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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 202 KB, 800x600, t122tb_img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21424939 No.21424939 [Reply] [Original]

welcome to the tie-breaker thread.

>what is this?
on december 12th and up until december 22nd, /lit/ nominated their favourite works of literature to compile a list of their top 100 books of all time for 2022.
submissions were reviewed and nominations were counted, with the list being put together in a spreadsheet (the first link).
the purpose of this thread is to definitively place the works which are tied in their placement on the top 100 list.

>how does this work?
in the multiple choice google form (the second link), you will find all of the works in this year's top 100 which are tied, categorised by the number of votes they received.
you must select your favourite work in each category.
the poll will close on december 26th.
after responses have been collected, the tied works will be sorted in the spreadsheet by their popularity in each category.
shortly after, an official chart of the top 100 list will be made and posted.

>enough talk, give me the links

note: you will need to add the "dot com" domain after "tinyurl" and before the forward slash to use these links.

>> No.21424960

Retard spent 5 hours counting by hand after already standardizing the names (could've been done in five minutes), alphabetized by author's FIRST name, and tarnished the whole thing by leaving sign-in turned off (intentionally) for the first several days of the poll

>> No.21425133

are you the guy that tried to make a fake top 100 because your spam got culled?

>> No.21425145

Nah, it's the guy that frequently asked for assistance on entering the links of the pages.

>> No.21425147

>and tarnished the whole thing by leaving sign-in turned off (intentionally) for the first several days of the poll
How else could people vote?

>> No.21425152

maybe just remove the meme votes like mein kempf from the list? you know most of those six votes for it were from the spammer anyway

>> No.21425176

This is not actually OP... once again, an impostor has made the thread.

>> No.21425180

no, it's the same tripcode

>> No.21425185

How do you excuse counting by hand? He wasted hours out of sheer incompetence. I middle schooler on excel could've done it in 1/10th of the time

>> No.21425193


>> No.21425196

Machines are satanic counting by hand is more good and safer than believing a narcissistic incompetent such as you.

>> No.21425198

So why didn't you?

>> No.21425208

The retard disabled copy/paste and download on the spreadsheet

>> No.21425217


>> No.21425241


>> No.21425255

If Marx can get in...

>> No.21425264

Worst top 100 ever. Very incompetent.

>> No.21425285

you are justified in being upset at the inefficiency of my counting.
however, i have no regret in being thorough and manually counting the votes, since i caught some inconsistencies and errors which i would have missed otherwise.
take a look at the archives.
i am using the same secure tripcode that i've been using from the start.

>> No.21425293

Are you retarded?
>Verification not required.

>> No.21425302

Do you even know how tripcodes work?

>> No.21425338

Only faggots know how tripcodes work.

>> No.21425343
File: 130 KB, 995x664, 0353D204-5FF4-4707-8F5F-45354B0DCFE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue voters here should be filtered out of the poll. Imagine having such shitty taste. Red voters also have bad taste, but are such empty-minded effeminate out-of-shape fags that it's really hard to hold it against the.

>> No.21425348

Go cry about it corncob

>> No.21425648


>> No.21425653

I still can't believe The Bell Jar made it over Journey to the end of the night. We share a board either with retards or women.

>> No.21425656

Celine's incel pamphlet is just a poor man's Moravagine.

>> No.21425673

theres no need to show everyone how awful your taste is

>> No.21425706
File: 500 KB, 2016x778, read-expected-got_journey-to-the-end-of-the-night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Journey was fun for the 10% of the book when he was in the war. Everything else was really lame.

>> No.21425724

>Obviously Alcide was perfectly at ease, at home so to speak, in the higher regions, on terms of familiarity with the angels. You wouldn't have known it to look at him. With hardly a thought of what he was doing, he had consented to years of torture, to the crushing of his life in this torrid monotony for the sake of a little girl to whom he was vaguely related. Motivated by nothing but his good heart, he had set no conditions and asked nothing in return. To that little girl far away he was giving enough tenderness to make the whole world over, and he never showed it.
>Suddenly he fell asleep in the candlelight. After a while I got up to look at his face. He slept like everybody else. He looked quite ordinary. There ought to be some mark by which to distinguish good people from bad.
Journey is sublime from start to finish. It's such a cynical book, that only gets more bitter as it goes on, but then at times it hits you with passages like this one.

