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21213190 No.21213190 [Reply] [Original]

redditshit or have some truth to it?

>> No.21213205

kys btw.

>> No.21213210

It's irrelevant because it will never dominate everyone so even if all of secular society sterilizes itself there will just be religious psychos who have 10 kids left and they will be all of humanity. It's like Heaven's Gate or other suicide cults, ultimately it winds itself up, closes the door, turns off the lights, and that's it.

>> No.21213216

get your shit together OP. Not everything you hate is reddit. There is actual reddit tier shit and people here seem to not know it. They just scream reddit at anything that offends them.

>> No.21213224
File: 32 KB, 297x475, D67AF234-1598-4627-B10A-B2FCF12F3AF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s bullshit. Please leave the pessimists alone.

Hey, I recommend this philosophical coming of age story. It’s got some beautiful victorian age prose too. It’s set during the Roman Empire.
He considers a series of philosophies throughout, and I just thought maybe you might like it

>> No.21213267

It's irrelevant because it will never dominate everyone so even if all of secular society sterilizes itself there will just be religious psychos who have 10 kids left and they will be all of humanity. It's like Heaven's Gate or other suicide cults, ultimately it winds itself up, closes the door, turns off the lights, and that's it.

>> No.21213273

It's true for the people who find it convincing.

>> No.21213306

Ideal for you if that's what you think of as a reasonable standard for assessment.

>> No.21213315

it's inescapably and undeniably fucked to force new people into existence, but as someone pointed out here it's ultimately a project in dysgenics, since you retards will never stop shitting out babies.

> It’s bullshit. Please leave the pessimists alone.

cope harder or present an argument.

>> No.21213472

>present an argument.
Epicureanism, evidently. All melts before it

>> No.21213489 [DELETED] 

this is the literature board, we talk about books.
you want either >>>/his or >>>/pol/.
now please GTFO.

>> No.21213506

this is the literature board, you want either >>>/his/ or >>>/pol/.
now please GTFO.

>> No.21213512



>> No.21213519
File: 208 KB, 396x599, benatar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please read this book and then come back

>> No.21213526

You can kys. We will take it from here

>> No.21213539

It filtered Jordan Peterson.

>> No.21213546

Notice how the only antinatalist folks are people who are either poorfags or had terrible childhoods. You never hear rich people or people with good parents talking like this. Having kids is a good thing if you own property and money and are willing to pass it on to your kids (generational wealth). I think the reason why antinatalism is so popular on Reddit is because they are all poor socialists who are antagonistic of the idea of anyone owning any property. They believe in ideas that foster homosexual parents and single mothers (thus ruining the child), and they believe that humanity is FUCKED because of climate change.

>> No.21213563
File: 297 KB, 1080x2181, Screenshot_20221104-143935_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the crowd. BPD, vegans, anarchists, C-PTSD, people obsessed with narcissism, antiwork. People who'd murder you and your entire family if they were told to. This substratum of anti-life mutants has always been a great potential source of big happenings. Executioners and informants and people like that. Antinatalism is worth watching, much like you'd watch a forest fire threatening your house.

>> No.21213568

>suffering is... LE BAD!
>life is unbearable, why would anyone have children... no, no, it's not THAT unbearable I won't kms haha

>> No.21213587


>> No.21213735

Obviously antinatalism is total bullshit but it's important that it exists because most evolutionary pressures are now defunct. I welcome any filter that culls these retards from our population.

>> No.21213755

Absolutely retarded.

>> No.21213938

makes most redditors seethe, including the redditors on this board

>> No.21213941

consider this redpill:
antinatalism is our only way out of capitalism

>> No.21214020

With all the nukes in the world it is possible to wipe out the human race if an crypto antinatalist takes power

>> No.21214041
File: 16 KB, 200x200, bd6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refuse to abide by antinatism personally
>make extreme compelling arguments for antinatalism and strongly encourage it around annoying people you don't like
Just doing my part.

>> No.21214050

While antinatalists are talking and trying to convince others of the truth of their position Billy Bob the fundamentalist Christian and his wife living down in Buttfuck, Arkansas are pumping out a baby every other year. So is Mohammed and his three wives in some Middle Eastern shithole.
Antinatalists can refuse to breed all they want (and i'm sceptical about how much of a choice it is for most of them) there are plenty of others to replace them.
Humanity will continue regardless of what you do.

>> No.21214097

The one sound argument from antinatalism is that not everyone should be a parent.
Look at the third world.

>> No.21214109

thank god only neoliberal redditors fall for such when us chad Christians have 3+ children

>> No.21214114

it's an ethical stance there can be no truth value to it

>> No.21215641

>People who'd murder you and your entire family if they were told to.
What the fuck?

>> No.21215644

Israel thanks you for your service!

>> No.21215650

>it's irrelevant because it will never dominate everyone

>whites aren't breeding
>east-asians aren't breeding
Looks like antinatalism is steadily winning in all the relevant parts of civilization, and those who deny it are doomed to inherit a very brown and very rapey society. Good luck with that lmao

>> No.21215664

My life is suffering and I wish I'd never been born. My misery infects all my viewpoints. It would be far better if the world had never been.

