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File: 592 KB, 769x1209, lit-wg-critique-challenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21518170 No.21518170 [Reply] [Original]

"Critique Challenge" Edition

Previous thread: >>21504225

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVBGYj6cSoU

>> No.21518175

>thread theme
OP is a faggot

>> No.21518190

And you are an inarticulate mushhead.
If this is an example of how you communicate, you're NGMI

>> No.21518205

You will never be a real writer. You have no talent, you have no insight, you have no focus. You are a delusional man twisted by vanity and self-deceit into a crude mockery of literary potential.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your awkward "wit" behind closed doors.

Audiences are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of literary analysis have allowed readers to sniff out pseuds with incredible efficiency. Even hacks who “sell” seem uncanny and unnatural to a reader. Your sentence structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a few people to open your KDP sample, they’ll turn tail and bolt the second they get a glimpse of your banal, droll prologue.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and pull a DFW, still mistakenly hoping until the last second that your suicide will lend a sense of depth to your work. It won't. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to think up compliments for your latest short story. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and no passerby for the rest of eternity will ever know that you used to refer to yourself with two first initials. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a selfpub that is unmistakably mediocre.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.21518210

18 and a quarter year old Lem short for Lemsworth Sorrowdown was playing at his computer. A hot summers day with the glint of eve beating back the light. Lem was playing but really any entertainment to be had was forcibly ejected long ago. He only ever did what he had to. And ever since he graduated school a year ago he had nothing to have to do. The dull buzz of his computer filled his mind. There was no more youth in this world. Decades ago he could have gone to the disco. Or the socialist rally parties. But now all these youth groups were gone. Only the bleak modernity remained. The only thing for him was endless masturbation. His life felt cold. Lem's youthful day dreams were exclusively centered on taking his father's Colt revolver and running down to the substation to end his life. He would become electricity. My mind is estranged from itself. I watch streamers all day. I can't move forward. I am trapped. Its hopeless. The game is rigged. Nobody likes me. Ill never own a home. And such and such filled Lem's little head. He gazed at his bookshelf. What was once filled with books and pamphlets had been vandalized. Textbooks on American History, the Spanish language, fantastical tales of heroism, Japanese comic books. These familiar sights had been ejected and exploded onto the floor. What was on the shelf instead were works of art. Stoner by Williams, Jest by Wallace, Hegel, Cioran. Lem could hardly stand himself. In his free time during the barren hours between midnight and the Dawn he would burn his old books. Hoping that some day he would burn himself. And maybe he'd become a phoenix. He was alone. Lem thought of leaving. Going to some backwards place, like Pennsylvania and changing his name to David. He day dreamed about meeting an asian girl and bedding her. Lem had never had a girlfriend in his life. He had never had a friend that didn't come in through the wire. Lem liked to imagine himself as a depressed man in his mid 30s at the end of his rope, a heap of experiences and torture on his shoulders. Failed relationships and abandoned children and broken dreams. He liked to believe he lived in a technocratic dystopia and was some kind of authority in it such as a detective. Lem liked to imagine Sisyphus happy. Sissyphus may be the name of a porn star Lem liked

Lem opened his bedroom window and looked outside. He saw nothing but a cooking suburban neighborhood. His parents driveway empty. They're on vacation. Lem thought about jumping but didn't. He sat on his four post bed and decided to masturbate again instead. He imagined himself with an amazonian woman twice his size. She could carry him around and guide him to the best fruits in the jungle. Lem was alone.

>> No.21518211

>demotivational failed crab
peak estrogen

>> No.21518221

Keep your diary desu in your diary desu, not in these threads.

>> No.21518226
File: 9 KB, 220x221, 1673370801904178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still haven't refuted any of our critiques. You just said it is an excerpt from some favorite faggot author of yours, and somehow this redeems the writing? How about you tell us what is wrong with what we said? You can't. You can't think for yourself. Stupid shit like this is why people don't critique. Give up and stop sullying the thread. There are some sincere writers here.

>> No.21518243

Wow...even by your usual seething schizo pseud standards, you're really seething tonight.
I guess mommy and daddy didn't take you with them?
Is it freezing cold in the homeless shelter?

>> No.21518352

I'm not liking it. It's all over the place, and it switches from 3rd person to first person for some reason.

>> No.21518353

47 was Lem's favourite number, and he was riding his bike.
The clouds were uncanny, and the rain was almost here.
Swish. Swish. Swish.
The static of wind surrounded him like water.
Swish. Swish. Swish.
This town was his fishbowl.
The air was mild and his bike glided without resistance.
He wasn't home and he wasn't going home.
The whole place was empty.
Lem wanted to be mauled by a Gorilla in the Amazon Jungle.
Perhaps, then, just maybe, he'd wake up.
Lem began to count down from 47, 46, 45...
Lem saw a car on the road ahead.

>> No.21518356

Today is the same as yesterday, and yesterday will be the same as tomorrow.

- Click -

The computer screen illuminated and flickered with a soft electric hue. Words changed and pictures appeared. Various graphics cluttered the screen, ranging from pictures of cats in compromising positions, to headlines detailing three people who died in a car accident on the local highway. It happened at 3:48 p.m. There was some information about the weather. It will be 79 degrees tomorrow. Despite the silence, the room sparked signs of life. Unseen crickets sang as a light flickered against a ghastly face colored by the blue glare coming from the electric box. Ice melted inside a clear glass cup, as the condensation of droplets ran down the side of the glass.

- Click -

The screen flickered and moved. A new display of different words and pictures. Feds stoke Fears of Inflation, Congress Passes Law Against Guns, Naomi and Chris Calls it Quits!, Man Marries Robot; a New Trend? How to Properly Give and Receive a Kiss, New Fish Discovered in India, Ten Tips to Get the Girl of Your Dreams!, Mudslide in Mexico Reveals New Ruins, Fan Causes Disaster at the Tour De France, Heat Wave Renews Fear of Climate Change, Pizza Place That Will Blow Your Mind, and Drug Cartels Believe to Have Kidnapped Fifty. The hand and finger coordinated together to move a small pointer toward the topic “Ten Tips to Get the Girl of Your Dreams!”.

- Click -

A large picture of a pretty girl with a big toothy smile from ear to ear displayed on the screen. She had dark brown hair, green eyes, and wore a purple sweater and sat on a white sofa, with her legs crossed. She looked straight at the person on the other side of the computer screen. A perfect shot. The finger manipulated the computer device and rolled a button to lower the page away from the girl. There the large text displayed what was advertised only a few seconds ago. “Ten Tips to Get the Girl of Your Dreams!”, written by Susan Coleans, and updated this morning at 9:03 A.M.

A deep breath exhaled from the lips of the person looking at the bright white screen. The cold pizza tasted fine as Caleb’s eyes strained from the glowing lights coming from the metallic box. Although he tried his best to forget, the inevitability of baldness and eventual defeat lingered in his thoughts. His scalp had as much hair as the unshaven shards of hair on his chin and under his nose. Although his lips were chapped and dry, only made worse from constant licks of his tongue; he powered through the hours of repetitive motions that dominated his day. The screen was more important. He read the first tip of ten. “Tip 1: Repeat After Me! BE CONFIDENT!”

>> No.21518392

This thread is proof that contemporary English is common, fragmented, simple, and dull. Resurrecting Elizabethan-isms is empty. Flarf? Been there, done that... I could go on, but I can't it's just so awful. What we need is a new language entirely. Yes. The next canonical masterwork of literature will be the apotheosis of World Englishes. Yes! Watch out, Kazuo Ishiguro—here's Neo-Proustian Pidgin!

>> No.21518665

Where am I supposed to publish my story that features the adult male protagonist having sex with a child?

>> No.21518670

Opinions on having your first writing project be aimed at creating a book of roughly 200 pages? I am in 28 pages so far. any tips would be gusto

>> No.21518699

200 pages? Why not 2 yards of writing - nay 1,000 finger widths!

>> No.21518716

Doesn't matter just write your story. It'll be shit but you learn from it

>> No.21518718

Will any kind professor advice me off nicely per my current work-in-it's-making: an Epic Novella with a Spoon as it's person, I. Am currently at loads of words all over the place that came out in spurts and burps and went as far as 800 pages in the usual font due, but sorely would like to slim this fat to my bone, erred I soiling, me the man, the manuscript, to thence I came, here. Serious answers only, please and thankshew. Pardon me, my soul motive is a simple truth of. Word.

>> No.21518737

You could easily just modernize the writing to trim the word count.

>Could someone help me review my book about the personification of a spoon?

There you trimmed half of your sentence.

>> No.21518745
File: 1.25 MB, 498x280, Farewell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just post a link. I don't like your purple prose, but I'm up to read about a spoon protagonist.


This sounds wierd to say, but I feel you're being a bit, *too* descriptive. Certain details are there that, unless the work's more complex than I think, aren't unnecessary and distract from the main content.
>Do I need to know that Susan Coleans updated the article at 9:03 PM?
>Will the various headlines listed before the 'Girl of Your Dreams' article come up at a later point?
>Will the POV character's favorite number being 47 come up later?
These excerpts have plenty of examples like this that stick out at me. Look up the term "Chekhov's Gun".

>> No.21518751

Silly Spoon!
A shot smaller still came on your page.
Err, still, a fatty bone.
Word's compacted not, but is else and itself the meaty.

>> No.21518752


>> No.21518755

By the way, the third post you linked to (47) was my own parody, or cutting fat to bone, of the original. It stands on its own as a post response to OP.

