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20884660 No.20884660 [Reply] [Original]

Name a bigger overrated hack

>> No.20884738


>> No.20884746


>> No.20884756

Just look at this asshole with his Indian clothing and tobacco pipe. This is a man that never got challenged in his easy comfortable life and instead got praised like a Rock star by retarded College kids

Anyways who is this guy?

>> No.20884783

Nabokov, his works are overly ironic and academic, no soul or substance to speak of, only pretty words written in flashily quaint way to draw attention.

>> No.20884800 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20884808

Russell Crowe

>> No.20884889

Name a nigger, overrated hack

>> No.20885189

It's Alan Watts ya dumb cunt
click the "googool" button next to the picture
fucking ay

>> No.20885195

Robert anton Wilson is way worse. Watts at least had a pleasing voice

>> No.20885229
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>that never got challenged in his easy comfortable life
Duuurhuuuur dis nigga never had it HARD. Only real niggas who had it HARD understand life.
It's all so tiresome

>> No.20885508

He was born a richfag who never worked a day in his life but shat on wageys anyways. He then made millions selling his self-help books.

>> No.20885517

>made money doing what he loved
>fucked lots of bitches
>died of alcoholism

pretty based ngl

>> No.20885525
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You forgot the part where he mocks wageys and they still give him their money

>> No.20885530

He killed Hunter Thomason’s deer


>> No.20885776


>> No.20886087

imagine being filtered even by watts, anyway the answer is carl jung, freud, nietzsche, heidegger, schopenhauer, hegel etc.

>> No.20886132

Hack or no, i do enjoy listening to his lectures from time to time. You can just HEAR the bitches in the background getting wet off this guys words.

>> No.20886136

And thrn Hunter Thompson kiled himself


>> No.20886194

lol op whered you get this pic of walter white! i havent seent his 1 b4! BITCH

>> No.20886224


>> No.20886534

Imagine being such a try-hard contrarian that you pretend Jordan Peterson's precursor was profound.

>> No.20886540

Don't cast your bait net so wide, anon

>> No.20886542
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>Alan Watts is more insightful than Carl Jung and Nietzche

>> No.20886544


>> No.20886555

Alan Watts was literally Jordan Peterson but for retarded hippie boomers who just wanted to smoke pot and not work. He has holds zero substance and to be frank I think he was just a pretentious swindler that became filthy rich by selling this spiritual guru front