>> No.21215680

>Life is terrible therefore no kids
Unironically kys if life sucks so much
>I don't want kids because (literally any other reason)
Ok. Good for you.

>> No.21215682

Now show one for people who promote having kids

>> No.21215686

>having children is a bad thing
>therefore you should kys
Lol how many extra chromosomes do you have?

>> No.21215690

Look around sometime, dysgenics are the ones having kids

>> No.21215692

are you retarded?
that doesn’t argue against it at all

>> No.21215696

Why is this an -ism? If you don't want to have kids, don't have kids. Why is there a need for you lot to impose your dogma onto others?

>> No.21215699

Based Nigerian

>> No.21215702

Who’s imposing it?

>> No.21215704

Its literally just cowardice, there is literally nothing else to it but cowardice. its a cowards way of saying "im afraid of pain and will avoid it at all costs" and projecting it onto the whole human race

>> No.21215710

You and every other anti-natalist constantly talking about it, accusing everyone who doesn't conform to your dogma to be an irrational psychopath.
Don't have kids. Simple as.

>> No.21215738

Lol that doesn’t happen mate

>> No.21215740

Avoiding unnecessary pain is cowardice? Lol

>> No.21215763
File: 646 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221105-101434_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot better, zero mental illness subs involved.
Antinatalism really is just a hedonistic suicide cult larping as a philosophical idea.

>> No.21215774

>zero mental illness subs involved
I suggest you checking the breakingmom one.

>> No.21215783

Lmao that’s pretty bad, and parenting isn’t the equivalent, that’s pretty mainstream and standard bs a very fringe niche subreddit, find one that is pro having lots of kids

>> No.21215794
File: 768 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221105-102700_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's cope and you know it

>> No.21215804

You're trying to pigeonhole a fucking subreddit and then extrapolate whatever redditors think on the entire idea.

>> No.21215808
File: 725 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20221105-102937_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also natalism itself seems to be bipartisan in some obscure way? The death cult is centered within the blue tribe/left wing, seems to get more internal pushback from there aswell, in addition to the red tribe/right wing who of course denounce it without much question.

>> No.21215812

>The death cult
Are you literally shaking by any chance?

>> No.21215817

Lmao christcucks, Peterson fans and reddit conservatives/rightists
Oh no no no

>> No.21215818

>2,426 readers
>Other related subreddits include: /r/demographics, /r/overpopulation, /r/childfree, /r/parenting, and /r/economics.
It's not a strict natalism subreddit and the sample size there is rather small.

>> No.21215822

>Muh left and right

>> No.21215827

I am not the guy who started bringing up the tool, I am just playing around with it
Nah, it is a suicide cult. I am quite glad that the birth rates for autists and atheists are utter garbage while orthodox religious people have sevenfold the birthrate. It is just rewards all the way down, can't wait for autism to be bred out. Fun fact: Secular jews have a miniscule birthrate while orthodox jews have one of the highest on the planet.

>> No.21215834

>Nah, it is a suicide cult.
It's not. Nothing about anti-natalism as a philosophy dictates that someone should commit suicide. In fact, it's compatible with beliefs that strictly forbid suicide.
>orthodox religious people have sevenfold the birthrate
So what? Ooga-booga mentality.

>> No.21215846

> I am quite glad that the birth rates for autists and atheists are utter garbage while orthodox religious people have sevenfold the birthrate. It is just rewards all the way down, can't wait for autism to be bred out
retard religion isn’t inherited, a simple look at how nations that where once religious no longer are should tell you that, prob the christian IQ

>> No.21215861

you know what?
better than anti-work and depressed fags.
if all the anti-natalists were anarchists and commies anon would have less to show, but the antinatalism list of subs shows they are clearly just depressed teens

>> No.21215863

Autism is inherited and the fall from religion in the modern world is in large parts explainable through the rise of autism. Autists have a brain defect that makes it almost impossible for the to be religious. The only other problem humanity has to fix is late parenthood, because having children with 30-40 instead of 20-30 like nature intended increases the odds for autism.

>> No.21215868


>> No.21215873

Right retard, and you realise countries that where once entirely christian are no longer religious even though it was only christians having kids?
fucking christcucks are literally so retarded you can’t even be communicate like normal people…

>> No.21215894

>The only other problem humanity has to fix is late parenthood
So blue tribe redditors do have more valid concerns after all.

>> No.21215935

you are genuinly stupid aren't you?

>> No.21216803
File: 163 KB, 614x1261, 1647837057253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check antinatalism on reddit
>think it's going to be a response to existential dread and the horror of being
>it's manchildren from antiwork bitching about the grass being greener

They can't even be sad properly.

>> No.21216888

really paints a picture

>> No.21216909

Regardless of whether it's the correct moral position or not, it kind of doesn't matter right now.
Even if every human right now makes a pact to stop reproducing, and even if we sterlize all animals on earth to prevent their reproduction too, intelligent life would eventually come to exist again and the cycle will start over. This is without mentioning the potential of extreme suffering outside our planet.
So if you want to make pain go extinct, the correct pragmatic choice right now is to continue reproducing (And even reproducing a lot), until we reach a time in the future (probably thousands of years from now) in which we can solve those problems.