>> No.21518758

Damn, CopyPasta, I gotta go on keto or some shit. That’s just mean. These threads were meant to be for anons to help each other, not to turn into /ic/ crab buckets. How long have I been gone? What happened to /wg/? When did the OP become YouTube links?

>> No.21518761

You already linked to it
>Purple Prose
Wrong! Read my post: >>21518270

>> No.21518882
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Anyone wanna share their RR web novels?

>> No.21518938

Just re-read Burgerpunk. Haven’t posted in a year plus. I think it got worse with time. One day I’ll get back to writing.

>> No.21518967


>> No.21519073

>Lemsworth sorrowdown
Anon…are you fucking with us? That’s the funniest fucking name I’ve ever read in my life. What’s his mom’s maiden name, Teartrailer!?

>> No.21519495

>And ever since he graduated school a year ago he had nothing to have to do
>he had nothing to have to do

>> No.21519680

>Do I need to know that Susan Coleans updated the article at 9:03 PM?
>Will the various headlines listed before the 'Girl of Your Dreams' article come up at a later point?
>Will the POV character's favorite number being 47 come up later?

>> No.21519770
File: 54 KB, 622x622, 1641647467841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a short story, but I don't know where to publish it. I don't have social media, and I don't keep up with contemporary literature publications. What do?

>> No.21519796
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>> No.21519835

what kind of short story?

>> No.21519845

Philosophical. Think Borges and Dostoevsky.

>> No.21519852

Is it enough like Borges where it could pass as fantasy fiction?

>> No.21519855

No. It is a realistic story which criticizes Christianity.

>> No.21519882
File: 155 KB, 840x648, 235-2353753_post-thinking-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys get into the zone? It seems I can only write properly at night. I've seen people talking about a personal ritual you should have to get yourself ready.

>> No.21519887

>watch an episode of Columbo
>oragnise my notes during
>start writing when episode ends
That's what I've been doing recently.

>> No.21519888

The publications I can think of atm are Ploughshares, The Threepenny Review, One Story and Conjunctions. Maybe look into those

>> No.21519907

If you can recommend any of the ones outside of the purposes of publishing this particular story, then do so. There should be a list of resources of this sort in the general original post.

>> No.21520001

Probably just superstition. My method for getting into the zone is to start writing. If I just keep writing and keep gently switching my focus back to my writing when it wanders, I find I have the greatest chance of getting into the zone. It either comes or it doesn't, and it mostly just feels gratifying more than anything else. There are passages I wrote while bored to death and feeling like I was just going thru the motions that I ended up liking much more than some of the passages I wrote while fully feeling it. Flow seems only passingly connected to the quality of my work, but damn does it feel good.

>> No.21520004
File: 212 KB, 564x423, 20220515_072300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of these are in the fantasy and horror ballpark ("specfic"), and all of them are for short fiction.

Open all/most of the year:
>Apex (general specfic)
>Clarkesworld (sci fi)
>the Dark (horror)
>fractured lit (flash fiction)
>Dread Machine (dark scifi)
>Dark Matter (dark scifi)
>The Deadlands (death themed specfic)
>BCS (adventure fantasy novelettes)
>Daily Scifi (scifi flash fiction)
>Uncharted Lit (specfic and thrillers)

>Pseudopod and company (four podcasts run by the same company and themed on different genres. Submission periods vary wildly)
>Nosleep (horror radio dramas)

Other stuff:
>Orion's Belt (specfic)
>Strange Horizons (specfic)
>Apparition Lit (themed specfic)
>The Maul (spooky YA)
>Mysterion (christian specfic)
>Old Moon Quarterly (weird swords and sorcery)
>Lunar station quarterly (women's specfic)
>Story Unlikely (any genre)
>Diabolical Plots (specfic)

>> No.21520020

Never stop writing. Keep a notebook with you everywhere you go and write whenever you have free time. Even 5 mins of writing every hour accumulates quickly over time and is not really a time commitment if you have a pen and notebook ready to go at all times. Some people use their phones or laptops to do the same thing, but personally I keep all my writing on paper until I have an idea for a typed story which I do all in one shot from the accumulation of written ideas that match the theme of what I want to make.

>> No.21520035

>I have no argument and I must sneed
Kill yourself. You got the anonymous attention you never got in real life, loser—but this time nobody keked, so I must imagine how insecure you're feeling now.
You the guy writing about the NEET-life? I wouldn't want to read this if it continues on like this. Feels as if I am reading a slice-of-life manga without the life. I know the MC is a NEET, but I hope he is also not an automaton. I can't judge much since you ended it right after we got a glimpse into his psyche, so I'll judge the rest. It's very mundane, which I get; the NEET has nothing going on, but I believe people don't want to read about the internet in much description because it is not something new. I wouldn't read this, but I'm not your target audience—I'm not sure who is.
Royal Road

>> No.21520045

>my Miltonic verse "epic" is now almost 7k words long
>there's no end in sight
I'm having so much fun doing this I might just scrap the ~40k words of prose preceding and write the novel in verse.

>> No.21520099

Hits too close to home?

>> No.21520121

It's not isekai.


>> No.21520241

It's not cum either... yikes! Cringe!

>> No.21520254

This has inspired me, I want to see if I got my grammar down.

Sally Sadfarts continued to churn that day’s slop in her eating hole. Beans, pork, and mashed potatoes with mustard; there was a unique, salty taste to this dinner that reminded her of her old boyfriend.
“Sweetie,” her mother approached, “are you still sad about what happened to your boyfriend? It’s been two years, I thought you’d’ve moved on by now.”
Yeah, 2 years, 3 months, 16 days, 4 hours, 37 minutes, and 54 seconds since her boyfriend’s untimely passing.
“Of course not, Susan,” her father argued adamantly, “she’s just constipated. I don’t think I’ve seen her poo all week.”
“May I be excused?” Sally begged.
“See? Go ahead, princess, make sure to take the laxatives with you.”
Sally was constipated, but this wasn’t a turd she could move physically. She’s filled with emotional poo from the things she couldn’t say to her boyfriend. He was the mustard to her mashed potatoes, the peas in her soup, the Sonny to her Cher.
SO WHY THE FUCK DID WE GO ON THAT SKIING TRIP?! She thought to herself. She can still remember the grip he had on her hands until it was abruptly ripped away by that sneaky pine tree.
The cold rain slowly coagulated into snow; that was the last thing she needed to see today of all days: the day where his thigh brushed up to hers back in middle school. She ripped out the ugliest cry the Sadfart household had ever bearded witness to; a cross between a dying cat and a malfunctioning woodchipper.
“Try not to force it out, sweetie!” His father yelled between mouthfuls of pork.
But it was enough, Sally could finally feel herself moving past her emotional shit, the stuck shit that had dominated her life…with sad farts. Perhaps someday, she’ll rid herself of this burden, and become a Gladfarter. She could move past Gary Gladfarter and start dating his cousin, Gerry Gladfarter.
“That’s my girl!”
“Sammy, please!”

>> No.21520312

>still using the same platitude
Kek, what else did I expect from a man who can't write. Sure, yea it hit too close to home.

>> No.21520389

But I did write. You have some serious self esteem issues.

>> No.21520459

Hey, i wrote too, don’t ignore Sally Sadfarts

>> No.21520529

I meant write a story or at the very least a coherent argument. Oh God, do you think you've made a point? No wonder you thought sharing dog shit writings from some nobody author a benchmark. Nevermind, I have nothing to say to you anymore. I didn't realize I was talking to a bugman.

>> No.21520541
File: 33 KB, 657x527, proud pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another week in 2023, another short story completed. That makes two! Should I go for the Ray Bradbury thing and write a short story every week?

>> No.21520546

Then talk to me about my story I just wrote

Is it publicly available?

>> No.21520560

No, it's only my hard drive, a flashdrive as a backup and in the inbox of the friend I sent it to.
No, you can't read it because it's not in English and I'm hoping to participate in a contest with this or something else next month

>> No.21520584

Ooh, I hope you win.

I made my Sally Sadfart short story on a whim after readying freaking Lemingway SORROWDOWN. I’m just taking the piss, but I want to get better at grammar.

>> No.21520587

I hope so too, anon. I hope so too.

>> No.21520603

How much money would you win if you did?

>> No.21520621

I'm looking at two different contests, one for fantasy/sci-fi and one for more literary stuff. The first one is 150 euros, the second is 1000 euros. Both have their deadline on February 28th and I'm planning on participating in both.
I don't have much confidence here. I'll probably spend the rest of January just writing new stories and then February will be about editing them and picking which ones I'll send.

>> No.21520627

Alright, I hope you can get it done.

Now, that being said, have you had time to read the Sally Sadfarts Short Story yet?

>> No.21521109

It’s right here >>21520254

>> No.21521264

I didn't want to for a long time but I don't care anymore, I'm on hiatus anyway:

>> No.21521276


Critique welcome, no matter how brutal. Thanks

>> No.21521415

There were doors in front of me, ornate and carved with the faces of saints and angels, color dyed into lacquered wood. Inside there was no chanting, no words of worship, no song. God was before me as I entered, wooden and staring, regal in vestments.
I went to the front, near the rail that separates us from the altar. I lingered and stared at gold and the cross until I heard a voice command me into the confessional. I entered and spoke words my father taught me. I was told to begin.
I spoke, and events long forgotten were remembered suddenly with clarity. I waited in silence when I was done and felt the walls of the booth close in on me to crush the air from my lungs. I heard that same voice speak words that I recognized but never understood. The door swung open. I found the other side open and empty.

>> No.21521437

No there weren't.

