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/lit/ - Literature

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20925788 No.20925788 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ e-girl philosophy edition

Old >>20923062

>> No.20925796

It's so beautiful outside today.

>> No.20925798

>There's nothing in 'romance' for you if you're in the lower class. Nothing but pointless clowning.

If you're a bum get a bum girl or pick up that same woman 10 years late man, that's all we can do.

>> No.20925802

have sex incels

>> No.20925804

No. Im becoming a wizard soon.

>> No.20925817

It really is. Nice day for it. Sitting inside all day I mean

>> No.20925820

I wish there were more true believers that I could autistically argue anything with on a matter of first principles plato style. although this is just me wishing to project the conversations inside my own head onto the people around me as a means of experiencing myself through other people. this is why I cant be true friends with anyone because I'm only really interested in myself.

>> No.20925826

should i move to morocco to teach english if i don't know a work of arabic ?

>> No.20925831

Probably not, especially if you're from a first-world country.

>> No.20925838

She is like 1000 times better than philosophytube right now

>> No.20925851

1000 times 0 is still 0

>> No.20925876

Only because she's hot. She is just as milquetoast and retarded.

>> No.20925899

Been feeling insecure about my creativity and my ability to brainstorm or come up with ideas
Sometimes I feel like I might be creative but still not creative you know what I mean? Like retarded but kinda not retarded. Had trouble as a kid writing examples for my answers but that could be because of conceptual clarity.
What should I do to enhance what litle potential I might have for my creativity? Any exercises? I have been thinking of just putting my head down and brainstorming everyday for minimum 20 ideas for articles or anything really

>> No.20925935
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Maybe its a good time to go back over your old ideas that you wrote down but haven't yet developed.

>> No.20925938


>> No.20925940

Her last video was 80% hating white people and 20% nigger worship

>> No.20925980

is self awareness a bad unnatural thing?

>> No.20926000

If it were not for self awareness my life would be even worse than it is.

>> No.20926007

Do you spend your time paying attention to these braindead e-whores? What is wrong with you?

>> No.20926021

I feel like I have to get married and have children because I'm an only child.

>> No.20926029

uhhh link?

>> No.20926034

I good argument could be made that it is indeed true. All self awareness does is run away from itself. None of us want to parse who, or more precisely, what we actually are

>> No.20926036

all modes of employment are gatekept by HR roasties whose tests are designed to check weather you've had sex or not

>> No.20926042

Chudsisters and trannybros
Incestuous lovers forever
Keeping each other on their toes
Bottom text insert something clever

>> No.20926047
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>> No.20926048

To be fair you should have sex tho

>> No.20926060

just finished Libra. jfk assassination now slightly less disorienting.

>> No.20926072

I've discovered that the real danger of working in a mediocre office environment is in the damage it does to presentation. That is, the way you're trained to present as run-of-the-mill, hesitant, unremarkable, and lacking in the qualities of leadership. This is why for ambitious people, it's very important to avoid these sorts of environments while you're young, and never fall into them.

>> No.20926078

So what’s the best website to discuss literature? After some time away it’s painfully clear that very few read here and that this is just a very unhealthy place in general

>> No.20926093

I feel like I've irreversibly missed out on life. I'm 28 and this plagued by this consistent feeling for the last couple years. If I did not make the mistakes I did. If I did everything right, my life would be quite different and much much higher quality than it is now.

I've missed out on my career. I ruined by college and grades. Despite passing with a STEM degree and a good analytical brain and natural inclination for it. Wasted 4 years of my life as a NEET and eventually managed to get a an accounting job in low beaurucracy 1000 km away from home. It'll set me up for a life of mediocrity. I could've been so much more and I feel like there's no way for make it up and get back there.

My romantic life is shit as well. Never had a relationship. Only fucked a prostitute once. Now I'm ageing, my looks are declining and I don't think I can get a woman like I could've if I was younger.

I've also developed partial ED and my libido is almost dead. This has further cemented the realisation that I'll never be able to enjoy a woman like I could've before.

I had issues. I wasted my time online to cope with them. I don't do alcohol or drugs. That wasted time lead to me ruining my life further and adding more things to cope for. All I do is distract myself from this horrific reality.

>> No.20926099

For sincere conversation I go to Reddit. I come here to bait/piss off people with racial rhetoric. Sometimes I pretend to be a white nationalist, sometimes an Black supremacist. I’m neither of those races but I get (You)s all the same. Only threads in this board I don’t troll are ecolit, /sffg/ and the recent horror general.

>> No.20926104

What are some books? I liked The Story of Pi. It was pretty cool. Felidae is written by a cat somehow. There's a catcore thread up.

>> No.20926105


>> No.20926123

For autistic philosophy chasers it is. For humans it's fine

>> No.20926132

Action is meaningless without thought preceding it.

>> No.20926134

I thought this would be the answer. It’s pretty bleak when Reddit is better than /lit/ for the simple fact that they actually read books. /lit/ seems to just use books as an aesthetic or info dumps to highlight their personality. And here I was thinking it was bad when 50% of threads were about Stoner, the meme trilogy, and Blood Meridian

>> No.20926144

The issue appears to be that you don't get anything that's happening here and never did. Why did you ever leave reddit in the first place?

>> No.20926146
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aw hell naw spunch bop gonna die of AIDS

>> No.20926155

I’ve been here for a long time, bub

>> No.20926166

Being dumb is worse than being new. You also mean something like 10 years, lurk for 10 more.

>> No.20926192

Cope, Europe is being conquered by Muslims as we speak

People on Reddit have a name and a reputation to uphold. On 4chan you can say the dumbest things on a topic and get away with it. A bigger issue is sincerity. On Reddit people are unafraid to be nice and sincere, here everyone is cynical and ironic, to the point that we have to use the made-up word “unironically” to make it clear we aren’t trolling.

>> No.20926200

Every time someone blogposts here it reminds me how we're all really just the same dude in one form or another.

>> No.20926204

Yeah that is the major downside of anonymity. Also anons choose to die on retarded hills

>> No.20926212

Depends — if you know French

>> No.20926218

If it makes you feel better, I only racebait on /lit/ and /his/. Some boards like /adv/ have people actually needing advice so it’s rude to troll there.

>> No.20926221


>> No.20926237

>hey guys, did you know that there's an African elephant and an Asian elephant but only ONE species of human?? Isn't that COOL?
I am going to hate my anthropology class

>> No.20926241

Not possible my soul and character are too special to match with a female and I dont like deceiving

>> No.20926247

I watch the video.. why is she dress like is her a young boy? america style LOL

>> No.20926254

It's a look, it's an alphet

>> No.20926261

>here everyone is cynical and ironic
All the cool kids are sincere, optimistic and ironic. Race war now but let's keep it nice and friendly ok?

>> No.20926266

The all boys do dress like a the girl’s in you place country? LuL

>> No.20926277

>unafraid to be nice and sincere
It's feigned for upvotes wheras the cynicism here is sincere

>> No.20926286

Not everyone is 100% cynical. It’s better to err on the side of optimism rather than pessimism, if you had to pick only one

>> No.20926289

Hairy art hoe pussy

>> No.20926294


>> No.20926320

Because your perspective dictates a lot

>> No.20926332

racemixing is bad but racegating?

>> No.20926345

so in a casino if you make a big win you can just walk out with 10x cash?

>> No.20926356

Racemixing is a mixed bag. Sometimes you hit the jackpot and create Latinos (White+Amerindian), other times you completely miss it and create Arabs (White+Black).

>> No.20926361

The book I’m writing will probably be the most important book of this century, just a heads up.

>> No.20926362

No they dress like normal and their gender normal
but why ? they look is seen as cool? people see young girl dress as in little boy clothes and think yes she is beautifull and well adjusted

>> No.20926368

Literally just be pigheadedly confident in your attempts to do anything (artistic wise). This is what's necessary to become good at it.

But don't confuse that with deluding yourself. Just don't let your present state interrupt your work, otherwise, if you ever do become a capable writer (you probably wont without the confidence), the insecurity will be present in the work and you wont write with strong entertaining words.

>> No.20926383

and how are latinos better than arabs

>> No.20926390

I don't believe in internet atheists. Nobody is this dumb.

>> No.20926401

Internet atheists are dumb because internet theists are just as dumb. only dumb people spend their time arguing with other dumb people. And if you aren’t dumb you get lowered to the level of your opposition.

>> No.20926418
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>> No.20926419

Explain the accusation. Oh, you actually have nothing. Your feelings are just hurt. (Or you’re one of those whacky trolls looking for the (You)s! Nyhuhuh)

>> No.20926430

Latinos have written stuff like magical realism, they have rich cultures, etc. Arabs have NEOM and Dubai but besides that you never hear anything good about them. If you hear news about Arabs it’s almost always religious fundamentalism/terrorism and the like.

>> No.20926438

Every atheist is an expression of the vulgar materialist propaganda that saturates everything. The "atheists" that think at all call themselves culturally religious which is incoherent.
>Explain the accusation
You can't discuss any subject with an atheist or an American fundamentalist Christian which atheism is a branch of. Even Dawkins is entirely influenced by them, his entire career he had to defend himself against them because he taught evolution. His "atheism" which became a pop culture phenomena promoted by the economic forces was a reaction to those fundies, not religion. He like all atheists knows nothing about religion, just biology. All the retards that regurgitate the "atheist" talking points are mindless, completely incapable of independent thought, the thing they pretend to hold highest.

>> No.20926453

You are actually worse than that the hillbilly who tried to argue that anti-matter doesn't exist.

Atleast other religious people, especially in spaces such as this, have the humility to not peddle their flimsy non-infallible non-arguments as some kind of profound logical Gotcha! that is like some single proof above all proofs that could end the argument. And then have the audacity to paint anyone who calls out your bullshit as "illogical".

You are not looking for true logic. You are only seeking the aesthetic of logic to make your unfounded faith "look" authentic.

I must repeat:
>Let me get this straight. You want me to believe the radical idea that there's an all powerful conscious being who created this world and runs everything in it. And that your religion's idea about this God, his moral law, heaven and hell is the right one. And that one should reform their lives according to his scripture. And all you offer as a proof for all this is a flimsy abstract logical argument of words, the refutation of which is already written down in its own wikipedia article. And if I ask for stronger proof for such a radical claim you could only accuse me of being "dogmatic" by demanding real proof.

>* I'm sorry. The thread I was going to post this in got deleted. So now you'll be the subject of my unposted post

>> No.20926472

Nothing I said in that posts relates to anything you said. You're demonstrating again that you're completely incapable of thinking about or discussing any subject.
Your refusal to understand basic logic is not helping your case. It's just showing that like I said you really don't know what anything means or how to argue for any point. There's no possible way I could prove anything to you or give you reason to think because you don't think. You have your dogmatic beliefs and that's that, no discussion or thinking allowed.

>> No.20926542

>You can't discuss any subject with an atheist or an American fundamentalist Christian which atheism is a branch of.
Oh, this meme, great.
>Dawkins sold books, therefore economics dictated his ideology
Kinda like the Catholics selling their baubles you mean?
Atheism is an absence of religious faith, it isn’t taken on faith it has no dogma. It is akin to science, when done right, by questioning things. It is a philosophic stance that tries to reason.
Most atheists come from people who have bothered to study the religion of their parents, those first indoctrinators, so they do quite often understand religion perfectly well.
Quoting back good patent arguments that you have no good answers for doe not denote mindlessness.

You still haven’t sufficiently given an explanation. Why do you think they’re dumb? Some might be, but at least they can defend themselves against such cobwebbed superstitions.

>> No.20926568 [DELETED] 

>Believe in all powerful entity and reform your life according to him because this one line argument(already countered) says that He exists. Oh you want proof? Here's your proof... *philosophical bullshit*..... Why are you not believing in this proof? Why are you not converting and following scripture? Are you irrational, are you incapable of thinking? Why don't you believe in al all power entity and reform your life based on this one line abstract thought experiment? Is this not proof enough. Are you I-Illogical... Cccan't ttthhink. No, I'm not being illogical you're being illogical. I have "logical proof"!!! Y-y-you will go to Hell. I AM LOGIC!!!

Yeah... Maybe if I was 60 points lower on the IQ scale

>> No.20926575
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No, no. This works in our favor. Not only do they eliminate brain dead conservatives who stand in our way, we reap massive political capital from being able to play the victim card. I was on TV though and some bitch was grilling me on the crying selfie I posted after the latest attack and was like “How can you say you’re concerned for your personal safety when you were arrested 5 years ago for free climbing the Freedom tower?” Shut the hell up, bitch…

>> No.20926578

>Believe in all powerful entity and reform your life according to him because this one line argument(already countered) says that He exists. Oh you want proof? Here's your proof... *philosophical bullshit*..... Why are you not believing in this proof? Why are you not converting and following scripture? Are you irrational, are you incapable of thinking? Why don't you believe in al all power entity and reform your life based on this one line abstract thought experiment? Is this not proof enough. Are you I-Illogical... Cccan't ttthhink. No, I'm not being illogical you're being illogical. I have "logical proof"!!! Y-y-you will go to Hell. I AM LOGIC!!!

Yeah... Maybe if I was 60 points lower on the IQ scale

>> No.20926597

Modern technology is incredibly flimsy and easy to break, the only reason it's so powerful right now is because we live in an era where technology is considered hyped. In 100 years now I think the world will be closer to the 17th century than anything happening right now.

>> No.20926604

I believe in an all powerful entity and that entity is WOMEN

>> No.20926608

I want to coom and glaze som humongous tits with my thick load before the world ends.
Wat do? Where can I meet some whore with big tits?

>> No.20926611

Do you enjoy simping?

>> No.20926616
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No matter how much you scream, you can not escape it. You are defined by something that you don’t know. You are not in control. Whatever you think you are, you are not. Your idea of yourself comes from the outside, not inside. Your inside, however, leads you through a path, and in that path you might for a second think you are a forester when you come upon a forest, or a Clerk when you come across a church; but the truth is, that you don’t know what you are until the end of the path. When you reach it, the end, you will be that in all of its totality, the very maximum of your human being. Close your eyes, think, think about the good things in your life, and now remind yourself of the danger that you have in losing it. Is it a bad thing? To risk those joys in life? Why not give up? Run from society, run from joy, give yourself to meditation, hope for a better alternative in the afterlife. What stops humans from being like that? Why isn’t Buddha right?

I try to talk, I try to make sense, but I can’t really put it into words. I don’t see the point of putting thoughts into words, I am very much done right now. I’m so tired.

>> No.20926619

you guys are being obtuse

>> No.20926621

>Dawkins sold books, therefore economics dictated his ideology
Not even close to what I said you illiterate shithead. Christian fundamentalists created your religion.
>Atheism is an absence of religious faith,
I've heard all your braindead claims that you regurgitate mindlessly a million times before you were born. You can claim you question things all you want but when you're actually confronted with questions you have nothing but the same lines you mindlessly parrot like a religious zealot.
>Why do you think they’re dumb?
I've explained in great detail how atheism is retardation. You accept all the claims I make when it comes to American Christian fundamentalism but don't see that you're exactly the same. In reality, in practice you act exactly the same. All you can do is appeal to premises given to you by burger fundies. When anything related to what people actually believed in the past is brought up your brain short circuits and you go back to discussing burger fundamentalism.
>conflate all claims every made about a phenomena so you can attack the easiest ones and thereby dismiss all of them in one
Why can't you think? You keep telling everyone how much you value thinking and questioning but when it comes to actually doing it you're exactly as proficient as a burger creationist.

>> No.20926624

Maybe on an odd day you may find me believing in a God but I'll never ever believe in an afterlife

>> No.20926626

No, not really

>> No.20926630

Sorry im on a diet

>> No.20926634

How boring

>> No.20926636

I had to drop my anthropology course, the profs were telling us to get vaxxed lmfao

>> No.20926639

>You keep telling everyone how much you value thinking and questioning but when it comes to actually doing it you're exactly as proficient as a burger creationist.

You are projecting. I never claimed any of that. You are the one who thinks that he's some kind of a great thinking man who has cracked the code and ultimately proved the existence of God, though all you can offer is nothing more than talk and babble.

