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/lit/ - Literature

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21433594 No.21433594 [Reply] [Original]

Dig deep, anons. It’s Christmas.

>> No.21433603

Not trying to be edgy but I don't have any memories that I cherish. Probably finishing the anime Haibane Renmei or the novel Spring Snow if I had to pick. They were quite powerful.

>> No.21433614

Her long, slim, youthful legs parted to allow me into her paradise

>> No.21434325

Bad punctuation and heavy reliance on descriptive adjectives which are symbolically ineffectual. 2/10.

>> No.21434337

This except I lost all interest in anime

>> No.21434341

i'm high every day so i don't have memories.

>> No.21434450

Same desu

>> No.21434453

I’m just telling you I get young pussy. I couldn’t care less about prose

>> No.21434462 [DELETED] 

I was my natural self, unaware and uncaring of anyone's expectations or judgments, and yet my witty perspective on things could still make her laugh. She would laugh so hard, and she would cling to my arm when she did. It was a warm, welcoming laugh that often ended in a cute, embarrassing little snort and a rosy blush. I had a place in this girl's heart that I had nowhere else. I could hear it in her laughter.

>> No.21434467

In the artificial valley bed of concrete and rocks made explicitly as a storm drain out behind the apartment complex, there were a series of heavily tarred wooden beams lain flat as brace against the encroaching earth ready to swallow again the false triumph of man. Climbing this four yard high wall of riveted shipwood, filled with rusted tacks and nails, burrowing like metal worms in the surface, I built a memory. This memory was one of youthful innocence, of imagined adventures and journeys, and of loneliness. Though I was in a sprawling metropolis, I was unambiguously alone. No other children played in this apartment complex which was divided into four parts including a very exclusive pool that became as good as my own for at least five summers, and none of my memories contain any youths but those I would occasionally invite from school. In my loneliness, I did not create imaginary friends, but instead adventures, whole journeys across this little patch, this green kingdom, this false forest in the booming city. I fondly look back at the moment climbing this wall, its nacreous black globs of tar under my fingers, the bright green crest of grass at the top that was the goal, the hooks and splinters that were foes of my poor pants and shirt, they who sought to arrest my ascent. The smell of the summer heat softened tar burns my nose still to this day.

>> No.21434487

With no conscious effort on my part I still managed to make her laugh whenever we were together. She would laugh so hard and she would cling to my arm and lean into me when she did. It was a warm, feminine laugh that often ended in a cute, awkward snort and a pink blush. I had a place in this girl's heart that I had nowhere else. I felt it in her laughter.

>> No.21434559

overwrought garbage

>> No.21434585

(How I met my fiancée)

Marinating in salty, uncomfortable perspiration, I managed to relax myself upon taking my seat in the sturdy plastic chair. She sat across from the table, fiery golden hair only amplifying her latent moxie and personality. I simply sipped my cold, frothy smoothie through its plastic straw. Line for line, she continued to make me chortle with whatever outlandish meme she showed me, and I slowly began to realize that things may be more than alright going forward.

>> No.21434607

the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.21434819

Pain, embarrassment, shame and anger. These were my emotions as I helped myself up from the cold hard ground. I turned to see the two girls. Maybe they didn’t see? Maybe they planted that basket there as a friendly prank that we could all laugh about together over drinks. Maybe they thought my ability to fall over was really cool and sexy? Unfortunately for me, the girls reacted exactly as one would expect. Laughter and pity. I tried to play it cool. “Haha. Yeah that was wacky and im not a virgin”. They wouldn’t listen. Their cackles grew to a manic swell. The lights dimmed. Crows screeched and lightning struck the earth like a drum- a hellish marching beat towards an existence of sheer pain. Forever doomed to virgin walk the earth at slightly above average pace. Tripping on the stairs at work because I tried to step 3 steps in one stride instead of the usual 2. Wiping the tears away. Not because I hurt myself on the stairs, but because I didn’t break my record of 2 steps in one stride.

>> No.21434821

All you want for Christmas is my most treasured memories?

