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21440709 No.21440709 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Aw Man, Just Shut Up, Man, Haa edition

Previous thread >>21432641

>> No.21440722
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What will the next generation raised as fags and retards be like? Will they put the zoomers to shame, or are zoomers rock bottom?

>> No.21440745

The older you get, the worse you'll think the youths are. They'll actually be the same little gremlins as they are every generation, but you will be too blinded by your own frame of reference to see it.

>> No.21440760


>> No.21440765

The dumb dumbs aren’t having kids.
Concern yourself with just yourself.

>> No.21440780


>> No.21440793


>> No.21440805

i drink

>> No.21440813

>Concern yourself with just yourself.
Who would do this?

>> No.21440818

Chads… normies. Married people. That sort of generally happy people.

>> No.21440831

So the people who led the world to the point of this >>21440722

No thanks

>> No.21440842

>the world would be fine if the social media were advertising a blue and macho plastic doodad with the little boy whose parents took the money
lmao, if only you knew how bad it really is dot bmp

>> No.21440846

I really enjoy talking about video games more than I'd like to admit nowadays, because despite them selling more than ever they seem have an extra negative connotation compared to the "video games encourage violence and rape" hysterical days. And I don't mean an ultra serious, in-depth conversation like all the pseudo essayists on youtube, but just shooting the shit about fun details and generally relaxing with the topic. They were a great social tool as a kid and I've made genuine friends through them. LAN evenings on half life opposing force maps. Miss those laid back days like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.21440849

why do YOU drink?

>> No.21440851

ever thought of just not defending the fag barbie to own the chuds, so you don't have to contort unnaturally like this

just let the chads have this one. fag barbie bad.

>> No.21440882

Xenoestrogen Barbie's going to make you apoplectic if you can't handle gay Barbie is all I'm saying

>> No.21440888

yeah, give the kid a gi joe, that'll fix the world.

>> No.21440892

>gave my brother the best present ever
>just realized I can't ever top it
oh no

>> No.21440901

That used to be true before the Internet (specifically social media) existed but things are genuinely fucked for the future generations. Like, we have an entire generation of kids raised by iPads and who will be functionally retarded. The COVID lockdowns didn't help any, especially when these kids' parents didn't want to be around them or teach them anything themselves. And that's just one of the many things going wrong right now. The whole "you're just old" schtick doesn't apply anymore. It was true up until the mid-2010s, then shit started to hit the fan. Things are getting bad.

>> No.21440903

it will keep getting worse until the end of the age

>> No.21440909

Also, normalfaggots are not happy. They are good at pretending they are, but they aren't. Look at any aspect of their lives in depth and you will see the cracks appear.

>> No.21440922

The Silent Generation was the last to actually be raised by their parents en masse. Naturally they were the last in which most people properly became adults. There are obviously still good families now but they have as little to do with this retarded "society" as possible.

>> No.21440953

Lesser of two evils? My options at this time are either alcoholism or misanthropy.

People love to act like this site is some sort of outlier but the truth is that it is the status quo, people acting like they have all the answers and judging anyone who does not agree with them because they know just as well as everyone else does that they do not have any answers and it terrifies them. Just look at this place, filled with people acting like if given the chance they could fix the worlds problems because they really are simple problems and easily solved by their ideology. Self delusion of the most pathetic kind. So I drink so I can ignore these sorts of games and not hate the world.

It is only temporary, I should have myself back to living outside of society in the near future.

>> No.21441079

I hate /adv/. I hate /adv/. I hate /adv/.
It makes me realize how terrible people are.
Are people on /lit/ just nicer people in general?

>> No.21441126

You're just getting old.

>> No.21441131

Bad posts are necessary to grow janitors.

>> No.21441203

They sound more like zoomer reactionaries than oldfags.

>> No.21441238

Being happy and well adjusted didn't lead to that.

Then I guess we're talking about a third class of people who aren't stupid frog posting incels, chud, pessimists, tradlarpers, or the dumbass shitlib/trumptards, but a whole other set of people who Nietzsche

>> No.21441290

No. /lit/ is fuckin terrible. The only use for it is that sometimes helpful information gets posted.

>> No.21441429

Tired of you piece of shit retards. Yeah every generation complains about the succeeding generation. You know what? None of them had to deal with 1% of them castrating themselves. None of them had to deal with their daughters removing their breasts and having large chunks of their flesh torn out to form a monstrous pseudo-phallus. Only 1% of the population? One fucking generation ago it was 0.3%. The previous is was less than 0.05%. The numbers will continue to rise.
That's not even to discuss the mass psychogenic illnesses caused by social media(including gender dysphoria) dramatic and unprecedented suicide rates, higher than ever hard-drug usage, and a whole slew of other problems.
Faggots like you that try your braindead gaslighting genuinely deserve to die, no exceptions. You're worthless as a human being and the quicker you roll over and eat fucking lead the better.

>> No.21441460

The people in this thread seem to have more soul than the average /adv/ poster

>> No.21441534

The few times I've gone to /adv/ I've seen shockingly, and I mean shockingly newfaggy behavior right away. Stuff that would never fly on any normal board. I have a strong suspicion there are a lot of unhealthy people there who couldn't hack it on other boards.

>> No.21441561

4chan is probably very convenient for sharing disgusting secrets anonymously

>> No.21441565

That's what makes it a treasure trove for law enforcement and alphabet agencies.

>> No.21441572

I used to think it was a meme but it really is unironic glowniggers and transexual communists, technocrat elitists et al. You can meet these people IRL but when I did I was pretty much an offline boomer so I didn't think much of it the time. After I actually used social media enough it all clicked. It was very dangerous to be as offline as I was because I crossed paths with some extremely online people who were very sick in the head and more malicious than I could have imagined. No one can afford such naivete. The gaslighting is real. Don't let them in your mind. Protect your soul.

>> No.21441575

yeah, I regret sharing personal thoughts on here. Who knows what this is used for.

>> No.21441599
File: 182 KB, 736x736, BDDDB45B-1799-4918-981B-63F639406BE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What will the next generation raised as fags and retards be like? Will they put the zoomers to shame,

They consumed the infohazard and now it is trying to assimilate them and you. If you go down that path it will effectively destroy “you” ie your entire personality and hijack your body as a vessel to further spread the mind virus. I’ve seen it happen to too many people, it is a fate worse than death.

You must stop watching pornography. Research dophamine fasting and ideally get off the internet entirely for a period. If you’re able physically remove yourself from your current environment. Find a farm or a ranch which will give you room and board in exchange for farm work. Consume no mainstream/modern or electronic media, read old books and listen to old music only. After a period of time the demon voices/gender dysphoria will fade. If this sounds drastic then you do not understand how dangerous your current predicament is. You are currently engaged in a life or death struggle with evil, and your situation is so dire it has subverted your entire sense on intuition/danger and transformed it into a feeling of sexual gratification.

Do not give in.

>> No.21441607

I've never watched porn but I think I'm addicted to jerking off. It's the closest I'll ever get to the feeling of touching a woman and having her return my affection.

>> No.21441608

what do you think about when jerking?

>> No.21441610

It's funny, over the years I've been here, I've seen numerous people having schizo episodes or talking about suicide, but I've never seen someone I would think was an imminent threat to others. Maybe like one or two guys who you could tell were insane and angry at the same time, but nothing overt like "I am Mr. Terrorist and I plan to kill everyone!"

You'd think with 4chan's reputation I would have seen at least a half dozen guys talking casually about murdering their ex wife or some shit, but nothing.

>> No.21441616

Bad advice. I'm trans and my life is great I pass, I have a boyfriend, my family loves me, I have friends, I have a normal life besides javing some /X/ schizo thoughts.

I started feeling like this ever since I gained consciousness, always tried to suppress and discard the thoughts but they always came back no matter what. So I just decided to take the step and be who I really am instead of pretending to be someone I'm not.

Maybe being trans has to do with imbalances between the energy of your soul and the physical body it inhabits. Also maybe even related to past lives experiences, if you were a woman in your previous life now your soul aches for it again.

>> No.21441617

Mostly I watch videos of NFL cheerleaders and fantasize about being the center of their attention

>> No.21441625

Don't know what to believe anymore. For years I've been left in the void after growing out of my religious beliefs of my younger years, unable to piece together any coherent worldview.
It doesn't matter I guess, and maybe I should focus on more tangible things, but I feel like I can never arrive at any clarity or ground any of my beliefs, or even specify what exactly my beliefs are, no matter how much I read.
I've read a decent amount of political philosophy when I was younger, and I still have this sensation that whatever beliefs I have no matter what will just be random, a quirk of my personality. I will simply end up with a collection of prejudices determined by my psychology and environment. So what
Whatever I will end up believing is just whatever will appeal to me the most. Well, so what.....
All that's left are the vague primal sensations of group difference, the instinctive reaction of opposition when presented with an idea or person that differs far enough from my own positions to trigger the opposition reaction, which I basically can't justify anyway.
Why play the game? Idk what the pieces are anymore, or why I should care. I'm this or that. Monopoly money.
It doesn't matter if society "progresses" or not, I don't even know what that means. It doesn't matter if we conserve this or that "tradition". What tradition would I even be conserving?
So what

>> No.21441638

it's called dysphoria and it's a mental disorder, this won’t work. Some people NEED meds to survive, no amount of healthy lifestyle can replace that
it's unfortunate but it is how it is.

>> No.21441661

Repressing these feelings will only lead to them appearing again. Acting on it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re trans- I’d argue that making trans an essential, transcendent category like that is as silly, if not sillier than the gender binary. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with choosing to be trans.

There’s something around gender, around femininity, around receptivity that you can integrate into yourself in order to become a more whole person. Maybe it’s a feeling of lack in your own masculinity, maybe it’s a yearning for affection, maybe it’s a mystical calling. You’ll only find out if you take the time to dig deep and explore what is hidden in your unconscious with an open mind unbound by the dichotomy of “this all means I am actually essentially trans” or “this is a failure of my essential masculinity”.

>> No.21441667
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Be gone antichrist we will not fall for your foul ways

>> No.21441694

Think of all the people that have been in love.

>> No.21441704
File: 158 KB, 992x752, jrqgxRQK2Fmo0pCKjUbJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just whatever will appeal to the ego the most. Well, so what..... The vague primal sensations of difference, the instinctual reaction of opposition when presented with an idea that differs far enough from my own to trigger the opposition reaction, which I basically can't justify anyway."
Weight: 1 Save
"Why play the game? Idk what the pieces are anymore, or why I should care. I'm this or that . Monopoly money. It doesn't matter if society "progresses", Idk what that means. It doesn't matter if we conserve this or that "tradition". What tradition would I even be conserving? So what"

>> No.21441710

There was a time when I was one of them.

>> No.21441715

Most people aren't stupid enough to say they're going to do something illegal(that LEAs care about) unless they're going to do it so soon LE won't have the time to react.
Anyway, yeah 4chan isn't as crazy as the media makes it out to be, it's just not conforming to the narrative.

>> No.21441726

"Just" implies the claims were wrong, but you didn't say why.

>> No.21441738

How do you tell a girl she doesn't put enough effort into her nudes?

>> No.21441743

Cool image, you make it?

>> No.21441748

Tell her what to do more precisely

>> No.21441762

I got a weird smell on my hand. No idea what it is. Doesn't go away when washed with soap, even if washed more than once. Doesn't smell good, could smell worse. Maybe some kind of fungus?

>> No.21441764
File: 157 KB, 1264x592, Siu61QGwkazaAEUYmPoT--300--6I9CK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran the words in my post through Nightcafe w/ a picture.

