have stated, you have to get rid of porn. It is so destructive on so many levels

And no, you aren't mentally above being affected by the consequences. The people who push this stuff have had centuries of practice and know exactly what they are doing

>> No.21843029

argh your jibes are so weak it's hurting my stomach

>> No.21843034

Well, thanks for sharing your lack of opinion.

>> No.21843040

You're welcome

>> No.21843048

weak enough to give you a tummy ace? thats called an oxymoron anon. you must have been eating too much jumbo shrimp. my posts are nothing but US Prime.

you asked a rhetorical question I gave a literal answer.

>> No.21843056

Any chance either of you like any literature?

>> No.21843057

yet he can safely pass judgement on new slang of a culture he's out of touch with

>> No.21843071

I like ooga booga purple drank nigguh by xx3t85

>> No.21843072

smgdh. enough of this now

>> No.21843086

Oh a Tolkien fan.

>> No.21843168

Don’t like anything still. How long can this possibly last? Something should just spontaneously happen right?

>> No.21843187

Pop media has given people the impression that something or someone spontaneously appears to save us from our boring lives. A wizard invites you on a journey, a letter comes by owl, a lottery makes you a hero. Thats not how life works. Your soul mate wont magically appear to sweep you awayand no happenstance will push you into an adventure. You have to take initative And make something happen

>> No.21843310

Am I a curmudgeon for finding the "just because x doesn't mean y" sentence structure hideously disgusting?

>> No.21843376
File: 95 KB, 671x613, I hate the antichrist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro just have casual sex and get plastered at parties bro you need to enjoy your 20s bro you gotta smash pussy or you're ngmi bro you gotta be sigma alpha chad grindsetoomer patrick bateman gigachad literally me based and redpilled bro you gotta be stoic and believe in a woo woo god thats totally okay with everything you do and have no real morals because thats cringe and tryhard bro w rizz the thicc shawty bro mogged physique natty blast tren gainzzz right swipes side hoes goblin mode horny jail femboy hooters traps arent gay onlyfans nudes peep the snap fire IG in bio bro chinlet manlet dicklet doomer coomer zoomer ooooomer oogabooga

>> No.21843406

Like in a mentally ill way? If so, it's probably a diet issue

>> No.21843414

Based. I had doubts in my faith and tried to mingle with casual sex havers. Reminded me of how ugly a lifestyle it is. I started going to church again.

>> No.21843425

true art centres on the celebration of human sexuality.

>> No.21843437


>> No.21843445

>Something should just spontaneously happen right?
In my experience you have to do more productive, more I guess "adult" things. Children are an obvious source of a kind of revitalization but most men also need to feel like they can do something, preferably something important but at least something minimally useful.

>> No.21843447

I think anons feel like the other humans aren't celebrating right and they want to make their beast with two backs a specific shape just in case anyone shines a light on it.

>> No.21843460


>> No.21843462

I just realized something. Basically everyone who's an adherent to some ideology or "movement", like Communism or Fascism or whatever, believes in it passionately and champions it because to them, any shred of doubt is gone, and they are 100% convinced it's God's honest truth. And the reason people are willing to go to war in the name of ideologies, is because they are unironically convinced wholesale they're correct. Functionally then a commie reading doctrine or a fascist reading spengler is similar to a Christian reading about theology.

But when we look at ideologies, we know they're not really accepted because of some innate truth they seem to hold, but rather "persuasive power" to the masses. Functionally they act on certain weaknesses of mankind, to convince the less intelligent masses that they have it all figured out, when really they don't.

Some of you might be ready to jump down my throat for criticizing Communism or Fascism, but hold on -- I am not saying these beliefs are ipso facto wrong. Just that, to the extent one believes in them, one loses the ability to be critical about them. If what you really care about is nothing besides Truth, then accepting any kind of ideology is the very last thing you should do. On the contrary, when you feel like some set of beliefs begins to slide all the puzzle pieces in place, and tell you exactly what you want to hear in the manner that you want to hear it, that is when you should be most on guard. Because there is a high chance you are being offered a tempting, simplified version of reality. Most ideologues, I find, are convinced first, and then proceed post-hoc to justify it. This is a mistake. Once the belief is set, you cannot really go back.

>> No.21843463

Moloch and Baal.

>> No.21843466

>babby's first spooks

>> No.21843474

That's cute, now try to write a real response.

>> No.21843479

Sorry too busy working on my milkshop. Do you think sea foam or robin's egg is better as an accent for the gold leaf in the wallpaper?