>> No.20926642

I am just a bug. Going to study 14 hours a day, 12 hours minimum. Fast forward another 10 years. Mindless unreflective operation.

>> No.20926647

>You are projecting. I never claimed any of that
I'm replying to your words you absolutely useless piece of shit.
>It is akin to science, when done right, by questioning things. It is a philosophic stance that tries to reason.

>cracked the code
There's no fucking code to crack. It's so basic that Greek cavemen figured it out. The amazing thing is how incapable of thinking everyone who identifies as an atheist is. Dumber than cavemen.

>> No.20926650

Anyone? Any ideas???

>> No.20926651

What is a Master of Science degree that is actually worth it assuming it's from an "elite" University in the United States? Are any worth it?

>> No.20926652

And that's a good thing.

>> No.20926656

The fact that the CCP, which if nothing else does plan for everything decades in advanced, hasn’t been reshaping China to prepare for a collapse of civilization scenario makes me think it won’t happen.

>> No.20926660

>All I do is distract myself from this horrific reality.

People don't like to admit but that all every one does.

>> No.20926662

>I'm replying to your words you absolutely useless piece of shit.


>There's no fucking code to crack. It's so basic that Greek cavemen figured it out.

No he didn't. The God you believe in is not the same God that any caveman did. It is not even the same concept of a "God". Though thanks for showing that the thought process that leads to your beliefs is as primitive as that of a caveman.

>> No.20926664

they send you a memo of things they're preparing for?

>> No.20926669

I'm not entirely sure what will happen to China, but I do know that China does not have social media or programs in the way we do. America and the West are all but certain to collapse though and I do not see technology returning in this form.

>> No.20926670

momas lil baby loves shortnin bread

>> No.20926675

Why am I on a mic?

>> No.20926677

I quoted it in the next line. What is wrong with your brain?
>The God you believe in is not the same God that any caveman did
I did not argue for any religion, just negating your religious dogma. The Greek cavemen I'm talking about are the men who developed formal logic and anything you can call proof. Why can't you relate anything said to anything? Why can't you fill in any blanks? Why does your brain actively find ways to misconstrue everything said on the subject? Why the constant dishonest horseshit? What explanation can there possibly be?

>> No.20926686

>American fundamentalist Christian which atheism is a branch of
6/10 made me reply

>> No.20926689
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When someone comes along who can tap into this, something is going to happen.

>> No.20926691

beta uprising 2025?

>> No.20926692

>Christian fundamentalists created your religion.
I do not have a religion. You brain dead wad of chum. Again you offer nothing to even discuss. You are bereft of ideas and can’t defend your own faith. That’s all it hangs on, and I guess it’s not enough for you, because you’re flipping out in front of me here.
Go away. Go far away. Cut ties with the internet. There are too many nonchrist tards on it for your weak mind. Go, be happy.

>> No.20926695

Can you go more in depth with this? Really interested in more of your thought, feel I am in a similar environment

>> No.20926696

Go to Ukraine.

Naw. One at a time mass shooters

>> No.20926698


Hate all you middle and upper class losers. you guys are really contemptible.

>> No.20926702

This bitch is like a 3/10 gookerino behind the plastic surgery and weapons-grade make-up
>blahblahblah little to me prattle on about philos-

>> No.20926705

No, but they are still investing in things like AI or computer technology or biotech which won’t exist if/when civilization collapses.

Literally who cares about social media, stuff like modern medicine and computers is used by everyone. If technology collapses that will harm us all. But no government is planning for that.

>> No.20926708

It's simple. Your environment has an effect on you. High performance or at least ambitious environments, even if they're office environments, such as those at let's say the trading floor of a wall street investment bank or a fast-growing tech startup, let alone an environment like the military or a competitive graduate school, will naturally have an effect on you that makes you more ambitious, more decisive, more authoritative, more competitive. But environments, where all these are lacking, don't produce that effect on you. In fact, they can have a negative effect.

>> No.20926713

Curiosity killed the cat
The end

>> No.20926717

What effect does spending years in my room causes on me?

>> No.20926723

Computers are relatively mundane in use for the average person. Again, I do not know much about China. But I do know that in America all it took was a power outage to completely devastate Texas and countries like Japan are founded in modern technology and has only exacerbated their problems. I don't think technology will cease to exist but the meme of "technology will radically change the way we live" will.

>> No.20926730

My guess is more
>BLM shit escalates the next time around
>finally something bad happens
>sensationalist media runs with it, polarizing everyone, activating existing tensions and straining them to breaking point
>meanwhile BLM shit is still continuing, portland stuff happening
>people start shooting back at portland types when they do this https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1564564109428985857
>portland types think 'history is on our side' and start doing dumb shit like encouraging people to shoot/lynch suspected rethugliKKKans
>escalates more
>everybody in the country now knows it's a collapsing third world shithole
>truly radical single issue candidates emerge
>scrambles existing political consensus even more
the 'beta uprising' will be when people vote for these radical candidates, not when they go out in the streets and counter-lynch dysgenic portland antifa

>> No.20926731

Current social meta is absolutely insane. Any 3/10 roastie with IQ 90 can become minor e-celebrity if she puts some effort into makeup, lighting and vapid derivative content.

>> No.20926732

>I do not have a religion
Yet you can't argue for your beliefs based on reason, you reject the fundamentals of reason and act as if all religion is what burger fundies told you it is.

>> No.20926737

the field I’m in ain’t really competitive like that, I get what you mean though. I’m in a normal office environment in a BS marketing field making like 70k, but that’s how much my father capped out at so I feel pretty good about it being here so young.

Not sure where to go from here. Do I really want to be more ambitious? I kind of wouldn’t mind being known for just crossings from poor to middle class…

>> No.20926739

>I quoted it in the next line. What is wrong with your brain?

That's not me. That's this guy:>>20926542


You didn't negate shit. Cavemen did not use formal logic to come up with their idea of God. They didn't use your retarded prime mover bullcrap. Their concept of God is nowhere same as that of yours. Its not about religion, its the basic definition of God itself which is different.

All caveman did was look at lightning and go " Ooga booga Zeus did it, Zeus angry".

Which is actually not too far off from how the modern religious mind works. The truth is you yourself are a product of secular atheism. You wouldn't be alluding to a false sense of logic by making abstract arguments if modern thought hadn't BTFO'ed every other avenue for your God to make an appearance, using the same logical process.

>> No.20926740

Everyone's a bit silly now
Things were not like this before

>> No.20926742

If you're insecure about your undergraduate performance like I am, why don't you consider graduate school? If you start now and get a high standardized test score you could go to an equal or better school than your undergraduate for a sort of do-over by the time you're 29. If you're dissatisfied with your career, it's not like there's anything better to do and I'm certain that 29 is not too old for graduate school, especially given that COVID lockdowns put basically all graduate school on pause for 2 whole years and students are matriculating older than they used to.

>> No.20926752

no no no you don't understand beta uprising was predicted by the wizards of r9k years ago as a clear cut purge of normies and roasties

>> No.20926751

It's obvious, isn't it? Tendency to want to isolate, to put distance between the self and others, to retreat from the world rather than particular personality traits. There are pros and cons to each of these. Sometimes having done nothing is better than having done something, but only sometimes and not forever.

>> No.20926758

>you offer nothing to even discuss
I offer the history of religion. The thing you pretend you know all about but absolutely refuse to think about.
The obvious start is the prime mover but you immediately reject it based on pure conditioned association that conflates everything you dislike and stops all hint of a thought process.
>They didn't use your retarded prime mover bullcrap
When I used the term "Greek cavemen" I was referencing specific men. I elaborated on what I was referencing but you still make long inane blogs based on just making up irrelevant narratives in your head.
You keep proving the point, atheists are incapable of discussing any subject. Your entire mind is mush, incapable of any thought, exactly like the burger creationists in every way but even worse, you're even more sure of your dogma.

>> No.20926761

Nobody can answer that for you, unfortunately.

>> No.20926762

Is there anything more frustrating than a truly awful person who refuses to acknowledge how terrible they are ? They just trounce about with their lives with no shame, meanwhile I’m crippled over possibly inconvenience someone asking for an extra ketchup packet

>> No.20926764


>> No.20926765

>If you start now and get a high standardized test score
you need to study long time for that no?

>> No.20926767

>That's not me. That's this guy
That's the fucking post the words you quoted were replying to. You know you're retarded. You know you're completely incompetent in your life but you still reject help when it's offered.

>> No.20926768

>Sometimes having done nothing is better than having done something
True. A dull regret is better than obvious one.

>> No.20926770

Single issue how? Pro-white race-based policies will have very little popular support if current demographic trends continue so what do you mean exactly?

>> No.20926774

Who's your favorite internet schizo? For me its Alex Jones and Owen Benjamin

>> No.20926780

Lmao. I did not even read the Greek part(hence my post) and yet by sheer coincidence, I was literally right about them going. "Ooga booga zeus angry, zeus do lightning". You can't make this shit up even if you tried.

You are just proving that you are equivalent to a caveman. Nothing more

>> No.20926781

Yeah I understand. Ultimately 95% of the wordcel highly ambitious twitter-tech types or highly driven young professionals had very stable and loving home-lives — they all have something to prove, to someone, or I guess themselves. Truthfully I don’t. Or I could be excusing my laziness. Oh well.

>> No.20926785

It depends entirely on the individual. This is something I am considering at the moment even though I'm older than you are. My current plan is to live with a parent for a few months so I can quit my job and study, taking the exam as many times as necessary to get the highest score possible before the application deadline.

>> No.20926788

Lol why are you this retarded. New to 4chan?
>It hurt itself in its confusion

>> No.20926790

What's Benjamin up to these days

>> No.20926799

I've been considering this but I do feel I'm too old for this too. Its just that constant nagging feeling. I need to marry as well. If I go to grad school I'd be postponing my marriage by 2 years atleast and taking a risk by leaving my current job.

>> No.20926822

You're not clever. You're cancer just like I described. Can't think for yourself so you actively undermine any hint of it you see anywhere.

>> No.20926825

Like what

>> No.20926829

Why can't you discuss things though? What causes this severe debilitating disease of the mind?

>> No.20926833

I'm dead middle class in my country. Almost lower in the current economy. My field has snail paced salary and career growth . And the only way for me to make more money is engaging in corruption which I don't want to

>> No.20926837

If you're not open to opportunities they won't present themselves. "Lucky" people just look for opportunities more.

>> No.20926838

Im really surprised at how pozzed anthropology as a field is. The professors Ive had either miss the obvious or delude themselves. Political premises precede observation

>> No.20926842

I do too. My sense though is that there is just nothing else better to do. I graduated around 24 years old, and started working for the University at 25 and planned to pursue a graduate degree while I worked, but I failed to identify one that motivated me so at 26 I stopped taking courses. For the last 3 years, I've just been working for the Uni without taking courses. I despised it the entire time but 2 of those years have been during COVID lockdowns, so it's not like there was anywhere else to go. I'm 29 now and I'll be 30 in the Spring. Since I haven't identified a desirable career for myself, I have started thinking I may as well go to Law school as a sort of re-do of my undergraduate. It's obviously not the best option, but it's definitely better than this stagnation. I basically figure that I need a change and since there's no optimal change, I may as well do this. I can tell you with certainty that 28-29 is most definitely not too old to enter the large majority of graduate programs. In fact, applying at 28 would put you at the later end of normal, but still decidedly normal. It's only once you hit 29 that you've passed normal. And all this is considering that schools were effectively shut down for 2 years over this pandemic.

>> No.20926844

I can take opportunities and still be pessimistic about the outcome

>> No.20926851

And you're just another dumb religious apologist in a sea of them. Only difference is you try to come up with clever sounding but empty arguments for your beliefs since you can't expect me to just take it as a faith or burn me at the stake anymore. And in the modern world you can't be expected to be taken seriously unless you apply some logic, or atleast use it as an aesthetic.

But glitter sprinkled shit is still shit.

There's nothing to discuss. There's no proof for the existence of a god and nobody can provide one. Simple as.

>> No.20926855

Anthro has always been the flagship field of politicized relativism, from Franz Boas, Margaret Mead, Benedict Anderson. It rejected any kind of typology early on and has always been filled with women. Especially in recent decades when it became fashionable to do so called anthropology of gay nightclubs and punk rock scenes.

>> No.20926857

My inability to socialize literally makes me crippled. I can't do anything that isnt solitary.

>> No.20926860

If you're pessimistic you value each opportunity lower. The chance of success is so low so why bother. The brain gets conditioned so you even start filtering them completely.

>> No.20926868

I cannot be optimistic, people just bring misery. Theres so much injustice.

>> No.20926869

>so called anthropology of gay nightclubs
Actually had a professor who got her PhD by studying gay nightclubs. Academia is such a joke. Current professor is saying all humans are blank slates. Even said intelligence is cultural and not heritable. Thankfully this semster will be focused on monke and not human

>> No.20926872

Malice, or stupidity? Which one should I trust?

>> No.20926873

>There's nothing to discuss
>because I know because I know
>therefore it's my right to undermine communication and subvert thought wherever it is found to not serve my dogmatic beliefs

>there's no proof for the existence of a god
Almost all thinkers that did anything in history disagreed with you. You claim to know better basically because the TV man told you. You don't even try to engage with the actual logic, when you're reminded it of it you do everything you can to divert, confuse and subvert.

>> No.20926875

Another option is a military commission, which if navigated in a certain way can function effectively like a professional graduate school, but the military may not interest you. There's also entrepreneurship of course.

>> No.20926888

how do you pay for grad school after neeting multiple years

>> No.20926893

>because I know because I know

I know because like clockwork none of you can prove god and only cope, seethe and dilate about it.

>> No.20926918

Probably neo-Buchananite "economic nationalism" and much more strident populism and nationalism in general in response to contingent crises

>> No.20926919

But I gave you proof. The men that developed the idea of proof and everyone in history agreed it's proof. You don't.. because you just know but that's not dogma.

>> No.20926922

I atleast know that if I were to change trads I would definitely choose computer science.

>Another option is a military commission

Not an option where I live.

>needs money I don't have

>> No.20926931

>abstract philosophical pseudobabble
>proof for all powerful sentient god that would punish me

If you still can't see why I don't take your seriously yet you need to get your head checked. But we've already had this discussion multiple times before and I should just accept by now that your are mentally damaged

>everyone in history agreed it's proof.

Lol. Lmao even

>> No.20926942

Conflating claims again to avoid thinking.
The reason you don't take me seriously is you're a religious zealot that can't conceive of anything conflicting with your dogma, even hypothetically. Your religion causes you to absolutely refuse to think.

>> No.20926946

Don't you think these candidates would inevitably come out of big business and subject politics to that?

>> No.20926948

>I just know because I know but that's not dogma
>all history is lol. Lmao even but I'm not undermining understanding of history
You did everything exactly like I predicted in my first posts in this thread about atheists.

>> No.20926956


>you can't think because you won't accept by pseudo babble bullshit as proof for existence for all powerful god who controls your life

Mental damage. Many such cases.

>> No.20926969

I'm unironically a better person when I'm drunk. It makes justifying not being an alcoholic more difficult. Should do something about it but, you know, hair of the dog and all that.

>> No.20926974

Maybe. But your particular brand of retardation is something I never predicted. Its entirely a new kind of cope over the non-existence of God that you've deluded yourself into. So much so that everytime you make this trite argument I know its you.

>> No.20926981

I cant eat and drink.
I have to control my emotions whenever its sadness or anger.
And for what? For nothing.

>> No.20926987


>> No.20927002 [DELETED] 

Wow he actually stopped responding. Has he closend the lights, jumped on his bed, put his blankie on, put his head under his pillow and quietly repeat

>"I proved the atheist wrong. I'm not irrational he's irrational "
>"I proved the atheist wrong. I'm not irrational he's irrational "
>"I proved the atheist wrong. I'm not irrational he's irrational "

And fell asleep

>> No.20927004

am i stupid for listening mainstream pop music

>> No.20927007

new arctic monkeys is good

>> No.20927009

Wow he actually stopped responding. Has he closed the lights, jumped on his bed, put his blankie on, put his head under his pillow and quietly repeat

>"I proved the atheist wrong. I'm not irrational he's irrational "
>"I proved the atheist wrong. I'm not irrational he's irrational "
>"I proved the atheist wrong. I'm not irrational he's irrational "

Until he fell asleep?