>> No.21441776

None of this explains why someone would get surgery.
Also, it's a terrible idea to do this for "affection".
You're just preying on incels.
Stop enforcing gender roles even more with this nonsense. It's not a surprise most trannies were mentally ill prior to their transition. They want to fill the gaps.

>> No.21441782

Good post imo.

>> No.21441785

Law Enforcement doesn't give a shit. If you become a political figure they'll drag you into a trial they kniw they won't win just to make your posts public and defame you, or if you become an 'extremist' they'll defame you with them posthumously or during court.
The only thing you have to be embarrassed about are the admins and mods(don't know if jannies can on this chan as well) viewing your post history. Law enforcement doesn't really give a shit unless they're trying to groom you into making guns look bad or attempting to obtain a promotion.

>> No.21441786 [DELETED] 

I'm stupid.

>> No.21441792

Can maybe find some crazy shit on x/ but i've never seen anything illegal. I think most of that stuff migrated sites like 8 chan & other more obscure sites after there was a lot of media attention

>> No.21441801

crippletran unironically glows harder than 4chan now

>> No.21441813

I think the more I understand of my past the more I just understand that I didn't understand anything at all back then, nothing whatsoever. It isn't going to add up because it didn't add up. I didn't have a clue about any of it.

>> No.21441829

>Also, it's a terrible idea to do this for "affection".
Don't think you understood his post. He's not saying it's a good idea to do it for affection, but that there can be multiple different causes for someone feeling dysphoria towards their body/self.
Some people might feel disconnected from their bodies or self because of a lack of affection in their life, maybe they experienced some trauma, or possibly the person feels insecure about his masculinity..
There are a variety of explanations beyond just saying it's all always cause the person just is trans.

>> No.21441840
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"dictatorship of incapacity" is a phenomena used to describe a state of degeneracy in capitalist society in which both proletarian and bourgeois classes lose their class energies. the proletariat must become as intellectually deficient as the middle class and lose all revolutionary energy, while the bourgeoisie must also lose their capitalistic energy in order to accept this "dictatorship of incapacity." what historically made the capitalist system so influential and powerful was the unrepentant spirit of the capitalists to act as "captains of industry," conquering the world through industrial dynamism. This steadfast spirit motivated the proletariat to engage in violence against their economic superiors and thus forced both classes to attain a high moral ethic or to be truly sublime: in harmony with the position of each class in precarious relation to the other. the capitalists of the past who were "animated by their conquering, insatiable, and pitiless spirit" as opposed to the modern "middle class, led astray by the chatter of the preachers of ethics and sociology, return to an ideal of conservative mediocrity, seek to correct the abuses of economics, and wish to break with the barbarism of their predecessors... critiquing "progressive" bourgeoisie and their liberal parties that advocate for philanthropic policy.

>> No.21441844

We often remember our actions but forget our reasons for doing them, so that our past self always seems unconscious relative to our current self.

>> No.21441891
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I'm a lump of useless meat and bone.
I've managed to invest just enough time into a plethora of subjects to have wasted my life away without become an expert in any of them. I over exert and put too much effort into something but never acquire enough knowledge to do anything with it before I crash. Even my productivity is just energized futility.
I don't even have control of my mind. My subconscious produces endless nightmares whenever I try to sleep, to the point wherein trying to sleep is more tiring than laying slumped awake with my own thoughts. But even in my conscious thoughts I obsess over subjects I know I'm ultimately not interested in or will cause undue stress and distraction. The incessant curiosity can last for years before I effortfully research, procure nothing of value aside for sating my curiosity, and crash from exhaustion.
Even when I find a subject or field I genuinely enjoy I end up neglecting it, since to enjoy it I have to have a reasonable about of knowledge in regards to it, resulting in thoughts of it being drowned out by the incessant, noxiously loud curious thoughts regarding subjects I'm unfamiliar with but that I know will procure no long-term interest or value in any capacity.
I want to take my brain from my skull and throttle it until it sees reason.

>> No.21441929

I gave up my dream for money. I wanted to be a biochemist but it isn't a real job in my country. Too many biologists and not enough positions, so I thought "Okay, fuck the gov, let's try something else before it's too late and have a real job." Now my girlfriend has left me and I'm wasting my days making fucking forms for pharmaceutical companies. While my friends are stressing themselves to death and having tremendous amounts of fun doing a PhD, continuously pushing themselves and reaching new heights I am here dying inside. What was the plan again? Getting money working a comfy job, start a family, write on the side and attain the /lit/ ultimate lifestyle? I don't even have the motivation to write anymore.
Last time in the shower I convinced myself I was some guy from the future who discovered a miniaturized time-travel device and that I spent my days trolling 4channers by spoiling future events. How the fuck do I explain to a psychologist that my life has become so bad I literally LARP in my shower and imagine convoluted plots involving driving 4channers and politicians to madness with future knowledge?

>> No.21441943

My soft, fluffy lips joyfully and affectionately kissed the clear, sparkling sun.

>> No.21441953

I'm the same way, it's basically just my addictive coom brained personality. When I'm super interested in something I obsess over it, and what tends to interest is what's new or different.
Yet my interest can wane quickly.
Just cycling through different passing obsessions. Without ever committing.
I have the same thing too where sometimes I become intensely interested, and it's like I need to explore everything about a subject and can't sleep.
And even after I've expended all this energy learning different subjects, I still feel stupid.

>> No.21441964

Would you want to experience true love if it was taken away from you shortly after?
We were two, and now we are one. I feel so small in her absence.

>> No.21442298

Reconnecting with my father was a mistake, probably my biggest mistake.

>> No.21442307

good post

>> No.21442343

I’ve been putting up with an estranged parent for my siblings’ sake. I figured that just because I don’t want a relationship with my them that doesn’t mean the others shouldn’t have one. So I reluctantly go to holidays, but gifts, do the family song and dance, because I figure it would be bad for them if I didn’t. But lately I think if I just kept my distance and it caused them to too, it would actually be good for them and not bad.

>> No.21442357

trips confirm

>> No.21442364

Why are you estranged if u dont mind me asking

>> No.21442407

Go a hundred years back. WW1. The spanish flue. Weimar Republic. Prohibition. Womens's rights movement.

Times do not change much. People have always been stupid and dying like flies. Don't worry about the children. In comparison we llive in the best times ever.

You can read some 2000 year old roman letters about how degenerate the young ones are and how their greek teachers fill their heads with stupid ideas.

>> No.21442415

Not sure if I genuinely like this chick or if I just like being liked by this chick.
She's small, cute, Thai, and crazy about me.
This is the first time I've made out and had sex. It's fun.
But do I actually like her, or do I just like receiving nudes from her and going down on her?

>> No.21442420

No, there's a big difference. Pliny complained about the children being fascinated with gladiators and only reading 30 out of the 40 roman required reads. Now it's complaining that zoomers all want to slice their genitals off, must take medication daily just to avoid immediately putting a knife through their throats, having innumerable mental illnesses, being unable to read common english books, and watching pornography so insanely degenerate that the romans couldn't have even imagined it.
There is a little difference in that we are definitely being taken on a reckless ride into the unknown.

>> No.21442422

We had a bad relationship when I was a kid and when my parents divorced as a teenager that pretty much ended the relationship entirely. We didn’t speak for 10 years. We actually did end up speaking again, but the relationship has never been great or close. I even moved in at one point to try to bond and it ended poorly. So basically, it’s just always been that way.

>> No.21442440

Do you know the experiment "mouse utopia"? The setup was creating a perfect mouse city with unlimited ressources. Turns out overpopulation creates serious problems. Many male mice turn into "beautiful ones" that only care about grooming themselves and retreat from sexual activities or competition. It's the same with humans now. The young males who think themselves unfit for competition turn gay or trans just to avoid the social pressure. Of course there are those mentally ill parents too, but mental illness is nothing new.

>> No.21442453

you would say this if every kid was hooked up to diaper ass fuck machines all day and their teeth were all missing from some new drug, if the average IQ dropped 30 points, if they were all disabled, you would still be saying this retarded shit. imagine spewing some boomer shit that kids have been saying for generations like we havent already heard it and think that shit it retarded. It might be a fact that older people tend to think that regardless of how the kids really are, but that doesnt mean shit. they are fucked up and arent getting any better anytime soon.

>> No.21442468

That faggot is the type that would say "Who are we to judge? Times change. There's nothing inherently wrong with baby-diaper-assfuck pump machines. Our ancestors thought cars were weird and they're basically the same thing!"

>> No.21442469

The thing you don't get is that we've been living in a slow, state of perpetual degeneration since the fall of Hyperborea.

>> No.21442473


>> No.21442484

I took a piss and both my dick and anus felt like it was getting cooked.

>> No.21442488

time to smoke weed i guess

>> No.21442531

One of the essential redpills.

>> No.21442559
File: 19 KB, 322x311, 33apdn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As an asshole armchair psychologist myself what troubles me about zoomers is what I perceive to be a lack of mental resiliency or the appearance thereof. It's not that zoomers have no fight in them, it's that they cannot identify the sources of their discontent because they are so widely dispersed and integrated into the fabric of modern society. In some ways what zoomers face is more terrifying to me than what the silent generation faced, let's say, when they were carted off to WWI. At least the anxiety they experienced was concrete and had a definite cause: the war, the enemy. Zoomers seem to be going crazy because they cannot pinpoint what exactly is stressing them out because it is so ubiquitous as to be undetectable. So they're skittish, defenseless, on edge.

Culturally zoomers are the most destabilized generation in recent memory if not of all time. For most of history there could be a reasonable expectation that the birthing generation could transfer their way of life to the next generation relatively completely. Technological change was gradual and information reservoirs used to transmit the way of life was more manageable and controllable. These customs have been disrupted utterly. So older generations cannot guide the younger generations even if they wanted to. This leaves zoomers isolated and alienated from the cultural transmission of stabilizing traditions, customs, norms, and conventions. This would make anyone a bit crazy.

Add to this cultural disruption the cognitively damaging side effects of the new, disorderly digital culture with its declines in literacy, assaults on attention spans, and fragmentary , scattered impersonal milieus and it is not hard to understand zoomer's predicament. Many of them don't even know life without it.

To make matters of worse, the vast social experiments to which zoomers have been subjected include the covid shutdown during their pivotal years of development. With many recent college graduates shifted into a further dehumanized and alienating remote work culture where they essentially have minimal opportunties for the in-person social interactions which are fundamental to human nature.

Zoomers are also subject to personalized content feeds, which fragment and individualize the media they consume, making it hard for them to find common ground. They're used to everything being personalized for them and therefore have a difficult time conceiving of community or the common good.

More can be said. In all, zoomers can't really be blamed for any of this. What they are being put through is, in TS Elliot's words, like going out not with a bang, but a whimper.

>> No.21442570

Good observations.

>> No.21442623

I know I’m destined for something.

>> No.21442637

not a rightoid but this is something we agree on. I myself just encountered an anon that asked the equivalent of:

>is it worth trying

my dear anon, trying is what makes it worth something to begin with, what you’re really asking is, can i succeed, and the answer to that is only if you try. There’s an all pervasive stink surrounding western first world society, it’s so insidious and hard to place precisely because, as the other anon mentioned, it’s become our way of life, even our parlance, a sort of jaded dejection mixed in with a conformist sensibility, fed by bullshit, anyone that isn't infected is immediately ostracised or constantly antagonised. Low energy fed by non motivation and exhaustion, non motivation and exhaustion that only leads to low energy. It’s scary and sad but it’s also likely far far too late, best advice now is to find a safe haven with likeminded individuals and do your best to inoculate yourself from the endless sludge, there are definitely agent saboteurs trying to perpetuate it, pick choice skirmishes and just continue to better yourself in private.