>> No.21425729

>managed to get the book I was shilling for a year decently high up on the list
Thanks for the votes, anons

>> No.21425739

Shit book. Only relevant because of its well-known imitations: Catch-22 and Tropic of Cancer (both of which are also mostly shit books)

>> No.21425740

Where is Call of the Crocodile

>> No.21425870

Houellebecq made it but not Celine lmao. What happened to /lit/?

>> No.21425879

Nobody cares about that novel enough to even try to meme it onto the list

>> No.21425896

im surprised nu-/lit/ even produced 100 separate books

>> No.21425987
File: 18 KB, 645x335, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very close race for first

>> No.21426091

Gormenghast bros, I think we're going to make it this year.

>> No.21426113
File: 662 KB, 1105x1600, fuchsia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it, fren. Gormenghast will be around rank 60

>> No.21426213

>retards or women.
whats the difference?

>> No.21427059
File: 665 KB, 485x607, 1671608038484325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see anything by Irvine Welsh or Michael Crichton on here

>> No.21427089

t. manlet

>> No.21427110

Couldn't beat BOTNS though. Hahahahahahaha Wolfechads stay winning.

>> No.21427163
File: 1.15 MB, 2480x4148, 23948092438942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll see what happens next year. You've had more time to shill your book, but I plan on increasing my efforts now that Gormenghast is actually on the list

>> No.21427621


>> No.21427765

>Faulkner below Gaddis this year
Based Gaddis back with a bang. Faulknerchuds seething.

>> No.21428115


>> No.21428541
File: 115 KB, 1347x445, columns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does the left column in the counting tab means? the one in orange. I guess the right column is the actual ranking

>> No.21428551

what would a top 100 for 10 years look like?

>> No.21428571

it isn't over until the 26th, nothing is set in stone yet.
the column on the left is a list of every nomination, which i used for counting the votes.
i counted the votes manually and highlighted the nominations to keep track of which books i had counted.

>> No.21428579

>Stoner in the top ten
Not even Williams’s best novel (that’s Augustus), not even the best 60s American novel with an NYRB Classics reprint (that’s Wallant’s Tenants of Moonbloom), not even the best American novel of 1965 (that’s Jerzy Kosinski’s The Painted Bird)

>> No.21428586

Says you. Obviously many others disagree

>> No.21428587

And I used to agree, until I read the books I mentioned and many more

>> No.21428598

I’m ambivalent on Stoner, but it obviously strikes a chord with a lot of readers. My issue is more when an anon acts like an authority or judge. I wouldn’t have any issue if you said you like those others books more instead of saying they’re better. Taste is subjective after all and this board would be a better place if others realized that

>> No.21428604
File: 30 KB, 500x375, 24F5972D-16E0-48EB-B6A9-DAC33868123F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i counted the votes manually and highlighted the nominations to keep track of which books i had counted.
For what purpose?

>> No.21428613

I know man I was only trolling and pretending to be the typical /lit/ snob. Obviously I don’t actually feel that way and certainly wouldn’t say that to you irl, heck we have too little time with our lives to fling shit at one another really. Also I wouldn’t have got to the other books if not for Stoner so I’m still very much grateful for it and hope that that “chord” you mentioned really does strike as many anons as possible

>> No.21428682

Good to hear. I was just railing at the based/cringe dichotomy, which has been has been one of my many issues with this board in recent years; everything is either the greatest ever or the worst ever, there is no middle ground and everything has to be compared to something else. As far as Stoner goes I need to reread it. Sometimes when I think back on it, I find it depressing, other times inspiring. But all in all I think it does a fine job portraying the average life; there are few instances or circumstances that can define the course of a life, few moments where you get to really show your values in a meaningful way, and it shows that life is a combo of the good and the bad. I think it is a good gateway book as you’ve said.

>> No.21429238


>> No.21429285
File: 2.85 MB, 1100x3312, Top 100 Books of All Time Aggregated 2014-2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for 7 years

>> No.21429300

Stoner is, in my opinion, not an amazing book. If you like Stoner then you should check out Kokoro by Natsumi Soseki. Stoner is less depressing than Kokoro, but shares the same sentiment of a destined and passive manifest failure. I believe (or rather hope) Stoner was meant to cause dread inside of the lives of men very much like him. Less of a foreboding, and more of an impetus for change.

