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/lit/ - Literature

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20967331 No.20967331 [Reply] [Original]

What incredibly important book is no one reading?

>> No.20967358

The bible.

>> No.20967363

Richard Wagner's Opera and Drama.

>> No.20967373

Literally any book, especially the Bible.
People dont read.

>> No.20967409

There is a hidden power in Machiavelli's Discourses on Livy. The chapter of conspiracies, in particular, reveals that all great moments of the world begin with a conspiracy only few believe; a great plan that cannot fulfill itself through the hands of ordinary men.

>> No.20967422

my diary desu

>> No.20967428

I find those who overly emphasize christianity and god and the entirety of any religion display a certain weakness of intelligence, and an even weaker of integrity. This is not an insult to the bible and god, but a direct insult to those who manual-ize the bible and idolize god.

>> No.20967434

I find your post incredibly ignorant

>> No.20967435

I'd say the same about those who overly emphasize the unimportance of eternity and the immortal soul

>> No.20967437


>> No.20967440
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>> No.20967448

>idolize god
Impossible to do. You can idolize the image of God like papists do but idolizing actual God is impossible.

>> No.20967510

Colin Wilson's The Outsider

>> No.20967845

for you

>> No.20967855

No one reading? Do you mean normalfags? If so, I would say Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.
If you mean /lit/, then anything written by the greeks.

>> No.20968123

Anti-Machiaevel. This is the book that called out Machiavelli as the trendy ineffectual piece of garbage that it was. Written by a King who set the stage for Prussia to become a great power in Europe.

>> No.20968150

The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

>> No.20968156

Berkeley's Treatise is easily the most underrated text since the Enlightenment

>> No.20968159

I'm not even religious, but your post is ridiculously stupid and naive. Consider that a lot of people want to be
>those who manual-ize the bible and idolize god.
How would you deal with those people? Basically understand their "manual".

>> No.20968224


>> No.20968380

Based, zoomers like to pretend to be Christians but you know they never read the word of God unprompted

>> No.20968712

Millennials like to pretend to be atheist but they're retarded pagans

>> No.20968718

The Peshitta version of the Holy Bible.

>> No.20968723

Ok umi zoomie

>> No.20968735

Mein Kampf

>> No.20969383

Why do people like Peter Thiel? He's literally a silverspoon faggot.

>> No.20969393

Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.20969428

Enver Hoxha Selected Writings

>> No.20969465

lmao he's a self made billionaire you faggot

>> No.20969537

I don't care if he's self made, he's a soulless servant of capital's self expansion and worse than that he is an annoying faggot

>> No.20969547

Then don't use the wrong words annoying faggot. No one cares about Peter Tranny, but we do care about using the right words to insult people.

>> No.20969564
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>Clearly written ideology of a man who successfully took over a broken country and won the adoration of the majority of a growing nation.

Lets not look in to that.

>> No.20969584
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The most vocally religious person I know punches holes in drywall and stole thousands of dollars from his own family to buy drugs, among other truly Christlike acts.

>> No.20969588
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post it, coward

>> No.20969594
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Pic related.

>> No.20969862

>book burning is good

>> No.20969924

If they're on 4chan, I doubt they're actual Christians.

>> No.20969926
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Are you defending early transgender literature, groomer?

>> No.20969944

Plato agreed, and I doubt you have the mental capacity to contest it, so you're just parroting TV propaganda back to us. Get rekt.

>> No.20969958


>> No.20970091

>doubling down on book burning

>> No.20970102

thank you, aalewis.

>> No.20970214
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You're suggesting that all knowledge is of equal worth and that destroying the works of your rivial is a poor means of removing support.

Both are wrong.

>> No.20970221

>doubling down on no arguments

>> No.20970236


>> No.20970242

>You're suggesting
>but you're not
I am just pointing you want books banned and burned

>> No.20970273

Cringe, this is the most forced book in all of history. Try reading The Golden Bough instead.

>> No.20970292

Based. /lit/'s constant obsession with the bible is an indicator of how low brow this board is. Maybe they ought to shut up and actually read it themselves, especially the part where Jesus says to be perfect you must sell all your possessions and give to the poor, and how you should not spin or toil but instead live like a bird and let God provide everything for you and not give any thought for the morrow. Oh right, that's all stupid advice they will ignore anyway. HA, yeah, great book!