>> No.21434829

I remember one time I was going through the self checkout at the supermarket and I accidentally forgot to scan a few items. By the time I realized my mistake- one of the staff members had chased me into the carpark and out to my car. They kept slamming the car door shut when I would try to put my groceries in- all the while shouting “No, no, no, no”. I said to the lady I said “ Hey! Just what the heck are you doing touching my car? This is my private property. I bought this car when the Lehman Brothers crash happened in 08’ and I paid it off fair and square. Do you need to see my loan statement just so I can prove it to you? I lost that statement years ago- how the heck would I get another one while we’re out here in this car park?”. Stumped- she clearly had no answer to my question. Assuming I had done my part in defusing the situation- I resumed loading my groceries into my purple Hyundai Getz. She started shouting again. “You need to pay for those!” she cried. I said “Lady, I just told you I bought and paid for this car fair and square back in 2008 when the Lehman Brothers crash happened. It’s my private property, has nothing to do with you and frankly even if we were friends- I’m not looking to sell right now. Now if you don’t take a step back- I’ll have no choice but to use my mace on you”. I pulled out my medieval flail and entered defense position 3. I’d been taking self defense classes from my disabled neighbour. He taught me to never let my guard down and to always check his dad's cabinets for oreos. The lady shouted again. “I don’t care about your car! It’s the groceries…”. I said “Lady if you don’t care about my car then why don’t you make like the wind and fuck off already. This car ain’t for sale”. I launched my mace at her head. The spiked ball slammed into her face and made an incredible impact on her skull. She instantly surrendered by going limp and dropping to the floor...

>> No.21434834

Blood began to pool where she lay. I knelt down to see the regret on her face. Her mouth was wide open and her face was completely motionless. She wasn't blinking, all I could see was 2 lifeless pupils. 2 lifeless pupils that were pointed towards my aftermarket exhaust pipe that I spent months saving for. “I gotta hand it to you lady- you’re persistent. You don’t give up. And when you set your mind on something- you pursue it to the very end. I like that. It takes balls to be that stubborn- but god dammit it’s the only true way to get what you want in this crazy fucking world”. I took a depleted drag from my cigarette, dropped it to the ground and stomped it out in one smooth motion. I reached into my pocket, pulled out my car keys and held them out in my hand. The sun was setting. The orange light reflected off of the keys and shimmered in my hand like a diamond in the rough. I loosened my grip- and the keys fell to the earth. The metal of the keys bounced against the hard concrete ground. It was then my stride took flight and I began to walk away. The sun is setting before me- as if to say “that’ll do”. I walk into the horizon and slowly I disappear- all while ‘The Sound Of Silence’ slowly fades in- and the credits roll.

>> No.21434866

No one here reads, anon.

>> No.21434875

I just look at the pictures

>> No.21434902

I like it.

>> No.21434923

This is good.

>> No.21434929

underrated lol

>> No.21434946

>0/10 for believability
>8/10 for comedy
>-1 point for the last two sentences - they didn't do it for me
>-1 point for reminding me of Tarentino (who I hate)

All in all, nice work.

>> No.21434949

This isn't edgy but deeply pathetic and sad.

>> No.21435122

this really happened exactly as it is written

>> No.21435135

a girl had come and sat next to me, then started asking me completely rambling questions, absurd questions, questions you wouldn't have thought to ask at the time. I was amused by the casualness of his attitude, which went beyond the atmosphere around us. I answered her as best I could, searching for the right words while trying to follow her emotion.

our meeting ended, she left without even giving me time to go and see her again on the way back. I kept thinking about her and how she amazed me, I was just waiting to see her again. One day, she went to settle in a place that was in front of me, until she saw me, always in the same place and she finally came next to me. i have never felt so much happiness in my life

>> No.21435146

This fucking clown is just describing the movie ready to rumble, while the rest of you are dancing between wood and plastic like a grocery store clerk.

>> No.21435150


>> No.21435154

her attitude

>> No.21435155


>> No.21435166

I cracked my fingers against her skull the sound emanated across her ear cannel as i felt her hand find the side of my face. Base fully so as her hand was stronger than the intent that i had, albeit both noises seemed to startle our dog out of redispose either out of familiarity or out of sheer complexity for such. A sort of observation that was not too distant from our bedroom. Violence...that is wasn't what was missing but what i seemed to enjoy. The clacking of both her keyboard and everything else around me felt so much more familiar then what i perceived like some sort of rabbit hole began to open up around me being lost in a sea of thought...Yup That's Wood.

>> No.21435251

Once again I sat in the library of my university and as usual I sat in the very last row with the bookshelves in my back. A girl came walking up, wearing those tight black jeans and a thin green top, the rolled up sleeves exposing her alabaster white skin and her long smooth brown hair falling down to her back. She wasn’t voluptuous or anything but certainly had a nice shape to her. As she walked up to the shelf directly behind me she stopped for a moment and glanced towards me, as if appraising this odd creature sitting there. I ignored her as I ignore all women. What came next is still inexplicable to me. In one smooth motion she tucks her hair behind her ear, bends over and slightly swivels her body so that her bottom is directly aligned with the side of my head, not even a full ten centimeters away. Seeing that wonderful heart shaped peach even more accentuated by those dark pants so close to me was a very pleasant surprise at first. But then it hit me. The smell. The stench. Her bottom half had a truly rank, powerful stink to it and I was shocked, I had never experienced anything like it before, how can such a beautiful girl carry this smell with her? I always thought they clean themselves very thoroughly. In the first moment I was taken aback but in the second I had to force myself not to inhale deeply because I couldn’t get enough of it. I loved her stink. My nethers were throbbing and I feared that she might hear the sound of my flesh pulsing and rubbing against the fabric of my clothes. I quickly checked the room, which was empty, and tried to guess if there were any cameras set up in a library, I even thought that perhaps getting kicked out of university and maybe even getting a minor conviction might not be so bad, I was still young after all. I had never gotten so close to…well, you know. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity both pleasurable and torturous, pleasurable for my eyes and nose and torturous for the inability to indulge, she picked her book, stood straight again and danced off, leaving me aching and yearning for her dark smell. I had to remain sitting down for a few minutes until I was finally able to get up and walk off to clear my thoughts. I have never seen her again and I have never forgotten her nor her smell.

