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/lit/ - Literature

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20859807 No.20859807 [Reply] [Original]

Every year I poll the literature class I teach to gather evidence for a theory I have on race, class, neurodiversity, and literary taste. Here are this year's results.

The survey is voluntary and the results are of course anonymous, before anyone tries to get me fired. All of terminology except for class is chosen by the student, hence we see some non-standard racial and ethnic classifications.

>> No.20859852

What a fucking disgrace to Latinos these fools are. AJ Baime as their favorite author? Who the fuck is that nobody? This has to be a larp.

>> No.20859858

It's not a larp, I had never heard of Baime either, but it tracks with that student being a massive car enthusiast.

>> No.20859956

#124 is based beyond all belief

>> No.20859961

Very interesting. Can you post the full data? What conclusions have you made from it?

>> No.20859985

Is the Chekhov-loving Anglo-American depressed rich woman any hot?

>> No.20859989

Honestly the most interesting thing about this data is that you somehow don't have any white males below upper-class. Maybe white male privilege was real all along.

>> No.20859991

>that jewess identifying as white

>> No.20859999

It’s a fairly elite school. Every white man here is paying full tuition with some exception for athletic scholarships. They are from wealthier backgrounds as a result.

>> No.20860013
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Yes. She reminds me of Sargent’s Lady Agnew

>> No.20860024

What's the theory?

>> No.20860032

Surprisingly diverse. How's life teaching literature? Would you recommend it? I've had it on my mind ever since I read Stoner.

>> No.20860050

You have to invite six of these students to a dinner party. Who do you select?

>> No.20860114

Perfection. How old is she?

>> No.20860120

It’s a class of sophomores and juniors and she’s not a non-traditional student. You do the math.

>> No.20860168

I guess 18 or 19. God bless her.

>> No.20860271

Euro trash detected.

>> No.20860714

>identify your race as Jewish: confirm that "nazi myth" that jews are a race
>identify as white: throw in your lot with a group that your college student peers see as evil
That's a tough one

>> No.20860741

>that you see as evil*

>> No.20860753

some of these sound like caricatures
the chekhov chick is the only good one

>> No.20860759

holy based marquez kween

>> No.20860760

They're undergrads anon. They are self-made caricatures in many ways, I'm sure most of them (the chicks especially) got their taste from a light/dark academia tumblr.

>> No.20860851

>your prof (non hab. probably not even PhD.) is a /lit/ bro
id kill muself most likely desu.

>> No.20860855

okay result id no. 1

>> No.20861087

Affirmative action

>> No.20861108

>doesn’t use proper punctuation
jesus christ

>> No.20861119

>national identity

>> No.20861160

A being of the void

>> No.20861164

White people be like
Black people be like

>> No.20862669

They see themselves as part of a broader black nation, but neither American nor African.

>> No.20862690

What's your biggest takeaway from this survey?

>> No.20862726

Dios mio...

>> No.20862744

That's exactly the opposite. Only very upper class white males make it to "elite" schools because of affirmative action and having to actually pay the meme higher education prices.

>> No.20862747

A fantasy land call'd Wakanda

>> No.20862760
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>disgrace to Latinos

>> No.20862762

I can assign absolutely random IDs ranging from 1 to 460 to fourteen students of a "class of the same year" and not a single soul will question it

>> No.20862769


>> No.20862772
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>the only normal white American guy likes Tom Clancy
>the non-binary negress doesn't believe she's mentally ill
>chinese kid likes generic American great
>bpd bitch likes emily bronte
>that depressed rich Anglo checkov qt

>> No.20862777

I don’t think that’s their student ID. If he used a survey tool properly configured for anonymity it would have assigned random IDs to the responses, which is what appears to have happened.

>> No.20862781

>Dickens is American
kek do burgers really...?

>> No.20862785

meant to say Anglo. Seems very stereotypical to me that the Chinese kid would choose one of the greatest authors of all time as his favorite, especially one that is widely read in primary schools. At least with someone like Dostoevsky it's an author that he likely did not read in primary school and had to go out of his way to read.

>> No.20862826

I hope you are automatically docking three full letter grades for every single 370 you come across.

>> No.20862860

I mean it's a poor person who likes an author who wrote about social inequality and poor people. I don't think Dickens is read in primary schools modernly. Maybe a watered down version.

>> No.20862924

I went to a normal middle class public high school less than a decade ago and we read Great Expectations. American primary school education covers some of the more well known English authors like Dickens, Shakespeare, Orwell, Tolkein etc

>> No.20862929

>I went to a normal middle class public high school
You said primary school but alright.

>> No.20862939
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yeah that's why you see "Black" instead of "black" a lot of the times now, because Black is supposed to indicate this kind of new national identity that is neither fully American or African

>> No.20863012

A sophomore or junior would be aged 20-21, 19 is possible but rare.

>> No.20863105

124, 412, 63, 347, 120, 56

>> No.20863126

>psychotic depression
Checks out

>> No.20863143
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>> No.20863266

It's entirely within the realm of possibility that he teaches 5 or 6 instances of an English Lit class with 70-100 people each. Hell, could be more students, I've seen 140+ lectures.
Or the obvious potential that the numbers are random and someone happened to roll a 1.

>> No.20863300

Show us some polls from previous years.

>> No.20863311

You're a maniac and I don't get what point you're trying to prove. But the 'Adult Child of Alcoholics'/'John le Carre' combo is getting me good.

>> No.20863339

It's not supernatural, it's a subhuman feeling

>> No.20863350

Oh boy, seen a bunch of those in a Russian uni, but your dang leftist brainrot got the best of'em in the end

>> No.20863415

>Adult Child of Alcoholics'/'John le Carre' combo is getting me good.
I mean viscerally I get it - it's a great pairing, but I can't put my finger on why it works.

>> No.20864062

Him and 124 need to pair off. I mean they would ultimately die in some final melodramatic joint suicide but they might produce some decent art prior to that.

>> No.20864509

number one is unequivocally based

>> No.20864527

Zomg let's ship it!!!

>> No.20864539

I thought Americans ended high school at age 18 and immediately went to college. Do they wait two years?

>> No.20864553

College first years are freshmens, second years; sophomores, third years; juniors, forth years; seniors.

>> No.20864557

Freshman 18
Sophomore 19
Junior 20
Senior 21 (probably 22 by graduation)

>> No.20864571

Well, I said 18 *or* 19. My guess of 19 was not wrong. Nice knowing more American lore, thanks for the info.

>> No.20864572

It's hard to generalize. Many go straight through like that but many who eventually attend college take time after HS for one reason or another (work, voluntary military service, alternative education experience).

>> No.20864590

>only white people identify as American
Hmm... Almost as if...

>> No.20865121

Quit noticing things

>> No.20865166

Is 120 cute?

>> No.20865588

>implying Checkov didn’t intend for the answer to be no

>> No.20866355

Good physiognomy, actually. I knew he was a Chad.

>> No.20866387

The only one with any taste whatsoever is an upper class black female who like Marquez. I didn’t see that coming honestly

>> No.20866395
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how far the mighty have fallen

>> No.20866523
