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/lit/ - Literature

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21419181 No.21419181 [Reply] [Original]

There is no book that explains our plane of reality and the human plight better than this.

>> No.21419403

>David Icke
It's imposssible to tell the difference between /x/schizo and /pol/schizo posting and trolling at this point

>> No.21419722

that's a really cool cover. I'll take your suggestion and leave you with Reality by Peter Kingsley.

>> No.21419787 [DELETED] 
File: 316 KB, 421x498, FC54DD6B-E450-42C2-8E3C-A7B7BCCEAA70.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /x/-/lit/-/pol/ trinity is the supreme synthesis of all genuinely revolutionary, countercultural and groundbreaking thought today. /x/ fights against the brainwashing from Fundamentalist Materialism and dogmatic scientism on the one hand, as well as the priests, churches, and organized religions who work like mafias and more or less attempt to exclude, stigmatize, persecute, censor, belittle and/or ignore all non-officially-sanctioned spirituality, all studies and series consideration of occult phenomena and information. /pol/, on the other hand, battles against the progressive march of globohomo throughout Western civilization and the world at large, in fact, giving us the viewpoints, facts, and alternative points-of-view which the societal hive-mind likewise persecutes, censors, ignores, ridicules as “conspiracy theories” and so like.

The ideal /lit/izen is a John Bircher (or close to it)politically, is “woke” about who did 9/11 and why, how and why the pandemic arose from the Wuhan laboratory in China, what’s behind the social-justice idpol cult of today, the handful of filthy rich intergenerational banking bloodlines and dynasties who own the MSM, our politicians, and the banks, about the Khazarian origins of so-called Ashkenazi “Jews” (not the original Jews or tribe of Israel of the Old Testament), but also sees the Hegelian-dialectic and corruption behind Nazism (the ideal modern new scapegoat so globohomo can destroy all of Western culture and turn our grandchildren into androgynous microchipped twerking mulattos fed on a diet of insect protein and Onions), and so forth, as well as having incredibly arcane, erudite, and wide-spanning interests in and knowledge of the most obscure religious, esoteric, and mystical lore, beliefs and practices of practically all lands and all times in human history where they’ve shown up.

/lit/ has been, is, and always will be a GREENPILLED board

>> No.21419807
File: 259 KB, 680x539, 8781E0AC-6C0A-401F-A209-58AFA3E8497E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The /x/-/lit/-/pol/ trinity is the supreme synthesis of all genuinely revolutionary, countercultural and groundbreaking thought today. /x/ fights against the brainwashing from Fundamentalist Materialism and dogmatic scientism on the one hand, as well as the priests, churches, and organized religions who work like mafias and more or less attempt to exclude, stigmatize, persecute, censor, belittle and/or ignore all non-officially-sanctioned spirituality, all study and serious consideration of occult phenomena and knowledge. /pol/, on the other hand, battles against the progressive march of globohomo throughout Western civilization and the world at large, in fact, giving us the viewpoints, facts, and alternative points-of-view which the societal hive-mind likewise persecutes, censors, ignores, ridicules as “conspiracy theories”, “far right propaganda,” and so forth.

The ideal /lit/izen is a John Bircher (or close to it) politically, is “woke” about who did 9/11 and why, how and why the pandemic arose from the Wuhan laboratory in China, what’s behind the social-justice idpol cult of today, the handful of filthy rich intergenerational banking bloodlines and dynasties who own the MSM, our politicians, and the banks and some of their names, too, about the Khazarian origin of so-called Ashkenazi “Jews” (who are not the original Jews or tribe of Israel of the Old Testament), but also sees the Hegelian-dialectic and corrupt, dark forces behind Nazism (the ideal modern new scapegoat so globohomo can destroy all of Western culture and turn our grandchildren into androgynous microchipped twerking mulattos fed on a diet mainly consisting of insect protein), and so forth, as well as having incredibly arcane, erudite, and wide-spanning interests in and knowledge of the most obscure religious, esoteric, and mystical lore, beliefs and practices of practically all lands and all times in human history where they’ve shown up.

/lit/ has been, is, and always will be a GREENPILLED board. If you don’t like it, you can go to Reddit.

>> No.21419831


>> No.21419840

Cringe. This is why you have to go back

>> No.21419842

Very eloquently put anon

>> No.21419856

the /x/-/lit/-/pol/ trinity is just some poor specky nerd trapped between a couple of lonely high-school weirdos that no one wants to associate with. They are hoping to leech off the nerd's boring intellectual credibility to make themselves look less like outcasts. The Nerd wants to be left alone.

