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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.17 MB, 337x222, No4chan November.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20988318 No.20988318 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ #no4chanNovermber edition

pervious thread >>20981518

>> No.20988331

i know there are some mystics and analysts on this board and this dream really rattled me. perhaps you can help me understand or tell me what it means.

Was in a bar with a friend, a lot had happened in the dream before that, but suddenly I was with a in a bar in Brazil
He wanted to show me his home country, it was really busy even though it was daytime, I was drinking too, he was playing PES against someone on the console. After i had gulped half a drink, i looked down and below me was an ipad that showed a thread that i had made about penis size in the past, in which i confessed i had a small one (which i dont, im decently above average but i have the insecurity). I got mortified that people could see the thread. Suddenly an old lady speaks, seeming like a medium or a witch or a shaman and says: I dont like them. They are ugly and the men have issues due to break-ups. Then the old lady touched me and says: You were wearing braces and look deep into my eyes. I remember how i felt when i wore braces, but also she communicates with me that the size thing does not matter to her, or that she knows its not small.
I say, trying to act unconvinced: Hmm... how long? , also not quite sure if the short time I've had braces counts.
She shakes her head so slightly disappointed that I didn't get the point of her message, and was overthinking. I realize it and open myself up to what she is doing, wishing to learn about myself
Then she touches me again to look deeper into my life. She closes her eyes and listens.
She then says, when she understands: "You live inhumanely" and looks at me in shock and with wide eyes.
I'm trying to show her my inside at that moment, to show her all the evil in me and she says: Anon, please get away from me, her face full of fear and pain, but despite shrinking away with her body she keeps her hand on me.
Then I realize what I'm doing and try to show her the good in me. She notices, closes her eyes and says: show me your seventh heaven. I'm trying to mobilize the good energies, i'm trying to convince her that i have a purpose, that i want to create and foster in myself some great good but the image or energy becomes restless and then we both get sort of electrocuted and jump away from another. She returns to me, as if she must see now.
She keeps her hand on me, tied up, but I've already lost control of my inner life. We both get swept up in the suction, then we're thrown away, in a sort of blast of energy, passed out in the dream / in real life I wake up.

>> No.20988343

>"You live inhumanely"
I dunno man, as dreams go this one's surprisingly to the point, what seems to be the problem

>> No.20988353

living inhumanely is one thing but it felt like i was evil, demonic, like all good in me was already destroyed. I mindshocked her and knocked us out when i tried to summon what was good inside me.

>> No.20988355
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What decides whether a person turns right wing or left wing? I've seen intelligent people doing either, and I can't figure out the pattern.

>> No.20988357

i just saw a book about "erotically marginalized clients" and i was like oh shit finally a book about people who can't get laid, but actually it was about people in polyamorous relationships, cucks, and weird/gross fetishes. these people are all sexually engaged. it seems to me the most erotically marginalized of all are those who cannot participate in erotic practices with a partner at all.

>> No.20988359

Think I have a sex addiction as consequences are starting to pile up. I don’t get how other people can’t get laid, it’s so easy

>> No.20988366 [DELETED] 

i was leftwing for most of my life because i grew up in new england were the vast majority of people are leftists and most areas are sparsely populated rural college towns where you never really have to deal with anyone you don't choose to. then i lived in the city for a few decades and realized leftism is highly naive. then again cities are full of libs and an assortment of radicals, so who knows.

>> No.20988367
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This is not exactly you but some aspects of your statements coincide with some aspects of this image and I am therefore posting it solely to ridicule said aspects.

>> No.20988369

Why is everyone on /lit/ so shitty?

>> No.20988370

I'm not.

>> No.20988371

Me too

>> No.20988375

This is excellent bait. Take note, everyone

>> No.20988379

Because this place is anonymous so people talk to others as they talk to themselves. Most people here are miserable and they hate themselves, so they are also mean to others.

>> No.20988396

It essentially boils down to how humans go about their lives. Some are so scared of letting others have freedom that they'll gladly sell themselves into bondage, a walled city, mountains of propaganda that'll tell them sweet lies, as long as the power stays on and they get their salty or sweet snacks.These people are still around because their family life messed them up. They grew up needing strong daddy figures yelling at them. Or bullies at school. They're usually shocked by sexual needs, especially from women. Which aren't even seen as human some of the time. Okay, these are tendencies and not as strong in many of them, but every realization that brings them to maturity brings them to this general "left" which is about maximum freedom, but within reason. It isn't about raping and murdering like the damaged "right" think it is.
Yes yes, I know. There are self described leftists who fall for a number of these things I assign to the "right". They're not left

>> No.20988399

The number of nonreaders on this board is too damn high.

>> No.20988402

>Leftism is crime!
>Leftism is black people!
You are a single issue racist twit who hasn't even begun tho think about your surroundings.

You're not helpful

>> No.20988405

This. Misery loves company. Many here just want to knock others down to make themselves feel better

>> No.20988406

>You're not helpful
Well duh

>> No.20988409

Butters spotted

>> No.20988413

Is Butters the only non-racist here?

>> No.20988415

Environmental factors usually. I grew up in a white neighborhood with few minorities and was a classical liberal for most of my life until I got on benefits and experienced the ghetto first hand. My economics went left and my social views hard right. It happens.

>> No.20988416

Terrible post

>> No.20988418 [DELETED] 

yeah sure's so immature. like 35 but perpetually 15 year old anarchist.

>> No.20988421

the quality of their parents and upbringing
if they have bad parents they will become the opposite of their parents
if they have good parents they will adhere to their ideology

>> No.20988435

that post didn't say anything about crime or race. leftists aways projecting.

>> No.20988440

What does that mean? You want an end to capitalist exploitation but also to ship all the minorities out?
I dare say that doesn't happen. What am I missing?

>> No.20988444

I dunno, that really depends on the child in families that have siblings. My sister is a Hilldawg and my brother is somewhere between Gary Johnson and Bernie Sanders. I'm the resident edgelord, probably because they're my half siblings and we have different fathers. My mother always saw me as a job that had to be done and because of this I inverted her beliefs and got edgy really fast. My dad is ok, or least used to be. My entire family seems to be closet Biden supporting vaxx cattle at this point and I'm the odd one out.

>> No.20988448

>capitalist exploitation
grow up

>> No.20988450

This is untrue. It is just someone’s experience that guides their political beliefs

>> No.20988451

You don't get the third position much do you?

