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File: 82 KB, 756x1061, Mark_Twain_by_AF_Bradley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21598451 No.21598451 [Reply] [Original]

he would be a redditor today wouldnt he

>> No.21598460 [DELETED] 

he'd probably be spending a lot of time in rooms with checkerboard floors

>> No.21598542

No, you fag.

>> No.21598597

He served as a Confederate soldier. And was born into a slave owning family. At the very least he'd see nuance in behalf of "racists."

In terms of his work: he created modern American humor. His story on barbers reads like a curb your enthusiasm episode. Adam and Eve read like a Simpsons episode. His trip to Niagara reads like a South Park episode. So in a way, he invented Reddit.

>> No.21598603

A redditor could never write Tom Sawyer.

>> No.21598609

He would post frog threads on 4channel.

>> No.21598675

>the anti-frog discord tranny has arrived in the fifth thread in the catalog

go fuck yourself to death with a steak knife faggot nobody cares if you freaks hate the bad cartoon for whatever stupid little reason your goyslave minds have cooked up.

>> No.21598747

But he didn’t TRUST THE SCIENCE cause he hated Christian Science.

>> No.21598764

He deserted the confederacy once he found out they were fighting to preserve and expand slavery.

>> No.21599232

Twain was a idiosyncratic thinker who was capable of criticizing the world he grew up in while still regarding it with respect and affection. He also had a sympathy for the people at the bottom of society which was not a facade for liberal arrogance.

Read Tobacco Road if you want to see what a Reddit-brained version of Twain would actually write.

>> No.21599253
File: 67 KB, 972x456, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At the very least he'd see nuance in behalf of "racists."
yeah bro I'm sure he'd fit right in on /pol/

>> No.21599276

>Tobacco Road
>mfw presbyteritiod business retards make us look like niggers again

>> No.21599363

And why would that be an issue?

>> No.21600208


>> No.21600324

Now what, and i mean it, THE FUCK is he wrong about? Two of the biggest and bloodiest wars in recent history were between white nations.

>> No.21601643

Very interesting information. Still I think he'd get #cancelled if he were to come to our time in a time machine. He already has been with the word nigger. For that reason, I don't think he'd in kneel with BLM

>> No.21601948


All this technology and development yet nothing changes.

>> No.21602019

Just retardant being retards.

>> No.21602212

He's fit in on /fa/ at the very least.

>> No.21602245

when i think of savagery i think mudhuts, lack of developed irrigation or plumbing, localized superstitions such as believing neighbors are involved in witchcraft. i don't believe there's anywhere on earth whites live like that.

>> No.21602340

You would have hated Puritan New England

>> No.21602372
File: 18 KB, 512x468, 1652103967915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who isn't a straight white Christer would hate Puritan New England.

>> No.21602446

>i don't believe there's anywhere on earth whites live like that
Eastern Europe.

>> No.21602480

Imagine getting into a petty squabble with your neighbor and he says he saw you flying over the town. You are investigated and your church attendance of 10 times a week seems awfully suspicious. You are tied to a stake to be set on fire. As you go up in flames you curse the townspeople. They acknowledge this curse as proof that you are a witch, warlock or werewolf

>> No.21602521
File: 97 KB, 504x470, 1656603082502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds keyed.

>> No.21602881

Not at all how those went down, they were instigated by women against older women they disliked and a handful of old lady simps. I'd simply cold-cock her and live in the woods like the Indians.

>> No.21604014

I can't believe this story you're telling me, it's macabre!

>> No.21604156

Not at all. But he also wouldn't post on 4chan either. He'd definitely have a Twitter account though.

t. Read about 5 of his novels

>> No.21604312
