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File: 310 KB, 1093x615, forest_anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21023382 No.21023382 [Reply] [Original]

he's a schizo & his /lit/ sucks

>> No.21023426

I have no idea why /lit/ thinks to retvrn and escape the atomization of society you seclude yourself in a forest away from all human contact. The ancients would think you're a malignant freak.

>> No.21023450

it's because they'e all nonfunctional NEETs

>> No.21023452

There is a certain call of nature, it is that of its simplicity and independence. The laws are easy to understand, and she is ruthless and just in carrying them out. In a world increasingly modernized that is foreign to the senses and takes some agency out of the common folks hands, its no wonder there has been a resurgence in interest in it. I do agree most people over romanticize and you can tell it comes from mostly from people who don't know how to pitch a tent let alone survive in nature, but I think to not understand the base instinct that lies at the heart is to fail to understand the animal that lays within all men.

>> No.21023465

Never read anything of his, but he seems fine. Watched a video or two, and he said he just likes the peace & quiet, and playing with the animals of the forest. Just sounds like a guy who wants to be left alone to me. Idk why you sperg so much about him

>> No.21023467

Nigger you couldnt survive in the forest if youre life depended onit.

>> No.21023468

>but I think to not understand the base instinct that lies at the heart is to fail to understand the animal that lays within all men.
We're not animals.

>> No.21023480

Nigger can you read, I didn't say I could, I just said there is a romantic allure to nature.

>> No.21023487

i hope all the chads go to nature. i want sex

>> No.21023489
File: 429 KB, 800x500, refutes forestanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolution is freemason demoralization propaganda. God says we stand above nature's inhabitants.

>> No.21023495

"Return to tradition" and "return to monkey" are not the same thing. Trad guys want something collectivist and forest guys are individualists.

>> No.21023511

Your opinion is shit, no matter how you fluff it with rhetoric.

>> No.21023518

Did forest anon write a book?

>> No.21023531

Did forest anon write a book?

>> No.21023530

>"Return to tradition"
Doesn't matter what you call it, you see (specifically) modern society as a corrosive miasma that saps the good out of living so you act in a reactionary manner by attempting to leave it. The difference between schizo fags and traditionalists isn't a matter of individualism vs collectivism, but self-determination and the willingness to fight vs feminine retreat.

>> No.21023536

Modernity rules supreme
tards rage and scream
Rage so hard they blow steam
Can't compete even in a dream

>> No.21023540

I think it's more like the old call to monasticism/hermitage. But actual religious orders have way more red tape around them nowadays (you can't just sleep in the doorway until they let you in, you have to get a psychological exam, perfect bill of health, zero debt, etc.), while hanging out in the woods is free and nobody can really stop you.

>> No.21023549

the desert fathers of cucktianity literally did something similar to this (although in truth even they had support from their simps else they couldn't eat) so it's not so far fetched. but if you try to live like this today you literally have a harder time than them (because you have no simps who will give you food etc while you spend your life jerking off to god)

>> No.21023554

>I think it's more like the old call to monasticism/hermitage
Would be fine if people on this board didn't openly advocate for such a lifestyle, not everyone is meant to be a monk.

>> No.21023572

Desert fathers rule with might
forest anon's ass is tight
Desert fathers penetrates his hole
Then desert god takes his soul

>> No.21023581

They both come from similar places in the human mind. If you read monks and anprims, there is a common strain of evil and slowly decaying world that can only be salvaged by an endtime/apocalypse and escape from the modern world. Although, typically monks were more constructive, and the isolated monks of the dark ages became a centerpiece of medieval society. I don't think that will ever happen for the primitive types.

>> No.21023589

>But actual religious orders have way more red tape around them nowadays

This is another issue that many people miss, the fact is in the medieval period in bongland for example at one point 1 in every 50 people was a member of a religious vocation. People like to say "but le monkhood is for hardcore ascetics, not loser incels" but that's literally what it was in the past lol, it was for people who didn't fit into society for reasons such as "is extremely poor, and also maybe a faggot" or "is the disgraced son of a nobleman who will either become a monk by his father's decree or get disappeared". there is nowhere 1 in 50 people nowadays can just fuck off to and go around helping society in their own way by distributing food paid for with church bux or whatever.

The Catholic church has had a so-called "vocations crisis" since Vatican II and much blather has been produced as to why but ultimately it's because the fucking church knows that hermeticism doesn't work in 2022 and they're not about to drop millions to put up a bunch of NEETs and fujoshis in cozy cottages so they can pray all day.

So now we have Forest Anon, who trains rats in the woods instead of wearing a tonsure and raping little boys' assholes in the rectory. If God is real then he truly works in mysterious ways.

>> No.21023591


kek wait i'm too high, i meant monasticism but you get my point

>> No.21023610

Yeah, if you were a really smart guy that was also somewhat strange, you could live a happy existence as a monk. Now that guy would be labeled autistic and would not be cleared to enter a monastery since his mental health record isn't perfect.

>> No.21023619

>you have to be mentally ill enough to believe in marian apparitions that were approved by the church
>but not mentally ill enough to be kinda awkward and unable to fit in with the professional managerial class

the great retarded tightrope of catholicism

>> No.21023632

This is just false, Monks were very well respected members of society and often lead large mass spiritual, cultural, intellectual, and political movements all through out the medieval ages. Men of monasteries often would move up to become ecclesiastic clerks, administrators, bishops and popes. Most of the important texts from the time come from monasteries, and abbots ruled over vast estates and holdings. Monks at the begining of the Gregorian Reform of the Church(which was started by a former monk) held more spiritual capital in the eyes of the public then even bishops, and Monks of St. Dennis came to crown kings of France over the Bishop of Reims. It is ridiculous to claim that monasteries where a place for all the crazies, when monasteries had strict entrance regulations as well as far reaching influence on society.