>> No.21429354

I read Kokoro some years back and memory of it has vaporized so it didn’t leave much of an impression. I remember liking it at the time. I’ve only read Stoner once and it was years ago; it is far from my favorite book. From memory, what I took away from it was a nuanced portrayal of an average man, filled with life’s ups and downs. For some reason Japanese literature doesn’t stick well with me. I enjoy it while reading but time isn’t kind to my recollection of it. Dazai, Abe, Endo, Tanizaki, Soseki have been like water through my fingers. Oddly enough I love and remember fondly The Wind Up Bird Chronicles, with no shame.

>> No.21429865

You should give Kawabata a try. Snow Country is a very memorable novel, and it's not too long

>> No.21430071

This one uses the fake 2020 list.

>> No.21430099

I forgot him and I have read Snow Country and can’t remember much except a couple trips to a spring resort. I think? I splurged a lot of Japanese literature for a few months. I should give them another chance. Maybe it was that few month period that is to blame. Sometimes you just aren’t in the right mindset for some books. A few of my favorites are ones I disliked on my first attempt. I’m really glad I gave them another chance. I do like Kawabata’s short stories though. They remind me of Hemingway’s vignettes, those 10 liners that are somewhere between a poem and a short story but convey a lot.

>> No.21431066
File: 693 KB, 540x540, 1670751152365464.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gormenbros. We did it! And next year we will be even higher on the list.

>> No.21431104

I think we'll get even more votes next year since people now see that it's possible for it to actually be on the list

>> No.21431422


>> No.21431440

just use sumif or something.

>> No.21431443
File: 29 KB, 738x372, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borges was a hack. Stupid idea guy nigger (library of babel was cool though).

>> No.21431446


>> No.21431533

How are these charts made? Photoshop? Or is there a website to make them?

>> No.21431579

BOTNS coming dead last in the battle of the 9 votes.

>> No.21431583

I hope so

You have to go back

>> No.21431586

Yep. I was disappointed too to see Shitciones winning. I would pick all the others over it to be honest.

>> No.21431628

How come you hate BOTNS and also love Borges? Wolfe is like the postmodern Borges. BOTNS is as influential as Ficciones.

>> No.21431645

>Wolfe is like the postmodern Borges
Borges is post-modern

>> No.21431674

Links don't work.

>> No.21432109

Wouldn't mind Bookie coming out with his chart either . .

>> No.21432396

>BOTNS is as influential as Ficciones.
Not even close. BOTNS is not influential at all.

>> No.21432637

Pool is closed

>> No.21432650

It closes tomorrow. Read the OP.

>> No.21432699

Define a meme

>> No.21432705

Biblecuck seething

>> No.21432715

Journey doesn't get votes because it's too long of a book for /litards/

>> No.21432731

Longer books are on the list.

>> No.21432810

It's genuinely too short for me. Same reason i've avoided The Savage Detectives, One hundred years of solitude and anything by Camus.

>> No.21432814

SD is like 500 pages and 100 years is like 400. More than average

>> No.21432860

works on my machine

>> No.21432867

And yet too short for me. I like them long and thick

>> No.21432876


>> No.21432880

I just prefer books that can't be finished in one day.

>> No.21432883

Like I said, autism.

>> No.21433588

Something that was voted for because the voters thought it would be funny and not because of any literary value

>> No.21433616

Sound sound like autism.

>> No.21434955


>> No.21434982

So you like your books the way you like your dicks.

>> No.21435033

100 Years of Solitude is peak YA RaNdOm XXD literature on the reading level of The Alchemist and you can't convince me otherwise. Any list with it included is shit.

But I'm not surprised after all the threads with people reporting they only read 0-10 books a year. These lists are just the few books people read, or books they think are good but haven't read. Stoner is a prime example of that. Mediocre book.

>> No.21435111

Anyone have a list of links for downloading epub or pdf's of fiction books, preferably reasonably up to date?
I tried pdfdrive but it's only self-help crap and I don't have the money to buy a new book every week

>> No.21435113

>Mediocre book
What's a great book to you?

>> No.21435392

The Counterfeiters

>> No.21435394


>> No.21435719

Quick, someone break the Gormenghast and LOTR tie (vote for Gormenghast) or we'll have to go through another round of tiebreaking

>> No.21435741

How hard you must be spamming that shit to have it tied with LOTR.

>> No.21435756

hello again, i hope everyone had a good christmas.
the poll will close in six hours.
i have already begun putting the chart together, all i have left to do is wait and see how the results of the tie-breaker turns out.

