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/lit/ - Literature

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20767212 No.20767212 [Reply] [Original]

Any philosophy books that argue against drug use, alcohol, video games, sexual intercourse, and these type of things but without appealing to religion?

>> No.20767282

This is me. I do this

>> No.20767291


>> No.20767305

There's probably just as many that don't appeal to religion as ones that do. And you don't need a book to figure out that casual sex or drug addiction is wrong.

>> No.20767309

Pretty much any philosophy. Plato is the obvious one.

>> No.20767316

You're looking for self-help books. Don't think you're too good for them if these are the kinds of things that concern you.

>> No.20767319

Why would I need the self help book?

>> No.20767322

>Watches Rick and Morty on an iPad
>Not a kino CRT setup with Ed Edd and Eddy, Batman, and Digimon
At least do the nostalgia larps in accurate way. Hell use the old VCR you had from back then.

>> No.20767323

Easier question would be which philosopher doesnt argue against it?

Ah, Zizek.

>> No.20767332

*Accurate ways

>> No.20767367

Nietzsche recommended avoiding alcohol. Trump attributes his kid's success to avoiding alcohol. Objectivism is against hedonism, even though Ayn Rand smoked like a chimney and drank socially.

>> No.20767512

The education of Emile, by Rousseau.

>> No.20767520

the big book of alcoholics anonymous

>> No.20767528

Imagine needing to read a philosophy book to know that consuming poision and whoring around is bad for you lmao

>> No.20767536

Tell that to like 6.9 billion people

>> No.20767574

i need to get out of here

>> No.20767677

infinite jest?

>> No.20767691

One might argue that weed is even more illegal now

>> No.20768562

Why are you sorry? He's living his life the way he wants to.

>> No.20768571
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>> No.20768598

lol, 69

>> No.20768655

So do pedophiles
>but he's not hurting anyone
He's hurting himself. It's like defending ugly tattoos, you defend them as an act of will and I say that they're ugly because I actually care for the person where you reaffirming the will is just apathy made into faux morals.

>> No.20768657

> Any philosophy books that argue against drug use, alcohol, video games, sexual intercourse, and these type of things but without appealing to religion?
No. If not for God, morality, and truth all of these actions are logically equal in value to duty, faith, and charity.

>> No.20768677

any work of schopenhauer

>> No.20768681

>he posts without a hint of irony on 4channel

>> No.20768691

I'm living my life the way I want to.

>> No.20768743

Then let him also live the way he wants to.

>> No.20769217

A health textbook

>> No.20769316

>Guy has a chill but kinda trashy way to unwind on a Saturday
Ok, /lit/ what did you do this Saturday?

>> No.20769326

This seriously made me wanna buy a box of cereal. Who else here /capncrunch/

>> No.20769330


>> No.20769348

4chan has turned into a sewing circle of moral busybodies.
I think it's the lack of sex.

>> No.20769358

>cleaned my room
>read for a couple hours
>went to a museum
>went to the gym
note that none of the above incuded drugs or cigarettes or corn syrup soaked goyslop

>> No.20769374

lol gottem bro, let's roll a blunt to celebrate

>> No.20769705

wild how one dude taking a picture of his cereal 5 years ago still causes a bunch of retards seethe every day on this site
there hasn't been a day over these last 5 years when someone wouldn't make a thread with this image with bunch of people crying about how upset they are about it

also literally every single generic self help book has message about it
all of them
why the fuck would you need to read a book about it you fucking retard

>> No.20769715

Me and yo mom

>> No.20769728

Yet you still don't have a girlfriend or friends or any real meaningful connections?

>> No.20769733

yeah, OP should go for the symposium in particular

>> No.20769737

>Nietzsche recommended avoiding alcohol

>> No.20769738

But I do. Seems like you are projecting.
What did you do on Saturday?

>> No.20769749

He's not, he has what jews call a false conciousness, his thoughts and desires are not his own. So he thinks he does this of his own volition. But actually, jews made him into this.

>> No.20769753

None of your activities suggested any kind of social interaction

>> No.20769756

Nietzsche went to a brothel and preferred to play piano than fuck the hot asian chicks pawing at him, do you really doubt he cast shade on booze?

>> No.20769821

stoicism argues against min maxing pleasure and pain, the idea is to learn to react to things better instead of trying to run from pain

>> No.20769824

I would honestly get baked and play some Ocarina of Time on a CRT if I owned one, maybe Ed, Edd n Eddy but vidya is a bit more involved. My friend has a badass Sony Trinitron that we watched Akira on so I know a CRT can look pretty bitchin'.

