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21500497 No.21500497 [Reply] [Original]

I’m battling my homosexual urges . I’m a young adult who lives in US within religious Islamic community .my neighbor is 65% Muslim . Is there any books that help me better accustomed to my sexuality .

>> No.21500500

Read the Holy Bible

>> No.21500509

Holy Bible is repackaged version of Egyptian mythology plus Judaic mythology. It’s fake and gay

>> No.21500515

It's Greek philosophy and Roman stoicism with Eastern garb.

>> No.21500536

Marry a biological woman who is very mannish. You get to be straight and not act on your gay impulses

t. Hasn't read the Bible
People that say retarded shit like this I know for a fact haven't read the Bible. It's nothing like Egyptian mythology and no, Zeitgeist is not an authoritative source on Biblical scholarship.

Maybe Paul's Letters and parts of the Gospel of John but that's still not really true. Not pants on head retarded like the above post, but not correct.

>> No.21500545

The Bible, st. Paul especially.

>> No.21500547

>Maybe Paul's Letters and parts of the Gospel of John but that's still not really true. Not pants on head retarded like the above post, but not correct.
The Torah and books of the old testament when disconnected from the NT are certainly not; If one takes an entirely secular view and reduces the Bible to its constituent parts of course it isn't entirely Greek, but if one considers the NT to be an essential part of the OT then the entirely of the latter takes on a different form and the whole is viewed through the philosophy of the NT.

>> No.21500549
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Hellenes only became based after Christianity (and because of it)

>> No.21500551

I hate typinf on a phone

>> No.21500554

>Marry a biological woman who is very mannish. You get to be straight and not act on your gay impulses
Hope you're not serious :D this is straight from an edgy teenagers mouth and is not how things work. Worst case two people and their kids will be miserable.

>> No.21500559

How do you know you are gay? Have you tried just being straight?

>> No.21500603
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>It’s fake and gay
just like you

>> No.21500604

>I’m a young adult who lives in US within religious Islamic community
Then move to a more liberal community/city/state/whatever and live out your gay faggot life in full force, slurping on cocks all day err day you dumb fucking fag.

>> No.21500608

Just don't suck cocks. Have you tried just being normal?

>> No.21500609
File: 98 KB, 1000x1000, devil2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the book "final exit" and follow its advice this will solve all your problems

and stop shilling islam you fake ass gay faggoty op

>> No.21500625

Hogg by Samuel Delany

>> No.21500633

>just don’t be gay!
Wow some truly high iq advice from the self proclaimed smartest board on 4chan

>> No.21500640

Islam is a demonic, fraudulent religion. Unsure why you seek the approval of these satanic beasts. Then gain you're a poof, so you're hardly any better.

>> No.21500892

Youre probably shia innit

>> No.21500893

It's that easy, try it

>> No.21500949

The Navakovada

>> No.21500957

>all those people hanged in Iran could have just chosen to be different

>> No.21500962

>all those murderers just could have not murdered

>> No.21501218

Just tell them you only have attraction to pre-pubescent boys and they'll just think it's normal for any good Muslim.

>> No.21501289


>> No.21501308

It's that simple.
I choose to drink water, I drink it
I choose to read books, I read
I choose not to be gay, I'm not gay

>> No.21501353

Post the d I'll suck you dry

>> No.21501370 [SPOILER] 

You’ll be miserable if you insist on being a degenerate anyway:D
If fags manage to fuck women(because degenerates get bored of one thing) and just still call themselves gay, it’s only your ego keeping you from being normal:D

>> No.21501376

>What do you MEAN laws don’t keep pedos from molesting and degenerates from being degenerate

You underestimate man’s will to die for absolutely nothing, such as what you insist getting off to

>> No.21501380

Consider suicide, its honestly the best option for all fags these days.

>> No.21501382

>i choose to be a woman, so I am a woman
Yeah no fuck off tranny this isn’t your fantasy land

>> No.21501406

Pedophilia is a mental illness, and you can’t choose not to be mentally ill. It also has multiple genetic and neurological factors

>Although what causes pedophilia is not yet known, researchers began reporting a series of findings linking pedophilia with brain structure and function, beginning in 2002. Testing individuals from a variety of referral sources inside and outside the criminal justice system as well as controls, these studies found associations between pedophilia and lower IQs,[48][49][50] poorer scores on memory tests,[49] greater rates of non-right-handedness,[48][49][51][52] greater rates of school grade failure over and above the IQ differences,[53] being below average height,[54][55] greater probability of having had childhood head injuries resulting in unconsciousness,[56][57] and several differences in MRI-detected brain structures.[58][59][60]

>Such studies suggest that there are one or more neurological characteristics present at birth that cause or increase the likelihood of being pedophilic. Some studies have found that pedophiles are less cognitively impaired than non-pedophilic child molesters.[61] A 2011 study reported that pedophilic child molesters had deficits in response inhibition, but no deficits in memory or cognitive flexibility.[62] Evidence of familial transmittability "suggests, but does not prove that genetic factors are responsible" for the development of pedophilia.[63] A 2015 study indicated that pedophilic offenders have a normal IQ.[64]