>> No.21419885

Based beyond belief. The forces at play are immense and few realize the extent of the cultural warfare being waged. May God let us triumph in the end.

>> No.21419887

Were not really human but rather conciousness itself and this plane of existence was created by the demiurge in the image of the "true" reality but in material form.

>> No.21419947

Excellent post, but you should have said /lit/ is a REDPILLED board.
>your meme
>green pill vs red pill
>originally was Red Pill vs "red pill"
This series of memes was originally intended to differentiate between those truly red pilled and those who claim to be red pilled but aren't. Some gay guy changed the meme to say green pilled, which loses all meaning because there's no green pill in the Matrix. The point of being redpilled is to see the world as it really is.

>> No.21420312

Added it to the list, thanks for the tip

>> No.21420324

>evolatards who literally believe in magic think they own the board
When did you start browsing on /lit/? 2016?

>> No.21420388
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I actually have never owned or borrowed a book of Evola’s and hence never read a book of his, outside of some quotes or excerpts of his essays online. My influences are more like Gurdjieff/Ouspensky, Gnosticism, Theosophy, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufism, Robert Monroe, Robert Anton Wilson, the aforementioned David Icke, Alex Jones, William Cooper, the study of comparative religion, mysticism, esotericism, magic and occultism in general, as well as political conspiracy theories in general, UFOlogy and so forth.

>OI IT’S DAVID OICKE HEAAHH!! Don’t let the fookin’ bloody reptilians brainwash ya into being a narrow-minded twit, mate! It’s exactly what they want for us!

>> No.21420473 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21420521

The boys are back in town
read him

>> No.21420526
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>> No.21421405

Who is Thetrap?

>> No.21422239

He talks about many traps but the title mainly references the reincarnation trap that keeps us trapped in this material realm.

>> No.21422367

>David Icke
You have to be trolling, nobody on /lit/ could be dumb enough to get into David Icke

>> No.21422401

His world view is basically gnosticism, a religion held by many very smart people in the past like Leibniz for example.

>> No.21422404

He's just a weirdo who makes up shit about lizard people and spouts off every dumb idea that pops into his addled mind

>> No.21422410

Not really tho, the reptilians are the archons from gnosticism. They arent a "Alien race" from another Planet. They are the helpers of the demiurge who created this universe in the image of the true reality created by the true god

>> No.21422419
File: 20 KB, 352x500, DonKing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, this is on the same level as the crazy shit I've heard when I've been in the psych unit

>> No.21422505

Its literally the only religion that makes sense. Read the God Game by Mike Hockney.

>> No.21422661

The Bible.

>> No.21422707 [DELETED] 

give me a better sells pitch

>> No.21422860

sorry but im not going to take advice from a dude called david.

>> No.21422869 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 1200x1713, 1200x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cronos was aware of the fact that no human being (as we have explained) is capable of having irresponsible control of all human affairs without becoming filled with pride and injustice; so, pondering this fact, he then appointed as kings and rulers for our cities, not men, but beings of a race that was nobler and more divine, namely, daemons. He acted just as we now do in the case of sheep and herds of tame animals: we do not set oxen as rulers over oxen, or goats over goats, but we, who are of a nobler race, ourselves rule over them. In like manner the God, in his love for humanity, set over us at that time the nobler race of daemons who, with much comfort to themselves and much to us, took charge of us and furnished peace and modesty and orderliness and justice without stint, and thus made the tribes of men free from feud and happy. And even today this tale has a truth to tell, namely, that wherever a State has a mortal, and no god, for ruler, there the people have no rest from ills and toils; and it deems that we ought by every means to imitate the life of the age of Cronos, as tradition paints it, and order both our homes and our States in obedience to the immortal element within us, giving to reason's ordering the name of “law.” But if an individual man or an oligarchy or a democracy, possessed of a soul which strives after pleasures and lusts and seeks to surfeit itself therewith, having no continence and being the victim of a plague that is endless and insatiate of evil,— if such an one shall rule over a State or an individual by trampling on the laws, then there is (as I said just now) no means of salvation.

>> No.21423004

Where is this from? This paints cronos as a good god, but time, his creation is one of the most evil forces in this realm because it is time that leads to the decay of matter.

>> No.21423055
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It's over
Meds now
>Leibniz was gnostic
Meds NOW

>> No.21423627

Leibniz was a high ranking freemason. There is no doubt he was a gnostic you well poisoning jew.