>> No.20970293

The Qur'an

>> No.20970297

>posts the most popular book

>> No.20970304

The God Delusion

>> No.20970310

you must be 18 or over to post here

>> No.20970370
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Correct. Ideology that subvert the nation, its people, and heritage should be persecuted violently.

>> No.20970384
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Trust a leftist to spot an underage poster. I suspect you would dm him if these boards supporter such a feature.

>> No.20970475

But we already stated that very clearly ourselves

>> No.20970481


>> No.20970523

Such is the intellect of animal stock incapable thinking for itself—their minds stapled and their character coaled.

>> No.20970556

Anglo American Establishment by Carroll Quigley

>> No.20970565


>> No.20972376

this, millennials are still stuck with the idea that being an atheist is cool. When in fact their minds are just obliterated with their own life going sideways and they can't do anything about it for they are just meant to be cannon fodder, human slaves, etc. Their way of retaliation for their fate is just to be an atheist, hating on the powerful. We can see this example in our very surroundings. They tear what was left behind by the previous generations and try to create new ways that are just inefficient. Like the structure of the family itself. They create new genders and other things that accept degeneracy. And this very behavior affects the nurture of the zoomers, and its effects are very evident.
Millennials are the ones who are destroying us.

>> No.20972407

>le evil german homosexual is doing things
the war was almost 80 years ago. get over it lmao

>> No.20972414

Your Brain On Porn

>> No.20972431


>> No.20972432

Literally no one on /lit/ has read the bible, but they pretend they did.

>> No.20972448


>> No.20972455

>Their way of retaliation for their fate is just to be an atheist, hating on the powerful. We can see this example in our very surroundings.

I'm ngl this is one of the reasons why I became atheist yet again. But it opened mu eyes to things that confirmed that I'll remain so

>> No.20972462

If Christians actually did that I would actually respect them somewhat.

>> No.20972489

Doubt anyone cares about respect bro

>> No.20972711

Calm down grandpa, maybe your cult-like belief system is just retarded, ever considered that?

>> No.20972715

There has only been one Christian to ever exist and he died on the cross. Also, he may not have even existed either lol.

>> No.20973647


>> No.20973738

How to win friends and influence people

>> No.20973765
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Any fucking book by Mailer
America is so ultra progressive left and super redneck idiot right. Both authoritarians, both bent on destroying everything.

Read and listen to Mailer. Stop being idiots, be regular liberals.

>> No.20973773
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I read this and how it talks about how people's psychology is tied to their body is 100% right. You can't treat everyone the same, nobody is born the same, nobody looks the same, nobody feels the same (unless they are the modern american smartphone social media and narrative addicted Golem). Look at their body and assume you know how they think based on experience.

All fats think a certain way
All skinnies think a certain way
All shorts think a certain way
All talls think a certain way
All people with crazy hair think a certain way
All balds think a certain way
All people who wear flashy stuff around their waist think a certain way
ON and ON and ON

>> No.20974077
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>both bent on destroying everything

Destroying what exactly? America and those who built it has been destroyed by big business, minorities, jews and Communist and hustle culture and the entire libertarian mindset that atomized cultute and permitted every behavior.

>> No.20974083

>You can't treat everyone the same, nobody is born the same, nobody looks the same, nobody feels the same
Imagine needing a book to learn this

>> No.20974159

Robert L. Moore's books and their sources e.g. Eliade and Victor Turner

>> No.20974227

After finitude

>> No.20974241

no he hasnt

>> No.20974388
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Peter Thiel's reading list:

Our Present Decadence:
- Leo Strauss, The City and Man
- Ross Douthat, The Decadent Society

- Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West, abridged edition

- Francis Bacon, New Atlantis
- Derek de Solla Prince, Science since Babylon

- Richard Rhodes, The Making of the Atom Bomb

- Soencer Weart, The Rise of Nuclear Fear
- René Girard, "Hamlet's Dull Revenge" from Theater of Envy

- Joan Didion, Slouching Towards Bethlehem
- Tom Wolfe, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

Stagnation 1: Journalistic Accounts
- Christopher Caldwell, the Age of Entitlement
- Camile Paglia, Provocations

