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21651602 No.21651602 [Reply] [Original]

>don't agree with at all with all talk about red pill blackpill incel stuff
>give a chance to a avarage female novel
>read it
>all of those BLACKPILL stuff are actually true to a T, and straight from the horse mouth
>novel is filled with stereotypical rich handsome Chads fighting for some bland girls
>avarage dude on the story is just treated as side characters that just disappeared to give focus to the Chad and Jane McBland relationship
>Chad is a dark brooding dude, but his rich, handsome and tall, and goddamn neurosurgeon
>Chad' has all the girls but somehow he fell for Jane McBland and goes after her like madman


Those stupid female books got me more blackpilled that those underground hardcore incel forum. Read it for yourself and see what I'm talking about.

>> No.21651609

Whats the book?

>> No.21651619

>Won't name book
You didn't read anything this whole year

>> No.21651620

It Ends with Us

>> No.21651624


>> No.21651626

Young woman likes bad guy.
Old woman realizes her mistake and settles.
More news at 12.

>> No.21651636

> neurosurgeon
Lmao is that real?? So he’s handsome, rich, tall, AND a neurosurgeon? seems too funny to be true

>> No.21651637

They don't like "bad guys" per se, they like dude that can fight and are possible dangerous. Se from a female point of views, would you carry a baby from pussy ass nigga or a baby from a special force dude?

>> No.21651643
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If only you knew how bad things really were

>> No.21651674

>reads porn for women
>complains that the male standard is unacheivable
No shit retard. That's like a woman seeing a man jacking off over Lara Croft or 2-B and being jealous

>> No.21651681

This is much is true of the incel redpill shit. But the way it's phrased by most incels it's not even about acknowledging the truth of the matter, it's more like humiliation fetish mind poison that'll eventually turn you into a suicidal misanthrope, especially the way that incels dwell on that stuff 24/7

>> No.21651688

I have never seen you shilling Paul Auster

>> No.21651689

*This much is true

>> No.21651699

Untrue, but I have read henrai doujins. The girls there are in no way ultra attractive and crazy over a plain guy.

>> No.21651703

Is being a red pilled black piller whatever correlated with being right wing/alt right etc?
>inb4 that statistic that shows incels as a mix of left wingers and right wingers then centrists
I believed it was a left wing thing to be honest but then I’d keep coming across guys like OP on here and start to wonder if most incel (white incel) guys are right wing. Is it because in a genuine trad society they believe they would get a woman? Whereas in the left wing world they live in women have choice?

>> No.21651704

>women can't love
>being surprised by it

>> No.21651714

In traditional societies everyone has women. It was true even for early modern times, when there wasn't really many women to have.

>> No.21651715

>Pulp novels geared towards middle-aged roastie devorcees are all the same cookie cutter shit

Truly I am... SHOCKED.

>> No.21651716

>hating women is leftist
In the current day troons are favored over women but when incel ideology began it was not leftist to hate women.

>> No.21651760

I recommended New York Trilogy in a Lain thread couple days ago. I should shill him more desu, he's really underappreciated round here (probably on the account of most of you guys being terrible antisemites!)

>> No.21651763
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The entirety of otaku culture is built around the idea of some mediocre and completely bog-standard faggot with the personality of a tootsie roll getting a harem of around seven or eight color coded bitches, and this does bleed into their porn. It's all the same trash and a baffling majority of lonely losers, male or female, live for it.

>> No.21651769

I’m actually a philosemite. Anti-semitism is for brainless faggots.

>> No.21651820

That's the most sensible position (btw I'm not jewish in case anyone's wondering)

>> No.21651885
File: 34 KB, 680x408, im just going to sit perfectly still for two or three weeks and itll all be okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you were a w*man you'd be assmad that male erotic fantasies frequently involve a harem of 11/10s swooning over joe average

>> No.21651938

Since your obviously a girl, why don't you just tell us. What do we need to do as men to have a harem of 11/10s swooning over us? It's not that much to ask, I only want like four chicks, but when I go outside it seems like there's only 300lb divas.

>> No.21652046
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Nothing new under the sun. Fucking animals.

>> No.21652356

>Is being a red pilled black piller whatever correlated with being right wing/alt right etc?
I'd argue those groups are more likely to adapt uncomfortable facts about the world into their worldview, so yes.

>start to wonder if most incel (white incel) guys are right wing
No, you're literally falling for propaganda. To be blunt, ascribing it to a left right paradigm in the case of incels is useless, incels are far more likely to be extremists, left or right, however.

>> No.21652366

>To right wing men, we are private property. To left wing men, we are public property
That unsightly, obese bitch was probably right.

>> No.21652382

Yes, women are property and can only ask men to be nice. Ultimately, we'll decide between ourselves what to do with you. Just accept this fact already.

>> No.21652745

> Old woman realizes her mistake and settles
It’s not a mistake. It’s having your cake and eating it too. Always a safety net of stable men who are supposed to catch the burned out party girls when they are out of their prime. You’re supposed to be thankful you get her at 30+, jaded and looking for a paycheck you see. You’re a winner, this is your reward for staying on the med school track.

>> No.21652749

> incels are far more likely to be extremists, left or right, however.
The outcasts of society aren’t likely to be voting for the status quo is presented as if it’s some kind of incredible insight. What sort of solutions does the mainstream offer incels exactly? Fuck you for existing.

>> No.21652753

If she gets knocked up by A and then "settles" for B, she wins. A also wins. The problem here is that you're B in this equation.

>> No.21652766

Let me guess, you picked a book based on the cover featuring a shirtless, buff dude, which you swear was totally random.

>> No.21652974


>> No.21652982

>Most incel are right wing

Lmao, they did a study that found out that opposite, incel are actual left wing. Kek.

>> No.21652999


>> No.21653162

>swooning over joe average
I get you're trying to make some ebin return to sender gotcha, but harem protagonists are typically ultra chads, if they don't have outright magical powers. The times they are relatively average it is treated as a gag.

>> No.21653177

>t. the average right-wing incel misogynistic 4chan user
Do yourself a favor and kys.

>> No.21653180

It's actually studied that women dislike it if their partner watches pornography where an ugly dude has sex with a super pretty female.

>> No.21653184

They're typically insufferable beta males with the blandest most terminally nice guy personalities. If I was a woman I wouldn't date one even if you paid me.

>> No.21653214

>harem protagonists are typically ultra chads,
lol. Lmao, even.

>> No.21653226

Most guys who fail to get laid are left wing. You just think they must be right wing because the vocal ones are because if you accept those aspects of female psychology then you aren’t going to be left wing anymore

>> No.21653230

how is this any different than judging men based on some nigger rapping about he kills and rapes for a living and has 50 hoes bouncing on his dick

>> No.21653269

I was always a suicidal misanthrope. Don't even give a fuck about what whores (~50% of the population) are doing.

>> No.21653277
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>> No.21654271

nowhere in this scheme do i get cunny. it's unequivocally over.

>> No.21654305

Lmao absolutely no shame what the fuck.

>> No.21654344

>read any classic literature
>wow this attractive person sure is getting a lot of pussy
>wow these unattractive men don't seem to be getting a lot of women
We figured this shit out ages ago. If you're unattractive, you're most likely not going to have a lot of sex unless you're rich. Blackpill and redpill are just trying to reinvent the wheel, which we are all aware of, but they're not the ones to blame. It's lefty ideology trying to make everyone equal, even though it's impossible in areas such as dating. This is why they always go for the weakest arguments of "just shower bro", they cannot conceive that there are parts of life where it is impossible for people to be equal outside systemic causes.

>> No.21654403

>average female novel
>it gets compared to porn, by people defending it