>> No.20927016

i listen to girly shit so i can look at the women

>> No.20927022
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fucking blue balls god damn

>> No.20927032

Your quite the little attention whore. Now shake your tight little ass for me monkey boy

>> No.20927035

>who controls your life
Conflating claims again to avoid thinking. You have nothing but dishonest cope, diversion and subversion. In some posts you're actually proud of being cancer while you deny being any sort of negative force in the next breath.
Nothing I said is new. I tried to get you to consider perspectives that were held as the most reasonable since ancient Greece until like 50 years ago. You think it's hilarious to even suggest considering them. What should I call this behavior? What's the shortest description? The pattern is well established, it's how braindead religious zealots behave, specifically burger fundies.

>> No.20927041
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refute him

>> No.20927044

i just don't have the energy to read most anons long posts

>> No.20927045

Plenty of people are that dumb. I mean, think of every headline that ever mentioned a scientific study. Ever seen anyone laughing reading a newspaper?

>> No.20927047

fuck, I posted the wrong image

>> No.20927051

I like it when the poo poo pushes against my prostate.

>> No.20927055

I wish I was in walmart right now.

>> No.20927059

Its irrefutable anyway

>> No.20927061

when did /lit/ become so anti-intellectual? like not even pseuds but full-blown retards who take pride in being stupid.

>> No.20927070

When Academia became a joke. It's easy to feel smart when Mr PhD cant say what a woman is

>> No.20927072

we're returning to monke no pretentious intellectual nonsense

>> No.20927075


>> No.20927079
File: 199 KB, 1024x908, 8449511134_82c6c0ac79_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weather finally gotten a little colder
>pilot light on bathroom boiler goes out by itself
>only dad knows the complicated procedure to turn it on
>he is out of town
>late evening so no repair man until tomorrow

I'll just tell myself in the morning shocking your body every now and then is good for health. And nag about getting electric boiler instead. I'll even pay for it, they just need to take care of installing.

>> No.20927082

Yes, I am.

>> No.20927086

>cant ignite a pilot light
You are literally useless

>> No.20927088

>Conflating claims again to avoid thinking

You keep on saying this as if your particular God has no features at all. Dishonesty is combined in the mix with retardation.

Actually considering how abstract Aquina's proofs are it actually makes sense that the God he manages to "prove" has none of the features that are regularly peddled by the religious. Like goodness or sentience or consciousness. Its a completely useless non entity which only exists to be nothing more than an abstract prime mover(whatever that means) because according to Aquinas we need one.

>> No.20927090

Well thats not true at all. Aquinas goes on to demonstrate how the prime mover would possess such qualities as omniscience or omnibenevolence

>> No.20927091

It's some really old model with a fucked up procedure, my dad usually spends bunch of matches and a lot of time to get it back on, and I don't want to experiment when gas is involved.

>> No.20927102


The trick here is to lure the gullible in by making abstract philosophical arguments which the layman may not be equiped to refute(though they have been refuted hundreds of years ago and the particulars are already present in their wikipedia pages) and then use that platform to peddle more untrue bullshit without proof like scripture, messiahs, messages, mysticisms, particular nature of god, holy spirit etc.

>> No.20927103

Ask your dad to teach you

>> No.20927108

I won't bother with that since Aquinas failed to provide proof for God itself. Even a purely abstract one without features. Let alone one that wants me to behave in a certain way and would punish me otherwise. Or one who wants me to pray to him or love him.

>> No.20927112

Well thats as ridiculous and irrelevant as your last post. Philosophy has never been mutually exclusive to mysticism and no Christian philosopher has ever discounted faith in revelation. It's a total non sequitor

>> No.20927113

I'm not shilling any specific God. I'm not dogmatic about my ideas about God and they're not mindlessly copied from someone else. I'm pointing out that you're a religious zealot. You refuse to engage with any logic presented because "my God something something" but you know nothing about "my God".
So far I didn't get to anything like Aquinas, I've only referenced Aristotle and once in the other thread, tongue in cheek, Pythagoras. Are you ready to talk about your incredibly insightful reasons for rejecting Aristotle? Without adding additional irrelevant claims that are easier to attack?
>whatever that means
You don't get it at all but still think you know all about it and can preach to everyone else how wrong it is? How does logic work? How do you know better how formal logic works than the men that developed it? Can you actually argue your position at all?

>> No.20927116

Well obviously you missed Aquinas's point altogether because his argunent was never attempting to or accidentally proving a featurless God. I don't even agree with Aquinas but you clearly arent faniliar with his argument

>> No.20927124

makes sense

>> No.20927126
File: 1.26 MB, 498x373, batthink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

few years ago I realized I can actually read books in English (am Polish) but wasn't reading that much until recently. If you're ESL what translation do you read of books you can't read in original? For example I'm wondering whether to read The Count of Monte Cristo in Engish or Polish

>> No.20927149

this isn't going to happen. BLM led to absolutely nothing last time. Black people are still miserable and racial tensions are the same.

>> No.20927169

Insect brains must be the most impressive things nature ever made. You have these creatures that walk on six different legs, fly, grab things with mandibles in their heads, sense things with their antennas, see the world with scores of lenses for eyes, engage in complex group behavior, and all of it organized by a microscopic brain. Darwin called the brain of an ant “one of the most marvelous atoms of matter in the world," and he's right. Imagine a planet out in there in some remote corner of space where a freakish environment allowed for the evolution of dog sized insects. Their cognitive power would be beyond human comprehension. Someone must've certainly written a book about something like that.

>> No.20927188

I would say it's preferable to read an English translation of a foreign book (especially if it's an old translation), even if a translation in your native language is available. No offense polack bro, but the standards of scholarship are much higher in the English speaking world than in Poland. I imagine there are perfectly competent translators in Poland of course, but I'm just speaking generally here.

>> No.20927190

>Should we respect evil laws?
What kind of person can propose a loaded question like this and still say with a straight face they are being intellectually honest?

>> No.20927195

Write what's on your ass

>> No.20927237

>Christian philosopher has ever discounted faith in revelation

Faith with again no proof that is

All this talk of aristotle, Pythagoras and formal logic is nothing more than you coping about the fact that you cannot prove any God in the real actual world that we live in. I only mentioned Aquinas because he too repeated the prime mover argument.

Your pathology is nothing more than self delusion. The reality is all of you start with the assumption that God exists, which was probably indoctrinated into you as children, and then specifically look for things that confirm your biases. And since your God doesn't exist in the real world, because its a purely abstract idea humans came up with, you can only talk about him in the abstract realm of philosophy and whatever irrationality you call "logic". You simply refuse to acknowledge counter arguments to your cope that have already been made by philosophers hundreds of years ago. But that's not your worse error. Your worse error that proves you to be braindead retards is the simple fact that if God actually existed and if his scriptures were actually true you wouldn't need to cope with (refutable) formal "logic" to prove him. God's presence would simply be as apparent as anything else in the real world.

So God does hide from this world. And the place he has chosen to hide are your little convoluted brains that can't parse a very simple argument.

You think I can't post wikipedia articles of counter-arguments to Aristotle, Aquinas or Pythagoras right now? I simply refuse to go down that retarded road of argumentation and counter argumentation over philosophical crap. Because I refuse to let you bring me down to your playing field, which you'd want to since you're deadly scared of my playing field, that is providing real tangible proof for the existence of God ,which you can't.

>> No.20927247

Trying to get people to vote in my poll

>> No.20927275

>The reality is all of you start with the assumption that God exists, which was probably indoctrinated into you as children
Do you think you care about reality? I identified as a "skeptic" when I was 8 and followed Dawkins from before the "atheism" became shilling, as a response to burger fundies. I followed it all as it happened and it simply became obvious how braindead it all was. I don't come to this discussion from a position about God but from a position about you. I can argue your horseshit better than you. The sad fact is you're a branch of burger fundamentalism, that's the only model that explains how you behave.

Your entire post like all your posts so far are just talking about this fantasy narrative you have of what I believe. You know it all, you have it all figured out and don't need to engage with or consider the perspectives of the fathers of logic, just because, because this random anon is ackshually just justifying his preconceived ideas unlike me.

>> No.20927283

Depends on how important nuances are. Even within a language you might have a choice of two different translators who have different interests. Eg: I got a copy of Zhuangzi where the translator wants to make the stories understandable to someone with zero knowledge of Chinese culture. Sometimes this means he translates something loosely because you don't need to understand he is doing some word play in making his point but you do need to understand what his point is. Sometimes reading a couple of translations provides different overall light on the original language, but sometimes even if you read a few different ones, they all make the same mistranslation just because the target language doesn't allow them to think the way the original one did.
>t. Zombie fungus trying to lure the bugmen into a false sense of security

>> No.20927353

>The sad fact is you're a branch of burger fundamentalism, that's the only model that explains how you behave.

I'm not American. Since you've made all these assumptions I'll tell you that I did ascribe to fedora Dawkins style atheism once. But its not the real thing since those people still make a lot of assumptions about morality and nature that are borderline religious(like the idea of karma). Not believing in God because of Dawkins' logic ( which btw is right and true and irrefutable, don't get me wrong) did not mean that my behaviour or worldview was really atuned to a reality without God. It was unsustainable and like clockwork I fell back to religion in rough times. But this time I knew and appreciated the atheistic arguments and see things from their perspective.

And ultimately I just could not delude myself anymore. The world I experienced and the religious beliefs I held were sharply incompatible. Who knows, if your mental defence mechanisms and copes are strong you may never get to the point I did and succeed in deluding yourself endlessly. Its not like I want to convert any of you. I'm just calling out the particular brand of philosophical bullshit you(or that other guy) are peddling as proof.

>Your entire post like all your posts so far are just talking about this fantasy narrative you have of what I believe. You know it all, you have it all figured out

You see that's the thing. My presumptions are not regarding you specifically since I don't know who you are. But regardless, whatever your specific beliefs regarding God might be, the more they leave the realm of purely abstract featureless world of pure thought into the realm of the world we actually experience, the more trouble it'll cause. Since the moment you make claims about the real world, they fall under scrutiny and the moment they fall under scrutiny the easily they can be disregarded.

Aquinas barely managed to prove a featureless formless borderline Deistic God. And even his arguments are regularly contradicted. So there's not much scope to extend your beliefs beyond that without saying things that can be disproven even more easily.

>> No.20927402

>Faith with again no proof that is
No shit sherlock. As I just said, for that very reason, it's a non sequitor to use as a counterexample for proofs as God since it isn't taken into account for proofs of God precisely because faith isnt a proof. There's a distinction between Philosophical Theism and Revealed Theology. To say Aquinas's acceptance by faith of certain revelations should contradict his natural theology is to completely misunderstand the subject altogether.
>Aquinas barely managed to prove a featureless formless borderline Deistic God.
You're still sticking with this line even though I just explicitly told you that Aquinas's arguments cannot be construed to discuss a featureless God and his view of teleology is mutually exclusive to Deism. You seem dead set on poking holes in arguments that aren't being made. You clearly don't understand thesubject at hand

>> No.20927434

It doesn't matter what Aquinas believed. What matters is what he could do. Which is not much apparently. Though its again funny to watch you claim yourself to be some giant of logical analysis who has proven everyone wrong so much so that anyone who decides not to engage with your crap is unthinking and illogical. But in the same breadth talk about beliefs founded on faith. Downright pathetic.

>> No.20927473

>Though its again funny to watch you claim yourself to be some giant of logical analysis who has proven everyone wrong
I never claimed that. Evidently you have drooling retard tier reading comprehension to interpret that. What I did do was explain how you have no idea what you're talking about with regards to Aquinas, but you'll just deflect and say "hurr theism dumb" rather than modify your argument because you are obviously to stupid to understand the argument.

>> No.20927486
File: 410 KB, 2160x3840, sadboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Have read a grand total of 6 books this year
My goal was 52, I have no clue how I'll do it now. On the bright side it's 6 more than last year

>> No.20927496

Blah blah blah blah. Still no real proof for a God that wants me to love him, abide by his scriptural law and will punish me if I don't.

>> No.20927506

Blah blah blah still no argument that you dont suck cocks

>> No.20927522

Poor thing is rambling now.

>> No.20927526

Pursuing wealth at all costs so as to finally be free.

>> No.20927529

a bloo bloo

>> No.20927530

Your throat must be sore

>> No.20927537

Imagine having such a weak sense of critical faculty and rational analysis that all it takes to convince you of an all powerful super ultra duper entity that runs this world, controls everything around you and wishes you to change your life according to his "revealed" scripture.... Is the ramblings of some 2000 year old schmuck.

What a loser. Literally can't be me.

>> No.20927540

A down payment on Freedom is still just renting it.

>> No.20927552

Imagine being a gaytheist cocksucker. All it takes is some british zoologist to convince you to slurp cum. Kek what a faggot

>> No.20927565

Someone is butthurt lmao. I'm sure in his little mind his cope sounded like an irrefutable weapon against those bad bad atheist. Sorry kiddo, gotta grow up

>> No.20927575

Anon just can't stop gargling cum and now he's all butthurt too (in more way than one lol)

>> No.20927588
File: 1.09 MB, 1115x1376, theyism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you dumb niggers stopped using singular 'they' yet? God help you if I catch you typin'.

>> No.20927615

>projection of a faggot's gay fantasies

Many many such cases. I guess the deification of the ancients as some pillars of infallible understanding has some homosexual underpinings as well. Explains a lot.

>> No.20927616

When people express their hate for Discord, do they mean all of Discord or just a subsection. I haven't really encountered many Discord trannies, but then again, I haven't looked for them. My reason for asking is how else is one to communicate with friends online? TeamSpeak? Skype and Google Hangouts are garbage. What else is there?

>> No.20927620

My dad has cancer and it's really fucking me up. He deteriorated so quickly and it feels like he's on his last legs. I can't take it anymore, I wake up in tears every night because I dream of his death. I'm really scared and I can't handle it.

Also, the girl I love does not love me back. I can't take any of this.

>> No.20927628

>the prime mover
>He has to be a humanoid that heavily favored this one poor tribe in the desert, because… reasons. HE HAS TO BE. Why else would all those people willingly chop their penis tips off? Of course he controls the weather! Of course he existed before everything else. Who else is gonna put in all that design work???? No the universe can’t just exist independently and eternally. Not without my beyond questioning humanoid

You’re not even serious. You an agnostic that wishes he could believe

>> No.20927636
File: 26 KB, 499x499, 96b4c48139e60943ed141ca26f3445a8--new-music-sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turn in an paper on Karl Popper
>Accidentally put Karl Pooper

>> No.20927638

Whats up with atheists all being gay weirdo attention whores? Is their revolting psychology what leads them away from God?

>> No.20927643

Wrong. He believes everything. He just wouldn't bring up his other beliefs because even his primary belief is being challenged this hard. You are tight in noticing that his "proofs" barely lead to Agnosticism.

>> No.20927644

I know what you're going through. My mom's liver is destroyed and needs a transplant to survive. Idk what the criteria are for liver transplant but I suspect they're giving it to richer people first and am doubtful she will receive it in time.

>> No.20927647


>> No.20927649

Kek now they're circlejerking.

>> No.20927650

There’s a very weak trolling theist with no arguments goading people into interacting with them.
That you would blame the atheists shows poor character

>> No.20927652

You just can't stop yourself from engaging, can you, attention whore?

>> No.20927659

No, I am tight. Atheists all tight.
>he believes everything
Typical schizophrenia.
Tell your friend to simmer down and touch grass

>> No.20927669

I refuse to have sex out of spite, I will never have sex sethee all you want

>> No.20927672

Life isn't fair, is it? I really hope your mother gets a transplant, I'll say a prayer for you and her.