Stagnation 2: Theoretical and Novelistic Accounts
- Carl Schmitt, The Crisis of Parliamentary Democracy
- Michel Houllebecq, Submission

The Case Against Growth
- Dietrich Vollrath, Fully Grown
- Donella Meadows et al., The Limits to Growth

Ways Out?:
- Ernst Juenger, The Forest Passage
- Henry George, Progress and Poverty

>> No.20974407
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Thiel's reading list continued:

Globalization: Prophecy versus History
- Francis Fukuyama, The End of History
- Kishore Mahbubani, Has the West Lost it?
- Stephen R. Platt, How Britain's First Mission to China Went Wrong
- Norman Angell, The Great Illusion

Universalism: From the Tower of Babel to the Last Things
- Genesis 11:1-9 (The Tower of Babel)
- Karl Lowith, Meaning in History
- Revelation 17 (Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots)

From 1914 to 1949: World War
- Carl Schmitt, The Concept of the Political
- Carl Schmitt, Land and Sea
- Alain de Benoist, Nazism and Communism: Evil Twins?

The 1950s: Toward a World State?
- Alexandre Kojeve, Tyranny and Wisdom (1950) in On Tyranny
- Leo Strauss, Restatement on Xenophon's Hiero (1959) in On Tyranny

From the '60s to the '10s: Optimism to Stagnation
- Jean-Jacques Servan-Schreiber, The American Challenge
- Robert Gordon, Is the U.S. Economic Growth Over?
- John Horgan, Why I Think Science is Ending
- M. Teitelbaum, The Myth of the Science and Engineering Shortage
- Christopher Lasch, The Revolt of the Elites
- Vaclav Smil, Can Trump bring manufacturing jobs back?

Varieties of Universalism and Cosmopolitanism
- Ingeborg Bachmann, Three Paths to the Lake
- Benedict XVI, The Regensburg Lecture
- Barack Obama, the Cairo Speech
- K. A. Appiah, There is No Such Thing as Western Civilization
- J. D. Davidson & Lord William Rees-Mogg, Transcending Locality
- Kai-fu Lee, AI Superpowers

The Future of World Order
- Yoram Haxony, The Virtue of Nationalism
- Liu Mingfu, The Chinese Dream to Overtake America

Actually Existing Globalization: Corruption on the Periphery
- Sarah Chayes, Thieves of State
- Rory Stewart, The Irresistible Illusion

Actually Existing Globalization: Consumption in the Metropole
- Elizabeth Currid-Halkett, Conspicuous consumption is over
- Amy Chua, Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior
- Tom Wright & Bradley Hope, The Billion-Dollar Mystery Man and the Wildest Party Vegas Ever Saw
- Rene Girard, "Triangular Desire," from Deceit, Desire, and the Novel
- Geoffrey West, "Toward a Science of Cities," from Scale

Antichrist And Apocalypse
- Rene Girard, "Hamlet's Dull Revenge," from Theater of Envy
- Vladimir Solovyov, War, Progress, and the End of History

>> No.20974449

does French poetry translate well or should I finally crack into those Michel Thomas audio lessons I downloaded last month?

>> No.20974461

That makes Jesus sound like a hippy

>> No.20974464

>I find those who overly emphasize christianity and god and the entirety of any religion display a certain weakness of intelligence

Right, it is not as if the entire system has been delivering that message to you for your entire lifespan or anything.
It just has to be a thought of your own.

>> No.20974470
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It translates horribly. I've seen translators take insane liberties, completely botching entire poems. It's atrocious how bad they can be. Poetry is already hard to translate as it is, but these guys somehow manage to avoid both literality AND poeticality. The result is the destruction of the meaning behind poems, and any musical quality of the language. Avoid translations of poetry at all costs. Although French poetry is pretty difficult, it is worth the challenge in the end.

>> No.20974477

>man who takes cock in his ass wants to recommend me books about decadence

>> No.20974503

Kek. Also, reading those books did not make him a billionaire. He should write a book on how to do that instead.

>> No.20974646


>> No.20974833

Have you guys ever heard of Christian monks? Also, the less you focus on material desires and the more you focus on spirit, the more blessed you will be. But it's not practically possible for every Christian to give up all their possesions. They should instead take a middle road. Jesus is pleased with a tax collecter in the Gospels who give half his income to charity.

