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/lit/ - Literature

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20962237 No.20962237 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Moth Delivers Her Message

Previously >>20958867

>> No.20962249

Too early.

>> No.20962278

Well I spent the last 4 hours sitting around doing nothing. I feel so useless and unwanted

>> No.20962291

Okay now we can start

>> No.20962293

Read a book nigga. its not that hard and you barely have to do shit.

>> No.20962303

I already read a book. It didnt make me feel less unhappy

>> No.20962305

Here is the server, it's brand spanking new.

>> No.20962314

My biggest secret is my femdom forced bi pee fetish. I have gotten to the point where instead of trying to avoid it, i now write my own captions to scratch that personalized itch that no other internet porn can.

I dont see it is as gay because it's all in my head. It's all a masturbatory mental performance. Since i have a penis myself I know what it feels like to pee from one, I've peed on myself in the shower after seeing watersports porn for the first time and i enjoyed it. The appeal of forced bi is that i simultaneously experience both peeing and being peed on when i fantasize. I am both the alpha and the beta, bull and cuck, and the large breasted woman aiming the pissing penis at my face is the object of my desire.

Cum? Disgusting and just doesnt do it for my fantasies. Only pee for me.

>> No.20962323
File: 134 KB, 1024x1024, 1662533438804530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I hit my 30s I've been insanely attracted to fat chicks after despising them my whole life. Idk wtf happened

At the same time I'd be so ashamed of being seen with one and would feel everyone would be talking shit behind my back.

I find bodies like this so fucking hot now out of the blue as long as they have slim face/neck/ankles still. I was to suck on their tummy and cook all over her.

I've been doing no fap/porn for over a month now so it's making me insane

>> No.20962335


>> No.20962342

Oh so you're the ass hole making all the porn captions. I try to look up porn pics and all that comes up is the weird fetish scenarios you cunts write

>> No.20962343

Sorry to dump this question on this thread. There didn't seem to be a more appropriate one for it and I didn't want to create one.

Did I find a mistake in The Great Gatsby? On page six of my edition, the Scribner 2004 edition, there is the following sentence:

"The lawn started at the beach and ran toward the front door for a quarter of a mile, jumping over sun-dials and brick walls and burning gardens―finally when it reached the house drifting up the side in bright vines as though from the momentum of its run."

To me it does not make sense as written. Instead it should be something like:

"The lawn started at the beach and ran toward the front door for a quarter of a mile, jumping over sun-dials and brick walls and burning gardens―finally when it reached the house, it drifted up the side in bright vines as though from the momentum of its run."

Please help me understand how the printed one makes sense.

>> No.20962346

I wish I had been born a girl, forced to suck and take big dicks

>> No.20962372

>it reached the house drifting
as a native speaker it sounds right even tho when you try to make grammatical sense of it, it's convoluted. suppose this sentence:
>the boat reached the port burning

>> No.20962388

>all the porn captions
dude. there's literally thousands of people making caps for every fetish under the sun.

if you think you're seeing my caps, then please send links so i may examine whether these are of my interests lol jaha jk.

>> No.20962409

>can't read because my sister is in the other room watching some tiktok shit full volume on her phone
I feel like I should be able to just focus anyway but I can't

>> No.20962414

I begin viewing pornography at a young age -> I begin to associate sexual urges and feelings with unreal images -> hitherto arousing real experiences and feelings, requiring effort and social interaction to access, become less desirable than the unreal images which I can easily access at any time -> the unreal images of pornography which are most often accessed begin to feel boring after repetitive exposure -> more stimulating images are sought out -> connections begin to form between the various images I've exposed myself to, creating preferences and a symbolic language by which my sexual drive expresses its continuous desire for greater stimulation -> the previous two steps turn into a feedback loop which drives the search for ever-more-extreme symbolic content -> previously existing boundaries, such as taboos, self-disgust, or sexual orientation, are eroded as the search for more stimulation butts up against them -> this is a critical step: the things which previously were seen as taboo or disgusting are associated with arousal, stimulation, and the sexual drive, and in an accelerating process all that which was hitherto seen as too disgusting or immoral to consume becomes intensely sought after, leading to the further transgression of taboos -> I subconsciously associate the previous step with another self so as to protect my sense of moral integrity and avoid the shame, loss of self-esteem, and guilt of transgressing social and moral taboos (runs concurrently with step 5) -> dissociation, depersonalization, and derealization result after the previous steps run for intense and prolonged periods of time -> the split between the two 'selves' becomes consciously noticeable -> I associate the 'dirty' self with the body and the external world and the 'clean' self with the mind and the interior -> I am conscious of but do not fully participate in acts driven by the sexual urges, experiencing them as something happening to someone else or watching them from afar -> this feeling of detachment spreads to all other areas of my life over long periods of time -> I can no longer enjoy or participate in things fully, or emotionally connect with my life or events occurring around me -> difficulty in social situations leading to isolation (may have begun before step 1) -> I engage in risky behavior in order to bridge the gap between both senses of self and feel grounded in the world again -> concurrent with the aforementioned, I seek additional sexual stimulation in the form of taboo or disgusting content as a way of shocking myself -> the prior process regarding such things occurs -> the failure to bridge the gap between the two selves causes despair and self-loathing -> repeat the last 4 steps ad nauseam -> end result: a very frustrated, very lonely Anon regretting his life choices and wishing he could either go back to being 10 years old and prevent it all or drop dead on the spot so it would all finally stop.

>> No.20962436

Your sentence is fine as it is. I guess my problem is with the word "when" in the Gatsby sentence. If your example instead sentence read:
>when the boat reached the port burning
It would leave me expecting something and it would be awkward if the sentence just ended there. And that's the expectation I get from the Gatsby sentence. Listening to the audio book I understood how the sentence is meant to be read. But yeah, it's a bit unusual.

>> No.20962443

>man invents computer
>he lives to see a generation of cumbrain trannies chop off their dics and bimbo-fy themselves to suicide

>> No.20962445
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 4F05B189-0A94-4E72-B9D7-2679AFAB903B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the discord server you goobers


>> No.20962465

The day my father died, I was 13, I spent the whole afternoon watching porn in my room. Didn't even touch my dick.

>> No.20962483

Fellas, lighten up

>> No.20962488
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If I deny the will, maybe I can unlock my full potential.

>> No.20962492

you can't deny the will

>> No.20962498
File: 60 KB, 360x357, 1634467732454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god these threads might be finally moving to a trannycord server, hopefully they stay there and /lit/ can become slightly more on-topic now. There is nothing worthwhile in here except for a bunch of whiny faggots venting their pathetic frustrations. I doubt half of the people who posts in these threads even read.

At some point I remember /wwoym/ being somewhat respectable and I know people used to discuss books and philosophy here. There was some thought-provoking discussion. It used to be something that was vaguely on-topic. Now it's nothing but a bunch of failed normies looking to use this board as nothing more than an extension of /adv/ and /r9k/. And the sudden influx of porn discussion. What the hell is up with that? Hopefully jannies wisen up and start deleting these pointless threads. Almost everything posted in this general in the last few months is better suited for other boards.