>> No.20927681

52 was and is an impossible goal. Do you spend the rest of your free time reading manga or something? Try reading a mix of low IQ entertainment books and high IQ stuff (non-fiction or fiction). Listening to audiobooks counts.

>> No.20927689

Aristotle used to believe that women have fewer teeth than men. I'm sure he had an irrefutable logical argument for it. We must inform the orthodontic community right away. The ancients can't be ignored!!

>> No.20927704

That atheist just can't stop whoring for (You)s. How pathetic

>> No.20927705

Spare me your inane blogs. Everything you say is braindead. You're exactly what I was talking about and behaved exactly as predicted.

>> No.20927721

>Literally who?

Nigger what makes you think I care

>> No.20927733

I wonder what kind of world we would live in if everyone was gullible enough to base their worldview on ramblings of ancients. Would we still believe that earth is flat? Earth is center of Solar System? Heavy objects fall faster than light objects. I'm glad we grew out of that mindset and developed basic critical thinking............ Didn't we?

>> No.20927735

Imagine thinking that nothing existed and then for no reason at all nothing exploded into everything lmao atheists are fucking brainlets

>> No.20927737

Indo-European comes from the near east
50% IEmutt Larpers BTFO

>> No.20927744

>He has to be a humanoid
Conflating claims. Like I repeated many times I'm just starting with the basics. Basics which you retards work hard to deny because you vaguely associate them with le bad religion people. You sacrifice coherent thought and the basics of logic because of vague conditioned associations.
The phenomena exists. When that's established you can start talking about attributes like what reasons people had for saying it has consciousness etc.
>you're an agnostic
Why is it your primary concern to establish some kind of precooked identity for me? Why can't you just engage with what's said? Does the arguments Aristotle makes depend on what label you can apply to me? This is an example of what I mean when I say you can't think, you want identities, associations, anything but reason.

>> No.20927752

I know you don't. I said many times you don't and that's part of why you're cancer. Do you have any idea why you don't care about anything? Why you have no hint of curiosity or sincerity? That's what interests me. I want to help you and make sure people don't become like you.

>> No.20927753


I also wonder what would happen if there were actual people out there who disregarded basic proven scientific understanding of certain things in favor of rhetoric by some ancient who probably shat in the open. I'm glad that there's no one like that out there and we are all smart and rational now.

>> No.20927754

That's what most abrahamists when asked to prove that yahweh exists AND is exactly like the bible describes him. They're all copers thinking a jewish religion will somehow save "the west", but...
...nothing will happen. Besides waiting for the second coming in two more weeks of course

>> No.20927763

I wonder what would happen if some random faggot spent over 3 hours posting atheist bait in a blogpost general.

>> No.20927764

Yeah whatever. You have proven you don't base your beliefs on solid grounding so I don't need to take seriously anything you say.

>> No.20927766

The thing is you have no clue about anything to do with science. You appeal to it as if you represent it somehow but you don't. You can't even think, you reject the foundations of science and all history. It's all lol lmao to you.
You know you never accomplished anything in your life, it's impossible for someone this retarded to do anything. I know my methods work and you know yours don't yet you keep up this ridiculous game of pretend where you're the enlightened science man, who for some reason can't grasp any science or logic.

>> No.20927769

Depends on the ramblings. Abrahamic ramblings yeah
Other religions are much less insane actually (compared to abrahamism)

>> No.20927771

You don't know my beliefs. I haven't presented any. My beliefs are irrelevant to all the points I made. You're too dumb to engage with anything so you're desperately making up new fantasies. Remember the last fantasy you told me about what I believe?

>> No.20927774

They are so fucking dishonest that they won't even come out with their blatantly abrahamic, blatantly christian beliefs. They can't even defend Aristotle or Aquina's points. How will they ever defend ressurection of Christ or water turning into wine or Angels battling Demons.

>> No.20927775

The universe exists... BECAUSE IT JUST DOES, OKAY?

>> No.20927780

What's the point of arguing about kikestianity anons? Dead religion that survives only in africa
It's effectively irrelevant. Both judaism and islam are more relevant

>> No.20927784

Cont. As an example look at this guy>>20927771
His comment is probably something about me not knowing his beliefs but he won't come out with it since its probably just more bullshit and he knows it.

>> No.20927796

Lol. They get so butthurt when science is even mentioned. They can't even deny it outright, just seethe in silence and cope about.

>> No.20927799

I'm an Islamic extremist. Did this change anything? Is there suddenly nothing outside logical causality?
This horseshit about "my beliefs" is you showing what I said, you don't think, you see everything in terms of "beliefs", identities and associations. I must have some dogma and ulterior motive like you, I can't just be sincerely curious and expect people to think reasonably about the actual point or represent the perspectives through history sincerely.

>> No.20927803

The Universe NEEDS a prime mover........ BECAUSE IT JUST DIES..... O-OK

>> No.20927814

Why do you think you have some kind of claim on science? I already told you where I'm coming from, I loved science, logic and skepticism and followed the atheist horseshit from the start. Then I read some history. You have no basis for any claims on science while Christians absolutely do. Muslims have a better claim than "atheists", a modern pop phenomena full of people that actively reject science while pretending they represent it somehow.

>> No.20927816

Maybe it doesn't but you have no hint of an answer. You're too dumb to even understand the question.

>> No.20927827

>Did this change anything?

Yes it did. You are not another retarded internet brainlet anymore. You are an enemy. I can't kill you outright for obvious reasons but if I we were to meet irl I would never ever trust you or rent you my property or give you employment unless I have ascertained myself fully with your character. And even then I would be vary.

>> No.20927836

>I read some history.
Me too, I love the part where the bible is written after 350CE and they leave half of the gospels out, or the part where Josephus describes Jesus ben Ananias who became the base for the biblical jesus
History is pretty interesting

>> No.20927841

>You have no basis for any claims on science while Christians absolutely do.
not him, but what does this mean anon?

>> No.20927844

>Why do you think you have some kind of claim on science?

I don't. I haven't even once brought up science in this thread until one of you retards made a blatantly unscientific claim. I just can't help but notice how butthurt this makes your kind. As if you know that it is ultimately scientific understanding that did religion in, atleast in the realm of worldly affairs.

I do not require your proof to be scientific. Even miracles will do.

>> No.20927846

But none of this has anything to do with the point I raised which is about you rejecting basic logic for no reason except vague conditioned associations. You just reiterated the point that you do in fact operate purely based on vague conditioned associations like "le muslim bad so any point from muslim is bad".
Just read the words of the scientists, the guys that pioneered the methods. They were "approaching God". It's rooted in natural theology which was popular around 1000AD.

>> No.20927848

jesus ben ananias was a historical figure
Josephus, in his work "The Wars of the Jews," tells us of a preacher named Jesus ben Ananias whose life had a remarkable amount similarities to the biblical character's:
>Both are named Jesus
>Both come to Jerusalem during a major religious festival.
>Both entered the temple area to rant against the temple.
>During which both quote the same chapter of Jeremiah.
>Both then preach daily in the temple.
>Both declared ‘woe’ unto Judea or the Jews.
>Both predict the temple will be destroyed.
>Both are for this reason arrested by the Jews.
>Both are accused of speaking against the temple.
>Neither makes any defense of himself against the charges
>Both are beaten by the Jews
>Then both are taken to the Roman governor.
>Both are interrogated by the Roman governor.
>During which both are asked to identify themselves.
>And yet again neither says anything in his defense.
>Both are then beaten by the Romans.
>In both cases the Roman governor decides he should release him.
>….but doesn’t (Mark)….but does (JW)
>Both are finally killed by the Romans (in Mark, by execution; in the JW, by artillery).
>Both utter a lament for themselves immediately before they die.
>Both die with a loud cry.
Gospel writers borrow this other Jesus's story to create their own fictional jesus in the bible. Mithras too

>> No.20927858

It's an example of how braindead you are. You love your science but don't understand anything about it. Nobody reasonable, capable of any sort of science would reject basic logic like you do. You're not on the side of reason just because retarded religious people have existed and you sided against them. You're on the side of the religious retards against science but you're too dumb to understand that.

>> No.20927860

>you rejecting basic logic for no reason except vague conditioned associations

What you present is not logic but an aesthetic association to logic. Its already been refuted and was never a good argument to begin with. Especially considering the gravity of the claims it sets out to prove.

>le muslim bad so any point from muslim is bad".

I don't think your points are retarded because you are a muslim. They are retarded because they are.

>> No.20927861

I think white people love Native American culture more than Native Americans themselves

>> No.20927868

Lol you are still beating the "science" bandwagon like a dead horse. Move on from the butthurt

>> No.20927870

>Just read the words of the scientists, the guys that pioneered the methods. They were "approaching God". It's rooted in natural theology which was popular around 1000AD.
you aren't making any sense. science stems from middle eastern and mediterranean pagan culture and experienced a massive regression in the middle ages especially comparing the timespan (1000+ years vs 500-600) and wealth (lot more riches in the MA). the scientific method itself isn't exactly "approaching god" if we are to assume they refer to yahweh
furthermore, why do what scientists believe matters? (I bet most didn't even mention any god kek) what matters is the adequate explanation they give by using the scientific method. you aren't even giving any examples

>> No.20927872

I accidentally ate a sharp bone and now when I burp I taste something metallic.

>> No.20927878

Latinos are better than Arabs
They JUST are!

>> No.20927881

Anon, judeochristianity is pseudoscience. It cannot produce testable hypothesis in order to prove its claims that
-1 god exists instead of multiple or none at all
-that god is the abrahamic god of my denomination (NOT of the others)

>> No.20927888

white people are retarded desu so it checks out. they are infatuated with anything animalistic hence their negro worship

>> No.20927889

Real atheism has never been tried

>> No.20927893

>Especially considering the gravity of the claims it sets out to prove.
You always demand to conflate every claim about the phenomena. Why can't you think?
>They are retarded because they are.
But you never gave any reasoning and still refuse to. It's not my point, you're saying the fathers of logic are retarded, the men that developed the idea of proof based on the same sort of arguments that lead to the prime mover. Proof is a concept you originally appealed to as the final arbiter of truth but when you're given logical proof you dismiss the idea of proof completely as bullshit from the "humanities department".

>> No.20927900

Another post demonstrating your predictable mental disability. Did I say Christianity is a science? This is another braindead pop media atheist trope, everything should be a "science" but you have no clue what science is.

>> No.20927905

Pro animist or pro eternal universe statement?

>> No.20927907

If you ask for a TESTABLE hypothesis they'll just come at you like rabid dogs and call you "materialist" or whatever for showing the ability for critical thought that they don't have.

Instead they'll ask you to accept their "logical" arguments from "ancients" as definite proofs and call you irrational if you don't accept that crap.

And the second point , they do not even try to defend it.

>> No.20927915

What makes you think I'm an atheist, retard? There are at least 4 people itt
>but you have no clue what science is
That would be you. Science refers to two things, the scientific method and then various scientific departments such as math physics biology etc, all rooted in the scientific method

>> No.20927918

>You always demand to conflate every claim about the phenomena. Why can't you think?

Why can't you make a specific claim? Afraid it'll be disproven?

>But you never gave any reasoning and still refuse to.

But I did and you responded with more retarded bullshit like this:
>You always demand to conflate every claim about the phenomena.

>> No.20927921

how do intj's make friends

>> No.20927922

I would actually take them seriously if
A) decided which denomination is the right one (catholic prot ortho ethiopean armenian baptist rastafari and whatnot)
B) debated with muslims and jews and decided which abrahamic religion is the right one
So far they can't even do A.

>> No.20927923

>science stems from middle eastern and mediterranean pagan culture and experienced a massive regression
You're just regurgitating memes. This isn't what you actually see if you read history. In pop media for some reason everything European and Christian is framed as an exception while "foreign", like muslim exceptions are framed as the norm.
>why do what scientists believe matters
The philosophy of science matters, it's based in Christian ideas not "pagan". Science developed in the Christian world by Christians not in your romantic fantasy of some wise foreign magical negros.

>> No.20927924
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White people being their honest animal selves is the best. Imagine a town with majority blue eyes and an iron statue of Hulk Hogan wearing a viking helmet.
Animist superstitious white people with no pretense of giftshops or churches just positing their own idiosyncrasies as far as they can bond with their federated abstractions...there is utopia....there is the greatest neighborhoods on Earth

>> No.20927925

Frankly speaking at this point I have more respect for religious people who just take it on faith. Because this is the result of trying to prove the non-existant. Endless mental gymnastics.

>> No.20927928

Post hand

>> No.20927931
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Post nose

>> No.20927941

Whatever you are you parrot atheist memes as gotchas. You have a worldview where it's not braindead to call a religion a "pseudoscience" as a derogatory term.
>Why can't you make a specific claim?
The claim is brainwashed faggots like you are retards. An example of this is the response it triggers when Aristotle is brought up.
>But I did and you responded with more retarded bullshit like this:
You don't understand what I mean when I say you're conflating claims? But I explained it three times. The argument does not demand consciousness etc, those are all separate discussions but you have to start with the basic facts but you can't even do that. You refuse to think.

>> No.20927943

4000 years ago maybe. Now whites are not well adapted to the modern world, sadly for them
Oh well maybe the 1% that survives is better adjusted

>> No.20927950

What's with the passive aggressive third person horseshit? You can't just engage? Why are you like this? What happened to you and how can still healthy people avoid it?

>> No.20927952

Pseudoscience isn't derogatory, it's anything making hypotheses and then failing to provide testable hypotheses to actually confirm the original guess. Mad your middle eastern religion is dead bar sub-saharan africa? No biggie, just convert to islam which seems to survive better. Or santa muerte

>> No.20927959
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Why are ytpipo so tsundere with tscience?
Literal china levels of gas lighting soon as you reach Israel and the Middle East to spread knowledge west ward

>> No.20927958

…you guys are all kind of dumb

>> No.20927960

You can frame religions that way and still say the method confirms their validity. Didn't Islam deliver? I say Christianity delivered but retards like you are usually more sympathetic to Islam.

>> No.20927961

I always laugh at online christians since what they talk about is their personal (and heretical) interpretation of the religion. Meanwhile actual churches are globohomo and have been since the beginning since they were and are pro immigration, antiracism and all that. Can't survive without brown people heh

>> No.20927962

>You don't understand what I mean when I say you're conflating claims?

You saying this crap isn't a refutal of my points at all. Your claim(claims) regarding god have a certain gravity, especially to an atheist and no rational person can be expected to take them seriously based on the pseudobabble spewed out by ancients.

The fact that none of you are able to understand this simple point despite me repeating it again and again just proves how braindead you actually are.

We can't even agree on the positions of specific Galaxies and you want me to partake in your beliefs in a God of the Universe? Based on abstract thought experiments? Fuck Off.

>> No.20927965

Uh? Why are getting angry over this. I wasn't replying to someone else. Has all that mental gymnastics finally fried your brain anon?

>> No.20927967

>Didn't Islam deliver?
I don't know what they claim
>I say Christianity delivered
The messianic prophecies remain unfulfilled. It's the primary reason jews reject jesus and call him a false prophet

>> No.20927968

Based and brown pilled
E Michael Jones does not know what a white person is

>> No.20927969

Not him. But this is the same tier of argument as " Hurr durr my tribe one because my god was realer"

>> No.20927977
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A true follower of the biblical teachings

>> No.20927978


>> No.20927979

All this science but no trains.
>You saying this crap isn't a refutal of my points at all.
You have a point now? The claim is the phenomena labeled God exists, a phenomena that is not subject to logic. So far I made no further claims about what attributes it has. I explicitly made this clarification many times.
So do you have a reason why you think it doesn't exist that doesn't appeal to attributes you add to it so you can attack it?
>muh lack of knowledge
Is decreased through applied logic, taught to you by Aristotle, the guy whose perspective you completely refuse to even consider because of conditioned associations from pop media.

>> No.20927984

So when are christians deciding which denomination is correct (current and ancient) and then deciding which abrahamic religion is the true one?

>> No.20927986

It's a valid point. You're more likely to "win" anything if your model reflects reality more effectively. Your god or your ideas about God give you more power over the world.