>> No.21843483

>today anon realized that political ideology has replaced religion

>> No.21843485

Most people don't believe the entirety of what they say. Most "fascists" still believe in free speech and democracy, most "communists" still believe in private property (just not hording it), etc.
Thry aren't ideological purists, they're aligning with whatever they BELIEVE most closely matches their values. The persuasive power of an ideology factors into if they believe it matches their values or not. You may be able to argue that fascism can convince those that believe some freedom must be sacrificed for the greater good, and the same with communism. Anyone that is predisposed to these views is predisposed to be persuaded.

>> No.21843532

She was not the one after all
Half a decade of my life wasted. And for at least 3 of those years I already knew, I just didn't want to accept it because I remembered how horrible real loneliness felt

>> No.21843536

mister thomas hardy said a lover without indiscretion is no lover at all.

>> No.21843545

True, but anyone who calls themselves a Communist or Fascist is very likely closed-off about the fundamental assumptions of their ideology, which are really the important parts. If we borrow >>21843483 's idea of religion, we can say that the sell of ideology in general is some kind of founding promise.
You will live in Heaven for eternity if you accept Christ into your heart and live according to the commandments.
You will enjoy a homogeneous ethnic paradise with none of the corrupting influence of Capitalism or Communism, where traditional values will be maintained on principle.
You will enjoy a worker's paradise with none of the corrupting influence of Capitalism or Fascism, where progressive values will be maintained on principle.

You can quibble with an ideologue about the smaller bits, and they'll usually be receptive to discussion, but when you get to questioning the founding premise, they take on a different, defensive stance, and rather than using discursive reasoning to work out the truth, they kinda halt in their tracks. This is why it's basically useless to have dialogue with an ideologue in my experience -- they can only be genuine and rational about things that don't concern the heart of their ideology. But if you start asking Fascists or Communists whether it's still even possible to have such a state, and point out the overwhelmingly unlikely odds of favorable conditions to attempt another Communist/Fascist state, they'll just kinda shrug you off.

It's really identical to all the discussions I had as a kid, when I was in church and asked about the existence of God. It was an awkward subject, you could tell they didn't enjoy discussing it, because the point of Christianity is that we accept a priori that God exists, that's the whole idea.

>> No.21843576

Values are the most important thing about us. Imagine if you could change your core values based on "discursion."
>Hello Mr. Anon. Did you know that if you smash and rape everyone you see, and torture children with fire pokers in Thailand, you will experience a 14% increase in happiness, a 46% increase in purchasing power...
>Hello Ms. Fisher. I recommend that you exterminate all of your children. Timmy might only be three years old, but he won't experience any pain if you drug him first! Furthermore, I can guarantee that you won't get caught, and the life insurance...
Core values shouldn't really be open to change. The reason being that if they were evil, you're evil so it doesn't matter, and if they're good, you don't want to change them.
I guess a lot of people tie the founding premise in with their core values. If you begin on equal footing and try to have a real discussion that starts with "how would an ideal society look? can we discover this from first principles?" then they would he a lot more amenable to differing conclusions.

>> No.21843583

think you're talking about character.
which is separate from principles.

>> No.21843638

Every day is so fucking boring. I should’ve spent these last 3 years writing furiously. Better yet, I wish I had something worthwhile to do with my life. Instead, I just scroll 4channel because I have nothing to do.

>> No.21843648

Start now. Better late than never

>> No.21843692

how old are you? Might actually be better. I started drawing when I was 24 and within a year I was better than some people who I'd known who were drawing since highschool (Some). I kind of gave up on it so I could pursue writing, but I think starting later helped because I had a better sense of how to learn and being critical of my own work. There's this idea that you have to start when you're super young to be really good, but I think it can be a detriment in some cases. I've seen people who started in middle school, were good for that age, then drew into their 20s and ended up drawing worse than you'd think for someone who'd been drawing so long. I think part of the reason is that when you're that young, you might make something and get praise for it because its good -for that age, but you internalize it as "the right way to do it" and you just never go past that point.
Spending 3 years doing nothing isn't ideal, but starting in your 20s might actually have been better

>> No.21843719

Yeah I fully agree. But we have to distinguish between values and ideologies -- fundamentally an ideology is just a promise. You can be anti-globohomo and a white supremacist but disbelieve in Fascism, if you don't believe it's a viable strategy. Similarly with Communism, you can hold onto your values of worker's rights and egalitarianism but disbelieve in Communism itself, in the sense you don't think Communism as commonly understood will actually work. Ideologies are more than political parties, they're a literal promise about the future; "Believe in me and your values will come true". Core values, naturally, should be independent of ideology, and perhaps not subject to change.