Stop being such a fucking pussy. No one cares about your ADHD, porn addiction, relationship issues, whatever the fuck. Just read a goddamn book or get the fuck off this board.

>> No.20962503

the narcissistic normies will go there and flirt with each other. the paranoid autists will stay right here, thank you very much.

>> No.20962506

You don't understand, that is precisely why wwoym is necessary, it's a lightning rod for faggotry. It reduces the chance that every poster in it will go and create a thinly veiled blogpost thread to talk about his retarded girlfriend problems.

>> No.20962514

Didnt know you needed to download an app to use discord. Gay as fuck.

>> No.20962515

Honest question, have you started lifting weights recently or something like that?

>> No.20962517

>connections begin to form between the various images I've exposed myself to, creating preferences and a symbolic language by which my sexual drive expresses its continuous desire for greater stimulation
Yeah this is the weird part. I know I have a weird symbolic-philosophy thats driven by the particular images and fetishes Ive developed. Hard to explain but holy shit I have some weird dreams.

>> No.20962520

Woke up from a dream this morning where I was intimately hugging and caressing a girl and kissing her forehead after she told me she will always love me. my day was miserable

>> No.20962525

No but Ive gotten into shape by doing bodyweight exercises ever since covid started just after I turned 30. I've been taking it more seriously the past year though

Why do you ask?

>> No.20962531

do a tinychat and i might lurk it

>> No.20962535
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yes, i can

>> No.20962540
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Seems I gravely misremembered. Looking through the archives at some of the /wwoym/ threads from 2017-2019 and it's still mostly the same shit, except there are a few posters actually talking about philosophy and books and how to improve one's writing, unlike the current threads where there's almost none of that aside from a few stray posts, it's almost entirely just faggy bitching.

/wwoym/ was never good. I don't see why anons can't just go to one of the other boards more suited for what they want to whine about. A lightning rod still attracts lightning to the house, and /r9k/ and /adv/ should be the lightning rods since /lit/ shouldn't be struck with these kinds of posters.

>> No.20962551

Hey guys I'm gonna go masturbate. I'll be back in a bit

>> No.20962552

I woke up with my dick in a blender. I also fell asleep with my dick in a blender, it's been in there for years.

>> No.20962557

i tried going on /r9k/ once. the people are incredibly stupid. like you think ppl on /lit/ are all idiots, but people on /r9k/ honestly might have a cognitively disability or they are really really high all the time. the point of /wwoym/ is to talk about that kind of life stuff but with people from /lit/ specifically.

>> No.20962558

The theory is that getting in shape / lifting weights raises your T levels, which then makes you like fatter girls. Sounds like you fit all the symptoms my friend.

>> No.20962562

the point of /lit/ is to discuss /lit/erature, not life stuff. the people in these threads don't seem like they care for much of /lit/ outside of /wwoym/

>> No.20962576

I spend my time feeding my brain with actual deep books and shows.

>> No.20962579

Thing is I've been doing no fap/porn for a month now and my dick never moved even when I see pics of hot girls and attractive faces. Yet these fat bitch pics are getting me aroused again and woke up with my first boner in a long time this morning. And here I was thinking my dick and brain have been fried by porn over the years

Still didn't touch or fap but man I'm tempted.

>> No.20962582

actually i'm pretty sure the point of /lit/ is to make threads about evola and guenon. the /wwoym/ are a ghetto for ppl from old /lit/.

>> No.20962588

what nofap does to a mf

>> No.20962594

I think nofap raises T too. Anyway I'm in the same boat anon. Trying my best not to think about it and focusing on my more enlightened interests.

>> No.20962598

Evola and Guenon are authors who wrote plenty of books. /wwoym/ has nothing to do with literature. Are you saying that /lit/ has actually gotten more on-topic and higher quality? That doesn't seem right, but if that's the case I would much rather prefer this to the supposition that old /lit/ was just /r9k/.

>> No.20962601

>evola and guenon
Love that book. My favorite part is when they both look at the camera and say "that's why evola and guenon and traditionalism".

>> No.20962602

have you ever seen anyone in an evola or guenon thread discuss their books? it's just "modernity sucks lol" ad infinitum. this is literally one thread, idk why it triggers you so much.

>> No.20962603


>> No.20962604

Yeah no fap does crazy shit. I was on a work trip for a couple of months and didnt tug one out the whole time. When I got back home i immediately bent my gf over and ate her ass and pussy. Im not even into butt shit or eating pussy but it was just some primal thing.

>> No.20962623

I'm back

>> No.20962660

Thoughts about rape

Originally, the offended party in a rape case would have been the male (the husband/father)
The Old Testament has explicit laws against rape of maidens, but these were seen as a business/legal issue, not the emotional/traumatic one it is today
Women were seen as property so a rape would be the equivalent of damaging property
Fathers wouldn’t be able to sell/trade their daughters for cattle if they were used goods
Women would not have seen it as a big deal. Rape was just something that happened to them (their mothers or mother’s mother were probably raped by conquerors who became their husbands).
Rape as emotional trauma is largely a modern construct
Women secretly fantasize about being raped by dominant males
The only issue with rape is loss of social status
Rape is only bad if the man performing it is perceived as low status by the female
Women are more socially minded than men; what women perceive as shameful is largely influenced by what other women think
Rape is only bad (from the point of view of the woman) if the woman would be ashamed of her friends finding out she had sex with the man (consensual or not)

>> No.20962690

have (consensual) sex

>> No.20962691


>> No.20962740

Whats a good writing notepad.

Noticed the gifted moleskines I got some time ago is falking and making abunch of mess

Mainly want it to write down quotes form books I'm reading.

Right now I'm using a a5 sketch pad with the spiral spines lol. Should I just stick to that or be more aesthetic?

>> No.20962759

Every day I open Instagram and just observe how much better and farther in life all my high school peers are compared to me. The vast majority went to prestigious universities while I ended up in a low-tier college pursuing a useless degree. I was expected to be a top student and yet I ended up the way I am today: jobless, kissless, unchallenged by my studies and hopelessly anxious of the future.

>> No.20962760

hey, i never said anything about being a tranny. it's just that when i drink 300mg of caffeine and 30mg of amphetamines i want to pee on myself

>> No.20962791

Read about and practice Zen. It helped me out tremendously. It’s all about living the here and now, not in a hedonistic sense, but realizing there is nothing to achieve, there is no you or they, nothing to feel ashamed (or proud) about, nothing to regret, nothing to expect, and being at peace.

>> No.20962797
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I did not know what love was before I met them.

To hold their lithe arms and raise them like skinny antennas to heaven.

That I might hold their body close, and cry on their chest.

The only person who I would cry for.

Who I never wanted to love, but so it was.

And who I covet like no other.

That if God were willing, I would have you.

It is my punishment, for cursing his name, for it not to be so.

My silly friend.

>> No.20962810

Hey femanon ;)

>> No.20962881
File: 357 KB, 496x382, cutegothloli2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very fortunate to have found a job when the world seems fucked right now. A small part-time job would be very good so I can focus on my writing now.