>> No.21442656
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Thank you. To be clear I believe in the human powers for adaptation. What's troubling is that zoomers have been exposed to so much change across so many dimensions simultaneously, with no context or education to keep them up to pace with it. Indeed their ability to absorb this context is diminished by these technological changes even if it were up to date.

And up until now we haven't even gotten started with AI promising to possibly cause far more profound disruptions than anything that's come before.

Zoomers are cut out of time. They are the first generation without a shared past, without touchstones to ground them, binding them to a continuity . They are technologically encouraged to live in the present, which on its own has tremendous limitations for bearing the full psyche. And the future is a writhing mass of uncertainty and anxiety, with portents of doom and chaos being its only readable signs.

What zoomers need is some universal, collective focusing event which snaps them out of the tech induced hypnosis and allows them to find discover themselves unmediated by digital interlopings. Their problem is that their experience is too mediated, too indirect, and so they cannot connect with what's real and true to themselves. Instead they are adapted to being coupled to a digital interface which is tampering with their minds. Something must happen to sever this mediated experience which interferes with the "naked brain" coming into its own authenticity .

>> No.21442658

Good post.
There's a whole lot wrong and none of it is the zoomers fault. Physiological causes cannot be overstated. Seed oils have only been in use since the year 2000, for example. Endocrine disruptors, EMF, xenoestrogens, parabens, phthalates,GMOs, internet addiction, porn addiction, video game addiction, lack of outdoor activity, lack of socialization, lack of skills, etc. Zoomers were left out in the cold and society has already quietly collapsed before they could come of age. Its an even worse predicament than the millennials and when I was growing up I thought they were all fags. In hindsight at least they weren't actually gay.

>> No.21442661
File: 99 KB, 800x1008, 0l00q1nsuk631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i could do anything

>> No.21442662

I'm having thoughts without meaning to think them. How does that even work? Who thought them?

>> No.21442665

>Now it's complaining that zoomers all want to slice their genitals off,
Hyperbolic. You're mistaking media for reality. You see a lot of shit about trannies in media so you assume every young person is one. Irl I know one tranny.
>must take medication daily just to avoid immediately putting a knife through their throats, having innumerable mental illnesses,
Mental illness has been rising ill grant you that. Though no one knows exactly why
Many suspect technology is to blame, others say it's just increasing acceptibility to talk about it.
>being unable to read common english books,
Maybe true. Depends on what sector of zoomers you are looking at. The keu thing would to be to compare educated upper class zoomers to the past upper class section of generations.
>and watching pornography so insanely degenerate that the romans couldn't have even imagined it.
Can't speak for other zoomers but I've only ever watched extremely tame shit. Nude pics but im not sure why it would matter.

>> No.21442698
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I've completed the first arc of my novel and have sent it into some friends of mine for their opinions. While I've been getting some good feedback, progress has slowed and I've been turning to other side projects to work on while they finish reading the draft I sent them. This is a pretty normal habit of mine to keep myself from getting caught in a rut.

The thing is, I've been feeling the urge to write something really self indulgent and masturbatory. Like some real, "She breasted boobily" tier, juvenile wank fantasy shit that I would either have to hide or delete. Would doing so be a waste of time, or is there a merit in venting this horny energy?

>> No.21442714

This is a really interesting post but i wonder if the technological changes we are facing are really greater than the industrial revolution. Imagine living through the creation of electricity. You can listen to songs like "Anything Goes" by Cole Porter which similarly express this disorientation in the face of modern technological changes.
What i think is unique with zoomers is the predominance of the idea of " personal customization", encoruaging zoomers to view everything solipstically-- as though ones individual perception simply is reality.

>> No.21442722

Reached a new low today. I think I coomed 4-5 times.

>> No.21442728

I'm like a child.

>> No.21442729

another good post anon, again, agreed. I personally fear that ( if we are to entertain the notion of a unifying cathartic event as more than a mere premise that at it’s foundation supposes it’s own teleological inevitability) this unifying event can only take one form, that of the innocent sufferer, the suffering sacrifice, so horrific and shameful is it’s undue suffering that it imparts a newfound compassion and empathy, it imparts meaning and worth towards that which was previously contextualised as suffering for naught. I cant even begin to imagine what could instil such an impression.

>> No.21442732

COMPLETE. 4 documents with 9 pages total: Co-Creative Evolution, The Warmonger Machine: Cocoon Fallacy, Astronomy and Reality, and Universal Calculus. I am ready to change the world on January 1st, the day of changes.

>> No.21442741
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I wonder if these coursera courses are worth it.
I've tried Udemy and I realised its 90% ponzi fucks who want easy bucks. There's obviously gonna be some diamond in the rough but man, there's way too much shit to wade through.

>> No.21442761
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>> No.21442763

I like your optimism, but this type of cultural relativism doesn't really ring true. Rome waxed and waned, and America seems the same. Life was never perfect, but one can find plenty of indications of a decline in 21st century Western Civ. This doesn't mean death and despair, just perhaps a decrease in living quality for a time.

>> No.21442768

We re-created Rome and have formed a global evil empire based on the rule of selfish greed. Now it is all collapsing as all evil empires do.
Simple as.

>> No.21442769

>among highest intelligence and highest verbal iq
HAHA. this is truly some ego-stroking bs.

>> No.21442773

Not sure where you're getting relativism in my post. You made specific claims and I questioned them.
I'm not optimistic about anything, I am if anything too cynical.
I just dont think every zoomer is a porn addicted tranny, despite what this board would have you believe.

>> No.21442777
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America is/was minimally evil as far as nations go. You're oversimplifying.

>> No.21442779

I'm a different anon than you were talking to before. I may have misunderstood you. I thought you were defending this line of thinking >>21442407 which I like to call cultural relativism. My mistake.

>> No.21442822

I'm willing to talk about cultural relativism if you want. Tbh idk quite what I believe anymore respecting that idea.
Descriptively I think it's true, but my post was just addressing specific factual claims: all zoomers want to slice their genitals off, all zoomers have mental illness, all zoomers are unable to read basic english books.
All of which I thought were far too big generalizations.

>> No.21442885

They are but these days they've purposely designed the website in a way to make you pay even tho a lot of shit is accessible for free what a fall from grace from the early days of mooc trio edx, Coursera and that other one these websites look so different now

>> No.21442886

Okay but kids are actually getting gayer

>> No.21442887

You're right to call this hyperbole - >>21442420 - but it is true that transgenderism and depraved porn are a growing trend (although the porn may have already reached its peak), which is what that poster was pointing out.
I'm not sure what I think about the world's trajectory. It seems like some people are thriving and others are suffocating, and the people in the latter group tend to be the ones I respect the most. It's like in the animal kingdom, tigers are endangered but rats have never been more numerous. I like tigers better than rats, but if they're not well adapted to this new environment, what can be done?

>> No.21442909

Try rubbing alcohol or peroxide

>> No.21442919

Most zoomer males arre porn addicts though.

>> No.21442925
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Hard to blame them when they're assaulted by it 24/7 and called evil and weird if they say porn is bad

>> No.21442932

i should be more beatific

>> No.21442935

>but it is true that transgenderism and depraved porn are a growing trend (although the porn may have already reached its peak), which is what that poster was pointing out.
Both true I won't deny it, but transgender people statistically are what at most a few percentage points of the population. I think there are far bigger problems in this world.
As for porn, also true but it has about zero effect on me so Im not sure why It care.
I don't personally watch super depraved porn, so it's not really my problem.
Im not sure why I should care compared to problems like access to clean drinking water what people choose to jerk to.

>> No.21442940

Yeah I remember when I realized that even basic tv shows and movies are all softcore porn. Ads and commercials are porn. Music lyrics are all about sex. And of course, tiktok and Instagram are all self made porn. Everything has been hyper sexualized.

>> No.21442944

Because the people who fund and run public services are your fellow citizens who are all addicted to spiritually retarding porn. It's the same reason why "broken windows" policing is a good idea in black neighborhoods. Porn is just as bad as hard drugs, or an entire population of drunkards.

>> No.21442950
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Evola is pretty good on this

>> No.21442951

What is a porn addiction. If I 2-3 times a week jerk it to basic soft porn (solo) is this addiction?
If i don't I'll just have wet dreams anyway. Again this seems like a really weird thing to care about

>> No.21442968

i love God but He keeps throwing me curve balls
and i am not a good batter

>> No.21442973

>people who fund and run public services are your fellow citizens who are all addicted to spiritually retarding porn.
How specifically does this impact their performance as public servants?

>> No.21442983

not that anon but i dont think he really understands what he’s talking about, he’s just perpetuating a culture of shame. It’s not about porn, it’s not about being a transexual, it’s not about being black or queer or fat or anything, all of these things are okay, great even, they’re amazing, what it’s really about is being depressed, despondent, uninspired and unmotivated, hateful and full of spite and greed. Of that which i have mentioned, none of the former lead necessarily to the latter. Now can I get some more asian solo over on /gif/ or what.

>> No.21442984

>>21442887 (me)
>problems like access to clean drinking water ... what people choose to jerk to.
You're right that things are still very good here in our Western Civ. Our problems are comparatively small, and we have every reason to be happy in our day to day lives.

>I don't personally watch super depraved porn
I'm glad to hear that, although it's unfortunate that you've been exposed to pornography at all.


It might seem like the naturalistic fallacy to post this article, like it's bad because it's 'unnatural' or new. But it's important for the health of an animal to consider the animal's natural environment. The availability of drugs and porn in our social environment are recent and unnatural developments, and I believe them to be unhealthy. These are the challenges the young generation faces in the West.

>> No.21442995

>going on /gif/ ever
I find dedicated gore sites more palatable than some of the filth on /gif/. Holy smokes. Sometimes I forget I share a board with perverts.

>> No.21443012

mate, honestly remove the stick from your arsehole and grow whatever ego padding you need to allow people the freedom to be who they need to be and explore what they need to explore, you’re looking to shame people and impose your will upon them which makes you the pervert, not them.

>> No.21443013

Which is more degenerate, gore or porn?

>> No.21443023 [DELETED] 

Grief unending: a weight I bear always, a soul-wrenching agony that fills every inch of my being. Triggered by the loss of my beloved, this pain has left me feeling despondent, hopeless, and despairing. Grief-stricken, tormented, and wretched, this grief is an aching, raw pain that is as much a part of me as the very breath in my lungs. It consumes me, leaving no room for anything else; and seems to have no end in sight, no matter how much time passes. It eats away at me, gnawing at my soul like a ravenous beast. It hangs heavy on my shoulders, a cloak of despair that I can never shake. It echoes in my heart, a never-ending refrain of pain and loss. It darkens my days and haunts my nights, a constant companion on this journey through life. It chokes the life from me, strangling my spirit, and suffocating my hope.

>> No.21443030

Care to point out any statement of mine applying shame? I was sharing my thoughts on whether or not these things are unhealthy, and I'm open to any opinion you have on the topic. What do you think?

>> No.21443031

i don't watch gore, but even if i did, what’s it to you ? You’re either so immensely immature that you’re willing to suffocate what makes us human all because of your infantile fears or you’re so immensely perverted you want to control others with shame, so which is it champ ?