>> No.20988453

I realized today that I really dont want to die because I still want to read and enjoy more books in my backlog and reread my favourites again. the realization has made me feel a little bit more content with life and helped me appreciate the simple things instead of stressing over my failures constantly.

>> No.20988455

Go back

>> No.20988456

It's a question. No need for your knee-jerk

>> No.20988459

it was immature cringe. grow up.

>> No.20988460

It's a fraud, so no one will ever get it

>> No.20988461

This is untrue. I've seen people with more or less identical experiences (regular high school -> university -> big city corporate job) that turned radical left or radical right in the past few years.

>> No.20988466

>Grow up
Learn to fucking read, kid.

>> No.20988467

It's a spiritual thing. It depends on your soul.

>> No.20988470

I get a massive headache if I have to bend my back too much like in shoveling.

>> No.20988471

my parents are pretty average people who arent very politically aware and have basic left and right wing beliefs. i was very liberal as a teen but have become quite socially conservative and economically liberal in adulthood. as far as how good they are, they are very poor and not technically great parents perhaps, and there's some pretty rough patches in my childhood, but my relationship with them is decent

>> No.20988476

if you think unemployed people in the cities who live off of transfer payments are being "exploited" by capitalists, then you don't have much life experience. they might be exploited by politicians who count on their voting bloc, but that is very different.

>> No.20988479

Well. I guess thats your loss. Dialetical materialism is hylic bullshit anyways

>> No.20988484

Right/left is a mostly useless misunderstanding of politics, but this is a general outline. Are you for the big walled city, a strong government, strong solid laws and morals? Some people like these things but in small doses, managed in some ways over others. That's all that is.
Come up with better

>> No.20988485

There is authoritarian left and authoritarian right. There is libertarian left and liberatarian right. You seem politically illiterate.

>> No.20988486

Turd positionists are pinko morons. Utterly useless.

>> No.20988489

Thank you to the anons who decided I should NOT buy a gram of cocaine. I went for a long nice walk instead, made a really nice dinner from scratch, had a small glass of red wine and am really enjoying me evening.
Have a good one lads.

>> No.20988491

>Another political discussion will derail and dominate /lit/

It gets tiring

>> No.20988492

>Bezos, Buffet, Soros, Gates, Fink aren't exploiting anyone!

So, you want to capitalist exploitation and ship dark skinned people into ghetto islands.

>> No.20988495

Sounds like a lot of resentiment/projection going on here.


>> No.20988498

Fuck off antisemite

>> No.20988502
File: 43 KB, 680x638, FaNn25iXkAAnQqb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The political compass isn't real, it's just a dumb chart on a website, meds now.

>> No.20988505

>You can't criticize rich people because you just can't okay

>> No.20988507

There's authoritarian and it isn't what the actual left want so it doesn't matter what they call themselves
There's been a bunch of "liberty" lovers but they only love the freedom of money to enslave. That's an oxymoron and not leftist either. You want to believe in that four-square chart, but it's just more liberal state propaganda.
You need uncle Ted or something

>> No.20988510

No political scientist, in fact no social scientist at all, makes use of binary categories to research social phenomena.

>> No.20988528

Don't reply to me ever again retards

>> No.20988533


>> No.20988537


>> No.20988544
File: 35 KB, 400x400, this-world-we-must-leave_34231805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must leave 4chan for this to happen

>> No.20988600

/lit/ has been slowing down recently.

>> No.20988618
File: 196 KB, 680x697, soy3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis are bad.

>> No.20988621
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>> No.20988720
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, norman chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>math major
>choosing my electives
>want to go full on pure math autismo
>suddenly Spengler invades my mind
>start panicking
>end up choosing applied shit
All the cool results have been proven anyway, now it's just schizo set formalism. Why did I have to have been born in the winter bros...

>> No.20988723

I went to the Buddhist meet. It was nice :)

>> No.20988728

I've never used the word ostensibly before but I would like to someday

>> No.20988740

Suicide rates are going up
Or maybe it's the recent Kiev counter offensive

>> No.20988745

Sounds cringe. What was it like?

>> No.20988748

>Coming Next on In Our Time: Plato's Atlantis (Sept 22 2022)
Holy based

>> No.20988752

Should I live out of my car? Living with my dad is unbearable. I have a full time job btw and am not a neet I feel like I’d have alot more space temporally and mentally for reading and writing

>> No.20988757
File: 25 KB, 819x134, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an excerpt of how I used it recently. Hope this helps you find your moment

>> No.20988759

Mix between book club and prayer.

>> No.20988773

Pathologizing people who disagree with you is not a smart move

>> No.20988774

>I pray to myself that I will reach Nirvana so I can finally die forever

>> No.20988778


>> No.20988781

Twitter is your walled city and layers of propaganda

>> No.20988789

Depends on which box the youtube algorithm placed them in. There really is a media driven epistemic bifurcation going on

>> No.20988791

I would pretty much be the worst person to have as the avatar if we lived in Avatar's world. I'd play the good guy for a few years then I'd just get tired of everyone repeating mistakes and wanting to be saved from the shit that they caused over and over again. I'd just wake up one day, go into avatar state and flood the world.
I just realized writing this that God already did that once. I wouldn't claim that he thought the same as me though. I'm just sharing thoughts.

>> No.20988797

That's boomer understanding of what's happening. In order for people to get radicalized they need to already have a predilection towards that viewpoint.

>> No.20988809

It sure is.
Although, it isn't mine. I've never had a twitter.

It's a historically demonstrable trend. "Civilization" has promoted itself as the gatekeeper of culture and tradition, but it has always marched towards homogenization and tyranny. Come up with something.

>> No.20988812

you should've gone into physics then, even if they violate mathematics at every occasion they have
good move to choose applied maths though, as long as you don't get into abstract shit by mistake again

>> No.20988843

>civilization is when people with daddy issues bully minorites

>> No.20988868
File: 31 KB, 640x415, pol-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freedom that they'll gladly sell themselves into bondage

Your freedom means nothing, the increase in freedom is directly corralated to the atomization of society. You are programmed by your freedom-loving media to reject any bonds, even family, if they even consider impinging on your consuming product.

Neither side is more freedom vs less freedom. What dictates left vs right is horizontal (equitable) hierarchy vs verticle (unequitable) hierarchy. Health care, guns rights, roads, unemployment, none of these are left vs right issues, except in places where the news, and elected officials, are free to say and do anything they fucking like.

Leaders should not be elected by the people. Ever. Blood & Soil mindset will remedy much of what plagues the West.

