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/lit/ - Literature

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20736394 No.20736394 [Reply] [Original]

How do you avoid falling into this mindset as a writer? How do you avoid cynicism and irony?

>> No.20736407

This isn't /tv/

>> No.20736488

It's still about writing.

>> No.20736541

Capeshit is not writing
Joss Whedon isn't a writer
Now fuck off to pl*bbit, tranny

>> No.20736585

Capeshit is indeed written by people. When you grow up you'll realize the director doesn't tell the actors what to say.

>> No.20736604
File: 279 KB, 899x673, 1624777372346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you posted this on the wrong board pal. This quipping dumb shit is for people who's brains have been fried by television and movies.

>> No.20736606

Take Schopenhauer for example, guy was a pessimist in denial. He wrote about the utter inanity of believing the universe wants you to be happy, and how instead you were born into what is essentially a prison and punished for simply existing. He wants you to think that this is a good thing, to free your mind from delusion, but hey man, thousands of years of cultural indoctrination convincing you that the universe merits people based off of certain character dispositions is a hell of a delusion to work through. Trust me, it's not you, it's your audience.

>> No.20736625

Take Schopenhauer for example, guy was a pessimist in denial. He wrote about the utter inanity of believing the universe wants you to be happy, and how instead you were born into what is essentially a prison and punished for simply existing. He wants you to think that this is a good thing, to free your mind from delusion, but hey man, thousands of years of cultural indoctrination convincing you that the universe merits people based off of certain character dispositions is a hell of a delusion to work through. Trust me, it's not you, it's your audience.

>> No.20736678

Real talk, “[art that I do not enjoy/art that is bad] is literally not [art]” has subtly been one of the most destructive and stupidest fucking takes to enter mainstream pop culture discussions on the Internet (and in real life). Any time you see or hear any variation of that, ignore anything else that comes after.

>> No.20737076

it's not even a remotely new phenomenon that certainly predates the internet and even film as a medium. i disagree with you, however, that we should "ignore anything that comes after" such a claim. you could say "anything is art bro, even muh capeshit". fair enough, but that's not what people are coming to /lit/ to discuss, so i think it's actually fair game to point this out. what qualifies one thing as "art" and another as simply entertainment or a product is ultimately a somewhat arbitrary and uninteresting question. nonetheless, we have to draw a line somewhere in order to have a meaningful discussion and on a literature board i draw the line well before capeshit. one of the most annoying trends to me is the application of faux theory to mass culture bs like beyonce or frozen or whatever in endless "thinkpieces" published on buzzfeed, etc. and i say this as a theory nerd. i just want to have conversations with people where it is taken for granted that nobody gives a shit about that sort of thing. you can call me an elitist. so be it. but i actually think its fucking stupid and a copout to take this ridiculously broad view of what kinds of *art objects* are worthy of serious intellectual consideration and analysis.

>> No.20737775

Bro when Iron man said "I'm the yoker, yeah baby" and killed Tanos I freaking screamed so hard I fucking puked.
My mom was pissed

>> No.20737781


>> No.20737808

Not bad advice honestly

>> No.20737815

No. Capeshit isn't art. It's a product. Real talk.

>> No.20737825

This is just a bastardized, version of a Terry Pratchett quote

>Let there be goblin hordes, let there be terrible environmental threats, let there be giant mutated slugs if you really must, but let there also be hope. It may be a grim, thin hope, an Arthurian sword at sunset, but let us know that we do not live in vain.”

This pisses me off a little, because "but let us know that we do not live in vain." is my favorite quote of all time and Whedon managed to suck all of the meaning and depth out of it.

>> No.20738267


>> No.20738275

>real talk
you have to go back
also no one mentioned "art" and /lit/ isn't the board for comic movie discussions

>> No.20738381

>discussing mainstream pop culture
>defending Disney Capeshit
You love consuming Jewish propaganda and are a subhuman shill
Remove yourself from existence

>> No.20738484

Would've been a way better quote if it was shorter rhymed
>Make it dark, make it grim
>But make it dope and tell a joke!

>> No.20739193

If you want to destroy any sense of sincerity or seriousness.

>> No.20739271

You made it even more reddit. I can see that shit printed on an extra large tshirt

>> No.20739286

>But by Jove, tell a joke!

>> No.20739365

>Real talk,
you are either too young or too stupid to post on this board. please reign in your need to make yourself heard or seen. you have nothing to offer. learn how to shut the fuck up. lurk more. read actual books (no, watching "le art" like commercials and cgi copy/paste shitfests does not count as reading a book, you fucking idiot)
>“[art that I do not enjoy/art that is bad] is literally not [art]” has subtly been one of the most destructive and stupidest fucking takes to enter mainstream pop culture discussions on the Internet (and in real life).
don't pretend like you have any knowledge regarding discussions or the history of discussions about anything pop culture related. you are a mentally deficient bug. there is no need for you to attempt to hash out this argument. you can attempt to twist semantics around as much as you want, but at the end of the day, there are distinctions among works of art, writing, etc. for example, you wouldn't compare an instruction manual for assembling furniture to a novel. they're both "writing" yes, but we can organize them into distinct categories, because they're different forms of writing. there is no point in arguing that the instruction manual is still "writing" or "art" just because it is comprised of the same squiggly shapes that make up language as the novel. capeshit is a solely commercial enterprise. it is a giant branding/marketing endeavor designed to sell product to drooling simpletons like yourself... it is nothing more than that. so just like you wouldn't compare the latest taco bell commercial to In Search of Lost Time, don't waste your time arguing that capeshit is "art." you fucking dumbass.
>Any time you see or hear any variation of that, ignore anything else that comes after.
it's funny how idiots like you are so dogmatic in their thinking. how did you even find this board?

>> No.20739414
File: 194 KB, 1600x900, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gtfo fucking reddit obsessed. Jfc.
It's a great fucking idea.
Someone get that shit printed asap before they do steal it and claim it as theirs.

>> No.20741020


>> No.20742492

>How do you avoid falling into this mindset as a writer?
Accept negative feelings and don't "try" to feel better

>> No.20742540

Not an argument.

>> No.20742855

Just BE yourself

>> No.20744287
