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21444656 No.21444656 [Reply] [Original]

Books on Eco-Facism?

>> No.21444668

Focus on your homework instead, Senior year is a big one high school is almost over

>> No.21444683
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Hitler's Green Party by Bramwell is great

>> No.21444686
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>> No.21444699
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If there are any, they’re fraudulent.
Fascism is about statist power and racial and sexual division, land grabbing wars and technological advancements. Their mirror image is the progressive liberal pseudo-socialist and carry with them eugenics. They stand for “civilization” and the only traditionalism they like is that of Roman style imperialism.

None of this is eco-friendly. Doesn’t matter how many trees they planted, how many farmers they employed. More of them and their policies don’t foster any ecological restoration. Only anti-state, anti-civilization movements do that.

Stop trying to rebrand your stupid movement, shitlib

>> No.21444703


>> No.21444729

The pinnacle of "eco-fascist" praxis, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.21444735
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>> No.21444737

I don't give a shit what you call it, I just want to execute brown people and then live on a farm with my pregnant 14 year old wife. If political philosophy can't even identify this universal desire then it's useless at best.

>> No.21444774

you can revise fascist ideology to include ecology.
There is no logical contradiction in an authoritarian, extremely nationalist state run by charismatic elites, which involves a conception of reverence for the national environment in its process of cultural and spiritual renewal for the nation. People (and superrich corporations, obviously), might have to give up a lot of creature comforts and deeply ingrained practices to ensure the welfare of the natural environment. A strong fascust state, unlike a liberal demmocracy or an anarchist commune, would be able to force them to do this.

If we want to protect the natural environment, people are obviously going to have to give up the luxury of voting in elections.

OP, you can maybe read savitri devi, but she's nuts. I'll check this thread to see if anyone has any more interesting recommendations.

>> No.21444828

Fertilizer. You’re just fertilizer.

Only by jettisoning it’s core idealism. You’re just an edgy childish coward who wants a farm and a loli wife to mold, impregnate and beat when feel like it.

>Democracy is why the Earth is in trouble

>> No.21444843

>beat when feel like it
Only as dispassionate disciplining or mild, loving BDSM

>> No.21444849

He used the picture!!! One of us! One of us! Based 4channer!

>> No.21444852

Penti Linkola

>> No.21444855

>a liberal demmocracy
An oligarchy has voting, not democracy
>an anarchist commune
This is democratic and no one needs forcing to look after their environment. They’ll do that on their own. Whenever I bring up Native American cultures I get slammed, told how war like they were. but here we have a far better environmental social arrangement. All you suggest is Roman Imperialist ravaging. Savitri Devi. Ha!

>> No.21444863

See? Sicko, only trying to keep women as dumb cattle. Go hot glue your figurines, kiddo

>> No.21444874
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>> No.21444875

You're obviously a girl, you could be my farm wife but you probably have dead fluoride eyes

>> No.21444880
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Wrong pic

>> No.21444883

>jettisoning it's core idealism
>core idealism
pretentious. next time you write something try to only use technical-sounding phrases like this if you have clear meaning in mind, and if you can't think of any simpler way to express what you're saying. This is beneficial for you and your reader, because you get the benefit of actually working out your ideas, while your reader doesn't have to sit through your insecure, blustering jargon.

For example,I doubt you were talking about the philosophical idealism of authors like Gentile and Hegel which influenced fascist movements in a rarefied and minor way, since you clearly know fuckall about fascism, and these authors are not especially relevant to the topic of ecology... so instead of saying "core idealism," you should have just said "core ideas."

also for the record i like dominant women.

>> No.21444896

Fascists created the modern environmentalist movement you ignoramus. The foundational works include A New Nobility of Blood and Soil by Darre and The Impeachment of Man by Savitri Devi.

>> No.21444911

>no one needs forcing to look after their environment. They’ll do that on their own.
even if we do accept this, how is an organic anarchist model going to stop the larger
economically-driven, super-individual processes of environmental degradation that are already going on? A full transition to renewable energy, for example, is inconcievable without a strong state, as is animal liberation. How is an anarchist commue going to smash the meat industry and force people to stop eating meat?
I'm convinced that fascism is the answer to the climate crisis, because a fascist state can ignore wavering public opinion, can ignore the interests of multinational corporations, and can bring the full power of the state to bear on doing what needs to be done.