>> No.21435315

>I’m just telling you I get young pussy. I couldn’t care less about prose

got young pussy, Anon, got

>> No.21435337
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It's not like I have no memories of cool or awesome things, I just don't remember any.

>> No.21435364

In the summer of 2010, I was staring down the tail-end of a year in Afghanistan. Our company was holding perimeter for the very last "clearing op" we'd have to do before rotating home. At that point I was filling in as a driver of a Stryker for a guy who'd gotten hurt in an IED blast and rotated home. It was dusk and night was falling; we had every one of our company's trucks picketing the perimeter around a town called Shah Wali Kot, where months later there'd be a major offensive. Since the trucks were parked, I was hanging out the rear hatch with my rifle, pulling security, as pops of gunfire echoed throughout the dusty caldera in which the town sat.

I felt both alert and completely at peace — existing purely in that moment — unafraid and ready to do violence. As I was scanning the horizon, listening to the sounds of combat, I saw a plane approaching. It came on station, circled, then nosed down into an almost unbelievably steep dive. In the dimming light and against the last pastel vestiges of sunset came belching an unbroken stream of incendiary rounds from the nose of the plane, appearing as one solid, unbroken beam of light. The sound that followed, seconds after, set my ears to ringing. The plane climbed steeply, came back on station. As night fell, I watched four or five more sallies from the untouchable plane, and felt very, very glad that it was on our side.

>> No.21435516

raw, beautiful, horrifying.
hope you never fired a bullet. fuck war. glad you're home. thanks for your service.

>> No.21435674

Holy mother of cringe. Please never post on this board again.

>> No.21435682

go fuck yourself, you fustilarian faggot

>> No.21435730
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>hee hee, revel in death and violence with me!

>> No.21435770
File: 61 KB, 278x275, eyewillcutyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approximately two weeks before I was born, my mother was under critical traumatic stress, so I appeared to her in a brief quasioneiric dreamvision, having the same facial appearance —excepting hair, and eye, colour—, and voice, that I had later had when I was two years of age, telepathicommunicating to her: "Do not worry; all will be well"; this immediately completely calmed her down untill the day of my birth; she would later tell me that I appeared kind, that my face was snow white, and that my eyes were especially striking.

In my aetheric form I had azure eyes, and black hair; I was born with dark blonde hair, and bluish eyes which gradually turned green in my early twenties; since childhood, I have always been attracted to Winter, to snow, and to the cold, to the point of causing a tantrum once when my parents told me that we would be going to Florida for Winter vacation, changing their mind in the process; evidently, one of the primary tasks for which I was incarnated was to elevate the humour of my body to its optimal state, via the aetheropressure of silence, and the temperopressure of cold.

The soul experiences all of the cardinal potentialities that are unique to it —and which may spectrally intersect at any given point— en route to perfection.

>> No.21435791

I really like this. Any books in this style? It actually reminds me of The Book of the New Sun. How was your relationship with your mother when you grew up?

>> No.21435844

>quasioneiric dreamvision
How can something be at once a dreamvision and only "quasi oneiric?"

>> No.21435861

Fired a round or two in my time. Thanks for the kind words, fren.

>> No.21435868

He grabbed my little arm and pulled me through the doorway. The dark within would last a lifetime.

>> No.21435882


It was a median state; "dream – vision" would have been accurate here.

>> No.21435918

Was it a joke about slavery, or was it a joke about love? Was it even a joke? I bet it wasn't even a joke, it was probably just some offhand comment about slavery. The impending shift of fortune had become palpable in the little room, and the precipice that it precipitated, though less than glorious, retained that most perfect form of creation that perception enshrines as nostalgia, a time when the particles were all closer together presumably.

>> No.21435981

i like quasioneiric though, it's snazzy. maybe toss out "dream" in dreamvision
agree with >>21435791 it's a fun style you got there.

>> No.21436038

Man this is fucking funny

>> No.21436499

You guys suck ass at writing. All of this is way too wordy and it is also very corny.

>> No.21436509

write a memory then. show us up, punk.

