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/lit/ - Literature

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20747469 No.20747469 [Reply] [Original]

Seeking good red/black pill books. Criticisms of modernity, capitalism, women, porn, internet, or anything really.

>> No.20747494

never read him but nietzsche

>> No.20748656

The Bible.

>> No.20748670

The tanakh, especially the torah, the new testament is the beginning of modernity and individualism

>> No.20748812 [DELETED] 

The Bible.

>> No.20748833

Unironically the Unabomber Manifesto, also Society of the Spectacle

>> No.20748835

my diary desu to be honest

>> No.20748840

After Virtue by MacIntyre

>> No.20748865

Ah my good sir, it appears you've attached an image depicting Greek homosexuality to your post. Allow me to illuminate everyone who may click on this thread that the Greeks considered penetrative anal sex disgusting and degenerate; "sex" in the so often discussed pederastic relationships between boys and men actually involved lubing up the thighs with olive oil and fucking those juicy thighs, not the dirty shitty rectum like a modern faggot groomer. The more you know, eh?

>> No.20748867

A more recent one, but 24/7: Late Capitalism and the End of Sleep by Crary, about how tech companies and others are pushing us to have less and less actual rest time in our lives.

>> No.20748881


>> No.20748887

>in the so often discussed pederastic relationships between boys and men actually involved lubing up the thighs with olive oil and fucking those juicy thighs, not the dirty shitty rectum like a modern faggot groomer
most ashamed republican

>> No.20748950

>M..m..my heckin based genocidal masculine Greek idols weren't trans democrats, okay?! They merely slid their erect glistening penises between each others thighs for sexual pleasure!
Conservatives aren't sending their best.

>> No.20748961 [DELETED] 

foucault history of sexuality volume 2. greeks weren't as gay as lgbt shills want you to believe. foucault was one of the gayest dudes to ever do it, and he says the text doesn't support it.

>> No.20749004


>> No.20749051
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>> No.20749080


Zeus liked thigh sex

> The ancient Athenian tragic playwright Euripides (lived c. 480 – c.406 BCE) also heavily implies that Zeus had sex with Ganymedes.

> As you can see, Pindaros and Theognis both describe Zeus as having been overcome with lust for Ganymedes, Sophokles describes Ganymedes as “with his thighs, warming the tyranny of Zeus,” and Euripides describes Ganymedes as “the beloved delight of Zeus’s bed.” It is abundantly and undeniably clear that, according to the version of the myth that was mainstream among Greek authors in the fifth century BCE, Zeus used Ganymedes for his own sexual gratification.

>> No.20749098

They also made fun of gay people and it was not normal as modern people make it seems. One of Plato's work has a man being accussed of being gay as a mean of offending him.

>> No.20749113


What are you talking about? Aristotle even praises the celts for being gay.

> There is, in classical literature, several mentions of ancient Gauls openly practising homosexuality, to the point it was considered one of their main cultural characteristics, and a positive trait by Aristotle.

> [...] and yet among the barbarians, a female and a slave are upon a level in the community, the reason for which is, that amongst them there are none qualified by nature to govern, therefore their society can be nothing but between slaves of different sexes. For which reason the poets say, it is proper for the Greeks to govern the barbarians, as if a barbarian and a slave were by nature one.

> So that in such a state riches will necessarily be in general esteem, particularly if the men are governed by their wives, which has been the case with many a brave and warlike people except the Celts, and those other nations, if there are any such, who openly practise pederasty (Politics II, 9)

>> No.20749146

Oh thank god they aren't gay

>> No.20749175

Cringiest reddit prose I've seen in weeks

>> No.20749180

>One of Plato's work has a man being accussed of being gay as a mean of offending him.
Stephanus pagination, now.

>> No.20749197

Cope. Plato literally describes love for young men as the purest type of love.

Achilles definitely went so crazy because his butt buddy got killed, and even if the Homeric era Greeks didn't see it this way, we know the classical ones did.

Women are for breeding. Disregard them and embrace the power of masculine tradition bro. The water is warm, come on in. No swim suits allowed though!

>> No.20749204

Seeing male friendship as inherently sexual is toxic masculinity. Stop it.

>> No.20749238

Seeing male friendship as inherently sexual is inherently based and I will not stop.

>> No.20749250
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>> No.20749253
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>I know what it masculine.
Post body twink

>> No.20749257

If you cannot accept western values, than you should go back to Africa you illiterate spear chucking mudhutter

>> No.20749270

oh okay then, not gay at all

>> No.20749276

do NOT read plato's symposium

>> No.20749284

Hmm, fucking a dude's thighs sounds pretty gay. Did they say "no homo," during it? That's the deciding factor.