>> No.20988870

I was briefly describing some people's pathologies, but I did say there are plenty who are only mildly under the sway. Take the EU for an example. Their government are making them tighten their belts for Ukraine's sake (in reality for US/EU oligarchy) some will take it, some will get angry enough to protest. Why would anyone respect these bureaucrats? They've been conditioned to believe this is normal, respectable. Do you? If not, if you believe these people should all be replaced, what would you replace them with? Another government probably. Am I wrong?

>> No.20988877

left wing and right wing aren't real categories (and they fucking mean nothing except "if you had to choose, gun to your head, would you rather be assimilated into tranny Stalin or incel Hitler hivemind"), people went for the most of history without it, and I hope history again will make them obsolete

>> No.20988882

>left wing and right wing aren't real categories
Yes they are, you're just retarded.

>> No.20988905

>Freedom isn't real when you know the people in the community you live in.
>Freedom loving media
lmao even
>People shouldn't elect their leaders
Cuck. No taxes for you. No mono crops for the soldiers. No conscription for you.

>> No.20988906


>> No.20988914

Now you're deflecting. You made the claim that there's two categories of people. Those who are your specific brand of meme anarchism and those who are neurotic. You said this neurosis is visible throughout history as "civilization" which is a vehicle for homogeneity which is, in your view, a form of tyranny. Your entire view of politics boils down to people with daddy issues bullying minorites. Its retarded on its face and thats why I reccomended you not jump to pathologizing people who disagree with you. When you do you end up making a grandious sweeping claim about all of humanity and all of history you just end up looking retarded and narrow minded

>> No.20988915

your own very specific way of defining them perhaps makes sense to you, but everyone defines them in their own way which always boils down to "my side = goodism, their side = badism" and it's useless for anything other than circlejerking and creating bubbles
my dad for example defines capitalism as leftist because foreign companies are building supermarkets in our city and he doesn't like it

>> No.20988917


>> No.20988930

>lowercase post

>> No.20988940

>the claim that there's two categories of people
No. I did mention there's plenty of sliding scale. There are a variety extreme civilizationalists even. I was vague about one. Are you offended for the brevity of the post or that I diagnosed your issues with your father right?
I mentioned nothing of anarchism. Was Atilla the Hun an anarchist? Where the Vikings anarchists? The natives of anyplace in the world that openly resist these plague ridden places that are always at war with one another?

>> No.20988948

Oh you're a varg tard. Figures.

>> No.20988954

Did I endorse vikings?
See a therapist

>> No.20988970

>Some are so scared of letting others have freedom t
What "freedom" are even talking about? What the fuck does freedom mean to you libs?

>> No.20988982

What a does a therapist have to do with vikings? What are you even talking about?

>> No.20988988

Small "poem"

We've traded our fire for smoke
And our sex for porn
Things aren't so bad
but I can't take it anymore
Boss man and I smile
The economy's taught me a lesson
Do your work and let coffee tear the intestine

>> No.20989005

I'm ready to start a business, but what business I don't know yet.

>> No.20989016

Liquor stores do really well during recessions and we're headed for one like Russia in the 90s, I'd at least think about it

>> No.20989040

Try Industrial Society and its Future, Kaczynski, or Against History, Against Leviathan, Perlman

>> No.20989049

Does anyone else overthink about the impact AI will have on the future of writing? What's the point of dedicating time to the craft? Other forms of art have already been mastered by AI.

>> No.20989068

Creative and intellectual types being chronically unemployedwill lead to the government being overthrown violently, that's how 1848 started

>> No.20989076

I talked to a woman today. That's all.

>> No.20989081
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1514010597216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a single ibuprofen and lightly rubbing and scratching the affected side of the head instantly murders any migraine in its crib
I feel like the guy who first figured out that silver kills werewolves

>> No.20989092

nothing groundbreaking I bet, at the very most it'll just lean on solon and ask a bunch of open ended questions that they proceed to immediately deboonk in not so subtle ways

>> No.20989096

this site sucks ass man.

>> No.20989125

Peak oil. Still no breakthroughs for fusion energy. This is why "the great reset" is being implemented.

>> No.20989131

I am going to speak from the heart now. I am a sinner and a weak man. I am sorry...I want to be better...but I cannot stand the derision of other people. Their aims in judging me...I feel no love in them at all, and therefore I feel like a cornered animal. Who can judge another man? Who can say without doubt, that under such and such conditions, with such and such a mind and body, they too would not have committed the same mistakes? Judgement is reserved for God alone. Shouldn't the attitude rather be one of compassion, of sympathy for one's fellow man? Shouldn't the attempt be to elevate rather than condemn?

>> No.20989150

I had planned on going to graduate school, but after having spent almost 10 years now going to school and then working in a school, I don't know if I even still want to do that. Problem is, I have no clear alternative.

>> No.20989240


>> No.20989258
File: 25 KB, 1006x193, wwyd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what would you do?

>> No.20989264

Garden hose

>> No.20989271
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>> No.20989274
File: 122 KB, 874x1024, B232EC0A-3CF3-4C5C-8C08-BC883C4C09B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically be a liberal centrist.

>> No.20989279

Depends on the kids but no, probably not.

>> No.20989283

>What is there in new's litterature?
>Little or almost nothing, it not appears any thing of note.
>And yet one imprint many deal.
>But why, you and another book seller, you does not to imprint some good wooks?
>There is a reason for that, it is that you cannot to sell its. The actual-liking of the public is depraved they does not read who for to amuse one's self ant but to instruct one's.
>But the letter's men who cultivate the arts and the sciences they can't to pass without the books.
>A little learneds are happies enough for to may to satisfy their fancies on the literature.
>I have only been able to procure the octo-decimo edition, which is embellished with plates beautifully coloured.

>> No.20989292

I feel happy and validated for the first in a while. I started reading butchers crossing with a coworker after I recommended it. She really enjoys it. Pretty cool to be able to talk about a book I enjoy with someone.
We both bought the john Williams collection too so it'll be all 3 books.

>> No.20989293

what does this mean?