>> No.21443032

I think you just have some weird hangup desu. You have presented no argument other than these things feeling icky to you.
This african group has no concept of masturbation because they exist in a wildly different context than we do, one where all sex centers around reproduction.
Still no arguments.
Usually just some vague feeling that masturbation is evil causd it just is and degrading. Don't care provide an argument or admit it's just an icky feeling you have.

>> No.21443037

You're trolling because you find our conversation tedious. Why don't you take a break from the internet for a while? I'm speaking in good faith, and I refuse to talk to you unless you do the same.

>> No.21443046

if i were catholic i could quantify my way to salvation, inputting prayers into an algorithm
alas i am protestant and i cannot fathom God nor measure His love

>> No.21443048

>they exist in a wildly different context than we do
Yes, in strict darwinian conditions, with few factors which cause behavioral sink.

>You have presented no argument other than these things feeling icky to you.
Well, that's a lie. I showed you evidence that at least one hunter gatherer society is completely free from masturbation and homosexuality, and it's reasonable to assume that's the norm for them. This establishes that masturbation and homosexuality are somewhat recent in the grand timeline of the human species.

>> No.21443052


Sure, that was very cordial of you, I’ll include some statements that i believe had an implicit implication of shame, and state now that i’m operating on the assumption that shame is a negative emotional and mental state brought about by supposed normative transgressions.

>it's unfortunate that you've been exposed to pornography at all.

>The availability of drugs and porn in our social environment are recent and unnatural developments, and I believe them to be unhealthy. These are the challenges the young generation faces in the West.

these both contain value judgements concerning supposed normative transgressions and so, i believe, contain an implicit connotation of shame, although as all expressive media is inherently ambiguous, that is, of course just my interpretation.

>> No.21443078

>This establishes that masturbation and homosexuality are somewhat recent in the grand timeline of the human species.
You can find plenty of depictions of masturbation in artwork from various ancient cultures.
Whether or not one African group does it or not I don't really care
Beyond that I'm not sure but im stil

>> No.21443083

No, porn is normal, so it's not a normative transgression to consume it. I'd say it's less common to abstain from it than to consume it, at least for those under 40.

I'm putting forward the notion that porn might be unhealthy, which I admit is not well established empirically.

>it's unfortunate that you've been exposed to pornography at all.
Someone can't help being exposed to something. Even if I considered porn to be shameful, which I don't, this statement puts Anon in the role of victim.

>The availability of drugs and porn ... challenges the young generation faces in the West.
Again, I specifically used the word unhealthy, not 'icky' or something.

Have any thoughts on the physiological effects of porn consumption? As far as I know, it' been established by brain scans to be addictive at the very least.

>> No.21443084


Beyond that I'm not sure but I still don't see the relevance.

>> No.21443085

i’m not trolling i swear. I’ll state my position in tacit terms since i cbf writing out a formal diatribe on the contingency of degeneracy, but basically, of course there is a whole, whole lot in this world (and on gif) that i personally find rather disgusting, but i also recognise, that deep down, it’s due to my own emotional complexes and immaturity, and it would be untenable for me to hold the position that i can and should assert my will over others rather than to attempt to nurture the faculty of tolerance i possess and, as a result, grow as a person. Nobody is forcing anybody to look at or engage with anything, ideally we all occupy a privileged position in our private dwellings where we can choose what we want to expose ourselves too, so what’s the big deal ?

>> No.21443121

i am want to assert that the distinction between wellbeing (morality) and (mental?) health was not clear enough in your original statement, but of course it is because i have an agenda, ha. I agree with the logical consistency of your argument and actually think it’s a fascinating subject, i think we are actually both in agreement in general terms, I would also be interested in an a debate on the differentiation of wellbeing and sickness and if physical health could play a role in determining a mode of differentiation.

>> No.21443133

i personally believe that it has to be self determined differentiation and there are no reasonable (but perhaps there are exceptional) grounds on limiting the liberty and autonomy of another, i think that’s perhaps where we differ ?

>> No.21443140

I really don't know which one is more pathetic: Avoiding thinking too deeply about the last few years that I have wasted whenever I'm reminded of it, or dwelling on them for so long that the only solace I find is in the prospect of killing myself out of pure shame. It's so easy to throw your life down the drain, and while I knew it all along, I still let it rot away. I'm not as old as this melodramatic tone might make myself seem to be, but I highly doubt that I will properly "recover" that wasted time back in any meaningful sense. It's going to be the one gigantic clump of regrets that will follow me for every single day of life out in the corner of my eye, and I just have to accept it.
How do you guys deal with wasted time?

>> No.21443150
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My chats with AI.

>> No.21443151

>Hyperbolic. You're mistaking media for reality. You see a lot of shit about trannies in media so you assume every young person is one. Irl I know one tranny.
This kind of argument is bullshit. 1% of the population is trans. In history the number was probably 10x lower. Even if people just didn't want to talk about it, it's only NOW that they've decided to that we suddenly have an epidemic of them committing suicide. Suicide wasn't a big issue in the past because barring something like barbarians at the gates or insanely tragic events it just didn't happen.
I went on a tangent but anyway an argument that says "x tragic occurence is rare" is bullshit if the tragic occurence is growing exponentially and society is actually encouraging it. Make no mistake: if 1% of black people got lynched and hanged from trees I guaran-fucking-tee you'd be freaking out.

The times really are worse, and yes it does have to do with technology and the unnatural lifestyles it allows humanity to prop up artificially.

>> No.21443156

Sometimes I forget that I need to read more and talk less.

This post >>21443078 made me realize that artwork is also a relatively recent development in the 300,000 - 500,000 year existence of modern humans, and by my previous logic that would mean artwork is potentially unhealthy just like masturbation, which is of course ridiculous.

This other anon's post >>21443121 made me realize I'm talking to someone so much better educated than me as to render pointless any contribution to the discussion that I can offer.

>> No.21443169

also, sorry but of course i think of the fackin’ best thing to say after i’ve walked away, but also the privileging of health is itself normative, so what about that huh.

>> No.21443179

>Both true I won't deny it, but transgender people statistically are what at most a few percentage points of the population.
Previously nonexistent and rapidly growing. Either way, 1% of people, now children, being mutilated in an easily preventable manner is FAR too many.

>> No.21443188

You win. I found a gaping hole in my own argument.
For what it's worth, I have several months of nofap under my belt, so at least I'm living up to my own poorly justified opinions.

>> No.21443198

>This post >>21443078 # made me realize that artwork is also a relatively recent development in the 300,000 - 500,000 year existence of modern humans, and by my previous logic that would mean artwork is potentially unhealthy just like masturbation, which is of course ridiculous.
A depiction of a typical occurence isn't that much of a change. People already see things on a regular basis, art is just seeing.
Of course, people don't see hardcore anal fisting, rape, fecal incontinence and consumption, vore, and whatever other disgusting acts are commonplace in visual media now- that is very much new to the human race, unless you want to say that those things were typical for tribal humans which is itself ridiculous.
As for masturbation and homosexuality, one can argue that most ancient peoples didn't really have the time and resources to pursue random pleasures like assfucking. Compulsive masturbation is certainly something that is enabled by the lower level of subsistence survival work and modern luxuries that permit sedentary lifestyles.

You weren't wrong in the first place, you just emphasized inaccurate details.

>> No.21443222

people never fail to amuse me

>> No.21443241

you were making a great argument anon, every argument will inevitably have holes in it, it’s just about picking which concessions you make i suppose, but fyi i felt like you were on the level, that was a great play you made for degeneracy as the negation of physical health. Anyway, debating with you helped educate me a little more, thank you, but just as i’m not nearly as educated as some anons here, you’re not nearly as hopeless as you believe, keep debating, and growing as a person because of debate, the only thing that’s at risk is your pride.

btw i honestly did nofap for like 10 years kek, i’m not even lying, all i found was that it placed me in a position of dependency when it came to women, i didnt like that, i used to feel like a lot of pornography was perhaps encouraging a degen lifestyle, but i eventually recognised that, in this day and age, the virtues i held were just unbelievably outmoded, you might still be able to have a pure and virtuous relationship with your child, they really will love you like you’re their entire world, but dont ever expect or even hope for that type of love from anyone else, look around, this place is fucked, between adults that type of love is long gone, fren, so keep your wits about you. Anyways, i eventually felt that it’s about being comfortable enough to do what you need to do, even while the whole world is judging, and not placing your own emotional baggage on others, that constitutes a sort of state of wellbeing for me, but you decide for yourself.

>> No.21443273

Right I'm not saying we can't have a conversation about it.
I'm just pointing out how relatively insignificant it is to real problems.
And unfortunately this place is an echo chamber that over exaggerates the extent of transgenderism, while rarely ever talking about these other, in my opinion, far more consequential problems that exist today.
If 1-5% of people choose to lop of their dicks, like those people might have issues, but all things considered I don't really care all that much compared to an issue like having clean air or water. The latter aren't sexy eye catching issues like transgenderism, but they hare far more consequential to the vast majority of average people's actual well being.

>> No.21443298

I'm not sayin don't ever talk about or criticize the social phenomenon.
I've criticized on this site before the inconsistencies of trans activists & their underlying ideology.
Maybe it sounds harsh to you, but 1-5% of people choosing to chop their dicks off, like I just don't care that much
Social / political issues are a battle to determine what issues are most salient or important. Choosing to pay attention to an issue that affects a minority distracts away from issues affecting the majority of average Americans (or whatever country...)

>> No.21443330

Children getting their dicks and vaginas surgically extracted is as easy as jailing doctors that do it. It's a problem that is ridiculously easy to fix, and the only reason we don't is beaurocratic bullshit, psychotic millenial moms, and people like you that say whataboutwhataboutwhatabout when, again, the solution is not even remotely as difficult as any other vacuous social problem.

Would you be the type to say "yeah a few people here and there getting parts of their brain scooped out doesn't sound so good... but what about the average american?"
Yeah.... Let's just say that if monstrous things are happening that can be prevented with ease then we should go ahead and do it. Even in the case of lobotomy people and doctors were screeching that it was "MUH NECESSARY TREATMENT FOR MENTAL ILLNESS" when it wasn't: it was just plain psychopathic butchery. You can support that if you want, or you can defend it and act like we have to "choose" between preventing children getting vivisected or close tax loopholes or some shit but that's you not me.

>> No.21443333

shit I'm tired

>> No.21443352

>"yeah a few people here and there getting parts of their brain scooped out doesn't sound so good... but what about the average american
Yes I would. If there were 1-5% of Americans voluntarily choosing to get their brains scooped out, I would weight that as less important than being able to have access to housing or other basic essentials to living on this planet.

>> No.21443356

We have nothing in common. You go do whatever it is you do in private and stay there lmao

>> No.21443360

I just don't understand your position.
So you seriously believe 1-5% of people voluntarily choosing to do something harmful to themselves is more important than issues affecting a majority of Americans. Why?
Explain yourself.

>> No.21443388

>Even in the case of lobotomy people and doctors were screeching that it was "MUH NECESSARY TREATMENT FOR MENTAL ILLNESS"
I sympathize with your suspicion towards these professionals, I don't have any illusions that they're looking out for what's best for people, but at the end of the day if a person voluntarily pays a doctor to do something harmful to them, I'm not sure why I'd care.
That's that person's problem, not my own.
I'm not saying I personally approve of it, but just that I don't give a shit.
If someone wants to do remove their peener & suffer the consequences, I'm not sure why I should care about their decision.
You can call it whataboutism, but the reality of politics is that all politics is whataboutism: choosing which issues are most salient and important.
I'd rather focus on prosecuting the bankers funding cartels. Or any other example of powerful people doing insanely corrupt shit.
You know actual problems that cause untold suffering in the real world.

