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20753874 No.20753874 [Reply] [Original]

The wheel of time is hot garbage
How did it become one of the most famous book series of all time? The TV series was doomed to be bad

>> No.20753900

Epic fantasy readers don’t care about a lot of elements of their stories as long as they get to read epic fantasy. I’m not entirely sure why, maybe it’s just an aesthetics thing or they’re on some sunken cost fallacy.
I’ve seen too many people say that at least two of tWoT books were a boring slog, but they made their way through them.

>> No.20754030
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Fantasy is just a terrible genre in general and is a magnet that attracts the worst and most unimaginative writers that fixate on the most superficial aspects of the genre itself.
Honestly, just read The Lord of the Rings, Gormenghast, and the Malazan books and ditch the rest of the genre, and go read horror.

>> No.20754291

a lot of them are people who grew up playing D&D and read them for the aesthetic, like you mentioned

>> No.20754685

The TV series is unironically better than the books.

>> No.20755399

but malazan is shit

>> No.20755473

>fantasy is just terrible bro so just read fantasy it's great

>> No.20755497


>> No.20756797

I dunno I've read the precuel, first book and are currently reading the second one.
At this point I like it.

>> No.20757402

It's pretty good from what I read. Idk about you.
Those are the only good fantasy books in a gigantic sea of shit. Reading asoiaf made me realise I don't really like the fantasy genre.

>> No.20757490


>> No.20757658

I'm genuinely glad I read it when I was younger and the culture war hadn't ramped up. What was merely annoying then would have been intolerable now.

>> No.20758049

This is funny.
While I'm reading it I see the scenes where guys get berated by women and I don't find it annoying, maybe because the point is that it is a story about men reclaiming their power that fears/hates them?

While the TV series took it as meaning it is a story about how women are cool and dunk on men.

>> No.20758093

The TV series is better than the books.

>> No.20759653

>Those are the only good fantasy books
You forgot Scott Bakker

>> No.20759668

This really annoys me as an aspiring fantasy author. Notwithstanding I'll have to fucking lie about being some bioleninist avatar just to get published, I genuinely don't know what "good" fantasy even is, given the most popular stuff I try to read is just fucking trash. Sanderson is a nice guy, but his lore reads like YA-tier drivel.

>> No.20759695

>I genuinely don't know what "good" fantasy even is
Tolkien - "Silmarillion"
E.R. Eddison - "The Worm Ouroboros"
Lovecraft - "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath"
Scott Bakker - "The Second Apocalypse"
Cormac McCarthy - "Blood Meridian"

>> No.20759715

>Tolkien - "Silmarillion"
Autistic bible-tier (whoa he made up his owj language though!!)
>E.R. Eddison - "The Worm Ouroboros"
Not heard of it
>Lovecraft - "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath"
Pretty cool but quite short
>Scott Bakker - "The Second Apocalypse"
Cringe Reddit author though he's unintentionally funny
>Cormac McCarthy - "Blood Meridian
Insufferable western shit

>> No.20760454

Agreed and based.

>> No.20760477

>Not heard of it
secondaries begone

>> No.20761479

A lot of nerds like IP, fandom, and lore more than they like the actual stories. It's about having some fantastical world to imagine yourself into.

>> No.20761548

Sanderon being king cheese of fantasy justifies literary snobs in sneering at the genre. Like, I understand why they do, if that tier of complete fucking garbage is the pinnacle, as so many debased retards hail it to be.

I mean, it's not. But he's by far the most popular fantasy author, and I really don't know why anyone who's actually read any of his books would ever think to do anything but wipe their ass with the pages.

>> No.20763111

It's also the best that fantasy has to offer.

>> No.20763117

Sanderson isn't the king of fantasy. You're giving too much weight to a couple of popular YouTubers. That's about it.