>> No.20962885

Don't wink at me.

>> No.20962921

/lit/ is a flavor of /r9k/ like every board. this one's just for more intellectually and artistically inclined people, even if that inclination is a desperate attempt at self-improvement not unlike the kind you find on /fit/. However I've seen some genuinely life-changing posts here that stick with me to this day. The anons who actually read and live well-adjusted lives aren't the ones posting daily in these threads, but when they do post it's worthwhile. These generals used to hit the bump limit after 3 or so days back in 2018. Lately I've seen ones with 100+ posts while the other hasn't even hit the limit. It became more popular and its quality took a steep hit. I like to think every general reaches a point of critical mass, so to speak. Such is life

Now go start with the Greeks, read Dosto, find God, etc etc.

>> No.20962924
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>> No.20962950

You won't sell any books.

>> No.20962967

Who goes there!

>> No.20963002

I'm glad 4chan is turning to shit as it's ditching be, kicking and screaming, to read my small book collection.

>> No.20963012
File: 1.59 MB, 1816x1608, theyism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop fucking using singular 'they' you fucking nigger faggot I'm gonna fucking kill you where you stand you dumb bitch

>> No.20963029

When 'Omer smote 'is bloomin' lyre,
He'd 'eard men sing by land an' sea;
An' what he thought 'e might require,
'E went an' took -- the same as me!

The market-girls an' fishermen,
The shepherds an' the sailors, too,
They 'eard old songs turn up again,
But kep' it quiet -- same as you!

They knew 'e stole; 'e knew they knowed.
They didn't tell, nor make a fuss,
But winked at 'Omer down the road,
An' 'e winked back -- the same as us!

>> No.20963030

/lit/ is a slow board, nobody is online at this hour

If you see this, I hope you are having a nice evening or day

>> No.20963036

patrician file name

>> No.20963060
File: 16 KB, 300x309, 1661872452722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate

>> No.20963109
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Unexplained on your collar >>20963049

>> No.20963116

I think /lit/ has the ideal pace given that it's probably in the top third or so of most active boards if I had to take a guess. /pol/ and /tv/ move too fast, and smaller dying boards like /mu/ are better browsed through archives so they serve a more utilitarian purpose. There's plenty of room for comfy conversation here. Definitely getting worse though.

Just quibbling though. Have a nice evening/day too friend. Cheers.

>> No.20963137

The master, they say, chops wood and carries water. Really? He does exactly what everyone else does, this supposed master? That's wonderful, how nice. Maybe if he did something actually impressive, like spontaneously blow up, I would give him a second look.

>> No.20963144

Got fired from my thrift store job over refusing the vax

Really disappointed I didn't value physical books during that time. And here I am now getting into them and purchasing them when back then I probably got rid of so many classics with soulful covers

>> No.20963155

Sue. There's no more pandemic. Omicron isn't a threat to anyone. The vaccines are. the proof can be furnished. Their hiring policy is discriminatory. cha-ching

>> No.20963183

You got me jumping like
Boom shackalacka boom schackalack boom
Boom shackalacka boom schackalack boom

>> No.20963205

I just want a good life. A simple destination with endless routes to get there and no one will be able to tell you for sure what the right one is. What do I prioritize ? Who's worth my time ? Who's not ? 25 years on this wretched planet and I'm still confused. One things for sure, getting mixed up with the wrong person can make or break your life, Which is unfair and shitty, because anyone could be any type of person and you'd have no idea. Like a box of chocolates but with severe implications on your longterm trajectory. Everyone looks at me like I'm a loser, but it's not my fault. I lost the lottery hard with the people around me. On more than one occasion i've been some kind of punching bag slave and I'm expected to just go on with my life and preform to the same level of people who have never had anything bad happen to them. It's fucked

>> No.20963219

Donald Trump's creation of the Space Force was brilliant and shows that the US is still far from collapsing. But we'd probably be better off if the US did collapse.

>> No.20963265
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Are there any intellectual movements happening now?

The only one I can think of is Rationalist/Effectual Altruism.

>> No.20963316


>> No.20963383
File: 77 KB, 1896x1050, SeTmV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in the nineties as the weird isolated nerdy kid with no friends. I sometimes stop to think about it and dread at the idea of what would have become of me had I grown up in the age of social media and online predators preying on the insecurities of kids like me with establishment sanction.

>> No.20963406

Let's not be distracted by trivial bullshit, philosophy and religion included. What has been the trajectory since the big bang? Why has that/this been the trajectory? What's the essence of our collective inertia? Whether you accept it or not, why do the elemental forces of the universes lead to this reality and my comment? If we take the derivative (or integral?) of reality instead of getting mixed up in the pointless bullshit of living, maybe we can understand more than we do now.

>> No.20963449

Ultimately this is a very religious thing to say, that there is one derivative.

>> No.20963453

I think I'm becoming unironically racist against the Irish. This has been gradually developing, but I may actually have a distaste these days for Irish people and Irish-Americans.

>> No.20963463

When I haphazardly wrote "derivative" I was invoking the 4 known physical forces of the universe. In the year 14 billion of our lord the big bang these forces are the best we can come up with when trying to understand reality.

>> No.20963483
File: 37 KB, 564x520, 1570726796081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lack energy, vigour and inventiveness. Now i wonder if its hormonal, genetic, a hidden disease or injury or because of upbringing.

>> No.20963489

you can address all those things except genetic

and you can even address the genetic for just $400 and cancer

>> No.20963760
File: 135 KB, 2048x2048, FWEd2UMWAAM1jYG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u just gay nigga get over it

>> No.20963768

I'm at a loss for what to do next.

>> No.20963797

The Big Bang is conjecture, basically philosophy, so your question is meaningless. It seems more likely that the universe is eternally recurring one way or another and that there is no point or ultimate direction to it.

>> No.20963809

yeah it's a lot less exciting to think the universe just existed forever and will always exist, but if you think about it while on lsd it become incredibly obvious that is the case.

>> No.20963823

It's also extremely exciting if you consider it in its limited modes. It's all perfectly perfect.

>> No.20963829

i guess but i mean you won't get to publish any physics papers if the universe is just there and we're living in it, the end. the academic industrial complex requires you find something to do math about.

>> No.20963843

Where we're going, son, physics papers are going to be fuel for the fire.

>> No.20963858

Emmie threads continue until morale improves

>> No.20963869

>I understood how the sentence is meant to be read
can you explain it to me, because I can't make sense of it either.
>finally when it reached the house drifting
finally when -- blah blah - then what? what's that when doing there? am I retarded? I just can't parse it. the syntax is incoherent even though I get the meaning.

>> No.20963901

a ridiculously inaccurate guess. are you crazy? /b/ and /v/ move lightning fast, and there are plenty of others that are substantially faster than /lit/. and that's with /lit/ having sped up significantly in the last few years.