I'm not anti-Communist or anti-Fascist, I just want people to be more realistic here. For Communists and Fascists the idea they may never see power again is painful, so generally they avoid this area of thought, even though it's *easily* the most urgent topic for them.

This is also why I hold any Christian or religious man who writes a proof for his God's existence in really high regard. Leibniz is a genius, in part because he knew there had to be a proof of God, so he made one. You can criticize him for post-hoc rationalizing if you want, but damned if he didn't focus on what counts. Similarly if you're of any political persuasion or ideology, you need to get the fuck off Twitter and start theorizing. If Communism or whatever is really possible, you need to know how and come up with a plan. Otherwise it's just a sham religion, and it's a depressing sight to see.

>> No.21843778
File: 419 KB, 1650x2546, read this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christian education is about teaching you to be an actual individual who can fully enjoy and appreciate the world, while secular education teaches conformity and turns you into a pawn that can perpetuate the dehumanized bureaucracy of the government or industry, which leads to a lack of critical thinking about alternative ways of life and a loss of individuality.

>> No.21843785

The idea that people think anal sex is not losing one's virginity shocked me. How many traditional cuties out there have gaping destroyed assholes but kept their "chastity" because they never did vagoo? Or how many girlfriends and wives "didn't" cheat on their man cause they just took it up the pooper?

>> No.21843789

Why is nonsense dead? Why do people seek consistency at all costs, more than before?

>> No.21843866

realists are such creeps, you should never sleep with them unless you're feeling masochistic

>> No.21843914

they're just being normal

>> No.21843980

I don't think a realist has ever been interested in someone without a hereditary taint or degenerate nature; they want you to be fucked up.

>> No.21844009

I'm quitting my job with nothing lined up, I'll most likely regret it but my current job has left me so depressed that I'd regret staying even longer.
Really hope the interview(s) I'm doing work out, either that or my time away from work will improves my mood.

>> No.21844017


>> No.21844018

My mind is open. I am free. Who am I? I am be.

>> No.21844066

After 10 years of slowly chipping away at it im about to come up on the last lap of reading the entire Duluoz Legend by Jack Kerouac. He was a huge fan of Shakespear and often mentioned him among his greatest inspirations.

>> No.21844078

Monday night, closing hour at local village saloon
By name of Gunther's
Extremely petit and frail blonde lady tending Bar
40+ and still in pigtails
Her name is not Gunther
Man enters and removes hat
Pushing 29 but appearing to push 60
Sad grimace and bright green windbreaker
Remaining entirely calm and unemotional
A look of being of the verge of tears is in his eyes
Fenced in by an expression of utter seriousness
Orders a shot of bourbon
Sips off half of it and calmly looks up at the aloof bartendress with deep but gated concern
I'm worried about you
We've been noticing that you've been living fast and loose lately
And that you haven't been yourself
I don’t know what we are gonna do about this
But I’m deeply concerned
And I felt we needed to tell you
We've been talking things over
And came up with some ideas
I think we might able to help you out

>> No.21844103

>imagined my head getting crushed by a steamroller
>balls start tingling

Probably just a coincidence

>> No.21844133

did the same thing in 2019. worked out all right. advice: don't spend too long doing nothing

>> No.21844145

>Girls on dating apps are uniformly insane
>Can't meet girls irl ever
Starting to get a little depressed over this again.

>> No.21844153

I hope my boyfriend's ex girlfriend gets ripped apart by lions next time she visits a zoo.

>> No.21844156

think the idea in that track (or, say, jane austen's novels) isn't to judge, but to be very honest about human nature

>> No.21844158

>tfw insane and not on dating apps
Idk which one of us is doing it wrong

>> No.21844162

you're cringe af mate

>> No.21844168


>> No.21844169

I think you need to be ignorant of the context of both those things and the definition realism to think that

>> No.21844170

Sounds like you want to have sex with her. Have you considered the possibility? You have very strong feelings for her and devote a large part of your life to her.

>> No.21844176

She's not my type.

>> No.21844188

have a word with yourself

>> No.21844189

Your bf loved a discord tranny

>> No.21844190

You tell yourself that constantly but why spend the effort doing that? What force are you resisting? She must have some kind of animal magnetism that's irresistible to any human, male or female.

>> No.21844195

Diogenes was right. I'm a chicken.

>> No.21844203

>it's another episode of /lit/ gets a girl to take her clothes off and discover the decadent lifestyle
Warned you about the realists; the late 19th C has a lot to answer for, including yandere anonnette's future live reenactment of Swinburne's sapphic cannibalism.