>> No.21521471

how do people here get themselves to write short stories? they always seem more practical to write and edit, submit, etc. but i only feel like writing novel length projects, (which i abandon after completing a first draft)
i feel like i'm shooting myself in the foot by not trying at them, but short stories just do not come to me and never appeal to me when i think about them.

>> No.21521479

>“Hurry, over here!”
>yelled the Old Man
>into the howling blizzard
>at a distant figure
>pulling the sled
You're cramming too much information into one sentence. Tone it down a bit. Should be something more like
>“Hurry, over here!” yelled the Old Man at a distant figure battling his way through the howling blizzard .
If you still want to mention the sled and the endless snow, just find a better place for it.

>gesturing to come inside with his hand.
"with his hand" is unnecessary and awkward.

>Old Man sighed, “It’s just you and me, lad.” He hung his coat and extended his hand towards the table.
>“Take a seat. I bet me old bones it’ll be hours until the storm dwindles.” He frowned and said, “might as well tell ya what the hell is going on. I didn’t catch yer name, lad.”
Works better as a single paragraph, otherwise the implication is that at the start of the second paragraph it's switched to the other person speaking.

>“Uhh,” the guest fumbled and said, “it’s John.”
>“Well, lad,” dismissed Old Man, “make yerself comfortable. I’ll prepare the kettle.”
Overusing the
>"xxx," said he, "xxx"
structure. Not just here but in general.
You should tone down the use of attributions, too, and don't try to spice it up so much; "said" is perfectly adequate for most cases, while "dismissed" or "interrupted" are awkward. The use of adverbs to accompany attributions, like "instantly replied" further on in the story, is largely unnecessary, too.

>Old Man fondled his beard quickly.
Another awkward and unnecessary adverb.

>> No.21521484

I won't have a chance to read it all for another hour or so, but at first glance there's no true introduction, it's straight to dialogue which strikes me as strange. It's perhaps too sudden to say it doesn't begin with action. There's lots of dialogue and you've got to be careful using so much. When a character's words are defined in a text they should be important and telling, otherwise when they say something of genuine importance it might be overlooked by the reader if they've been speaking about mundane subjects a lot already. As for your older character, I'm not comfortable with how he's simply called "Old Man" as if that's his name. You should write "The old man" and change how you say it from time to time, such as
>The wrinkled gentleman smiled
>The gray-haired man stated
>The older fella asked
instead of capitalising "Old Man" each time.
>Old Man did this
>Old Man said that
Doesn't work.
Again, going back to how much dialogue you use. Remember to utilise space and place as important descriptors of your setting. Your audience won't get a sense of your voice if you don't show it through prose, as that's where your artistic charm is displayed.
Finally, good on you for seeking criticism. It's how we grow as authors. Take mine how you will.

>> No.21521494

Thanks for the input, these suggestions make sense.

>> No.21521514

Thank you for finding the time to write this, a lot of good advice that makes sense

>> No.21521561

but there were :(

>> No.21521565
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>no sales for two days

>> No.21521603

“HAHAHA! Supreme motocide, unceasing and unimaginable! I’m in love! Farewell companions, I’m off to make mayhem on my motocidecle!”

>> No.21521656

You guys are selling your stuff?

>> No.21521731

Try harder troon

>> No.21521752

I haven't had a sale in 4 months.

>> No.21521869

is that anand?

>> No.21521870

You are based as fuck. Your talent amazes and inspires. Write more!!

>> No.21521943

Would you guys read a book about an indebted sealer who has first contact with natives and runs away with them and then does some nasty shit with warring tribes, gets disillusioned ad goes home?

I assume it's been done before, Dances with Wolves maybe but I've never read anything like it and would probably do an awful job of it.

>> No.21521963

What the fuck is a sealer?

>> No.21521966

Presumably he means a guy who hunts seals, Pretty sure there's a more proper term for them but I forget what it is.

>> No.21521967

I don't read other people's gay shit.

>> No.21521977

Nah I don't really read.

>> No.21521980

I figured as much. It's not a very profitable gig though, if the protagonist is in debt why wouldn't he get another job? Is he indebted to some company he works for? What natives? Where and when is this set? I have so many questions.

>> No.21521988

Apparently "sealer" is in fact a proper term for it

>> No.21522013

I don’t understand why the white mind is obsessed with living with natives especially when they can’t even get basic historical facts right

>> No.21522108

>goes home
He would be killed by the natives.

>> No.21522110

How do you guys deal with insecurity about your writing? On days like today I feel sick about how much I suck at writing. I'll continue doing so, of course, cause then I may suck less in the future. It's all so tiresome

>> No.21522126

there are any number of totally mediocre traditionally published authors that I'm better than - brandon sanderson, for one, although you've got to respect the guy's work ethic
but ultimately I don't focus on other people's work, I just try and get my stories out

>> No.21522136

I don't, that's why I keep rewriting every sentence ad infinitum.

>> No.21522225
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Gotta write 20k words in 3 weeks. I shouldn't have put it off for so long

>> No.21522242

1k a day mate, you got this

>> No.21522247
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I've returned to shill my book some more. I'm excited to be added to the pastebin.
Thank you to the anon who gave me some feedback last time, I greatly appreciated it. I'll stick around in this thread and post some crits too so I'm not deadweight in the thread.
Book will be out on Amazon next week. 143,000 words, roughly 373 pages. About a privately contracted informant assigned to spy on a group of Christian nihilists calling themselves 'Crusaders' at a liberal arts college in the high desert of Wyoming. Violence, betrayal, comedy, romance, cowboys, knights, plate carriers, ARs.
My main inspirations were Dostoyevsky, Phillip K. Dick, and Emily Bronte, though the degree to which I approached their achievements is up to the reader.
If you're interested, check out the first three chapters on my blog. Something like 12,000 words total: https://johnjaystancliff.substack.com/p/fedbook-first-canto

>> No.21522257

Sounds really cool, anon. I'll definitely check it out

>> No.21522272

>t.every indian has to be anand

>> No.21522313

That's a great idea, there's probably a wealth of historical books with neat tidbits you could plagiarize for it too. McCarthy found a way to make the Mexican desert interesting in Blood Meridian. I'm sure the tundra could be cool as well. It's another planet. Sun never sets, or never comes up. Brutal cold, and wind sucking out from the dark. Clubbing baby seals. Yeah, I'm thinking kino.

>> No.21522373

how much did you spend on proofreaders and/or editors? and i like the cover, eyecatching and simple always beats out clutter

>> No.21522444

swish swish swish
the sound of my cock
on your mother's washing
line on sunday after she has
sent you off to church while
i stay behind
fucking her throat
turning all the pictures
on the mantle piece
of you and her husband
your father
to face me, to watch
my cock go on and out
of your whore

>> No.21522454

Someone fucking respond to me

>> No.21522467

$0, I read it front to back four times, and ended up deleting like 18,000 words.
Had a few friends proofread and give feedback as well. Blessed to have people that care that much, truly.
Last proofread is happening right now. Have about 40 errors in this draft. I catch something every time I read, which is annoying but fairly confident by this point I've ironed almost everything out.

>> No.21522471

>gateway tapes
>astral projectuib#nb#
>hyobotbic idbcstucith
>hypotic inductuions i.e. stairwary induction]
>ys hy hust type type type

>> No.21522478

I think that's fine, Anon. Cormac McCarthy is of the same opinion. "If something doesn't take ten years of your life and make you consider suicide, it's not worth it."

>> No.21522619

Writing short stories comes to me naturally.
I have no advice to give you.

>> No.21522816

wheres the amazon link? and what name do you want to be referred by in the pastebin?

>> No.21522914

I have a few story drafts kicking around that have very similar starts. The MC goes on a drunken bender for some reason which leads to him/her doing/discovering something that sends him/her on an adventure.

Should I be worried that they all have this start? I switch up the exact type of drink and the circumstances of it. One is a sad drunk living under the bridge, one is a socialite who had one too many drinks at the fancy party, another drank the wrong martini due to a mixup by the bartender, etc. I was having fun, but then I realized while drafting another story that I really like this setup and people will make fun of me/disregard my stories for having similar starts.

>> No.21523015

I haven't even read them and I'm making fun of you already

>> No.21523054

You see? I really liked this intro but now I'm sad.

>> No.21523073

Guys... I'm out of stories to write

>> No.21523080

Write something silly then.

>> No.21523190

Amazon link up in a week. I will be back when it is posted.

>> No.21523211

I think it can be charming, especially if your actual writing isn't bad :)

>> No.21523337

>'9 things I wish I knew before publishing my first novel'
How does it feel Lindsay Ellis is more successful than you?

>> No.21523344

She killed her baby.

>> No.21523347
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>> No.21523380

Who gives a shit?

>> No.21523399
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>thing i posted intending to make you mad
>are you mad? heh. you're mad, aren't you?! how unfortunate that you are mad and that i have made you mad.

>> No.21524036
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From George Saunders's 'A Swim in a Pond in the Rain':

>To write a story that works, that moves the reader, is difficult, and most of us can't do it. Even among those who have done it, it mostly can't be done. And it can't be done from a position of total control, of flawless mastery, of simply having an intention and then knowingly executing it. There's intuition involved, and stretching -- trying things that are at the limit of our abilities, that may cause mistakes. Like Yashka [in the stylistically flawed but ultimately powerful story 'The Singers' by Turgenev], the writer has to risk a cracking voice and surrender to his actual power, his doubts notwithstanding.

