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/lit/ - Literature

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20918577 No.20918577 [Reply] [Original]


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>> No.20918586
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>> No.20918604

Where can I meet an unvaxxed female to repopulate the earth after the imminent collapse of civilization?

>> No.20918612 [DELETED] 
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why are women like this

>> No.20918613

I cannot love myself or other person. I dont want to come to normie level because Id realize that its been so easy to do so that my heart would be filled with shame and regret. No one can understand me.

>> No.20918640


>> No.20918670

honestly i'd rather fuck the cashier, she's much more petite and could fit in a 100 gallon drum of acid

>> No.20918673
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i'am 5'5

>> No.20918690

Do you ever suddenly experience an emotion that you haven’t felt in many years? Last night as I was laying in bed, I was suddenly hit with the thought that “As a child, I believed I could become anything, do anything I want, and that my destiny is fully under my control.” It May seem stupid, but this thought absolutely floored me, and tears welled up in my eyes.

Most people including myself give up on their childhood aspirations, or trick themselves into settling for something less, even if that aspiration isn’t centered around an occupation, but rather a lifestyle, or certain attributes that define one’s life. I think being hit with that sense of infinite possibilities (even though I’m aware now certain things limit me, namely lack of money and confidence), woke me up. I not laid out a course of action, and my life not change at all. But simply remembering that I have full domain over myself felt refreshing, and I will continue to expand on this feeling so I can change my life for the better. Writing provides clarity, so I will continue to journal every day. I am feeling hopeful today, boys.

>> No.20918793

Just bear in mind, you NEVER had infinite possibilities. The actual breadth of opportunity was always limited for you. That feeling like you could be anything was a trick.

>> No.20918800

It’s not over. It never even began.

>> No.20918870

im horny and I wish I wasnt

>> No.20918998

Crazy how much your genetics determine everything.

>> No.20919009 [SPOILER] 


>> No.20919023
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Write that story.

>> No.20919040

I'm gonna fuck you until you bleed and cum and cry. I love you more than life.

>> No.20919156
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I finally managed to sleep early, with great difficulty at that. But I'm now awake after 6 hours. I feel like 6 hours is my default sleep time, despite my attempts at trying to go for an 8. The issue is I usually end up in the middle of the night like right now.

>> No.20919169


>> No.20919202

---- Solaria ----
(Orca Sonoritity)

Something missing to swan outlines
Found with hawkmoths floating night rare beyond

Petunia cascades their scent aura intoxicates,
So is the light of sky lucid with sun

Like snow gathered to a noon point
Intense beyond beholding

Except by evasion--

Except as the recondite of personality fortunate
As a mother's voice in echoic memory,

Thing and image montage silly with self-delight as the whispering hilarity
Galaxies at best imply or index, as if

The best of possible worlds prevail everywhere
Like chocolate box music towers arranged to withstand cold

Beyond calculation, too sensuous,
To fine for care

About how
Cloudless Sulphurs recall beautiful friends,

About how, exactly
The heavy aquamarine of a glass writing desk can float in an air of bright permanence

Fleeting as mind destroying worlds
It rises from--

The idea of a bride
In impressionist paintings and music of counterveiling loftiness,

Gloriana dissolving
Right before me, in fabulous miniature.

>> No.20919218

I've wanted to know the source of these images for almost a decade now

>> No.20919315

I lost parts of my personality after my ex of 5 years dumped me a year ago and never fully recovered since then. I'm not funny anymore and I've lost a lot of self-confidence, I can barely recognize my face in the mirror.

After I got dumped I also decided I'd cut my long hair and glowed down hard from that point on. Baldness showed up, my gums started receding and at the end of that I easily went from like a 7.5/10 to an easy 4 so I couldn't even get some confidence back from my appearance.

If I try to smile now I will look sad 9 out of 10 times. Before I could just think of something funny and I'd have a nice smile on camera. I mean I never had pretty teeth but it just passed and looked natural. Now I'm ashamed of it.

I know it reads like I'm a pathetic loser. Maybe I am. This again. I'm tired of listening to my own thoughts. Before when it happened, I just had to talk to a beautiful girl and then I was back in the game. Now I can't face them because I think I'm an ugly bastard. Why the fuck does this happen to me.

>> No.20919325

I couldn't help but correct if for a few typos, for the few to whom it may make a difference in effect.
---- Solaria ----
(Orca Sonority)

Something missing to swan outlines
Found with hawkmoths floating night rare beyond

Petunia cascades their scent aura intoxicates,
So is the light of sky lucid with sun

Like snow gathered to a noon point
Intense beyond beholding

Except by evasion--

Except as the recondite of personality fortunate
As a mother's voice in echoic memory,

Thing and image montage silly with self-delight as the whispering hilarity
Galaxies at best imply or index, as if

The best of possible worlds prevail everywhere
Like chocolate box music towers arranged to withstand cold

Beyond calculation, too sensuous,
Too fine for care

About how
Cloudless Sulphurs recall beautiful friends,

About how, exactly
The heavy aquamarine of a glass writing desk can float in an air of bright permanence

Fleeting as mind destroying worlds
It rises from--

The idea of a bride
In impressionist paintings and music of counterveiling loftiness,

Gloriana dissolving
Right before me, in fabulous miniature.

>> No.20919352
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let me write that down

>> No.20919365

anybody drukbros have weeknight drinking tips for a weekend warrior? my school/job just seems too demanding, but I want to do bad

>> No.20919399 [DELETED] 

it looks like some shit out of a chris marker film


>> No.20919410
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From what I've researched, art has been always been a philosophical debate (along with aesthetics), but up until the the 19th century it was commonly agreed that art was an imitation of life or the expression of an idea, in such it required a rational thought process to be made along with technical skill.
However, starting with Marcel Duchamp and the dadaists anything that the artist denominates as art is art.
While Duchamp's ideas could be seen as jokes or as a way to disturb the established norms or the art system, this was quickly subverted by a money system that made a much more profitable business (and possible money laundering) in the way of conceptual art and sometimes abstract art (though the later can stand on its own as opposed to the later). This idea was also quickly spread by media, news outlets, entertainment, etc. and the current generations (zoomers and millennials) have led them to believe that art has become banal and superfluous. This made zoomers lose any appreciation for any kind of art whatsoever (and in the process reduced their quality standards) and for millennials to defend and stand up for this monetary system for whatever reason.

>> No.20919475
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In my youth I used to keep random things I would find on public transport that people left behind.

Things like sunglasses, hats, eReaders, books, umbrellas etc. I also have a bunch of (dumb) phones. But never picked up wallets.

Never thought much of it and just thought "meh they lost it". But thing is, ever since the smart phone era, ive been feeling guilty over it thinking it might be considered stealing. And dont pick up smart phones anymore after the 1st 2 which I didn't even want or try to use for myself. What do you think? Is it stealing?

Am I bad for still using a Kindle paperwhite and Zippo lighter I found over a decade ago? And using the old Nokia phones I found back then at the time

>> No.20919512

If I should get an MBA.

>> No.20919513

Duchamp marked a clear turning point, but art had been changing for over a century, arguably beginning with Impressionism, which started to break away from the idea that art should represent the literal world around us. Instead, it should represent itself, it should be self referential, it should be about the medium, about sight, about the concept of art. This is an early seed of conceptualism. It was only because of impressionist and abstract painters (who still created something vaguely structured and at times beautiful) that the public could be eased into accepting absurdist and eventually postmodern art. There were good reasons to break the rules initially - Impressionism is in my opinion truly great at times, and this could only be achieved by casting off the rigid rules of the classical academies about how forms, shading, and colors “ought” to look. But it opened the door to a total break with aesthetic appreciation of all kinds. Once you begin to ask “Why do things have to look true to the way I see them” or “Why do things have to look good”, a touch of nihilism has already slipped in the door. Until we contend with that nihilism, no rigid demands for craftsmanship, return to traditionalism, etc. will be able to revive art’s vitality.

>> No.20919525

Any fellow NEETs in here?
How long has it been, and how're you doing?

>> No.20919573

Translators are entitled cunts obsessed with receiving credit. They also see themselves as an integral part of whichever project they work on and are very protective of each other, regularly using their supposed authority to defend shoddy translations made by whomever they are found of.
Translators are so insane that a bunch of them insists that their name should be present on the book cover right along the author’s. Bear in mind I’m not talking about some academic who spent years translating Beowulf or the Epic of Gilgamesh from some half forgotten manuscript or tablet, but about a twenty something barely literate fuck who’s responsible for making pop trash worldwide available while being entitled enough to think his name should carry a similar weight as Stephen King’s since he happened to be the one who accepted some scraps in exchange for translating Duma Key to spanish.
That being said, I don’t see the problem with highlighting the translator when dealing with the classics or dense texts, since it’s helpful to any reader who looks for a particular translation and credits a work that certainly deserves merit when done with care.
What really makes me mad and ignited this whole rant is seeing people with a mediocre knowledge of both their native tongue and whichever ones they supposedly are fluent in treat themselves as some kind of creative soul and try to steal credit from the work of others just because they happened to be the ones who helped the japanese understand why Bane wanted to grab doctor Pavel.
Translation is a respectable field and some translations are works of art, but most translators are the equivalent of a factory worker thinking he’s an engineer because he works at a Ford assembly line.