>> No.20927987

>a phenomena that is not subject to logic.
It is subject to the scientific if you want it to be accepted as real
So where's the testable hypotheses about a (1) god existing and him being the abrahamic one as your denomination's bible describe him?

>> No.20927989

Why would that be how any of this works? What compels you to make these braindead demands? Your conditioned religious dogma?

>> No.20927990

Post nose

>> No.20927993

>Your god or your ideas about God give you more power over the world.
That means both Jews and Muslims have a more real religion than Christians seeing how Jews literally own all christian countries (with a few owned by China) and muslims are increasing while christians decrease rapidly

>> No.20927996

Where's the testable hypothesis for the Big Bang? Microwave radiation? In the same sense all logical causality is predicted by the existence of the prime mover. Instead of allowing for the need for the phenomena you say having no model is better, that things just are. That's anti-thinking.

>> No.20927998


>> No.20927999

There are about 50 different religions+religious sect about the same god, I want to know which one is the right one. Can't risk going to hell over being part of a false religion y'know
So when is it happening? I assume christians themselves want to be sure their religion and denomination is the right one, no?

>> No.20928004

>So do you have a reason why you think it doesn't exist that doesn't appeal to attributes you add to it so you can attack it?

Why shouldn't I add attributes. Does your god have no attributes at all. Is his only attribute , his only role in this world is that he fulfills a part in a thought experiment cooked up by some Greek guy? Maybe then such a God may have died with Aristotle as well. Your constant need to ignore context just to make your "proof" of God more palpable is telling.

>Is decreased through applied logic,

Yup. As expected, same old trite. Still no real proof. Yawn.

>> No.20928005

Using these sort of biological metrics Christianity has had the most stable, healthy growth and is continuing. Jews are few and musims are inbred, much of their recent growth is thanks to developments from Christians.

>> No.20928007

What makes you think I believe in these anon? I asked something specific and you deflect
Let's go again
where's the testable hypotheses about a (1) god existing and him being the abrahamic one as your denomination's bible describe him?
You certainly want to prove your religion (and denomination) is in fact real, no?

>> No.20928010

>Does your god have no attributes at all
I don't know anything. I'm curious and want to find out so I start with what we can logically deduce. The phenomena exists, therefore atheists are wrong. Even if they weren't wrong they're all retarded because they all parrot the same shit and refuse to think.

>> No.20928013

>Jews are few
And own most christian countries. Original christians were few as well
>and musims are inbred
And? They're increasing while christians worldwide are decreasing

>> No.20928015

Lmao you retards don't even understand how science works. And yet go on to claim it as a gift that your ancients , whom you so aggressively deify, gave to humanity.

Literal Quarks, a particle which can never be directly observed on principle, has more of a proof of its existence than your God.

>> No.20928017

>You certainly want to prove your religion (and denomination) is in fact real, no?
No. What's my denomination? Even after telling you over and over explicitly my position you just keep pretending I'm your fantasy strawman.

>> No.20928021

This is just false but yes if Islam was associated with healthy growth and creativity etc you could argue that it's the best map we have of how to navigate the world. Atheism will never produce anything, it's not a map of anything, it's a blindfold.

>> No.20928026

>I'm curious and want to find out so I start with what we can logically deduce.

The idea that the nature of the world can strictly be logically deduced is long dead. I see you are still coping with the lack of real proof for your beliefs.

>> No.20928033

>my religion isn't real
Oh my bad then, carry on

>> No.20928040

Then there's nothing more powerful than scientism right now. All will succumb to that idea. Traditions are already falling to technology as we speak.

>> No.20928050

Your post isn't really answering anything. Judaism and Islam are winning, Christianity is not (even its churches are gigajewed)
Here's your post >>20927986
Christianity lost compared to Judaism and Islam.

>> No.20928053

>The idea that the nature of the world can strictly be logically deduced
I'm not arguing for that. You keep dishonestly coping, diverting and subverting. You accept logical proof normally if you accept science and aren't a retard but you make a special exception for this because it feels threatening to your pointless reactionary dogma.

>> No.20928056
File: 94 KB, 987x1024, 1538235973460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder christians would take a brown europe over a white non-christian europe

>> No.20928060

These are your poorly informed subjective evaluations of how well these things work. You're incapable of thinking about any subject and this is no different. Try scientism, try islam, see how it works for you. I can only benefit from seeing the results.

>> No.20928062

>I'm not arguing for that
>this is not what I said
>you are conflating

Holy moly cope.

>> No.20928066

>how it works for you.
Result: winning and dominating more and more
That's your argument, so glad we agree

>> No.20928070

The point is you're braindead. Pretty much all religions ever conceived are less retarded than the religion of atheism. Most of them have some kind of point, "atheism" has none, it's a silly fad for kids like trannyism.

>> No.20928075

Why do you think you know better than me what I'm arguing for? How does that work? How can you lie to yourself so deeply?

>> No.20928081

We'll see. I recommend Islam over scientism if you want any chance of surviving.

>> No.20928083

>my religion isn't real, just like atheism
K? I mean if you come to think about it christianity is just atheism with idols, since neither is real.

>> No.20928085

I can't see how this is poorly informed. The original thesis by that anon was this

>It's a valid point. You're more likely to "win" anything if your model reflects reality more effectively

Since science reflects the reality best of all these contenders. Technology simply wins. 500 years of European colonialism proves it. American Hegemony proves it. This model gives you nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers.


>> No.20928089

hey now
jesus had the nuclear codes before it was cool

>> No.20928092

she hates herself

>> No.20928096

>This model gives you nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers.
The other model gives you that model and more including mechanisms to reduce the likelihood of not using those nukes to blow yourself up.

>> No.20928099

I don't need to jump in your head to show that your claims are unfounded. Infact I refute everything you say and you can't cope with anything but "you don't know me??! "

Every single point I've made till now still remains intact. And I've also shown you are a fool for assuming that the nature of this world can be parsed through pure logic alone. Which is probably the reason why you lack the critical skepticism required to question and disregard your irrational beliefs. Or the ability to show any kind of actual proof for a god.

>> No.20928110

>Au contraire the only reason America doesn't allow Islamic states to have nuclear weapons is to prevent their primitive selves from blowing each other up.

>> No.20928116

>assuming that the nature of this world can be parsed through pure logic alone
But I didn't. We're running into the results of you not understanding the argument at all, despite preaching in long blogs about how you have it all figured out. The claim is exactly the opposite. Logical causality needs to rest in something not subject to logical causality. The argument "proves" (within the assumptions given like all logic and math) this world can't be parsed through logic alone.

>> No.20928133

>But I didn't.
>I'm curious and want to find out so I start with what we can logically deduce.

Hmm. Starts with what he can logically deduce. Doesn't consider empirical evidence or lack therefore. Now now, don't be shy, just accept that you set out to do and that you were being dumb.

>The phenomena exists,
Oh and how did I miss out on this one? No such phenomena exists lmao. That's the fucking point from the very beginning. If you truly believe this then I'm gonna have to diagnose you with hallucinations

>> No.20928134

America belongs the Mormons. Any minor disaster and it will be all Mormon. The third world hordes will mostly die, their growth is dependent on the Christians maintaining their huge systems.

>> No.20928147

>Doesn't consider empirical evidence
Do you have empirical evidence for the claim that empirical evidence is a valid way to determine truth? Did you not logically deduce it?
>No such phenomena exists lmao
But why? What reasoning do you have? You actually even said yourself the phenomena exists, you just can't allow it to be framed in these terms because of the spooky ghost associations you can't tolerate.

>> No.20928160

So mormons practice scientism to make and control America's weapons. Therefore they win.

>> No.20928170

More cope. No proof still. You all fall to the same copes when need for evidence is brought up because you can't provide it.

I wonder if you would've fallen to the same trite arguments,( which probably sound very smart and infallible in your dogmatic heads) if God actually existed and was really apparent. I bet then you wouldn't have had to play the same mental gymnastics that you do now.

>You actually even said yourself the phenomena exists,

So you actually are hallucinating.

>> No.20928173

I don't think you can "win" without technology but it's even less likely you'll get good long term results if you only have tech and no religious framework or historical thread people exist in that define their identities. The alternative leads to identifying as a dolphin or as an internet meme ideologue. The tech will serve mutilated trans-dolphin-centric things.

>> No.20928177

>All this science but no trains
Why did Smart Jeets never accomplish anything more than writing and fancy brick shaping temples?

>> No.20928182

>More cope.
Fine but why is it wrong? What's the reasoning? I understand the perspective classical theists present but not yours, unless like when I was 8 you just aren't capable. There's no hint of reasoning, they think, you don't. What's the deal with that?

>> No.20928187

Why do you need proof Why do you need proof uwayyy uwayyy . :'( :'( :'(
Proof hurt me. Proof bad. Stop hurting me with your dogma. Why are you so dogmatic, why do you need proof :(:(:(:( . Don't be dogmatic. Believe things without proof. Can you proooove why you neeeed proof with proof? You can't? DOGMA DOGMA. UWAAAAYYYY :'(

>> No.20928196

>they think

If they thought they would look around the world for a moment without pre concieved dogmas in their heads. Conclude that there is no God to be found. And ve done with it.

>> No.20928209
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I blame women and faggots desu

>> No.20928212

>religious framework or historical thread people exist in that define their identities.

Those things have already been beaten and broken by technology. Only Islamic states are able to use to to further enforce religion but barely succeeding. Since as technology touches the common person's lives everything else unfortunately looses out.

>> No.20928218

Theists think and their arguments are valid but atheists are invalid because....... IT-T JUST IS... OK ANON?

>> No.20928224

Ay bros is the retarded atheist shit done yet? I want to go back to blogpostinf about how sad andlonely I am

>> No.20928231

>Let me get this straight. You want me to believe the radical idea that there's an all powerful conscious being who created this world and runs everything in it. And that your religion's idea about this God, his moral law, heaven and hell is the right one. And that one should reform their lives according to his scripture. And all you offer as a proof for all this is a flimsy abstract logical argument of words, the refutation of which is already written down in its own wikipedia article. And if I ask for stronger proof for such a radical claim you could only accuse me of being "dogmatic" by demanding real proof.

Yup. not refuted yet.

>> No.20928233

>So mormons practice scientism to make and control America's weapons. Therefore they win.
I love when I enter a thread well into an argument that I didn't read and get to witness all the out of context replies.

>> No.20928235

This is what you believe thinking without dogma looks like? To assume a position and refuse to think any further? So the reason the argument is invalid is because.. look around? What does looking around even have to do with the idea being presented?

>> No.20928246

>To assume a position and refuse to think any further?

Who is asking anyone to assume any position? Just look for God and if you find him, point me there. Tis that simple.

>> No.20928249

>Those things have already been beaten and broken by technology
According to your pro scientism anglo propaganda that's spread globally at great expense. We will see what really works. You're already outbred by religious people.

>> No.20928263

>le materialism
What is it about thinking that you hate so much? You must absolutely despise all form of intellectual pursuits. It must be like the worst torture to be forced to use logic despite not being able to point at it anywhere.

>> No.20928264

Why can't they do something so simple. All you have to do to prove that Niagra falls exist is to book a ticket to Ontario Canada. Is it really that hard? Why do they have to always cope around the need to present evidence and come up with non-arguments for why they shouldn't have to present evidence.

>> No.20928273

I don't care if they are religious or atheist. They are winning because they practice science and have technology. Simple as. Their scripture or model of reality based on that barely helps them in that regard.

The fact that technology will consume everything is only an observations. Its not like I want any of these sides to win.

>> No.20928285

Uwaaaayyy uwaaaayyyy. Materialist materialist materialist. Bad bad Materialist is asking for proof again. He just won't believe by dogma based on bullshit non-arguments. He wants proof. :'( :'(.
Mommy why can't he stop asking for proofs when I don't have any.

>> No.20928298

Sweety don't listen to that magerialist. He's le evil and le DOGMATIC. If he was not dogmatic he would believe anything without proofs just like us gullible idiots.

>> No.20928305

>They are winning
The science focused are being outbred by the less science focused. The "winners" will be sects that celebrate the advancement of knowledge to some degree like most of Christianity does and contemporary Islam does not.

>> No.20928317

Your idea of proof really boils down to "point at material thing or it doesn't exist". I never believe retards like you exist, I always think I'm being too hard on you retards but you keep showing it's the other way around, I give you too much credit.

>> No.20928327

Well. The less science focused should then become more science focused and learn to use nukes otherwise they are fucked.

>> No.20928332

>Your idea of proof really boils down to "point at material thing or it doesn't exist"

False. Quarks can't be observed directly ever. This is a principle. Yet their existence has more real proof than that of a God.

>> No.20928361

What about the methods you use. Do they "exist"? What's the "proof" they exist?

>> No.20928376

Not if it leads to the same result. Science only works nested in a religious framework. Anglos think there's an "is-ought problem" because their precious science-god doesn't tell them what to do.

>> No.20928379

Its cope time again baby. This evening on our hourly tv competition of mental gymnastic, we bring you the guy with his head up his ass rolling down the street.

>> No.20928385

Can you proove the proof proofs. How do you know your proof is proving. Can you prove how you proved the proof. And then can you proove the proof you used to prove the proof that you proofed.

Lmao. The things these people say just because they have 0 evidence.

>> No.20928387

Someone start a new thread because if I post in this thread then I won’t get any attention

Also these last two threads were shit and belong on /pol/. I’m ashamed of this board.

>> No.20928403

You see at the end of the day the guys with science on their side win. The guys without science on their side don't. No matter how you spin it.

>> No.20928413

Fine but do you have a response? How do I become enlightened and non coping like you? Just looking around isn't working.

>> No.20928416


>> No.20928420

>>>/his/ is the containment board for this crap.

>> No.20928438

Bros I will never find love

>> No.20928442

Bros I almost found love but I spilled my spaghetti bros it hurts bros

>> No.20928447

Bros I'm so bros right now bros, bros.

>> No.20928455

Bros please bros

>> No.20928461


>> No.20928462

Okay I'll entertain this retardation for once.
Let me ask you a question: Do you think science is false? Because this is what your response seems to imply. And if your implication is that science is true but the method we use to derive it cannot prove itself and is a fundamental axiom. Therefore fundamental axioms outside of empirical observation can exist.

Then tell me this:
Why should we assume God as an axiom? We "assume" empirical method(your implication not mine) because it gives us good models of how physical stuff works. That's it. When we didn't have it we remained agrigarian for thousands of years with little progress. The moment we started using it to parse our reality we got immediate results because it revealed to us the nature of world we are in.

What understanding does God offer in the real world if is axiomatic existence is assumed?

Another question: Why should the concept of God be free from the jaws of empirical method? Why should it be an axiom at all? You have any sound rigorous reason for this? I would say that the moment God leaves the abstract world of thought experiments and enters the world we actually live in, his existence should be scrutinizable by evidence. If it doesn't hold up we can safely say God doesn't exist outside thought experiments.

>> No.20928468

Bros fuck this gay atheist bullshit, help me find love bros and soothe my broken heart bros

>> No.20928479

Bros this thread is a trashheap bros

>> No.20928482

Bros please I'm so bored and lonely please bros

>> No.20928488

Bros stop having your gay retard argument and lets go back to blogposting bros come on

>> No.20928490

Bros for the love of God make a new thread bros someone please bros

>> No.20928495


>> No.20928499


>> No.20928510

Alright faggots, no more of your shit

>> No.20928512

>Why should we assume God as an axiom
Maybe we should but I didn't say we do. The phenomena accounts for logical causality despite being a poor account with few known details. You refuse to try to account for it at all. It's not an axiom, it's the observation that axioms are always needed to account for anything but that chain has to end somewhere, even if it really is some kind of infinite regress that's still a phenomena, the phenomena that underlies our logical causality and contains the potential for everything
>empirical method
That method rests on assumptions that lead to the necessity of the prime mover.

>> No.20928516

Bros you're still having your retarded arguments bros

>> No.20928521

So I assume you have no answer for my second question and your answer for my first question reverts back to pseudo-babble by ancients(a response which I kind of expected)

Yeah no. I guess there really is no proof then.

