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21571054 No.21571054 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone want to chat about milf footjobs, DARPAnet, neolib blackops assassins, 11 September, the subtleties of domestic relationships, metal gear solid, jews, ect.?

>> No.21571064

Not really. The book was surprisingly mediocre. Very safe writing style compared to everything before it, while throwing in instance after instance of "I understood that le reference" candy for the söy crowd.

>> No.21571068

Can you leave my thread then? Not really in the mood to talk to predictable 4chaner who hates everything.

>> No.21571109
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>Not really in the mood to talk to predictable 4chaner who hates everything.

>> No.21571159
File: 126 KB, 960x1391, 41406700-6a02-11ea-bbfe-4c86675b47d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what your picture implies. Listen man if your gonna come 4chan up my thread can you at least attempt to type out something sensical? Its a generation defining novel, for millennials. It's both hilarious and irreverent and at times incredibly sad and cynical. It's the only good cyberpunk novel since Neuromancer. The protag is a literal horny milf (pic rel).
It's a modern classic, you'll see, about the eternal tension between freedom and captivity, momentum and entropy, meaning and chaos — which he's framed through the last half-century. (Yes, I stole that last sentence from Wired magazine, but only to better illustrate my points.)

>> No.21571168

>for millennials
for gen-x*

>> No.21571177

I got half way throughout, I fucking love pynchon, i think hes the best author ive ever read. didnt finish because life stuff came up. one thing I didnt enjoy was the jewish characters, then again, i guess it added to the authenticity being in new york

>> No.21571181

why is cabinet gargoyle Thomas Pynchon allowed to write a novel about a MILF in current year 2013? how did our xisters not prevent this?

>> No.21571200

It would be ignoring the elephant in the room to not include Jews in a novel about 9/11

>> No.21571206

very true and e-team pilled

>> No.21571400

Bump. Someone better keep this up while I sleep. Explain to me why Maxine fucked Windust.

>> No.21571408


>> No.21571458
File: 277 KB, 1200x1600, 20230117_181105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pynchon is footpilled lmao

>> No.21571495

kind of amazing one of the most acclaimed authors of the past 100 years wrote a novel about how mossad did 9/11

>> No.21571501

ayyy, must be the mon-ayy

>> No.21571516

is this his last novel?

>> No.21571523

why did she make that nerd put a condom on before she gave him a footjob

>> No.21571571

maxine fucked him both for information and because she wanted to be dommed

>> No.21571676

>I don't understand what your picture implies
Holy fucking newfag

>> No.21571685

Guys, I recently started reading against the day, pretty great, but... I lost track after not reading a few days and struggle to pick it up again...

>> No.21571712

im coincidentally in the same boat
lets read it together anon

>> No.21571737

>Ruggles finally redeems himself in the last act by dropping hints in his final book that Israel did 9/11

>> No.21571814

what did he do that needed redeeming?

>> No.21571837

aye, we could do that. how far in are you? im 17% in

>> No.21571842

just finished the first chapter. I could just catch up today and post in this thread when I get to 17 percent. not like ive got anything better to do today.

>> No.21571852

okay, I'll catch up with this - en.everybodywiki.com/List_of_episodes_in_Against_the_Day
btw, I laughed my ass off with the archduke scene, the negro bar in chicago, LMAO, I still kek hard thinking about it.

>> No.21571853

Metal Gear?

>> No.21572040

Go back.

>> No.21572059

wasnt the condom some hyperreal color pattern like an animal print?
felt it was a commentary on the incongruence of this new techno man, also how intensely reorchestrated even sex could become within the cybernetic context

>> No.21572083

Jews are pretty based. Sometimes I fantasize about converting to Orthodox Judaism and marrying Ben Shapiro.

>> No.21572185

>I don't understand what your picture implies.
As >>21571676 said, holy fucking newfag.

>Listen man if your gonna come 4chan up my thread
You're on 4chan. If you don't like it, here's something sensical for you: Go back. If you don't like the board culture, leave.

>It's the only good cyberpunk novel since Neuromancer.
Neuromancer wasn't even that good, but at least it was cyberpunk. BE is typical pychon bullshit with late 90s early 00s memberberries sprinkled on top.

>> No.21572239

being a pedophile

>> No.21572489

>reddit spacing
>boomer slang
fuck off retard

>> No.21572639

>dumbass that calls basic formatting reddit spacing instead of double line breaks for a single




>> No.21572951

>one of the most acclaimed authors of the past 100 years
Lol what?

>> No.21572957

he's write about the boomer part, but that's usenet spacing not reddit spacing.