>> No.20919592

You realize that postmodern refers to the current era?

>> No.20919601

fuck off back to discord, stormshitter

>> No.20919617

Yes, and the current era’s shit.

>> No.20919620

>I can barely recognize my face in the mirror.
I'll bet my life you're not ugly except for the disease of clinical depression: The last time I paid visit to a retail metroplex I heard/watched a seriously weird little guy being treated with respectful deference by a big normie co-worker as he checked me out. He's probably already taken, for sheer charm.
I'm a "retired" NEET living in rural Northern Illinois for the last 5 years. It's as if I've died and gone to Elysium, much as I miss my Chicago friends.

>> No.20919644

>"go to discord" said the discord tranny
bump lmao. terminally online simp

>> No.20919652
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>bump lmao. terminally online simp

>> No.20919682
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Long time and it's going well.

>> No.20919695

32. Fired over no vax. Tbh its funny because I'm not depressed at all despite not having worked in about a year now

I just wanted the simple life and genuinely loved my old minimum wage job and desu I kind of don't want to work anymore lol. Just work out during the morning, have lunch. Read or browse the internet. Make dinner, then read or do some other hobbies. I'm actually enjoying it still. I'm just more disappointed that ppl all fell for this vax meme that isn't even for whatever strain is going around during that period people were getting stood down or ultimately fire form their jobs.

>> No.20919728
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>Real love is now fascist

>> No.20919736

For me, the greatest difference between the artists who engaged in impressionism, abstractionism and similar movements in the first half of the twentieth century and those that came after is a matter of mastery.
Picasso, Dali, Kandinsky, Mondrian and many others had a marvellous technical and theoretical domain. They deviated from what was previously stablished and pursued new paths as a choice, not as a necessity.
That wasn’t a frivolous pursuit, either. Any of the artists I mentioned is a titan and those that attest to the contrary are only exposing their ignorance about what said artists accomplished.
The problem is that most artists for the past sixty years or so don’t engage in experimental works as a way to go beyond what was given to them by generations past; they simply dismiss the accomplishments of said generations and try to compensate for a shoddy and poorly developed technical and conceptual background by creating works that supposedly defy any critique by how “out there” they are.
Of course, there’s also the matter of medium.
Consider the mediums an artists had available to him until about a hundred years ago. Yes, a new one appeared from time to time - like photography in the nineteenth century - but artists had decades, if not centuries, to engage with them and adapt to their impact. We are currently saturated with new mediums; so many of them, in fact, that even artists are sometimes slow on the uptake when it comes to recognizing their potential for artistic expression.
I’m not talking about the obvious things like VR or digital installations either, but about artists using fields such as chemistry or mechanical engineering as a medium for completely new kinds of works. These works are being developed, but for obvious reasons have no frame of reference whatsoever. That wouldn’t be such a problem if these new mediums came one at a time and had time to develop - since little by little what is experimental would become established through effort and refinement - but there’s such a saturation of nem mediums that you’ll be hard pressed to find a significant amount of artists dedicated to the same one, creating the equivalent of giving canvasses and buckets of paint to about a dozen people who have never seen either during their whole lives and expecting something cohesive to come out of it.
>tl;dr: a bunch of artists try to engage traditional mediums through a purely individualistic lens while others engage in the insurmountable task of exploring and mapping whole new fields of art all by themselves.

>> No.20919739

We’re not a Ukraine board, OP.
Fascism is liberalism in decay. Tranny chaser.

>> No.20919748

Grotesque. The monstrous comedy of errors the art market has become circa The Nine Million Dollar Stuffed Shark or any of the works of Damien Hirst has about as much to do with Marcel Duchamp as Falstaff has to do with the butt of The Merry Wives Of Windsor. He had ideas as well as outrageous works, they don't--theirs are safe and forgettable even in Dubai.
I take it that /pol/cunt esotericism is to be taken as anything but by anyone with a mind. This, after all, is /lit/, where gnosticism or more the norm in spirit or mood, if not necessarily doctrine.

>> No.20919752

Imagine being this fucking retarded. But I don't have to imagine. The fucking retard is right there drooling and stumbling to form a coherent sentence

>> No.20919764

Finders keepers

>> No.20919794

I tower over you by a massive three inches. So would Napoleon by a full inch.

>> No.20919797

I tower over YOU by a massive three inches.

>> No.20919816

Cute. Octavian Augustus was about 5'7", though I can't quite picture Marcus Agrippa except as a personality much sweeter than he.

>> No.20919853

Did you mis-link to my post?
Because you couldn’t be more wrong, Biden-buddy

>> No.20919864

why am i so horny lately?

>> No.20919901

I'm happy to see my NEETbros doing well

>> No.20919922

How is it possible that by my 29th year, I have failed to conjure up even a single thing resembling a life's goal for myself?

>> No.20920026

Bros what are the best dating sites for fetishists

>> No.20920032

Seriously bros Ive been trying to repress my sexuality for years but I'm exploding with coom. I just need a gf I can whip

>> No.20920111

>mfw not white
>mfw not blessed with the Faustian spirit
I am genuinely considering finding some service which can give me blood transfusions from white people. That way I will be able to be creative.

>> No.20920134

Oh you again. My offer to sell you my blood stands

>> No.20920138


>My offer to sell you my blood stands
What kind of white are you?

>> No.20920139

Funny how we have access to dating apps, instant forms of communication and a sexually liberated society and people on average coom less than in generations past.
I’m sure the local redneck will gift you some of his faustian blood in exchange for meth.

>> No.20920142

Some anon was saying exactly what you're saying some months ago. Thought you were the same person.
>What kind of white are you?
Half Irish, half German

>> No.20920146

Too much native/African admixture. Plus epigenetics wise drug use is no good.

>Some anon was saying exactly what you're saying some months ago.
Great minds think alike I suppose.

>Half Irish
You guys had James Joyce, not bad. Although Finnegan's Wake is a shitpost taken way too seriously.
>half German
Now that is good. Which part of Germany?

>> No.20920168

Well my grandmother is from Würzburg. I couldn't really tell you much more detail than that.

>> No.20920169

I'm twenty-six years old today. It was a good birthday, but I didn't have a party. Instead, I woke up, fucked my girlfriend, got ice cream, played video games, went to dinner, fucked my girlfriend again, and browsed 4chan until coming to this post.
I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this chain of events. I'm happy with today, but I think underlying today's happiness was the constant notion that I will not be happy with tomorrow.
Tomorrow, I go back to work at a job that's okay. It's not too difficult, it's got mildly irritating management, and I'm on the way out of it. There's a new job opportunity on the horizon, and it's one for the government, with good benefits.
I watched a video on the Unabomber today, and I think back sometimes to my anarchoprimitivist ideals. The same romantic ideals that make me admire Tolkien, though I've never read his works.
My desire to be a great fiction author has been mired and sidetracked by a search for a message, which lead me down a rabbit-hole of philosophy that took me through nietszsche and hegel and voltaire and I came out of it a bigger mess than when I went in. I'm moving now towards a healthier place, solving obstacles that once seemed insurmountable with trivial readiness, but the thrill of life has been cloaked by mental exhaustion.
I'm tired. I'm tired of everything I've learned. I'm tired of the way the color and excitement has been drained out of my experiences. I'm tired, mostly, of being somebody who has never resolved an issue of motivation and personal expression, but simply developed the capacity to ignore the pain.
Now that I am able to write any message, unabated, without mental block or ignorance, I no longer want to.
I am not driven. I am simply driving.

>> No.20920176

Likewise. Of course there are many ages and grades and kinds of NEET. My siblings and their spouses have about 5M in assets, but living without having to endure conversation with any of them, is half of the delight of living as do now.

My immediate family and their siblings have an annual income of about 1M and and assets of about 5M, but the the best they could do for me is indicate the best disability lawyer in the state, and preserve my unique AV library. As such I just barely survived 5 months in Pacific Garden Mission despite their wishes to the contrary-- their main concern being to avoid embarrassing publicity--which I've returned by the courtesy of ghosting them all with a vague indifference. Life goes on, and is rather better than
enough to spare themselves social embarrassment, which I've granted them the courtesy in return--which includes ghosting all of them. My family has been well off since the late 70's, but has been fucked up since the late 60s.

>> No.20920179

Meh, I'll pass

>> No.20920184

You'll take Irish but pass on Bavarian?

>> No.20920186

Irish might have some mingling with the English, the greatest of the whites. Bavarians are... perfectly nice people I'm sure, but hardly full of greatness. Hegel came from South Germany though, so one should not discount them.

>> No.20920187

Passed out before I could get a tub of ice cream into the freezer, shits a total river of goop now and I feel bad I wasted my ice cream

>> No.20920190

when having a bad day some strong weed and spending time with your girlfriend can go a long way

>> No.20920195

Well if it helps one of my ancestors was a Scottish Presbyterian who moved to Ireland back in the 1800s. Family is still protestant today. Buy my blood. I'm tall and blonde and my blood is full of the faustian spirit.