>> No.20928526

Bro youve been at it for 6 consecutive hours bro get a fucking life bro

>> No.20928528


>> No.20928532

Bro we're a hundred posts past the bump limit bro

>> No.20928534

The concept of God shouldn't adhere to principles of empirical method..... B-b-BECAUSE THEY SHOULDN'T...... O-OK. STOP ASKING QUESTIONS.

>> No.20928539

The Universe NEEDS a prime mover........ BECAUSE IT JUST DOES..... O-OK

>> No.20928547

>I assume
I answered your question with way more autistic spoonfed detail than you deserve. Like predicts you're incapable and unwilling to try to become capable of discussing anything.

>> No.20928551


>> No.20928552

Bro he literally has a hundred posts over the past 6 hours where he deliberately misunderstands the argument bro

>> No.20928554

The incapability to prove your claims is indeed debilitating. Must be hard to live like that. Holding onto such beliefs and keeping on inventing copes and calling them profound proofs

>> No.20928558

Bro, no, stop, bro.

>> No.20928566

Dont call me bro, pal. Im not your bro

>> No.20928569

I'm not your pal, bro

>> No.20928571

>it's the observation that axioms are always needed to account for anything but that chain has to end somewhere, even if it really is some kind of infinite regress that's still a phenomena, the phenomena that underlies our logical causality and contains the potential for everything

This ladies and gentleman is how your brain works when you can't prove a simple fucking thing. Endless cope and denial. They can't provide evidence. So either
1. they ask you to take it on faith because the good book said so.

2.Or they call you "dogmatic" and question your requirement for evidence itself.

3. And finally when they try to offer proof its laughable crap like stated above.

I guess this:

>Let me get this straight. You want me to believe the radical idea that there's an all powerful conscious being who created this world and runs everything in it. And that your religion's idea about this God, his moral law, heaven and hell is the right one. And that one should reform their lives according to his scripture. And all you offer as a proof for all this is a flimsy abstract logical argument of words, the refutation of which is already written down in its own wikipedia article. And if I ask for stronger proof for such a radical claim you could only accuse me of being "dogmatic" by demanding real proof.

Still stands

>> No.20928574

Tone it down a bit, amigo

>> No.20928575

Bro you've been doing this for seven hours you're going to get bloodclots from sitting so long bro

>> No.20928578

With special focus on this part

>And all you offer as a proof for all this is a flimsy abstract logical argument of words, the refutation of which is already written down in its own wikipedia article.

>> No.20928579

Ayy tone, I'm not your amigo

>> No.20928585
File: 8 KB, 240x240, 1661899560923025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a /lit/ discord server? Someone should make a minecraft server

>> No.20928587

So we can kill each other in minecraft?

>> No.20928609

Proof is downstream of logic. What I want is for people like you to stop undermining understanding of history like this. Why is it such an awful sin against your gods of empiricism to even consider the perspectives presented by men like Aristotle?

>> No.20928613

I have no critical thinking skills. Therefore I don't put my beliefs to any kind of scrutiny and believe them based entirely on word play. I start with the assumption that I want to believe in and then find arguments that favour it without using my mind for once. I endlessly deify ancient thinkers, not recognising that they're severely outdated and their only ideas that are acceptable today were unfalsifiable to begin with. (which is why they are still taken seriously at all). I fail to recognize that no one cares about them outside academia of Philosophy and History. I base my beliefs on "logical proofs" but fail to acknowledge the very existence of refutations of those proofs made by other ancient philosophers. My beliefs have absolutely nothing to do with reality so I proclaim my beliefs as immune to any and all methods of parsing reality. I have other beliefs regarding scripture as well but I don't reveal them or I shall be proves wrong even harder. I believe that a prime mover should move everything but I still can't prove any characteristic of that prime mover.

>> No.20928638

I don't put empiricism on a pedestal. I just recognize that the concept of God is not free of the empirical method if he has to make any appearence in the real world. And the concept fails in that regard. He exists entirely in the prime mover or whatever thought experiment he cooked up. Which again has nothing to do with reality.

>consider the perspectives presented by men like Aristotle?

What is it with dimwitted fags and constant worship

>> No.20928643

Prime mover doesn't need a mover himself...... BECAUSE HE JUST DOESN'T!!

>> No.20928679

Anyway. Just to show I'm not talking airs here are refutations of all these "proofs"


We can engage in philosophical argument and counter-argument over these all we want but the main point has always been that it should take much more than this bullcrap to ascertain yourself of the existence of a literal all powerful God and submit your life to him for any critical thinking man. Empirical evidence would surely help but we've seen the kind of dishonesty from the religious if that demand were to be made.

>> No.20928680

Sincerely considering other perspectives is not about worship. You can't think. You've made it clear that atheism really is mind debilitating cancer.

>> No.20928687

You're both retarded. Aristotleean epistemology is largely empircal and the first 3 ways are proofs rooted in empirical observation. None of you faggots read or even understand the basics of the shit youlike to debate about

>> No.20928689

Uwaayyy uwaaayyyy. *sob* *sob* He asks for real proofs :'(. He doesn't see my perspective where no proof is required and you can believe radical claims based on babble alone *sniff* H-he C-c-can't THINK. *SOB*

>> No.20928710

Here "seeing things from other perspective" is a subtle euphemism for "suspending your critical thinking and convert". If the proofs were solid no such call would be needed. God would've been apparent and this debate would be like debating if the Sun exists.

>> No.20928711

As in temporal causality is used to justify the idea of logical causality but the prime mover isn't something you can empirically test for just like you can't test that the big bang happened. We can provide models that account for and predict things. Like observations we make need something like a big bang the chain of logical causes needs a starting axiom, something that's not subject to logic. It can't be a temporal phenomena like the big bang.

>> No.20928720

>temporal causality
No, thats not his contention. Open a book please

>> No.20928731

Say something retard. Observations about causality in the temporal world are the empirical justification for the logical models being accurate. They model causal chains in the world.

>> No.20928744

That isnt Aquinas's argument. Read a book before spending 8hours talking about it

>> No.20928746

And we haven't even reached the part where we go from a purely philosophical God that exists solely as an answer to Aristotle's philosophical questions. To the God of scripture and all that comes with it.

>> No.20928754

Well if you dont even know the basics of his 5 ways then I'm sure his other apologetics are far out of reach to you. I reccomend you start with The Christian Philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas by Etienee Glison.

>> No.20928762

>None of you faggots read or even understand the basics of the shit youlike to debate about

I'm not the one debating the validity of Aristotlean proofs. I'm not that retarded. Sure it has its philosophical academic value but that's not the stance I'm approaching thia from. I'm approaching this from the stance of an actual atheist looking for a real convincing argument for existence of God.

>> No.20928767

>That isnt Aquinas's argument
I didn't say it was. I was referencing the thoughts of Aristotle and said that many time. To demonstrate that any time his simple point is mentioned the so called minds of internet atheists explode and they start denying logic just to avoid ever thinking about anything related to the spooky God concept.

>> No.20928772

> I reccomend you start with The Christian Philosophy of St Thomas Aquinas by Etienee Glison.

Lol no. I have no academic or intellectual interest in this and if I just wanted to be duped I'd cut the crap and read the Bible instead.

>> No.20928773

Thats not aristotle either lmao. Aristotle didnt think there was a temporal beginning of the unvierse. God you're clueless

>> No.20928780

Nigger I dont even agree with Thomism or Aristotle. I'm just letting you know that yiu dont understand it

>> No.20928783

>Aristotle didnt think there was a temporal beginning of the unvierse
I didn't say he did. Why are you retards like this?

>> No.20928784

>I dont read and talk out of my ass
Yeah it was obvious

>> No.20928787

Yawn. Go be a retard for 8 hours again.

>> No.20928791

You still don't get it. I know what his ways are. You replied to my comment about going from here to scripture but the 5 ways don't prove scripture or a Christian God at all. So I don't see why you are asking me to read him.

>> No.20928796

>You can't debate me on non existence of god until you read all the theology
>What? I don't need to provide evidence. Evidence is....... LE BAD.

>> No.20928803

The discussion is retarded but why contribute to the retardation by misrepresenting me?

>At the end of this line of argument, Aristotle comes to the conclusion that God knows only himself; so he does not know this physical world that we inhabit, he does not have a plan for us, and he is not affected by us.
Something along these lines is the correct response but it never occurs to the braindead atheist. They actually start undermining logic itself, divert and subvert at all costs.

>> No.20928807

>I know what his ways are
No you dont
>5 ways don't prove scripture or a Christian God at all.
Aquinas expounds on this but you wouldnt know because you dont read

>> No.20928813

Damn are you gonna try to go for 9 hours. Maybe you should spend that time reading a book

>> No.20928817

>Something along these lines is the correct response but it never occurs to the braindead atheist.

Oh so your God is a non-entity. And he might as well not be. Thanks. Atleast you are not a dishonest christian. Just another retarded philosofag

>> No.20928819

As I said. Zero academic interest. People don't come back from the dead and water doesn't turn into wine. Simple as.

>> No.20928824

>your God
It still doesn't occur to you that I might be telling the truth? That I wasn't raised Christian and aren't trying to shill some specific dogma? All my posts are about how braindead you are, not about "my God". Are you starting to realize even a tiny bit how fucked in the head you are?

>> No.20928828

Right, as you said, you have no idea what you're talking about but talk about it an_way. For 9 hours straight because you're a no life faggot

>> No.20928851

>That I wasn't raised Christian
You've made that apparent only now. So there is no way for me to telepathically know your "truth"

>aren't trying to shill some specific dogma?
You are the one making assumptions about what I think of you because you are drowned in your own dogma regarding atheists. You think I'm trying to attack some crazy christian religious zealot strawman. But no, I'm attacking the retarded philosofags who think unfalsifiable arguments such as these count for anything.

But since you've shown the intellectual honesty to admit that this God is a non-entity and not calling you an "atheist" is simply a semantic technicality I guess I don't have any urgent points of disagreement left.

>> No.20928856

Look, you're bullshitting into your 9th hour even after admitting you dont understand the subject. Its actually pathetic

>> No.20928857

I wasn't even debating on the proofs themselves so that's not true.

This thread would've been waaaayyy different if I took the stance of arguing for non-existence of God by refuting these "proofs" as an academic endeavor.

>> No.20928863

>only now
I made it apparent 5 hours ago or whatever. It's also completely irrelevant. Why do you make shit up instead of talking about what is actually presented? What's wrong with your brain?
>unfalsifiable arguments
You use the same criticism honestly then? So you don't think any version of the big bang idea has any validity because it's unfalsifiable right?
>admit that this God is a non-entity
I can't know, you can't know. We can present different models and try to approach the truth which no model will ever account for totally. You undermine any project to try to understand anything with your dishonest horseshit.

>> No.20928866

Frankly idc about whatever abstract idea of god these proofs pull up. Its an interesting exercise but one I don't wish to partake in. We rationalise one or another idea all the idea. There is nothing left for me to debate as an "atheist"

The only way we can go forward from here is this
>took the stance of arguing for non-existence of God by refuting these "proofs" as an academic endeavor.

But frankly no interest.

>> No.20928872

>zero academic interest
So why rant about shit you don't want to know anything about? What is wrong with your brain? Please consider the question because there demonstrably, empirically is something wrong with your brain.

>> No.20928875

>Its an interesting exercise but one I don't wish to partake in.
How can you be this retarded? How can you say this shit after 40 days or whatever of constant posting about a subject "you don't wish to partake in"?

>> No.20928880

>Its an interesting exercise but one I don't wish to partake in.
Youve been partaking for 9 hours so apparently you do have interest

>> No.20928883

>big bang idea has any validity because it's unfalsifiable right?

Big Bang is falsifiable

>I can't know, you can't know.

You said it yourself sister. Though I'm willing to settle with agnosticism.

>> No.20928887

>Though I'm willing to settle with agnosticism.
Aw shucks I was hoping to see you hit the 12 hour mark and pass 500 posts in the thread

>> No.20928908

You don't understand what the word academic means do you.

>How can you be this retarded? How can you say this shit after 40 days or whatever of constant posting about a subject "you don't wish to partake in"?

Well I thought I was arguing against a real God. Not a philosophical cloud puff that was never meant to be taken seriously by anyone outside academics to begin with.

Read above

>> No.20928909

What you can know for sure is separate from what you can accept on faith. You have all these labels and identities but no hint of thought. You demanded I'm agnostic before but I don't accept any of your braindead labels. You're just demonstrating again that you have no grasp on any tools or methods to think. You can't conceive of stepping outside simple lazy associative conditioning even hypothetically.

>> No.20928915

And like always you'll be there to share it with me.

>> No.20928917

>Well I thought I was arguing against a real God.
You thought you were arguing against your precooked strawmen. Why you thought that defies reason since I was very explicit from the start. You didn't care, like talking to a brick wall.

>> No.20928931

Eh. Still bitching about. Still trying to strawman the fedora atheist. Whatever.

>You're just demonstrating again that you have no grasp on any tools or methods to think. You can't conceive of stepping outside simple lazy associative conditioning even hypothetically.

Says the guy who deifies people over ideas

>> No.20928945

>Says the guy who deifies people over ideas
What is this referencing? Why can't you discuss any ideas sincerely? Why do you make 500 posts about ideas you supposedly "have no interest in" and don't care to know anything about?
Should I deify ideas? What ideas?

>> No.20928949

Can you quote me where you mentioned until now any of this:
>At the end of this line of argument, Aristotle comes to the conclusion that God knows only himself; so he does not know this physical world that we inhabit, he does not have a plan for us, and he is not affected by us.

Yeah I call bullshit.

>> No.20928959

>where you mentioned until now any of this:
I did not and never said I did. The point was to trigger braindead atheists into denying logic and you did.
Instead, if you had any clue you could have replied with this when I appealed to Aristotle. That would have been what a reasonable person wanting to promote skepticism or whatever would have said but nothing of the sort occurred to you. Just the predictable but chaotic and incoherent subversion of all thinking.

>> No.20928963

>What you can know for sure is separate from what you can accept on faith.

And frankly based on this alone I call bullshit on the idea I was strawmanning anyone to begin with. You do use the Aristotlean "proof" to confirm your biases and on move on to the real meat in the realm of faith. Where you somehow forget to ask Aristotle for help. What a load of crap

>> No.20928965

kek this argument is still going? That thread got deleted long before I went to bed.

>> No.20928979

>to confirm your biases
Why did I accept this logic long before I gave Christianity any chance even just as a cultural thing?

>> No.20928987

>based on this alone
This is yet another example of you not being able to conceive of any different perspective, even hypothetically. You think everything is either precooked thing x or precooked thing y, there's no room for any thinking about anything, just labels and conditioning like the TV man taught us.

>> No.20928990

Yeah the atheist anon has spent nearly 10 consecutive hours, without break, posting the same strawman argument over and over. Its really a sight to see

>> No.20928991

>Why its all cultural teehee


>> No.20929001

"Thinking from another perspective" again is a euphemism for taking things on faith.. basically converting.

Lol just now I was being accused of making strawman and within minutes everyone starts showing their true color.

>> No.20929006

>singular they
Wow you really just cannot stop being a faggot

>> No.20929013

It's what reasonable, capable people call "thinking". If I don't understand a perspective at all how can I say anything about it?

>> No.20929018

>I call bullshit on the idea I was strawmanning
This is how fucked in the head you are. Like predicted it doesn't matter at all what's said to you, you will continue to pretend you know better what I'm saying than I do. This isn't a conversation because you're incapable of communicating about anything. We both know this is true in your life, you're completely incapable.

>> No.20929019

Teehee. Its all cultural anon. I know only proof for a non-entity God that can't even interact with the world. Bbut I do adhere to my religion and believe in its prescripts because its "culture" anon.

Oh no. Nono. My unfounded confidence in Aristotle's proof for a non-entity useless God is not a way for me to legitimise the scriptural God that I actually do adhere to.

By the way he would send you to hell if you don't convert teehee.