>> No.20964062

he's a retarded obese fat fetishist who spams this retarded image everywhere especially in /fph/ over at fit
he will never be healthy or not low IQ and will die in his 40s

>> No.20964120
File: 448 KB, 997x662, Screenshot 2022-09-09 at 14-24-21 don-delillo-reading-list-1.jpg (WEBP Image 798 × 530 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>He wanted lists of niggers, nigger lovers, armed niggers, pregnant niggers, light-skinned niggers, niggers married to whites. You couldn't photograph a nigger. He'd never seen a picture of a nigger where you could make out the features. It's just a fact of nature they don't emit light.

>> No.20964146

don’t talk to me until i've had my cuppa joe

>> No.20964165

really hope SHTF this winter I'm bored

>> No.20964169

*nothing happens*

>> No.20964193

This really is the dumbest board.

>> No.20964196
File: 91 KB, 1024x1024, image-gallery-spotify-logo-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the guy that made and shared his /lit/ reading Spotify playlist, thank you. I didn't know you listened to Sadness. That's amazing. I've never met anyone before that did.

The link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5NZvt60xobKadhsnCrZ7UT?si=b09a257250d24008

The song I'm talking about is Soâr by Sadness.

>> No.20964246 [DELETED] 

same, but I have specific hopes for all journalists and media owners dragged on the street and executed alongside trannies

>> No.20964262

I used to post in these threads a lot 2017-18, and I also thought they went to shit as they got faster, but in reality I was the one that changed. Mainly, I used to really believe that my life problems could be solved with philosophy, and I spent a lot of time thinking about the world and death and change hoping to find an answer.

But really, all that's a waste of time. In real life, real problems aren't philosophical. Your neurotransmitters might be fucked up. You may have an undiagnosed stomach disease. You may need a new hobby. Either way, your problem is a very -concrete- reality that you're trying to solve with thoughts: It just won't work.

I also used to think these threads were really insightful, but in reality I was just naive

>> No.20964292

>finally when it reached the house drifting up the side in bright vines as though from the momentum of its run."
Yeah it's ungrammatical in a strict sense, but IIRC Gatsby does this a few times to evoke a certain mood with the prose.

>> No.20964512

Do you know how tasty gingerbread with milk is? Real cheap this time of year.

>> No.20964517

Saw a black girl in Family Dollar the other day who was genuinely attractive

>> No.20964522

I gotta save that

>> No.20964527

I have /r9k/ tendencies but I love books

>> No.20964548

You're seeing someone else now, why are you still calling me? I give you nothing, why are you still calling me?

>> No.20964584

My only comfort is in the hope I once had so I call you from the past. Maybe the earth will pick up and take me back.

>> No.20964717

All you ever had was hope, I can't do everything for the both of us. I can't be the only one to put myself at risk.

>> No.20964720

Every time you poop on the clock is striking a blow for worker's rights. In fact, I am striking a heavy blow right now.

>> No.20964816

Jokes on you, i dont work at all

>> No.20964873

>singular they

>> No.20964879


>> No.20964896

wat happen?

>> No.20964934

Big dicks will rule the world

>> No.20964975

i have a big dick and feel i have no say in the ruling of this world

>> No.20965043

>see all kinds of funny and interesting stuff on the internet
>Be boring faggot irl
Feels bad man

>> No.20965093

Can't get those years back.

>> No.20965142

I get that this board is barely moderated at all, but what I can't understand is why the only threads that get deleted are the ones actually about books. What the fuck is going on with the jannies? This shit keeps happening. I'm in a comfy thread discussing a book or an author and suddenly it gets pruned. Then I check the catalogue and it's full of off topic threads. Fuck the jannies. They are deliberately shitting up this board.

>> No.20965153

I'm unhappy. I'm fulfilled, but unhappy. I want a bigger space to live in. I want hugs on the god damn regular. I want a box of doughnuts. I want the space to set up a reading chair.

>> No.20965203

Had to some zoomer ex-coworker I was trying to reconnect with that you can't text on a landline. I had to repeat myself twice because he's so fucking dense

>> No.20965233

I want a slutty and whory gf. I want her to suck a big cock of a very strong horse with me, then the horse will cum all over her body and we will kiss and fuck with the smell and feeling of horse cum all over our bodies.

>> No.20965241

For some reason, the way you write reminds me of Ross of Accursed Farms

>> No.20965266 [DELETED] 

collapse when
i want millions to die for my entertainment

>> No.20965272

WTF. It's actually me. How could you tell? lol

>> No.20965317

the longer time goes on the more i appreciate the sneed meme

>> No.20965321
File: 98 KB, 786x728, 25C7C27E-DC8E-490D-853B-104C2F60C694_1_102_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the server or I kms


>> No.20965342

I feel as if I've failed through my twenties to identify and pursue a career myself that I can feel proud of.

>> No.20965356

I wish choose your own adventure was a large and respectable literary genre.

>there will never be a nobel prize for a cyoa novel
>you will never be able to choose alternate emdings to hamlet, huck finn, and other classics

>> No.20965359
File: 8 KB, 310x163, 54v9eqhzmq621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about that time two of my female coworkers discussed how ugly I am when they thought I wasn't around

>> No.20965369

>he didn't loudly announce his presence and use the social faux pas as a +1 to the power dynamic

>> No.20965372

What the fuck

>> No.20965377

Cut him some slack. Landlines are old technology. Might as well berate him for not knowing what an 8 track is

>> No.20965472

It's so important to end up on the right career path by 25 and yet everyone denies this because it's uncomfortable to admit.

>> No.20965501

Yesterday was the first time in 9 years (back in middle school) I've kissed a black girl on the cheek. Felt great even though it wasn't a big deal because I'm starving for human intimacy. I say black because I don't usually attract them and she was really nice to talk with.

>> No.20965519

Only girl i ever fucked was black

>> No.20965532 [DELETED] 

All the girls I've fucked were younger than 24 lol

>> No.20965534

>I just want a good life
>I'm expected to just go on with my life and preform to the same level of people who have never had anything bad happen to them. It's fucked
Jesus, why do you have to be literally me, anon?
Yes life is unfair and shitty. Don't think yourself a loser, though, odds are you are average and have above average intelligence.

>> No.20965538

He wanted a blacklist, so to speak, fellow Librachad.

>> No.20965555

Was it good? I've been in a relationship with an half asian and half white girl and a half north African half white girl but never full blooded people of other ethnicities before. I probably won't do it but I wonder how it's like to date a black girl.

>> No.20965557

DiCaprio too

>> No.20965558
File: 597 KB, 500x630, Pacman-world-repac-cover-artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i rarely game these days but the pac-man world remake looks kind of epic. i dont think it will ever beat playing pac man world 2 on gamecube with my cousin though

>> No.20965581

kek, I can see that. "This keeps happening!"

>> No.20965603

forget that shit, hook the 360 up and slide into pacman ce. maybe dabble in some geometry wars on the side.

>> No.20965616 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 720x1600, 20220909_221039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should i write next bros
It basically reads:
Me : i have those same headphones
Her: rarely someone doesnt have them
Me: why
Her: crowd psychology( syndrome)

Ive never gotten this far. Is this what americans call second base??