>> No.20920198

I thought you quit weed

>> No.20920202

>and blonde
lmao you should have just said that at the start of this convo

What's your blood type

>> No.20920205

Think its A+
I know the rhesus positive is a letdown but rhesus negative blood would kill you

>> No.20920206
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>> No.20920214

Are you just gonna smoke weed for the rest of your life

>> No.20920216

I think I am A-, actually. We are not compatible :(

It is what it is. Those of us not born blessed with Faustian creativity will have to find some substitute.

>> No.20920217

What? How the fuck are you nonwhite and rhesus negative?

>> No.20920222

This is why all major religions say you should not fornicate.

>> No.20920225

Is rhesus negative rare? I'm ethnically Indian/Pakistani if it makes a difference.

>> No.20920226

if the kim jon un of mushroom connoisseurs without a hint musical enhancement.

>> No.20920230

The last guy asking for faustian blood was also indian. Are you sure you arent the same person

>> No.20920235

I dunno I managed Welsh and Scottish and no native admixture. My family settled in the Ozark foothills

>> No.20920237

No, I only had this thought earlier today.
>Be me
>Struggling to write
>Realize I can easily write fanfiction based off another author, but can't write anything new
I tried anon, all I can come up with is trash. But if I take stuff from Tolkien or the like, I can write stuff. I got close too. I wrote a small sci-fi story but it was inspired by Hegel's idea of the absolute. So it's also borrowing the thoughts of a Westerner. It's parasitic, but I cannot help it. I cannot create new things. If somehow I could graft the Faustian spirit into me, this would be solved.

>> No.20920241

i dont know. maybe its my destiny. maybe it's written

>> No.20920257

It's vaguely interesting to me how certain internet phrases persist and others go extinct. "Lol" has stood strong and indefatigable, its origins in fact predating the internet. It is the protozoa of internet slang, the eternal precursor. "ROFL" has long since perished , though the nearly as awkward "lmao" still sees some action. Consequently, by some linguistic chemical law, its mutant conjunction "ROFLMAO" canceled itself out and also went to rot. Cringier nerd-speak, such as "leet" or "pwnd" either never emerged from their sweaty, myopic obscurity or have become relics of antiquity.

Curiously, the twin bedfellows "flamer" and "troll" , though born together, has seen one fall into disuse while its sibling is as successful as a word can ever hope to be.

OMG and WTF have solid and established niches as the standard effortless way to lazily express shock. It seems that they are here to stay. Whereas the more testy "STFU" is no longer in vogue. Some rarer specimens, such as WDUWTA, have almost no one left to remember them.

>> No.20920268

sometimes i feel like i'm the only person on 4chan who isn't racist

>> No.20920272

I'm not racist. The only thing which I have thought which people could consider racist is my recent interest in the Faustian spirit.

>> No.20920286

My intellectual interests basically narrowed into understanding ontological design, sex, desire, aesthetics and the Machine this past year. It happened around November after I met a girl and started to shed some autism. This was by far the most intense journey of navigating the social I've ever felt. I feel like for the longest I was either blind or uninterested in aesthetics and the furthest I'd go was buying 'cool' clothes to impress a girl. But in this instance I started to play more with symbols, think up scenarios, gestures, phrases to act out IRL at parties and so on. Along the way I learned about seduction and triggering girls with suggestive language and imagery. I learned about how much of their 'BPD, Depression, Anxiety' is the cause of an basic female psychic state being amplified by social media (the Machine) rabbit holes that lower their self esteem through constant exposure to competition which revs up their desire to consume. I learned about BDSM and the symbols around female sexual fantasies that are budding up in underground scenes (think collars, balaclavas, chains) etc. I learned about how magic was initially understood as a means of creating bonds of desire and how it was closely related to unrequited love and how from the Renaissance on developed into marketing, PR and psychology.

Anyway I learned a lot but now I just want to close my eyes for a bit. I collected clips of some of these topics and plan on making some OC out of it. This stuff has really been bubbling as of late because of how intense the worldview fracturing has gotten. I know I'm not going to exploit this knowledge and will try to use it for Good.

>> No.20920291

>and how it was closely related to unrequited love
Could you elaborate on this? I am in full agreement with the rest of your post.

>> No.20920293

I feel like I've become capable at challenging learned-helplessness. Any issue no matter how previously insurmountable seems achievable with rote problem-solving. Any problem at all.

Unmotivated? I can try different things and trawl my memories to observe what affects my motivation and work on incorporating that into my lifestyle. (Coffee and just doing the thing expecting the motivation to come after has worked very effectively. It always becomes more fun after i start doing the thing)
Terrible at consistently working on a goal? I can create a schedule and break problems down into tactile steps.
Generally just stupid? I can read more books and meet new people that can test my views and show me where my weak spots are.

Right now I'm working on meeting people and I've discovered that my fashion sense affects people's views of me much more than I thought, so I'm going to go thrifting this week. I've always had a good eye for aesthetics, I've just rarely cared about my clothes. I'm also working on regaining my self-esteem and investing into deeper relationships, something which took a great hit after a terrible falling out with friends a year ago involving an ex.

It feels like there's always something new to try which may or may not work.

I'm not racist either. Whenever I do start feeling like everyone here is racist/insane I start questioning why I come here, but I remind myself that the site is not homogenous.
To a greater extent I have been trying to socialize more through other websites and apps, I feel like I use the anonymity here to express myself candidly without fearing my personal appearance being affected. This prevents deeper relationship building, which is much more rewarding, and requires that vulnerability. This site is like a numbing agent for my social yearnings and I want to outgrow it.

>> No.20920299

I am plagued with this consideration as well. Two gf requirements I have are unvaxxed and blue eyes, a compatible personality and all the normal stuff ontop of that just makes finding a wife a near-impossible mission

>> No.20920300

today i started reading fidel castro's autobiography 'my life'
it's a lot longer than i expected but i guess it makes sense, he was a great man

>> No.20920319

I feel about the same, only in the sense that I identify with Homunculus. Imperial hegemony is enjoyable, as prolonged escapist fantasy generally is, whatever one's moral misgivings about it happen to be.

>> No.20920322

While I don't hate transsexuals, I don't understand transsexualism, dysphoria just seems like a mental issue like OCD to me. Like, if I became a girl tomorrow, I'd just learn to deal with it since it doesn't really affect anything in my life other than social issues such as being weaker than the average man and unwanted attention. I wouldn't suddenly feel like I need to cut my boobs off or take hormones. And relationships wouldn't be a problem, I'm already attracted to bisexual women.

If social issues are the reason for transition for many people, then I see that as being even worse because you're not actually wanting to change gender, you just don't want to deal with the problems caused by other people. Except that doesn't make sense because transsexuals are subject to even more hate and disgust than either gender.

>> No.20920330

Adding on to this, why do MTF transexuals get breast implants? Are there not flat-chested women? It seems like a hyper-fixation on appearance like bulimia or something, I've read about many trans people who feel repulsed when they look in the mirror, their jawline and brow "triggers" them. Are there not masculine featured women and feminine featured women? It's not that they want a pussy, it's that their penis repulses them. Why does it repulse them? Do other people's penises repulse them too? Why is this all of a sudden a legitimate mental state and not a disorder? What even is the distinction, because if I had to guess it's not very well defined.

>> No.20920333

*feminine featured men

>> No.20920334

in unrequited love the lover idolizes the beloved and so adopts her attributes/perspectives/tastes and is changed in a radical way, in a one-sided. his beloved becomes a untouchable angelic being who is enbibed with otherworldly (in some sense this is very literally true) knowledge, understanding and thus deserves the power to frame and control outcomes.

now it is up to a magician and his knowledge of desire to assume this place in the mind of others and lure them into this 'trap' until they are cloned in exactly the fashion he would like and respond to exactly the commands he puts forth. That's the ideal but you could see magic as a form of language/conceptual/aesthetic manipulation that allows you to persuade people.

>> No.20920335

It seems that autists on the internet were right once again, 1.5 years ago when they were rolling the first vaccines it felt almost insane to think about the possible consequences of the vaccine that some people were speculating about, but its clear to me now specially after recent news about the Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and vaxxies reporting about side effects and more importantly menstrual and other fertility side effects that could make entire populations sterile because of the vaccine. I'm not a huge Elon Musk fan but I think he is 100% right about the upcoming collapse of civilization due to population collapse which I think will be accelerated 1000x due to the vaccine. My country is 90% vaccinated, if this is really the case then its fucking over....I literally know 0 females who are unvaxxed and I wont risk it with some vaxxie so my children end up with genetic defects or retarded.

>> No.20920338

Me too.
Life would be a lot more tolerable if I didn't feel the constant, ungratifiable urge to fuck every woman who's marginally not too ugly.