>> No.21443400

That is true for all of us. It's a struggle to stay faithful and not give in to the temptations we face. Stay strong. God loves you and if He is throwing you curve balls it's because He wants you to become a better version of who you want to be. You can do this.

>> No.21443403
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Tortured by the thought of her, which isn't so awful.

>> No.21443406

I've never felt love in my life.

>> No.21443424

>48% of adult Canadians have literacy skills that fall below a high school level, which negatively affects their ability to function at work and in their personal lives.

What went wrong?

>> No.21443437

Anyone here read philosophy of history? Wondering if anyone has come across some nice books in that genre.

>> No.21443474

i would kill myself but death is not the end and suicide is delusion
nothing ever ends

>> No.21443484

What comes after death?

>> No.21443492

fire that emits no light

>> No.21443518

Is death a comfy break atleast

>> No.21443552

I dont get it

>> No.21443567
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rumors swirling that he died

>> No.21443576

Imagine that the race theorists are correct and the white patriarchy is using the system to target black people. If it uses said system to convince blacks to voluntarily sterilize themselves, would you consider that a bad thing? Now regardless if there is an agenda, perhaps it's just the way that said society happened to develop; do you think it's good that black people decide that they aren't good for the world and voluntarily remove their genitals/commit suicide?

"Transgender" people are victims of mass psychogenic illness and whether there is an agenda or not, what is happening is an easily preventable tragedy. It's not a matter of salient issues because we don't take resources away from stopping cartels by telling hospitals not to remove the organs of mentally ill individuals. Your arguments are in bad faith and you're definitely a tranny. Unfortunately you're not even the pitiable kind that I would want to help, you're filth that genuinely deserves to die. You peddle this garbage and spread your psychogenic illness to children while contributing to societal normalization of horrific medical practices.
Don't even bother with your bullshit, you trannies have the entire medical industrial complex on your side, ready to churn out millions of mentally ill individuals that will be forced to be lifetime customers of expensive medical procedure, hormones, and anti-depressants to deal with their mutilated bodies and dysphorias that were merely masked by a transition but never addressed.

>> No.21443612

You just didn't went down the normies path far enough. You probably scratched at the border of normalfaggot life but was still influenced by your loser depression life style so you never really applied the full inventory mind set of a normalfag. Then as a self defense mechanism as you didn't make it you simply say: ' b-but in reality hard truth these normalfaggots ackthually are also depressed' as a cope with being stuck in your depressed loser life.

>> No.21443663
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No, I genuinly did for most of my life post undergrad (which was 4 years ago) and realized most normalfaggots have nothing going on in their life and put up a front to appear as of nothing is wrong and they aren't vapid cunts. They're fucking fake people. They talk positively about people to their face yet shittalk them behond their back, all the while having parasitic relationships with other mentally deranged "normal people". They complain vigrously about their "significant other" yet at the same time pretend they love them. They are inauthentic and arbitrary. Even fucking philosophers and hermits realized this shit about the average person millenia ago and limited their interactions with them to those of commerce or those of genuine times of need. The average terminally online retard who can't do basic grooming has nothing to do with normalfaggots being just as deranged but in a more functional but just as unhealthy way. that I have a job and I'm doing a Ph.D in EE in robotics in addition to meeting a lot of cool down to earth people who are both functional adults and willing to show their slight quirks to the world shamelessly. Stop being a coping retard and realoze being a normalfaggot is not the same thing as being a functional adult. The former is living through a bunch of lies and lives not questioning jack shit in life due to social pressure, all the while having empty relationships with others while the latter is their own individual and can form meaningful relationships with other like-minded individuals and can steer their lofe wherever they please due to their self-dicipline and self-motivation. I bet you are just coping becuase you felt personally slighted by my post. Good. Get fucked.

>If I don't like one group of retards, I must like another variety of insane retardation
Nice logical fallacy

>> No.21443669

I want to read Hamlet but I find the language impenetrable.
Tfw to midwit for Shakespeare

>> No.21443847

I fucking hate when books do this thing where they point to a different, unspecified book
Its very common in any books regarding speech or social skills
>there are other books that write out specifically what to say, but I wont do it, instead i'll just tell you to drink water
>some books give examples, but I wont
assholes, thats the only reason why I'm reading this shitty book
everything is vague and mostly rubbish and then you get to the part that I actually was reading the thing for and it's just not there, instead just a misdirection to works that doesn't exsit
I'm reading this book about psychiatry and it got to the part about what do therapists talk with patients and it does the same shit, at least this book had decency to acknowledge that these examples can be useful, positive for a person who has no experience with these types of conversation and has no clue where to start, usually books just treat treat giving examples as ultimate evil.
just read it slow bro, if you read same sentences over and over you're gonna get it eventually
its not a race, no one is looking over your shoulder on how you do it
take your time and you'll enjoy it

>> No.21443862

its actually the same thing

>> No.21443864

as always

>> No.21443877

Would it be racist to go on a korean twitch stream and just write once "bokura mokura lol" in the chat? Or would it just be rude? I just think it sounds funny, but it's probably rude. The question is if that actually makes it racist.

>> No.21443881

It's way better not to think about problems in society, just follow the sunnah and look for a religious wife btw. Thinking about things is just gonna make you angry.

>> No.21443880

zoomer moment

>> No.21444061
File: 2.14 MB, 4400x1277, pyramid_schemes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The desire to live forever in a heaven is pure metaphysical greed, the result of a desire for eternal self-permanence that is behind capitalist greed as well. This is why they go hand in hand. What is permanent of you is not any shred of who you are, your memory, but instead the co-creative energy (life and love) you give to the future of Life. The only Heaven that matters and is real is contributing to the project of growing Heaven on Earth. God is nothing more than The Imaginary Capitalist Monopolist in the Sky. Religions that preach eternal life for one's self are nothing more than metaphysical pyramid schemes; systems of metaphysical slavery.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8qoB1XwtHM [Embed]

>You will eat,
>Bye and bye.
>In that Glorious Land in the Sky. (Way up High!)
>Work and pray.
>Live on hay.
>And you'll get Pie in the Sky when you Die. (That's a lie!)

>> No.21444062

>Would you want to experience true love if it was taken away from you shortly after?
Without so much as a shred of a doubt: yes.
inb4 you haven't: I have though.

>> No.21444073

I think one major thing of it is that first of all all of that langauge is symbolic, but second there are really only two somewhat conceivable reasons to act: for the sake of understandable, immediate consequences here and now (materialism) or for something else. And trying to control consequences here and now, acting only for the sake of controlling them, is the beginning of evil.

This is what I think, God knows best, but that's what I think all true religion is trying to emphasize. That is what acting without acting means: trust in God to the point that you abandon striving for this world. This is the beginning of actual altruism.

>> No.21444078

Your post is so retarded that I can't even reply to it except to highlight how retarded it is.

>> No.21444086

It's like you LITERALLY can't even look right in front of your face and see the consequences of your own actions and beliefs, and work to change them. That's how phenomenally retarded you are.

>> No.21444096

I believe it is as a beloved teacher of mine has said, that you can not field an army to face Satan in battle, for he is already behind your lines. You can only ask for Help. God knows best.

>> No.21444124

>all of the people in this thread popping veins because of trannies
please get off Discord and 4chan and go outside. You are clearly very bored

>> No.21444213

Would it be good for children to be pulled away from toxic parents?

>> No.21444220

join the french foreign legion? y/n?

>> No.21444238

No, here's why:
>poor quality of life
>deck stacked heavily against non-french speakers, if you don't speak it you won't get in
>the FFL checks with Interpol before accepting recruits, won't allow you to start a new life if you have a serious criminal record
>harsh punishments and discipline, including beatings and being thrown out of windows
>peers will be africans and other third worlders who have nothing to lose or are willing to gamble their lives to get french citizenship, cadre will know if you don't want it as bas as them and drop you in favor of someone more motivated
>low chance of seeing "action" if that's what you're in for, now that the african operations are winding down along with the GWOT
>french people are gross stinky cheese eating surrender monkeys

>> No.21444254

>poor quality of life
already there
>deck stacked heavily against non-french speakers, if you don't speak it you won't get in
i know a little, i can be conversational with just a bit of studying
>the FFL checks with Interpol before accepting recruits, won't allow you to start a new life if you have a serious criminal record
i have none
>harsh punishments and discipline, including beatings and being thrown out of windows
>peers will be africans and other third worlders who have nothing to lose or are willing to gamble their lives to get french citizenship, cadre will know if you don't want it as bas as them and drop you in favor of someone more motivated
i'm also desperate for a new life, albeit for different reasons
>low chance of seeing "action" if that's what you're in for, now that the african operations are winding down along with the GWOT
that's good, i don't want to kill people
>french people are gross stinky cheese eating surrender monkeys
yeah but it's the french FOREIGN legion, i won't actually have to interact with that many french people

>> No.21444257

>i won't actually have to interact with that many french people
you're an outsider now, in the FFL you'll be an outsider among french african colonials. do something unique instead of the first shit you read online. go join nomads in the tribal belt of pakistan, you won't you'll talk about doing something that you will never follow through with because you like the idea of it and that's all

>> No.21444264

It really depends on your circumstances and motivations. The best reason to join any military is to fight and the adventurism, but there’s not so much of that these days so you have to consider other rewards for joining.

>> No.21444265

fuck you faggot, i'm gonna become a legionnaire just to spite you, fag

>> No.21444267

Usually there isn't a good outcome. Kids are resilient but either having a toxic parent or being taken away from one are highly stressful events, and not having mixed feelings about both is a kind of moral clarity that gets rarer as people get older. Even the kids in question are likely to be ambiguous about the choice, or, if they have an absolutely clear preference, will be more likely to choose to remain. Plenty of abused kids still love and want to please their parents who abuse them.

>> No.21444277

The big benefit of being a legionnaire is getting French citizenship. If you don’t like French people, don’t join a force that exists to fight on their behalf.

>> No.21444281

Depends where you're from. If you're western European, they won't let you in because you've been spoiled and will run away like a Nancy sissy boy.

>> No.21444289

I should be a lot clearer. They’re not kids anymore. This is about an estranged father and his now adult sons, the youngest of whom is about 20. Im the oldest. I made an effort years ago to include our father in our life again and slowly build a relationship with him so that the others could have him in their lives too, and in some ways, it’s been beneficial for them but in other ways toxic. He holds them back. He holds all of us back. I tried to make things work with him but it hasn’t. I’ve decided that I don’t want a close relationship with the guy, and basically want to s e him during holidays at most, if that. But I worry that if I go dark on the guy the others will follow suit and it won’t be good for them. I’m so conflicted about this because I forgave him and let him back in even though I regret it, but at the same time, my siblings deserve to be able to to have had it if that’s what they wanted. I want them to be successful and happy over everything else. These siblings are like my nephews and nieces or my kids. I worry that his presence will keep them happy but not succesful, and so only a shallow kind of happy. But then there’s this other part of this where it’s like, really, I just want them to be like me.

>> No.21444296

If they're adults you have to let them set their own boundaries. Find out your own too. It's part of treating people like adults, to let them make their own good or bad decisions and learn to live with them. Have more faith in them.

>> No.21444301

I don’t think they quite realize the impact he has or the subtle and age he affects them negatively. That’s basically what I worry about. And I worry that making that clear by severing my own ties will cause them to sever theirs. They’re capable adults but things tend to follow my lead historically.