>> No.20989294

And 1848 accomplished absolutely nothing both in the short and long term. "Governments being overthrown" didn't happen until 1917 and the Bolsheviks winning was the most unlikely and worst outcome of a very bad historically unprecedented situation

>> No.20989298

if theyre being hoodrats then I'll snitch on the brats. if they're just standing there then I won't but I better not smell it

>> No.20989331
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>> No.20989336


>> No.20989362

As a perpetual loner the issue I continually run into is that I have no idea how my peers perceive me, or if they even think about me at all. I'm always on the outside. I wonder if my aloofness is noticed as strange or if on the contrary I successfully blend into the background.
If there are any normies here, tell me do you notice loners and think "man that guy is weird"? Or do you not think of anyone outside your friend circle?
I struggle to relate to people and am naturally very detached. I lack personality, and honestly often feel nothing at all for others. Not in the sense of disliking them, but more that I can't bring myself to actively care about them. There have been people that I can tell feel a bit of fondness towards me, but the relationship is one sided & never evolves past acquaintance. I remember a member of the football team in high school that was always very nice to me. Yet I never feel that impulse to return a person's affections beyond surface level replies.
The strange thing is in other ways I'm a very sensitive and empathetic person. I can't stand to see animals hurt or pointless cruelty, yet at other times I feel this all encompassing indifference.

>> No.20989363
File: 1.08 MB, 1429x1858, The Yellow Wallpaper - CPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooo. Excellent creepy creep. Listen or read it. Very short

>> No.20989364

I wonder how many people do online gambling. I think it could be like a hidden epidemic.

>> No.20989366

Temperament, nothing more.

>> No.20989373

How does this affect your ability to form friendships/romantic relationships?

>> No.20989375

Damn it, I was going for cathartic

>> No.20989378

I don't have any relationships romantic or platonic.

>> No.20989394

You don’t have any friends at all? Do you at least make small talk with people at your workplace, or talk to your family members? And are you asexual, or just void of interest in the social aspect of a romantic relationship?

>> No.20989396

biased and female post

>> No.20989403

tfw back on anti acids again

>> No.20989412

Peterson had a decent take on it with his Orderliness and Disgust personality indicators. People with high Orderliness preference and high Disgust sensitivity either become conservatives or totalitarians. Everyday leftists are mostly lazy and lax rich or upper middle class people, who see the existing order of things with all its sloppiness and messiness and decay as "fine," or even see sloppiness and decay as vibrant diversity. Usually because they don't live near it, they only go slumming in it at their own discretion. Christopher Lasch:
>The new elites are in revolt against ‘Middle America,’ as they imagine it: a nation technologically backward, politically reactionary, repressive in its sexual morality, middlebrow in its tastes, smug and complacent, dull and dowdy. Those who covet membership in the new aristocracy of brains tend to congregate on the coasts, turning their back on the heartland and cultivating ties with the international market in fast-moving money, glamour, fashion, and popular culture. It is a question whether they think of themselves as Americans at all. Patriotism, certainly, does not rank very high in their hierarchy of virtues. “Multiculturalism,” on the other hand, suits them to perfection, conjuring up the agreeable image of a global bazaar in which exotic cuisines, exotic styles of dress, exotic music, exotic tribal customs can be savored indiscriminately, with no questions asked and no commitments required. The new elites are at home only in transit, en route to a high-level conference, to the grand opening of a new franchise, to an international film festival, or to an undiscovered resort. Theirs is essentially a tourist’s view of the world (...)

Fruits and queers tend to become leftists and liberals out of sheer inertia, falling in with the rich people who benefit from the inertial drift of the status quo more easily than they do. They're either too naive to notice they are last to eat at the trough, or too gelded to care that they're eating their betters' leftovers.

However, total losers can go either way. Some losers acquiesce to being the scum on the bottom of whatever their local social group is. Many leftist groups have the happy-go-lucky rich fruits and queers at the top, the scum losers at the bottom accepting whatever scraps fall to them. But leftist losers can also become totalitarian as a hobby, having fun fantasizing about murdering people once the revolution comes. These are usually stupid and naive, because an implicit part of the fantasy is that the happy-go-lucky rich kids in their social group will finally admire them as commissars instead of treating them like the runts of the litter.

Right wing losers usually become thugs and bullies, like The Authoritarian Personality tried to describe. But when pushed to the margins of a feminized and feminizing society, they become either totalitarian mirrors of the leftist loser, or the infamous incel school shooter.

>> No.20989425

now it's too late, I'm in my last year. But I took some physics classes

>> No.20989441

Can someone explain the appeal of Sanderson to me? I think he's a great teacher (from his lectures) but he's a pretty horrible writer. His positives are that every story is understandable, characters are unoffensive and likeable, each novel has a "cool factor", but everything is done at a well-refined high school level.

>> No.20989463

I am not handling loss well.

>> No.20989471

Wanna talk about it?

>> No.20989478

I've been inventing and ultimately believing paranoid fantasies about how she is still part of my life at a distance, following everything, even stuff like seeing me through my webcam. I think the only reason is because it means I don't have to give up, and it gives me an excuse to think about her that seems real.

>> No.20989486

Like as completely implausible as it is, there is a part of me that immediately goes "what if that anon is her... it COULD be her..."

>> No.20989488

Did she end it, or did you? How long has it been?

>> No.20989492

Sounds like she dodged a bullet

>> No.20989506

About a year. It's hard to explain and I don't think I'd want to.

>> No.20989520

What makes you wonder if an anon might be her? Is it the writing style they use, or the topics that they reference? Or is the assumption just totally random?

>> No.20989551
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>> No.20989558

>You don’t have any friends at all?
Like I said I'm a loner. Never had any in high school either. When high school began I cut off all contact to those I knew in middle school. I'd never been friends with them really.
Closest thing I had to a friend was a couple years back I'd occasionally drink with my roommate. Other than those occasions, though, I would barely interact with him.
He would share memes to me on Facebook & I simply would not respond.
I knew that it was incredibly rude, but it made me so anxious especially the thought that anything I commented on Facebook could potentially be seen by family members.
There was a girl that tried to make friends with me in high school. I posted about her on another wwyom thread. I had met her at a party my brother threw. That was the same thing. I simply wouldn't reciprocate.
I don't blame her or the others though I know it is completely my fault.
>Do you at least make small talk with people at your workplace,
There is an elderly man at my job who talks with me and seems fond of me. He'll buy me snacks. He likes to talk about history with me, but it's fairly easy with old people because they just rant without pause regardless of what you say.
>or talk to your family members?
Rarely, certainly not with any extended family members. In my immediate family sometimes I might talk about politics or some other impersonal topic Conversations with my family are always very impersonal. In general I'm very detached from my family, and don't feel much of anything for them. I used to be close to my father, but beginning when I was 12 or so began to push him away for some reason. I was a little close to my brother as well, but once my brothers started college we all naturally grew detached from each other.
>And are you asexual, or just void of interest in the social aspect of a romantic relationship?
I've never been in a romantic relationship, but I'm not asexual. I masturbate relatively regularly. The idea of a romantic relationship is entirely theoretical to me. It sounds nice I guess, but I have no reference point to know what it's actually like. I have had girls interested in me a couple times.
Once I met this girl doing laundry and had a really nice chat. A week later she comes to my place of work, a coffee shop, and is clearly interested. For some reason I don't know why, I acted like I didn't know her. I just said "what's your name". She gave it expectantly, and I just said "Alright your coffee will be ready at the end of the table". I do not know why I did this.
The other girl that was interested in me was at my brother's party. She wanted to have sex with me I think but I just said "I'm good that's okay". Really I was very afraid of her.