>> No.20920346

People with deeper issues in life need something to latch onto, because they don't know how to solve their actual problems, so they will grasp any straw. For some it's religion, to others alcohol and/or drugs, and some get addicted to plastic surgery to the point they don't look human anymore. Current trends placed transsexualism as the magical solution to all problems, with things going so out of hand that even when it's obvious that the patient should rather seek psychological help, they still get surgery both out of greed and fear that accusations of transphobia will start flying and ruin careers.
The fact transsexuals are more hated doesn't matter to them, they found a new purpose in life and a smaller community where they will actually be seen.

>> No.20920349

>Am I bad for still using a Kindle paperwhite and Zippo lighter I found over a decade ago? And using the old Nokia phones I found back then at the time
Yes! You're supposed to try to return them to the owner or turn them in.

>> No.20920365

>The fact transsexuals are more hated doesn't matter to them, they found a new purpose in life and a smaller community where they will actually be seen.

Makes sense. It's interesting to me how body mutilation isn't a difficult barrier to cross for an ideological group; you have the inside out penises and hormone therapy of LGBT culture, as well as the circumcision and castration of world religions.

>> No.20920381

>Why is this all of a sudden a legitimate mental state and not a disorder?
Because pharmaceutical companies discovered that trannies are 100% dependent for the rest of their lives on the products they manufacure. The transexual phenomenon is product of an ultra industrialized hyper capitalist society were companies are able to profit from mentally unstable individuals who want to mutilate themselves and use synthetic hormones to appear as something they are not, ironically many of the trannies are usually communists or marxists when it would be impossible for them to receive their treatments and surgeries if it wasnt for ultra capitalist big pharma and our degenerate corrupted society

>> No.20920387


>> No.20920400

>because Id realize that its been so easy to do so that my heart would be filled with shame and regret
you're denying yourself love because you don't want to find out you were wrong? Sounds like you already do know you're wrong, you're just struggling to let go of your pride or you're afraid to feel like a fraud
Either way we all die in the end, better late than never. I can guarantee you'll be grateful for doing so if you do choose to

Pointless semantics. While we cannot literally do anything such as fly like superman, what we are capable of doing extends far beyond what we believe we are capable of, so believing we can do anything becomes an effective heuristic for risk-taking, "skin-in-the-game" and ultimately happy living.

>> No.20920429

I cant let go of my stupid pride. Its the only thing thats keeping me going even if its a bad way. I'd just descend into bigger depression without it. Im already years behind everyone else.

>> No.20920430
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, bj42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomer metal. I've been revisiting all the classics. I'm all for trying to repopularize this genre among zoomer boys to put some hair on their chests. Music today is so soft and timid and unchallenging . It's not just sissified or poncey. In a way it's dangerous because it curbs your bandwidth of emotions to a tepid range that's sterilized of all the aggression and anti-establishmentarianism that is so called for today. It's a kind of musical disarmament. So I am very much an advocate for metal, not simply as a genre of music but as an ethos, a mindset.

Here's one that makes me think of job interviews which is not unlike being strapped into an electric chair. Also shilling this band because their early stuff is very good but also accessible and entry-level and it's who nonmetal heads think of first.


>> No.20920497

big dicks will rule he world

>> No.20920506

Guns make men weak and cowardly. The fact we live in the most pussified era of recorded human history while simultaneously having the largest distribution of firearms to date proves my thesis.

>> No.20920562

Yo, anon do you like NWOBHM? just listened to Satan and now Witchfynde.

>> No.20920568

try to track down the owners of the phones. imagine how awesome it would be to give them that gift

>> No.20920569

im 28 and i have never worked a full time job for more than a few weeks, and Ive been out of school since 18. its really really really not going well but ive at least found God and stopped being edgy I guess

>> No.20920600

Phaedrus is secretly the best Plato dialogue.

>> No.20920608

The last bit really saddened me, you shouldn't let this God fella crush your youthful spirit.

>> No.20920609

That would be Philebus or Parmenides. Phaedo is commonly touted as one of the best and most poetic.

>> No.20920611

meant Phaedrus of course

>> No.20920624
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People usually write when they're experiencing emotional turmoil, exorcising some fantasy world onto paper, or trying to fully articulate a concept or argument to impress others.

Also what the hell is with all the nihilistically induced depression? If nothing matters, then you can just make up whatever you want and make that matter on a whim. I seriously think people are flat out lying when they claim they believe nothing matters because clearly there is still a chip on their shoulder when you dig a little deeper. Wankers.

>> No.20920636

Why do people draw women with a ramp nose bridge. It looks ugly and retarded.

>> No.20920648

30 year old neet. 4 year job gap. Its terrible.

>> No.20920681

Im terrible at sex and cum way too fast. I cant practice because i dont have sex often and no girl likes it when i cum the moment im inside so they dont stick around. Wtf do i even do.

>> No.20920699

Beat off like 20 minutes before, or date uglier girls.

>> No.20920707

Nick Land schizo meltdown is a memetic hazard, that I underestimated. Fanged Noumena is like a philosophical zip-bomb in my head.

>> No.20920708

I think most guys would be hanging out with the girl 20 minutes before sex, kinda awkward to say "Can I just go and beat off real quick?"

>> No.20920720

Think ill try the first one.
Second option doesnt really work since theres no point in dating uglier girls and i think its a certain pressure of the bagina that makes me cum so fast.

>> No.20920796

Not familiar with Patroen, does this mean the guy gets at least 20 000 € a month to make a video every six months?

>> No.20920826

I got one better for you. I usually can't even get hard but once the inspiration strikes and I somehow get hard I cum in like 6 seconds. For reference I became porn addicted way before I was able to produce sperm. So I've sneaked around to watch tv porn from a very young age. Such a disgusting sad creature i am lol.

>> No.20920830 [DELETED] 

life hack: drink water or coffee or something before so you have to piss. it will increase your stamina. sure, it's a little awkward having to piss, but a lot less awkward than nutting in 3 seconds.

>> No.20920843

Why does /lit/ refuse to actually read Spengler before talking about him?

>> No.20920846 [DELETED] 

isn't it like 2000 pages of speculative nonsense by an amateur historian? that might be why.

>> No.20920849

I've come to realize that there's no point in worrying about whether or not what you do will be great. It's a complete waste of time and energy to feel bad about comparing yourself to the greats of any field. That time and energy would better be spent working hard on the things you care about. If you do the very best you can, greatness either will or won't come of it. Everyone has limitations to their level of talent and skill. You don't have control over any of that, really. It's not up to you to have talent, but it is up to you to choose how hard you want to work on your skill. I'm just gonna work, bros. Fuck the rest.

>> No.20920851

What relevance does the azov symbol have to writing and literature?

>> No.20920855

>Am I bad for still using a Kindle paperwhite and Zippo lighter I found over a decade ago? And using the old Nokia phones I found back then at the time
You're not bad for it, but I once lost my wallet on public transport and it was mailed back to me by a stranger. I don't know who it was but I respected the act a lot and will definitely pay it forward. Take from that what you will.

>> No.20920858

Sounds like you're trapped in hookup culture. Maybe try for a relationship where the girl actually likes you. A girl who loves you will forgive pretty much any physical "failing." If a woman doesn't stick around just because you cum too fast, well, she probably didn't like you much — she just wanted to fuck you. It's kind of like discovering who your friends really are when you're down and out. Find someone who actually likes you, and you'll be able to work on it openly and honestly with a partner instead of a participant in some cynical game where both people just use each other's bodies for sexual release.

>> No.20920876

>It's not up to you to have talent
Why bother getting skill then?

>> No.20920879

There used to be and still are people being experts on things that turn out to be complete bullshit.

>> No.20920892

Why despair over not having "Faustian blood" then lol? I'm not sure if you're the guy but he was definitely looking for excuses to give up. Quite similar to how many of the incels I've met are perpetually looking for cope to justify "laying down and rotting" and not having to give life their best. Like most people here, I'm deeply aware of the race question, but has he never seen a beautiful mosque or temple or poem that's not Faustian in nature? To me, it seems like that navelgazing mindset of always searching for reasons to give up is the natural result of nihilistic western urbanites disconnected from their roots, white or otherwise.

>> No.20920908

Because someone who's worked at something for 20 years will be better than someone who's more talented and barely works at all. This is the one common thread in basically all human endeavors. I know of boxers, writers, painters, sportsballers, programmers, etc., who are all at the top of their fields and have said that they were never the most talented guy around, but they just worked the hardest at whatever it was they were doing and rose to the top.
There's a hard limit to expertise with subjects reliant upon sufficiently chaotic systems. Stock markets, politics, and meteorology are what come immediately to mind. Also, agents/publishers. This is kind of unrelated, but that's how I like to look at the state of publishing right now. Because literature is so financially unpredictable (read: chaotic), publishers have chosen to artificially choose the path of the most predictable results — shitty, simply-written fiction they can release in boatloads for more reliable income.

>> No.20920916

If you lived where I live, you’d be racist too.

>> No.20920922

This existential anger is the only thing keeping me alive even at the price of being a complete failure. I wish I could just resolve it but it feels like I'd be cutting off my own life support.

