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21034099 No.21034099 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody read Sapiens? I tried to read Harari's book more than 10 years ago before harari was very known. It was the first book I threw in the garbage. It's presented as a scientific book but most of the content is subjective opinion and anecdotes and scarcely any cited objective facts or explanations. On top of that, the writing is horrible - as if written by a highschool student. I have a feeling it was propelled to its current status in part because of the author's connections and maybe also because he identifies as a gay jew. Did I miss something? Should I give it a second chance?

>> No.21034108

No it's just pure soulless globohomo garbage through and through. Something a guy like Bill Gates would recommend. Avoid at all costs

>> No.21034312
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Klaus Schwab's left-hand-man
There's quotes like this and then I see a Jerusalem Times headline claiming he's warning that Chinese want to hack into people's minds.
I think this goes along with the whole AI canard and they'll just tell everyone the enemy within, the disobedient ones, are being hacked.

>> No.21034326
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He is Jewish Israeli globalist and he wants to make the whole world take mind control vaccines. Covid is part of his agenda.
Bill Gates and Barack Obama support his book.

Fr. Peter Heers talks about him and his demonic agenda in this video.

>> No.21034362
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Synagogue of Satan

>> No.21034410

>Schizophrenic cat poster
Cade, m'boy. There are atheists on your side. Genuine leftists, and/or atheists oppose this stuff. Just so you know.

>> No.21034439


so I'm not crazy for thinking the book was horribly written and extremely overrated?

>> No.21034494

These kinds of people are elitists and they get off on their own farts. Years ago I read a little Soros just to try and understand what he was about. Just absolute manure passed off as deep intellectualism.
The WEF are maneuvering to secure their dominance as the last of the fossil fuel is fought over. They hope for a Neo-feuadalism. And sadly we've got some monarchists on the board who would welcome that.
Maybe some of them hope for fusion energy to save us all, but even if we got that it would take a long time (some 20 years) to reconfigure everything everything. But we aren't getting fusion energy. AI and "hackable brains" is smoke and mirrors

>> No.21034623

First half is pretty interesting but the last half is globohomo propaganda

>> No.21034902


He's a psychopath. A typical Jewish pseudo-intellectual who gets a lot of press while spouting intellectualized nonsense. What he doesn't understand is that people who work for a living are not useless. The useless people are the parasites like himself who do no useful work but instead live off advances from nepotistic elites for writing crappy books that no one should read.


>> No.21034905
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>pic rel

>> No.21035001

The parts about human evolution and anthropology are neat. The rest is pure jewish nonsense