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File: 34 KB, 400x300, St-Thomas-Aquinas-poplar-tempera-Demidoff-Altarpiece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21282886 No.21282886 [Reply] [Original]

If I could go back in time with a gun and three bullets and shoot any philosophers of my choosing, I'd shoot Aquinas thrice.

>> No.21282910

I’d shoot Nietzsche for leading me down a path of blasphemy and egoism. By the grace of God I’ve been reformed into a son of the light.

>> No.21282917

Not before he’d clobber you with the might of his flailing flaming log, whore.

>> No.21282933

I'd love to see that fat sack of shit try to catch up to me.

>> No.21282944

For me, it would be Mar. You see, someone else would've created something analogous to marxism, but only marxism has the right idiosyncracies to be this pseud and shady.

>> No.21283480

Darwin, Marx, Luther

>> No.21283577

Unfathomably based

>> No.21283739
File: 86 KB, 523x533, ChadAquinas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The grace of God shall come down and smite you, you heathen. Those bullets will vanish into thin air when you so much as lay your pagan hands on his most beloved saint.

>> No.21283743


>> No.21283761

I'd just shoot Marx three times that will probably solve history

>> No.21283840

Surely Hegel would cancel out a few others right?

>> No.21283869

darwin wouldnt work because other scientists like russel wallace existed

>> No.21283901

he was right about it all

>> No.21283908

For me, Francis Bacon

>> No.21283910

there's no reason to kill marx, just show him how to play factorio and he would spend his autistic rat brain on that for the rest of his life

>> No.21283927

Jeremy Bentham for me.

>> No.21283957
File: 194 KB, 1571x1089, gigachad arms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standing before me is Thomas Aquinas, Karl Marx, and Guatama Buddha
>instead of shooting them, I lay down my life so that the others may live in accordance with my Catholic values
>they all witness this and understand what I did for them
>Gautama Buddha congratulates me on accruing good karma and wishes me luck on the next reincarnation
>Thomas Aquinas puts in a word to the pope to have me canonized
>Karl Marx has a sudden religious conversion like in one of those dumpster fire "Christian" movies like God's Not Dead

>> No.21283966

I can see that. Guy had some really fucked up views

>> No.21283978
File: 162 KB, 1280x1024, i did not evolve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21283985
File: 145 KB, 857x1202, pleasure intrinsic good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suffering isn't bad bro, just suffer bro
Literally cope

>> No.21283994

God bless.

>> No.21284005

Cope isn't real. Go ahead and deny your existence. It won't help you once you end up in the psych ward

>> No.21284013
File: 12 KB, 311x500, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do what you propose, and you would deny us one of the profoundest alchemical tracts ever written.

>> No.21284015

>nobody expaining why they selected who they did

>> No.21284027

Alright ill bite.

Francis Bacon reduced science to a method. If I killed him, the response to covid would be way different. And probably for the better.

>> No.21284034

Do this to enough historical scientists, and there won't have been any Covid to respond to. Think of that!

>> No.21284039

Ill dwell on that later