>> No.20920930

a wide glass filled 3 fingers high with at least %40 liquor consumed within an hour or a large glass of at least %12 wine put down in the same time frame(dont drink the last %5-%10 of the bottle or you will get sediment which is the hangover sludge). after finishing the drink have a large gaterade and after that only drink water. before bed take a 20 mg famotidine to keep from waking up with heart burn. with this method you can avoid hangover 9 times out of 10. it just takes more self control than most people have.

>> No.20920947

They will not look like OP image. They will be overweight, low iq, and obsessed with people politics of your local church

>> No.20920957

If at the 4 year mark you're still not married then I'd consider leaving too

>> No.20920974

Why gatorade and how long have you done this?

>> No.20921009
File: 1.53 MB, 1790x1008, The-Tatami-Galaxy-01.mkv_snapshot_08.05_2016.05.17_11.34.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also are nip cartoons Faustian? I wonder what Breton would think of Kuuchuu Buranko. Or the stylistic genius of Mononoke and its horror without any use of dark colours. Or even pic related.

>> No.20921011

>Also what the hell is with all the nihilistically induced depression? If nothing matters, then you can just make up whatever you want and make that matter on a whim.
I seriously start to doubt the average /wwoym/ poster explores /lit/ outside of their circlejerk general when I read this midwit tripe "nihilism is actually good, you just need to turn your thinking around!" bullshit.

>> No.20921012

I know I’m capable of high performance but haven’t been able to rise above all he crowd so far.

>> No.20921032
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>> No.20921040

Has modern science answered any of the philosophical questions of metaphysics and epistemology?

>> No.20921046
File: 219 KB, 660x817, 1659697782422805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them actually, yep

>> No.20921077

Can you spoonfeed me what this meme means?

>> No.20921105

>Anti-philosophy is an opposition to traditional philosophy. It may be characterized as anti-theoretical, critical of a priori justifications, and may see common philosophical problems as misconceptions that are to be dissolved. Common strategies may involve forms of relativism, skepticism, nihilism, or pluralism.

>Wittgenstein claims that there are no realms of phenomena whose study is the special business of a philosopher, and about which he or she should devise profound a priori theories and sophisticated supporting arguments. There are no startling discoveries to be made of facts, not open to the methods of science, yet accessible "from the armchair" through some blend of intuition, pure reason and conceptual analysis. Indeed the whole idea of a subject that could yield such results is based on confusion and wishful thinking.

>> No.20921116

Wittgenstein sounds like the typical filtered midwit

>> No.20921132

but it's only a paper

>> No.20921133

I'm the guy from the last thread with the FWB who would put her necklace on me to wear whenever we hook up.

Anyways since she stopped doing it I can't stop feeling anxious over it. Im not letting it show or anything and just act the same with her but I can't stop thinking about that first night when I lost my v. How while cuddling she put it on me to wear and just kept randomly kissing my face every now and then and clung on to me until I fell asleep. Should I jokingly ask her why doesn't make me wear it anymore? I really want to know what I did wrong.

I have been really careful too not to spill on how I really feel about her cos I know that shit ruins things so I don't know why she suddenly doesn't let me wear it

If she ever puts it on me should I be honest with her and say that I love her.

>> No.20921139

Sorry anon, you got filtered

>> No.20921143
File: 97 KB, 375x400, 1624872071479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still get carded every time

>> No.20921146 [DELETED] 

By whom?

>> No.20921150
File: 173 KB, 1195x1367, 0d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing

>> No.20921154

So essentially philosophy is just one giant 2000 year linguistic parlor game? I suspected as much. What books should I read on this?

>> No.20921156

No, that was Witty.
>science and maths are self-justifying... because they just are ok!
So then philosophy is self-justifying because it just is
>N-no, you can't just have self-justifying knowledge, only science and maths are allowed to do that! No, intellectual intuition doesn't exist because... It just doesn't!

>> No.20921273

I feel nothing but apathy, I feel dead, as if my soul left my body and I'm just a dead carcass with just a fait conscience

>> No.20921310


>> No.20921316 [DELETED] 


>> No.20921331

>Familiarity breeds contempt.
Religion is boring.

>> No.20921334 [DELETED] 

Josef Goebbels? Josef Goebbels?

>> No.20921356

Do you know how easy it is to draw a conventional Swastika - a universal symbol of peace and good will?
You don’t care about ‘muh optics’ if you’re going to use the same LHP Sigil of Saturn that a mass-murderer used.

>> No.20921360

Paul Joseph Göbbels?

>> No.20921364

You're a fucking cuck man, imagine falling in love with a whore. Get over it and find a woman you can own.

YOU have needs. YOU have wants. Either communicate them clearly and take the appropriate action afterwards or get the fuck out of there. No matter the outcome get away from this cunt and don't ever contact her again. There is no need to sacrifice your emotional wellbeing for access to pussy or for the sake of keeping this cunt comfortable.

>> No.20921414

If any of you out there feel guilty about this, please remember that wasting time endlessly posting on 4chan is a far worse offence

>> No.20921442

I know people making almost double my salary for one quarter the headaches and aggravation. The envy/jealousy makes me want to kill them and myself.

>> No.20921456

They're not 'self-justifying', they demonstrate efficacy via predictive power. Knowledge is either apodictic or consistently predictive; certainty or probability, there are no other options.

>> No.20921462

There was this thread some time ago. Don't remember when it was, maybe a year or two ago. Anyway, this guy posted a screenshot of a conversation he's just had with a girl he met at class. The guy barely knew the girl, but just a few lines into the conversation he asks her something like "what do you aspire to in life" or whatever, something grandiose along those lines. The girl understandably ghosts his ass, and everyone in the thread was bitching about how awful women are, how redpilling this was, etc, and not a single person pointed out how much of a sperg that guy was. Pretty much everyone talking about women and redpills on the internet is like that, an incorrigible smoothbrain with zero self awareness.

>> No.20921464

I need money, but the best paying job I can find is an internship for being a train conductor (80k/yr starting), and it would mean never seeing my family again.

>> No.20921483

Just use lidocaine or something. Not rocket science.

>> No.20921514

What makes you think she's a whore? But I don't know, I always thought our necklace ritual was something special, like why did she start doing it in the first place?

And even without her necklacing me we still always cuddle after so that's got to count for something right? I honestly don't know why it's bothering me or why I miss it so much

>> No.20921532

>girls just wanna have fun

>> No.20921556

most of the effects of hangover are caused by dehydration from the alchahol so the gatorade and the water are there to combat those and the famotidine takes care of the rest. I have been doing it since half way through university so 7 years now about. I also find that white wines and clear liquors can be better since they carry less sedament (tannins, the hangover goop) so you can enjoy a little more of them (and thus get more drunk) without having to increase the amount of rehydration you need. but I like them less.

>> No.20921564

Yes and there's nothing wrong with that. It's a perfectly healthy and based thing to aspire to. Being a stuck up pseud does not make you superior in any way whatsoever.

>> No.20921566 [DELETED] 


>> No.20921573

When there’s a will there’s a way, anon. If they manage to do it, so can you. Making some effort or facing the unknown to get there is better than a life of envy and frustration.
I do believe the opinions of both genders about each other are at an all time low. There’s no way resenting half the world population so much was the norm during most of human history. Also, do people realize how similar the discourse of incels and women bellow fifty is? They bitch, project and generalize. I wonder if that means incels have a feminized conception of relationships or are just the men most vulnerable to the current gender relations zeitgeist.
>train conductor
Sounds comfy. Can’t you do it for some time and then jump into another thing? I do sympathize with no wanting to leave your family, but perhaps one year living on your own, learning new things and traveling would do you good.
While I don’t 100% agree with the anon you are quoting, he is right about you neglecting yourself emotionally as a way to avoid bothering her. Also, he is calling her a whore because, as you said, you are friends with benefit - that implies she’s fucking other men besides you.

>> No.20921576

hit up helloween next. and of corse queensryche. love that shit brudda

>> No.20921579

>The girl understandably ghosts his ass
What? Why? It is a completely normal question. She could have just said "I don't know" or "nothing". The guy was lucky that he didn't have to waste any more time with a person that leaves over such a pointless question like that.

>> No.20921581

what about it is gnawing at you anon? should I read it?

>> No.20921601

It does not seem right to think of myself as human, nor does it seem right to think that when other people meet me they meet a person. The face in the mirror does not look like someone I imagine I am. I just feel like I am a constant flow of information and meek parrying until I can be alone with my thoughts. When I imagine that it is the person in the mirror interacting with the world, that he is who people know, this does not seem correct. He is quite handsome, could be quite impressive even. Nothing of what I am seems to have anything to do with that.

>> No.20921603 [DELETED] 

Chimps' gone

>> No.20921605

interactions are now stylized from porn. no one is a human being, you shouldn't expect a human being. there is no future.

>> No.20921616
File: 207 KB, 540x810, 1640119988780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a short while I wrestled with the idea that I had become radicalized by my time online and the world we live in. This changed as i began reading. I have no hate for life, nor do I wish to inflict harm or suffering on those around me. I have no compulsions or desires beyond what would he reasonably expected of a healthy, adult male. I am about to move in to a house with the woman I am utterly devoted to and she to me. We are about to begin a family together and begin a life together in the countryside. I have never been happier. Nor have I been in better mental or physical shape in my life. That said, I will profess to be a National-Socialist, I credit this with my success. I abhor pop culture, mass media and democracy.