>> No.21435773

>putting the chart together
How are these charts made? Photoshop? Or you have a website to make them?

>> No.21435789

He's writing it out with pen and paper and taking a pic for us

>> No.21435821

it's not a website, like with neverendingchartrendering, if that's what you think.
i don't like adobe's software much, i use freeware like paint.net for image editing.

>> No.21435827

Not that often, really. I've only shilled once or twice since tiebreaking started

>> No.21436229

kek, this would be based. List is gonna be shit anyway, so why not make it fun

>> No.21436242


>> No.21436302

>100 Years of Solitude is peak YA RaNdOm XXD literature on the reading level of The Alchemist and you can't convince me otherwise. Any list with it included is shit.

>> No.21436350

the disrespect for bolano is mindnumbing

>> No.21436354

What makes him good?

>> No.21436368

la raza chilena

>> No.21436383

I thought he was mexican.

>> No.21436389
File: 266 KB, 1216x2160, k98mvcqj4m4a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once again you're creating a list of books that are never discussed on /lit/.
Its completely disingenuous and you only do it to impress /r/books.

>> No.21436392

No, pure Chilean breed.

>> No.21436410

He lived his childhood in Chile, his teenage and young adult years in Mexico, and his mature and final years in Spain.

>> No.21436416

what disrespect? 2666 is winning.
All these books are mentioned on this board.

>> No.21436438

>All these books are mentioned on this board.
....once in a blue moon. They're not representative of what gets discussed here. The discussion of literary fiction is a rare event on post/2015 /lit/ yet /lit/s top books of all time is 95% literary fiction.
Completely disingenuous. Who are you trying to impress?

>> No.21436448

>....once in a blue moon.
Lurk moar.
>They're not representative of what gets discussed here.
They're representative of what is read here.
>Completely disingenuous. Who are you trying to impress?
Why would we be trying to impress anyone? It's been a similar list for years.

>> No.21436457

What retard made this list

>> No.21436461

>Lurk moar.
you're either a newfag or that fat, fucking. middle-aged, deluded janitor that won't shut the fuck up.

> It's been a similar list for years.
I know. Every year its completely disingenuous. For what reason I do not know.

>> No.21436468

What is the point off this? It's the same books every year. It only accomplishes bringing in a bunch of outsiders who see it on imgur.

>> No.21436469

I remember a time where that book got shilled here. Usually anything that gets shilled hard ends up making the list.

>> No.21436474

>. They're not representative of what gets discussed here
they're literally the ONLY books that get discussed here retard

>> No.21436479

>you're either a newfag or that fat, fucking. middle-aged, deluded janitor that won't shut the fuck up.
I have been lurking here for ages. All these books are mentioned here. Just because they don't get 100-page essays every day doesn't mean they're not read.
>I know. Every year its completely disingenuous. For what reason I do not know.
muh disingenuous. God, what a faggot word. Can't make an annual list these days without at least one whining faggot like you. What should we put instead to please Her Royal Highness? John Green and Brandon Sanderson? We've always read different books than other popular places. Deal with it.

>> No.21436533

I think that anon misread the OP. It says "top 100 books of all time" but he probably understood "100 most discussed books in the last 3 years" and that's why he's complaining that the most talked about books are not necessarily considered the best. I believe he considers that to be an inconsistency.
Hopefully he will realize that.

>> No.21436592

its literally a list of books that nobody on /lit/ has read.
For what purpose?

>> No.21436631

Uhmmm, do you have a source for that, sweetie?

>> No.21436758

they y do ppl vote 4 em?

>> No.21436784

I can vividly recall instances of talking about each of the books on this year's list with anons on this board. Just because you only browse bait threads doesn't mean the rest of us aren't actually talking about literature

>> No.21437225

>nobody on /lit/ has read
Ah, there it is. You're just insecure. It's ok anon, you'll get there. You don't have to read the whole list anyway. Feel free to skip botns, it's not nearly as good as /sffg/ would like you to think

>> No.21437289

It's not that it isn't as good is that it is unique in what it does. Is to science fiction what The New York Trilogy is for detective/mistery novels.
I'm not a big fan of either but this is an undisputable fact.

>> No.21437579

>some retarded false equivalence is a fact

>> No.21437586

Where is the final list?

>> No.21437640

2016-2018 /lit/ was exceptionally embarrassing. They liked to pretend to read big books. I remember an extremely embarrassing thread with Gaddisfags and Moorefags fighting.