>> No.20974893

FPBP, amen.

>> No.20974897

>Also, the less you focus on material desires and the more you focus on spirit, the more blessed you will be
This sentiment goes back hundreds of years before Mary got some side-dick. It is not unique, or even well presented in Christianity. Go back to the Ancient Greeks, their rational and justification for forgoing greater material gain are far greater.

>But it's not practically possible for every Christian to give up all their possesions
It is not practical for people to follow most of what Christ preached, and what is written 120 years after in the bible. It is a patchwork philosophy of à la carte ideas that must reach further and further afield to justify as it is truly amoral.

>> No.20974910


>> No.20974925

He kind of did

>> No.20974938

you're trying too hard to be edgy and seemed to have missed the whole point that there are lots of Christians that do reject material desires. Monks are the most conspicuous example, but not the only ones.

>> No.20974966
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>Monks are the most conspicuous example
Monks are less than 0.1% of Christians, most Christians are incredibly materialistic, all of Latin and South America, hell all of the Americas are the most Christian nations and are utterly destroyed by materialism.

>in b4 not real Christians

>> No.20974990

idk. i guess i trust theologians to interpret what jesus meant rather than taking it at face value that we should all be without possessions.

>> No.20975056

The fact that you need theologians to tell you what the text means should be a warning.

>> No.20975152


>> No.20975154

Thanks God nobody said "Ego and it's property" because that shit almost destroyed my life some years ago.

>> No.20975420
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>among other truly Christlike acts.

>> No.20975432
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President Sunday BTFO Frederick the Great tho...


>> No.20975600

Ideals by Henry Ford

>> No.20975737

>Henry George
Incredibly based, more people need to talk about Georgism

>> No.20975749

Jesus laid the hippy stuff on pretty thick. Like every other thing he said was about free love, giving away your possessions, helping other people, and humbling yourself to the level of washing other people's feet.

>> No.20976145

Plato and Aristotle had a huge impact on Christian theology. Also, I don't think the Bible needs to be rational or philosophically exemplary. It's a religious text. It has stories that inspire people to live moral lives. Christianity has made a great impact on civilization; the ending of polygamy and human sacrifrice, and the creation of universities and hospitals. It has also inspired the greatest art the world has ever seen. I don't think Christianity needs much justification in terms of it being rational. It simply works, and that is good enough.

>> No.20976289

think that settles it. I'll be spending some quality time with Michel with the yellow loves in mind as my reward. figure it'll also be nice to be able to talk with locals next time I stay in Malmedy for a race at Spa.

>> No.20976415
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Any unified moral code that took root in Europe would of done the same thing, to credit Christianity with some sort of divine revaluation that civilized Europe is factitious, as it has failed to civilize the rest of the world. This proves that it was something within us that was the root cause. Be it the capacity for empathy, a mind suitable for abstract thought, a deeper feeling of brotherhood, does not matter.

Europe civilized and made us better, not Christianity. The rest of the world is still a savage and barbaric place, especially in places where Christianity is strong. Central and Latin America are clear examples, as is huge parts of Asia.

>> No.20976417

I think most Western Millennials are atheists because they don't believe the truth-claims made by major denominations of Christianity...

>> No.20976448

Latin America would be even worse than it is now if not for Christianity, they would still be chopping people's hearts out to sacrifice them to Huitzilopochtli.

>> No.20976473
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They're still doing that now. School buses of decapitated and burned children regally show up. They sheer amount of violence and the brutality of their society would shock Europe.

>> No.20976481

I am aware of that, but it would be done on an even larger scale than it is now. Never underestimate the depravity of Amerindians.

>> No.20976491
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A brutal occupier would do far more to curb violence than a turn-the-other-cheek, meek-shall-inherit-the-earth creed. As it always has done. Primitive peoples respect only strength and violence, they neither care for nor understand compassion, empathy or similar emotions. They are as animals.

>> No.20976749
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>What incredibly important book is no one reading?
The How To Dating Book (it's free at djborn.com)

>> No.20976765
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>Any unified moral code that took root in Europe would of done the same thing
There is no evidence for that. You have this intution that the European race is simply superior for whatever reason. I was not expecting you to direct our discussion that way. Would you say that we are superior because of our biology or because of our soul? I'm interested to hear your answer.