I agree that savitri devi sucks (she's really more of ananti-civilization anarchist and a nihilist death-worshipper than a fascist anyway, she just happened to have a hitler fetish) but i hope i can learn more about this topic.

>Fascists created the modern environmentalist movement
This is obviously going a bit far.

>> No.21444917

no meme arrow therefore you are a bottle of onions

>> No.21444969
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Your post reads like a late 2010 Vice journalist desperately trying to maintain the illusion that their political views are correct. What completely undermines yours, and the Vice journalists, is their complete lack of knowledge of either side, you parrot phrases and arguments by memory without thinking past them. Worse, you do not want to read any opposing views because you are utterly incapable of incorperating new information in to your world-view.

Here OP. It is only through the lens of Blood and Soil that the world and it's people can reach their full potential. Begin with A New Nobility of Blood & Soil, it is easy and engaging to read.

>> No.21444993

I’m only aware of their historical precedent, not their espoused propaganda. The latter can’t be relied on for shit.
In their liberal capitalist mode they created the carbon tax and other capitalist friendly steps. Ask Kaczynski what that’s worth.
How is a global social revolution that effectively stops capitalism going to stop capitalist environmental destruction? Hardly worth repeating.
>fascism will wage the war that will end all wars
Public opinion as it is now is controlled by the security state (aka the SS. Fundamentally fascism). Again I point to the very environmentally minded free men of tribal Native Americans. We naturally want a regenerative world. Without state propaganda, the public opinion would be sufficiently caretaker minded. NO AUTHORITARIAN IS NEEDED
Vice is liberal. Not sure who they employ, now or in 2010, but leftists aren’t liberals, liberals aren’t leftists. I’m not the one parroting by memory, but stating the facts I’ve found. You’re not doing much to counter them with the weak smears

>> No.21445049

>an introduction for Nationalists
What a moronic chart. Fascists don’t read.

>> No.21445076

>their historical precedent
>their liberal capitalist mode
youre still doing the pretentious jargon thing

we'd just be going in circles at this point, but if you're serious about wanting to end "capitalist environmental destruction," just ask yourself, do you really think anarchist communes, without a strong, centralized national authority, will be able to mobilize the resources necessary to transform the world's food system, to smash the rich and powerful companies that profiteer from murdering animals and destroying the environment, and to peacefully convince everyone to stop eating meat? You can larp about the revolution all you want, but for anything like that to be even concievable, massive numbers men with guns are going to have to rock up and force fat fucks to put down to steak. you're going to need a level of centralization, coordination, contempt for liberal taboos about freedom and individual rights, and resources, that only an authoritarian dictatorship could ever muster... it doesn't necessarily need to be specifically fascist, but fascism offers a good model for how this kind of revolution could be acompanied by cultural and spiritual regeneration, which could be especially valuable for ecology.

You need to stop seeing fascism as a dirty word. The "security state" is fucked, i agree, if by that you mean intelligence agencies, but they're not fascist in any meaningful way.

>> No.21445114

>Stop introducing unsanctioned information!
>wait a minute.. how people gonna get their food without a strong centralized authority…
The only internationalist institution the world needs is a transportation authority. Their expertise is a welcome and unthreatening level in the hierarchy

Fascism’s origin isn’t so dirty, but like “liberal” it has been dirtied. The anarco-communist community I describe would be all you need, as it would be adjustable from region to region by its own people. Bound sticks? More like free to work with their favorite sticks or not.
You need to stop seeing Jews and dark skinned people and women as an enemy to lock out if not murder/enslave

>> No.21445186

As if a writer needs to adhere to every political point you personally have for you to enjoy or be inspired by their writing. Very close minded of you

>> No.21445210
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You are an idiot if you believe that.

>> No.21445229

Pretty much anything by Indigenous authors about Indigenous ecology/conservation/landback

>> No.21445258
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>If there are any, they’re fraudulent.
Fascism is about statist power and racial and sexual division.
By division, you mean those divisions inposed by our landscape and nature? Why West Africans dominate distance running ot Northern European are the strongest? Or why men have increased muscle mass and women higher pain tolerences?

