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21783578 No.21783578 [Reply] [Original]

Explain to me how natalism is correct when my life sucks and I hate every passing hour of it. I even live in conditions that wouldn't curry any sort of resentment towards it but here I am, still hating my life.

You lied to me that life was based, you lied to me.

>> No.21783581

not everyone is a miserable loser like you
sad fucks can kill themselves after being born if they don't want to live, babies can't life themselves after they're not born if they don't want to not live

>> No.21783585

correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't antinatalism just mean that it's immoral to have kids since the kid doesn't have a say in the matter? it doesn't necessarily mean life is inherently bad

>> No.21783586

are you not white?

>> No.21783595

You LIED to me

>> No.21783599

I love how life-loving's natalists' immediate response to the challenge of stress is "lul just kill self XD"
truly, these people enjoy life, look at them seething at anyone questioning the validity of the many copes they employ

>> No.21783605

They lied to me.

>> No.21783631

My four month old daughter gives me a full body smile everytime she recognizes me, it's pretty sweet

>> No.21783638

well yea everyone knows natalists get children for their own sake

>> No.21783643

So much for being for "pro-life" lmao

>> No.21783666

We all want to die you're not special. I am an antinatalist but should go to gym, eat clean, get some sun, eat Ray Peat's carrot salad and eat a clove of garlic everyday, If you're low T then drink the juice of raw onions everyday. Don't live passively, please. Like Ligotti said if you're going to die then die is style. Trust me with a healthy body you're more ready for suicide than a fucked body. You should Seneca's letter on suicide. Man of young bright lads committed suicide when their time came with out any fear what so ever.

Like Emil Cioran said "you take care if yourself the best as you can". Cioran cured his insomnia by going on bicycling trips all over the France. He use to drink a bottle of wine before sleeping. And in the morning he use to work out in cemeteries, metal right? Schopenhauer meditated for decades and died peacefully at his breakfast table. Zapffe was a pro mountain climber, there is even mountain on his name.

Life is super fucked up but take care of yourself Pessimistbro.

>> No.21783683
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They lied to me and continue to lie to me, why do they do this??

>> No.21783691

Read The Varieties of Religious Experience NOW.

>> No.21783692
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No you fucking lied to me, piss off faggot

>> No.21783693

Who gives a fuck about "them"? You have Schopenhauer, Zapffe, Cioran etc. to tell you the truth. If you still haven't developed some sort of pride in saying no existence then you're doing it wrongly?

>> No.21783698
File: 55 KB, 1024x640, BA14705D-B5FB-47E0-80CA-74820CF171A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopped reading. God solves all your existential needs and if he doesn’t then you’ll be distracted enough to be out of the headspace. You think society wants people to walk around slapping its dick on each others faces screaming “what is the point of it all???” No; poopy water needs to flow to the ocean, milk needs to be delivered to babies, electricity needs to flow to power internet, fat ladies need to get fucked, and disgusting hot chicks need validation. What sort of truth would satisfy you anyhow? Meaningful truth you actually attune? Maybe today is the day you get a little closer to that truth but probably not you will just spin that squeaky wheel and complain like a bitch.

>> No.21783713

I put antinatalism on the same scale as trannyfagism and I am not sorry

>> No.21783719

Stopped reading
Fuck off retarded larper, you're boring

>> No.21783723

Does my daughter smile at me with unbridled joy for my sake or her's?

>> No.21783725

based, the logical conclusion to anti-natalism is suicide and its cope if they say otherwise

>> No.21783727
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>doesn't even give advice just shits on you for having a shitty life despite being natalist

>> No.21783749

Emil Cioran said that faith is gift. It is not possible to develop faith. Either you have it or your don't. Most of Pessimists lack faith. Most Pessimist before enlightenment were deists or monks/mystics/saints. That sort of enchantment isn't available to us. If I had faith I would have joined some ascetic long ago.
>You think society wants people to walk around slapping its dick on each others faces screaming “what is the point of it all???
No, that's naive as shit to ask meaning of anything. Before the death of Socrates he was playing flute, some fag tried to demoralize him by asking that what the fuck is he doing before his death. Socrates told the faggot that "I am just trying to learn this tune". That's enough meaning, no more words!
>What sort of truth would satisfy you anyhow?
I would prefer redemption over truth any day of the week but I am indifferent to my redemption. I also know that there is no way out and I am on my own.
>but probably not you will just spin that squeaky wheel and complain like a bitch.
Yeah and that's the human condition. Reflection is one realm and "life" the other. In life nothing help you, no art or Cioran. You're all alone like a crazy and you're destined for suffering, decay, disease and death.