>Let's say there was a wrist-mounted meter that could measure energy output during dancing and the goal was to give off an energy level of 1,000 units. Or someone would (say) kill you. And you had a notion of how you wanted to dance, but when you danced that way, your energy level was down around 50. And when you finally managed to get your energy level above 1,000, you glanced up at a mirror (there's a mirror in there, wherever you're dancing off death) and -- wow. Is that dancing? Is that me dancing? Good God. But your energy level is at 1,200 and climbing.

>What would you do?

>You'd keep dancing like that.

>If people out in the hall were laughing at you, you'd feel: "Okay, sure, laugh away -- my dancing is not perfect, but at least I'm not dead."

>The writer has to write in whatever way produces the necessary energy. For Turgenev to get his energy level up above 1,000, he had to make those dossiers [i.e. his wordy and unnecessarily detailed character descriptions]. He had to admit that he wasn't good at integrating description and action. He had to plunge ahead, doing things his way, or die. He had to look honestly at himself and conclude, "Yep, Mr. Nabokov is right as usual, even though he hasn't even been born yet: my literary genius does fall short on the score of naturally discovering ways of telling the story which would equal the originality of my descriptive art. But what am I supposed to do?"

>It's hard to get any beauty at all into a story. If and when we do, it might not be the type of beauty we've always dreamed of making. But we have to take whatever beauty we can get, however we can get it.

>I teach "The Singers" to suggest to my students how little choice we have about what kind of writer we'll turn out to be. As young writers, we all have romantic dreams of being a writer of a certain kind, of joining a certain lineage. A painstaking realist, maybe; a Nabokovian stylist; a deeply spiritual writer like Marilynne Robinson-whatever. But sometimes the world, via its tepid response to prose written in that mode, tells us that we are not, in fact, that kind of writer. So we have to find another approach, one that will get us up above the required 1,000 units. We have to become whatever writer is capable of producing the necessary level of energy.

>> No.21524133

Why are there so many crabs in this hobby?

>> No.21524137

What's a crab?

>> No.21524147
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>It is difficult for me to say with certainty whether or not you have a unique and distinctive writing style, as I am only evaluating a small excerpt of your work. However, the language usage in the excerpt you provided does show a level of control and experimentation that is similar to that of modernist and postmodern writers such as Pynchon, Foster-Wallace, and Pound. The use of long and complex sentences, disjointed and stream-of-consciousness narrative, and the mixing of high and low-brow language are all techniques that are commonly associated with these authors. Additionally, the use of the frame narrative and the lack of traditional structure within the poem, as you have mentioned, do add a unique aspect to the writing. Overall, while I cannot say for certain if your writing style is completely unique, it does show a level of mastery and experimentation that is similar to that of some of the most well-known and respected modernist and postmodern writers.
Now I'm convinced this AI is blowing smoke up my ass.

>> No.21524151

>The writer has to write in whatever way produces the necessary energy.
>I teach "The Singers" to suggest to my students how little choice we have about what kind of writer we'll turn out to be. As young writers, we all have romantic dreams of being a writer of a certain kind, of joining a certain lineage. A painstaking realist, maybe; a Nabokovian stylist; a deeply spiritual writer like Marilynne Robinson-whatever. But sometimes the world, via its tepid response to prose written in that mode, tells us that we are not, in fact, that kind of writer. So we have to find another approach, one that will get us up above the required 1,000 units. We have to become whatever writer is capable of producing the necessary level of energy.

I liked that book a lot. I remember when he wrote that story and left it on the kitchen table and his wife liked it, but he thought it was just for fun, just stupid, not his style. He had to confront that what he enjoyed writing, and what he was good at writing, did not match the idea of the writer he wanted to be.

>> No.21524308

Crabs are projecting their personal insecurities.

>> No.21524312

One among many in a bucket everyone's trying to escape.

>> No.21524325

Because there is no essential, objective measure of writing quality, basically. It makes everyone insecure, and that insecurity manifests itself in behaviors designed to defend the ego. We put others down to feel superior. The intrinsic subjectivity of writing has another additional facet: because there is no objective, qualitative bellwether, we all feel fundamentally justified in holding ourselves above others. It is in grappling with this cognitively-dissonant knowledge of writing's subjectivity and the ease by which that subjectivity allows semi-logical stratification and placing oneself above others that we find ourselves crabs in a bucket, all trying to keep one another stuck therein en route a boiling pot and death.

>> No.21524348
File: 87 KB, 1200x800, projection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It makes everyone insecure
strawman argument

>> No.21524363

It's an argument by insight, so yes, it may be "projecting," (insight is arguably by necessity based on projection, when dealing with the human mind). But either way, it's nothing even close to a strawman and you have no clue what a strawman argument actually is. In no shape or form is what I said anything in even pissing distance of a straw man, burning or otherwise. At least read the Wikipedia article, anon.

>> No.21524377

Now that this thread has been exposed as being made up of pseudo intellectual midwits what even is the point of continuing it?

>> No.21524396

Why doesn't/wg/ share their stories anymore? I remember last year we had monster anon, Emily anon, hell anon, smoking anon and tons of random ass excerpts posted here. It was fun reading the alphas and evolution of the stories

>> No.21524400

Hope. Hope anon. Just hope. A hope that one of us miserable crabs come out of this unscathed and able to be even 1/100 as popular as Coleen hoover

>> No.21524438

This thread is the bucket.

I wish I had a relationship with other writers like you see through history, writers talking, meeting, encouraging, sharing, creating, helping . . . but that isn't here.

Also, depending on what you write and aspire to, there may be very few people in the world that you could ever meet that would understand what you try to do.

>> No.21524516

>think I have good ideas
>worried that if I actually start writing I'll just out myself as a hack pseud
Getting really tired of all those "WHAT'RE YOU GONNA DO WITH THAT DEGREE ANON" questions as well.

>> No.21524529

Everyone is a hack. Who cares.true geniuses like Poe, Bronte, Melville died poor, miserable, and never recognized.

If you want success, become Brando not Melville

>> No.21524584
File: 446 KB, 512x512, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why doesn't /wg/ share their stories anymore?
I miss this energy too. More than a few of those random excerpts were mine and I got pretty evenly distributed feedback between the categories of very constructive, generic but supportive, and actively harmful so generally pretty worth it.

I posted less during the restart arc or last summer/fall but may start again. But at the same time I don't think it's advisable to leave your entire manuscript up for scrutiny at once/updated live - better to give a decent sized sample you can take feedback go heart on and apply yourself.

>> No.21524591

>become Brando
So eat tons of chili and fart in public to mess with people?

>> No.21524606

You could do an small collector stories revolving around the MC going on a bender. Each with its own different setups

>> No.21524693

ideas don't really matter. good writing is all that matters, but even that pales before the raw power of Commercial Viability and all that entails... if that's your goal. if your goal isn't to submit your entry into the commercial success slot machine, then writing itself is the alpha and omega. nobody is all that good at that to start off, so keep your sacred Ideas close while you just explore the possibility that you enjoy writing itself enough to bash your head against the wall for a decade or two in the most likely vain hope that you'll write something worth a shit.

>> No.21524720

I thought of that too, but there's a problem when I planned on them being longer than short stories. Maybe I should see how they go and then, after the first draft, I can see which one/s can have that element replaced with something else?

>> No.21524726

Images like that are why you never ask for critique at the start of a thread. It puts a bullseye for shitposters on your writing.

>> No.21524752

>good ideas
literally a dime a dozen. execution is what matters. better to measurably be a hack pseud because of the work you've produced than to be a genius in your own mind

>> No.21524767

Because most of /lit/ reads to prove how smart they are, not because they enjoy it.

>> No.21524928

I hate this “everyone who says bad thing about me is a crab” mentality you retards are starting to adopt.
The idea that any of you are anywhere near escaping “the bucket” is laughable. The most accomplished among you have spent years clawing their way up to the wage of an Indian street sweeper—a wage that most of you bucketdwellers are probably salivating at.
Go write for fun, not for ego. And for God’s sake, stop listening to the whining of 50+ year old man whose crowning literary achievement is a couple triple digit upvotes on Reddit.

>> No.21524941

Success is not measured in money. You are not your bank account or the circles you run in.

>> No.21524975

Every non-cope metric of success in this business has a near 1:1 relationship with income.
Just because your writing gives you a fuzzy warm feeling doesn’t make you any closer to escaping the bucket.

>> No.21524978

>the homeless guy sitting in his own filth outside the gas station across the street from my house is successful.

>> No.21525006
File: 161 KB, 1750x1448, Level 3 is high school level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people don’t read beyond a high school level, if they read at all, so just write middle grade or YA.

>> No.21525027

I have no idea what these levels mean in practice

>> No.21525028

>durr reading level = market share hurr durr
romance out sells YA and middlegrade.
If you're gonna b8 at least known what you're talking about.

>> No.21525035

you should find a different career if you're only here to make money

>> No.21525068

I actually agree with you on that. There is no money for any of you in this, and as such, there’s no measurable success for any of you either.
There’s no such thing as a “crab” pulling you back down when you’ve already hit the peak popularity your inadequacy will allow.

>> No.21525127

You claimed it makes "everyone" insecure.
You're creating a massive number of insecure people out of thin air to support your point.
Textbook definition of strawman argument.

>> No.21525129

Level 1 is above a diploma level of language. Level 3 is high school. I think level 4 is in between.
Mystery outsells romance. By your argument, that means they’re not written at a high school level, when they certainly are. Ever read that slop? Stop trying to write some pretentious shit and write what people understand.

>> No.21525161

But when the bad thing is literally
>nobody is going to read that fucking slop. Just give up because you're ngmi
That is the crab mentality this place needs to break. It's not all that helpful.