Are there people like me anywhere?

>> No.20921622

>It's a perfectly healthy and based thing to aspire to.

>> No.20921628 [DELETED] 


>> No.20921644
File: 145 KB, 683x1024, pol-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun does not sustain a life with meaning. Fun can make a good life better, but as a means on its own it becomes hollow, sad and gradually uninteresting. Duty, to a family of your own, is the ultimate reward. Not God, not fun, not money. This is true for man and woman.

>> No.20921670

you will never be whitey

>> No.20921679

I don't think kids today understand at all that before the internet consuming porn would have been a relatively extraordinary event. Not completely so, but still. I wouldn't guess that most men did it very regularly because you had to actually physically purchase a physical product, and it's seedy and shameful. The trenchcoat-wearing sexshop weirdo was a trope in popular culture as late as 25 years ago. Now that's everyone.

>> No.20921690

Found out last week that my wife has been cheating on me with other women. How do I cope?

I always knew she was bi but I honestly thought it was just a phase from our youth to look cool but I saw some damning texts where this girl she was hooking up with was saying how she loved her. The positive though i guess is she rejected her and texted back she doesn't feel the same and that she only loves me and that they should stop seeing each other. When I confronted her about it she didn't deny it, started crying and spilled. Without any real probing she admitted she had only done it with girls (she admitted to 4) and said that it was only ever sex and nothing more and that she only loves me and how I'm the love of her life blah blah blah.

When I asked her why, she said there is nothing wrong with me or our marriage or our sexlife and that she loves the life we built but she is still attracted to women too.

Where do I even go from here? She's begging me not to leave her and kept reiterating that the sex meant nothing to her. We do have a good life together and we have 4 kids and I basically haven't had to work ever since we started having kids since I'm a stay at home dad now because she always made more money and her family comes from money. We went away together as a family on the weekend which was nice and made me remember why I love her so much. I think I accidentally made her paranoid though because I made a comment about Kirsten Dunst looking way more attractive nowadays despite "technically being hotter" when she was younger. And suddenly now shes going to be taking the rest of the week and following 3 weeks off work with no real plans.

What do you think? Is it less bad cos it's girls?

>> No.20921699

if i was you i'd ask her if she could also put some of her clothes on me before cunnilingus

>> No.20921714
File: 114 KB, 674x1024, 1622053090996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave her the moment your youngest child is eighteen. Write down why you are leaving her, what you felt and what it did to you. Because she hurt you, does not mean you can willfully inflict damage on your children, broken homes make damaged children. Give them a stable childhood and teenage years, then you leave. Remain cordial and polite but not affectionate or loving towards her. Sleep in different beds if you must but ensure it goes no further. Make arrangements for your future now and ensure your children grow up well and with every advantage. Do not tell her you plan to leave until minutes before you do.

Good luck anon, it saddens me this happened to you.

>> No.20921719

Use this to fuck other, younger women with her and have a good time until the inevitable split

>> No.20921722

I am extremely prejudiced against people that say they're not racist. It's no different from saying you're a brainwashed idiot and proud of it.
If you were dumb enough to think BLM was a positive thing you're not fit for any society. Communities with you in it will never work.

>> No.20921730

you should confirm its all girls. IMO its basically inconsequential if this is the fact. It's the psychological effects of penetration by another man that you should be worried about not this clumsy, dick-less sex.

>> No.20921731

Most people are not responsible for their beliefs. Would you get mad at a little kid for watching Yu Gi Oh: Bakugan Metal X Wars (Armenian dub) for ten hours a day while shooting Beyblades all over the floor and screaming that this is how he wants to live for the rest of his life? No, you would blame the parents and, if he were related to you, start stomping on his Beyblades and try to rescue him. But you can't rescue everybody. Some bitch working in a grocery store literally has a Hallmark movie's worth of cultural reference points in her head + a list of restaurants she likes going to. It's a blind spot of autism to think everybody likes thinking and being held accountable for dumb thoughts as much as you do. Most people are just shooting Beyblades and waiting until they can go to restaurant.

>> No.20921733
File: 178 KB, 451x604, 1623767609077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to cut out coffee for a month. That means I'll also avoid coke and other carbonated drinks that contain caffeine.
It's my first day without coffee and I basically passed out in the afternoon

>> No.20921735

oh no. its da sickness

>> No.20921745
File: 7 KB, 250x206, 1661907083187617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thread I post in dies immediately and sinks like a brick. It was like this on old message boards I used to post on too.

>> No.20921746

ask her if she'd be into trannies

>> No.20921750

>she admitted to 4
>sex meant nothing to her.

>> No.20921754

kill your whole family and then yourself. the only thing that is going to come out of an environment as you described are four maladjusted adults that think its ok betray their partner as long as what they did "meant nothing to them." as if that doesnt make it worse. It meant nothing to her but she knew it would mean something to you... and she still did it. only trash comes from trash friend. Im sorry to hear this happened to you anon.

>> No.20921758

>I basically haven't had to work ever since we started having kids
Keep this marriage together at all costs! And get another kid in her asap!

>> No.20921761

>Would you get mad at a little kid
Yes. That kid is a brainwashed idiot and so are you. What deranged instinct in you causes you to defend the destruction of that child? How are you so fucked in the head that you actually preach to others the value of complicity in the destruction of everything good like the mind of a child based on your own miserable conditioned apathy?
You retards always reliably go way further with the mindless retardation than I can imagine. Fuck you, it's not the fault of someone else, it's your fault. You personally are responsible for all of it.

>> No.20921764

kek this he's a made man

>> No.20921767

Has there ever been a well-adjusted chad author who has written a work of lasting value?

>> No.20921769

I am extremely prejudiced against people that say they're racist. It's no different from saying you're a brainwashed idiot and proud of it.
If you were dumb enough to think the third ryche was a positive thing you're not fit for any society. Communities with you in it will never work.

>> No.20921779

Where is that pic from?

>> No.20921780

Brainwashed retard actively defends brainwashing and not thinking as if it's not just normal but desirable.
In what world should you not be angry that the brain of that kid has been made into useless anime mush? What the fuck is wrong with you retards?
This is the standard propaganda position promoted at great cost by megacorporations. Repeating it with nothing added or any deviation demonstrates you're a brainwashed retard. You can't think and don't even want to try.

>> No.20921789

you are both brainwashed idiots, you have just been convinced of two wrong ideologies. the only true ideology is that all people, regardless of skin color, religion or gender, suck ass. Their hasnt been a single good person in the history of people. humanity was a mistake made by a mad god of consumption and deification. and no community will ever work as long as it is made up of citizens.

>> No.20921796

I didn't present an ideology you illiterate brainwashed shithead. Your post is yet another example of a retard offering excuses for why it's good and right to be a brainwashed retard incapable of thinking about any subject.

>> No.20921799

This is the standard propaganda position promoted at great cost by rich plantation owners. Repeating it with nothing added or any deviation demonstrates you're a brainwashed retard. You can't think and don't even want to try.

>> No.20921804

You have never seen anything good because you're surrounded by idiots like you. Claims like this will always be based on projection.
You don't even notice how braindead your posts are. What plantation owner ever said BLM is a tool of corporations? I'm not even promoting "racism" but you're too braindead to conceive of a difference between criticizing your brainwashing and promoting the "opposing" one. You can't think.

>> No.20921806
File: 467 KB, 512x512, A_portrait_of_Nietzsche_holding_a_book__The_room_is_painted_in_a_neon_color_scheme_3p63xbddz3cg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you should stay together.

>> No.20921812

I really need to do the same. I cant function without caffeine.

>> No.20921823

How do you stop yourself from murder in a situation like this?

>> No.20921828

by realizing that it's a fictional story.

>> No.20921835

I can't function at any appreciable level without caffeine.

>> No.20921837

why are we this way?

>> No.20921842

nobody's into trannies, not even other trannies

>> No.20921844

>What plantation owner ever said BLM is a tool of corporations?
colonel sanders

>> No.20921846

Woke up at 11 AM. Spent two and a half hours browsing the web in bed, ZeroHedge, a few journalist/scientist Twitter accounts, excess mortality statistics, Hacker News, UFO subreddit, one anime Youtuber, also posted on /lit/. Then I went into my parents' garden and spent an hour lying in the sun while listening to ContraPoints JK Rowling video (basically trans propaganda) and a John Searle lecture titled The Logical Structure of Human Civilization. Then I went into the kitchen and prepared Thai style chicken with ribbon noodles (skipped breakfast), after which I spent more time browsing in bed. Then I jerked off, read something on the internet, after which I composed this post while thinking about taking a nap (it's now 6 PM).