>Land grabbing wars and technological advancements.
This is true of any State, Polis or country going far beyond recorded history.

>Their mirror image is the progressive liberal pseudo-socialist and carry with them eugenics
This sentence is too sloppy and vague to respond to.

>They stand for “civilization” and the only traditionalism they like is that of Roman style imperialism.
They stand up struggle, which is central to life and from where they obtain their reputation for vitality. The hilarious accusation of muh traditionalism is utterly false as it is as revolutionary (new) as it is reactionary (old), it is a sythesis of both of these things. New values based on old truths. Keeping with the vitality mentioned before, one such truth obvious to all is that excessive lesiure and the fullfillment of all requirements for life breeds terrible sloth and weakness.

>None of this is eco-friendly. Doesn’t matter how many trees they planted, how many farmers they employed.
Because you emphatically believe it, does not make it true.

>More of them and their policies don’t foster any ecological restoration. Only anti-state, anti-civilization movements do that.
Only the complete break down of every single institution, law, service, science, group and agency capable of action at the nation level can protect the enviroment? Not even you believe that. Mass action, with violence is the only way to obtain a sustainable result.

>> No.21445378

>Fascism is about statist power
Not exactly, another way to understand fascism’s palingenesis and generic fascism in general is that it can be alternatively referred to as “revolutionary organic nationalism”, fascism’s pursuit of an ideal world through dismantling the establishment, either peacefully through electoral efforts, to abuse and political pressure, all the way to outright revolt and revolution. Once in power, it moves further on its pursuit of creating something new while also rooting itself ontologically. Basically, the creation of this new order, epoch, empire, era, renaissance, revival, aeon, etc. - founded on the ultra-nations civilizational Aryan blueprint of the past. This is creating a type of alternative to the currently existing modernism for a more “rooted modernism”.

All of this makes fascism a modernist philosophy, not anti-modernist as it pursues a palingenesis of the modern. A “rooted modernism” is fascism’s ideal alternative to what it considers the current decadent modernism as it seeks to create it through whatever material and aesthetical means it, (i.e. depending on the individual variant) considers as capturing a future rooted in its Aryan blueprint.

Interwar examples of this were seen in both Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany through their uses of stripped classicalism as an architectural aesthetic, as it exhibited a fusion of classicism and modernism (Reactionary Modernism), using it to embrace modern functionality. It’s makes a more compelling federation against the Anglo-sphere, as appear to tribes or communal ownership (Which the west allows anyways, as long has they don’t break the law)

>> No.21445379

You’re mistaking American white nationalism to something like the Organic European Nationalism of the NSDAP, they are hardly the same.

>> No.21445385

ok faggot

>> No.21445396
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You are quoting my poorly formatted quote of the man i was quoting. I did not advance that thought that Fascism is simply statist power. Apologies.

>> No.21445402

Fascism is a anti-parliamentary, anti-Liberal force, it’s takes the democracy away from the Liberal by claiming it personifies the general will in a more compelling way.

>> No.21445462 [DELETED] 

In regards to the Aryan foundation of Fascism, it was the 1904 Trautenau Program, the 1913 Iglau Program, the 1918 Vienna Program, and Rudolf Jung’s 1919 work Der nationale Sozialismus: Eine Erläuterung seiner Grundlagen und Ziele (National Socialism: An Introduction to Its Foundations and Its Goals) which laid out the basis of National Socialism and its foundational theorists prior to Adolf Hitler. Many fail to understand why these ideas did not die, and why it attracts and appeals to certain minds even today.

Many find strength in the philosophy of Fascism, including Hitler’s type of National Socialism, first inspired by the philosophy and aesthetic of Mussolini’s Fascists. Mussolini himself, broadly speaking, even used the idea of National Socialism as a descriptor for the coming Italian Fascism. Fascism has a transcendental (or metaphysical) element that promotes the unity of the people and its forward advancement, the astuteness of function, and good health in form and mind on both the individual and collective level. Adolf Hitler explained this in a speech:

>“Those who do not understand have not experienced the same calamities among their people. These things appear enigmatic and mysterious that hundreds and thousands would be led to assemble amidst calamity and passion. Others cannot understand that this is not an order of the State! They are deceiving themselves. The State does not order us. We order the State!”