>> No.20965622

i bet you don't even know what a catapult is.

>> No.20965713

I don't have an internal monologue

>> No.20965719

this is what you post after disappearing??? there were literally anons wondering where you went and this is what you come back with? incredible.

>> No.20965744

it was just you, calm down and take your fucking meds

>> No.20965758

She was super white washed. But yeah really good sex. She indulged all my fetishes. She didnt just lay back either. Some days she would just ride me and do all the work

>> No.20965771


do they feel any different? Is the sex better? I'm starting to think white women are trash

>> No.20965789

I heard his voice in my head reading that post lmao

>> No.20965810

Well Ive never fucked a white woman so I dont know

>> No.20965835

Not him but I'm a stereotypical 4chan incel racist (don't think anyone is inferior to me just hate thug culture) that anyone would assume hates black people but I massively prefer the average black girl to the average white girl. Even the black girl version of basic is less obnoxious than the white girl variants of basic. Most black women seem to have at least a spark of decency and down to earthness that only rare white women have.

The worst women by far are upper middle class or rich whites, only outstripped by upper middle class or rich, conventionally attractive Asians who were raised to act white. Aggressively basic with no room for anything else, just "Love besties and brunch!! Air is important. I wanna go on a boat <3 Hit me with your best food!" the person.

Latinas are sort of similar to blacks, but hit and miss, they're kind of like black girls in being fun and down to earth too, but usually missing that weird spark. They are more down to earth in interests and lifestyle, but they still have the "If you like being outside, we're going to be friends <3" basic soul, it's just changed to "yooo lets smoke weed lolllll i dunno" interest.

Black men conversely seem to want white women but I don't think they understand how bad they are. I would say I would gladly swap all white/black women personality types, but that would be cursing black men with a fate worse than death. However black men don't seem to appreciate what I like about black women either. They just say sex things to them and keep going even when it's clear she's not buying it. I don't really understand what's going on with the races.

>> No.20965904 [DELETED] 

i think my roommate outed me as a 24 hours internet person to one of my coworkers because she's like "i'm worried about you! you need friends! go to mass so you can meet some nice people! i know a bar with a lot of people from my catholic school, tell them you know me..." i'm like oh no now everyone knows when i'm not working i just stare at a computer screen in my room. i mean i don't really care, but still.

>> No.20965905

anyone who smokes weed needs to be steered clear of

>> No.20965927

>know a bar with a lot of people from my catholic school
Kek fucking catholics

>> No.20965929

That means I'd have to steer clear of my roommate and that's not gonna happen

>> No.20965939 [DELETED] 

contrary to walk tradlarps believe catholic laypeople don't reject life

>> No.20965947


>> No.20965954

Most tradlarpers would make really good protestants

>> No.20965959

Basic white girls make me think of my half sister who personifies pumpkin spice (and I happen to like fall) but she's arrogant, overeducated and a career feminist it just makes my dick shrink inside me. If I'm gonna date a white girl she better be at least brunette. I accept no substitutes. Latinas seem like a nice compromise but my grandfather said he'd disown me if I dated a black girl. He's been deceased for some time now, though.

>> No.20965960
File: 12 KB, 374x359, 1620876378128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another day without the
>Little Iliad

>> No.20965965

Also, Italian girls are closest thing ive dated to Latina and I'm not sure if they qualify.

>> No.20965992

Abebooks anon?

>> No.20966017

Human life would be at least 40% better if women wore traditional Islamic clothing in public. At least.

>> No.20966023
File: 594 KB, 1056x1087, philosophers on suicide watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

philosophybros... I don't feel so good..

>> No.20966025

>My life would be 40% better if women did exactly as I said and covered up 24/7
I'm glad you're stuck in your room

>> No.20966031

Are you a woman? It seems to me women are at least as much victims of their undress as men. Do you all want to compete based on looks in all arenas at all times? Do you want to be measured only by your looks?

>> No.20966036

based asmr enjoyer
used vids like this to show my gf (ex gf now) how to improve her head game

>> No.20966041

Haha yeah arent these guys such pigs? Not me though, I believe in women's lib. So whats your number?

>> No.20966073

I only smoke traditional weed
I know I'm very ascetic and tall
Trad porn makes me spill my seed
Selfless sacrifice to save you all

>> No.20966078


keep your tongue inside your mouth whore

>> No.20966089

What's the sacrifice?

>> No.20966091

What happened to the board? It has become grotesque

>> No.20966097

I stopped posting as much

>> No.20966106

I wish they were on abebooks

>> No.20966108

The voice is supposed to be completely delusional. Even jerking off to porn is "trad" and he's doing it for us somehow, not himself.

>> No.20966110

crazy times baka desu senpai

>> No.20966156

Women shall not leave the house unattended by a male chaperon

>> No.20966164

I have this really large seashell collection
So large in fact I have to keep them all outside on the various beaches. Maybe you've seen some of them.

>> No.20966170

Muslims will hence forward be confined to their rooms till Momomid comes to rescue them

>> No.20966184

decentralized weed

>> No.20966199

I find it unsettling how much I identify with all of Dostoevsky's protagonists

>> No.20966204

The machine elves told me
To raise the flag of my nation
Little smurfs with a queen bee
Advised to reconsider generally accepted policies regarding immigration

>> No.20966227

wow anon that's yours? I've seen some of it. really really nice.

>> No.20966246

What's the name of that 14 years old girl who was a right wing YouTuber and got suspended?

>> No.20966273

Motormouthed lesbian girl who was just repeating shit her brother coached her on?

>> No.20966278

I like the ones with femdom

>> No.20966322

Idk about that, I meant her:

>> No.20966332

What you are doing here is very immoral.

>> No.20966342

Weed decentralized your brain

>> No.20966408

Nuke america

>> No.20966443

HEY, isn't this the boy who played anakin in the phantom menace??
lol, dude didn't grow shit

>> No.20966484

the leaf liberated me and enslaved me

>> No.20966528

>a fucking leaf

>> No.20966535

don't worry, they will soon.

>> No.20966561

just finished eating a poutine bro

>> No.20966567

----- Solaria ----
(Montaigne Playing With EQ Bands)

On a clear late afternoon
As the last of summer assumes

An almost supine attitude of regal glory
And with half the windows open and the AC on

To adjust the air to a last measure of effect impossibly light
Otherwise, the few cicadas that remain take on a zany

Aspect as they shut down in the slide to evening coolness, cute
Monsters of sound one sees hugging trees through an immense palimpsest

Of memory, almost a montage, in which Eloi fauns frolic in amnesia
Of Morlock monkey-moths lurking in their warrens

Rabbit-holes don't connect, so it's no
Surprise how much sound in a sense like this

Is a sure index of reflection. a precursor of desire knowingly postponed,
Invisible demand: Chances are

You'll win the best of worlds by not leaving these minor things to chance
And attended to them first, without quite saying why--

The round raucousness of geese, faraway kildeer crystals,
A bird I cannot name that reminds me a little of spring's first treefrogs,

Engine assortments from assorted perspectives on the grid,
Temperaments felt in a crowd, to fine detail,

Wit as wit's affinity.