>> No.20921855

My fiancée sent pics of me to her mega slut friend / coworker last night and has told me at least five times this morning that her friend thinks I'm hot and that she wants me. I told my fiancée a while back to find a third for her to tag team on my dong with but I wasn't expecting this chick.
Ehhhh, Idk. Maybe if she proves a clean bill of health she can be a Maybe.

>> No.20921882

Because caffeine addiction is real. Caffeine has its uses but lets not be a slave to it.

>> No.20921929

but why we are addicted to it?

>> No.20921938

My layman understanding with coffee or caffeine is that it affects our concentration in our brain in such a way that you get to think more 'linearly'. i.e. focus harder on a singular topic/subject. When we no longer have caffeine affecting us, we become more distracted hence we desire more coffee to get back to that level of concentration.

>> No.20921942
File: 37 KB, 446x432, 1659070221638687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ritual and habit, switch to tea anon.

>> No.20921951

I ask girls questions like that all the time. It works if you're charismatic and charming.

>> No.20921979

that sounds awfully similar to ADHD. maybe people with such traits are more prone to stimulant addiction.

>> No.20922020

alex jones is

>> No.20922077

>Pointless semantics. While we cannot literally do anything such as fly like superman, w
Thats not at all what I was implying you fucking retard. Your economic station in life is largely set by birth

>> No.20922080

this anon knows da truph

>> No.20922087

Thats because you're gay

>> No.20922089

unless you are wealthy. then it is pretty easy to gain or lose wealth and thus station.

>> No.20922093

I want immortality and omniscience

>> No.20922100

I wish I was a 5'5

If I could be anything it would be
A vampire loli
A tiny woman
A tiny twink

>> No.20922133

Why are Silicon Valley software engineers admired but Wall Street investment banking analysts and private equity associates are loathed?

>> No.20922141

>Your economic station in life is largely set by birth
Our nature is set by birth, our ability to learn etc. Our economic station is relatively flexible in comparison yet something about the way you think makes you focus on that as some great injustice. You resent opportunities because they're reminders of how useless you are.

>> No.20922145

>being a sperg is bad.
>you have to be exactly as your social surroundings are.

>> No.20922149

In America at least, it seems to be more likely set by your performance in high school. If you're an elite high school student, you can, of course, enter an elite University, and from there an elite profession, which pretty much locks you into the lower end of the upper-class or better income.

>> No.20922156

why are you making these retarded assumptions? silicon valley drones are constantly mocked.

>> No.20922162

people shit on techbros all the time.

>> No.20922165

They're considered geeks and nerds, not evil.

>> No.20922182


>> No.20922188

Almost certainly so. ADHD isn't real, its a broad descriptor of behavioral traits with a wide variety of psychological and pathological causes, and I wouldn't be surprised to see that it correlates heavily with caffeine and other stimulant addictions.

>> No.20922201

I'm 26, 6'3, ugly, fat and 57 hours into a water fast. Can I fix myself fast enough to be able to make up for missed out experiences with (young) women and settle down with a virgin?

>> No.20922207 [DELETED] 

This is a literature board, people.

>> No.20922214

Might be silly but I actually prefer this new wignat takeover of /lit/ as opposed to the hylic gaytheists we had for a while. Just please don't fedpost.

>> No.20922219

Supposedly stimulants have a sort of reverse effect on people with ADHD. Coffee slightly improves physical results like running but not IQ or anything needing real mental focus.
It's probably all disruptive, the perceived focus is from a backlash from the disruption. Nicotine is special, it's an actual stimulant, the mechanisms that lead to action become stimulated. You feel the need to do something, usually to smoke more but still, that's interacting more directly with the system instead of disrupting it.

>> No.20922220 [DELETED] 

Any ID sir?

>> No.20922222

Yes. You are young enough to bag college aged women but old enough that they will automatically like you. Stop being gay.

>> No.20922230

Wow great psychological profile, Freud. Hope you're comfortable in that armchair

>> No.20922234
File: 32 KB, 554x554, 1660433878835061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My name is Henry Krinkle. K-R-I-N-K-L-E. 154 Hopper Avenue.

>> No.20922235

Show nose

>> No.20922247

Out of curiosity: What about that post made you associate it with wignats?

>> No.20922249

I know I'm not accurate. Every post retards like you make is dumber than I could have predicted so I'm giving you way too much credit with my "profiles":

>> No.20922275

Maybe I read too much into it.

>> No.20922292

>While Duchamp's ideas could be seen as jokes or as a way to disturb the established norms or the art system, this was quickly subverted by a money system that made a much more profitable business (and possible money laundering
Anon, Duchamp's readymades were about this problem already present in the system. Around about Manet is when western art has a sudden shift, but it's not the shift you're describing. Art has always been about who could make or pay for it, but with Manet and Courbet artists started to realize you could paint that relationship as directly onto the canvas as you liked and nobody could chop your head off for it anymore. The shift was that you could publicly show the general population the corruption of power and the money would keep rolling in because the public no longer felt barred from power by anything but money.
>tl;dr once everyone can afford their own personal porn stash of pictures, nobody cares how skilled your depiction of the rape of Europa is unless they're into bestiality too

>> No.20922295

If you wanna get laid or succeed in life or whatever then you have to meet people halfway through. You have every right not to do that and to scorn society from your lofty solitude as an enlightened aristocrat of the soul, just don't cry about it when people fail to conform to how you would like them to be. You can't have it both ways.

Yeah sure. But going immediately from "hey what's up" to "what do you aspire to as a person" with a girl you've just met at class is a giga sperg level of social obliviousness. It's desperate, unnatural, tryhard, and shows how badly maladjusted you are. Can't think of a more obvious way to signal that you've googled "how talk to girls" before striking that conversation.

>> No.20922335

You didn't. That's why I asked

>> No.20922346 [DELETED] 

Are those bangers ready yet, Turkish?

>> No.20922489

my point was that you are a sperg in your own way. (you have to be like society is.) individuality and a sense of self is nothing to you

>> No.20922514

>you have to meet people halfway
What men are currently doing is starting from multiple successive generations of meeting women halfway while women don't meet them halfway, so they meet them halfway from halfway to nothing, then halfway from halfway from halfway to nothing, until they cover 99.5% of the distance on their own and still beg women to take a single step in their direction, and they'd still be willing to call that "meeting halfway."

Most men are psychologically warped and practically turned inside out by this without knowing it, so it's not surprising that you parse reality itself as one long gauntlet of "am I being acceptable to any dopey women who might be watching and could sleep with me maybe?" But try living truly sexbrain-free for ONE WEEK. Live as if you're an 18th century man who has a wife and children at home and gives less than a shit about women at all by default. You may be surprised at the difference.

Men of past ages would find it terrifying how much we have introjected "w-would a 21 year old girl think what I'm doing is nifty?" Who gives a fuck. Do what is right, do what will make other men respect you and garner you friends and colleagues. Live without fear of pussy for one week and you may find that some guy asking "so what are your ambitions in life" is not that far-fetched. Shit tests are not the normal state of affairs for human beings socializing. Indifference, baseline friendliness, and mutual respect are. Turning society into a hypergamous porn-saturated chimp harem acquisition competition has fucked people's priorities up.

>> No.20922528

>Turning society into a hypergamous porn-saturated chimp harem acquisition competition has fucked people's priorities up.
is there a solution to this?

>> No.20922534

yo! a krinkle post?! in 2022?! no way!

>> No.20922536

>meeting women halfway while women don't meet them halfway, so they meet them halfway from halfway to nothing, then halfway from halfway from halfway to nothing, until they cover 99.5% of the distance on their own and still beg women to take a single step in their direction
Is this Zenos paradox? Is this what it means to B.E. yourself?

>> No.20922537

What board is that from? /mu/? Never heard of it.

>> No.20922549

the taxi driver wojack should have given it away but I was definitely seeing it on lit back in 2017-2018

>> No.20922551

>don't cry about it when people fail to conform to how you would like them to be.
Weren't you saying that some "incel" ought not to have asked a femoid college student what her long term aspiration is?
I'm sensing some woman's logic here.

>> No.20922586

Because of reddit I'm now addicted to porn and go on the porn subreddits everyday, even at work. Going to go on reddit now to view some more porn. I feel like half the person I used to be

>> No.20922598

... Coffee wouldn't increase IQ anyways. That's not how IQ works.

>> No.20922607

in this day and age it is pretty normal

>> No.20922616

>You have to
Stopped reading there

This basically all boils down to you feeling offended

>> No.20922656
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>> No.20922669

book on how to kill yourself

>> No.20922689

What kind of porn?I always hear about these people saying they kept searching for more and more depraved fetishes etc. as time went on. Meanwhile i still only watch softcore pics of cute women with big tits as i did when i was 12.

>> No.20922691
File: 58 KB, 200x212, 38e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of my hard work is finally starting to come together.

Let's hope we make it bros

>> No.20922708

Thats what you get for being a redditor

>> No.20922710

This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, naughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.
People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in engaging in any sort of discussion; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.
This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.
I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave this website. Do anything else.

>> No.20922712

next step is gooner cave

>> No.20922713 [DELETED] 
File: 2.48 MB, 1817x1176, lit-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

National-Socialism can fix that. If you want it, if not you will slowly sink in to a pit of your own making.