>> No.21436688

Made me laugh. Btw get it together anon, i hope you do

>> No.21436703


>> No.21436741

Okay, Tarentino.
Doesn't matter. He did it well enough. Post something worth reading, or shut up. No one cares about your trannycisms.

>> No.21436766

Absolute dogshit.

>2/10 prose
>0/10 content
>-2 points for shit edginess

All in all, trash faggot.

Goddammit. Why are you shits so pathetic. Almost everyone of you is sharing some pathetic non-experience with a woman as if it fucking mattered. Happiest memory? Bullshit. You faggots are just too cowardly to even expose a single truly happy memory even on an anonymous board.

>3/10 for prose
>0/10 for content
>-2 points for being full of shit

1/10, congratulations.

>> No.21436808

>6.5/10 prose
>8/10 content

Interesting and promising. Keep writing.

>> No.21436814
File: 423 B, 275x183, G0j5MvJ+WknJSTclJOykk5KSflpJyUk3JSTspJOSkn5aSclJNyUk7KSTkpJ+WknJSTclJOykk5KSflpJyUk3JSTspJOSkn5aSclJNyUk7K.NyUk7KSTkpJ+WknJSTclJOykk5KSflpJyUk3JSTspJOSkn5aSclJNyUk7KSTkpJ+WknJSTclJOykk5KSf1P5nN26w7h6e5P2aaCrlKyIulAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hands - I like hands. My hands are soft and feminine; they're silky and white - and covered in white. I have woman hands, the hands of a woman. Women don't much appreciate my woman hands, for my hands are not for women, but for the one with woman hands, who gazes upon woman hands while his woman hands hand. And thus it was that he with woman hands would be discovered with his woman hands. So then there he sat in adjunct terror whilst silky and white, and covered in white... as their gazes met; she did not much care for his womanly hands.

>> No.21436960

Little pleasures sometimes stay with you for life. And was I asking for much, that I'll get the little pleasure of spending some time with you tonight, away from the bustle of the party, the ruckus of friends?

When I arrived there, the sea of a million strangers was suddenly parted; you stood on the stairs, waiting for me. We went to our own little nook, talking alone...and the next morning I woke up in love.

Little pleasures...

>> No.21437054

>-2 points for being full of shit
What about it is full of shit? It literally happened exactly like this. Ever since that day I can’t stop thinking about attractive women that stink, it turns me on so much. I still don’t know if it was her ass or her vagina that smelled like that, probably a mix of both.

>> No.21437056

>Almost everyone of you is sharing some pathetic non-experience with a woman as if it fucking mattered.
90% of people dabble into literature when they fall into love for the first time, and suddenly have an urge for self-expression. They'll shit up open mics or boards like these, convinced that their prose is good because it excites them, then soon bugger off.

>You faggots are just too cowardly to even expose a single truly happy memory even on an anonymous board.
I cannot even think of another one right now but the non-experience with a woman

>> No.21437101

Sometimes I remember you, sweet childhood! When I'm laying down at the right angle, or when the rain thunders outside in the right key, or, most reliably, when it's a delightful summer day, the morning has just broke, and the birds are chirping through the transquility. I remember you, yes yes- vividly and unmistakenly. Those naps on the sofa of a distant relative, who is happy to see us again. Those breezy hills where I've tried to launch my kites. And the finest memory of them all - walking under the sun, towards the beach, with my grandpa and grandma, the two beacons of my life.

How I love you, my childhood. How I dream every day that I'll be able to immerse a new soul into the same lovely journey. One day I will see these scenes again, with my soulmate by my sideb- and I will watch the kites launched on the hills, I will be entertaining the relatives while you sleep on the sofa, and I will be the beacon.

>> No.21437817

I was 10 when I went duck hunting for the first time. It was Mid-Autumn, and very foggy. A hard rain had just passed, and we shot the ducks from a small blind on the edge of a pond.

I only shot one duck that day. It was a fat mallard flying low, and I winged it as it passed by our blind. It crashed into the water very hard and swam around in circles for the next half hour.

When we were finished, my dad sent me out into the pond to collect the ducks.

The water came up to the knees of my waders, and it made my legs cold. All of the ducks were dead, except for The Mallard I had shot in the wing.

It swam very slow now, and it's eyes were bloody. I called out to my dad and asked what I should do.

"Shoot it in the head!"

I shouldered the small 410, and pressed my cheek into the wood stock, and placed the bead at the top of the ducks head.

When I pulled the trigger, the head exploded and pieces of brain floated around the duck as it flailed in the water. I felt sad for a few minutes, on the drive home I fell asleep.

>> No.21438258

>reddit spacing
go back, murderer

>> No.21438709

the reddit spacing actually makes it painful to read 0/10

>> No.21438970

A friend of mine wrote it, I posted some of his stuff so I could show him that anons with no reason to lie would like it so this means a lot, thanks.