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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 474x649, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21023092 No.21023092 [Reply] [Original]

>*refutes Jung*

>> No.21023094


>> No.21023096

>barely challenges an aspect of an author's idea

>> No.21023127

Introduction to Magic Vol. 3, in a large essay near the end.

kek. yes.

>> No.21023137

>Corrects Jung

Mostly on the Alchemy front, where Jung collapses Psyche and Spirit together, which is a big no-no for Evola who subscribes to the Traditionalist tripartite division of man.

Jung's work on the psyche though survives pretty much intact, largely because Evola has little interest in engaging in it beyond emphasizing the primacy of Spirit over Psyche and point out where Jung mistakes the two.

>> No.21023202
File: 268 KB, 1012x1417, C0855D71-DD50-4A31-8BA3-BA7CE044746D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Refutes everyone.

>> No.21023545

>Introduction to Magic Vol. 3, in a large essay near the end.
That wasn't a refutation

>> No.21023563

Always knew this was a book for insecure losers

>> No.21023577

>*is a giant faggot only lauded by permanently online incel untermensch as a continuous manifestation of the most entirely perfect insult to his legacy imaginable*

>> No.21023609
File: 2.77 MB, 999x1725, Gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes back. And looking more based than ever.

>> No.21025170


>> No.21025866

>quoting video games
>photoshopping men to make them more attractive
So this is the power of rightoid praxis.....

>> No.21025873

Man the right wing is fucking embarrassing

>> No.21025879

Yes and it works
Pretty hilarious seeing leftoids criticise memes

>> No.21025906

>I-I-I a-a-am actually LAUGHING as you call me gay on the internet, because making you do that was my goal all along
OK nigger

>> No.21025907

Wtf are you talking about
Post one funny leftist meme

>> No.21025912


why all trad narcissist skip leg day?

>> No.21025922

What the fuck happened to his right eye?

>> No.21025927

this post reeks of body insecurity. let me guess, you won't post your physique because you are "too secure"

>> No.21025936

Except Jung's definition of the Psyche is completely different from the Mind in the tripartite division. It allows for a phenomenological investigation into all phenomena.

>> No.21025941

clearly a jewish tranny

>> No.21026140

Yes, he collapses the two fields into one, which runs counter to the Traditionalist line, as I said. This isn't an exception more than just rephrasing of my own post.
The tripartite division is essential to the Traditionalist world view, it isn't a matter of having the same stuff just organized differently, the organization itself is integral. Hence Evola's disagreement.

>> No.21026142

Gave it up to receive knowledge of the world beyond, or he is half frogman.

>> No.21026157

What game?

>> No.21026181

But Jung doesn't contradict that organisation, he just describes the phenomena which allows it to be or not to be so. The 'psyche' is a term which encompasses the whole being, it doesn't mean that psyche is 'mind' in its root sense. Which is a superficial reading.

It's quite clear that Jung personally was entirely open to metaphysically foundationalist views. Which would not be possible if he collapsed spirit into 'mind'.

>> No.21026200

Btw, do you know what the Traditionalists make of Plato's idea of the soul, especially in its higher truest aspect?

>> No.21026352

>le ancestors are smiling upon me le imperial, can you say le same?
It is the same with one of their other favorite quotes,
> “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
It is from a YA novel series by a goodreads author called G. (stands for gay) Michael Hopf. Book 7 in the series of trash, actually.

The current right is so fucking gay. They cannot recite a single line of Montaigne or Shakespeare, they do zero engagement with the western culture they profess to worship, but they will constantly quote and think with the slag of the degenerate cultural industry that they claim to hate.

>> No.21026582


post forearms

>> No.21026899
File: 31 KB, 640x415, pol-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daily reminder Evola is a red herring to stop people reading about hierarchical forms of government and the noble struggle. Read Mein Kampf.

>> No.21026916
File: 88 KB, 1024x512, EEV9_jvXsAEPk_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21027024

Running is more trad than squatting. Also, giants quoods go against the classical ideal.

>> No.21027035

Go back

>> No.21027058

>if the grape doesn't hang low enough it's not worth tasting anyway

>> No.21027084

Post abs

>> No.21027486

>t. Shitskinned numale
Go back to your 3rd world shithole

>> No.21027498

>implying the left isn't 50x worse
>is mad at a meme
Take your hormones, tranny.