>> No.21444306

Are you worried they won't follow your lead?

>> No.21444317

No, actually because I want them to choose for themselves. I don’t want them to do things just because I did them. At the same time, I do want them to be successful because I want to be successful and I worry that his presence in their life holds them back. I worry about this for myself too obviously but I tend to think I can perceive things they either can’t or won’t perceive and so I’ve more or less made my decision. It’s always been this way.

>> No.21444324

They might be successful despite him. Seriously, they're not kids and would probably resent being treated like it now, let alone in a few years. Let them make their own big boy decisions even if you think they're doing it for the wrong reasons. They might not be as blind as you think and if they are, then that's who they are. Are you going to navigate and chaperone them through every one of their personal relationships besides this? Let them grow up. Whether they chose to cut contact or maintain it, they can work out if that decision is right for them when they make it. You're going to have to do the same.

>> No.21444328

you have to let your kids come to their own conclusions about these kind of things. i had an absentee father who was an alcoholic and i always resented my grandparents making off-hand remarks about him even if they were true. at the same time, i made plenty of sardonic remarks about him with my brother who was 3 years younger and didn't understand the way i understood. as an adult, i don't have negative feelings about him the way i did as a kid, because i can see certain tendencies in myself that could lead down a similar road.

>> No.21444333

>I'm going to act retarded out of spite to my own detriment
Ask yourself why you ever thought I would be negatively affected by your post

>> No.21444342

how do you fags bitch about this stuff and not realize it’s simply the result of living in a capitalist society? couldn’t be me

>> No.21444349

Maybe you’re right. I’m thinkining ahout it more and realizing I’m sort of doing what he does but in a different way x

I wouldn’t do that. I also had an absent father. That’s how all of this started. He was absent a lot and then he hen parents divorced he was totally gone and never came back until I was in my mid-20s. Am I resentful of it still? Yeah a little, but I wouldn’t speak negatively about him to the rest because my mom used to do that and it always bothered me.

You’re helping me realize that what I’m actually wanting from them is not what they want necessarily, but what I wany them to want.

>> No.21444350

>country founded on slavery that lasted for centuries after other countries had rejected the practice “isn’t that evil”

>> No.21444355 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 350x540, 9780231557351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit new judith butler dropped!

>Judith Butler shows how COVID-19 and all its consequences—political, social, ecological, economic—have challenged us to reconsider the sense of the world that such disasters bring about. Drawing on the work of Max Scheler, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and critical feminist phenomenology, Butler illuminates the conditions in which we seek to make sense of our disorientation, precarity, and social bonds. What World Is This? offers a new account of interdependency in which touching and breathing, capacities that amid a viral outbreak can threaten life itself, challenge the boundaries of the body and selfhood. Criticizing notions of unlimited personal liberty and the killing forces of racism, sexism, and classism, this book suggests that the pandemic illuminates the potential of shared vulnerabilities as well as the injustice of pervasive inequalities.

the best part is there are probably leftists out there, maybe on this board rn, that will take this shit seriously!

>> No.21444364
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No one likes international capitalism

>> No.21444373

I haven’t smoked in a month, Xi. First couple of days were hard but it gets easier. The problem is I’m gonna be visiting some old friends who are heavy smokers for NYE, and I need to resist the urge to obliviate myself with massive bong rips and delightful jays

>> No.21444375

What would a leftist care about Judith Butler? She's a bourgeois professor who participated in the post-Marxist New Left only insofar as it was in her bourgeois "identity" interests, not class interests. She's also a derivative hack and a terrible writer.

Notice the order: "racism, sexism, classism." Class struggle isn't even a struggle anymore, it's just another "ism," and the last in the list. The book itself is some neolib talking point crap, and it's shocking it doesn't advertise itself as critical of the biopolitical establishment, only of the "general conditions" of the pandemic. The pandemic was used to justify bourgeois control over many freedoms essential for the class struggle, like freedom of association and freedom of speech. The lockdowns were basically fascist in the Marxist sense of the term, capitalism in crisis.

Please don't call yourself a leftist if you like this crap. The term is diluted enough. Call yourself a liberal gender hippie or something, I don't really care.

>> No.21444377

you’ll notice that none of the people complaining about such things ever point to “international capitalism” as the cause

>> No.21444380

holy based. now go to all the marx threads please

>> No.21444505

If western society is fucked, then surely the only solution is to get myself, my family, and (if possible) my friends out of the system as soon as possible. Governments and corporations can't solve society's problems, but I can solve my own. Surely we should all leave the cities and go out and live in the country, and grow our own food and be as self-sufficient as possible. If and when the collapse happens, maybe then we'll survive to pass on our traditions to the next generation. I've spoken to a few friends about this, and while they all agree on the diagnosis, they seem reluctant to want to do such a thing, even though they agree that city living is an unnatural way of life. Not sure why this happens to people. Also, books for this feel?

>> No.21444515

I found this interesting and it basically agrees with you

However I remember reading Greg Johnson saying we need both, since you need people embedded in existing power structures. That seems to be Alain de Benoist's approach as well, try to create an invisible network of sympathetic people who are ready to give coherence to populist and reactionary movements when the time comes.

Ever read Growth of the Soil or The Warwolf?

>> No.21444535

The gentle waves, the burbling rush of water creates such a natural calm. I hope to visit the Chesapeake again to feel these wonderful dalliances again. To share this with my loved ones would be a great joy.

>> No.21444545

I have no money, but I wanna buy stuff.

>> No.21444585

I really really want to throw myself in the cold sea and forget about my life for ten minutes. I'd feel the water wetting my hair and back. I'd float there, aimlessly, inside that immense body of water. Forgotten by the world, forgotten by the people I know and ultimately forgetting myself. No calls to make, no e-mails to send, no gifts to prepare, not anyone I'd have to see. Many people said that modern society is a poison for the soul and the mind, but I couldn't listen before. I couldn't see it. The true meaning of being happy has been obscured by too many layers of consumerism and interaction with deranged people. Surrounded by electronics and vapid means of entertainment, we are never truly alone with ourselves. It is with great regret that I only have the sea, the silence and the flight mode on my phone to free my soul. Surely one day I will leave everything behind and depart somewhere the common society has no real influence. I'm only in my twenties but the prospect of living the rest of my life in Alaska is only getting more enticing over time.

>> No.21444594
File: 100 KB, 1600x1600, 1670673950934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling cute rn. Look at this cute hair pin I'm wearing.

>> No.21444608
File: 7 KB, 235x215, F31840E9-3E89-46B1-ADE6-3884FAB7495F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be living with an undiagnosed mental illness

>> No.21444614

It is very possible.

>> No.21444619

thinking about buying alcohol and drinking for the third day in a row.

>> No.21444642

I want to spend 30 bucks on some smokes, but I don't really have the money for it.

>> No.21444674

Do they have them with birds?

>> No.21444682

I’ve decided that I won’t be going back to this job after winter break ends. I’ll send my letter of resignation this week.

>> No.21444695

No, sorry. Just cat and rabbit.

>> No.21444701

._. I guess rabbit is okay but I was really excited to be superkawaii together with a bird

>> No.21444768

I have no purpose.

>> No.21444842

i would not eat my liver

>> No.21444888
File: 569 KB, 934x1191, space_taoism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Two perspectives: one focused inwardly at an object (analysis) and one focused outwardly at the environment. (synthesis.) A crystal as an object is "a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystal lattice that extends in all directions," while the *process* of crystallization is the taking-in of the environmental conditions by the emerging object that nourishes and influences the growth of the crystal.

"Everything that in any sense exists has two sides, namely, its individual self and its signification in the universe.” These two poles cannot be torn apart. Each finds its fulfillment in the other via their dialectical relation. Thus, becoming is for the purpose of being (signification in the universe) and being is for the purpose of novel becoming (the emergent individual self.)... The entire world finds its place in the internal constitution of the new creature, and the new creature lays an obligation upon the future: that it take into account the value achieved by the new creature. Thus every creature both houses and pervades the world" - Elizabeth Kraus, "The Metaphysics of Experience."

Mindfulness Meditation is about just taking in changing environmental conditions without the goal of trying to change them, while Perception Bending ( pastebin.com/vHKeTau2 ) is concentrative meditation, with the goal of changing one's perception.

>> No.21444893

>; do you think it's good that black people decide that they aren't good for the world and voluntarily remove their genitals/commit suicide?
I wouldnt care enough to outlaw something a small number of people are choosing to do. If some black people wanna kill themselves again not my problem faggot.
That's their personal business. Depending on how much they were being targeted or pressured into it I would be more or less opposed, but the key issue would be both how many it's affecting + how voluntary or not it is.
If its still 1-5% of people, and this group is choosing without coercion I don't really care enough to take action.
>"Transgender" people are victims of mass psychogenic illness and whether there is an agenda or not, what is happening is an easily preventable tragedy. It's not a matter of salient issues because we don't take resources away from stopping cartels by telling hospitals not to remove the organs of mentally ill individuals.
Still a trend that likely has no effect, and never will, on any of us. Again 1-5% of people removing their genitals or getting hormones, has exactly zero effect on my life or anyone I care about.
1-5% of people voluntarily doing something that has the potential fo be harmful < existence & funding of cartels
Sorry but that's how the real world works. In politics we have to choose which issues are most important and deserve attention. It's always a tradeoff.

>> No.21445028

I do not respect men who wear sandals. Women I don't respect at all.

>> No.21445132

>we have an entire generation of kids raised by iPads and who will be functionally retarded
Well, my generation was raised by boomer teachers and they will also became functionally retarded. Cultral entropy is irrevocable; >>21440745 is right.

>> No.21445271

I'm not gonna make it. There's no light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.21445291

I've had a weed brownie saved in my freezer for months, for a special occasion, or during a dry spell, but today I ate it for no reason, even though I'm going to visit friends tomorrow. I feel bad that I wasted it and it's harshing my buzz.

>> No.21445373

Why has God forgotten me?

>> No.21445388

Then you're a bona fide faggot. Eat shit you disgusting normalfaggot.

>> No.21445485

There is nothing more pleasant than the musky smell of a man's ass and balls in the morning.

>> No.21445495

The persons in question are often teenagers. There are twelve year olds who got their breasts chopped off.

>> No.21445555

that sounds very gay of you.

>> No.21445565

I will NOT watch this Vietnam vet's story you CLICKBAITING NIGGER

>> No.21445608

This >>21443388 is the kind of faggot that believes if someone wanted bits of their brain scooped out then "as long as it's consual!11!" Probably the same arguments he uses for his pedophilic tendencies.

>> No.21445649

I'm a girl, anon

>> No.21445673

The pain that comes from the incommunicability of pure thought is excruciating. Very few connections with other human beings are truly genuine in that sense. One must accept suffering if one's goal is to communicate with others.

>> No.21445674 [DELETED] 

As the eschaton approaches, the parousia draws near, signaling the second coming of our Lord and savior dear, in these tumultuous times, we must remember to keep faith and hope alive, for the return of Christ will bring salvation and peace to thrive, though the world may seem lost in the darkness of sin and strife, the light of the parousia guides us through the trials of life, let us hold fast to our beliefs, and trust in the power divine, for the return of our Lord is imminent, and all will be fine.

>> No.21445684

Uh, then get a bf.

>> No.21445742

And i would oppose any major surgery at a young age.
Not relevant to my point which was that a small amount of people voluntarily, in the case of adults & older teens, doing something harmful to themselves simply weighs less than other issues.
You are continuing to make it about whether or not i support these procedures.
All I said was that a tiny percentage of people voluntarily choosing to potentially harm themselves weighs less than issues affecting a majority of Americans.