I'm not against a bowl of cereal, but Fruit Loops are like the worst god damn choice. As for weed, I'll hit the bowl with my roommate after work or maybe on my day off if I really want to relax. Sometimes you just need a rest day.

That's pretty cool, anon.

>> No.20769839

Woke up, 4chan, played some vidya, went to the grocery store to get some milk, went to the gym(new qt at the shake bar, she likes me but ill do nothing because I'm an indecisive shitter), came home and showered, played more vidya shitposted on 4chan more, grabbed some piser and breadsticks, played some more vidya and shitposted more. Lost in chess and league a bunch now I'm bored and there's nothing else to do. The only enjoyable part of my day was going to the gym. I also fapped way too much and I'm gonna start nofap again. Hey at least I'm not a weed smoking degen though good god I have no valuable skills and don't care to have any, I'll never be able to make it.

>> No.20769845

Went to museum with gf, spent the night and Sunday night at hers. Gym is a wrestling gym, a sport I have been involved with for years.
What did you do on Saturday?

>> No.20769871

Unfortunately I work every Saturday night. Graveyard shift. That's why I post on /lit/, got time to read.

>new qt at the shake bar, she likes me but ill do nothing because I'm an indecisive shitter
Same but it's the cashiers at the bookstore/coffee store, I feel you dawg. You browse 4chan you might as well just start working on your A+ certification.

>> No.20769887

>working on your A+ certification.
Eh I've already cracked into the helpdesk shit for years but then I left when crypto mooned and have been working for my dad as of late. He's selling his business though so I'll attempt to go back most likely.. here's to hoping I don't get told to fuck off since I've been absent over a year. I'd consider doing security again but I can't be bothered to stay engaged long enough.

>> No.20769908

Personally I do the graveyard shift at a hotel and I consider it pretty chill. Posting from work as we speak lol. I don't make much money but I'm about to live with my dad again and he's pretty chill so no worries. I hope going back to your dad goes well for you, man.

>> No.20769911

Stop being a chud and consoom your books already.

>> No.20769918

Video games can be okay depending on what you play and how you engage with them.
>drug use, alcohol, sexual intercourse
All bad

>> No.20770013

What you want is a psychology book.

>> No.20770321
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>> No.20770357

If you want to engage in asceticism, you may as well become a monk.

>> No.20770363

Moderation and control of the sense bases does not equal asceticism. Asceticism is very severe and can be fatal.

>> No.20770364

i think it's funny that people on 4chan, one of the nastiest dopamine drips on the internet, are so triggered by a guy enjoying his day off.

>> No.20770405

I drank beer and jacked off instead of making up some try hard fantasy to look cool to 4channel chuds

>> No.20770408

You're only allowed to enjoy yourself in cynical, ironic ways.

>> No.20770412

>polack thinks he isn't a blindered fool


>> No.20770418

I'm being ironic.

>> No.20770423

>one of the nastiest dopamine drips on the internet
this is wrong

>> No.20770476
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Nobody adult wants to be sat alone, eating childrens breakfast cereal, getting high in a trailer while watching cartoons. They are self-inflicted distractions meant to keep him from thinking of why he is not happy.

Men need duty and obligation, we are load bearing beasts, women need something to love and care for, they are trusting and nirturing.

>> No.20770481
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>If not for God, morality, and truth all of these actions are logically equal in value to duty, faith, and charity.

You don't understand any of the words you typed.

>> No.20770484

As I thought, projection.
Not everyone sinks to the lowest common denominator, even on 4chan. You can change yourself, if you want to, or you can continue to wallow

>> No.20770488

first step is acceptance

>> No.20770493

>implying /pol/ isn't always right

>> No.20770501

It isn’t healthy but I wouldn’t really judge if someone actually did this once a week. But since drugs and high carb foods are addictive I highly doubt this is the case. I shouldn’t point my finger too hard though, I’m still struggling to not browse 4chan for 30 minutes to an hour every morning, that shits not good for you either.

>> No.20770505

in 5 years you're gonna look back on yourself embarrassed you were so confident

>> No.20770506

It’s a very HST-esque situation.

>> No.20770614

Cigarettes are not once a week.
No one who owns a Clover bong only smokes once a week. He has another pipe on the table as well which is another indicator of his pot frequency. He has a special lighter case made for packing bowls.