Actually, I'm pretty sure we misunderstand the thigh fucking. It's supposed to be a joke. It's the Greek equivalent of "no homo." It's plausible deniability.

>"Bro, I saw you fucking Diogenes in your bed when I came through. Nigga you gay?"

>"Nah dawg, I just fucked his thighs with some oil. Straight as fuark." *wink.

>> No.20749294

Unfathomably, dangerously, scandalously based.

>> No.20749442
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>> No.20749624

guns, germs and steel
explains the reality of the differences we find in culture and why
gives you an understanding of determinism and power structures ala resources

>> No.20750689

Yes, we wouldn't want our pederastic Greeks to be associated with faggot groomers, would we.
While intercrural sex was the missionary position of Greek gay sex, anal sex was very much still practiced, as was oral sex.

>> No.20750697

Guns Germs and Steel has so many historical mistakes that it's not worth reading.

>> No.20750712

>Seeking good red/black pill books.
never read him but nietzsche

>> No.20750757

Scott Cummings - Left Behind In Rosedale: Race Relations And The Collapse Of Community Institution
Ze'ev Chafets - Devil's Night: And Other True Tales of Detroit
Jared Taylor (ed.) - Face to Face with Race
Jared Taylor (ed.) - A Dissident’s Guide to Blacks and Africa
Hesketh Prichard - Where Black Rules White - A Journey Across and About Hayti
Lothrop Stoddard - The French Revolution in San Domingo
Stanley Horn - Invisible Empire: The Story of the Ku Klux Klan, 1866-1871
James Shepherd Pike - The Prostrate State: South Carolina Under Negro Government
Winfield Collins - The Truth about Lynching and the Negro in the South
Thomas Nelson Page - The Negro: The Southerner’s Problem
Nehemiah Adams - A South-Side View of Slavery
Hilary Herbert: The Abolition Crusade and Its Consequences
George Fitzhugh - Cannibals All! or, Slaves Without Masters
Binding/Hoche - Allowing the Destruction of Life Unworthy of Life

>> No.20750844

Amazing. Dude didn't even deny the gay greeks thing yet got all the [literal] faggot redditors in immense seethe, lmao.

Most based /lit/ post in millenia

>> No.20750858

Get into Marxist philosophy, you'll have a blast but don't buy into authoritarian believes or you'll turn into a faggot

>> No.20750886


>> No.20750932

Funny how the kind of people who cry about "muh opression" of le gays will instantly turn into literal nigger-haters when it becomes convenient due to the ambient they're speaking in.

>> No.20751739

why does this post make faggots seethe so much? he isn't even denying anything sensible lmao

>> No.20751764

Why would they seethe, it is literally gay. The point is still the same

>> No.20751812

yes because tigh-fucking other men is not faggy at all

>> No.20751879
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Didn't even deny that Greeks are gay and queers are still assmad that they weren't slavering their dicks in feces to fuck the filthy sweaty anus of a grown man. Sad!

>> No.20751889

At least the five last people you are replying to are not even seething, half of all the people you are replying to agree with you.

>> No.20751896
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Do I even need to name the book at this point?

>> No.20752183

You didn't even read my post before mass replying to it, imbecile.

>> No.20752413

American values are not western values.
Americans are the niggers of white people.

>> No.20752430

every generation thinks the pro8lem is modernity and so unique to them. the pro8lem is much more fundemental.

>> No.20752438

Kill thy self

>> No.20752460

Go back to watching Richard Dawking videos like the mongoloid you are.

>> No.20752472

You're he kind of person who like to think they are an enlightened, rational centrist when in reality you just have undiagnosed autism.

>> No.20752561

>women had no rights
>slavery was common
>xenophobia the norm
>racism normal
>official religion enforced by the state
>only adult males that served the country in the army and legislative had right to vote
>search for objective Truth
>Philosophy the most important thing
Well, if we have to pretend fags are normal, it's an ok trade.

>> No.20752569

Interpol called, your daughter is being gang raped by muslims.

>> No.20752821


The surface meaning of the dialogues is always ironic

>> No.20752832

latter one is hylic propaganda

>> No.20752836

holy fucking rent free, ESL.

>> No.20752901

pic related: enjoy dr. jbps opinion https://youtu.be/ZhcvFw1H7jE

>> No.20753770

doesn't change the fact that greeks were gay

>> No.20753795

Plato literally banned gay relationships in the laws
They weren't gay, people trolled you

>> No.20753920