>> No.21445761

>believes if someone wanted bits of their brain scooped out then "as long as it's consual!11!"
Nowhere have I said it's good.
Just that it's less important in so far as it doesn't effect me or people I know.
Yes I will reiterate if there are 2% of peope choosing to scoop their brains out that's worrying but I dont care about it as much relative to other issues

>> No.21445772

That's what makes you a normalfaggot and a tranny pedophile. Go masturbate or do something creative, nobody buys your laughable arguments.

>> No.21445783

Say there are two issues affecting a town:
1) 2% of young people are using dangerous drugs or doing other forms of self harm
2) the entire town's water supply is tainted with lead
Which of these two issues is more important, more pressing?
Or are you so lacking in cognitive capability that you can't order social issues in terms of their relative importance

>> No.21445802

Not comparable: it takes no resources for the town to tell their physicians not to remove the dicks and vaginas of the citizenry while they fix the water supply. In fact, it'd probably free up some resources.
But a retarded pedophile like you that tries tk create false dichotomies between nonsense choices wouldn't be able to understand that.

>> No.21445823

>Let's fix the lead in the water
>Okay... There are some barbarians pillaging the outskirts. What about that?
Why worry about foreigners when there's lead in the water? Are you a xenophobe? Why distract from the real issues?
>Uhh... Maybe we could divert a stream to pass through the valley?
>Okay there is a problem will doctors removing rhe genitals of children and teens...

>> No.21445844

You seem hysterical. Maybe kiddo needs a time out from the interweb, seems like it's poisoning your mind.
>heh look at all these random absurd arguments I came up with that have nothing to do with your post
>it takes no resources for the town to tell their physicians not to remove the dicks and vaginas of the citizenry while they fix the water supply. In fact, it'd probably free up some resources.
Possibly you're right, but it could take some resources if you were to prosecute these people.
In any case that wasn't my point, I was only asking which of these two issues is more important. I think an issue effecting 2% of people automatically matters less than me, unless you can provide an argument as to why I should fixate on that 2% so much.
4chan is filled with constant posts about trannies. Seems a bit disproportionate given that they are only about 2% of the population, but whatever if you want to obsess about something that does not effect you in any way that's your perogative weirdo.
Funny how I never see a ton of posts about something like access to clean drinking water, or foreign policy issues. Guess the non-culture war issues just aren't sexy enough . Almost like these posts are designed to encourage hysteria & panic.

>> No.21445891

this board really has become shit. do people still really debate on tranny shit on wwoym? what's next, talking about elon musk? oh, jeff bezos is doing something, let's talk about that instead! wait what about ukraine? did this board really fill up with /pol/ tards and normies or am I just having a veryv vivid nightmare?
I come to /lit/ to read about new perspectives and books and all I can read is trannyposting. I come to /gif/ for a quick whack and all I can read is people literally clicking on tranny threads to post tranny hate or writing to complain about trannies.

fuck trannies fuck normies fuck people reacting to trannies fuck journalists

>> No.21445898

Bros.. I think I am developing a fart fetish.

>> No.21445906

A lot of issues don't overlap, and whether we screech about clean drinking water or not doesn't matter because drinking dirty water isn't something that is being societally normalized.
The butchery of children is being normalized and has already been normalized to a great extent. It DOES matter if people screech about it because those children need a voice and if people don't speak up nothing will change. Bureaucrats signing a bill that prohibits the butchering of children and the small amount of judicial resources used thereafter doesn't conflict with civil engineers and construction workers fixing some shit in michigan and alabama.

The argument that you should fixate on 2%? Fuck off idiot. Your whole shtick is larping like an edgy retard. Jews were less than 0.75% of the population of Nazi Germany before the supposed holocaust. I'm sure that's not a salient issue. Less than 2% of children are sexually abused. That's not a salient issue either(especially for a pedophile like you, which is the whole point of your argument).

The reason a lot of posts on 4chan are about trannies is because it's an issue that shouldn't exist. It's a problem that shouldn't exist, is easily solvable with the mechanisms of government, and it requires very few resources(if at all).

>> No.21445911

Your argument makes little sense. Can the government pursue only one issue at a time? Should we not pass bills until we've waited for plumbers to fix every toilet in america?

>> No.21445914

Not the anon above you but his point made sense to me. It was a reductio ad absurdum of your point. Perfectly acceptable. You can't really respond to a reductio by going 'Outlandish! I'd never say that!' Yeah, that's the absurdum part.

>> No.21445965

>The butchery of children is being normalized
Proof? Is there any state where it's legal to do gender surgery at 12 or younger? I'm not familiar with this
>Bureaucrats signing a bill that prohibits the butchering of children
And I would support that bill
> Less than 2% of children are sexually abused. That's not a salient issue either(especially for a pedophile like you, which is the whole point of your argument).
Possibly yes, it could be less important than other things. You're getting emotional and assuming me saying "less important" means it's not important at all.
You have the mindset of a Twitter leftie feeling outraged that their special activist issue isn't being properly acknowledged.
>especially for a pedophile like you, which is the whole point of your argument)
Funny how I'm the bad faith one when you immediately assume anyone who disagrees with you is a "pedo" . Okay... Not sure there's much point in having this conversation with you if you aren't grown up enough to handle dissent.
>Jews were less than 0.75% of the population of Nazi Germany before the supposed holocaust.
Fair counterpoint, there are clearly issues that affect a minority which are still seen as important.
Again I think people being forcibly put into camps & killed probably is a far graver violation than a teenager having a gender or cosmetic surgery they later regret. I'm not comfortable with the latter, and believe before a certain age it shouldn't be allowed at all, but after an age that's just their decision. When you are an adult when you make a decision the consequences are your own.
>The reason a lot of posts on 4chan are about trannies is because it's an issue that shouldn't exist.
And why so little interest in other real issues affecting everyday people? Almost never, it's almost always some culture war bullshit by culture warriors like yourself who scream that anyone who raises critical questions is a "pedo".

>> No.21445976


>> No.21446022

>Proof? Is there any state where it's legal to do gender surgery at 12 or younger? I'm not familiar with this
For one, sex change on children is already being normalized. It's now a fairly typical opinion that children can be trans and should have access to hormones; right now, it is legal in the US and many European countries to give puberty blocks- that have permanent and life-altering affects- to pre-pubertal children. A boy that takes puberty-blockers will permanently reduce his growth even if he stops taking them relatively early in his typical pubertal development, and a girl will see reduced breast function and hip development, the latter of which can complicate natural birth. There are other issues too.
Aside from the normalization(which is already a highly alarming issue) sex changes on anyone under the age of 21 is barbaric, and teenagers really are children. A seventeen year old girl does not have the mental faculties and sense of responsibility to know if she needs her breasts removed and chunks of her flesh carved into abominable appendages. Hormones are already permanently life altering and their prescription to minors is widespread; it would be better to tackle the issue before the butchery of pre-pubertal children is normalized to the point that that becomes widespread as well.
>And I would support that bill
Then do it and it doesn't take any momentum away from the civil engineers that are working on the water in whatever bumfuck area.
>Possibly yes, it could be less important than other things. You're getting emotional and assuming me saying "less important" means it's not important at all.
>You have the mindset of a Twitter leftie feeling outraged that their special activist issue isn't being properly acknowledged.
You're the retarded lefty. The government doesn't have to focus on one issue at a time when there are many fucking bureaus and departments that handle all manner of different issues. How about we start with an easy one that will free up resources for handling pollution in drinking water? STOP FUNDING GENDER CHANGE SURGERIES
>Fair counterpoint, there are clearly issues that affect a minority which are still seen as important.
Almost all issues affect a minority of people; heart disease, cancer, brain tumors, genetic disorders, rare conditions, murder, rape, robbery, car crash, stop acting like the only problems society should work on are the ones that affect the majority of people. Some issues are incredibly easy to solve; something like cancer is difficult to eliminate completely and we are already putting a lot of effort into it, but sex reassignments(puberty blockers, hormones, surgery) on children and teens is something that can be almost totally eliminated with the flick of a wrist and a couple bureaucratic movements.
>And why so little interest in other real issues affecting everyday people?
Already being handled retard. I don't need to screech any louder for something like cancer research.

>> No.21446047

Holy fuck the pic is stupid.
Impressive and very nice digits though.

>> No.21446077

>sex change on children is already being normalized
Is it? I live in a very liberal area and have never heard of this happening. Anecdotally I've talked about this with my family, all liberals, and none of them support it.
At most, people will be fine with allowing it at a much later age.
Allowing something ≠ believing it's good.
Before all this tranny shit was a thing, teens could with the consent of a parent get cosmetic surgeries.
Plenty of people might think that this shouldn't be legal, while also finding it super weird or personally disagreeing with it.
>Then do it
I already said I would.
>that will free up resources for handling pollution in drinking water? STOP FUNDING GENDER CHANGE SURGERIES
Not sure that's how funding works. I mean for one someone could get the surgery from their private health insurance, so I'm not sure how the money would be reallocated to the government, but whatever idc
>Already being handled retard.
Not really. Pollution of water aquifers happens all over the U.S, and there's no sign of it getting fixed any time soon

>> No.21446082

>shouldn't be legal,
*should be

>> No.21446152

Child drag-queens, puberty blockers, Harvard announcing babies can be trans, and the numerous organizations and institutional powers calling for increased access to "gender affirming care for children and adolescents." It is being normalized right now, and it is so normalized that you are sitting there telling me it's a non-issue; it would have been considered an existential abomination 100 years ago.
Here are some articles and press releases that extoll the benefits of "GAC" for children and teens or criticize those that oppose it.

It is so normalized that in sweden, extreme forms of gender reassignment occurred on a large scale on children and adolescents (most of the articles online are critical of GAC in Sweden because of the disastrous results. However, the fact that it was normalized to the point of even being a thing is enough to prove that it was normalized):
Even then, Sweden is still offering puberty blockers to children and teens under specific circumstances and has just rolled back the one-approval system.
>Not sure that's how funding works. I mean for one someone could get the surgery from their private health insurance, so I'm not sure how the money would be reallocated to the government, but whatever idc
There are more. The US military funded free sex changes for military personnel (and is attempting to keep the funding going):

>Not really. Pollution of water aquifers happens all over the U.S, and there's no sign of it getting fixed any time soon
And screeching about a problem that is not even remotely controversial wouldn't help even if it weren't being handled.

>> No.21446181

>Before all this tranny shit was a thing, teens could with the consent of a parent get cosmetic surgeries
Not him, but there's very little barrier to female cosmetic patients in the US. One of the reasons that there's a sudden surge in FtM surgeries is because they're incredibly easy to access: breast reduction or removal has historically been because people needed it to avoid crippling pain or cancer, and so the barrier to access is lower than a BBL along with falling into a category of surgery that usually had health benefits. Hormones in general are being more often prescribed for what are basically social reasons, but that brings in a whole quagmire of sports and help for the aging male, along with the problem that the majority of females prescribed any hormone will get less blood testing than men getting steroids off a crooked weight loss clinic. Cosmetic surgery and medicine gets away with a lot of mad scientist maiming because the people it harms are generally perceived as vain. I mean, look at silicone injections back in the day. People still inject literal hardware store silicone into people who think that's saving them money, and they don't get caught at the first test subject. The people who throw Botox parties are not making their living room a sterile environment and they're the only people harmed if they don't is the level of liberalism you're looking at in a lot of incidences.

