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21256173 No.21256173 [Reply] [Original]

Are bookshop dates a plausible option? How is this likely to turn out, if I ask a woman I'm into to go on a bookshop date? I feeel like it could be good but it might reveal a clash of literature tastes or conversation might be a bit stilted.

>> No.21256190

I doubt you'll get a yes if you invite her just to browse the bookshop. By all means go there with her if you happen to pass by one, just don't make it the focus of your date.

>> No.21256223

well the best bookshop in my suburb is very close to coffee shops, restaurants .etc. so i feel like it could kinda be a hybrid thing. Plus we already connected over a mutual interest in reading so i feel like it would intuitively make sense.

>> No.21256249

just walk her down an alley way with a bakery and describe a book you wish existed to her, women are basically putty that can easily return to former shapes, no need to take her to the goyslop store to test her NPCness.

>> No.21256280

What the fuck is a bookshop date

>> No.21256283

>no need to take her to the goyslop store
i literally got mussolini biography and evolas yoga of power at this store so its pretty based, not just goyslop.

>> No.21256298

Sounds like a fun date. Yeah, if you have confidence in her taste, maybe you can both buy books for one another and then read and report back by your next date.

>> No.21256311

Do radicalized zoomers really dress like OP's pic?

>> No.21256313

drive her into the woods and pretend you are going to kill her women like that kind of excitement plus it will show how funny you are once you reveal it was just a joke.

>> No.21256375

It's not a good idea for a first date, unless there is a coffee shop attached where you plan to drink coffee after purchasing books. First dates you're supposed to get to know the other person through talking. Browsing bookshelves isn't really that social of an activity, and doesn't allow opportunities for conversation. Better to just grab a drink or lunch or dinner somewhere and directly bring up the topic of reading.

>> No.21256419

>It's not a good idea for a first date, unless there is a coffee shop attached where you plan to drink coffee after purchasing books
yeah there is, and thats exactly my plan. Im just worried that conspicuous differences in our book tastes might get revealed as I pile up a stack of poetry volumes, occult lore, and academic texts about fascism...

>> No.21256462

Then nust buy books for normal people. Don't go full esoteric fashwave on the poor girl.

>> No.21256479

I would be apprehensive to reveal anything like that on a first date, might be better to go with more milquetoast purchases.
Save the based buys for the third date at least.

>> No.21256509

>occult lore, and academic texts about fascism...
Why the fuck would you reveal that on a first date? If you're hoping she would be interested and "based", then I don't think you understand women.

>> No.21256516
File: 56 KB, 498x334, cringe frog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21256544

>a book in hand
>stainless steel thingie around the neck
>a tshirt
>drawings on hands

>> No.21256547

Mega based

>> No.21256629

No. You we don't stand out at all, which is why the meme is so stupid. I basically seem like a regular guy, but am so far right its not even funny.

>> No.21256647
File: 233 KB, 768x1024, barbie doll in ss uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha im a leftist but i wear nsbm merch, nazi boots, and occult fashy shit for the aesthetic value.

>> No.21256656

Holy pseud

>> No.21256734

What the fuck is a bookshop date

>> No.21257114

No if this is where you get your advice

>> No.21257246

>i'm a leftist
sorry to hear your father sodomized you

>> No.21257267

What is the point of being extreme leftist/right wing

>> No.21257304

Group identity, helps with loneliness and make you feel better by blaming an outsider source for all your woes. Its kind of the brainless people's opium

>> No.21257465
File: 2.77 MB, 999x1725, Gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21257473

This will go well. Probably bait but hard to tell these days