>> No.21423663


>> No.21423671 [DELETED] 

>most evil force
>decay of matter

Why is this evil to you?

>> No.21423672
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>> No.21423971
File: 51 KB, 260x320, ECB60E07-4C03-4688-BCD2-9684ABF3FEFE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Icke’s reptilians function, if nothing else, as an extraordinarily captivating metaphor or symbol. Sympathetic critics have hypothesized him to be running a decades-long Swiftian satire (which would make him something of a demigod if he were true, just to have that much discipline to do so, and if nothing else a very committed mountebank), or of referring to the more primitive, territorial, aggressive portions of the brain sometimes loosely called “the reptilian brain”, for the fact that we share it with reptiles (and he does in fact bring up tidbit from neuroscience in his works).


>British conspiracist David Icke has been banned from entering dozens of European countries for two years because he "poses a threat to public order".

(If your first immediate response is, “It’s only 2 years,” keep in mind it’s likely that if he makes a request again to travel to any of these countries after the 2 years passes, it’ll very possibly just be denied again, especially if the COVID scare and vaccination push is still ongoing, as it was his views on these topics which explicitly gave them the impetus to ban him.)

>> No.21424047 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 315x500, 31azSoRpdJL._AC_SY780_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew how deep is the well

>> No.21424122 [DELETED] 
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>Where is this from?

>> No.21425256

He means his reptile nonsense literally. It’s not supposed to be a metaphor for anything.

>> No.21425393
File: 64 KB, 768x768, F9063B4E-ECB4-4365-8960-8B9A49ED2448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree this may well be what he thinks, but it’s still fascinating to read his books and listen to him speak (later on in his career, not like the Wogan-show appearance where he was in the midst of his spiritual-experience/nervous-breakdown — the two aren’t always incompatible — and seemed dangerously insane to normies). His intelligence and cogency makes it clear he’s at minimum either a very, very high-functioning schizophrenic or schizotypal, or a very committed fraudster.

From decades back ago, he was talking about:

>pedophile rings to control and blackmail powerful and wealthy “elites”
>named Jimmy Savile and Ted Heath as some of them (proven right on this but which mostly only came out after their deaths)
>predicted a bio-engineered pandemic being released and subsequent vaccination-push, as a means of population control and to even more firmly cement the creation of a globalist totalitarian police state
>names names and gets into the nitty-gritty both of many of the figures and organizations involved in the “NWO” (the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Royal Institute on International Affairs/Chatham House, the House of Rockefeller/the Rockefeller Foundation, the Rothschilds and the various families involved in creating the Federal Reserve, various European aristocratic families, the International Monetary Foundation, the Club of Rome, as well as the media, military, CIA, MI6, and Mossad)

Anyone remember the BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) scandal in Italy and the strong ties it had to the break-off Italian P2 Freemasonic lodge, which was found to have been acting in a mafia-like fashion simultaneously through Italian politics, Italian finance, and the Vatican? Have you ever heard of the nāgas of ancient Hindu and Buddhist lore, reptilian beings who could appear as humans to other humans when they so wished? Dehhy-vid OICKE is here to tell you about what they all have in common, mate, so get off your high horse and broaden yer mind a lil bit!

>> No.21425438
File: 16 KB, 480x358, 6A9AE664-8B8F-42C0-BEB0-10F3746695A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Icke states that at the apex of the Babylonian Brotherhood stand the Global Elite, and at the top of the Global Elite are what Icke has referred to as the "Prison Wardens". Icke claims the brotherhood's goal, or their "Great Work of Ages", is a microchipped population, a world government, and a global Orwellian fascist state or New World Order, which he claims will be a post-truth era where freedom of speech is ended.

Interesting comparison: David Icke’s hypothesis of evil “elites” being like hosts for four-dimensional reptilians is pretty much analogous to what some Catholic exorcists like Father Malachi Martin have called “perfect possession,” where the demon and the human host are in total accord and agreement, at the willed decision of the “human” (who has more accurately now become something inhuman).

>> No.21427085
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Def gonna buy The Trap but gimme an ordered Top 3 which Icke books i should also read, want to give one as a gift to a friend as well

>> No.21427196

1. The trap
2. Children of the Matrix
3. The biggest secret
4. Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told

>> No.21427263

5. Perceptions of a renegade mind

>> No.21427283

>I've been in the psych unit
Zero surprises. Stop talking shit about people more intelligent and prolific than you, ya fuckin troon headcase

>> No.21427296

>no It's A Tough Game Son

absolute hylic tier lists

>> No.21427380