>> No.20966588

We hear stories of men
Wanting a clue
We were unaware then
When the weeds took you

>> No.20966647

I cannot get the thoughts of the skeleton and the ragdoll out of my head.

>> No.20966688

It’s Instagram. It’s designed to make you feel that way. I mean that in the most literal way possible; while social media’s long term effects are not yet known, most studies show they’re mostly just designed to keep you engaged with them as long as possible and they make you feel worse the longer you’re in. This is so widespread that I don’t really need to post a source; throw a rock in any direction of the Google Search you might do about it. You’ll find it.

You have to understand that social media isn’t real, and is designed from the ground up to produce whatever emotion that will keep you using it; happiness, anger, lust, and far too often, feelings of inadequacy.

>> No.20966815

this board needs to allow pdf posting like sci

>> No.20966818

Uggghhhh I hate socializing and meeting new people but I know I need to because its good for me.

>> No.20966821

----- Solaria ----

Sunward behind a screen of trees
Flickeringly blurred by inverted lightning

Lay a lowland so completely green to sight
That imagination sleeps in it.

On a park path path cleared after a heavy snow,
Alone in nature as if it had all happened without intention,

I photograph all I can from beside a flying couch domed by a sleek greenhouse.

>> No.20966824

it should allow embedded tweets. just kidding.

>> No.20966832

I wish I was home alone and drinking but here I am about to walk into a room full of people I dont know. A friend is supposed to be here but he's late and I dont want to just linger outside. Damn it I fucking hate being a social animal.

>> No.20966836

if in the 21st century you still believe there is anything behind the veil of maya, you are brain dead and you don't care about truth.

>> No.20966838
File: 64 KB, 481x406, d06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is going to be over before we know it. Another year of me here, amongst other anons, has passed. Soon it will be Christmas and the snow will be falling outside in the dark, and then New Years' with the fireworks and the anons in the comfy threads wishing each other happy New Years' and posting gifs of Apus hugging each other, and some of them will say they are leaving, and some of them actually will; and the year will be over and the snow will begin to melt and it will begin to grow warm and another season will begin entirely. You really are here forever, huh.

>> No.20966844

>some of them actually will

>> No.20966845

oops, slight edit:

----- Solaria ----

Sunward behind a screen of trees
Flickeringly blurred by inverted lightning

Lay a lowland so completely green to sight
That imagination sleeps in it.

On a park path cleared after a heavy snow,
Alone in nature as if it had all happened without intention,

I photograph all I can from beside a flying couch domed by a sleek greenhouse.

>> No.20966848

Nobody should leave the house ever

>> No.20966851

Everything "is" exactly as it seems?

>> No.20966858

depends on what you mean by that. you can be
'wrong' by mistaking one perception for another, but it's not real things you're wrong about.

the important thing is that maya isn't an illusion because there is no superreality for it to hide.

>> No.20966865


>> No.20966866

i legit left for a year once one new years. then a year later i realized i hadn't achieved more or even read more, my life was exactly the same but with less internet bants, so i came back.

>> No.20966868

All it means is you're not a hylic (unironically). There is nothing special about the 21st century.

>> No.20966894
File: 37 KB, 690x460, nickdunne_smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my brothers wife is a bipolar or a bpd and I don't know how tf to help him.

I think it's something he has tried to keep secret or hide for so long but now they have 3 kids aged 8, 6 and 2.5 it's like she, their household, their relationship is being exposed and it's becoming obvious it's very disordered.

I've helped him out with money over the years since he is the only earner since they got married. Probably over $40k over the years. And that doesn't include the stuff I get their kids on my own accord Yet he has never paid it back (I don't expect it back) despite doing various house upgrades, bought a new SUV, constantly buying new toys. I also recently helped him with $4k for his wife's operation yet isntesd of paying it back, they are again at their spending habit where they got the 8 year old a switch which doesn't ply since he prefers the iPad and he can barely read (Pokemon). On top of more new toys and branded sneakers etc for the kids despite struggling with money. Which is now becoming frustrating.

Then now I'm hearing they are getting a dog despite them seemingly putting in bare effort with raising their kids. They seem very very behind to my sisters kids who are similar age. It's frustrating too because they're getting a staffie which I'm guessing can get violent if bare minimum effort is put into raising/training it .

I can see him getting depressed. Literally playing videogames now, something I never seen him do since hs. Yet he keeps giving in to this impulsive spending despite even my parents helping him out with money giving $100ish a week to help out.

I'm starting to see this guy I looked up to to be very dishonorable and it's disappointing. At the same time I can't just turn my back on him. He doesn't have anyone else (him and my sis don't talk.....over his wife, well more so that she felt some sort of way about changing religions for her and things came out the wrong way because my sister was always frustrated that my parents always accepted my brother's mistakes yet made comments about my sister wanting to get married young despite living the "golden child)

>> No.20966918 [DELETED] 

i have a work friend who still owes student loans from like twenty years ago, and instead of ever putting money towards it, she goes on vacations all around the world. like if we have so much as a three day weekend she'll text me pics from mexico or florida or somewhere. it kind of annoys me that biden is going to be giving her a 10k loan forgiveness when she probably spends that much on vacations yearly instead of just paying off her loans like i did. she could have easily paid the shit off like 10 or 15 years ago but just didn't feel like when she could take a european tour instead.

>> No.20966919

The apple is red but it's also a million other inconceivable things.

>> No.20966927

Your brother probably doesn't care about you as much as you care about him. Don't ever expect your money back and do what you think is right. Also stop giving money if it's troubling you that much. You are not his father. Just let him deal with the problems and lend a hear if he needs one, let him reach out himself. Currently having a complicated relationship with my NEET brother myself I wish you the best of luck.

>> No.20966928

Here I am, stuck behind a screen, always viewing the world from a distance. I wait for the courage to come, but I still have yet to convince myself that it will never come by itself, that I will make it the day I decide to break free, and it will not just arise spontaneously. But, I am not convinced that I will be able to make that courage when the moment asks for it, that there is still much to do and perfect before I appear and make my intentions clear. As the years go by, and I am still left untouched, the stoicism gets more rough, and I am left more unsatisfied with life. What good is a handsome face, or an impressive member, when it's attached to someone who's a failure to their gender? Why can it be, that I understand these things so clearly, that I know it's in my head, and still be trapped in this cage when I can reach the key? Perhaps I have made my cage too comfortable, to where I am unable to leave, because it is just too warm and serene, and if I leave, I won't be able to return, and I will be left out in the cold and unseen. But in the cold there is so much to be found, new comforts to covet, people and places to be bound. They key is right there in front of me; why don't I reach and see what can be? Jesus christ, just get some fucking pussy already.

>> No.20966932

Are all women bpd? Is this just the female version of autism, correct me if I'm wrong...

>> No.20966939

The human experience is tricking your brain into producing hormones so that you get your high. It's literally that. Nothing is eternal, nothing will fill the void that you have permanently and relationships of 20 years can be erased overnight, so only a select few humans can be 'completed' by a loved one their whole lives. Go get God because that's all you truly need anon.