>> No.20770646

Imagine being alive in the current year and not knowing about The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, hebrew gematria numerology, edomites and fake "chosen people". Also fuck niggers and fuck trannies and fuck faggots. Also women are obedient sheeple by nature. Kys retard

>> No.20770763

OK mom

>> No.20770782

While I’m not one of those who believe this place to be the Babylon of the Internet, it’s not like you aren’t one click away from anime titties here.

>> No.20770802

>The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Proven as a forgery a century ago.

>> No.20770810

Why does this pic make so many people seethe, for real?

>> No.20770839

Your time is nigh, shlomo

>> No.20770844

Next you're going to tell me "Jews and their lies" by Martin Luther was a hoax. Go fuck yourself kike.

>> No.20770860

Drugs are not for everyone, unlike 4chan (just kidding)

>> No.20770897


>> No.20770912

Stop shilling

>> No.20770915

Not same anon but I went to a concert. And also the day before. Two day festival

>> No.20770933
File: 37 KB, 600x600, A52CE644-F771-4DA0-819D-2868599096E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him
I went golfing

>> No.20770966

Lel didn’t you make a thread about this over the weekend too? I guarantee you that absolutely no one on an anonymous Japanese message board cares about the festival you went to.

Discuss lit or gtfo, this isn’t /soc/

>> No.20771015

Awww don’t worry the popular kids in class will eventually accept you, just try being a bit friendlier! No need to go down the edgelord route anon - that’ll just lead you to detention, and eventually a minimum wage job where you’ll be surrounded by all these people you hate so much kek.

>> No.20771077

Maybe the reason you think I'm in highschool is because you're barely above the highschool age? In actuality I'm likely much older than you.

>> No.20771101

no, it's because you think and act like an insecure high schooler

>> No.20771105

>living free is obeying the physical demands of your body because.... IT JUST IS OK?! HE LOST GET OVER IT!!!!


>> No.20771107

Only a fucking retard could say something like that and at the same time visibly not be able to articulate why they disagree.

>> No.20771114

cry harder

>> No.20771124

Pretty weak riposte tbqh bro

>> No.20771131
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Honestly, it looks like you're the one throwing a pissyfit over le ebil racists, maybe you should go back to tranny hut junior faggot. Before you get burnt like the rest of you

>> No.20771132

racists are evil, sorry to break it to ya

>> No.20771149
File: 110 KB, 891x536, pedokike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its one thing to be a murderous genocidal freak. But its another to recognize differences in culture/biology. Whether it is cultural or biological doesn't really matter to me, what matters is how much niggers have attempted to destroy everything that is good in this world, and I just want to be seperate from them. That is all. That is not a bad thing. And by the way suck jewish rabbi cock harder, pic related thats what they want to do to your newborn but you'll still see it and have your eyes wide shut

>> No.20771173

racism is not merely recognizing differences lmao

>what matters is how much niggers have attempted to destroy everything that is good in this world
muh Target...

>> No.20771258

>words words words


>> No.20771303

>racists are evil
And? Why would I care?

>> No.20771313

Ironically, AA is largely a religious outfit.

>> No.20771330

>post starts by say "morality consists of freedom, and freedom consists of reason's control over our physical desires"
>post ends with "to feel truly good is to live morally, which is the same as to be free"
Your take away: "living free is obeying the physical demands of your body". Which is literally counter of what is actually said.
You can admit you have no reading comprehension, it's fine.

>> No.20771376

>I actually care for the person
No you don't

>> No.20771383

>You are morally obligated to live around niggers.

>> No.20771396

prove it?

>> No.20771401

Read twighlight of the idols. Its in the first 15 pages somewhere

>> No.20771440
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>> No.20771442

If it's factual that genetics differences lead to some races being inferior and superior in specific categories does that mean science is racist? Is it wrong to agree with the science?

>> No.20771453

>Nobody adult wants to be sat alone, eating childrens breakfast cereal, getting high in a trailer while watching cartoons.
>He said, while sitting alone at his pc browsing a mongolian throat singing forum

>> No.20771797
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can i come over?

>> No.20771870

This. People are inherently self concerned. Anon here is no different

>> No.20771927


>> No.20772141

Different kinds of enjoyment are not equal, principally as they represent differently time-preferenced options.