On the intellectual and emotional side of Fascism, its metaphysical idealism reflects man’s general longing for transcendence, and more deeply, finding that force immanent in life by organizing the State upon that principle. Julius Evola explains in relation to this need for immanent relation of man with higher law:

>“There was also the demand to integrate man through means of an ‘immanent relation to a higher law, endowed with an objective will transcending the individual and raising him to conscious membership of a spiritual society’. The formulation of this demand is significant, even if its content was never adequately defined. There are various possible judgments one can make regarding the concrete forms with which Fascism tried to meet this demand so as to consider itself the perfect representative of the doctrine of the state we have just discussed. Recognizing the superficial and contrived character of the various initiatives and customs of Fascist Italy should not provide a pretext for neglecting a problem that is of fundamental importance no less now than then. It is basically a question of the problem of how to confront an impulse of ‘self-transcendence’ that can be repressed and silenced, but never completely eliminated, except in the extreme case of systematically degrading people into a bovine state. Yesterday’s ‘nationalist revolutions’ tried to furnish a political center to crystallize this impulse.


>> No.21445503
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>it personifies the general wil
I am coming to think it personifies the need of the people, people want ease but people need a goal or duty imposed on them or they go soft and degenerate.

>> No.21445515

go to bed roger

>> No.21445516

these fascist motivation pics are pretty cringe. what do you see in them?

>> No.21445534
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Motivation and support for my view of the world.

>> No.21445812

the modern use of 'cringe' to denigrate someone or something seems empty to me. Why do people repeat these vapid neologisms?

>> No.21445897
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The word cringe is used the same as based. It denotes good-think vs bad-think.

>> No.21445909
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Or rather correct vs incorrect. Good and bad are meaningless in this dichotamy.

>> No.21446954

Any idea where I can get a hard copy for a reasonable price?

>> No.21447458

>Youre not allowed to pull ideas from other people and use them for your own gain!
>You must adhere to every principal proposed within a work or you dont believe in any of it at all!

>> No.21447607


>> No.21448495
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>> No.21448536

If the thing isn't what it actually is, then it is another thing. What a retardedly badly written paragraph. Lol

>> No.21448586

op is a faggot

>> No.21448594
File: 19 KB, 230x351, Baldwin_of_Boulogne_entering_Edessa_in_Feb_1098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't fascism, this is NORMALCY! And we had it for centuries under glorious successive monarchies!

>> No.21448604

Seething troon hands typed this. Kindly fuck off.

>> No.21448914

God willing, it shall return.

>> No.21449013

Brenton Tarrant mainfesto.

>> No.21449117

go back to pol, faggot

>> No.21449134
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>> No.21449145
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>> No.21449296


Thread’s done.

>> No.21449614

>You must adhere to every principal proposed within a work or you dont believe in any of it at all!
This actually explains a lot of the left. Hence why you get shit like "post-marxism" where they have to stretch definition and meaning so they can stay attached to their favorite ideologues.
Whereas normal people can shrug their shoulders and say "I like this author, but he didn't get everything right."

>> No.21449840

The point is that the shitlib neonazis rebrand their idealism, but nothing changes. The end goal is to retain centralized power and continue capitalism.
Sticks and carrots, sticks then carrots again, again, and again and again. That’s all it ever is. People are blinded by the bullshit and are forced or coerced into the same old program every time.
“Might is right”? They use might and trickery, salesmanship. That’s what the Green label is all about, anon.

>> No.21449908

See, you're demonstrating exactly what I mean.
Marx says "Superstructure determines structure, everything is economics".
Now up pops an ideology which doesn't really care for capitalism beyond its use as a tool. Instead of using history to reexamine your view, you dogmatically stick to Marx's vision and yell out "ACTUALLY FASCISM IS ABOUT RETAINING CAPITALISM" despite the fact that there are entire books written about the ideology by the followers and founders of said ideology, and none of them actually say that.
Your ability to comprehend ideological nuance is on about the level as conservative boomers who think that Marxism is "when everything is owned by the government"

>> No.21449924


Got his ass.