>> No.21023656

that is a gross overgeneralization. of course people had respect for the church and monks, otherwise their grift wouldn't have worked. they were only known as the degenerates they were by 1) high IQ people in the know in the upper classes 2) each other LOL and 3) by disgruntled peasants when they got raped by a monk and realized god was bullshit or whatever

hint: the insolent daughter being whisked off to a nunnery is a trope for a reason, and many orphanages literally sent kids straight from there to the cuck habit when they got too old. this is a literature board and it is shameful that you have this propagandized view of the church's institutions in 2022.

>> No.21023658

The response to the abuse crisis was to make the vocation standards extremely strict. So if you want to get in, you either have to lie or be perfect from a young age on to avoid being screened out. There are not that many non-introvert socially successful men that have never used porn, aren't gay and didn't sleep around a few times. And of those that are left, a lot of them will get married before they are old enough to discern monasticism or priesthood.

>> No.21023659

>So now we have Forest Anon, who trains rats in the woods instead of wearing a tonsure and raping little boys' assholes in the rectory.
You're immature and not capable of serious discussion on any topic. The way you shit on Catholicism while elevating a self-indulgent Youtuber e-celeb to sainthood is fucking embarrassing.

>> No.21023662


>> No.21023666

>makes overgeneralizations to fuel his catholic bad narrative

>> No.21023670

They literally disqualify seminarians who support church doctrine on homosexual marriage (i.e. if you say fag marriage is le bad, you are "too extreme" even though the pope says this) and similar shit.

mald harder. idk where you got the idea I'm riding forest anon's dick when i just compared him to a pedo loser catholic priest

>> No.21023692

Obviously monks had nasty stereotypes, and some of them were certainly warranted, but that could be said about literally every group of a society ever, but I cannot believe you are saying I'm over generalizing when you are taking a few tales from the past and saying it is more applicable to all monasteries, or that monasteries are where they sent all the unwanted members of a society. Were Jews also constantly practicing Blood Libels? The reason upper classes had a disdain is because Clergy thought they didn't know their place, and Nobles thought them so critical for men who wouldn't take up a sword for the cause, just like the Monks didn't respect them in kind for their perceived worldliness. You have a very simple view of how history works, medieval monasticism were not all one thing or the other, but a complex piece of society made up of a group individuals, all with their own contributions and drawbacks.

>> No.21023707

Monasteries only excepted femcel daughters of rich families and bougie whores that got raped.

>> No.21023715

They don't want anyone that will cause a PR problem. They don't want Fr. Bob's one night stands or teenage Pornhub use to come out, so they just tell you to fuck off if you did either. And they don't want Fr. Trad to cause a ruckus when his homily is about the evil of vaccines or gay marriage. Abortion is still a big deal, they aren't going to let you in if you're pro-choice. But it is sad how such an ancient and powerful organization has become submissive to HR politics.
Of course this varies by diocese/order. Like the Legionaries of Christ were founded by a pedo, so they regrouped around being a thing for priests with autism and such. And there is a French order for Down's Syndrome.

>> No.21023722
File: 32 KB, 328x500, bulshit exposed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*buzzer noise*

extremely wrong, read pic related or don't to see why i don't care anymore

*closes tab*

>> No.21023739

If you see life as clergy as a way to make a living or advance your actual ideology, then I doubt you have a problem with lying your ass off in order to get by whatever standards exist at the moment.

>> No.21023742

not true at all. at some places they accepted poor young women but forced them to buy their own habit, so these poor women would either show up with the money or work it off.

>> No.21023752

>God says we stand above nature's inhabitants
Which one? And in which human-made fanfic?

>> No.21023784

There was a vast range of how monasteries treated women. Some Necrologies have Monks and Nuns recorded together as brothers and sisters, while one Abbot in England threatened to beat Queen Matilda's right hand woman for so much as being on the property "leaving her stench", and barring the Queen from entering. There are man especially pious women who made it into monasteries from humble origins, but most convents did normally turn into a rich widow's/unmarried daughters club.

>> No.21023791

Absolutely basedtastic post.

>> No.21023794


>> No.21023822

t. butthurt leftist

>> No.21024150
File: 460 KB, 1059x1039, 1639423015848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free

>> No.21024186

Not an argument.

>> No.21024201

What am I supposed to argue against? Some incel makes a random post about how he hates forest anon. Which means he was sitting there alone seething enough to make a thread in the first place. It's retarded and not worth an "argument".

>> No.21024204

shut up schizo

>> No.21024205
File: 314 KB, 1080x1336, 1659795749378338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should we make it a meme thread

>> No.21024211

Embracing the form whilst rejecting the ideals is corruption and hypocrisy.

>> No.21024212

It's a Walter Mitty type larp fantasy, written in half thoughts on this board during study breaks and late lonely evenings.

>> No.21024214

If it's so comfortable, then we'd all do it.

>> No.21024216
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>> No.21024228
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>> No.21024242
File: 343 KB, 1080x843, forestanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does a bear hang out with Forestanon in the woods?

>> No.21024265

I wish I could share /pol/'s forest anon memes on /lit/ without getting banned. They're kino

>> No.21024275
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>> No.21024306
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>> No.21024356
File: 427 KB, 1080x1062, ecf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21024381
File: 450 KB, 1080x1032, HIJACKED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread hijacked

>> No.21024577
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>> No.21024735
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>> No.21024778
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>> No.21024864
File: 78 KB, 762x1083, 4D5BB28F-B680-4A87-A1AD-59457F306DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new favourite