>> No.20966952

Life is far longer and larger than that, particularly when it comes to real sites

>> No.20966979

>Don't ever expect your money back and do what you think is right

I never have and still don't expect it back. Heck I'd give my entire savings to my sister if she needed it and not expect it back, cos at least I know it will be put to good use....yet my brother I'm just finding him very dishonorable.

I just find it really disgusting now that despite all the help he is given by me and my parents it's like it's amounting to nothing. Like before buying the kids new Nike/Jordans that they will grow out of in a couple of months or buying a dog which is more expenses, or a car or house things, wouldn't you want to give back what help was given to you even if it's a little. Or at the very least get your stuff and budgets in order so you don't need the $100 here and there from your parents.

Mind you my brother is in his late 30s and has been married since his mid 20s

I just really don't understand the impulsive purchase and spending. Which reminds me. They literally got my mother a LV bag for her bday and his wife got one too .

I don't believe in being stingey but you have to be reasonable right? Even their kids constantly get new clothes. Like wtf happened to the clothes or the older siblings. Cant they use that?
Yet when I went to my brother's house I saw the way he lives to be completely chaotic. He is WFH and his "office" it literally bags of clothes and stuff and his work desk in the corner with the PlayStation. It was so depressing to see. That's where he is most of the day.

>> No.20966987

maybe your brother is lying to his wife about how much money he makes?

>> No.20967002

I'm sure she knows. I know he had a new role at work recently . Maybe it came with a significant pay rise? Maybe that explains all these crazy purchases in the past month. But at the same time. Why still accept money from our parents? And my mother keeps saying for food for the kids. Like ok....then why are they buying all this weird shit.

All of these impulsive purchases seems to have been a recurring thing throughout their whole relationship. Is it some sort of bipolar/bpd trait? They keep buying these things then don't seem to appreciate it after or just forget about it.

>> No.20967029

How do I know if what I write is any good

>> No.20967035

I haven't left it the entire time Trump was in office

>> No.20967075

I finished Phaedo and the ending was sad.

>> No.20967076

Site is so shit I'm browsing the archives

>> No.20967086

I wonder where all the reading anons went

>> No.20967091

spent time with my 18 yr old half-sister (same dad) tonight. Sounds harsh but l think she has that thing where her mum drank while pregnant

>> No.20967092

Does it feel true to your own nature? I couldn't do satire to save my life, but feel always at home in lyric. What do you like? Refer to that. What do you love beyond what you can say in prose? All good writing, however prosaic in form, is poetic as that..

>> No.20967095

Probably to the library

>> No.20967097

Did you --you know-- her?

>> No.20967103

No l dont find her attractive l dont know what guys do if there estranged sister is hot must be weird

>> No.20967108


>> No.20967133

do you have a sister?

>> No.20967260

i'm tired of people assuming i must be stupid and refusing to consider that I am actually a real person, and I'm tired of being ignored.

>> No.20967268

----- Solaria ----
(Lake Effect Snow)

An oceanic violet so soft
I wish with all my heart that she could see

Such wonders, anything so completely consoling
Completely as I see it, with easy agility.

Or apple orchards from high as I'm used to.


>> No.20967289

Does anyone here go to Carleton College? I just wanna vent about that place to someone that understands!

>> No.20967296

I watch too much pornography, and need to quit completely. My forearm hurts because my brother hit it. I cannot make myself read a long or seemingly boring book. It is somewhat odd that I sleep naked now I suppose, but I think it to be more natural.

>> No.20967389


Sleeping in the nude is normal. I've only slept dressed about half a dozen times since I was 12

>> No.20967392

I've been having visions again. One of a machine, that processes the world in ones and zeros. A machine with the minds of every man uplinked, a machine with a heart, in a pulsing blue universe, forever striving and expanding, within itself. Its knowledge of itself is perfect, its knowledge of the universe grows without limit, it feels with utmost clarity and every emotion is united in itself, it does always what it knows it must do, and is finally a tragedy supreme, and sighs in its perfection.

>> No.20967396

Bros it actually went well. Didnt spill my spaghetti and met acouple of cute grills. I'mreally glad I made myself do this even though my gut instinct was to drink alone. opportunities are opebing up :D

>> No.20967397

>Soon it will be Christmas and the hot sun will beat down and the skies will be a blue backdrop for palm trees

>> No.20967413

----- Solaria ----
(Fabulous Navigator)

He complained intermittently, but my father
Never trusted anyone as much.

He told me all the gossip as I drove him around, happiest to hear him
Wax about huge institutions, everything he knew.

He was a magnificent spy, and so am I.

>> No.20967443
File: 113 KB, 584x380, firefox_kRlRblnB1q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-- Lol --

>> No.20967481

i have not read anything for two months to decrease my powerlevel, it works bros, i no longer start talking about books to people who have never read a thing and socializing is going a bit better, enjoying my breadstick right now

>> No.20967485

nice going anon

>> No.20967531

why does he use — but they be spaces there

>> No.20967537

on the verge of being shitfaced but ran out of alcohol

can't drive but also too much of a coward to start drinking the mouthwash

doordash in ohio sucks

wut doo

>> No.20967561

>At that time I was only twenty-four. My life was even then gloomy, ill-regulated, and as solitary as that of a savage. I made friends with no one and positively avoided talking, and buried myself more and more in my hole. At work in the office I never looked at anyone, and was perfectly well aware that my companions looked upon me, not only as a queer fellow, but even looked upon me—I always fancied this—with a sort of loathing.
damn bros... the underground man is literally me

>> No.20967588

frodo in mordor

>> No.20967661

What was underground mans problem?

>> No.20967695

wasnt it unironically the 6ft tall chad officer who kept dabbing on him? kek

>> No.20967735

I spend a lot of time masturbating to the girls I go to school with. Each girl has a dedicated folder with hundreds of photos/videos. Sometimes after I ejaculate I'm tempted to delete these folders, but I can't bear to do it once I remember that I have so many deleted photos/videos that I'd never be able to get my hands on again. Infact, I'm willing to bet I have more photos of these girls than they do themselves, and these are self obsessed teenage girls. None of these girls know who I am either, despite going to school with me.

>> No.20967743

You've joined an enlightened crowd, Anon. I've loved fat girls since before I even had a sex drive.

>> No.20967747

Small peepee

>> No.20967795
File: 2.29 MB, 1600x1045, 1657763713010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it fair to say that Aristotle was closer to Nazism than Plato?

>> No.20967921

Reading through Ann Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho and the amount of commas sprinkled throughout is nausea-inducing. Not to mention that 80% of the initial chapters is just scenery description after scenery description. It feels as if I'm reading someone's collection of writing exercises.

>> No.20967928

Post pic of nice scenery description sequences and commas, sounds comfy.

