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21813523 No.21813523 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best religious book?

>> No.21813526

The king James Bible.

>> No.21813825

The Odyssey

>> No.21813893
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>> No.21813978

The obvious aside, the Catechism of the Catholic Church is pretty good. A shame it isn't well-known or well-read, even by Catholics.

>> No.21813995

What's good about it? It reads like a justification for retarded theology that isn't Christian.

>> No.21814009

Brideshead Revisited

>> No.21814053
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>Catholicism isn't Christianity

>> No.21814100

Jesus tells you to pray to God. Catholics pray to his whore of a mother.

>> No.21814109

It sure isn’t.

No, to their infallible Pope. Mary is a token saint to buy off the last of the pagans.
Nothing related to Abrahamic faith is any good

>> No.21814174

my diary to be honest

>> No.21814978


>> No.21814982

You don't have to call Mary a whore just because you're not Catholic, she's still Christ's mom.

>> No.21815024

How did she become pregnant?

>> No.21815029

Immaculate Conception.

>> No.21815076

It's a common claim by Alabama teens that the Holy Spirit did it once daddy finds out about the big tummy

>> No.21815157

Wasn't Jesus nice to whores? Haven't you read the Gospels?

>> No.21815298

The Gita.

>> No.21815340

It is not a common claim.

>> No.21815463

The Havamal

>> No.21815468

Aside from primary religious sources, the Sayings of the Desert Fathers.

>> No.21815488

Tao Te Ching

>> No.21815727
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>> No.21815765

Babylonian wisdom poetry

>> No.21815833

the Synaxarion (lives of Saints) of the Orthodox Church

>> No.21816398
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>> No.21816667

>What's the best religious book?
Either The Nag Hammadi Scriptures by Meyer or Ancient Gnosticism by Pearson
Also, imagine actually owning anything by Ehrman.
Not even real Hermeticism. If you want to read false new age rubbish, you should just skip to the texts of theosophy proper.

>> No.21816686
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It's this. I honestly can't even fathom a book this good exists but it does.

>> No.21816696

What is so good about it? I haven't heard about this book but I have always been interested in tarot but never read anything on that subject just yet

>> No.21816724

>What is so good about it?
The endorsement on the back that says, "The final word on wisdom." is correct. It describes the human mystery using mysticism and Catholic tradition in what feels like the greatest human achievement since the Summa.

>> No.21816781

The God Delusion

>> No.21817954

God is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything

>> No.21817979

Jesus was also a jew

>> No.21818096

Does it discus pre-Christian divination (and not just jewish casting of lots) or is it strictly on Christian hermeticism?

>> No.21818328

That’s not a religious book.

>> No.21818486

Believing in human rights is just as much a leap of faith as one who becomes Christian spreads their wings for. Darwin disproves nice people, humanism, liberty, free markets, and progressivism just as much as people who aren't just fancy cockroaches that exist for nothing much.

>> No.21818506

morality is just a consequence of being a group living animal
religion is just a method of coping with uncertainty

>> No.21818554

The 108 Upanishads

>> No.21818584
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There's literally no argument against Ehrman except that he is radically centrist on theology.

>> No.21818604

>the Gospel of Mark predicts the destruction of the temple ergo it postdates it

Not even a Christian, I’m a Muslim, but his methodology begs the question, as does beg the question from a theological point of view. Critical historical method starts from the axiomatic principles that miracles aren’t real based on Hume’s point that they defy the laws of nature. Now this is a useful way to examine a text if you are a materialist and studying something from that perspective with other materialists but it has zero applicability in use to confront the religious with and disprove their religion, just like what is considered proofs for arguments among Islamic scholars would be considered worthless to materialists

>> No.21818643

Religion is an outlet to practice spirituality and having a physical communal place of support. Athiest pseuds are so fucking retarded, it boggles my mind.

You are seeing the downfall of social cohesion with your own eyes. People are dating less, having sex less, more depressed and more lonely. All despite communication and finding people to talk to is easier than ever.

People are shunning their neighbors and becoming less involved in community driven things in their towns. They then replace it with online "communities" and likes on social media. People are normalizing getting nervous calling for pizza or talking to someone in a public space because of how disconnected to being a physical social species we have become.

>> No.21818644


>> No.21818741

Wrong. Consciousness allows an individual to comprehend another being, and consequently the fact that another being's suffering is similar to one's own suffer, allowing for the phenomenon of human compassion. If you don't know what I'm referring to, you are probably a sociopath, which is, unfortunately, a by product of the proliferation of traits in a population, however for the rest of us capable of feeling compassion and human solidarity, no leap of faith is required. "Believing in human rights" is also a non-sequitur. Human rights are a construct created with the goal of achieving some semblance of fairness and to alleviate suffering, a goal which stems from human compassion and solidarity.

>> No.21818760

Strictly Christian Hermeticism.

>> No.21819167
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>> No.21819235

ah, disappointing

>> No.21819285

Currently reading st john of the cross' ascent of mount carmel. Opinions?

>> No.21819302

I like taking the broad approach.

>> No.21819313
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All of them.

>> No.21819344

Lord Of The Rings

>> No.21819472

only possible to have said that without reading it

>> No.21819476


>> No.21819487

>dude, catholicism is based because it makes you cry a lot