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20709715 No.20709715 [Reply] [Original]

Books on augmented humans?

>And when everyone is BLACKED, no one will be...

>> No.20709851

can they connect all the nerves? sorry, i feel like the only person on this website who isnt a trannyism expert, im just curious
these always seemed like cargo cult surgeries to me, i mean having a feeling in your genitals is almost the whole point to me, never understood those cargo cult surgeries where they butcher a massive hole into you or attach a skin wrapped dildo with tribal tier stitching like some lovecraftian horror

>> No.20709877

it's a fetish. not rocket science.
Doctors and pharma companies are in because it can generate a lot of money
NGOs are in because they needed some reason to keep themselves running and asking for money after gay marriage
The only real puzzle is the psychology establishment. I don't really get why they're so behind this. Maybe because most of their ranks are loonies to begin with

>> No.20709892

Tranny's need therapy and you need to constantly renew your client base after they inevitably end themselves.

>> No.20709898

The transplant was for a veteran who got his pp blown out you paranoid culture warrior

>> No.20709901

Go back retard
Adding “books on” to the front does not make this on topic

>> No.20709918

Books on why you will never be a woman?

>> No.20709921

>The only real puzzle is the psychology establishment
The American Psychiatric Association unironically got infiltrated by true believers. The current CEO is a gay Jewish man from South Africa who made his living working at an NGO that helps push for affirmative action for South African blacks. Make of that what you will.

>> No.20709930

>that helps push for affirmative action for South African blacks
oh the horror

>> No.20709943


>> No.20709950


>> No.20709958

What events in your life led you to be pro apartheid?

>> No.20709959

how do you cope being less than 7 x 5.5?

>> No.20709961

I don't know, how do you?

>> No.20709963

Wait were you being facetious? Why would you think South Africa would be better served by putting the blacks in charge?

>> No.20709966

do you know what the zimbabweans used for light before the candles and torches they use today?
look up rhodesia
whole world is currently undergoing a global transformation from rhodesia to zimbabwe
'oh the horror' but unironically

we are demographically going from the nations that could export food under 20th century cold war embargo from both the west and the soviets (rhodesia) into nations with identical geography, infinite foreign aid, violent and starving nations without the prosperous mining and agricultural sector that could provide a good living (zimbabwe)

>> No.20709980

Is this a regular surgery now? I cant imagine life after a penectomy or a horrific accident that left you dickless. I'd rather die

>> No.20709983

Its not about le race war
Its about basic human empathy, which apartheid did not have.

>> No.20709985
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It's an interesting confluence of foreign influences that have destroyed South Africa. Americans want blacks in charge because they're progressive ideologues, Russians want blacks in charge because they know it will destroy the South African mining industry that competes with their own, and the Chinese want blacks in charge because they're easier to push into one-sided deals compared to the whites. They never had a chance.

>> No.20710002

My post had nothing to do with a race war. How is South Africa better served by putting the blacks in charge? The accession of blacks in South Africa has lead to the systematic destruction of both South Africa's internal quality of life as well as it's ability to wield foreign influence. It's Zimbabwe all over again.

>> No.20710033

>How is South Africa better served by putting the blacks in charge?
lay off the crayons its hurting ur reading skillz

>> No.20710047

>no response
I knew you were retarded when you started talking about empathy or whatever but bowing out this early is just embarrassing.

>> No.20710052

You're talking about who is in charge, you are not seeing the issue with the fact that when the whites were in charge they treated blacks very poorly. Which I consider to be a bad thing.

>> No.20710148

And now blacks are in charge and they treat whites very poorly, so what's your point? Discrimination is only acceptable against whites? And meanwhile the country slowly collapses ala Zimbabwe. Under Apartheid, South Africa was one of the most prosperous nations in not only Africa, but the world. I don't care if your pp gets tingles when you treat black people like your golden retriever. The things you support are destroying hundreds of years of progress. You support the Third Worldization of the entire world, a stinking trash pile of random violent crime, stalled technological innovation, rolling utility brown outs, exploding living costs, devoid of any beauty or admirable cultural and artistic output.

>> No.20710158

>apartheid is okay because someone is going to get fuvked either way
Very enlightened

>> No.20710163

>apartheid is bad because uhhh it just makes me feel bad okay!

>> No.20710172

No, apartheid is bad because treating anyone as second class citizens is bad. Are you slow?