>> No.20967962

I feel like I'm freaking out. I'm 24. I have achieved nothing of worth. But more importantly, I'm stuck in this really weird stage of mental stasis. I don't feel 24. I feel 18. Downright to getting irrationally bewildered when I see some of my old classmates getting married on social media.
I had always been mature for my age, so to reach my mid twenties and realise I'm in a state of arrested development is a hard pill to swallow.
I feel like a kettle about to explode. So frustrated I can barely breathe. Even the anxiety is back (great). Nothing went to plan in my early twenties and now I don't have a plan for my late twenties. I'm lost. I'm inept. I feel like I'm ripe for death, but I don't have the courage to do it myself and I have no one to do it for me. My one dream currently is to be sitting on damp earthy hill in some Balkan forest. To walk. I want to walk. I want my wits back. I want to be young again. I want the past because I can't bring myself to get excited about the future.

>> No.20967970

You'll mature close to 30 stop freaking out like a woman

>> No.20967983

i AM one (xx chromosome)
I'm playing right into the stereotype but here we are.

>> No.20967995

Oh then you should be freaking out lol

>> No.20968004

God, I fucked this up. It took me so long to figure out what to do that now it’s too late.

>> No.20968036


>> No.20968049

It'll be ok

>> No.20968099

the flag not fluttering anymore
lying at half mast
queen elizabeth ii

>> No.20968101

What did you want to do?

>> No.20968125

The exercise induced mania and positive mood is increasingly incompatible with the system because of necessary inhumane thought patterns and compulsions

>> No.20968270

It’s a long story.

>> No.20968277

----- Solaria ----

You know you're out there when
Dawn goes from grey faint as moonlight
All the way to Rigel blue without detecting

A single robin, as if dusk reversed for the dead.
Where are the silly bastards? Do they still irritatate
The suburbs with their cloying sum? Have dominatrix

Crows run them all off like Satan flights drinking in slight fog?
Indeed the scene is delightful to his low-key sense for atmosphere
And appearance, if not so much as mine when left to amplify as it will.

He thought it recondite to the point of obscure to mix paints
On glass for the effect of floating in gas giant rings,
Something I do without thinking.

>> No.20968386
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just quit my job 1 week in because the girl that was hired with me quit 3 days in due to the boss sexually harassing her.
I didn't particularly talk to her much nor do I care for her, it just didn't sit well with me, did I make the wrong choice? I mean lets face it these things occur everywhere

>> No.20968425

Its whatever, its resolved

>> No.20968428

I tried to play NASCAR Heat 3 yesterday but my computer was being slow

>> No.20968432

Women should not have jobs, unironically

>> No.20968438

For me it will be more like
>Soon it will be Christmas and the sky will be gray and the warm wind and no rain will make every day look like depression if it were weather
At least that was last year, this year I sincerely hope for lots of snow. The other day a tree fell by itself, it looked green outside, but inside it was dead and botanists said it was cause there was no snow to soak the earth deep inside, leaving the tree without water.

>> No.20968474

I don't feel at 29 as if I'm as impressive or as authoritative a person as I imagined and as I would have liked to have been. But I've really felt for a long time now that it's something that comes with achievement. Only, there's not much to achive. That's what frustrates me the most.

>> No.20968498

I made the mistake of spending too long on a career I had no interest in, in a place I didn't want to live in, but what I should do now to make sense of this trajectory, I really have no idea.

>> No.20968554

How old are you

>> No.20968576 [DELETED] 

where do these indie games that trend on stream promote themselves? like roadwarden looks like a kinda cool indie project, but if i hadn't trended on "coming coon" on steam i never would have heard of it. to trend on steam like that you need thousands of wishlists and views and shit, so where are they advertising this stuff? is it on facebook and twitter? i go on twitch and even though i only watch indie game devs, i never heard of any of these games. are they all on discord? i don't get it. oh maybe reddit? idk.

>> No.20968615

i hate those stupid youtube clips because you can't embed them. it's so annoying how american social companies are getting totally smoked by tiktok and basically have no answer. pathetic.

>> No.20968742

if it helps you, you can open those youtube shorts with normal links and normal ui and embed them
for instance

>> No.20968750

I like long stories.

>> No.20968791

Youtube should be owned by a non profit. Advertisements should be considered mind control and outlawed by international agreements on human rights. Nobody should be an "influencer" and live on ads. If people are willing to support you directly for making content that's different.

>> No.20968812

>Advertisements should be considered mind control and outlawed by international agreements on human rights.
this but unironically, it's actual brainwashing

>> No.20968840

The problem needs more attention and the influence of the ad/pr industry needs to be curtailed but a complete ban is impossible to really enforce. What if I just really love Coca Cola and want to make a short movie about how great it is? What if it's the pros and cons of oil? If I land on the side of oil being good am I advertising for the oil companies?

>> No.20968852

you making some indie film or posting your opinion on why X is great is not the same thing as a multinational spending billions in advertising to reach every facet of people's lives.

>> No.20968885

>need to go shopping for groceries
>don't want to leave the house
This always happens, GODDAMMIT

>> No.20968900

My indie film was funded by my family who all work in the oil industry / green energy industry.
Or I'm simply an American so everything I do is funded by international oil and the MIC.
The Coke movie was done by someone who loves the product so much he's dependent on it, his interests are aligned with promoting it and making sure it continues. He already received many gifts from the corporation before he ever intended to make the movie.
If you ban ads formally and pretend everything is solved by that you're likely in an even worse situation because you've convinced yourself the problem isn't there anymore.

>> No.20968919

I read that medical and nursing professions tend to attract a lot of domineering women. I guess I found out where I have to look for a gf now.

>> No.20968923

Another heavy blow for worker's rights.

>> No.20969112

How do I stop jerking off to porn? It consumes so much of my day.

>> No.20969138

By stop jerking off to porn

>> No.20969145

make a tinychat instead and I'll join like this anon >>20962531

>> No.20969193

>Disney is making prequel to Lion King
My condolences to the character of Mufasa, I can already feel it in my bones they will ruin him to hell and back.

>> No.20969196

I'll be 30 soon.

>> No.20969240

Um, no.

>> No.20969306


Pass it on

>> No.20969601

What the hell is custard apple? Or redberries? Why do you call eggplant/aubergine brinjal? Why is this language learning app using words no one is using?

>> No.20969819

Some faggot ruined Memento for me. Fucking bastard!

>> No.20969828

I just turned 40. My brother is your age.

>> No.20969842

The beginning ruins it

>> No.20969888

I know why the thread has stalled. There’s too many faux wwoym threads up

>> No.20969911
File: 1.16 MB, 712x400, 1657305165768.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the club my friend. We meet every Friday at 6 behind the local outback steakhouse. Now, with that said: sauce?

>> No.20969921


>> No.20969934

4chan is turning middle aged.
Some of them are young, that’s where a lot of friction happens, but eventually the user base is going to be majorly 50+

>> No.20969945

i can't wait until we're all retired it's gonna be rad

>> No.20969966

Next thread is mine

>> No.20970017

What does any of this have to do with what I said?

>> No.20970190

You said "So"


>> No.20970566

Hey I'm a deadbeat 23 year old myself. Lets get married