>> No.20989567

>taking a poetry workshop elective class in my college
>first couple weeks we do nothing but talk and ask questions while we're working on our poems at our dorms
>today professor asks everyone to name their favorite poet and why
>everyone names poets like emily dickinson syvlia plath and edgar allen poe
>comes to me
>uhh... uhhh.. uh.. ch..ch..charles bukowski
>professor crosses his arms and smirks
>why do you like him?
>be me a stuttering social retard
>remember reading a bio about him once
>because he writes simply and hes not pretentious like other poets
>he laughs
>I get a few eye rolls and crossed arms
>we move on after Professor says "okay then.. how about you?" to the person next to me
>want to kill myself
>can't drop class or else I'll get a part time designation
>already accepted financial aid
>stuck with this class where everyone thinks I'm a retard

>> No.20989573

Oof I d just kill myself desu

>> No.20989580

When is there diminished responsibility? How does it interact with free will? How can causality influence that which is "free", "indifferent" and "beyond" causality?

>> No.20989585

I own that exact hose

>> No.20989587

>/lit/ pseud gets oofed and yiked on irl
you were supposed to say you liked bukowski because he represents proletarian authenticity or some other marxoid hooha and then make a beer joke. you let everyone down. oh well it's not the first this has happened to a /lit/ poster and it won't be the last.

>> No.20989598

please help me, I am slowly dying...I am in hell. I am obsessed with intelligence, with IQ. I think to myself I NEED 130 IQ or more, and then numbers less than 130 will pop in my head and I start furiously thinking of numbers equal to or greater than 130, or whatever number I've decided would satisfy me, and I fear if I ever stop my train of thoughts after thinking a certain number than number will "set" my IQ to it and it will be unchangeable. Whenever I think I obsessively criticize my thinking process and pick apart everything that I find unacceptably sluggish, which is everything. I constantly find evidence against myself and I always build quite the case

>> No.20989604


It might make you feel better to talk about it, even if the situation seems too complicated to explain. I’m interested in hearing more.

Perhaps your constant fAntasies aRe a sIgn that you should try to reach out to her and discuss things. Maybe she misses you.

>> No.20989621

IQ doesn't matter. Results matter. It doesn't matter if you have a 130 IQ if you don't produce anything with it. You should be worried about the contributions given to the world... An high IQ is the machine. A machine that sits and does nothing is worth less than the hand that picks and pulls.

>> No.20989657

Also, IQ only measure mathematical intelligence if I am correct. So, having an high IQ doesn't necessarily help you write a good book.

>> No.20989659

Yes I know, I just feel incredible jealousy and personal dissatisfaction when it comes to this. I also don't really feel a larger sense of attachment or belonging in America, it feels like economic survival and individualist competition are supreme, so I think it is easy and o an extent natural to fall into this narcissistic mindset.

>> No.20989686

I should also say that since childhood I've latched on to intelligence as the most powerful, valuable, and beautiful trait. I think it was cartoons that gave me that impression. I would always watch jimmy neutron building IEDs or whatever in his basement and dominating his environment

>> No.20989704

I commiserate. These things are never easy. What’s been going on?

>> No.20989764


>> No.20989773

>didn’t automatically say Edmund Spenser
Your bloodline should die with you

>> No.20989791

I just realized the Titans from greek myth are cave man reactions to finding dinosaur fossils.

>> No.20989803

I don't think so. I'm not bad at reading people's emotions or social quieues. I know what I should do in a given situation, usually it's just fear or indifference that holds me back.
I've met autistic people before and never felt any similarity to them.

>> No.20989811

I regret quitting my banking job.

>> No.20989815

Lately Ive been having trouble telling men and women apart. Is everyone becoming androgynous or is there something wrong with me

>> No.20989832

there's something wrong with you bro

>> No.20989869

how does quora compare to reddit

>> No.20989879

If you could get a job where you could make a lot of money, but you hated it and worked all the time, what you would do?

>> No.20989888
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look at a mammoth skeleton for the cyclops, and the minotaur was probably the skeleton of a cow that got stuck and died in the middle of the remains of one of those minoan cities that looks like a labyrinth from a distance.

>> No.20989890

save as much as possible then retire to an area with low cost of living

>> No.20989924

I really don't know if that appeals to me.

>> No.20989926

Twerking is Tedpilled
Smoking weed is Schopenhauerian
Skateboarding is Nietzchean
Business hustle klaus schwab crypto broing is BODHI DHARMA

>> No.20989929

Nazis won chud.

>> No.20989951

im lazy. unbelievably lazy. you wouldn't believe how lazy I am.

>> No.20989953

Sexting is Hegelian
Kegels is Herzogian

>> No.20989995

this was the anthem back in the day


>> No.20990118

I talked to a girl today.

>> No.20990131

I am obsessed with sex. Last time I had sex back then in 2018 something horrible happened. I will never recover, I will never have a girlfriend again, I want to die but I want to have sex. God I need to have sex

>> No.20990153

Lightning fell to Earth - Morning-star, Light-bringer, cast from heavenly abode to dwell in his pride - Wormwood embittered the waters - Adam's face reflected in the Euphrates as the sun rises behind him - the form of the serpent, below on the soil as it approaches Eve, above against the clouds as lightning flashes and falls dark - and the body and the soul are one, and the heavens and the earth are one, and the tempter and the tempted are one. The activity of the nous, seduced to its ruin by the spark of inspiration in which fleshly pleasure and the promise of fulfillment, satisfaction, an end to wandering beyond the gates of Eden - an object in motion will remain in motion until acted upon - Man stumbles, vision obscured, swaying to and fro, sees himself not upright but lying on the ground, half-bitten fruit beside outstretched hand, golden nectar beading on its surface at the edge of his bite, forming a drop which falls into the dust - now thunder, now ruin, now portents and omens, now signs, now as above so below - now the fall is complete. Light-bringer which became darkness in form of lightning, in form of serpent, shape and image, light now connecting and revealing, in creation's eighth night, half-seen shapes, snake rustling through dry grass, eyes downcast towards nakedness, light which connects, for one instant more, Heaven and sin and the foundation of the world, then all receding, fading, crouching, lumbering, groping hand-by-hand into the dark without.