>> No.21437648

/insecure/ general?

>> No.21437660

I am pleasantly surprised by my fellow /lit/izens' voting in the tie breaker.

>> No.21437672

>winning. I would pick (Holden's cryfest to his broad of a sister who he is too much of a pussy to put the moves on) over it (Shitciones) to be honest.

>> No.21437676

The best book won. Cope & seethe.

>> No.21437678

Here is one of those manchild election tourists.

>> No.21437679

who's this broad?

>> No.21437722

When can we expect the list to be out, OP?

>> No.21437739

how many times did you vote in /lit/'s top 100 for 2022?

>> No.21437752

We miss you at r/books, bro.

>> No.21438550

Two, but for different books.

>> No.21438558

Well, at least most people seem to have been honest so far

>> No.21439899

I am excited for the new chart to come out like a new book expected in the mail.

>> No.21439906

Where is it? Yesterday OP said he was ready with paint.net or whatever and was only waiting for the tiebreaker results. So where is it?

>> No.21439923

he's probably drawing every cover himself

>> No.21440008

I am also awaiting Sir Bookie's Charte.

>> No.21440039

OP is a fucking retard, expect nothing

>> No.21440075


>> No.21440180

thank you for your patience.
the chart will be ready soon, the only thing left for me to do is to add text for the titles and authors of the books.

>> No.21440220

am I retarded or is this sheet useless?

>> No.21440322

alright, we are awaiting

>> No.21440351
File: 177 KB, 814x1193, 1660251923666987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain the popularity of The Stranger to me? I read it but I wouldn't put it near top 100.

>> No.21440376

When will the official results be public?

>> No.21440480

it's useful in the way that it depicts the demographic changes of the board. I expect less maximalist novels and more science fiction series than in previous years.

>> No.21441211

Hope he at least finishes drawing every cover before New Years

>> No.21441382


>Agota Kristoff The Notebook trilogy

I'm actually quite shocked and pleased seeing it get a lot votes. It's one of my favourite works of all time but I've never seen it brought up much on /lit/

>> No.21441957

Yo status update

>> No.21442019

He is 3d printing the list, it takes some time, but it should be over in a few hours

>> No.21442023

>the only thing left for me to do is to add text for the titles and authors of the books.
That takes you more than 7 hours?

>> No.21442165

haha. glad to know he's making it all nice-like

>> No.21442191

Mestizaje maligno.

>> No.21442618

If you're reading this, don't trust the list that just got posted - it's fake ass shit. Made by the same shitlord who tried to derail the thread last time

>> No.21442636

where is the real list, nigga?

>> No.21442666

Hey, I'm not the one making it. The new thread is just the 2018 list edited

>> No.21442669

I agree with you that Stoner is overrated, but your take on 100 Years of Solitude is just downright stupid. You could say the same thing about almost every book considered postmodern or absurdist, including books you probably worship like Infinite Jest, Gravity’s Rainbow, etc. Try reading it again with a deeper understanding than surface-level.

>> No.21443027

How on earth are you not done with the list yet, OP? Are you going through genealogical records to make sure that all of the author names are historically correct? There's people posting fake lists because you're taking as long as humanly possible to finish this thing

>> No.21443099

Maybe OP went to bed

>> No.21443109

all day? at around 12pm she said she was only going to do the titles and that all else was done.

>> No.21443115

OP said he was just finishing it up 12 hours ago. Even if he fell asleep for 8 hours, that's still plenty of time to get it done

>> No.21443129

This chart better be a damn graphical masterpiece

>> No.21443152

maybe they were REALLY sleepy.

>> No.21443170

Is OP a she?

>> No.21443206

Good morning sirs!

>> No.21443215

Only a woman could be this lazy and careless. A man would just obsessively get it done.

>> No.21443219

It's going to be hand illustrated, full calligraphy on all the text and backed onto a carved wooden frame. OP will auction it off to some museum so we can all be forever remembered by history.

>> No.21443225

It would explain some things

>> No.21443259
File: 35 KB, 1024x876, 1665775843941811m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21443358

Please don't hurt OP's feelings. She has other things to do other than making a chart of mongolian basket weaving forum's favorite books. Be thankful for her existence since she has dedicated some of her time for you all. Even if the result is late, she already worked so hard until this point. Thank you, OP. I want to sex you.