>> No.20710176

Why is it bad?

>> No.20710195

Unironically, apartheid without racism, ie. whites and blacks living separate and equal is the only way for a country with both whites and blacks to survive. You two hate each other too much for normal society to work. I have not been able to find a single case in history where whites and blacks lived together in peace.

>> No.20710204

>compassion for your fellow man is a meme

>> No.20710209

lol, this retard thinks blacks were well off in South Africa before because he saw some infographics and staged photos.

They're incomes are significantly higher today.

>> No.20710213

>never had a chance
They had a nuclear program. And a biological/chemical weapons program.

They had a choice between committing to North Korea type deal or cash out and apply for visas in EU/USA. They cashed out.

>> No.20710215

>I have not been able to find a single case in history where whites and blacks lived together in peace.
What is the majority of American social interactions? IE classmates, friends, partners, coworkers etc?

>> No.20710227

The National Party was already fucked by then, there was nobody seriously thinking of doing that sort of thing. They had essentially been pulling a Nork situation up until then, the only international friends they had were Israel, Spain, and Portugal.

I want to see if he can give me a response that isn't just
because that's all there is to his worldview and he's in denial

>> No.20710229

Shitlib face 1
>American society is filled with racism! The tension is palpable in every room that contains the privileged Whites and oppressed Black Bodies together at once. Even at the base level, microaggression abound. What are we to do?
Shitlib face 2
>What do you mean racial tension! This is America, where everyone can get along! Stop talking such nonsense, why are you saying that white people and black people don't get along! Why, I even have a black friend or two myself! Loquanda from the office and I get along just fine!.
you people are all so loathsome

>> No.20710232

American race relations at their worst are tepid compared to actual ethnic conflicts in other countries. The irony is that southern whites were too fuckin skittish at the idea of ever losing a socioeconomic contest with blacks for segregation to have worked in the first place. For segregation to have functioned they would have had to ignore the impulse that made it attractive to begin with.

>> No.20710233
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>> No.20710240

You dont know me you monkey. I think America has its issues with racism (your next move will be to draw me into a debate about what exactly I mean by that, followed by providing proof that things like housing description are a Jewish hoax NO CAP), but i also think we often get along with each other.

>> No.20710244

*housing discrimination

>> No.20710245

Segregation did function. America was more functional in every single way during segregation.
> irony is that southern whites were too fuckin skittish at the idea of ever losing a socioeconomic contest with blacks
What the fuck are you talking about lol
>American race relations at their worst are tepid compared to actual ethnic conflicts in other countries
not really
Horrible post

>> No.20710246

I don't know where you live but I'm in a fairly diverse area of the Northeast and there is a shit ton of racial tension here. Black people almost universally hold a deep-seated grievance against everyone who's not them and want reparations, hand outs, special treatment, etc. Whites are slowly getting more peeved about how blatantly against them things are turning but don't really seem to have the political background to put any of this into context. Latinos hate black people for the same reason everyone does but also realize that a lot of whites resent them for turning the place into a Latin American country, which they obviously prefer.

>> No.20710252

>Segregation did function. America was more functional in every single way during segregation.
For whomst, may I inquire?

>> No.20710260

>your next move
My next move is to point out that you're simply agreeing with me. You don't have a real position and take whatever tack will strategically prop up your argument at any given time.

>> No.20710262

>it did function
Yeah if you consider constant mob violence and escalating civil tensions "function"
>not really
Fucking compare the way whites and blacks are now to the conflicts in the late 20th century in the balkans and in post-colonial africa
I didn't think you were going to be such a disingenuous faggot.

>> No.20710264

Idk brah, all im saying is i just played hours of pubg with some randoms, and one was a Texan and one was a black Cali guy and they were laughing it up. So yeah, maybe the cali guy wants free money from the govt, maybe the Texas guy uses the n word.
But they can still hang out together with no issues.

>> No.20710266

For the communities who built shit instead of complaining about other communities building shit for themselves.
Why do you think blacks never built a country? Not even before colonialism? How did like one boat of Euros conquer whole Africa, a 1000 times bigger continent with near infinite metal and mineral resources, energents, oil, coal, food..

>> No.20710276
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My position is that I'm left leaning but not college freshman tier. Its simply not that hard to comprehend.