>> No.20990226

Well bros I fucked up. Theres this girl who's been trying to talk to me and I intended to talk to her after class. Problem is she was still taking notes and I was ready to go. Didnt wanna just linger like an ass so i felt comeplled to leave. I was hoping that she and I would have left at the same time so it could have been natural. Damn it starting conversations is a fucking science.

>> No.20990234

Wish I could write fantasy/fiction stories but it appears I don't have the talent. I can write reasonably well, in an academic sense, but my ability to tell stories is lacking. Oh, how I wish I could write well!

>> No.20990238

Good job.

>> No.20990240

Sounds like you didn't fuck up at all. Sounds like you should just try again next time.

>> No.20990241

You ain't nothing but a naked baby. Fuck you.

>> No.20990246
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>> No.20990252
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=Klaus Schwab is rightwing and Ted Kaczynski is leftwing

>> No.20990256

lmao i remember my college days of being an autistic dude like that haha waiting for class to end like here's my chance to maybe talk to that cute girl mmmm nah maybe next class i'm out of here! keep trying and you'll probably get laid eventually which is worth it just for the memory of having some college sex in a dorm at the very least.

>> No.20990260
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Why are they like this?

>> No.20990279


>> No.20990308

I'm 23 and at a community college. Dorm sex is an opportunity I lost years ago

>> No.20990338
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Ascendant post

>> No.20990357

idk how he did it but bladee basically channels toxic female traits/strategies. unlike most rap that focuses on exaggerating the violent, warrior traits of men, bladee's focus is on being sneaky, manipulative, non-violent and deceptive. all of which are the toxic female traits.

i really do miss rappers like jay-z being in the spotlight though. not only was he technically proficient, he also had a form of masculinity that was more mature and extended past his origin of being a drug dealer. he placed emphasis on being aware, stoic and intellectual all while having the same swag of a street mf. There was a sense of honor and loyalty that is hard to find in a lot of rap and especially absent in Bladee.

>> No.20990362

go look on apple music top 100 songs for nyc or los angeles or anywhere else. no one is listening to bladee.

>> No.20990388

true, my impression might be skewed but he's extremely popular amongst the art hoe crowd. i know he isn't a huge rapper.
That jay-z comment was kind of a tangent because it's part of another argument on how the masculinity displayed in the top 100 shit is way more banal and retarded than 10 years ago. and keep in mind jay-z was blasted for being banal by the media AND fellow backpack, conscious rappers for being too banal.

>> No.20990393

I'm so lonely, life is so cold

>> No.20990395

Bladee is androgynous in an aristocratic sense, I think it's important to note

>> No.20990396

It's crazy how many people deny evolution and believe pseudoscience, virtually all f*minists do this now, it's like creationism but worse. Americans are doomed and so are western euros
At least the nafris and latinos who replace them are less retarded

>> No.20990397

What’s got you feeling that way?

>> No.20990399

Testosterone, working out, not being a consoomer

>> No.20990405

If jews = capital then communism is a holocaust waiting to happen desu
Based chadlin had the right idea

>> No.20990408

yeah he's a 'sex-less, angel' and its even reflected in the super light saturated imagery.

>> No.20990411

>life is so cold
And we're still in september

>> No.20990412

so much of that crap on both the left and right. sick of stupid people and their ideological copes.

>> No.20990414

I dearly miss you…more than anything, all that I want is to talk to you again.

>> No.20990417

Had a goal of fucking at least two tourist sluts this summer. 0 so far, and summer's over
Why all the procrastination

>> No.20990420

Google: "how to get over oneitis"

>> No.20990426

Uuuuuggggghhhhhh arrrrrgggghhhhh grrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.20990427

Thanks for the advice, but I don’t think it’ll help.

>> No.20990447

Why dont you try it and see for yourself, just assume it will help and if it does then it does

>> No.20990448

Brian Wilson is a genius.

>> No.20990450

when i fucked my second ever chick i realize how loose the first one was. could barely feel a thing and i was raw
She was 20 at the time too, fucking grim

>> No.20990482

oh boy here comes xi with another pitchfork approved opinion. daring!

>> No.20990483

Why don’t you just call whoever this is about and tell them how you feel?

>> No.20990487

he's probably talking about someone who died

>> No.20990500

I’m not.
I wish that I could, but I can’t.

>> No.20990504

woman moment

>> No.20990519

you know as someone who undoubtedly has dark triad traits (and a family history of murder, alcoholism, etc), I'm starting to wonder if maybe my view of women is at least somewhat skewed by the fact that I'm attracted to dark triad women. Maybe the bad ones have left the longest lasting memories but I've noticed a pattern that the ones I've fallen in love with the most are totally unhinged in their actions.

>> No.20990533

Unhinged in what way?

>> No.20990545
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>you know as someone who undoubtedly has dark triad traits

>> No.20990546

It's worth comparing the brahmin caste to the kshatriya caste (priest and warrior respectively) when thinking about bladee

>> No.20990550

as someone dark and scary with a wicked sense of humor like the jokester from the movie about batmen i think society

>> No.20990553

purposely causing violence/drama, never reciprocating anything, stealing, cheating, lying. total entitled bitches that fuck your life up.

>> No.20990558

Sometimes when people do things that seem crazy their intentions are good. Perhaps they acted out of love.

>> No.20990565

Watching survivor. Love how it affirms basically every stereotype

>> No.20990567

u guys are like society u always telling me not to do crazy joker things u will never understand like mom

>> No.20990575

I am society

>> No.20990603 [DELETED] 

who's down to quit this site forever starting right now?

>> No.20990620

>tfw 99% of the posts on the honeypot website you spend hours on is by machine learning algorithms competing to get burgers to shoot up schools and you still can't get (you)s

>> No.20990631

society has poisoned your brain
now all you can think about is your own ego
you can't see those memories anymore
we were growing up into a mass of hateful people

>> No.20990634

i just squirt cum all over my ego
fuck my ego is covered with sticky dried up cum
now my soul smells like cum
now i smell like cum

>> No.20990670

post physique

>> No.20990680 [DELETED] 

American culture is centered around niggers

>> No.20990699

Why can’t you?