>> No.21443364

It's fine if it takes a while, but OP did specifically say that it was almost done and would be released in a little bit. 14 hours later and no word at all is slightly trolling

>> No.21443401

If OP is a she then I'm in love, bros. Do you think she's into deranged NEET incels in their 30s?

>> No.21443408

No, but I am

>> No.21443531

I'm going to hunt her like an animal.

>> No.21443844

So Bookie, &amp Editor, and &amp Best-Of Editor are women too?

>> No.21443894

who's this testicle spectacle?

>> No.21443930

Dasha Nekrasova

>> No.21444107
File: 1.93 MB, 2550x5250, unfinished_t122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is an unfinished version of the chart, as a proof of work.
this is taken from my last saved version, i have done more work since then.
you will see the final version before the year ends.

>> No.21444226
File: 79 KB, 232x217, url57ha95pb51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BotNS below Dune

>> No.21444295

Hurrah! He (or she) lives! I quite like the look of it OP, especially the key which I don't think has been done before. Thank you for your time and effort.

Gormenghast friends, we have made it and we beat LOTR too. A magnificent achievement.

>> No.21444303

Now everything makes sense. Well, at least, list seems different from previous years, so, I guess, that's something

>> No.21444310

OP, I kind of have a crush on you. You're such a cute.

>> No.21444314

I still can't believe The Bell Jar made the list but not Journey to the end of the night.

>> No.21444320

War and Peace bros, how did Anna Karenina BTFO us so hard? Are there that many women in /lit/? Where is my /lit/ gf then?

>> No.21444352

This is all your fault. You let discordfags, and /sffg/ take over the board.

>> No.21444390

>no Man without Qualities
>no Crying of lot 49
>no Sot-weed factor
>no JR
>not 1 but 4 fantasy series

>> No.21444391

How tf does 1984 creep to such a high spot every time. It belongs nowhere near the top 100 let alone spot 16

>> No.21444403


>> No.21444423

Kind of lame background color but regardless plz be in London

>> No.21444437

AK is simply better written, and W&P tends to fall all over the place.

>> No.21444459

Agree, but the highs of War and Peace are only second to The Brothers K. And Andrei's arc makes up for all the unevenness. Greatest character ever.

>> No.21444477

>no crying of lot 49
Great. The other pynchon books should have kept ousted
>no sot weed factor
Great. Never was there
>no JR
Hmmm... considerable.
>4 fantasy series
Gormenghast is the only new entry.

>> No.21444482

how does the link work? i cannot vote

>> No.21444498

Literally nothing changed except you removed some meme answers.

>> No.21444503

Guess I'll give gormenghast a shit after all

>> No.21444537

voting ended like 3 days ago. we are just waiting for OP to post the results but she's slow as fuck.

>> No.21444556

>>no Crying of lot 49
>>no Sot-weed factor
>>no JR
and that's a good thing

>> No.21444604

It is a good entry book, it makes people fall in love with literature. It deserves a place on the list, but not nearly this high, yea

>> No.21444606
File: 2.59 MB, 2330x4566, 1640741318885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is last year's, for reference

>> No.21444624

Ruined by meme shit.

>> No.21444625

Same with the Bible.
I mean it's important literary work but top 1?
Nah. But this always happens with voting.

>> No.21444643

>I mean it's important literary work but top 1?
Yea, it's the most influential book of all time.

>> No.21444647

I think she even said she has to remove troll books from the list, and then doesn't remove mein kampf and my diary desu.

Isn't The Bible the most important piece of literature ever written?

>> No.21444652

How can this faggot not remove my diary desu?? Holy shit

>> No.21444666

I thought you were taking so long because you were choosing the best covers possible but I see that I was wrong after looking at that Hunger cover.

>> No.21444717

Idk, to have one list with meme books is funny, I guess, but for the 5th time it's just stupid. Maybe an official list will be different

>> No.21444734

this is a list of personal favorites, importance doesn’t matter

>> No.21444738

well, many people like the Bible, so what? that's far from a problem with this list.

>> No.21444754

nah, they’re just larping culture warriors, i’m reading the bible right now and it’s boring as all hell

>> No.21444763

have you taken into consideration that not all the people have the same experience as you?

>> No.21444775

The bible is important because it has long lasting impact on the world.
In a literary sense it's okay.
If you judge it strictly on its own, a lot of books in the list are better.
It all boils down to how most people vote though.
>Do you vote for the books you enjoy reading?
>Do you vote for ones that you consider important?
>Meme votes

>> No.21444821

how many have you read OP?