>black people are inferior so its okay to treat them inferiorly
we simply disagree

>> No.20710282

>my entire view of race relations in America is from a video game chat I was on an hour ago
kek. Also
>n word
What, you mean nigger? Where do you think you are faggot, try to stand out less and lurk more.

>> No.20710283

>Yeah if you consider constant mob violence and escalating civil tensions "function"
and thank god we've done away with that!
>Fucking compare the way whites and blacks are now to the conflicts in the late 20th century in the balkans and in post-colonial africa
??? Those are literally the most extreme possible examples. Try comparing it to other OECD countries. Is Flemish/Wallonian tension resulting in ethnic violence in Belgium?

>> No.20710284

sorry my nigger

>> No.20710292

You literally just said your position is 'both', so you just emphasize whichever aspect you want when it suits you. Why are you even denying it? Are race relations in America tense or not? Pretty fucking easy question if you're an honest person

>> No.20710293

But jokes aside, at the macro level there are issues, but my point is that blacks and whites can and do get along in many settings, including schools, games, the workplace, the bedroom :^))), etc.

>> No.20710297

Anon we had massive race riots 2 years ago. I acknowledge that I do observe blacks and whites getting along fine irl all the time. But I feel it’s fake on some level. When blacks go mask off we get Malcolm X, when whites go mask off we get George Rockwell. That is the reality of these races.

I will also state that literally every other racial mix can work. A society of Indians and blacks would work. So would one of Arabs and whites. But whites and blacks? I doubt it.

>> No.20710298

Why are you trolling so hard bro? I've described to you my view as plainly as a possibly can.

>> No.20710305

Ethnic violence is what I was talking about. You can't dispute that southern white politics were dominated by racial balance in every respect without being intentionally ignorant. They brought integration on themselves. You can laugh at the idea of blacks having the upper hand all you like but you're demonstrating more faith in their inferiority than the segregationists had.

>> No.20710310

>They brought integration on themselves
What does this even mean?

>> No.20710315

>Americans want
We do?

>> No.20710319

> Fucking compare the way whites and blacks are now to the conflicts in the late 20th century in the balkans
At several points in summer 2020 the USA was on the verge of a Yugoslavia style breakup.

>> No.20710329

Yeah and then I apply for college and realize that I have a worse chance than a black candidate with my same exact stats and story, same thing when applying to law school, corporate jobs, government regulated business licenses, etc. I don't give a shit if I can say "Hi" to the black guy at work and have some fake 5 minutes conversation about the weather or whatever the fuck and a literal race war breaks out. My life is worse off because of these people. And then you hear them talk about politics and they want more, all of them. The guy you're friendly with at work, he wants the government to pay him reparations but not me, he wants even more affirmative action, he wants all of this shit at my expense. Because none of that fake friendly little conversation shit matters. At the end of the day you veneer you're talking about doesn't matter, this guy is trying to fuck me over and it's not just him it's literally every single one of them I've ever heard talk about politics no matter how much we "got along".

>> No.20710333

u mad whitey?

>> No.20710337

*and a literal race war doesn't break out

>> No.20710341

uhm, wow, racist much? you're the problem sweatie. go back to /pol/.

>> No.20710357

>how is recognizing the genuine problems blacks face like a lower general level of intelligence and higher predisposition for criminality going to help them shape and advance their communities better
>why would we do this when we can blame it all on racism to (((undermine))) whites instead
>shut up bigot

>> No.20710358

The thing about all this shit is that
1. You are generalizing
2. If we were black i'm sure we could construct a /pol/ style house of cards with "proof" that the white devil owes us big time

So sure, affirmative action isn't fair, but its attempting (poorly) to correct what I BELIEVE that the people that camping and wrote the laws genuinely believe was a previous social unfairness. Which all goes to say that retards are everywhere on both sides.
But not me. I'm smart.

>> No.20710360

>still trying to force this faggot helter skelter shit
cmon man

>> No.20710361

>apartheid was a social outreach program
you're brian is fryed

>> No.20710365

Is this what 4chan has come to at the end of the day?
Charles Manson was right posters?
what the fuck my guy

>> No.20710370

unironically true and it's nothing but your ego that can't face it

>> No.20710372

I accept my concession.

>> No.20710375

You're right, if I was black I'd hold different opinions, but I'm not black. I'm white. And I have to contend with the fact that statistically the vast majority of blacks support things like affirmative action and reparations, and anecdotally every single black I've heard give an opinion on it has supported it. Both sides aren't retarded, one wants to discriminate against me and if the other opposes that then I'm on that side.