>> No.20990719

It’s complicated.

>> No.20990820

I'm just not feeling it anymore

>> No.20990831

How do I alleviate ennui

>> No.20990836
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>Forgive me father, for I have sinned. I've been scratching the couch again, and once when I found my human sleeping I laid on his face until he jumped gasping for air.

>> No.20990845


Tell me more.

>> No.20990849

Get up and go

You don't have to wait till November

>> No.20990857

Don’t do anything rash. Follow your heart.

>> No.20990885

Do you remember a time when you were struggling with a fatal indecision of some sort? Perhaps you could’ve chosen differently. Perhaps it’s not too late and you could try again. Maybe you could work things out and agree to start over. There’s always risk, but you can’t hide from life forever— you’ll only lose out on your chance at happiness. So don’t give up.

>> No.20990943

>It essentially boils down to how humans go about their lives. Some are so scared of letting others have freedom that they'll gladly sell themselves into bondage, a walled city, mountains of propaganda that'll tell them sweet lies, as long as the power stays on and they get their salty or sweet snacks.These people are still around because their family life messed them up. They grew up needing strong daddy figures yelling at them. Or bullies at school. They're usually shocked by sexual needs, especially from women. Which aren't even seen as human some of the time.
So, leftists

>> No.20990945

Time to sleep

>> No.20990980

i don't know if i've ever felt more suicidal than i do now.

>> No.20990993

I shouldn't be a politician. So why am I voting for who should become one as if I know what you need to be a politician?

>> No.20991015
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At what point in a relationship is it a good idea to inform a girl you've got a fetish?

>> No.20991020

Lose the fetish because you're supposed to have fallen in love with her.
I mean, unless it's about HER feet. But don't let that even get in the way of you moving past that obsession.

>> No.20991074

I'm independent of the collective conscience. That's why no one replies to my post. You have to have others who will reply to your specific post and see it at the same time you post.

>> No.20991089

Who made thee, dost thou know who made thee? Gave thee clothing of delight
Bring me my bow of burning gold, bring me my arrows of desire
Bring me my chariot of fire
Just endless thoughts looping in my head I am so bothered

>> No.20991100

Ignore critics and reviewers.

>> No.20991103

nothing im a woman all i heard is static

>> No.20991105

I hate sex
I hate seeing people talk about sex
I hate seeing people sexualise other people
I've been like this since I was a child
One time when I was a child around 9 years old my friend got onto my bed and pinned me down and started humping me while screaming about fucking in my face
Perhaps that has something to do with my issue with it but also I think it's just a genuine state of a less damaged soul

>> No.20991119

>politics exists and i meagerly think about it for like the past 5 years
>decide tonight to just look up american political history, notice the slight diversity in political parties since the foundings but now it's just trailing the same parties democratic and republic
>wikipedia says actually democratic party represents a wide range of other smaller parties who all have differing views and republican is more uniform in their politics
>literally a quote in the wikipedia that democratic party switched to a socialist party after 1932, and the rest of that wikipedia introduction paragraphs just shits itsself halfway through having little literature merit i digress
>people call a liberal (somebody wanting to be a socialist) when linguistically liberal means to be more free
>conservative just means some dude 100 years ago made this document for us, we should follow it without doing anything, you know to be conservative
there's only 3 states to the whatever rules the government follows, to remove, to add, or not do anything. and to be a liberal means to remove, and a socialist means to add, and not do anything is to be a conservative. basically the linguistic meaning of those parties really have been lost

>> No.20991184

Never said I was a capitalist either. How about you dilate!

>> No.20991187

Whoops responded to the wrong one. I basically want white socialism, yes.

>> No.20991194

The authoritarian personality is wrong, most people like authoritarian personalities


>> No.20991206

My brain is fried like eggs and bacon, I tried learning some french words through an Anki deck and they are just not getting in there. Meanwhile some random words I heard here and there I memorized without really trying.

>> No.20991212

>10 different answers
So no one knows eh?

>> No.20991223
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Yesterday I fasted for the first time. I thought I won't be able to pull off an entire day, but it was surprisingly easy. Then I thought in the morning I'll eat a lot to compensate, but I wasn't hungry at all when I woke up. I'm confused. Wasn't it supposed to be hard?

>> No.20991238

no, you're only hungry at first, after that it's a smooth glide for a couple days before you're starving
everyone who says its hard is a fatty with no self-control

>> No.20991249

Thoughts juggled from one moment to the next. I keep bouncing back and forth between my classes. I’ve never wanted anything more than to finish school and that’s why I’m afraid. I’m afraid of the universe. I’m afraid of Death coming for me too soon, every moment is too soon. I’m so happy to be alive now but clearly it’s because of this fear. The world has tried to kill me before, thrice now, and each time it’s taken me longer to recover. I’m in the midst of a recovery period now but strong enough to ford the current. I worry, things have gone too well and I may fuck it up myself. I still find myself attracted to the same type of people I was born to, the bright corrosive type of toxicity that’ll melt your hand and confidence away in an instant. I can’t sleep. Goodnight.

>> No.20991269
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>> No.20991280

Go fuck yourself, nigger

>> No.20991331

Whenever I find a word that I like in a book, I make a little silly story that uses the word as much as possible.
I was -for the first time- reading Charlie and the Chocolate factory, and I found the word "dawdle". I liked that word, so in order to remember it, I wrote a little story. It's fun.

>> No.20991337

This thread sucks

>> No.20991341

op is fat retard

>> No.20991346

sp janny is a colossal faggot.

>> No.20991353

Gay nigs.

>> No.20991355

Bucker Breakers United

>> No.20991360

I don't want to be a failure.
I want to move out of my shitty third-world country.
I want to make a decent amount of money, not too much, not too little.
I want to be the best in my class.
I want to be the centre of attention ALWAYS.
God I'm so tired.

>> No.20991363

The lady seems like some sort of mentor figure with magical undertones, akin to a magical helper. Take her words seriously, that's likely the wiser part of your unconscious taking shape and trying to be as direct as possible. If there's nothing good inside you as the dream seems to imply, and given that the lady accused you of living inhumanely, then the most logical conclusion I can develop from that dream is that you've failed to cultivate habits that make you grow as a person, and thus the lady can't find goodness inside because you haven't even planted the seeds. You need to change your habits, be more mindful of what you do everyday. To live humanly is to have it as a habit to do as a human would. Right now, do something that plants a seed of goodness inside. Even if you were to do a single "human act" a day, I think that'd be enough to satisfy the witch-magician wise lady. If you do good, then you may not see her again, and you'll begin to feel content. If you do bad, you'll know. She'll tell you.