>> No.21444841

I've been informed OP sent you an answer via snail mail. Please be patient.

>> No.21444846

>Gormenghast higher than LOTR
Based and bloompilled. Now I know I'm on /lit/ and not bloody Reddit.
>sees The Bell Jar
Never mind.

>> No.21444926

nope, and i never will

>> No.21444940

then stop saying retarded shit

>> No.21444999

definitely a few more interesting picks on this one (Ferdydurke, Death of Virgil, Libra)

>> No.21445079

Well it's not the worst list we've had, I suppose. Still a reminder of how terrible this board is compared to pre-2016 though.

>> No.21445102

Seems interesting, yea. Can someone who has read most of it give some thoughts

>> No.21445139
File: 1.23 MB, 1820x4348, 1559245672554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2014 /lit/ chart

>> No.21445194

where are the fucking names`?
are you people retarded or am I supposed to go off your favorite color bookcovers to figure out whats in the list, you book tuber sorting bookshelf according to color tier low lifes?

>> No.21445208

>Harry Potter
>Hitchhiker’s Guide
>Illuminatus trilogy
Lmao is this reddit’s list?

>> No.21445211

>here is an unfinished version of the chart, as a proof of work.

>> No.21445219

The Stranger second is a questionable choice.
Pretty solid. Probably better than this year. But it has some dumb choices too. I'm glad Kokoro made the top 100 this year.

>> No.21445570

Hey Epic of Gilgamesh, good job. That should be on the list.

>> No.21445576

>you will see the final version before the year ends
>it's going to take him multiple days to add author names in paint
but why? you have a bunch of people thinking a fake list is real and are dragging your feet to get this thing finished

>> No.21445577

>Atlas Shrugged

>> No.21445610

Gormenghast finally managing to beat LOTR is rather poetic, since it was the fantasy trilogy that overshadowed it back in the day

>> No.21446116

OP it's been 11 hours. Hurry up or I'll write the names myself in papyrus.

>> No.21446135

Sure. What do you want to know?

>> No.21446141

It still overshadows it

>> No.21446157

Anna Karenina was always the better work. War and peace gets memed because it's large.

have you tried discussing those books here? I've seen /tv/ discuss JR more than this board

>> No.21446165

Ive read 14 out of 100 out of the list , and have physical copies of 10 others that are on my backlog including count of monte cristo which i read like half of

>> No.21446166

Not on /lit/ in 2022

>> No.21446177

Tolstoy was the man, one of a kind.

>> No.21446187

On December 12th through to December 22nd, /lit/ was asked to submit 5 of their favourite texts to a form.
After thorough review, 1771 votes were counted across a total of 392 submissions.
Ties were broken with a poll which ran from December 23rd through to December 26th.

>> No.21446189

say what you will about the 2022 list in general, but at least the top 5 is much much better than the 2014 one

>> No.21446195

its a shame shit like stoner and nabokov and macarthy gets in the top 10 while Tolstoy has no top 10 spot

>> No.21446545

Tolstoy is garbage. He is too high if anything.

>> No.21446555

>Tolstoy is garbage
That's just a very sad opinion to see someone type out

>> No.21446560

Sad to someone nuthugging a writer dead for 110 years. Enough Christian trash is on the top 10. The good ones atleast (Dosto, Bible etc.).

>> No.21446564
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bell jar
what the fuck is happening to this place

>> No.21446566

>look how edgy I am everyone!!

>> No.21446567

It's getting reddit'd.

>> No.21446571

Atleast shill the good christian literature, Christcuck. Not pontificating garbage like War and Peace lmao.

>> No.21446577

>Mein Kampf
>My diary desu
Didn't you say you filtered the meme replies? What is this shit?

>> No.21446604

how embarrassing for you

>> No.21446610

>war and peace
Oh, so you're one of the many tourists on this board that don't actually like literature or reading. Well, carry on then....

>> No.21446633

7 years on the site kiddo.
Butthurt nigger lmao. Seething that Stoolstoy couldn't hack it in the big leagues. Cry and go make a thread on reddit to suck his dick

>> No.21446700

>2014 chart
Much better

>> No.21446709

if you're a Redditor, sure.

>> No.21446741

Literally made before Reddit found this place you newfag redditor.