Regardless, you didn't comment on the art that Christianity has produced. Compare the Sistine Chapel to the sterile "art" of the Third Reich. What other system than Christianty could inspire us to create truly great art?

>> No.20977902


>> No.20978446
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>There is no evidence for that. You have this intution that the European race is simply superior for whatever reason
That would be our superiority in every domain of life. Christian art is beautiful, no doubt about it. That too simply proves the greatness of Europeans, no other Christian culture, or any, has produced art that even comes close. The only common thread is European hands hands held the brush.

>> No.20978480

It took Christianity 1500 years to produce the Sistine chapel after a legacy of destroying the past great art. Notice how few great pieces of art were produced until the time of the reformation and its revolutionary milieu came about.
The Third Reich lasted 12 years, half of which was spent on war. Comparing them is facetious at best and more than likely just retarded.

>> No.20978514

First post.
Best post.

>> No.20978816

Why are there so many midwit atheists seething over this? You unironically need a pretty high iq to appreciate the bible and understand it as a great work.

>> No.20978821
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Add to that they also cut away all the degenerate art movements and returned focus to the Ancient Greek and Roman styles, those very same that inspired all manner of Christian statuary and art.

Love it.

>> No.20978827
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>I find those who overly emphasize christianity and god and the entirety of any religion display a certain weakness of intelligence
That's because you're looking at the left side of the graph. You're in the middle.

>> No.20978831
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>i have a tattoo of Jesus, no you can't see it, its just for the ladies. And even then they must have a rosary just as long as mine, preferably smaller by 5 beads.

>> No.20978832

I still believe Christianity is the best system for Europeans though. It's important to value forgiveness if we are to work together. It's not good to glorify violence and force. The small nationalisms of Europe has not been good for our continent. We need a Pan-European movement. How are we to do that? Europe has only been united under one system before; The Catholic Church. Maybe we should just go back to that. It's an easy way to reject the modern degeneracy of LGBT and EU, etc.

>> No.20978844

Low iq - religious fundies
mid iq - almost every atheist
high iq - analytical philosophers like Plantinga, Godel, etc

>> No.20978849

Where can I find one without retarded commentary?

>> No.20978853

You're parodying a quote about a cartoon that's mostly enjoyed by atheists. Didn't think that through, did you?

>> No.20978860

Most people recommend the Stalag or the Ford translation. Ford is newer and, I think, nicer to read. Stalag is the official translation but iirc it was done by an NS party member rather than a skilled translator. Ford has some nice notes for things that modern/non-German readers might not know.

>> No.20978877
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>I still believe Christianity is the best system for Europeans though
I disagree, it weakens us in the face of martial creeds, like Islam. A new faith of blood & soil would be the greatest.

It's important to value forgiveness
Disagree, forgiveness is for people who earn it. Turn the other cheek, you invite another slap.

> It's not good to glorify violence and for.
You have demonized the only true authority. Might is right, violence in defense of what you love is the greatest virtue.
Europe has only been united under one system before; The Catholic Church.
Your church is anti-nationalist, anti-Europe, anti-white and broadly speaking anti-christian. It is also riddled with child-abuse, financial corruption, globalists and more. It is a dead church.

In the face of multiculturalism it lasted less than 50 years.

>> No.20978897
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The reason atheism is for midwits is because
a) empirically most of them are midwits and enjoy midwit content like rick and morty
b) logically it takes a little bit of intelligence to insult religion and realize some arguments against it, but it takes a lot more intelligence and vast reading to understand philosophy of religion and see the flaws in the atheistic worldview

I think it was Dostoevsky who showed atheism is fundamentally a midwit ideology. It's for people who are smart enough to not be total morons, but still be part of the average intelligence crowd who want to fit in. So no, atheists aren't idiots, but they're not particularly insightful or bright either. They mostly fall in the middle of the iq bell curve.

>> No.20978908
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>another dumbfuck who treats atheism like a religion

>> No.20978912
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>but muhh god told me so!!!