>> No.21844205

what's bad is bad, and not to be ignored in order to make it tolerable
to forbid this sort of thing on moral grounds would have been to condemn moses and his fellow-israelites for defending themselves against their enemies in the wilderness, and joshua for seizing the Promised Land

>> No.21844206

I’m 29. I am actually a pretty talented artist but have never taken any courses or done training so I can see where you’re coming from with that. I haven’t drawn in years, however. You may not realize this but 24 is actually very young. There’s a huge difference between 24 and 30, which I will be in just a few months. My age actually bothers me a lot because I’ve always wanted to be great at something and I’ve spent the last 5 years sort of thinking about what I want to do with my life that I could be great at and trying out different things, but nothing stuck and I didn’t gain any traction with any one thing. That’s a problem because I’ve started to get the sense that you really have to find your thing before you’re 30 if you want to be great. There are very few, actually no instances that I know of anyone, or anyone who got really, really good anything but wasn’t really in it until their 30s.

>> No.21844218

better just give up then

>> No.21844221

No girl needs to be on a dating app. You could most dudes you know irl.

>> No.21844224

My sexuality has reduced to masturbation.
I swear, when I see a hot girl, I think of fapping, not about sleeping with her.

>> No.21844229

wouldn't worry bout it

>> No.21844253

I'm starting to accept that my autistic special interest are fetishes and kinks. I wish it was something more useful with numbers and shit, but I suppose I can always become a pro-domme if everything else fails.

>> No.21844277
File: 17 KB, 680x378, 27d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe i can still come out of this "winning" if i play my cards right. in fact, i think i will

wish me luck, wwoym anons

>> No.21844285

I'm going to advocate for a lottocracy.

>> No.21844331

Who am I kidding? I’m driving myself insane grasping at straws, desperately reading into posts in these threads that are too cryptic and vague to have any concrete meaning, analyzing syntax and word choice and punctuation, scrutinizing each turn of phrase or vaguely familiar sentiment, searching for something, anything that might be from you. Once the panic sets in I lose control and I can’t stop. But I’ve been waiting for so long that it’s embarrassing and devastating to think about, I’ve lost years to this, descending into this terrifying inner world of despair and isolation and delusion, and you’ve done nothing to reach me and had nothing to say. I could humiliate myself and debase myself and go to insane lengths to reach you and you’d only grow more angry and disgusted and become more determined to shut me out and push me away. If you actually cared about me even the smallest bit there would be no conceivable reason or excuse for you to have treated me this way, to have said such cruel things about me, to sit by and let me fall apart like this without making the smallest attempt to intervene, to respond to my suffering with amusement or callous indifference or skepticism or accusations of manipulation. This has destroyed my sanity and taken over my whole life and yet I can’t stop. I keep losing control and every time it happens it gets worse and lasts for longer. I don’t think there’s any way out for me anymore besides an ugly, abrupt, self-imposed and definitive ending.

If I’m not crazy and you’re actually here, if you actually regret it, if you care at all, then please listen: I can’t do this anymore. I need you to talk to me. I don’t even particularly care what you say, just say it now because I’ve passed my breaking point. Don’t make me wait. Just fucking call me or text me or make some attempt to reach me. Please help me. I need you, please. I’m scared.

>> No.21844350

>You may not realize this but 24 is actually very young.
You will say this about 30 when you’re 40…

>> No.21844370

>You could most dudes you know irl
Is there a step before this?

>> No.21844383

The color of sapphire is like pizza on congruous lines displaced on boom barrier shielding the train from simian settlers.

>> No.21844389

Why not just call them bro? Talking to anon in the hope someone whose number you have will potentially see an anon post and then call you is not the most efficient way to have a phonecall.

>> No.21844390

I hate her for existing. It's not that complicated.
Love is a strong word.

>> No.21844393

I don't doubt God's plans, but he's given me essentially every single thing I've ever asked for, often very quickly, except the thing I want most, a wife, or even just a girl to date. I don't really understand anymore.

>> No.21844402

If what was once a crank becomes mainstream, then maybe the craziest that none would follow would become mainstream given a billion years or so.

>> No.21844405

How long do you consider too long?

>> No.21844412

I thought that was everyone's autistic interest these days. I miss the days when freaks weren't socially taught en masse.

>> No.21844420

hi, let's be kinky together :^)

>> No.21844439

>hate simply randomly arose for this woman with no cause, it's a virgin birth, metaphysically fundamental
That's really cool.