>> No.20772405

What is the problem with video games? Unless you speak of gachashit, loot boxes, or games engineered to be addictive. there is nothing wrong with video games unless it's mindless tripe. They can be like a great fiction or a film. They can pose philosophical questions and provide a simulation for them.
Video games are not like the rest of those things. Video games can be sportful or intellectually stimulating. You have to work for the dopamine hits. Drugs, alcohol, sex, etc provide nothing for you but cheap pleasures.

>> No.20772435

You don't need a book, you need a smack.

Actually you know I was talking to my uncle about a distant cousin of mine and his drinking problems and I said something like... it takes a degree of snobbery to look down on something so much that you never ever have any fear of becoming that thing; a drunk in this case.

>> No.20772441

This a good point. A good exercise is to play a videogame and then write out, after a session or so, what happened as if it were like a story.

AOE2, Fallout 2, any game with 2 in the title can be relied upon to be a good source for this.

>> No.20772968

What a stupid post

>> No.20773148

> there is nothing wrong with video games unless it's mindless tripe
Name an example of a video game besides Chess (predates all video games regardless that is why it is the best) that isn't mindless tripe.

>> No.20773157

>A good exercise is to play a videogame and then write out, after a session or so, what happened as if it were like a story.
Honestly sounds like it could be a fun creative exercise, maybe I'll try that with Dominions

>> No.20773162

>besides chess
Shogi :°)
real answer: most games aren't mindless.

>> No.20773163

And yet nobody has yet identified any source of normative force other than desire.

>> No.20773375
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>muh japaneez chess
ok weeb fag ching chong ping pong i got muh YELLOWWW FEEVERUURR

>> No.20773392

do you not see the clown emoticon?
but also shogi is harder than chess imho. I'm not good at either, but Chess is a lot more intuitive to learn than Shogi. It has a lot of different pieces and the fact that you can deploy the pieces you capture opens a whole new dimension of strategy.

>> No.20773442

No I could not tell that that face was a clown.

>> No.20773549

° is the clown nose.

>> No.20773596

But its not in the center of the face. How is it a nose if its not centered? Wouldn't ":o)" make more sense?

>> No.20773610

ur diary fuckin loser

>> No.20773617

Not sure what that is but the bigger the scope of the game the better, I think. Something like AOE2 you could force yourself to describe a few days in game from the pov of a village constable or whatever, describing the most mundane of events. More action themed games like Fallout could work the same way but it'd be hard to break out of the personality of the player characters in the same way.

Good luck though, it's hella good.

Ha ikr, tf was i thinking?

>> No.20773648

Why would you lump in sex with drug use, video games, and alcohol?

OP, just because your own fears and thoughts hold you back from getting some sweet poon tang doesn't mean sex is bad. You could argue the other things you listed are bad, but why would sex be a bad thing? It's as natural as it comes. Porn and everything related to it, on the other hand, is pure degeneracy. But meeting a girl and charming her and bonding with her and having sex is 100% natural and normal.

>> No.20773651

In the Buddha’s Words by Bikkhu Bodhi

>> No.20773676

>see some fag on reddit
>seethe this hard
nearly as beta as the redditor

>> No.20773697

it's a face at 3/4 angle

>> No.20773708

Women who have lots of sex end up having bad marriages and divorce

>> No.20773717

no, its slightly too far to the right to be a nose even at a 3/4 angle

>> No.20773722

So, what? That means sex is bad?

Just because some girls are sluts and men are monsters that will fuck anything with a pulse doesn't mean sex is bad. Quit a dimwitted conclusion, to be honest.

>> No.20773729

Damn I feel bad for you. I spent my last one alone but at least I practiced piano and read a book.

>> No.20773733

That's bad way to look at whether something is good or bad. It's not the thing itself that is bad but what consequences on society come from it.

>> No.20773737

Well the argument is >>20773708
now is that having lots of sex is bad, not that sex is bad, no? Well then you should say promiscuity. This is a literature board after all.

>> No.20773747

Saying promiscuity is bad is basically saying sex is bad in this age. I would take it farther than just promiscuity though. I would prefer to bring it back to the time when it was shameful to have sex with someone that you weren't dating for a long time.

>> No.20773762

>in this day and age
shut the fuck up faggot. i just looked up the definition on google for promiscuous
>having or characterized by many transient sexual relationships
Having many short lasting "flings" is basically the same thing as what you just said. This word has meaning no matter how autistic you are

>> No.20773767

I don't get what your talking about? I think you misunderstood my post

>> No.20773776
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I was at work, shitposting from behind a desk while the power came back on. I do love a bit of The Hu though.