>> No.21027508

>overrated jewish hack who married his cousin

>> No.21027745

Only faggots want a big ass. If you squat you're an effeminate homosexual.

>> No.21027764

>satanic freemason vs satanic freemason
Who cares, they're both in hell for denying the intrinsic superiority of Christ.

>> No.21028281
File: 1.92 MB, 500x500, giphy5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21028438

...you got that from "...smiling upon you?"
You play too many video games lmao

>> No.21028444
File: 49 KB, 850x400, quote-if-you-can-t-explain-it-simply-you-don-t-understand-it-well-enough-albert-einstein-8-72-97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21028532

It’s just not that great of a quote, anon, regardless of who said it. I bet even Einstein would have some trouble explaining advanced theoretical physics to someone (you) who had no background in it and no interest in learning. Traditionalist doctrines really aren’t that difficult to understand on an intellectual level, but they require one to remove oneself from modernist ideology.

>> No.21028536

>le ebin incestuous science jew
Back to r3ddit, faggot.

>> No.21028541

>satanic freemason
You realize Evola was openly hostile to freemasonry for his entire career as a writer? As for satanism, I would tell you to learn about the esoteric doctrines he followed, but you would not understand.

>> No.21029123

>You realize Evola was openly hostile to freemasonry for his entire career as a writer?
"Hostile" towards Freemasonry despite writing Kabbalah and Freemason fanfiction for most of his writing career and founding an occult-based organization exactly like the Freemasons did.
>As for satanism, I would tell you to learn about the esoteric doctrines he followed, but you would not understand.
He literally practiced magic so shut the fuck up.

>> No.21029169

>despite writing Kabbalah and Freemason fanfiction for most of his writing career
He literally never wrote about these things, except for Freemasonry to paint it in a negative light, for being degenerated and open to dark forces.
>He literally practiced magic so shut the fuck up.
Not really, his use of the term magic is not at all what you're thinking.

I can't tell if you're a retarded underaged christian or if you're a leftist troll. If you're trolling, good job.

>> No.21029206

Get a load of this retard, bros

>> No.21029653
File: 224 KB, 360x518, ikneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.21029680

>western culture they profess to worship
Western "culture" is literally a symptom of decline.

>> No.21029693

post physique

>> No.21029774

he was? wasn't his mentor in the ur group a mason? i'm pretty sure that Guenon his idol wanted a sufi-masonic group controlling europe in the shadows, to restore traditionalism in the west

>> No.21029996

>No refutation yet
Cool beans.

>> No.21030006

And what happened to the Ur Group?

>> No.21030010

Jung didn't grasp the truly transcendent element of alchemy.

>> No.21030318

>haha i made him cringe by posting gay shit hes seething also left is bad so i can be gay
OK nigger.

You're just bad at identifying patterns, and no, I haven't gamed for a literal decade, Skyrim is older than that.

Right, let's see if there is any sort of consciousness behind this 70 IQ bot-tier response that fails the Turing test: you've put culture in scare quotes in an attempt to express a criticism. Very gay, but at least there is a hint of a thought there. I was speaking of Montaigne and Shakespeare, as foundational parts of western culture - perhaps you forgot due to having no working memory. Anyway, please, go ahead, tell me how Shakespeare and Montaigne are expressions of decline.

OK nigger.

>> No.21030379

He said "magic" like evola was doing some Wiccan sage burning lol

>> No.21030389


>My fascist magic man is better than your magic man

You belong at the bottom of a volcano

>> No.21030409

>95 IQ mentally ill tranny is still posting after getting BTFO
Go back to r3ddit

>> No.21030413

>Anyway, please, go ahead, tell me how Shakespeare and Montaigne are expressions of decline
Do you understand where you're posting, you literal fucking nigger subhuman?

>> No.21030418

He is better. You just don't get it.

>> No.21030427

OK nigger.

Yes I do. I am posting in a rightoid-nigger thread on /lit/, and as mentioned, no rightoid-nigger reads, and I like to reflect a bit on that fact.
Keep seething, try some more curses nigger.

>> No.21030428

Originally he was
Then he realized Guenon was right about it and wanted to identify and purge the anti-traditional elements within freemasonry
But all his freemasonry documents got destroyed in the air raid

>> No.21030444

Why are libtards so racist? Are you in favour of reinstituting slavery?

>> No.21030671

>Anyway, please, go ahead, tell me how Shakespeare and Montaigne are expressions of decline.
If you need to ask you'll never know.
>as foundational parts of western culture
Also no, that would be the Iliad.