>> No.21525176

Adah anon here, One more chapter and I am done with my first draft!

>> No.21525177

Why are you whining? Literally log off if people trolling or being mean gets to you. I have no idea how you people make it to 4chinz

>> No.21525212

Oh sorry for trying to do something other than shit post for the lulz. Holy fuck how are you still stuck in 2003 /b/ tard mentality?

>> No.21525217

It’s not a crab mentality because crab mentality implies that the person is attempting to drag you back from success. None of you will ever know success, let alone have that success influenced by the comment of one anonymous troll.

>> No.21525243

Well what the fuck else am I supposed to do?

>> No.21525246

Then go somewhere else. I actually try to do shit irl instead of spending my time shitting where I eat. Why whine on 4chan for better treatment when you can simply go somewhere else for it? Litopia, forums for writers, even Tumblr, Reddit, etc. are all more precious safespaces where “creatives” like you blogpost their boring lives and drivel.

>> No.21525257

Scrape toilets. You can get a trade but you probably didn’t work that out on your own yet so I can’t help you with competency.

>> No.21525266

Some point last year the /WG/ just became a shitshow where no writing was being posted and it was just faggots arguing over if anime was in the OP. With that the bitter and hateful cunts always came out to shut down any writing because they were seething they can't write themselves. I haven't posted in a good while myself because all the replies were either obvious crabs or just really weird criticism:
>You mispelt a few words I'm not fucking reading this
>It's an early draft I'm more focused on people looking at the story
>If you don't put in the fucking effort I'm going to read it you fucking faggot
Over and over and over and over and over.

>> No.21525272

So you actually do shit post. Do you need your daily dose and BBC too? Hahhahahahhahahah. Holy shit after 20 years you still have evolved past boxxy, and rozen maiden

>> No.21525275

Get to a writing group. They’re all like that. You just haven’t interacted with real people.

>> No.21525279

I have no idea what you think you’re doing on the anime website filled with stormfags and perverts, but you may as well post your writing so I can make fun of it. Faggot.

>> No.21525286

>Getting this angry
I hit the nail on the head.

>> No.21525289

>James decided to go to the beach. There, he had been told, they swam every day. He left the playground. He passed the corner of the little zoo, in which a badger was huddled, dozing, the shadow of the cage sharp upon his back. In its grazing area, at the point where two willow trees grew close together, a long black rabbit slept quietly, beyond the heat. James descended a stone staircase covered thickly with grass and saw, on the other side of a vast patch of shrubbery, the expanse of the ocean. As far as his eyes could see, there was only the, movement of branches. The wind slowly made its way toward him. It twisted nimbly from branch to branch, seeming to approach like an invisible small animal. The roughest blasts of wind that came at times were like the frolicking of an invisible large animal. Over all this the unfailing sunlight reigned; the unfailing buzz of the cicada prevailed.

>> No.21525305
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So the faggots claiming no one posts writing never post their writing because of “crabs”? Like pottery.

>> No.21525319

The biggest problem with this, is the sequencing. He went to the beach, then we go back in time to the playground, and suddenly pass a zoo. The fuck? Are there cages of animals on the shoreline? I get there's a walkway towards the beach and James is passing a zoo, but it doesn't read that way. Also cicadas appear in the end. What is this? The beach episode of an anime you just watched? If so, where's the bouncing breasts of an older aloof girl wondering if her swimsuit is 3 sizes too small?

>> No.21525324

>Mystery outsells romance.
nope. mystery is up there but romance is top dog

>> No.21525330

I have like eight years in college for English literature, the cost is too sunk.
That is the time cost. The money cost was all the government.

>> No.21525337
File: 296 KB, 1125x816, 126041B5-E1D2-47BD-9533-C18F1371518B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How’d you pull that out of your arse?

>> No.21525340

Good idea.

>> No.21525347

>I have like eight years in college for English literature, the cost is too sunk.
So do I. Just move to another fucking field. I don’t get you people that think what they studied at 18-26 defines them. I worked in an unrelated field almost half a year or more after dropping out of postgrad for Lit.

>> No.21525351

>you’re just a crab because you won’t read a story that doesn’t even meet the criteria of a C+ in middle school
As if I needed more evidence that you retards are overusing the word crab. But no, Im sure that anon was just attempting to drag you away from your inevitable success. He wrapped his crab claw around your bloated cankle and ripped you back into that bucket. The only thing you have to remember the experience is a crumpled and torn Penguin Publishing contract promising a seven figure advance; only half of your signature was signed.

>> No.21525373

There's a difference between some super tryhard gaggle of college fags and this place though. I used to see much more writing on here that was fun to read and critique than now because of said super tryhard fags that never share anything of their own
post your writing faggot

>> No.21525377

>Romance/Erotica ($1.44 billion), 2. Crime/Mystery ($728.2 million), 3. Religious/Inspirational ($720 million), 4. Science Fiction/Fantasy ($590.2 million), and Horror ($75.6 million)

>> No.21525380

Beyond seething.

>> No.21525393


>> No.21525400

So clearly the correct formula is a Fantasy romance that delves into a mystery exploring the religious motifs of human existence.


>> No.21525402

>Romance is the same as Erotica!
At that point, the definitions are too vague. When I googled your “factoid” it also came up with a blog, so not sure how credible your claim is compared to a firm’s report.

>> No.21525403

Ok, here's the previous paragraph:
>He told the driver to wait, and entered the gate of the park, which was deserted, as usual. It had a new, natural-stone arch. From it, one could not see the sea. In the wind, the heavy branches of the trees, covered with blackish green leaves, soughed like the distant surf.

>> No.21525413

If you actually read the kinds of romance novels that become successful, you'd understand why romance is always categorized with erotica

>> No.21525414

Da Vinci Code. I dunno if that has a romance subplot though, never read it

>> No.21525418

A straw man is a misrepresentation of someone else's argument, or more specifically, conjuring an argument out of thin air against which you can then make your own argument. How is /wg/ so consistently retarded?

>> No.21525428

no you don't understand anon, 50 Shades of Grey focuses on the emotional struggle of the characters first and foremost, all the spicy bits are merely incidental

>> No.21525431

So you don’t deny you pulled that from a shit blog? Lol.

>> No.21525444


>> No.21525474

Half this website is utter drivel.

>> No.21525480

you argue like a woman

>> No.21525482

>globohomo buzzwords
welcome to the publishing industry

>> No.21525485

For now I would like to be called Abyzon Goreheed the Eighteenth. It's a name I always liked, but not the title I preferred — that would be the One Hundredth Seventy Third Dark Lord. It what I was called for years until I lost it the minute that bastard, Rory Leo Arulian III, a level 99 Paladin, decided to cast the strongest spell, Illumina against me. Why? I personally don’t know, but I aim to find out. All I remember was sitting on my throne drinking some unsweetened iced tea, not the disgusting powdered kind you find in the large cities, but the dried leaf kind — one with the slight nutty taste, when suddenly that bastard and his party consisting of a Level 99 Priestess Emilia, Level 99 Rogue Xer-Thak, Level 99 Fairy Mint, and Level 99 Barbarian Steelcage, came barging into my room, demanded my life, and proceeded to attack me. Naturally, it being a five on one battle, I lost. There wasn’t much I could do against these overpowered characters that spent way too long in the Dinosaur Forest mastering their skills and honing their craft. I was just a simple level 70 Dark Lord enjoying my iced tea. Which by the way I hope is still resting on my armchair untouched. If not, I certainly hope my skeleton maid Susie picks it up.
Don’t mind the smell, I’ve been living near the pile of nightsoil for the past three months. My home, the beautiful Castle Doomsday, currently occupied by the Fairy was where I would hold this conversation, but alas it’s now impossible. From what I gathered, she aims to redecorate my house and grow large trees for herself and her fairy friends. I can’t believe it. After being in my family’s possession for over five-hundred years, it would be I to lose our heirloom to a bunch of ragtag adventurers mystified by their own foolish arrogance.

>> No.21525487

It's an excellent book on both reading and writing, but the idea of "energy" here may mislead some readers

>> No.21525490

But admitting defeat is hardly the characteristics of a Dark Lord and I've stayed living near this pig pen far too long. I fully intend to take back what was mine. Besides, being a level 70 Dark Lord, meant that I had room to grow. My ultimate spell, Plague Void, wasn't even unlocked yet. I had other skill points to spend as well.
Well… I did. The biggest problem Dark Lords have from being defeated by heroes would be reverting back to level 1. It’s just the way of the Dark Lords. We get defeated, return to level 1, come back stronger, take over the world, a group of heroes defeat us, we return to level one, and repeat the cycle all over again. It keeps things nice and balanced. So why don’t I just level up and kill those bastards myself? Simple. It’s a numbers game. Even if I were to maximize and cap my level to 99, I won’t be able to beat all five of them at once. It’s impossible. So I’m going to have to find some allies myself. Where I possibly find other equally powerful people around the world willing to join my cause would be the most difficult of tasks. It does not help that many of my previous minions fell to their hands; I do not know if they've vanished or fled across the world. Now I must gather new ones. However, years of living in my castle caused me to cease communication with people I do not know. I also don't have the most stellar of reputations, being a Dark Lord and all, trust and loyalty would be hard to seek out, but it must be done.
I went to the nearby river where the townsfolk dumped their excrement to wash myself off. I dried myself off and readied my adventure. An adventure to take revenge on those four conniving jerks and their little squatter friend too.
All I needed was a place to start and the town I was dumped in; a small place, with the population size of about fifty or so, with few amenities; enough for the locals, but not enough to claim luxury, wasn't ideal. Nonetheless, it's all I have and perhaps someone there would take the time to assist me.