>> No.20774433

Me and 9 friends went on a bender and played sloshed mini golf at the end of the night. Also took edibles and had hot pot with them. Great night.

>> No.20774439

>/pol/cel misreading Kant
one more midwit rejected

>> No.20774512

Edged for 36 hours and then blasted a HUGE load

>> No.20774552

>Trump attributes his kid's success
What kid
what fucking kid
Hunter? Or the little tiny baby boy Barron?

>> No.20774557

>He's living his life the way he wants to
Is that supposed to be a good thing?

Is it?!

"Wanting" something is just your animal body trying to kill itself with gluttony and poison, so that your human soul may die as well with it.

You need to abstain from EVERYTHING that makes your body feel good, and only do things that make your soul feel good.

Do not eat good food, do not take drugs, do not watch entertainment, do not sleep in a comfortable bed.

This is the cornerstone of all religions and philosophies, where they all converge into one. Fight your desires to drink, eat and fuck. Kill your desires. They are harmful.

>> No.20774560

"Live and let live" is actually the most evil, dystopian, villainous thought, uttered by people who think they are good and kind-hearted.

The actual truth is "live and let die".
Watch people kill themselves. Do not intervene.

>> No.20774568
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>enjoying things is bad
Yes... one day you will understand, maybe on your deathbed.
Giving yourself short-lived pleasures (alcohol buzz, orgasm, drugs, funny cartoon) accomplishes nothing long-term. You are living in the present, like an animal.

This is nothing compared to absolute BLISS of having a worthy accomplishment. Animals don't have that kinda privilege. Only humans can experience creativity, being akin to a God. Why would you willingly lower yourself to the level of an animal, instead of aspiring to Godhood?

This man is not creating. He is destroying. Himself. Wasting time and harming his body.

>> No.20774586

>Is that supposed to be a good thing?

>> No.20775019

I can smell the incel rage

>> No.20775033

Haha epic trololololol *smokes shitty gas station tobacco* *coughs and drools on ground* *smokes more* *coughs and drools on the ground some more until there's a well-defined area for hacking up mucus on the garage floor*

>> No.20775043


>> No.20775053
File: 153 KB, 965x1280, LSD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant even imagine pretending that you're doing something "good" in the world by baiting people into "raging". You must be a huge fucking loser in real life to assume everybody's an incel. Sex genuinely isn't a hard thing to accomplish

>> No.20775054


>> No.20775057

he asked what you did last saturday not about your heckin euphoria. moreover, how do you know that guy isn't creative the rest of the week? have you ever met a prude who was actually creative? to be perfectly honest, i have not.

>> No.20775059

Your not doing anything good by posting on 4channel about how everyone should be robots, pull your head out of your ass

>> No.20775061

>Kill your desires.
for a nihilistic buddhist you sure do seethe a lot.

>> No.20775065

>Sex genuinely isn't a hard thing to accomplish
spoken like a true incel kekek

>> No.20775082

I'm not a nihilistic buddhist, I'm an idealistic Christian.
I said kill desires, not kill emotions.

>> No.20775103

>Do not eat good food
the fact that you called junk food good food is all i need to know you're fat.

>> No.20775147
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It is true you know, only an "incel" would parrot that word and value sex so much. Your orgasms are literally a wet primordial sneeze and there are more gratifying things in life. Think long-term fulfillment at least, only an animal can't do that. Coombrains don't get shit done cope
I'm not >>20774568
this guy I just like his post a lot

>> No.20775184

It tastes good, but it's not healthy.
That's what I meant.
It feels nice to eat for the moment, until 5 seconds after your taste receptors stop feeling it, as it already got dissolved in your mouth.

But long-term, it's not good for you like healthy food (which usually isn't as tasty or you have to acquire taste for it)

I should've just put "tasty food".

>> No.20775188

you are fat and no amount of larping on the internet will change that.

>> No.20775206

I'm not wrong

>> No.20775209

Healthy food is tasty too, fattie.

>> No.20775229
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Okay, well we both think we are not wrong, so that doesn't help.

>> No.20775254

"Jordan please, stop arguing on the internet"

>> No.20775546

Never tell me again that autists are immune to propaganda. This is the most autistic thing and... I'm tired of pretending it's not. It's not normal (because it's destructive) to itinerize every waking moment into yes/no decisions or into some kind of moral codex based not even on intuition or emotion but ultimately, fear - fear is how autists are controlled. Not because they're actually the thing they rebel against, but because with their autistic brains they see past everything except the strongman blockage in any given time in the future. Above all, that guy has bad taste. If he was sipping wine in front of a fire, meditating, would you say the same thing? You're like a little baby - you can only stack colorful blocks. Now it makes sense why the exact same pretty little lights that lure in these wretched bug(men)s also lure in you loud flapping moths!