>> No.21446749
File: 71 KB, 843x843, 16539334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>december 12th and up until december 22nd
a poll like this should be open for 3 months or so.
most people don't visit here daily or weekly, it's not a sports or pop music forum.
all you're getting with a 10-day poll is the opinions of diehards. not an ideal sample group.

>> No.21446751

No it's not. There are a lot of awful picks on that list. The Stranger has no business being #2 on anyone's top 100 list

>> No.21446760

r/4chan was created in 2011.

>> No.21446773

you're a true /lit/bro if you're not here every day

>> No.21446815

Just your general opinion of this list (2021). Do you think it's good?

>> No.21446869


>> No.21446915
File: 32 KB, 640x575, 16539712060059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21446929


>> No.21446995

More women, obviously.

>> No.21447025

does anyone have last years?

>> No.21447236

>The only religion is Christian

>> No.21447253

>said she'd remove meme answers
>I'm counting 15 meme answers

Read most of the books in the list, would say less than 20 are worthwhile. Would probably include 5-10 of them in a legit top 100.

>> No.21447257

/lit/ has a surprisingly high population of contrarian discord/twitter trannies who come here and post "fr fr rap is actually good" / "yall chuds should read more feminist literature" type threads out of spite

>> No.21447278
File: 16 KB, 650x650, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people complain about the 2014 list being too Reddit
>people complain about the 2022 list being too Reddit

Must be so tiring to try to be contrarian in every choice you make.

>> No.21447287
File: 166 KB, 640x626, 1671837495054324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are some of your favorites not on that list?

>> No.21447300

>everyone is one person, and he sure is a mixed up mess of contradictions for some reason!

>> No.21447306

>all you're getting with a 10-day poll is the opinions of diehards

>> No.21447310

>7 years on the site kiddo.
literally an election tourist lmao

>> No.21447329

is this something other than a manipulated list of favorites of those who managed (to fairly easily hide) voting over and over?

>> No.21447345

it seems to check out, it includes MOST of the books that actually get sincerely discussed here

>> No.21447374

These are pretty much all of the books that are regularly discussed on the board. Even if some people voted multiple times, which is almost certainly the case, it's still an accurate representation of the books we like, sans a few meme votes like mein kampf

>> No.21447380
File: 29 KB, 545x362, EsZKVdRUUAM0IYO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trump became president 7 years ago

>> No.21447381

Why is this list considered reddit again? r/books list looks wildly different (for example, Harry Potter), and they explicitly admit that /lit/ has better taste.

>> No.21447389

/lit/'s 2014 list was VERY reddit. This year's list is less reddit (the bell jar).

>> No.21447743

ebin maymays like mein kampf is peak reddit

>> No.21447772

>The Stranger has no business being #2 on anyone's top 100 list
True. It should be #1

>> No.21447774

Kids vote for it

>> No.21447795
File: 40 KB, 356x359, e5284e9fc5dca767e910055254c8310ab1ecfcca4426992de00e02a4fb613c2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21447825


>> No.21447869

>7 years on the site kiddo.
You should've just stayed in /pol/ tourist

>> No.21447911


>> No.21447913
File: 156 KB, 540x960, bilai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting kot for no real reason

>> No.21447922

You should have stayed in reddit.

>> No.21447957

I've never used reddit. Maybe go be shocked about the morals of modern sOcIeTy on /pol/?

>you will never finish high school
>you will never kiss a girl

>> No.21447960

i feel the same way about the stranger

>> No.21447997

Get the fuck out of here underage retard.

>> No.21448049

Your underage is showing /pol/ack. I was on image boards before you were born zoomer :D

>> No.21448084

>underage newfag is immediately insecure
This is how I sniff your kind out.

>> No.21448220

Do people ever fall for this bait?

>> No.21448237


>> No.21448499

underage posts
>hint: it's the overcompensating

>> No.21448508

Do your discord friends find you funny?

>> No.21448552

>>hint:<<some bullshit>>
Newfag moves all over the place.

>> No.21449342

bump for real thread

>> No.21449565

Where the hell is OP.
Why is the fake thread taking over.

>> No.21449835


>> No.21449843

oh we’re past bump limit

>> No.21450812

Holy hell OP, how are we past the bump limit and you're still not done. Voting ended 3 days ago. Please let someone else handle this next year, because you've turned it into an absolute disaster. I should have just taken the data and finished the damn thing myself 3 days ago. It's not that hard