>> No.21783755

>Emil Cioran said that faith is gift
he was just being nice, anon. "Gift" is a euphemism for low IQ

>> No.21783767

Maybe it is. One time Cioran said that a Wolf and a Saint fight in every pessimist. I can understand both the wolf and saint. Nonetheless I have experienced the ineffable which is mysterious, silent and indifferent. So I don't know. Even Cioran himself was never cured of using the word "God". Although his God was incomprehensible or the nothingness not Yahweh.

>> No.21783768

Buhoo buhoo buhhuuhhuhuuoooo

>> No.21783777

This is exactly what made me into a misanthrope in the first place.

>> No.21783798

Well, congratulations! Today is your lucky day! Turns out life can be easily made opt-out after all. Simply kill yourself friend, and you too can claim your eternal reward!

>> No.21784081
File: 32 KB, 314x500, Can Biotechnology Abolish Suffering?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the far future might be paradise. It's theoretically possible to genetically engineer people in order to be constantly happy and be physically incapable of suffering.


>> No.21784087


>Benatar's policy prescription is untenable. Radical anti-natalism as a recipe for human extinction will fail because any predisposition to share that bias will be weeded out of the population. Radical anti-natalist ethics is self-defeating: there will always be selection pressure against its practitioners. Complications aside, any predisposition not to have children or to adopt is genetically maladaptive. On a personal level, the decision not to bring more suffering into the world and forgo having children is morally admirable. But voluntary childlessness or adoption is not a global solution to the problem of suffering.

>Yet how should rational moral agents behave if - hypothetically - some variant of Benatar's diagnosis as distinct from policy prescription was correct?

>In an era of biotechnology and unnatural selection, an alternative to anti-natalism is the world-wide adoption of genetically preprogrammed well-being. For there needn't be selection pressure against gradients of lifelong adaptive bliss - i.e. a radical recalibration of the hedonic treadmill. The only way to eradicate the biological substrates of unpleasantness - and thereby prevent the harm of Darwinian existence - is not vainly to champion life's eradication, but instead to ensure that sentient life is inherently blissful. More specifically, the impending reproductive revolution of designer babies is likely to witness intense selection pressure against the harmfulness-promoting adaptations that increased the inclusive fitness of our genes in the ancestral environment of adaptation. If we use biotechnology wisely, then gradients of genetically preprogrammed well-being can make all sentient life subjectively rewarding - indeed wonderful beyond the human imagination. So in common with "positive" utilitarians, the "negative" utilitarian would do better to argue for genetically preprogrammed superhappiness.

>> No.21784100
File: 187 KB, 1280x960, mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sad fucks can kill themselves after being born if they don't want to live
Society tries to force people to stay alive. Pic related killed himself, but was involuntarily institutionalized twice.


>I was walking with my mom on Old Orchard mall when the police walked up to us and took me to the hospital. I now live in constant fear that this could just happen – that the police can just take away my freedom. The police are conspiring with the hospital people. In a normal, non-simulated world the police shouldn’t be able to recognize you in a crowd and know you’re not taking your medication or going to the doctor or whatever. It was as if they were expecting me. Big Brother is real and it won’t stop until I agree with its treatment plan for me. It’s that plain simple a dystopia. I live inside 1984. I already suspected history wasn’t real and I will also pay the price for knowing this inconvenient truth. It’s better if I didn’t know the truth. The Thought Police doesn’t allow certain kinds of thoughts. It doesn’t allow me to be suicidal, and I don’t know just what the level of surveillance is. This writing and thought may be immediately known and acted upon. I just wish I understood what was going on. How can I make sense of these events? The body of mankind is a single agent, an all-seeing eye? Now they just go ahead and label me a schizophrenic and call it a day. It really is that fucked up and simple. A boring dystopia, truly. They’ve got me scared to go to the lake in the middle of the night because they can imprison me in a psychiatric hospital without actually having committed a crime. The only fate truly worse than death is imprisonment in one of those psychiatric hospitals. Since I know I’m not alone, even in the middle of the night, I cannot go. I am the sanest I’ve ever been in my life and I know I’m being forced to suffer through this lie. I have incontrovertible personal evidence of the police using power I didn’t know they had. My life is mostly negative and definitely not worth living.

>> No.21784125
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You need to come to the conclusion that this life is just a test and that there is something waiting beyond it.

>> No.21784280

no one knows the superposition of your shirt inside Schrödinger's box

>> No.21785177


>> No.21785181

...sauce for the image?

>> No.21785314

>suffering is... LE BAD

>> No.21785323

You must walk your own path anon. Tbh I was in your same predicament for a while and then I finally came around and started enjoying life again. I’m not gonna prescribe a solution or anything that’s all up to you.