>> No.20929023

>. If I don't understand a perspective at all how can I say anything about it?

>If I don't believe in a God and scripture already then I'm not allowed to comment on its invalidity.


>> No.20929026

I already explained the difference between natural theology and revealed theology to you about 9 hours ago but instead of absorbing information and growing with it you just repeat the same bullshit later on down the road.

>> No.20929035

What in your diseased brain makes you equate those two? Do you have an answer?

>> No.20929036

>non-entity God
Why do you keep using this term? Where did you come up with it?
>that can't even interact with the world.
Huh??? Who said that? Why are you just making things up?

>> No.20929038

>Why you thought that defies reason since I was very explicit from the start.

>I did not and never said I did.

And of course they lie too

>> No.20929040

You're regurgitating burger fundie religious dogma for some reason again.

>> No.20929042

>My unfounded confidence in Aristotle's pro
A proof is never unfounded on account of it being a proof. You already admitted you dont understand aristotle, so why are you commenting on himagain?
>legitimise the scriptural God that I actually do adhere to.
How are they mutually exclusive?

>> No.20929046

>I will give my unfounded beliefs terminology to make it sound like I'm not talking out of my ass.

So its either air arguments that barely prove a non entity or straight up unproven faith. Got it.

>> No.20929048

I was explicit that I'm not shilling any specific religious beliefs. You being illiterate does not make me a liar.

>> No.20929051

How is revealed theology mutually exclusive to natural theology

>> No.20929052

>Got it.
You haven't gotten anything. There's a lot to learn on the subject and you said many times you're not interested. But why then do you act as if you have it all figured out?

>> No.20929063

I refuse to elaborate on the God I believe in because I'm trying to troll the Atheist.

Oh no. I'm not doing this as an attempt to hide the fact that my God has actual ramifications for this world and those ramifications will get him chewed up by empericist requirements if they were revealed.

>> No.20929065
File: 19 KB, 400x388, gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>final year of college as a stem major
>didnt make a single female friend
>Haven't been to a single party because if you don't know anyone you have to pay to go in and they can still kick you out anyway
Looks Iike I'm graduating a kv after all fuck. Why do I have to be such a failure? My middle school self banked it all on college and I wanted to make it for him. He'd probably be so disappointed. fuck. It's over. I had no chance

>> No.20929072

>empericist requirements if they were revealed.
But empircism has been used by many theists to support His existence. Why do you think empircism is mutually exclusive to God?

>> No.20929083
File: 25 KB, 584x532, perspectivetruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like certain ideas over others. If you can argue against them effectively I will change my mind like I did before. This is what we call thinking, we consider many different perspectives and try to approach the truth. We can have two apparently mutually exclusive models that still both provide information the other doesn't to help you navigate reality.
To talk about God in any meaningful sense you have to start with basic classical theism. You can't even start, you're incapable of thinking or discussing anything.

>> No.20929092

Why did atheist anon suddenly stop responding? Did the blood clot from sitting down for 10 hours finally kill him or does he have no responses that arent sarcastic bullshit?

>> No.20929133

The only perspective that can consider scripture as true is one which assumes its validity to begin with.

Its not just a term. Its what any God proven by Aristotle would be like. A nothing-burger, something with no implications for the real world besides Aristotle's requirements. He doesn't even know the physical world and doesn't have a plan for it. He's just the creator needed for Aristotle's (refutable) claims to make sense.

You believe in a god because aristotle "proves" it. You take the rest on faith and justify it as a new perspective that doesn't require whatever flimsy thing you call "proof". The only difference between you and a regular religious person is that he starts from faith to begin with.

>A proof is never unfounded on account of it being a proof.

I'm sure this is what you repeat when you cry yourself to sleep.


But you were shilling for faith. Somehow all that talk about God being real because "irrefutable proof" goes out the window.

>God is scientifically proven bro.

Now this is a new one.

>> No.20929135

>because I'm trying to troll the Atheist.
And, as usual, you only troll yourself.
>I was only pretending to be a fool!
No, no you really are a fool.

>> No.20929148

I'm still here. And since you all have revealed yourself to be people of scripture my central points raised still stand.

>Let me get this straight. You want me to believe the radical idea that there's an all powerful conscious being who created this world and runs everything in it. And that your religion's idea about this God, his moral law, heaven and hell is the right one. And that one should reform their lives according to his scripture. And all you offer as a proof for all this is a flimsy abstract logical argument of words, the refutation of which is already written down in its own wikipedia article. And if I ask for stronger proof for such a radical claim you could only accuse me of being "dogmatic" by demanding real proof.

Anyway. Just to show I'm not talking airs here are refutations of all these "proofs"


We can engage in philosophical argument and counter-argument over these all we want but the main point has always been that it should take much more than this bullcrap to ascertain yourself of the existence of a literal all powerful God and submit your life to him for any critical thinking man. Empirical evidence would surely help but we've seen the kind of dishonesty from the religious if that demand were to be made.

>does he have no responses that arent sarcastic bullshit?

Lol you are butthurt because my caricatures are true.

>> No.20929154

>The only perspective that can consider scripture as true is one which assumes its validity to begin with.
This just shows your lack of imagination, your inability to think beyond what you consider holy unassailable truth but can't reason for.
>You believe in a god because aristotle "proves" it
No I like the ideas presented by classical theists far more than anything "atheists" try to say. You don't even have ideas, just an unreasoned urge to destroy and promote thought stopping dogma.
>A proof is never unfounded on account of it being a proof.
Isn't a quote from me but it's true. All proofs exist within a framework. Something being proven within a framework doesn't even tell us much about its relationship to reality.
>But you were shilling for faith.
I mentioned faith once. It's something you have just in retarded things.

>> No.20929166

>it should take much more than this bullcrap to ascertain yourself of the existence of a literal all powerful God and submit your life to him for any critical thinking man
There is much more than this and you can't have any grasp on how people through history thought if you refuse to consider any of that vast sea of scholarship. You keep regurgitating that burger fundie dogma, do you have any account for why that is?

>> No.20929173

Anon I know that God exists cuz Aristotle told me so. He has "proooooofs" anon. And of course scripture is true as well but you gotta take it on faith.

What? How could you accuse me of intellectual dishonesty anon??? Don't you know that both those things are not mushually exshclushive . See ? They have different words for them as well. How can you accuse of me applying "logical" scrutiny on one instance and completely suspending it on another.

>> No.20929184

These are not the claims I made. You're incapable of communicating.

>> No.20929201

>This just shows your lack of imagination,

It does take some imagination to cook up things that don't exist and then mentally justify its existence to yourself.

>No I like the ideas presented by classical theists far more than anything "atheists" try to say.

Your personal preferences don't matter to me. I would prefer for a God to exist but there's no evidence whatsoever.

>Isn't a quote from me but it's true. All proofs exist within a framework.

Yes. And I can build a framework that could prove anything absurd as well. The wrong assumption is of course that Aristotle's proofs are perfectly grounded in the framework of our world and that no other explaination is available for his queries.

>I mentioned faith once. It's something you have just in retarded things.

Since there are two to three of you I'm just gonna argue with the average position since I can't keep up with different flavors of retardation.

Again with the deification. Please just stop.

>> No.20929206

I never tagged you on this. Whoever you are.

>> No.20929207

>something with no implications for the real world
Why do you say so? Thats the opposite of the case actually. But you already admitted you dont know what youre talking about.
>But you were shilling for faith.
You didn't answer my question. How is revelation and natural theology mutually exclusive?
>God is scientifically proven bro.
EMPIRICALLY. You know empiricism and science arent synonyms? You know some of the biggest name empiricists used empiricism to prove God? No, of course you don't because you dont know shit.
>Just to show I'm not talking airs here are refutations of all these "proofs"
Wow, now elaborate a single one of them. Oh wait, you cant! Should I go ahead and google a sheet of refutations to your refutations? Because they do exist. But no, you dont understand the arguments so you just outsource the heavy lifting

>> No.20929212

Kek you already admitted you dont understand aristotles argument so why keep pushing it?

>> No.20929219

>Your personal preferences don't matter to me
The point is they argue for some actual ideas. You don't and don't even know how.
>The wrong assumption is of course that Aristotle's proofs are perfectly grounded in the framework of our world
I talked about this many times including in the post you're replying to where I made this exact point. But given that logic does in fact represent reality pretty well the question of the prime mover remains and you have no account for it. You don't even try because you don't have to, everything is accounted for by your holy unassailable dogma.
>Since there are two to three of you
None of them talked about unreasoned faith, they referenced ideas from classical theology you have no clue about and don't want to learn about but will still pollute the world indefinitely by telling everyone how you know all about them.
Nobody made those claims. They're fantasies in your head.

>> No.20929222

Frankly speaking , considering that they are willing to base their entire metaphysical worldview on such flimsy logic to begin with. And go on to show absolute faith in its robustness. It is not surprising that they are willing to suspend that same logic altogether when it comes to matters of scripture or faith.

>> No.20929228

How are you criticizing the logic as flimsy when you acknowledged you dont understand the argument?

>> No.20929229

Considering different perspectives is not deification. You stop. You know you're incompetent and braindead. If you weren't you would have done something in your life.

>> No.20929261

>big bang is falsifiable
Then the prime mover is too. Falsifying the bb would involve replacing the model that accounts for observations in the present with one that does it better.
We have observations about the nature of logic that we can only account for by inserting a prime mover into the model. Falsifying it would involve the same thing, replacing the model with one that accounts better for observations, has more predictive power. Just like bb it's unlikely the entire thing is completely replaced but you can refine the ideas.

>> No.20929262

>Why do you say so? Thats the opposite of the case actually.

Still waiting on the evidence

>You didn't answer my question. How is revelation and natural theology mutually exclusive?

Why is intellectual dishonesty the prime imperative of the apologist?

>EMPIRICALLY. You know empiricism and science arent synonyms? You know some of the biggest name empiricists used empiricism to prove God? No, of course you don't because you dont know shit.

Are they on the same tier of "I can't show you direct or indirectvidence but here's some words bro" in line with Aristotle?

>Wow, now elaborate a single one of them. Oh wait, you cant!

Not going to do your homework. And frankly not going to stoop to your pathetic uncritical level. I stand with my central point:

>the main point has always been that it should take much more than this bullcrap to ascertain yourself of the existence of a literal all powerful God and submit your life to him for any critical thinking man.

>The point is they argue for some actual ideas. You don't and don't even know how.

You are here arguing that God exists. And you expecting me to "change my perspective" inorder to take these things on faith. No.

>But given that logic does in fact represent reality pretty well the question of the prime mover remains and you have no account for it.

>This god I pray to is the true god . He literally controls this world. He literally created it. He is benevolent and will send you to heaven if you behave. But you will go to hell if you keep praying to your false gods. Proof? Uh- uh.. Muh prime mover

>None of them talked about unreasoned faith, they referenced ideas from classical theology you have no clue about and don't want to learn about but will still

>you have to do phd in theology to finally know that god exists. All the "proofs" are there anon. Why don't you study it? Why do you look for proof in the real world?

>> No.20929265

>And you expecting me to "change my perspective" inorder to take these things on faith
None of those points I made need any faith, just the braindead burger dogma you consistantly add to any claim I make.

>> No.20929278

>"Thinking from another perspective" again is a euphemism for taking things on faith.. basically converting.
I think anon was using it in the sense of cognitive empathy. I doubt that will mean much to you, but your revulsion to the idea and theory that it means a threat to your individual perspective to see other people's suggests BPD. The overtime hours you're posting about something you think is fictional and which represents a loving father figure doesn't help that suggestion seem off base. If you were just incapable of seeing the other person's perspective or why one would want to, I'd assume autism, but the idea that merely considering how someone else constructed their belief would convert you is red flagging BPD. Sincerely seek help because this is probably impacting your life far more than any religious matter.

>> No.20929282

>Still waiting on the evidence
Deductive arguments are evidence
>Why is intellectual dishonesty the prime imperative of the apologist?
Huh? Who's being dishonest? Why can't you answrt a simple question?
>Are they on the same tier of "I can't show you direct or indirectvidence but here's some words bro" in line with Aristotle?
Huh?? Aristotle's argument isn't like that at all and neither are theirs. Maybe you should actually read the history of empiricism. Oh wait, I forgot, you don't read lol.
>Not going to do your homework
Kek its your argument retard. I already said about 3 times now that I dont agree with Aquinas or Aristotle anyway. Its evident you dont understand themand its obvious that you didnt even read a single argument you posted anyway.
>And you expecting me to "change my perspective" inorder to take these things on faith. No.
Kek no I'm not. You have God awful reading comprehension
>you have to do phd in theology to finally know that god exists.
Or you know, maybe 5 minutes of research which you havent done. Since you're happy to spend 11 hours debating the subject maybe you should know it. You even outright refused to accept my book suggestion.
Your whole argument is
>heh I have no idea what you're talking about and I dont care to know. Theists btfo!

>> No.20929292

>We have observations about the nature of logic that we can only account for by inserting a prime mover into the model.

Nah. Refuted. Try again.

Bug bang as a phenomena does not explain just one but many myriads of phenomena.

Of course what you mention is not an empirical phenomena at all but a requirement that you've created in your own head. Its a philosophical argument and can be discarded as such.

>> No.20929294

But anon-kun, what explains the Big Bang?

>> No.20929297

But why can't you? The "refutations" are about how specifics of how Aristotle thought this all played out or about how it's not necessarily true but it is necessarily true within the assumptions of basic formal logic, where proof comes from. The idea is pointing to something. Willful ignorance doesn't change reality, whatever that reality turns out to be.

>> No.20929300

>is not an empirical phenomena at all
Neither is the bb. It's a model that accounts for multiple observations, like you said. The prime mover accounts for all observations.

>> No.20929319

I see you don't have an argument.

>None of those points I made need any faith,

Scripture doesn't need faith now? Do you have some "irrefutable empirical proof" for that as well? Well would like to see you dig your hole deeper.

You do realise that most people are not born atheists right? I turned to faith, not once but twice. I do understand their perspective. But no amount of empathy will prove them right. I have enough empathy to just let religious people be and have their debates on Bible. I know trying to convert is pointless.

>Deductive arguments are evidence

You'd be surprised at the retardation that can be deduced with false premises. Like the premise that the world is such that it should definitely need a prime mover.

>Huh? Who's being dishonest? Why can't you answrt a simple question?

Applying logic when you want and suspending it when you don't feel like it is dishonesty.

>Huh?? Aristotle's argument isn't like that at all

I know. What they are like. You've been repeating his pseudo-babble for hours now but still haven't come up with real evidence.

>Kek its your argument retard. I already said about 3 times now that I dont agree with Aquinas or Aristotle anyway.

It doesn't matter if you disagree with them. Then again if they were actual proofs there would never be a point of disagreement. But then again, why are you here exactly?

>You have God awful reading comprehension

There's no endgoal to your insistence on, shall I call it "empathy" in this debate. I can empathise with people who believe and their mindset all I can. Still won't change they are objectively wrong.

>Or you know, maybe 5 minutes of research which you havent done. Since you're happy to spend 11 hours debating the subject maybe you should know it.

People keep forgetting the point:

>Let me get this straight. You want me to believe the radical idea that there's an all powerful conscious being who created this world and runs everything in it. And that your religion's idea about this God, his moral law, heaven and hell is the right one. And that one should reform their lives according to his scripture. And all you offer as a proof for all this is a flimsy abstract logical argument of words, the refutation of which is already written down in its own wikipedia article. And if I ask for stronger proof for such a radical claim you could only accuse me of being "dogmatic" by demanding real proof.

>> No.20929320
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>read Guenon
>Suddenly want to become a sufi apprentice or go to a monastery in India to learn about Vedanta
Wat do?

>> No.20929327

>Like the premise that the world is such that it should definitely need a prime mover.
That's not the premise. First you create formal logic and note that it can accurately describe a lot of reality. Then you note that the way this system you set up works demands a prime mover. We don't really know what that means for reality but it probably means something. Whatever it is you won't be part of the discussions that develops our ideas about it or anything else.