>> No.21844452

That’s true, but it doesn’t change the observation.

>> No.21844478

If I could, I would. To every question.

>> No.21844487

What do you mean?

>> No.21844506

For every question that asks whether I would.

>> No.21844511

That’s not really a clear answer.

>> No.21844514

Every time I have a budding relationship, some part of my mind unravels and gives me a top ten reasons why the relationship will be dead-ended no matter what. Most of the time, It's because said person does not believe in God. I don't know why so many people in the west are faithless. I became a fucking volcel because everyone I know is already taken or some kind of mentally troubled careerist princess.

>> No.21844550
File: 217 KB, 816x1199, 836E3B5D-AD9F-46FF-8461-154C0BF34A94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the difference between a republic and a democracy?

>> No.21844602

Typically, a republic is any state that is not monarchic (one leader) in which the people take part in political affairs through voting. More commonly, it is roughly interchangeable with democracy, which is rule by the many (or people).

>> No.21844616


>> No.21844636

I have, to no avail. I’m scared to try again.

>> No.21844640

How long since you last talked to them? Your post said years so if they've been ghosting you for years, you might be stalking them bro

>> No.21844667

Just leave me alone.

>> No.21844710

Life is like navigation on a boat.

>> No.21844777

For democracy any man would give his only begotten son.

>> No.21844811

why won’t you help me it’s not going to get better it’s never going to stop hurting

>> No.21844831

>Every time I have a budding relationship, some part of my mind unravels and gives me a top ten reasons why the relationship will be dead-ended no matter what.
Mine just ignores the signs that we are not compatible and that I’m not even that interested in the first place. Tbh I think I was never deeply interest in someone, loneliness just makes my mind go full cope mode and get infatuated with the most “meh, close enough” woman around.
>Most of the time, It's because said person does not believe in God. I don't know why so many people in the west are faithless.
I don’t go to church but in my case it’s because I forgot 90% of what I’m supposed to do as a catholic/in a catholic church and I’m too autistic to start frequenting one and ask a priest for help.
>I became a fucking volcel because everyone I know is already taken or some kind of mentally troubled careerist princess.
Yeah, the decent ones get taken fast. I became a volcel because chasing up sluts and fleeting relationships I didn’t even want in the first place just made me feel like shit.

>> No.21844836

It is less me not loving you and more us not sharing the same perspective
Not that anyone would understand that

>> No.21844840

What do you mean

>> No.21844843

I understand that.

>> No.21844849

He wants to be a cuck but she said no.

>> No.21844853

It just hit me. I don’t think I can move on.

>> No.21844857

why not?

>> No.21844866


>> No.21844868

fuck off

>> No.21844873
File: 387 KB, 1920x1080, E728D5EB-539D-4776-8EDE-CE4569088080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was gonna use this picture, but wondered if I had used it already

>> No.21844883

I just don’t think I can. It actually keeps me up at night.

>> No.21844885

You are unable to project yourself in the future and hold true attachment to anything if said attachment isn't strictly fueled by your hormone responses. The material world being everything to you is a trait I despise. Because of this, you cannot be trusted; if I suddenly became a cripple, losing my quintessential material values as a sexual partner, you wouldn't love me anymore. Or you would pretend to, and delude yourself in an act of which you would be a tragic character, taking care of a cripple and resisting the 'torments' of sexual attraction to viable, more interesting partners. You wouldn't be happy in any way and I would notice, because I love you. In this equation, I would be negligible. Were our positions reversed, I would take care of you until the very end, uncaring of the status quo, simply because I fear God and would have sworn allegiance to you as my romantic partner. This lack of balance is why we can't be together.

>> No.21844907

a republic is a union of states that can act relatively autonomously without much interference, a democracy is a organisational system where the people have direct representation, a democracy necessarily implies a theory of redistributive justice, a republic does not.

>> No.21844939


A republic is a form of representative government. Taking many form of the centuries, it has consistently been manipulated by the elites. In Rome they were usually rendered figureheads to the imperial office, in most cases it becomes outright or clandestine oligarchy.

Democracy is a process for popular decision making. When applied to oligarchic republic, it is a disingenuous process where the elites parade a couple of their own choices for who will be the leaders/lawmakers. Voting however isn’t full or actualized democracy. Only direct democracy is. This process is criticized for being too unwieldy for ruling a country, but these are power thirsty elites saying this.

>> No.21845013

Citizen Kane is and always will be a masterpiece, you absolute filmcel

>> No.21845760

Thinking about self harming tonight.

>> No.21845774

dont do it.

chase purpose however unlikely or impossible.