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/lit/ - Literature

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21257693 No.21257693 [Reply] [Original]

>First date tomorrow
>So, your profile says you read books. What do you like to read?
How do I prepare an answer?

>> No.21257700

I get eye fucked at the supermarket by hotter woman than this

>> No.21257702

>Listen, woman, let's just skip this introductory stuff and go to my place. I'll show you the books I read and something else ;)

>> No.21257705

You should read a book.

>> No.21257706

>My favorite book of all time is called Bronze Age Mindset, written by Bronze Age Pervert, and here is why: *Starts a TED talk*

>> No.21257707

how does it feel to be a chad?

>> No.21257719

>yeah i really like to read boobs I mean books
>every year i look up the top ten breast, i mean best, books of the last year and order those
>some people judge by the cover but when I see a nice tit—a nice title... then I really bury my face in it
>i don't like paperbacks I only read honkers, i mean hardcovers, so if there's no hardcover edition I don't read it

>> No.21257728

Just tell her what you like to read you fuckjng spazz

>> No.21257730
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>haha i just pick up what interests me at the used book stores, we should go together sometime.
works most of the time because most women know nothing about literature

>> No.21257731

its really very nice
I'm religious so ive only ever slept with my wife though

>> No.21257734

based family man

>> No.21257738
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>haha yeah i've only ever cum in my wife

>> No.21257750

Were the two other women/dating/incel threads on the first page not enough?

>> No.21257784

>Funny you should ask, I posted a thread on 4chan.org last night about this. Do you know 4chan.org?

>> No.21257846

>I study the Bible

>> No.21257883

Remain faithful to your wife and god, and be a good father, king.

>> No.21257939
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>I only read the works of Shri Shri Adi Shankaracharya

>> No.21257969

what a waste

>> No.21257973

means nothing

>> No.21258265

that's not a woman, that's a bulldozer

>> No.21258275

by simply not being retarded

>> No.21258290

Why is he "Shri" twice

>> No.21258291

>nouns doing things
Jesus anon.

>> No.21258314

no woman has ever asked me this question

>> No.21258320

Do you go on dates and/or mention books on your online dating profile?

>> No.21258324

Primary sources from National Socialist Germany, naturally only those that were written in support of the Third Reich

>> No.21258329

Profile? What do you mean, like a dating app? I don't use those. Also, why are you sitting at my table and who the fuck are you? If you're going to invite yourself on a date you better be paying.

>> No.21258331

Yes I go on dates and yes books is like the third thing on my profile. I guess cause they don't read they don't know what to ask or something /shrug

>> No.21258334

>Just ignore all the blaring porn advertisements, hehe

>> No.21258337

You've never asked? Movies/books/shows are pretty standard first date topics

>> No.21258342

>How do I prepare an answer?
Prepare? What do you mean? Were you lying about reading books? If not, then you can just tell her what you're reading. I'm not sure what you need to 'prepare' for. You should be able to just have a candid, spontaneous conversation with a girl you're hoping to date.

>> No.21258366
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That's a poorly cooked pizza. I'd get up and leave.

>> No.21258369

that pizza looks awful

>> No.21258371

How am I supposed to tell her I'm reading Atlas Shrugged? Isn't it a red flag book?

>> No.21258382

He's "reading" books from a /pol/ chart, so he's one google search from being reported to his employer by an over-zealous defender of social norms, that is to say a woman.

>> No.21258383

A book you're reading now, a book among your favorites she may or may not know,
Then figure out what she reads or knows.

And don't recommend a book "you think she will like" when she knows damn well you have no knowledge of her person or preferences unless there's been some good dialogue leading up to the recommendation.

>> No.21258384
File: 3.07 MB, 1500x1100, pza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with it? You have had an Italian pizza before... right anon? You do know what Italian pizza looks like, right anon? Right? The only thing I see that might be wrong with it is the amount of balsamic (or whatever that is).

>> No.21258390

>oh you know, meme books

>> No.21258395

>google says a "libertarian" is a Republican who wants poor people to starve to death and everyone to own a scary gun
>That's awfully mean of you anon! I'm leaving the restaurant.

>> No.21258403

I generally use that stuff as fall backs as I find those conversations really shallow and uninteresting.

>> No.21258412

This underage offtopic shitpost isnt discussing any specific literature.

>> No.21258417

I dunno, how do you feel about the book? You should be able to defend your thoughts on it. And if you don't want to bring it up, surely there are other books you're reading, or have read recently, that aren't ripped directly off a /pol/ chart? Surely you can talk about the other stuff you're reading that interests you.

>> No.21258420

The fact that you think this is impressive shows that you're not very attractive. Having little moments with hot women is par for the course. It's like bragging about people liking your cooking. A professional chef would be ashamed to do that, because he takes it for granted.
>"I can make three pointers!!" brags LeBron James.