>> No.21030690

OK nigger, here's your (You).

>If you need to ask you'll never know.
Wow, nice save nigger.

>> No.21030722
File: 814 KB, 1200x1200, Crowley 33rd degree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Evola held Aleister Crowley in high regard, who at least claimed The 33rd degree of Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Pic related, Crowley in 33rd Regalia.

Evola on Crowley:
>From Chapter IX, “Il Satanismo” (“Satanism”) of Maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo (“Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism”)

>It is however necessary to see that Crowley did not put Satan in the place of God, given the high regard in which he held traditions, like the Kabbalah, which venerated a divinity, even if conceived metaphysically and not religiously. Finally, as in the other cases considered, the ostentatious Satanism of Crowley is explained only in terms of an antithesis to Christianity whose doctrine condemned the senses and the integral achievement of man, however, in his case, with an initiatic and “magical” basis rather than naturalistic. If dangerous forces were evoked, it seems that in the specific case of Crowley, the previously mentioned conditions to cope with experiences of the type would be present, in the first place because Crowley had an exceptional personality and was predisposed in a natural way to contact with the supersensible (beyond possessing a particular “magnetism”), and in the second place through his ties with organizations to some extent successors to those of an initiatic character. These are, initially, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, in which Crowley took part, although afterward he broke away from it and founded the Ordo Tempi Orientis (OTO, reminiscent of the Templars, even reviving the Templar Baphomet). However this Order used many of the magical rituals of the Golden Dawn, meant to communicate with the so called “Secret Masters” and with given entities or “intelligences”. To this end Crowley also used it, so as to attribute the genesis of the Liber Legis, the compendium of his doctrines, to an entity he evoked in Cairo, Aiwaz, who would have been a manifestation of the Egyptian Hoor-Paar-Kraat, the “Lord of Silence”. It is to be considered that, in general, not everything should be reduced to a daydream, and that some contacts of Crowley with a mysterious supersensible world were real.

Not only that, Evola seems to praise Kabbalah in this chapter, or at least consider it in high regard.

>> No.21030731

See: >>21030722

If Evola was "hostile" to Satanism and Freemasonry, why did he praise Crowley so much in his article f Maschera e volto dello spiritualismo contemporaneo (“Mask and Face of Contemporary Spiritualism”).

He literally defends Crowley and his apparent "satanic" character and Evola considered him some advanced initiate.

Evola on Crowley:
>If the Crowleyian view would seem troublesome and obscure to many, even objectively the “satanic”
element, in spite of everything that the Great Beast 666 displayed almost theatrically, does not seem to
us very relevant. The corresponding coloration does not have as much prominence as that which,
fundamentally, possesses a magical, and in part initiatic, character.

>> No.21031001

>Pic related, Crowley in 33rd Regalia.
You got any sources on how to properly distinguish that stuff? Want to deepen my knowledge on fauna that dwells on checkered floors.

>> No.21031118

Well you could search Google for 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Cap. He's wearing a one in the picture

Of course, one could just get the clothing and claim the titles. We really don't know are Crowley's claims on the 33rd degree true or not.

>> No.21032011

Evola was only interested on Crowley from an initiatic perspective, so in some ways he did like him and some ways he didn't. He basically doesn't write about Kabalah (since it was jewish amd he had little interest in it), he criticized Freemasonry heavily.

>> No.21032078

Is this the same nigger in the tranny discord?

>> No.21033662

And how did he do that?

>> No.21033670
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, f05cf69824ea9739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refutes all right wingers

>> No.21033685

Literal homosexual phenotype

>> No.21033691

post a picture of yourself

>> No.21033973

Crowley was a stupid fucking retard, Evola wasn't. It's that simple.

>> No.21033977
File: 106 KB, 675x1200, 1640280713399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21034814

Evola changed his mind about Crowley in Sufi of Rome and said he was a stupid anglo and an MI6 asset.

>> No.21034826

you have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.21035129

You do understand Sufi of Rome is a work of fiction? It was literally written by a Christian priest

>> No.21035453

>The current right is so fucking gay. They cannot recite a single line of Montaigne or Shakespeare, they do zero engagement with the western culture they profess to worship, but they will constantly quote and think with the slag of the degenerate cultural industry that they claim to hate.
They hated him, for he told them the truth.