>Another study, using structural MRI, indicated that male pedophiles have a lower volume of white matter than a control group.[58] Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has indicated that child molesters diagnosed with pedophilia have reduced activation of the hypothalamus as compared with non-pedophilic persons when viewing sexually arousing pictures of adults.[65] A 2008 functional neuroimaging study notes that central processing of sexual stimuli in heterosexual "paedophile forensic inpatients" may be altered by a disturbance in the prefrontal networks, which "may be associated with stimulus-controlled behaviours, such as sexual compulsive behaviours". The findings may also suggest "a dysfunction at the cognitive stage of sexual arousal processing".[66]

>> No.21501595

Just bend the knee to your urges and suck some serious peen. If you don't, you'll only betray yourself and what would be the point of that?

>> No.21501617
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>lives in USA
>doesn't want to be gay
anon that is very unamerican of you

read the bible. Jesus and Paul explicitly speak against sexual immorality. to first century Jews, that included homosexual activity.

>> No.21502099

There are pro-LGBT Muslim groups/organizations, try reaching out to them for at least consultation on your situation. They'll have people with experience in your situation. They intentionally stay out of the public eye to avoid hate crimes from the general Muslim community, but AFAIK they are easy to contact at least through email.

>> No.21502379

Now try choosing to not drink water and see how well you do.

>> No.21502616

just stop being mentally ill

>> No.21502645

kek how is your neighbor only 65% muslim? Is he only muslim for ⅔ of the day and then whatever? I want part of that religiosity.

Seriously though, just move away where youll be accepted

>> No.21502681

>I can’t help being attracted to kids
>Correlation between pedophilia and lower IQs,
>Pretends he won’t get 10 different brain scans with 10 different patients

Limo, you really believe you’ve done something when your whole argument is
>ItS GeNeTiC

When it really isn’t. You underestimate how much control you’ve got over your life, and how with the power of coombrain, you can jack off to literally anything. Pedos choose to jack off to kids, you choose to jack off to men. If you stopped jacking off to men, get rid of the habit, get rid of your ego alas
you’ll find yourself becoming normal. But that would mean responsibility for yourself, which faggots lack. Instead blaming everything on
>I was BORN to DO the things I do

No you weren’t. Even if there’s some bullshit in your genes giving you those ‘inclinations’, it is your choice to act upon them. Just it’s not the ~genes predestining~ you to be an alcoholic hence your are one, but you chugging down one whiskey after another.

The faggots getting hung by walls in Iran chose to be faggots, hence they got hung.

You don’t like that because it, truly, puts the blame all on you for being miserable in your family of more normal people. You can’t blame anyone but yourself for it, as well as your faggotry

>You can’t choose not to be mentally ill
You can choose to indulge it and make it worse. And, by putting the blame on anything but your own, conscious actions, you do just that.

>> No.21502709

>Zoophilia is a mental illness, furries can’t choose not to be mentally ill. Let me show you all the genes and brain differences of furries from ~academia~, which are linked to zoophiles wearing 2K$ fursuits


>> No.21502729

>my neighbor is 65% Muslim

>> No.21502740

>Flushing my shitter to put a penis in it after gallons of lube is a natural need, like thirst

>> No.21502853

homosexuality is about actions not feelings.

>> No.21502870

Mishima, Confessions
It's the bible for cryptofags like me and you

>> No.21502983

The west... has fallen....

>> No.21503187

Islam is a Catholic heresy. Learn more

>> No.21503390
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Or maybe it's good advice to start being a normal fucking himan being (literally lmao) and not have deviant sexual urges. Homosexuality is literally putting your body at risk for a metric shitton of STDs and other diseases that end your life quicker, like AIDS/HIV, prolapsed anuses and incontenence,etc. That's not even talking about the rampant pedophillic aspect of gay culture and the other degenerate shit they get up to like in Pride Parades. The asshole wasn't made to take penises and frankly at least with some sort of sexual activity with women, a man can sire offspring. Stop being gay basically.

I don't even hate homosexuals. I just think they need to stop destroying their bodies and recognize themselves as children of God and thus respect themselves. It's really the same shit with modern women and how they whore themselves out for love and attention when they can find that in God.

>> No.21503737

>Homosexuality is literally putting your body at risk for a metric shitton of STDs and other diseases that end your life quicker, like AIDS/HIV, prolapsed anuses and incontenence,etc.
STDs are a fairly negligible risk if you are not a slut or living in an area with lots of STDs (USA mainly, and they deserved AIDS anyway).
Incontinence is a /pol/ meme based on a few old posts from fetishistic forums.

>> No.21503757

not /lit/

>> No.21503778

Based and blessed.
Disgusting and perverted.