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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 822x837, Fbg_69zXEAQe_Xz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20924244 No.20924244 [Reply] [Original]

How is this poetry if it doesn't rhyme?

>> No.20924287

because a tranny wrote it

>> No.20924300

I’d kill myself if I looked like him

>> No.20924319


>> No.20924322

Ernest Cline is a fag
He cannot write one word of poetry
Despite the fact that slam poet
Is a credit listed on his Wikipedia ent[e]ry
Ready Player One
Sucked mongo donkey dick
And Ready Player Two
Was a scheme to get-rich-quick.

>> No.20924417

Cline is a loser
Ego stinking in his words
High horse, up so high.

>> No.20924541

That's not poetry, but has nothing to do with the fact that it doesn't rhyme. It is prose with bad formatting.

>> No.20924706

You do know poetry comes in various forms, right?

>> No.20924719

My guy has never watched a single JAV in his entire life.

>> No.20925234

>poetry comes in various forms, right
if it doesn't rhyme it's not poetry
simple as that

>> No.20925499
File: 774 KB, 2400x2981, 25D3C923-CAAE-48B8-B543-BB14C59C1D00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Poetry rhymes.

>> No.20925582

Thoughts on John Milton?

>> No.20925607

What makes poetry is not rhyme, nor is it metrical rhythm, the essence of poetry is a form that is coherent with the content insofar as the meaning of the words are amplified and unified with their sound and presentation after a manner. This cline fails and is a shit poet because he shows no skill and has no rhetorical power, we feel it is chopped prose because his line breaks and word choice are all bullshit, add to this how mundane his conception and subject matter is.

Plenty of Christ poetry doesn’t rhyme or have meter, like the psalms.

>> No.20925610

Sorry meant “plenty of good poetry” but Christ poetry works fine too.

>> No.20925622

>Paradise Lost isn't a poem
Hurr durr

>> No.20925648

Guy hasn't looked for porn at all, it sounds like to me.

>> No.20925665


>> No.20925681
File: 468 KB, 1036x735, image_2022-09-01_151646160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As shit as that is in every possible way, a poem is not measured by rhyme. Pic related

>> No.20925718

Ernet Cline?

>> No.20925726

Based Coup-de-désposter

>> No.20926073

Post the rest, op.

>> No.20926436

Is this supposed to be feminist / empowering? Jesus Christ.

The psalms haven't always been considered poems; certainly not by the society that wrote them.

Based autist Frater is back, what joy.

>> No.20927327
File: 83 KB, 847x1200, 491569-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first couplet is irrelevant to anything, and should have been left in his diary.

most of that long stanza is decent enough
(it could do with a touch more punctuation, in my professional opinion.)

the last part is horrible, verbally and as an expression of the narrator's character.

its a strange piece of writing, and i wish i hadn't read it.

>> No.20927371

If it rhymes, it’s not poetry.
See how fun it is to make up shit?

>> No.20927432

It honestly isnt

>> No.20927877

It isn't poetry for way more obvious reasons than a lack of rhyme.

>> No.20927884
File: 526 KB, 480x676, ted_hughes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