>> No.20775989

>Never tell me again that autists are immune to propaganda.
Who says this?

People who gravitate towards solipsism are generally the only people who buy into rigid ideological nonsenses and.. oh wait, you're using autism as a pejorative for intelligent people, aren't you?

> but ultimately, fear - fear is how (autists) are controlled.
Wow, way to invent a whole new unprecedented idea, anon, stating that it's only one group of people who it applies to is genius.

>> No.20775999
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>video games
Take that one off the list, please.

>> No.20776002

I could change it to online competitive shooter only

>> No.20776177

Old counter-strike and old tf2 were some of the highest skill ceilings that ever existed in any video game. I bet you play Osu or something equally as gay

>> No.20776183


>> No.20776205

How do you get out of The Loop™?

>> No.20776249

I'm a level 8 Faceit Global Elite in CSGO with 5000 hours. First place Cevo Intermediate with my team in 2016

>> No.20776260

Why then would you argue against online competitive shooters only? Are you a hypocrite or just nta?

>> No.20776261

It ruined my life

>> No.20776301

No, you ruined your life.

>> No.20776307

If we're taking it that way my parents did

>> No.20776320

Nah, you chose to be born. Cope

>> No.20776491

>If he was sipping wine in front of a fire, meditating, would you say the same thing?

It's incomparably better because the sort of shit in OP's pic is all therapeutic shit meant to numb oneself to pain while meditating with a glass of wine in your hand at least serves as fertile ground for self-reflection. It's not escape, it's opening up to oneself, as long as the drinking is moderate and the meditation conceived of as an exploration of oneself rather than an effort towards numbing the pain.

>> No.20776529

Whoa someone who actually gets it. I'll add to this by saying wine is probiotic. I personally believe cannabis is potentially good for meditation but fruit loops & rick & morty are most certainly not.

>> No.20776574

Check out Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics.
The virtuous act is an action that isn't the direct result of some drive, but the result of virtuous subjectivity. What is virtuous subjectivity? It's when you're host to multiple competing drives, and the tension between them creates a grounds from which real-decision making can emerge. Then you have the freedom to choose the beautiful action.

>> No.20776582

Cant tell if this is really good bait or if youre genuinely retarded
Either way, 8/10 post

>> No.20776732

I only play osu! And I am so fricking good at it. The community is great, sometimes we watch anime together :3 Even found my girlfriend through the game

>> No.20776814
File: 120 KB, 895x1349, wbl ht covers-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weellll, the author is a STAUNCH atheist to say the least, never drank alcohol or smoked anything, but man oh man does she crush antipsychotics by the bucketloads. for decades.

The Wogglebug's Hidden Truth Behind the History of Oz
by Cynthia Hanson. 2014. v2.

01: https://files.catbox.moe/15nycp.pdf
02: https://files.catbox.moe/numwor.pdf
03: https://files.catbox.moe/1lgbhi.pdf
04: https://files.catbox.moe/5b18ju.pdf
05: https://files.catbox.moe/7c7f66.pdf
06: https://files.catbox.moe/ru5osg.pdf
07: https://files.catbox.moe/nwhmxl.pdf
08: https://files.catbox.moe/3ar5em.pdf
09: https://files.catbox.moe/5ayp01.pdf
10: https://files.catbox.moe/ul0amo.pdf
11: https://files.catbox.moe/t3lsq0.pdf
12: https://files.catbox.moe/e861gx.pdf
13: https://files.catbox.moe/zjq8e5.pdf
14: https://files.catbox.moe/wy8igx.pdf
15: https://files.catbox.moe/e3wvyl.pdf

KW: cynthia hanson, cherie hapney, terry hayman, theresa, wogglebug, oz, genoma, treasure trolls

>> No.20776985

that's not a girl.....

>> No.20777050

It is :D we have sex sometimes and she doesn't have a pp hihi

>> No.20777117

a woman on ssri's with no life experience wow i could find 10 of those at the local mcdonald's

>> No.20777128
File: 97 KB, 640x922, fr8nplfr9p581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think this sentiment is stoic-adjacent, read meditations bois