Hilarious that these people imagine themselves as self-reliant fascist yeomen, when their first reaction to any pushback is a nervous breakdown over some gender weirdos that make up 0.1% of the population

"Please help Fuhrer, someone's got blue hair in the same country as me!"

>> No.21449957

Posting basedjaks on 4chan is what it’s all about

>> No.21449960


So what are we missing?

Is a successful Facist movement going to take over neoliberal capitalism, and dismantle it?

>> No.21449961

>Superstructure determines structure
Meant to say that structure determines superstructure

Not him but hating troons is good, and something everyone should do.
They represent untruth in it's purest sense, the destruction of all that's natural and good in favor of fakeness. Actively hating them is good for the soul. On their own they're silly men in dresses, but they're pawns of a much more insidious force

>> No.21449981

In part.
In won't be communism by any stretch, but it will only allow capital to be used to the benefit of the people. Sometimes that means it's privately owned, sometimes publicly owned
It's not neoliberalism, but also not communism.

>> No.21449987
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>there are people in this thread who deny that the Nazis were half a century further ahead than everyone else on environment and ecology
It's almost like they know absolutely nothing.

Read Impeachment of Man and How Green Were The Nazis? Two fantastic starter ecofash books.

>> No.21449991

Trickery is a fundamental part of the game. Sounds based to me. All you who stand opposed to the liberal world order are laughable. Keep reading your pathetic theory and posting with your pathetic anime avatar friends on social media, continue to delude yourselves that you are doing anything meaningful. You will never do anything meaningful. And even if you do it will be another statistic at best. We live in the ultimate society as far as the plebeians are rightfully where they belong. Give it up and focus on massing wealth, don’t waste your youth on this pointless garbage. Absolutely none of you are special.

>> No.21450020


Nah, it's just silly to imbue a handful of crossdressers with that kind of mystic power.

Also, the 'natural' point is a non-sequitur.

There's all sorts of sexual weirdness already in nature beyond anything humans could invent. Homosexuality, hermaphrodism, animals changing sex spontaneously. All that shit is by definition, natural, because it happens in nature.

It also doesn't make sense to call something good or bad just because it happens in nature.

Appendicitis is natural. Broken bones are natural. Tiny fish that swim up your dickhole and eat it from the inside out are natural. Doesn't mean we need more of them!

>> No.21450032


This is sounding a bit incoherent, can you be clearer with what you're actually envisioning?

>> No.21450035

this was a good and wholesome manifesto. the criticism i've seen seems to be posturing or a misunderstanding of what a manifesto is intended to do.

>> No.21450090


That manifesto summarised:

>sees a brown person
>hello police? I'm being literally murdered

>> No.21450098

yes, we should live in a society where you can call the police to have any unauthorized brown people removed

>> No.21450101

By "natural" I mean what is natural for humans. If we use your definition of "natural" then I could grow a pair of lobster claws and still be natural.
Troons represent an increasingly mainstream and accepted departure from human nature. It's not in human nature to castrate yourself, nor to drink mare piss to grow boobies. By abandoning our nature humans will find themselves increasingly unhappy, as we'll be in a sort of "evolutionary mismatch" where we're not equipped to deal with our situations on a mental or physical level. Although natural doesn't always equal good, it usually does, and makes a good rule of thumb.

I may have misread your post, are you asking me to elaborate on the economic philosophy of a hypothetical fascist state? I'm assuming that's what you're asking. So here goes:

There's an illiberal government, and they allow the private ownership of capital (factories and machinery and shit). However, if one uses that capital to hurt or exploit the other people living there, the government steps in and tells you not to. And some capital is owned by the government in industries where it may be necessary. This is all to further the ends of the people who make up the state.

This is, of course, highly reductive. The definitions of "public good" "exploitation" and "ownership" can be debated.

>> No.21450107



Okay, that actually made me laugh

>> No.21450497

You’re an idiot if you think Kaczynski was a fascist

>> No.21451023

>Seeing trolls in anyone and everyone who makes a great argument against your dumbass ideas is gud