>> No.21573228

won a national book award and made the pulitzer board seethe have to hold off an awarding anyone in '73
also won a macarthur genius grant
cope and seethe tranny

>> No.21573244

Less acclaimed than Roth and Updike then.

>> No.21573264


>> No.21573275

Why arecpynchoncucks so insecure? He is not relevant anymore, was never really that relevant to begin with, better make peace with it.

>> No.21573297

calling kojima a genius

>> No.21573422

You might be reading into it too much

>> No.21573587
File: 161 KB, 700x626, 8475125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first thing to know about Pynchon books is that they fall into two pretty distinct categories, with Gravity's Rainbow and Against the Day on one side—the side of sprawling epic, of insane depth of characterization and range of setting—these are books that you don't really read, you just dive on into, in all their jagged crazy bottomless mystery. I once said that reading Against the Day was less like reading a book than reading a chunk of a river, and I stand by that.

>Then on the other side you have the wacky capers of Vineland, Inherent Vice, and Bleeding Edge. I suppose these books are equally immersive, equally replete with paranoia and feverish rambling and myriad in-and-out characters and unexpected song breaks and punning turned into high art (this one has a titty bar called Joie de Beavre, to give just one shining example). But while his historical epics flout all traditional novelistic conventions by blowing them completely on their ass, the modernist novels do it in a different way, one mostly of caricaturization. The characters are cartoony, the hijinks are bananas, the twists and dips and feints are piled so helter-skelter that it's generally impossible to have any real idea what's going on, let alone where it's all headed.

So his historical fiction is better?

>> No.21573603

>The characters are cartoony, the hijinks are bananas, the twists and dips and feints are piled so helter-skelter that it's generally impossible to have any real idea what's going on, let alone where it's all headed.
This describes GR much better than inherent vice or Loylt 49 though.

>> No.21573754

reading it at the moment. pretty inspiring how pynchon is able to cultivate such wide interests, even as an old dude. Like, he's successfully managed to infiltrate and imaginatively sympathize with modern day nerds enough to know exactly how they fucking talk.
"hideo kojima. Or as we call him, God."
or like the hilarious footjob part.

he could catch the secret essence of anything, from nose surgery to shit-eating submissive men to the method for getting to the bonus level on time crisis 2. i love pynchon so much. one of the best htings about living in the modern world is being alive at the same time as his books.

his feelslest one imo... prairie searching for the threads of her identity amongst incidental secondhand stories of her mum who walked out on her, that was so heartbreaking...

>> No.21573770

easily the worst book of his that i've read and i'm not even a great fan of the guy. i doubt he was downtown much during the era, he didnt capture it well all that much but there were some stretches when he came close. for those who read pynchon for all the 'references' he'll include, they're there, it's just not a good read

>> No.21573775


>> No.21573787

if you dont enjoy a book, always assume that the problem is with you, rather than the book. if you really feel like you got nothing out of a book it's not the book's fault, it's almost always a receptivity issue. if you saw it in the right light you would find a way to enjoy it.

if it was jusst references then it would be less impressive, whats really amazing is the way that pynchon empathises with and gets involved with the spirit of the things that he references.

>> No.21573809

>Take my hand, Pippin! We'll jump together.

>> No.21573820

What the fuck was that thing in Ice's basement.

>> No.21573825

It wasn't mossad it was neoliberal corpo-govt stooges.
Wasn't that guy she fucking in charge of it or something?

>> No.21573826

I had a professor who said this was his weakest work, but it was so much more engaging than Vineland was. Maybe it's because it was my first Pynchon novel.

>> No.21573843

I don't give a fuck about what your professor thinks.

>> No.21573849

Where do you think those types of tropes come from?

>> No.21573852

words that aren't mine:
>really feel like got nothing out of
if you read a post, don't make things up that weren't included in it and assume they were, whether you respond to it or not

>> No.21574282

I've never read a Pynchon book. Which one is the most accessible, funny, and enjoyable? I'm not in a hyper-intellectual, avant-garde mood. I want something simple and readable.

>> No.21574309

Bleeding Edge will work

>> No.21574316

Fuck it, very well. I'll order it now.

>> No.21574339

youre crazy man

>> No.21574400

Indeed I am known from time to time to be an absolute madman.

>> No.21574481

whose a good actress for this role?

>> No.21575243
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>Its a generation defining novel, for millennials. It's both hilarious and irreverent and at times incredibly sad and cynical. It's the only good cyberpunk novel since Neuromancer.

>> No.21575489

In the book he compares her to Rachel Weisz and Shania twain.

>> No.21575492

Yeah I have opinions unlike you, pussy.

>> No.21575542

Mad online?