>> No.20991369

Which third world shithole. I want to escape too

>> No.20991396

Are imageboards and memes childish?

>> No.20991400

It should. Compassion and forgiveness are important virtues, I think.

>> No.20991401
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Go fuck yourself faggot.

>> No.20991410

Sometimes I don't mind it when bad things happen to me. In fact, sometimes I am the one responsible for such bad things. Why I do these things, I suppose, is that in the back of my mind, I am just looking for more reasons to do one final bad thing to myself.

>> No.20991422
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Life's getting better and worse at the same time
don't know why

>> No.20991425

I'm so ashamed.
Can I die already, please?

>> No.20991442

Is that a yes?

>> No.20991454
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Tell me about it anon. What's it like?

>> No.20991462

after reading the mind parasites, i've started to mentally divide everyone into categories of good and evil

>> No.20991463

Does that mean you want to give white people as sex slaves to other races, or do you want everyone in the world to have an equal amount of whiteness?

>> No.20991486

if you use duckduckgo, you are a schizo

>> No.20991495

holy shit the
>I post
>like a haiku
>but not really
guy is nigerian? lmao. i read nigerian churches were bringing back latin mass. sounds comfy to me.

>> No.20991501

use search.brave.com instead.

>> No.20991537

i just had the weirdest dream i was in a old west mining town but it was actually a college town and i had lathered up to shave and someone stole my razer so i was searching all over in these dusty saloons hidden in underground passages and climbing up cobwebbed grain silos. i finally went down to the company town and visited the general store which was oddly like a deli in amherst mass but they sold only to people who had student id, so i went to search more, and when i tried to go into this one dorm on the edge of the old mining operation jim jones (the rapper) stopped me like ayo no one goes up there homey that's my shit, i was like oh pardon me sir, i'm just searching for a razor blade, then i ran into my friends and they're like lets go for a drive, and i'm like dude let me shave first, they're like nah it's all good that fresh smell adds flavor lets go and we got into an old big ass 70s car. inside the car was fucking huge, and there were like 30 kids from the neighborhood sitting behind us, and one kid asked me to pull up a latin app on my phone and put it on the headrest so he could use it to teach latin to the girl next to him, and i'm like ok i approve of that, then something banged the fucking wall and i woke up.

>> No.20991549

Shitty shitty shit-hole sad life no money eternal misery bad stuff literal human sacrifices, dear God, am I cursed?

>> No.20991552

>no money
>still posting here
how do you do it

>> No.20991553

>literal human sacrifices

>> No.20991567

Internet is not cheap but it's quite affordable bro.

>> No.20991570
File: 1.11 MB, 1200x1509, Brown-Peter-The-Scholar-in-the-Library-Rainy-Winters-Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rain season is starting, I'm just sitting at the desk in the library I work at listening to the windows slam and rain fall onto the glass due to the storm. *sips coffee*

>> No.20991572

I'm not Catholic but my Catholic friends were required to learn Latin for confirmation or something like that. Nothing new, I guess.

>> No.20991575


>> No.20991599

i can sort of relate. i work deep in the bowels of a campus building where the only light is fluorescent and the only sound the soft whir of the post-covid filtered air. most people find the location so unappealing that people who wear suits rarely make an appearance which is great because it allows many opportunities to slack off which to say read. i also like to think if there were to be a nuclear strike on the city i would survive the initial blast. obviously i'd later die an excruciating death to radiation poisoning, but i'd at least get to check out the aftermath.

>> No.20991623

sounds comfy desu, besides the lighting

>> No.20991633

oh i like it it's nice and bright and there's no sense of time, so you never get that feeling that the day is slipping away while you're stuck in the office.

>> No.20991635

that's very cool. i prefer warm lighting tho

>> No.20991645

Windir used that as an album cover

How would you explain someone like Eminem or Biggie?

>> No.20991657

Aside from the sexual relationships, you're close to what I am. Just about.

>> No.20991697

bad thread

>> No.20991703

Gay retards.

>> No.20991731

Garbage thread.

>> No.20991734

What languages do you know?

>> No.20991753

Thread must die.

>> No.20991765

Gay thread.

>> No.20991769

Die thread, die.

>> No.20991772

Death to liberalism.

>> No.20991830

should have informed him that reading poetry is for fags

>> No.20991832

Listen to Jonathan Bowden's lectures.


>> No.20991858

maybe he said something that caused her to do it

>> No.20991859

Imagine tearing a flag that would have protected your people.

>> No.20991863

has 'refuse all non-essential cookies' ever been used in diet/healthy lifestyle branding

>> No.20991929

English, primarily. A little French. Why do you ask?

>> No.20991939

What’s that like? Why do you prefer to be alone?

>> No.20992085

If you're young and ambitious, I really can't tell you how important it is to get into other ambitious circles, preferably professional ones, as early as possible. It does something to your psychology and makes you into a man and a leader. I went from a really competitive environment to a very soft and bureaucratic uncompetitive environment. It was a nice break for a while, but it's started to pick at my self-perception.

>> No.20992106

The thing about humans being social animals isn't just a cliche.
Even the loner is relating his experiences to some idea he has of his peers and if the perceived norm sets a high standard that affects his standards about himself.

>> No.20992108

>be out of country for 4 weeks
>have wedding
>very fun and monumental time in my life, over quickly
>return home
>quickly resent material pleasures, nostalgia, video games, 9-5 cycle
>months later starting to have a synthesis between roughing outdoors, seeing the world, and enjoying the simple shit like commercials from 1989

It’s meaning bros. Only do what what brings you meaning! As a side note I regret reading philosophy.

>> No.20992113

Next thread

>> No.20992149

It's not. It's rather not that they somehow change who you are, but the environment prevents you from living up to who you are. Young people that would, for example, be leaders, need to be challenged to lead as early as possible.

>> No.20993189

I don’t understand why you won’t just communicate with me. Is it because you’re afraid? It’s okay, so am I. Do you think you’d screw it up? I don’t believe that you would. I don’t know what else to try. It makes me so sad to know that you’ve been having such a hard time lately— I only wanted to make things better, not worse. I have no other way of reaching you. Whatever is going on, I can be understanding about it. Just talk to me— you can tell me anything. I feel as though I’m stuck in this unbearable stasis.

>> No.20993425

Mom. The thread won’t bump after 310 posts.