>> No.20978980

You can analyze your own life and your relationships and compare it to Christians. My guess would be that it's not great. You seem to be a narcissist. Narcissism is very destructive to yourself and society in general. Your megalomania will lead us nowhere. Do you feel lonely or isolated? Be honest with yourself. You could fix that if you humble yourself to God.

>> No.20979122

Mein Kampf is a fictional account of Hitler's self-proclaimed road to his ideologies. To start: he wasn't the WWI hero he makes himself out to be.

>> No.20979171

I agree anon. the bible really is the rick and morty / dark souls of literature. plebs just arent going to get it. praise him.

>> No.20979196

Man has lost the imago dei and needs to find it again to have any hope. This isn't about christhcuckery, if you don't like the Bible fine, but you need to read it and see why the people of the past wanted to give you that knowledge.

>> No.20979209


>> No.20979309
File: 82 KB, 541x533, B01176EA-D8B8-4263-A02C-E98594D22DA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The decline and fall of the Roman Empire, because I (me) am reading it

>> No.20979667
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He explictly denies being a hero several times. Instead glorifying many others. The only thing he credits himself with is a passionate speaking voicer. This suggests you have not read it and wish for others not to read it. Kike.

Stop projecting your inadequecies on to others. It is cringe.

>> No.20981040


>> No.20981323
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It was weak

>> No.20981327

By Gibbon? That's an undertaking. I have the series sitting in my bookshelf but I haven't had the courage to start it.

>> No.20981515

Dalton's new translation is easily found online.

>> No.20981525

Ok, since you've obviously read it: What false claims does he make about his WWI experience?

>> No.20981548

The New Testament. No joke.


>> No.20981603

Why are you shilling this retard? Go be a liberal somewhere else.

>> No.20981641

Actual English literature. All you faggots want to do is read foreign shit in english.

>> No.20981652

There's no such thing as capitalism lol. Social relations precede material conditions. Get back to work

>> No.20981707

The new NYT #1 bestseller written by a one Alex Jones

>> No.20981710

The Discomfort of Evening.

>> No.20981725
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Read icycalm:

Orgy of the Will (orgyofthewill.net)
>In this work of absolute genius, after two and a half thousand years of progress the path of philosophy arrives at an end, and the intellect at last draws, one by one, its ultimate conclusions. Apocalyptic, uncompromising and merciless, Orgy of the Will constitutes nothing less than a declaration of war on the so-called "human species".

Endgame: the End of PUA Theory (http://maleprivilege.net/viewtopic.php?t=159))
>There's nothing wrong with being deceptive, predatory and even sociopathic if it's for a good cause; and hot girls are one of the best causes there have ever been.

On The Genealogy of Art Games (https://culture.vg/features/art-theory/on-the-genealogy-of-art-games.html))
>In On the Genealogy of "Art Games" Alex Kierkegaard shows, not merely that videogames "are art", but the highest art that could ever possibly exist. Patterned after Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morals, the three essays that comprise this extraordinary book trace the history of the decline of the various artforms as a consequence of the rise of democracy, and their subsequent hijacking and debasement by talentless money- and fame-craving thugs to compensate for their sheer ineptitude. In a parallel account, Kierkegaard unfolds the evolution of art as a function of scientific and technological progress, defining art here for the first time as "the craft of illusion", and pointing towards immersion and complexity as the key concepts for its understanding, before tearing apart all competing theories of art in terms of pathetic "messages" and "meanings" and uncovering what lies beneath the shallow moralistic chatter of journalistic hacks and pseudo-academics — the fundamental message of the universe.

>Far from merely a study of the art of videogames, as a superficial reading would suggest, On the Genealogy of "Art Games" is the definitive analysis of the history of art: and of its future.

Videogame Art (https://culture.vg/reviews/videogame-art/))
>In Alex Kierkegaard's Videogame Art, art criticism arrives at its peak, at an unimaginable height above the venality and nihilism of so-called "contemporary art", and the interminable chatter of inferior critics and pseudo-theorists on whether or not advanced artforms can "be art". Kierkegaard sets all of that pitiable drivel aside here as he plunges into five decades of genuine modern art, from early masterpieces such as Spacewar! (1962), Rogue (1980), and Civilization (1991), to Grand Theft Auto III (2001), Far Cry (2004), Dead Rising (2006) and beyond, analyzing each one with a set of unmatched aesthetic rules and an instinct seemingly clairvoyantly in tune with the essence of art, as he examines, documents, and even predicts the efforts of the greatest contemporary artists to outdo each other in the creation of startlingly strange, ruthlessly challenging, hauntingly beautiful, and above all irresistibly seductive illusory worlds.