You should do it.

>> No.20922721

Ive actually receieved a lot of good book recs here. Plus, effortposters have actually helped me understand philosophy I was struggling with and saved my ass on a couple of essays. The value of this board is largely contingent on how you use it

>> No.20922723

So you’re from re**it.
Ah, no. You’re from 4chan (you get just as much porn here) and you just can’t help advertising for them with fake stories.

>> No.20922726

Really amuses me to see the lasting influence Iron March has had

>> No.20922731
File: 74 KB, 428x640, 1659624140831478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noble soul. Salute. I don't know why I keep coming back here -- time spent on /lit/ really is empty time, and the good posts only act as reminders of the kinds of things you should be pursuing elsewhere.

>> No.20922743

same here. i always felt i was kind of bad because of this. also, all my partners always tell me how fast i hard on just for seeing them naked. im just a fucking teenager at heart.

>> No.20922749
File: 29 KB, 381x382, b51986fd64fef87b8adcd363a3996fdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about the bhagavad gita is natsoc? I thought its just some hindu text

>> No.20922782
File: 1.59 MB, 1008x760, lit-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have not read that one, Pagan Imperialism is a big read. Id recommend National-Socialism: The Biological Worldview, Mein Kampf and Kurt Eggers. Between the three I found sufficient motivation to change for the better.

>> No.20922809

Some e-fascists in the 2010s came up with a weird perennialist philosophy, largely derived from how Evola and Guenon took inspiration from Hinduism. Thats where the "surf the kali yuga" meme came from

>> No.20922817 [DELETED] 

>For Aristotle

The real question to ask is, how is democracy possible for YOU? :)

>> No.20922835

Dear Jannies and moderators

Can you see what leaving Nazis paraphernalia up leads to? We’ve had years pushed up close to these edgy twits. You KNOW how they behave. They have their board. Delete or move threads to their appropriate places whenever you feel like it. Please.

>> No.20922841

I can see you desire a well curated forum which caters to your specific worldview. I suggest you leave for (or more likely, return to) reddit or twitter where Nazis are disallowed outright.

>> No.20922842

I'm with you but, at the same time, it's 4chan. It comes with the territory. The problem is a lack of other forums.

>> No.20922847

Wrong website

>> No.20922859

Literature isn’t a worldview. It is a varied hobby.
Your politics has been over represented here as it is.
Leave the literature board for your own board, which I do not even visit.

They have their other forum, but they seek to infest them all of course

>> No.20922874
File: 138 KB, 539x1024, pol-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read anon has problem on lit
>remain silent while others recommend books that helped them
>those are the wrong books
>those books are dangerous
>dont read those books
>jannies, their reading the wrong books


>> No.20922887

The nazi anon has been reccomending literature though. So why are you seething?

>> No.20922888

Being opposed to fascism is - obviously - not incompatible with knowing that teens and young men often feel comforted by fascist ideas.

>> No.20922898

>Can you see what leaving Nazis paraphernalia up leads to?
Indeed it's a sad reminder of the state of the world how many braindead commie propaganda responses it triggers. Some of these retards are even actively celebrating censorship based on ideology judged by a central committee.

>> No.20922901
File: 559 KB, 1100x1100, lit-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would it matter what you are opposed to? Men of all ages find comfort, and more importantly motivation and support, in the ideas in those dangerous books.

>> No.20922908
File: 537 KB, 669x669, 20210812_141024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you see what leaving Nazis paraphernalia up leads to?

Better mental health and pride in ones physical appearance.

>> No.20922912

>self proclaimed anarchist once again begging unelected unrepresentative authority figures to censure things she doesn't like

>> No.20922916

Racism is against the rules here. It’s allowed on /b/. Yes, many of their books are specifically racist.
Don’t like the rules? Petition for them to be revoked and 4chan can become the new stromfront, safe space for chuds worldwide. Drive away all the literature people

>> No.20922923

>why yes, I’m completely unfamiliar with anarchist theory

>> No.20922927

>don't like the rules saying the king decides everything? petition him to revoke them
"anarchist" lol

>> No.20922933

hello butters why did you greentext that? atleast you're being honest for a change

>> No.20922936

You're the real racist. Nationalism is for everyone, by trying to limit the access of developing countries to information you're attempting to control their development in a way that suits you and your economic interests.

>> No.20922950

Hey folks, I'm the anon who wants Nazism banned. I should add that I'm trans and my very existence feels threatened when I see posts promoting Nazism. It's not okay y'all

>> No.20922982 [DELETED] 


>> No.20923009

I don't care, the larpers keep the sōy away. That's good enough for me.

>> No.20923020

>nazis are an endangered species!
In Ukraine

>> No.20923023

Hanska. Courted by Balzac for 20 years, even though she was married to someone else.
Why must our relationships be so stale, boring, why must we fall for mundane people?
Why did you prefer your ugly, vague polyamorous friend?
Maybe I'm not as interesting as I think myself to be. Maybe I do want too much.
It doesn't matter anyway. Most people end up settling for a boring, uninteresting love affair.

>> No.20923031

The jannylover is now posting in every other thread, book related or not asking jannies to delete. These are the kinds of people that actually become jannies.

>> No.20923048

>developing countries
We usually don’t like modernism/pomo/progressive liberalism around here.
This is why you people have your own board.
>nationalism is for everyone
No, it’s only for the top brass and the corporatists.
There are milder forms of nationalism than nazism, but they all lead to destabilized countrysides through wars, increased diseases, and famines. Death and destruction. Not culture and refinement. That’s the party they throw in celebrating their wars. You misunderstand history’s lessons

>> No.20923051

Thats hilarious

>> No.20923057

>your own board
Oh yes, I forgot about /nazi/

>> No.20923064

Abandon thread, goys.

>> No.20923067
File: 79 KB, 1024x512, 31804A88-B1F4-4DBA-BE38-F601AC4BA4D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread

>> No.20923077

There's nothing I can say to you, even if I try working from the premises you yourself give. You aren't interested in reality, thinking or anything but spreading propaganda about things you think you have all figured out but spent not even a second actually thinking sincerely about.
You already revealed that you're not interested in thinking, you want to forcefully remove the mention of ideas that contradict your ideological presuppositions. You're actively opposed to the process of thinking.

>> No.20923100
File: 667 KB, 846x654, 1654203176333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look jannies i made a new thread so you can purge this one.

>> No.20923183

Everything I wrote there is the truth. Reality unfolded after much reading. Your defensive remarks aren’t accurate in the least. Start with Ted Kaczynski. Maybe he can talk some sense into you.
I have other books to suggest, but I wonder how open you are to learning

>> No.20923197

Not ringing a bell. Obscure meme
I remember a song with some soundbite with a guy promoting “the Kinkles” but poorly. Some memes are just such nonsense.

>> No.20923411

>Everything I wrote there is the truth
I know you believe that which is what makes you so incredibly braindead, you think of these propaganda points as holy dogma that can't be questioned which is the point of the post you're replying to.
>everything productive is bad, censorship, violence and refusing to think are the ways to avoid famine. To really celebrate life start by reading the thoughts of this deranged nihilistic murdering netflix hero everyone on the planet has read.

>> No.20923443

It's literally just a scene from Taxi Driver.

>> No.20923549

naw man. go read up on it. You're the one being braindead here.
Not into anti-tech, back to nature kinds of things, okay. But there's no "propaganda" but grassroots folks changing their minds about the technical state and the mere idea of "racial purity".
I get it. you like white people. black people are too loud and smell funny. okay. but fascists are trash

>> No.20923697
File: 373 KB, 640x1138, erika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is OP

>> No.20923716
File: 752 KB, 1021x680, 1649400415703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is (You)

>> No.20923732

>I get it. you like white people. black people are too loud and smell funny
You don't get anything. Like I already said there's nothing I can say to you, it's an impenetrable wall of retardation. I just talked about black nationalist but you completely ignore what's said and continue on in your constructed fantasy world.

>> No.20924107

can someone give me a tl;dr on this thread pls

>> No.20924113

Read it.

>> No.20924148

nigger please

>> No.20924261

Chuds On Parade. A Mini-pol Invasion

>> No.20924278

sounds like a mission form Tropico 4! hope they succeeded!

>> No.20924379
File: 1.01 MB, 1810x1116, 1632035930980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>humble bragging how long his fast is
you're like those dolled up whores on social media that cry about having "depression" but in retard 4channer form

>> No.20924595

In turning /lit/ into pol? No, just made a mess of things. Fucking trolls

>> No.20924661
File: 224 KB, 657x527, 1649467089340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucktarded leftists once again proving their extreme fragility by getting upset over a harmless picture of two white people in love and crying NAZIS NAZIS NAZIS to the jannies.

>> No.20924852

>Black Sun
Totally not Nazi

>> No.20925068

I'm a 30 year old virgin and a faliure at life. I still live at home with parents and cant seem to hold on a job for long.

I've already accepted the fact that I'll probably die alone and miserable and the only thing that brings me Joy will be the nostalgia of my childhood.