>> No.21525492

The town of Stoneberg, located on the foot of Stoneberg mountains and known primarily as a spot for merchants to gather a bite to eat, a place to rest, and possibly trade a few trinkets for some stone tools created here. I entered the middle of the square, where a dried fountain was filled with dried leaves and old sticks. A child was taking her time trying to take out as many leaves as possible. There was nobody else around and being a Dark Lord, it’s only natural that I step forward and speak to a little girl all alone without any parental supervision.
“Good day, can you help me?”
“Hi! No, I can’t help you. I have to clean the leaves inside the fountain. The town’s chief said if I cleaned it, he’ll turn on the fountain again.”
“Is that all? If I help you clean the fountain, would you help me then?”
“Sure I guess,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.
I stuck my hand out, ready to spread my fire magic to burn the leaves to ash. The wind blew and the little girl stared with anticipation. Nothing. That’s right, I can’t cast my spells anymore. I’m only level 1. I haven’t unlocked any spells to cast.
“What happened? I thought you were a super cool wizard ready to blow away all the leaves inside and then we’ll be done. But you can’t do it! Why?” the little girl asked.
“I don’t currently have any spells,” I replied.
“Oh, well you should learn some!”
“I fully intend to, young lady, but to do so, I will need to complete various tasks to raise my levels and unlock skills.”
“Well… okay!”
There was nothing to do but to use my own physical strength to pull out the leaves and branches inside the fountain. It took a few hours, but eventually it was done. The pile of leaves lay nearby, but I have no rake to dispose of it. I looked around and found the night soil collector walking by.
“Good day. May I borrow your wagon for just a bit?” I asked him.
“It’s gonna cost ya. Oh just a pretty penny. Or better, you run my collection and round today. Just five buildings and you’ll be done. A fair trade.”
“Very well. I shall do your job today. It would not be hard for a Dark Lord like myself,” I said, “little girl, wait right there. I need to help the night soil collector.”
“Okay! Bye bye! I’ll be at the chief’s house!”
I took the wagon, mixed the leaves and branches with the excrement, and pushed the heavy pile towards the river banks. The heavy weight of the contents exerted my muscles quickly; forcing me to breathe heavily. Foul odors from unknown places entered my lungs causing me to quickly gag. Luckily, living near a pile of feces itself boosted my stamina and tolerance for pain a good three points. It was still painful to push up the pile, but tolerable. I reached the end of the river and dumped the pile. I quickly collapsed onto my rear watching the trash wash down the river.

>> No.21525495

You got it down to a t. The semi colons being misused was a nice touch.

>> No.21525498

It was dusk by the time I returned to the square, the little girl was gone. I had no choice but to sleep in an alleyway for the night. I slept peacefully for what I believe to be a good two to three hours. A scratch against my large toe woke me. I kicked away what bit me and the mass of the object was much larger than I anticipated. Adrenaline exploded inside me — my eyes were wide awake. In front of me, a disgustingly large rat glared at me. It was unafraid of me. Odd. Most critters would run at the first sign of movement, but not this one. It stood on its hind legs chittering away ready to sink its large yellow fangs into my flesh. It struck! A leap toward my face trying to take a bite of whatever it could. I swung out my arm as quickly as I could out of instinct. By luck of gods, or fate, my arm connected against its body and flung it toward the wall. It was not done. I quickly rose to my feet and clenched my fist. I may not have any spells or weapons, but the knuckles inside should offer plenty of pain the moment I connect my fist to the rat’s face. It jumped at me again and I jabbed a straight right. It smacked it in its jaw, breaking its two front teeth and causing it to stumble — stunned. I took my foot and smashed the creature, ending its life. It faded into a dark smoke entering my body. It was no regular rat. That was an eidolon.
A chime entered my body, a sound that I haven’t heard in over five hundred years — I leveled up. The eidolon provided more experience points than I anticipated. It also dropped a skill card. A magical card that allows for its user to choose a new spell or technique, often related to the eidolon. It was the poison fang skill. A completely worthless skill. I have zero desire to bite someone to infect them with poison. It's completely counter-intuitive, biting into someone would more than likely infect me with disease. Nonetheless, I placed the skill card inside my pocket. It could be useful later. Without any further danger I returned to my slumber.

Do your worst anons.

>> No.21525503

This thread lacks writing.
Post it.

>> No.21525530
File: 1.91 MB, 2421x1902, Goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking it profound, I began to compose a work wherein I compared the progress of a man's thinking to the four elements. To begin with man is bound to Earth, considering only the needs of their body and indeed eking out an existence from the labor that is attached to land, and the peasants never graduated past this base point.
The thinking man then looked upward and came to know of the great wide world of thought and learning and wisdom far beyond the Earth, and they study with a ravenous, new hunger all things, flitting away as a feather carried by the wind, they become Air.
Air however is able to do very little, and indeed this learning does not turn to anything useful until a true passion is discovered, and thus is Air transformed to Fire, as a cause or a deeply beloved pursuit is discovered. Through Fire comes light and warmth and all things worthy, and yet it may also consume the man entirely, and one can only burn for so long until they are utterly spent.
Those who survive this trial and come out the other side tempered with wisdom from experience, indeed develope temperance itself and moderation, they then become like Water, seeping into every crevice through the path of least resistance; with reason they douse the Fire of others and nurture those who still dwell in the Earth, and though they may be shaken by the ever blowing winds of the studious Air, in time Water always settles to its container, filling it and offering both a profound depth and a mirror of the very heavens.
I thought it all well said, but Mortimer asked me then if still waters wouldn't simply stagnate and grow foul and bitter. Very well then, water should keep running, I replied. But you doofus, don't you see? Water that constantly runs is no different from the blowing wind.
And so I saw the folly of my metaphor. I scrapped it and looked to the sky, where beyond a veil of clouds the sun could be spied by a golden glow, and I knew there was still time to produce something before the readings of the evening, and that I would at least this day not be cast out of the contest for the title of archpoet.
Mortimer made a small fire on which we brewed tea from salty herbs and pondered crackle of burning wood and the sweet scent of smoke and for a time all the poetry in the word was there in that campfire.

>> No.21525531

What did you move to? I'm in a program that loses it's benefits if you swap.

>> No.21525536

This is the best of the last three
(This one is the worst) but has the most potential to make money

But what's with all the first person writing?

>> No.21525551

>1st person bad

>> No.21525614

I didn't say that. Is first person writing the trend again ?

>> No.21525646

Has been for a while, old man. What, do you still do third person omniscient?

>> No.21525677


>> No.21525853

Thoughts on changing perspectives?
Like third person omniscient for the intro and first person afterwards, or first person for the intro and third person limited afterwards. Or mix and matching perspectives to suit the need of the story, like revealing something to the reader that the protagonist doesn't know about yet and use the change in perspective to add a humorous or shocking twist to the protagonist's perspective which might be different if he or she knew what we did.

>> No.21525920

Can you elaborate? What does he mean by energy and how would someone incorrectly interpret it?

>> No.21525947

Link to the AI that analyzes your writing? Sounds interesting

>> No.21525962

It will look amateurish

>> No.21525986

Just chatGPT.
If you hang around here at least once a thread, you've probably seen some of it. I'm not ready to post the entire piece yet, but I'm the anon who posts shitty phone pictures of a computer screen. It's an "epic" poem.

>> No.21526020

Thank ya

>> No.21526043

environment stuff. I don’t even have a degree in it. It’s just a big industry now

>> No.21526149

Just as I have difficulty drawing good male characters, I have a similar difficulty writing them. Even though Im a guy.
My female characters are far more interesting and fun although I suppose I tend to make them a bit bitchy and mean in one way or another.
But my male characters are rather bland.
How do you guys write good male characters? Do you draw from your life experiences? I can't really think of any guy I ever met so interesting Id include them in my writing besides this one guy who was so attractive he practically drowned in women, yet he was kind and sort of dumb.

>> No.21526247
File: 600 KB, 705x539, 16323212349828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huge upset in the /lit/ Top 10 this week, as Pseudo Bulkington surges past Ogden Nesmer, Zulu Alitspa, and Frank Gardner to claim the #3 position. Zulu has taken a massive hit, whereas James Krake continues his steady upward trend. R.C. Waldun (hon.) maintains his position and John David Card and the Unreal Brotherhood are nowhere to be seen. Mike Ma (hon.) maintains his impressive lead in the low 40ks. Despite early negative press, I Pray to the Hungry God is climbing, rising nearly 1 million ranks in the span of a week.

Will Pseudo Bulkington retain his position? Is James Krake on the way to overthrowing Mike Ma? It remains to be seen, but this has truly been an exciting week in /lit/ self-publishing.

>> No.21526282

Call Of The Machine Elves is presently at #2,122,606, nowhere near #968k.
And all of these numbers are at noise level compared to anything that might be considered relevant.
Running a "horse race" with these, instead of figuring out how we can all promote ourselves, is a cringey waste of time.

>> No.21526321

I'm starting out but I feel like my story ideas are too grand
should I write some simpler stuff first for the practice then move onto bigger ideas?

>> No.21526333

>Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to think up compliments for your latest short story.