>> No.20982304

Notes from underground

>> No.20982360

"A military mode prevailed. Target identification obscured by empty rhetoric... automated invective... calibrated marksmanship on the sociological front... keeping enemy positions in the sights of social revolutionary acumen... target identification obscured by faulty weapons of analysis... vigilance on the ever-shifting frontiers of social change... booby traps in the social sector... invincible battalions of dialectic... depth-bombing of our intellectual bastions... fatally low-altitude penetration of theoretical bases... pointless camouflage of an already collapsed ideological position... demolition of... destruction of... spin-off from... checksights... height-finding... range-finding...
You think that this must be the end? Well, nearly, we had reached the mid-morning break, with only the rest of the day left for our real purposes.
But there were still a few mutterings from the dying storm... bourgeois communists... bourgeois socialists... bourgeois democrats... bourgeois technocrats... bourgeois pseudophilosophs... bourgeois pessimists... bourgeois opto-polymaths... bourgeois bureaucrats... and bourgeois racists and bourgeois sexists."

>> No.20982372

"..I loathe the white-skinned peoples. Physically they repel me. Their smell offends me. Their avidity and greed have never struck me as anything but disgusting. They are clumsy in movement, awkward in thought, unsubtle, overbearing. Their assumption of superiority is that of the country bumpkin, the big man of the little village, who comes to the city and does not know that the sophisticates find him ludicrous as he swaggers and boasts.
Their savagery has never done less than appal me. The cold-bloodedness of the intentions behind their imposition of opium, the wanton destruction of our cultural heritage, or its theft, their inferiority... but I need not go on, for we have discussed it often enough. I live among a race I dislike to the roots of my being. Even in their decline and their subjection, some of them, indeed, many of them, manage to behave as if they have been unjustly deprived of a sinecure, and a few even manage the airs of dispossessed royalty bravely suffering the rabble."

>> No.20982386

"I open this Trial with an indictment. This is the indictment. That it is the white races of this world that have destroyed it, corrupted it, made possible the wars that have ruined it, have laid the basis for the war that we all fear, have poisoned the seas, and the waters, and the air, have stolen everything for themselves, have laid waste the goodness of the earth from the North to the South, and from East to West, have behaved always with arrogance, and contempt, and barbarity towards others, and have been above all guilty of the supreme crime of stupidity - and must now accept the burden of culpability, as murderers, thieves and destroyers, for the dreadful situation we now all find ourselves in."

>> No.20982428

This. The truth isn't oldest generation or newest generation sucks. It's just millenials suck. It's bad generation is bad. Millennials like to defend that notion by bringing up history quotes of people in collapsing societies hating the generation causing that collapse and then claiming it's just old hating the new and new hating the old. They only ever seem to appear once the society starts declining funnily enough. How come I love the old and hate the new while being the new? How come the actual progressive ideas for bettering society are to go back and unfuck what the old "progressives" thought was progress so we can actually get back on track. The zoomer generation is being raised by the retarded millennials poorly. They're going to lament what they missed out on afyer they grow up and either it is the start of the end of history or try to unfuck things and for the generational trauma to slowly be repaired over at least the next three so we can get back on track to behaving like normal humans before the information age destroyed us.

>> No.20982460

Freedom to Think by Susie Alegre

>> No.20982562

>I doubt they're actual Christians.
Because this clause has any meaning

>> No.20982567

I have. Now your entire post is wrong lol.

>> No.20982578

Zero to one

>> No.20982580

The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times (pbuh).

>> No.20982584

If the English wrote anything worth reading I would read it. Unfortunately it is a nation of congenital swamp dwellers, and the literature reflects it.

>> No.20982592

>, they would still be chopping people's hearts out to sacrifice them to Huitzilopochtli.
Based, just like the old Norse.

>> No.20982987


>> No.20983128

Gay, attention seeking reply that tries to cope with the greatness of Anglo letters. This poster probably reads Russian to French to German to English translations.

>> No.20983137

sup kantbot