>> No.21258425

By actually enjoying reading before putting in your profile that you like to read.

>> No.21258431

Look how unevenly it was cooked. Raw crust on one side, charred on the other with a soggy mess in the middle.

Your pic, a perfect margherita pizza, is not comparable.

>> No.21258496

Dating a woman but thinking about books? Maybe you should talk about her and yourself, she probably dont care as much as you do

>> No.21258912

why is there ice cream and chocolate sauce on a pizza

>> No.21258942

>How do I prepare an answer?
If you have to prepare answers to simple questions you are not going to get anywhere with girls

>> No.21259109

Bexause he's twice as holy as all those single 'shrii' plebs.

>> No.21259119

She is going to try to cut that doughy pizza with her knife and fork and it's going to be very awkward.

>> No.21259142

i like to read weird and depressing books in which, for some reason, there is an unusually high rate of cat mortality

>> No.21259151

small tits=no date

>> No.21259271

do people actually at the leaves

>> No.21259281
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>Stuff like Moby Dick
>>oh so you like the classics? So quirky!
>No, only books about whales

>> No.21259317

Whatever falls in my hand, I don't have a favorite genre. Sometimes I just see a book in a store, hear about it in a movie or read about interesting one online and then decide to buy it.

Are you really gonna eat that whole pizza, you're looking like you're about to explode. Maybe just stick to water for a few days/weeks

>> No.21259326

As an ethnic Italian, that pizza is way too liquid and greasy, - it looks like they put pesto and balsamic vinegar on it.

I fucking hate hipsters modifying my culture's food. Italian cooking is much like Japanese cooking, in that it requires very simple techniques followed to the letter, and relies mostly on quality of ingredients.

If you want to get fancy, go be a French chef, you "precious" little niggers.

>> No.21259359

> 'yeah i totally support the jewish state of israel'

>> No.21259364

I beg you to never compromise.

>> No.21259371

Then why do you exchange looks with women in the store? Pride is a sin anon.

>> No.21259423

Tell her you read Mein Kampf and Julius Evola. What could go wrong?

>> No.21259443

posts like this are embarrassing
putting aside the matter of the quality of that individual pizza, food recipes and styles aren't something to be claimed. the first bread wasn't baked in italy, should you stop making it? tomatoes come from the americas, will you quit using those? etc etc
stop acting melodramatic. individual chefs trying different things aren't hurting you or your culture. if it's worse, the survival of the fittest will play out and such techniques will stay, at best, niche. if it turns out better, then it's only good that it exists.

>> No.21259458

Italians being drama queens about their food heritage is good. The fact that you think it's cringe for someone to defend their cultural heritage just shows how deep the globohomo has gotten to you
>Italian food is global culture!!! Did you know that pizza is actually African? It's true!

>> No.21259466

what a faggot
enjoy being a drama """queen""" sissy

>> No.21259472

you say
>I mostly like the classics, my favorite author is X, I like Y about X. I also like some more modern stuff like A, and B.
You can take it from there.

>> No.21259541

Yes but you gotta end it with a question about her.

>> No.21259796

just lol @ americans defending this slop.

>> No.21259801

A book by a well known Austrian author called "My Struggle"

>> No.21259811

>I love that book! I think he's Norwegian tho :)

>> No.21259918

i had the opportunity to buy that for $10 but leafed through it and was kind of disappointed because it seemed to be some small-town drawn-out DFW plot

>> No.21259949
File: 163 KB, 740x504, kanyebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only read what kanye reads

>> No.21259985

Women have asked me this question twice. Both times I just said "a bit of everything, but mostly non-fiction. I like exploring ideas." It didn't take the conversation anywhere but didn't exactly turn them off either.

>> No.21259987

He said out loud, thinking back on his life

>> No.21259989

più di prosciutto per questa porca slampig!

>> No.21260029
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>I rike Japanese literature

>> No.21260719
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Such a brave and honest strumpet, thou art,
Having so shed thine vestal livery,
For aye 'gainst blessed Diana opposed.
I am a chaste devotee o' the Bard;
Sport for victuals, will thou exchangeth not.
Get thee to a nunnery. With thine fell
collier's womb, thou wouldst become dam
to Ethiope skinned sinners and foul knaves!

>> No.21261164

>so there's this character, the Judge
>he's like seven foot tall, albino and hairless and he's super intelligent and well read
>he's really philosophical and knows about tons of stuff and speaks a bunch of different languages
>he says everything in creation that exists without his knowledge exists without his consent, that's his philosophy
>so he kills puppies and he's a child rapist
>the book has really beautiful writing, the prose is epic and biblical
>it's about uh....
>the book is about uhm..... uh well....

>> No.21261175

it’s your evolutionary duty to impregnate as many women as possible