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21349562 No.21349562 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw realize I have resentment toward beautiful women
Can't believe I ended up like this. What are relatable books that describe my future?

>> No.21349578

a job

>> No.21349649

Shoulda spent less time on r9k my man.

>> No.21349677
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The only thing I browse these day are /a/ threads of manga I read...

>> No.21350807
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Resentment implies you'd prefer to take that position if you could.

>> No.21350809

Op btfo

Blood meridian read that

>> No.21350875

what series do you follow

>> No.21350892

Top keks

>> No.21350904

I don't resent beautiful women since I see all women as children who are a moment away from cracking up and revealing all their insecurities in a public self-own, but I feel extremely entitled to beautiful women. Any beautiful woman I see, I think, I should be fucking her, and it's somehow unfair that there are mere social and customary constraints between me and having sex with her.

>> No.21350934

>Women are children
>I want to fuck women
You are a pedophile and all hetero sex is rape Q.E.D.

>> No.21350946

To be fair, they do live extremely easy lives, but at the cost of lacking agency.

>> No.21351128

Agree. It feels like a total injustice at times

>> No.21351150

You are disgusted with yourself, it seems. Hope lingers on the altar of your fate. Seek instead books to help you shed this resentment! Nietzsche is the obvious prescription. I believe in you!

>> No.21351160

How about not?
cringe bait

>> No.21351239

It’s difficult to not feel resentment towards beautiful women or even women in general if you live in the west. Almost every single aspect of life favors them in our current situation. Women are more likely to be hired in careers, more likely to do better in our current education system, and yet as a man, even though they all put on the self-righteous facade that they DONT CARE, you are expected to pay for them. Our dating systems still operate on the foundation that women need to be protected and cared for and pampered while our economic and social system now favors women in every single part of society.
That’s not to go into the realities of dating now, where women do not give a single shit about your past yet men are hard programmed to feel horrible over a woman’s. So ask yourself, in this scenario, who is then harmed most by hookup culture? Furthermore, the creation of the internet has turned them all into one homogenous mob of airheads who all are in agreement of whatever faddish opinions and judgements they have, of which they will — with the confidence of all 500 million online western women — part out with unrelenting vengeance. If I wasn’t attractive and tall I’d either have become a great man or a worm. I feel like Helmoltz Watson in Brave New World, able to reap the “rewards” of this life but totally disgusted by them. I’m barely able to hold down my relationships for a few months before becoming totally jealous and angry with the woman over her past and her advantages in life, but not those sole facts as much as the fact she isn’t even aware how advantaged she is

Can you believe there was a time when the man would be paid by the woman’s father to become her husband?

>> No.21351255

>the fact she isn’t even aware how advantaged she is
It's funny, but also so sad

>> No.21351273


>> No.21351296
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>Can you believe there was a time when the man would be paid by the woman’s father to become her husband?
I would be married to a Ukrainian goddess right now
Her mother really liked me (her father was distant, maybe in jail, not sure)

>> No.21351326

You ever seen this new social media trend of girls showing "an average day" at their jobs? All they do is show up, answer emails, have a zoom meeting, eat, go home. They've found a way to make it so that women can live out this pampered perpetual daycare experience from the cradle to the grave, and the whole society has to distort to act like it's the norm and it's the way things have always been.

>> No.21351594

Yes I have. My ex who graduated a year before I graduated had a full time job as an associate underwriter. Several times she took naps in the middle of her day when she worked remote, and she’d end her work day around 3:30pm. She also claimed I was a misogynist for paying for dinners, but then asked me to send her money from the one time she paid

>> No.21351598

(too) many such cases

>> No.21351604
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I hate women.

>> No.21351612

Oh, and she cheated on me with a forty year old broker during a $1000+ paid-for broker dinner arranged by her company.