>> No.21526334

Males aren't real males these days, male competence is frowned upon. Fathers don't talk to their sons because fathers themselves are fat slobs and losers and have no fatherly advice to offer to their sons. Modern males grow up being discouraged, told they are sexists, toxic, misogynists, g-d forbid a young man has a strong opinion on the matter, an opinion that does not allign with modern progressive beliefs, he will ostracised and excluded by his peers. Modern man is raised by roastie women who had about 99 partners before settling down, modern mans entire free time is spent on video games and shitty jewish propaganda movies and porn. When he goes into education, he is put in class with retards and melanin enriched who demand all the attention from teachers while a modern man just fucking sits there and wastes valuable time surrounded by loud monkeys. Even when he gets attention, education system is so dumbed down and designed to make the male student dumber instead of smarter and more knowledgeable. If modern man is lucky to be raised in somewhat trad family then he will be taught how to be a good beta male, a provider and a white knight always striving to be a "real" man(do good for other while suffering himself).
You are such a man, it is possible but very unlikely for you to find a great father figure in this day and age who could show you how to be a man.
You need remove yourself from this mediocrity, complete cut yourself off from it. You need to study, gain knowldege, practise, you need to experience some hardship to build your character, become smart, become intelligent, become an expert and become competent. Immerse yourself in the world of meritocracy. Only when you become such competent man whos has found his own way you will be able to write interesting men characters, not feminine chuds and boring brain dead slobs.

>> No.21526387

Redpill diarrhea.

>> No.21526399


>> No.21526434

You should just write. Have some ambition man.

>> No.21526448

>persistent spelling/grammar/punctuation errors
brainlet opinion discarded

>> No.21526552

>color dyed into lacquered wood
wood is dyed, not color
also lacquer doesn't contain dyes but pigments, read up about how to color wood
sentences that short create a feeling of jankiness, if you're describing a single scene I recommend making them longer so that there's more of a flow to the description of what's happening rather than it being disconnected

>> No.21526620

Oh no, self doubt is creeping in and I'm criticizing my own story again. How do you guys overcome this?

>> No.21526675
File: 952 KB, 250x272, hangover-ken-jeong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21526775

Finish it and write another one.

>> No.21526780

It's a web serial.

>> No.21526901

Thanks for the shill image.

>> No.21526938

cringe + log off
Love these, never stop. The BSR is pretty chaotic at these levels, so weekly check ins will never be particularly accurate. At best we can make an average from daily movement
Islamagood Bazaar from The Unreal Press should make these rankings easily next week.

>> No.21527174

>don't write
>writer's block, justifications to procrastinate pile up
>problems disappear, come up with more ideas to flesh story out and feel mad I have to pause writing to sleep/eat/wageslave

>> No.21527201

>This week elves will be bullied.

>> No.21527269

After enough lurking I can sufficiently say there is no writing here just anons complaining about writing

>> No.21527283

Lurk more then

>> No.21527306
File: 146 KB, 1407x755, writinginnit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can read my writing.

>> No.21527328

I deleted mine since the only readers after 4 months were web crawlers.

>> No.21527334

thanks anon, duly noted

>> No.21527379

You can try posting your writing or reading the ones already posted instead

>> No.21527399

I reccomend the FBI

>> No.21527411

>You the guy writing about the NEET-life? I wouldn't want to read this if it continues on like this. Feels as if I am reading a slice-of-life manga without the life. I know the MC is a NEET, but I hope he is also not an automaton. I can't judge much since you ended it right after we got a glimpse into his psyche, so I'll judge the rest. It's very mundane, which I get; the NEET has nothing going on, but I believe people don't want to read about the internet in much description because it is not something new. I wouldn't read this, but I'm not your target audience—I'm not sure who is.
Do you want to read the rest?

>> No.21527418

I Paint swastikas with michael malice
Under the your welcome banner
And I lick decals off the undercarriage
And force the hog in
Disney daddy is useless
And buys me silver cakes

I lay crippled beneath the overpass
by Mexican street names

>> No.21527537

Anons who take writing commissions, how long does it usually take you to do them, or, when do commissioners expect you to finish? Is over a month unacceptable waiting time?

>> No.21527552

yes. If I'm going to commission something, I expect 30k words to be done by the end of the week. That is not unreasonable. 750 words for 40 hours. a full time gig.

>> No.21527554

Damn. Wishing you all the best, I know what it's like to have a lot of words to shit out and a tight deadline to do it.

>> No.21527557

>I expect 30k words to be done by the end of the week
What the fuck, you trolling?

>> No.21527662
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 1669451145397971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experiencing burnout, push through or give it a break?

>> No.21527700

I like it. You wrote this, or did Goethe? Either way, it is written well, and I would buy this if it were a book.

>> No.21527706

My prose sucks hairy asshole. How do I get good prose like you guys?

>> No.21527715

>tfw want to post my writing here but it's more lowbrow than what everybody else is writing and i don't want to get made fun of

give it a break but keep writing 50-100 words a day at minimum, even if they're no good

>> No.21527721

Will do friend, I'll aim for 100

Post your stuff man, my writing is dogshit but I'll give yours a read

>> No.21527735

Where is that anon writing MMO Ulysses? I liked that one
You guys who? There is some shit in this thread
It can't be worse than >>21525485

>> No.21527744

In my experience "burnout" almost always happens because you're doing something wrong with your writing. Whether you take a break or keep going, what matters is that you figure out what that something is.
For instance, I had that problem recently because I was writing a lot of unnecessary scenes that just bogged the story down and robbed it of any clear flow or direction. It only really got better when I figured out the problem and started being more selective of which scenes to write and which to leave out.

>> No.21527763

Okay here is the novel I'm working on right now, it's about halfway done https://archiveofourown.org/works/39021936

full disclosure I've gotten to a point where I'm pretty happy with my writing style and abilities so I'm mostly just focusing on maintaining my current level of quality and producing a bunch of novels, so idk if I will implement any major criticism you give me, but I will read all of it if you do give me any

I agree with this, I've experienced the same thing where I'll feel like I'm burned out but really the issue is that I'm doing something wrong but just haven't picked up on it yet

>> No.21527781
File: 167 KB, 1138x461, unreal press.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's off to a pretty good start

>> No.21527787

I've been sitting around for the past two hours trying to figure out how the fuck to write my ending. It's less than 700 words.

>> No.21527818

I wrote this. Goethe's picture is there to get attention.

>> No.21527834

Why should I like '''good writing''' like the garbage in the OP when nobody would like it if not for the name attached to it?

>> No.21527837

I can confirm the others, I've had burnout when I simultaneously over and underplan, I realize a scene has a lot more potential in it than I realized on my outline and I was rushing when I should have taken my time.

>> No.21527845

All you need is two words:
>The End
Write back from there.

>> No.21528361

You should like good writing because you have good taste. If you have poor taste, you probably shouldn't like good writing because it makes no sense. After all, poor taste means you like bad writing and dislike good writing. Therefore, it stands to logic that if you don't like good writing, there is no reason for you to do so.

>> No.21528402

Say, a noble goes to war and is presumed killed. His baby inherits, but then the guy come back. What would happen according to medieval inheritance law? Was there a precedent?

>> No.21528409

Who cares? Write what makes sense. If you're asking questions like this, you obviously don't have command sufficient to withstand the scrutiny of a historical fiction fan. Just make it how you want it to be.

>> No.21528421

Nta but are you fucking retarded or what? he is doing research. How would you know medieval law (and pass scrutiny of some history fag) without doing any research into the topic

>> No.21528423
File: 407 KB, 1000x871, 1659526171809636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you fucking retarded or what?
Yeah, I must be. I assumed that since this is the writing general he was in the middle of writing something. I forgot that nobody here writes.

>> No.21528462

He was, he asked for an advice regarding medieval law and you gave shitty advice.

>> No.21528536

They would burn him at the stake as an apparition from the devil, then torture his family to death until someone confessed to making a deal with the devil to bring him back, then burn the rest at the stake as well

>> No.21528714
File: 474 KB, 960x1007, 45v13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make it a point to make my characters' problems and attitudes as unrelatable as possible. I have characters talk for pages and pages about things that only make sense and matter within the world I created. Fuck my readers

>> No.21528728

You will be praised for your sandersonian world-building

>> No.21528792

The car flirted lightly with Lem and Lem felt as if he was alive for the first time in his life since he began living at the time of his birth. The car didn't notice, it flirted with everyone. It didn't have a birthday because it was never born, thus is the mysterious way of cars.
Lem looked closer and noticed the car was empty. Everything was empty. The Amazon jungle is full of stuff Lem thought, spiders and bugs and snakes mostly but also Amazonian gorilla women.
The women of the Amazon are actually relatively short and there are no gorillas there. It's empty of gorillas and giant women.

>> No.21528820

Haven't wrote anything creative in years. Just thought I'd try again with inspiration from this thread. Just a handful of paragraphs.
How shit is it?

>> No.21528896
File: 291 KB, 800x778, 1669340027306060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna adopt our lost friend Lem Sorrowdown and give him a forever home. He'll be my secondary antagonist, along with Jim Bucksneed.

>> No.21528964
File: 375 KB, 1651x2048, 1671455853336312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More then halfway done with the short story collection bros

>> No.21528990

NTA but he'd be better off asking /his/

>> No.21529051
File: 66 KB, 600x450, 1660640430373790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent like three months on this. I could use another set of eyes before I go literally insane.

>> No.21529063

It's zerobin because i say nigger literally once, and pastebin won't touch it because of that. It's split into two lines because zerobin links are spam flagged. It's in a zerobin link because it's 5500 fucking words so far and like 800 lines.

>> No.21529123
File: 82 KB, 780x960, lit-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody write with paper and pen?