>> No.20929331

>People keep forgetting the point:
That's not the point. You came into this thread and replied to my posts about atheists being retarded dogmatic zealots by spamming this dogma as if it demonstrates anything but what I said about you.

>> No.20929342

The observations themselves point to it.

What the idea is pointing to is that Aristotle is talking out of his ass since his lived at a time when people thought the world could be parsed through logic alone. His ideas are not based in observation of the world but observation of how logic worked out according to him
and even then his logic to his conclusion may not be the only path.

The point here to remember is that these people believed in a God to begin with and set out to prove him in the first place. They did not logically analyse the world and then invent God as a necessity.

And this is the kind of person these "proofs" appeal to. Those who are already set on what they want to believe. And because it sounds reasonable enough in its own frame(with nothing to do with the real world) they somehow delude themselves into thinking its evidence.

>The prime mover accounts for all observations.

Observations about logic. Not the world. Such observations are philosophical assumptions in themselves.

>> No.20929347

>I see you don't have an argument.
Lol you already said yiu dont understand the argument
>false premises
This is great progress anon. After 12 hours we have finally made it to a productive point. Which of aristotles or Aquinas's premises are false?
>Applying logic when you want and suspending it when you don't feel like it
But I don't. Could you give me a concrete example of me doing this?
>real evidence
Recall, deduction is evidence
>why are you here exactly?
To get you to think, hopefully
>There's no endgoal to your insistence on, shall I call it "empathy" in this debate.
Well now you're quoting the other anon at me. I dont want yourempathy and I'm not trying to prove faith. I'm trying to explain natural theology.
>your personal copypasta

>> No.20929348

>The observations themselves point to it.
Sure. We can say it happened. But why did it happen?

>> No.20929352

>thought the world could be parsed through logic alone
That this is not true is precisely what the idea points at. You're doing the thing again were you undermine logic itself and thus the idea of proof right after ranting forever about how much you love proof and need it to believe anything.
>The point here to remember is that these people believed in a God to begin with and set out to prove him in the first place.
I didn't. The arguments are logically valid. If you believe proof is so important and you're coherent then you would accept basic logic. You should at least be able to consider the different perspectives on offer.
>Not the world.
All your scientific ideas about the world are rooted in logic.

>> No.20929353

I came to this thread because there was a debate in another thread which got deleted and I'm pretty sure one of you faggots was there. And this wad the point I was making to him and everyone

As for being a zealot. I like this little turntable thing you guys have learned to do with atheists. Just suspend all self awareness of your bullshittery and use the other side's accusation on them.

Your need to adopt atheist talking points, like logic or dogmatism of your opponents only betrays your own inner belief that those talking points are ultimately right

>> No.20929356

>And this wad the point I was making to him and everyone
It's not a point. It's an example of a retard parroting dogma. We're supposed to accept your premises and methods or apparent complete lack of method as holy but you can't even begin to consider any other ideas.
>adopt atheist talking points
Dumbest shit imaginable. All these things you pretend you represent somehow as an atheist, appeals to reason, science etc are all brought to you via the Christian tradition.

>> No.20929373

>This is great progress anon. After 12 hours we have finally made it to a productive point. Which of aristotles or Aquinas's premises are false?

>Let me get this straight. You want me to believe the radical idea that there's an all powerful conscious being who created this world and runs everything in it. And that your religion's idea about this God, his moral law, heaven and hell is the right one. And that one should reform their lives according to his scripture. And all you offer as a proof for all this is a flimsy abstract logical argument of words, the refutation of which is already written down in its own wikipedia article. And if I ask for stronger proof for such a radical claim you could only accuse me of being "dogmatic" by demanding real proof.

You're not getting from me what you want. Provide proof or else.

>But I don't. Could you give me a concrete example of me doing this?

Taking scripture on faith yet requiring God's existence to have a proof

>Recall, deduction is evidence


>To get you to think, hopefully

You mean put my head up my ass so far that I start to see ancient babblery as proof for something which has no evidence? No thanks.


Expected the lack of critical thought here.

>Sure. We can say it happened. But why did it happen?

Who knows?

>That this is not true is precisely what the idea points at. You're doing the thing again were you undermine logic itself and thus the idea of proof right after ranting forever about how much you love proof and need it to believe anything.

And you're doing that thing again where you conflate pseudo babble about logic with real tangible proof.

>The arguments are logically valid.

They are refuted as well. And since they are philosophical arguments, the proof is as valid as the refutation. Unlike methods to parse real evidence which could lead to obvious conclusions but you won't consider because of obvious reasons.

>All your scientific ideas about the world are rooted in logic.

The logic that actually works apparently. Compared to what Aristotle used.

>It's an example of a retard parroting dogma.

t. Believes in god because.... He just does

>All these things you pretend you represent somehow as an atheist, appeals to reason, science etc are all brought to you via the Christian tradition.

Enlightenment is what killed the christian tradition. Not that I am a fan but this is blatantly untrue.

>> No.20929385

>Provide proof or else.
One step forward, two steps back... we both agreed deductive arguments are evidence. Just tell me which of his premises you disagree with and we can build a productive conversation. You can call it ancient babblery but you do know thats not an argument right?

>> No.20929394

Big Bang: Supported by data and observations about motion of objects in the universe and radiations in space. Data collected after hundreds of experiments. Based on tried and tested physical models which ring true both on earth and in space. Utterly falsifiable if any of these observations were different.

Aristotle's God: Cooked up by some old guy 2000 years ago based on his observations of his chatue and applying his own version of logical progression on it to reach a conclusion which he already believed in the first place.

Bbbbut they are the sssame kind of tthing anon. Both use ffffacts about the world and logic to come to their conclusions. Literally same. If Big bang be real so be God. Aristotle's "logic" is most def fact(tm) fr fr. It is refuted? But its unfalsifiable just like its conclusion. So its all good.

>> No.20929399

>about motion of objects
Ah but what started the motion? Could there perhaps be *gasp* a first movement??
>Aristotle's God: Cooked up by some old guy 2000 years ago based on his observations of his chatue and applying his own version of logical progression on it to reach a conclusion which he already believed in the first place.
Which of his premises regarding his logical progression are false?

>> No.20929408

>deductive arguments are evidence.

Your poor criteria for evidence is why this debate exists.

>You can call it ancient babblery but you do know thats not an argument right?

Oh yes it is. Its an argument that says you don't have actual proof since God obviously doesn't exist in the real world so you have to come up with babble which no rational man should accept. (Maybe besides as a mental exercise to imagine a non-entity powerless God that these arguments prove)

>> No.20929429

>poor criteria for evidence
Huh???? Everyone agrees deduction is evidence
>Its an argument that says you don't have actual proof
So which of his premises are false? I keep asking but you cant answer... you DO know what his premises are right? You're not just saying his wrong out ofsome kind of atheist dogma right?
>Its an argument that says you don't have actual proof since God obviously doesn't exist in the real worl
Oh hey look, circular reasoning. Guess you are a dogmatist

>> No.20929433

more like a town with fatsos with iron statues of marvel figures

>> No.20929447

Its funny how the religious has to believe that what he calls "proof" for his God follows a similar method of establishing facts as established natural science.

But infact its just a mere copy of it like a Cargo cult building wooden planes and expecting them to fly.

There's an allusion to observing some fundamental truth about the world and using a "logical method" to reach from there to a conclusion.

But of course, the religious, just like the cultist fails to see the obvious problems. That the conclusion was decided before parsing the data even began. That the logic and conclusion was based on unfalsifiable grounds and so could be refuted. That what was observed about the world was not real data at all but the observers personal opinions about his premises in logic.

And the kekkiest part is. If his concept were to be actually put to the same standards as Big Bang was, he would lash out at you for being "dogmatic" for putting both ideas to the same standard of scrutiny. The sheer hypocrisy at display here.

>> No.20929450

thinking of hiring a hooker for the first time
any tips?

>> No.20929453

So why do you disagree with Aristotle? Do you know which premises of his you reject? Or do you, like a cultist, from the outset, deny Gods existence and build your argument backwards from there? Why do you keep avoiding my question? Why do you keep responding to no one?

>> No.20929465

Not when the deduction is done on flimsy grounds.

>So which of his premises are false?

If you are that learned in philosophy why don't you recall the refutals?

Of course this is regardless of the central point which I don't need to give copy pasta for again.

>Oh hey look, circular reasoning

You would know since you used to champion it until atheists forced you to bury your nose in books for better arguments. Which are ultimately still false.

>> No.20929470

Kek you dont know a single thing about aristotle do you?

>> No.20929471

>If you are that learned in philosophy why don't you recall the refutals?

>Of course this is regardless of the central point which I don't need to give copy pasta for again.

>> No.20929485

Already told you i dont agree with aristotle or aquinas. I know the refutations and they rest in his epistemolgy. But you don't know. And what really confuses me is why you're so dead set on denying the First Mover when you dont know what the argument even is. Please tell me anon kun, why do you reject an argument that you're not familiar with?

>> No.20929486

>You don't know a single thing about this philosopher who provides a refuted argument for existence of Gods which I stick to inorder delude myself into thinking my beliefs are not unfounded. . Even though there's no real evidence for them, do you?

I know his shit. But that's not the point. The point is:

>We can engage in philosophical argument and counter-argument over these all we want but the main point has always been that it should take much more than this bullcrap to ascertain yourself of the existence of a literal all powerful God and submit your life to him for any critical thinking man. Empirical evidence would surely help but we've seen the kind of dishonesty from the religious if that demand were to be made.

>> No.20929490

>Please tell me anon kun, why do you reject an argument that you're not familiar with?

Maybe I am familiar with the argument and simultaneously saddened that this is what people base their beliefs and world views on.

>> No.20929496


Actually when you consider that their beliefs and worldviews are already indoctrinated into them and all they are looking for is confirmation bias it makes a lot more sense.

>> No.20929500

Kek just admit that you dont understand the first mover argument. Its obvious you dont
>Empirical evidence would surely help
How many times do I have to tell you, the first three ways are built on empirical evidence. But you already admitted you dont know thise arguments. But now you're pretending that you do? Kek you're a lying little faggot caught in so much cognitive dissonance, like a good dogmatist

>> No.20929502

Oh great! Now tell me why you disagree with the argument and cite specific premises

>> No.20929506

But just to be sure


Of course if the method of coming to these conclusions had any critical value then refutals wouldn't even be possible. Either you could definitely prove that God exists or you could prove that he doesn't.

Of course empirical method can give an objective answer but God may strike me down if I spout the E-word around here.

>> No.20929510

I won't engage with that debate. Simple as. Us spouting mutually unfalsifiable shit at each other.

>> No.20929513

Wow you keep citing that like scripture or something. So much faith in arguments you've never read

>> No.20929517

Because you cant lmao. Backed you into a corner faggot. Just admit you dont know what you're talking about instead ofbeing a zealot

>> No.20929526

Yes. You get it now. These arguments are exactly like scripture. Just like the argument in favor of god by aristotle. All of them utterly useless which really say absolutely nothing that is true about our reality.

>> No.20929527

Well atheist kun, hope it was worth it. 13 hours of sitting your fat autistic ass in front of /wwoym/ just to be shown you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. No shame insaying "I don't know" but you're too much a little cultist to do even that. Hope the blood clots kill you faggot, now I have a life to get on with.

>> No.20929530

M-mommy He's asking for real evidence m-mommy. The pseudo-babble you gave me to throw at him as "empirical irrefutable proof" isn't working mommy. He's not even considering it.

>> No.20929543

>He posted refutals of arguments I was making instead of engaging with me in long retarded debates in my comfort zone of unlimited philosoblabbery.

>Instead of actually showing that my arguments are objectively correct and the refutals are objectively wrong . (Or maybe do the impossible and real evidence) I'll just accuse him of not knowing anything about the topic as an ammunition to protect myself from the absurdity of my own bullshit.

Hmmmm :/

>> No.20929545

*show real evidence

>> No.20929549

>You do realise that most people are not born atheists right? I turned to faith, not once but twice. I do understand their perspective. But no amount of empathy will prove them right. I have enough empathy to just let religious people be and have their debates on Bible. I know trying to convert is pointless.
I'm adding a lack of self knowledge, tendency to fixate, and shallow intense emotion to the symptom list. Spending more than eight hours on something is not letting it be. Not only are other people telling you you have failed to see their perspective, you also outright accused someone of trying to convert you by saying that you should try to see a different perspective than your own. Claiming you have done the opposite doesn't erase the records of you doing these things, and is not going to be convincing to other people who can see the same record. This pattern of interpersonal interaction isn't about a religious debate, but indicative of the kind of person who has no idea why everyone leaves while calling them flaky liars or psychotic when they think they they're being personable. Seriously, seek help.

>> No.20929566

>I'm adding a lack of self knowledge, tendency to fixate, and shallow intense emotion to the symptom list.


>Spending more than eight hours on something is not letting it be.

If you can't see what you are missing here I won't point it out for you. Talk about lack of self awareness.

>Not only are other people telling you you have failed to see their perspective,

I already know their perspective. Its just wrong. God you people really make me repeat myself.

>you also outright accused someone of trying to convert you by saying that you should try to see a different perspective than your own.

Think rationally for a moment what that would entail. To "see" their perspective you'd have to base your worldview of God on those arguments alone, without real world evidence and then take everything else on faith. The only real way I could see from that perspective is that I convert. But yeah if you're talking about knowing how their minds work, I'm well aware of that.

>Claiming you have done the opposite doesn't erase the records of you doing these things, and is not going to be convincing to other people who can see the same record.


>This pattern of interpersonal interaction isn't about a religious debate, but indicative of the kind of person who has no idea why everyone leaves while calling them flaky liars or psychotic when they think they they're being personable. Seriously, seek help.

They are free to leave anytime.

>> No.20929593

I guess we've reached the point where the apologists will finally go to sleep. Even more Strengthened in their beliefs than before.

Not because they've learned how shit their arguments are and learned to make vetter arguments or come up with better evidence but because now they can ascribe whatever personal allusions to the atheist as they wish. From dense to unempathetic to ignorant to dishonest, which of course they themselves came up with during course of the debate to discredit his views not on rational grounds but on personal ones.

>> No.20929616

I'm pointing these things out because you seem to be hanging around people who make you feel intense negative emotions and spend more than a working day on them. I don't think that's because you have better relationships to invest that time in. If you have regular conversations like the one you've been having for many hours here with people, or if you regularly feel that people are not as you imagined they should be to be pleasing to you, or you regularly feel abandoned or unsupported to the point you seek out any form of attention, you could seek help in not having the social problems arising from your current coping skills. If you want to live your life that way, that's fine too, but I'm sensing a full day of distress and miscommunication rather than you having a pleasant time ITT. Just sayin

>> No.20929625

Please go on. Cry more for me.

>> No.20929626

Are you lonely?

>> No.20929633
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I dont know if he is but I am

>> No.20929642

What makes you feel that way? Is it persistent in company of others or is it the absence of others' company that brings it on?

>> No.20929659

I dont know. I gradually lost contact with all of my previous ""friends"" because I realized they weren't my actual friends, just people I grew up with. I'm now convinced a huge percentage lf the population probably feels this way or another but prefers some company than being totally alone, guess the same applies to a relationship, marriage, etc. Now I have literally 0 friends. I was thinking about going out and enrolling into new activities but I have no clue were to go or what to do.
Its over

>> No.20929684

>I was thinking about going out and enrolling into new activities but I have no clue were to go or what to do.
This is generally the best course. If you like the activities then you're going to get something out of it, and making good friends will be a bonus. You raised a good point about how humans socialize, but you're being a bit negative about it because it's just a first step in the process of making friends to be in forced proximity. If you have to be close to someone regularly, you're more likely to both bond and compromise to make your proximity bearable. Many people consider these people to be their friends regardless of whether their other values align, but deeper friendships can develop out of such forced proximity if you have the same core values. Many people skip that step because it involves working out what your own core values are, and taking the risk of feeling more alone by recognising the difference between an acquaintance/colleague/peer relationship, and a friendship where your individual values align outside of forced proximity.
It's very much not over, and the sooner you begin the longer you have until it is actually over.