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/lit/ - Literature

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21479238 No.21479238 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw a tiny crumb falls between the pages
>tfw trying to pick it out only gets the crumb stuck further
>tfw pulling the pages apart to make the crumb fall out damages the spine

>> No.21479243

esteemed frogposter

>> No.21479254

Blow it off, don't pick it out. Works every time.

>> No.21479257
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>spitting on your book

>> No.21479261

I just use a nearby razor blade (for cocaine) to poke it out.

>> No.21479289
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My copy of Ego and Its Own got waterdamaged and the spine was starting to dissolve so taped it back together with a supreme sticker

>> No.21479295

Swallow spit before blowing it off. Works every time.

>> No.21479314

Do people really swallow their spit or is that a depraved 4chan meme? It's disgusting.

>> No.21479429

Stupid frogposter

>> No.21479445

Just do it, faggot. Holy shit. I already gave you the answer to crumbs keep getting stuck between the pages because you use your retarded fat fingers.

>> No.21479495

Tiny crumb
Thy summer's play
My thoughtless thumb
has picked away

Am not I
A crumb like thee?
Or art not thou
A frog like me?

For I read
And post and sneed
Till some dumb crumb
Shall make me seethe

If /lit/ is life
And strength and play,
And the want
Of /lit/ is gay,

Then am I
A happy frog,
If I'm mogged,
Or if I mog.

>> No.21479507

stop eating while reading you fat fuck

>> No.21479619

1 and 4 are the only good stanzas.

>> No.21479627

are you some dysgenic monstrosity? Normal people can blow air and even whistle without spitting

>> No.21479644

>a tiny crumb falls between the pages
>pick up the book
>turn it around
>the crumb falls out
>put the book back down
>continue reading

>> No.21479805

You will swallow your spit with my cum after I'm done with you, you will have no choice, your lungs thirsty for breath

>> No.21479809

I don't have this problem with my ereader

>> No.21479811

Just lick it

>> No.21479833

that's pretty gay dude

>> No.21479918

Stupid frogposter.

>> No.21480221

venerated frogposter

>> No.21480479

Plucky little crumb
Pluck-defying yet again
My book is ruined

>> No.21480572

Lmao no wonder you spit when you blow. You're fucking slobbering like a dog.

>> No.21480600
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>> No.21480739

bit rude

>> No.21480748
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>> No.21481016

If I buy a new book the first thing I do is crack the spine so I don't have to worry about protecting it. I don't trust people whose books are in perfect condition. A man should be able to tell whether you've actually read a book when looking at your bookshelf.

>> No.21481029

i would just leave the crumb

>> No.21481921

I don’t get it.

>> No.21482495
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>> No.21482602

This is funnily enough the most stirnerist way of dealing with such a problem

>> No.21483262

Tool use, you dingbat. Get a toothpick.

>> No.21483731

Buy a new book

>> No.21483745

>He lived with a woman who volunteered at the library and brought a different book home every night. She would sit with it open on her lap and work the tip of an uncrooked paper clip into the gutter where the facing pages met, prying things loose: fingernail peelings, eyebrow hairs, pickings and outbursts and face-scrapings. Anything on the plane of the page itself--the immediate heedless presence of the previous reader in the form of abundances of shed hair, perhaps, or gray powderings of scalp--she swept onto the floor. She evacuated the books, then ran the vacuum cleaner. In the morning, the book went back to the library.

>> No.21483856

> tiny crumb falls between the pages
why would you eat while reading though? are you such a pretentious pedantic faggot that you can't escape the illusion of superiority holding a book gives you even when eating?

>> No.21483865

>finally manage to grab a hold of it
>pick it up
>gets eaten by a my dog

>> No.21484243

>a my
haha look at this fucking retard

>> No.21484288

>he doesn't a-prefix his words
lmao @ u pal

>> No.21484602

Lol u never swallowed woman's spit

>> No.21484625

I have, verily, never before imbibed upon such a peculiar and strange elixir as the saliva of a woman. Such an act is beyond the pale and would be considered most unseemly and unbecoming.

>> No.21484647

Lol this

Why not just flip it over and let gravity do it's thing?

>> No.21484650
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I went and asked my gf to spit in my mouth, she looked on me like I'm a complete retard and said nothing.

>> No.21484657

what? You don't french kiss with your gf?

>> No.21484666

I've been with two gfs who really wanted to spit in my mouth and I always said no.

>> No.21484679

Ereaderchads win again

>> No.21484682

Gravity? Pray, do you not know what gravity has inflicted upon us? Aye, planes tumbling from the sky, causing many to meet their untimely demise. Mountains scaled, yet with many a foolhardy soul perishing in the attempt. Gravity, a veritable natural disaster, to be enmeshed in its grasp is a fool's errand, a perilous venture doomed to failure.

>> No.21484707

I do. I believe that some would consider the acts of french kissing and spitting in each others mouths distinct.

Sure thing Satan.

>> No.21484710

>Mountains scaled, yet with many a foolhardy soul perishing in the attempt
This doesn't sound right

>> No.21484715


>> No.21484729

They very similar tbqh. If she is on top and you are about to kiss, there may be a tiny drop of her saliva that kind of drops into your mouth, that's technically a spit.

>> No.21485143

ereaders win again...not like this physical bros.
But seriously man just shake it upside down.

>> No.21485452

Why didn't you just turn the book upside down?

>> No.21485505

>gravity tears the book asunder

>> No.21485592
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I hope I'm not the first to tell you this, anon, but you have autism.

>> No.21485600

Don’t read when eating, you pig

>> No.21486865

You are constantly salivating and thus constantly swallowing your spit. Either that or you are constantly spitting. The More You Know.

>> No.21486870

Canned air

>> No.21486875

This thread has made me hyperaware of my salivary and swallowing processes for the next few minutes and I hate all of you.
You are now breathing manually.

>> No.21486898

Sometimes you have to combine this with the blowing technique to get a particularly stubborn particle, but you should never need to descend to trying to pick it out with your nails.

>didn't do a pal
One job.

I don't know if that stops working when you're too old or when you've been through too much bullshit in your life, but it works for like three seconds max at my stage of disillusionment with mortality.

>> No.21486948

Rookie mistake, you brought this on yourself.

>> No.21487940

>One job
I regretted it as soon as I'd a-posted it

>> No.21487977
File: 99 KB, 1600x1600, 468AE4AE-7A4F-4587-ABDB-11DE39AAF648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not having a crumb vacuum at your reading station

>> No.21488027

you are like a little baby
watch this

you are now blinking manually
you are now aware that you have to hold your jaw in place
you are now aware of how large your tongue feels inside your mouth

>> No.21488035

>photoshopped chinkshit
God I hate the current amazon marketplace.

>> No.21488045

Based Dibley poster