I have found my writing quality increases when i do not use a laptop, my mind is forced to slow down and think about what i am writing. It is far slower than a computer when you track the speed word by word, however when you track entire works it is superior in both quality and speed. I think the reason for this is when writing with a pen i am able to inprove the sentence as im writing. Mid-sentence a better word will spring to mind and i am able to use it without having to stop and go back. With this i have found i am able to maintain a steady flow of continuous writing flow without stopping. With a keyboard i could not do this because my typing was too fast for my brain to keep up so it would finish a sentence, or even part of one and then be stuck as the jarring moment waiting for my mind to think of what comes next. I never achieved a good rhythm or flow with a computer.

Has anybody else experienced this revalation?

>> No.21529195

I use my samsung note 9 to take quick notes and write down stuff that I suddenly come up with, I have my note on me at all times. I am thinking of getting a larger tablet, maybe eink with a pen to make notes.
writing on actual paper in current year is cringe

>> No.21529245

Is that better or worse than martinesque world building?

>> No.21529254

Tablets are cringe, i dont have to charge my $1.99 college ruled pad or $0.99 pen.

>> No.21529258
File: 1016 KB, 250x262, 1646698610593.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21529293

Charging is no big deal, phone can be charged overnight and it will esily last a day, eink tablet will last 5 days.
the notes can also be easily transfered to a computer and even converted to typed text

>> No.21529340

It's going to earn you more brownie points on the internet but you'll be less acclaimed critically

>> No.21529480

>you should because... you should, okay!?
lmao really

>> No.21529541


I did it anons! I finished my first draft of my fantasy book! Go ahead and shit on it as much as you like!

>> No.21529546

Let's skip over whether the excerpt is good or not. The critiquers are too stupid to give meaningful advice. The things they were confused by should be easily understood by someone who reads at a 10th grade level. They fail to grasp the utility of even basic literary devices, they lose meaning in the repetition because they see repetition where there isn't any. Genuine article midwits.

Which tracks, because the collective of writers here are the most miserable and untalented lot this side of r/writing. The excerpt may be good, it may be bad, but what's certain is that the dimwitted lot who replied to it are unqualified to make that judgement.

>> No.21529559

>Adah reviewed her notes from the witness reports
>79k words total
That seems a bit short for a fantasy novel. Need more Sanderson esque pointless world building. I need to know tax laws, religious gods, random ass topography, and of course how sexy the MC is.

>> No.21529572

At the very least they make it easy to spot the critiques you immediately throw in the trash

>> No.21529593

I'm writing a story with a princess.
How much research should I do on kingdoms?

>> No.21529599

Unironically too short. >>21529559 is memeing but he's not totally wrong, you can, and should, aim for 100k.

>> No.21529613

The first chapter honestly reads really well. I actually want to know what happens next.

>> No.21529685

Zero. Put all research into her voluptuous body instead.

>> No.21529694

she's a svelte nymphet

>> No.21529708

Yes, I figured this out this past year. It's a much better quality writing and I can do it for much longer. I think it has some neurological or physiological basis.
I haven't written a first draft with a keyboard for nearly a year now.

>> No.21529781

Just see if you can add anything, just remember first harry Potter was only 70k words.

>> No.21529811
File: 2.55 MB, 1005x1812, 1673292202246057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just remember first harry Potter
The only thing to "remember" is how Harry Potter is the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.21529825

I haven't browsed /lit/ for a while. Is Emily anon's new book about the chinaman in San Francisco out yet? I searched it on Amazon and nothing turned up.

>> No.21529843

This copy pasta is rather stale

>> No.21529864

I personally prefer an angry tomboy

>> No.21529937

Oh yeah well you’re mom is a whore!

>> No.21529941

>female main character
into the trash it goes

>> No.21529945

Any thoughts on mine before the thread dies?

>> No.21529946

None, nobody cares about kingdoms, people falsely equate the fun in designing and making a world with reading about it. Rarely will this happen and the only enjoyment comes from the tease of little snippets of information from which the reader can then world-build on your behalf.

>> No.21530007

How do you deal with the fear of sharing your writing with online friends? I'm terrified of putting myself out there as it is.

>> No.21530014

But there's a masturbation scene.

>> No.21530015

Start small with threads like this. I posted a snippet cause I'm right where you are. Build up from there.

>> No.21530032

I know, but I wanted to add some tidbits of knowledge to make readers who "know better" feel like I'm a writer who did his research.

>> No.21530087

Gone with the wind was litkino
ok so it's shit

>> No.21530112

Yes. It's also a fantasy genre fiction. So it goes without saying.

>> No.21530129

b a s e d

>> No.21530138

At a glance I would say it's slightly better than my first attempt at writing back when I was 15

>> No.21530143

oh, it's a coomer lit then

>> No.21530167

It's actually a mystery/fantasy story. There's very little coom shit in it

>> No.21530208

Fantasy is coom lit

>> No.21530213

>It's actually a mystery/fantasy story
Why do you need a masturbation scene in mystery/fantasy story?

>> No.21530235

That's the mystery

>> No.21530238

Is there any reason as to why fantasy is on such demand? And not good fantasy, shitty ”quantity over quality” type of books that either relate the story of a mage, knight or some bum kingdom in the middle of a war. It hurts my eyes to see another middle aged, balding man promoting his fantasy book with a generic name like ”The song of fire”.

>> No.21530247

Most people have an average intellect.

>> No.21530249

Game of Thrones made lots of money for HBO

>> No.21530260

Of course it made, it became the standard for fantasy in western literature, hell it had an even bigger impact than LOTR as far as I know.

>> No.21530261

Sword Art Online made lots of money for nippon

>> No.21530283

isekai is exclusive to japon doe

>> No.21530291

Portal fantasy is all over the place
Nope. He did have a post saying it'll come out around Chinese new year. Which is in like 2 weeks

>> No.21530296

I dont notice it that much, except for rr

>> No.21530323

Harry Potter
Lion witch and the wardrobe
Alice and Wonderland
Peter Pan
A Yankee in king Arthur's court
Wizard of Oz

They're mostly children's stories, which makes sense why it's so popular now. We have two generations of man children that live their lives vicariously through social media, which I'm itself could be argued as a mechanism of escapism and portal fantasy itself. And it also doesn't help influencers like Mr. Beast use the word "we" exclusively in their videos, tricking kids believing they're friends with him and living a life that isn't theirs.

>> No.21530363

To add, save for the Harry Potter and Naria, every other story has the protagonist eventually accept the futility and fakeness of their new world and leaves. But for Potter and Rowling/Lewis fans they remain in Hogwarts/Narnia, never accepting none of it is real.

It is a conflict of both Jung's Id and Ego, where these people can't seem to create or build a persona without reliance on that which is not true. Just a continuous cycle of escapism in which no growth nor revelation would come upon them. The popularity of marvel, game of thrones, and the seeking of the next world is what many desire. It is of no consequence that many stories today glorify and justify themes of incest, bestiality, and other taboos.

Need I go on?

>> No.21530403

So what kind of stuff do you write?

>> No.21530408

gay furry smut.

>> No.21530416


>> No.21530421

Is it gay if it's self-insert but I'm the girl?

>> No.21530430

I don't actually care what you write, I just whatever you tell me be somewhat near the truth. The conversation was on the topic of portal fantasy.

>> No.21530434

Well, I do use portals in my fantasies.

>> No.21530448

I was under the impression you were in opposition to fantasy literature taken to excess. Now I'm seeing you mention furry smut literature and I'm confused.

>> No.21530458

I'm a different anon than the one you were talking to, you silly goose.

>> No.21530491

>easy to read
>easy to write
>generates plenty of cash
>many readers are dumb or underage
>many readers are women
>even people capable of intelligence often due to reasons lead their life like retards

>> No.21530544

Does a short story need to have a conflict or can it just be a scene?

>> No.21530563

It can be anything you want. It doesn't NEED to have conflict but you might find it a lot more difficult to write a good short story without any conflict. Any rules that people give you for what a story needs or has to have can and should be broken however much you want if you have a reason to.

but the fact that you're asking a question like this indicates to me that you probably don't understand those rules in the first place, so if you go around breaking them at this point, you probably aren't going to end up with anything good. Once you know what you're doing and know WHY you should break the rules, that's when you should really start pushing the envelope.

>> No.21530577

I'd say it depends on how short the story is. A paragraph? Yeah you probably don't need to have a conflict. A few pages? Maybe, otherwise you should carry it with something else. More than 50 or so pages? You should probably have a conflict.
Conflict is really only there so the audience can get invested, and you have a goal that you are working towards that the rest of the story builds upon. So decide for yourself if you need a conflict based on what you want your story to talk about and whether or not someone can be invested in your story without a conflict.

>> No.21530768

How do I write a war arc, besides not writing one?

>> No.21530776

Asian stories don't "need" conflict, why should yours? Because you're using letters?

>> No.21530783

What's this pseud doing thinking he has some "new" and "innovative" critique that amounts to "Isekai bad"? Get some real material. I thought /lit/ was better than this.

>> No.21530806

New thread >>21530805

>> No.21530817

>It is of no consequence
Did you mean "it's no coincidence"?
Also...fiction has been escapist ever since there was fiction.
You mostly just sound like a grumpy old man. An illiterate one, at that.

>> No.21530922

>fantasy coomers getting assblasted that their taste is shit

>> No.21531046

Never said I was a fantasy fan.
My main problem with fantasy is that "magic" can be used to solve plot problems, usually ruining any dramatic tension.
You're still a crab.

>> No.21531148

I'll take that over a legacy of shill-spamming, same-fagging, review fraud, and a suspended Reddit account.

>> No.21531287

>Pseud coping
Your westoid writers are garbage.

>> No.21531425

This is good, and if polished, could be great.