>> No.21446207

Oh yeah I have no doubt the cosmetic industry gets away with a lot of crazy shit.
I just meant someone can be fine with letting people get cosmetics, while not necessarily approving of it.
I wouldn't go out of my way to pass a law prohibiting cosmetic surgeries, but I still think a lot of that stuff is weird & the whole industry promotes people to be insecure about themselves and their bodies.

>> No.21446211

>I wouldn't go out of my way to pass a law prohibiting cosmetic surgeries, but I still think a lot of that stuff is weird & the whole industry promotes people to be insecure about themselves and their bodies.
This is part of the reason that the capitalist machine is so adamant about gender theory. They make a lot of profit on insecure and mentally disturbed people.

>> No.21446257

>Child drag-queens
If it's just a kid wearing a costume appropriate for their age & the parents are there I don't care.
If there's any hint at all of anything sexual or the parents aren't overseeing it, I'm completely opposed to it.
>puberty blockers
After a certain age maybe 15 or older should be allowed after extensive consultation, waiting period, and after considering other options. Should not be encouraged .
I do not trust the medical industry especially where there might be a perverse financial incentive.
>It is being normalized right now, and it is so normalized that you are sitting there telling me it's a non-issue
I didn't say it's a non-issue, just that it's not as widespread as the media makes it seem. As I said I live in an extremely liberal area, and out of all of my acquaintances I know only one trans person.

>> No.21446269

Trannys again tonight is it?

>> No.21446280

Okay then I don't really give a shit about what you're saying. You just don't like this because you have an ulterior motive. There are a lot of problems that only affect the minority that are wasting billions or trillions of dollars. Cancer, dementia, fuckin pandas.
You just change your goalposts and engage in clumsy sophistry and and rhetoric. We get it. Now get to some 'salient issues' instead of trying to convince anons not to pursue things you don't like.

>> No.21446286

>I didn't say it's a non-issue, just that it's not as widespread as the media makes it seem. As I said I live in an extremely liberal area, and out of all of my acquaintances I know only one trans person.
I've never met a rape or human trafficking victim but I think it's a problem worth pursuing alongside other problems.

>> No.21446311
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How come /pol/ writes better than /lit/?

>> No.21446323
File: 121 KB, 895x1423, Perdurabo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this book today. It's probably the biggest book I've ever read cover to cover. Feeling pretty proud of myself.

>> No.21446326

Haven't changed shit.
You brought up a bunch of articles & different points in your last post & I offered my opinion about those trends.
Don't know what you're so mad about. It's like you are determined to get mad.
> Now get to some 'salient issues' instead of trying to convince anons not to pursue things you don't like.
Mad mad mad
Keep seething in your /pol/ shithole about trannie wojacks, while the world burns around you.

>> No.21446336

It's also really funny to me I've gone out of my way to meet you halfway in my last post, agreeing with you on many points, but it seems like all the charitability goes one way.
I go out of my way to listen to what conservatives say, I don't ad-hom them and all I get in return is called a pedo or a child groomer.
Whatever man, you keep saying I'm the one being disengenous or bad faith but then say shit like this.

>> No.21446416

>Keep seething in your /pol/ shithole about trannie wojacks, while the world burns around you.
I will, eternally.

>> No.21446455


I can literally feel the sheer projection dripping off that post. Gotta love grown ass "adults" who still believe in cooties. An entire generation of spinsters and MGTOWfags are gonna wither away and die and we'll be told it's a "tragedy" instead of just admitting they fucked around and found out the hardest way possible: dying forever alone because you were trying too hard to be not like the other girls/guys.

>> No.21446468

Resting on the river bank the trickle of seasons flows eternally cutting through the solidity of matter and pushing it ever onwards towards action.
The face of the nymph flitters in the tussle of golden leaves, little scamp hiding with a clownish grin.
Pushing upwards from the soft tuft of grass, I stand firm and upright to receive it's message, singing down from the treetop he sings;
'You art thou, thine ist thee,
Listen to my sweet treetop melody,
I tap once on bark,
Click twice on teeth,
Rustle thrice these leaves'
I stole a piece of time as it floated past my eye.

>> No.21446500 [DELETED] 

i deleted counterstrike with the intention that i'd switch back to /lit/ for my internet socializing time. kids on cs:go are so stupid they never heard of chatgpt. too bad /lit/ is the same exact threads by the same people over and over. it's the exact same stuff every day, day after day. like when you go to play cs and you can pic the map pool you want to be in, /lit/ has a pool of the same threads every day and you jump in and have the same arguments with the same people.

>> No.21446510

Hole detected.

>> No.21446511
File: 457 KB, 750x715, BF579249-8C1D-472C-A73F-F8D154D4001B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gObliN mOde

>> No.21446520

>nooooo! you must get multiple incurable diseases or you're an incel
Lmao, women

>> No.21446532

Hi tranny

>> No.21446534
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>> No.21446552
File: 54 KB, 958x660, gondola duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will i make it to shore or will i drift into the unknown

>> No.21446596

The biggest book youve read for the most retarded subject possible

>> No.21446602

Was gonna blogpost about I realized that I'm mentally ill and fucked in the head but then i realized how that's just another generic /wwoym/ post

>> No.21446606

That's a generic generational post my dude

>> No.21446648

Imagine thinking the average 4chaner can't possibly have sex and function in common society whilst criticizing the system, in the year of 2022 and soon-to-be 2023. I share the same sentiment as the /pol/poster and I have a fulfilled love life. We are your janitors, your cashiers, your nurses and doctors, your lawyers, your plumbers, your brothers-in-law and your fucking husbands. What, you think this way of thinking is specific to incels? I don't know a single man in my circle of friends and beyond who doesn't think something along these lines.
Why isn't everyone speaking up like people do on forums, you ask? Because no one is that fucking stupid. Why the fuck would you play coy in a job interview, I ask you? Why would you pretend to be someone you're not in front of an employer? Most people are lucid about the situation. MGOTWfags? spinsters? They'll get laid sooner or later. They know they have to shut the fuck up and try to appear a bit mysterious to get laid. They'll fuck you too in time. Perhaps they even already did.

>> No.21446655

you will never be a woman

>> No.21446816

based and redpilled praise kek

>> No.21446817
File: 22 KB, 1080x810, 282123123_573198767541338_3706405982171109397_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish the world was flat like the old days and I could travel just by folding the map. No more airplanes or speedtrains or freeways, there'd be no distance that could hold us back

>> No.21446819

Globe earth is just a conspiracy by Big Transport?

>> No.21446825

Happiness only real when shared

>> No.21446846

Rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness... give me truth

>> No.21446847

That post wasn't written by "the average 4channer", it was written by a literal incel. Don't get me wrong, it's well written, but you can just smell the author's unwashed smegma-filled foreskin as you read it. Something about the prose reeks of deep sexual frustration.

>> No.21446856

>Repressing these feelings will only lead to them appearing again.
They truly never go away.

>There’s something around gender, around femininity, around receptivity that you can integrate into yourself in order to become a more whole person. Maybe it’s a feeling of lack in your own masculinity, maybe it’s a yearning for affection, maybe it’s a mystical calling.
The worst part about this is I cant tell if this is true or if its the brainworms looking for anything to latch on to and drag me down the path.

>> No.21446860

How is this a great insight? Anyone who has seen a puzzle or riddle, i.e. everyone, knows this.

>> No.21446863

I graduated with an MA in a humanities degree with a decent grade this year and am working at walmart as a cashier. I'm treated like cattle by the managers and by the customers. Today I learned that they will cut my hours by half (January shopping slump), and I need to pay rent and car insurance plus feed myself, so fuck me right. Humanities is a daddies money game, and those of us who come from working class backgrounds have no chance. My education does not make it any easier to slog through the daily grind, and being aware of stoicism/ancient philosophy concerning ethics does not easy my burden. Those are just words, and they cannot change my position in life which is to be tread on by sub 90iq morons on the daily.

There are job prospects, and I will leave in a few months but I will never by like my classmates who have had houses given to them on their 21st birthday and who now work at their father's company making a wage which I will never match even after forty years. I am not good enough to write, and I have no desires to go into academia (something like one in every fifty PhD's get a job at a university by the end of their studies). I really wish I studied law or architecture and had not gone down the /lit/ path. Even with a masters I have no skills which make me stand out from the millions of young people in a similar position to me. I'm forever destined to be a poorfag who knows some pointless nonsense which no one cares about concerning the late Roman republic.

>> No.21446865

If you suffer from AGP, I want to help you

>> No.21446866

Evil doesn't exist dawg, chill out bro

>> No.21446878

>what existentialism from the likes of Kirkegaard and Nietzsche does to a nigga

>> No.21446879


>> No.21446885

gonna cry?

>> No.21446887

Only fags want to help. Are you a fag, anon?

>> No.21446893

You have that backwards, fag

>> No.21446894

Why would I? You're only humiliating yourself.

>> No.21446895

Mad online fag. You should probably neck it

>> No.21446897

you're humiliating yourself by giving a shit about what someone does on a basket weaving forum. keep crying retard

>> No.21446898

I dont know how you guessed that right, but I do need help. And not the kind the brainworms want either.

>> No.21446904

Go to therapy fucking moron

>> No.21446905

Why so defensive?

>> No.21446906

No, I'm straight but I want to help people with AGP and AAP.
I believe in psychoanalytic "pseudoscience" so I'd assume that AGP and AAP are the results of a rejection of the self and the body, typically as a result of feelings of inadequacy. It can also be a sexual fetishism that has spiraled out of control. And probably chemicals, propaganda, and other things but that's not too important right now.
If you want, you can contradict what I've said with your own experiences. There's no way to guarantee an anon is truthful and there's no way for you to be sure it will really change my mind (it probably won't) but you can try to make a long and extremely honest description of your life and where you think the AGP started. I really hope you are able to be happy, even if you do stay/become a tranny.

>> No.21446908

I'm guessing my post was for >>21446898

>> No.21446910

are you jewish?

>> No.21446912

No, are you?

>> No.21446914

no, are you?

>> No.21446916

fucking kike

>> No.21446920

New thread


>> No.21446923

ill respond in the new thread anon

>> No.21446998

Fuck this generarion, I'm actually mentally ill

>> No.21447362

Why so?

>> No.21447578

I know this feeling and it's crushing the fear of insignificance. I hope you find success anon.

>> No.21447891

>The signs of their office have been described as a type of crown, possibly a laurel wreath, as well as a golden bracelet known as the occabus. They generally wore women's clothing (often yellow), and a turban, pendants, and earrings. They bleached their hair and wore it long, and they wore heavy makeup. They wandered around with followers, begging for charity, in return for which they were prepared to tell fortunes.
>Catullus (c84–54 BC) was an aristocratic Roman poet writing in the late Roman Republic. He wrote some of the most well-known Roman poetry, including many to his lover Lesbia. In Poem 63 he uses the Galli’s mythical ancestor Attis to examine Roman masculinity as a whole – is a castrated Attis a man? A woman? Or something else entirely?
>The galli may also have occupied a "third gender" in Roman society. Jacob Latham has connected the foreign nature of Magna Mater and her priests' nonconforming gender presentation. They may have existed outside Roman constructions of masculinity and femininity altogether, which can explain the adverse reactions of Roman male citizens against the galli's transgression of gender norms.



There are also the temple traps of Ishtar and (I am writing outside of my remit here) I swear some deranged character was telling me of a 'trans' Roman emperor who wanted to be addressed as a woman?
None of it seemed to produce much good or ended very well, but it isn't new degeneracy.

>> No.21448059