>> No.20710377

Generalizing is the only possible way to talk about large groups of people you tremendous fucking nitwit. You're like 19 and severely brain damaged by the American education system.
>2. If we were black i'm sure we could construct a /pol/ style house of cards with "proof" that the white devil owes us big time
Which we could inspect vs the gripes of white people and determine who has a better case. Wow, imagine that, judging arguments based on their validity instead of strategically pretending all arguments are equal.You would never say this in a conversation about white on black racism with liberals.
>Yeah guys, racism is pretty bad, but hey, you know white people have a lot to say about blacks too you know. Did you know 13 do 50?

>> No.20710381

>clicks on 4chan and expects it to be facebook/reddit
>omg omg raycism, why is this site not a carbon copy of the rest of the internet, this site needs to become a carbon copy of all the other sites too instead of me just clicking on literally any other website since they all agree with me on race

>> No.20710389

I've noticed a lot of newfag-tier posts recently, not sure what it's about.

>> No.20710391

>Charles Manson was right
why tho

>> No.20710401

The only person talking about Manson is you. I'm just pointing out that I've seen a lot of posts recently by people like you who stick out like a soar thumb. Frankly I prefer the commies to retards like you though, at least they have a facade of nuance beyond "just like dominant thing".

>> No.20710406

been like that. ever since 8 was shut down we've had o9a and Langleywaffen and OTO and Eckankar and LDS and BJ's and AARP beating our door down trying to recruit any retards who hadn't already washed up in /lgbt/. dopes of all kinds

>> No.20710412

The ethnic tensions have not dissipated. The BLM riots are proof of that. So what do you want? To continue a 500 year conflict with no end in sight?

The only solutions I see are
1. Marking some states as “no whites” and others as “no blacks”. After an initial period we will have ethnic peace.
2. Ban white-white and black-black procreation and let the races mix away. That would also solve racial tensions.

Something has to be done. You two races are going to get the rest of us killed at this rate, either by black Marxists or white Nazis.

>> No.20710420
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I'm sorry my friend, I just can't pretend that I haven't had and/or seen many arguments with /pol/friends where they seem, shall we say, more focused on staying right than accepting any info that conflicts even minorly with thier worldview.

For example, I saw two guys get into an argument about Hitler never having signed/been on record as owning anything to do with the holocaust.
The anti Hitler guy pulled put some stuff that made a case that he did, and the pol guy then said
>nice fake evidence

When, *crucially* the evidence wasn't any more fake than the average evidence presented in discussions of any topic, politics or not, in my estimation.

All this to say that I am more left leaning, and I find many /pol/ positions rather weak.

>> No.20710427

thanks for the completely irrelevant anecdote. I think you are, shall we say, a complete fucking retard.

>> No.20710429

>The only person talking about Manson is you


>> No.20710430

>completely irrelevant
*Drumpf voice* wrong

>> No.20710432

Nobody cares about some Boomer serial killer you dumb nigger

>> No.20710436

I don’t think Manson was a good guy if that’s what you are implying. But the claim that black-white populations engage in ethnic violence has been proven literally every time these groups have interacted. You might have your good times, but things always fall apart.

Also, I’m not a fascist or racist if that’s what you think. Like I said before itt, every race can get along with every other EXCEPT for whites and blacks. And I don’t consider either group inferior/superior to the other.

>> No.20710437

>I once saw an argument where one guy presented evidence and the other denied its validity
>because I am a moron and incapable of appraising the validity of evidence, all arguments are equally valid
>therefore white people shouldn't complain about black people, because black people could also complain about white people!
im sorry but you are an idiot

>> No.20710441

>>because I am a moron and incapable of appraising the validity of evidence, all arguments are equally valid
you can't read bro
Don't know how you are even typing. Is it a text to speech type joint?

>> No.20710517

>/pol/tard calling someone an idiot
the ironing

>> No.20710524
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hey i go to this school lol. glad to see my tuition is going to a good cause

>> No.20710536

>giving a veteran who got his dick blown off by an IED a new BWC is bad

>> No.20710542

shouldn't have joined the military like a retard

>> No.20710548

you're just mad cuz his new willy is king size

>> No.20710556

kys, my gf’s husband fought hard to defend your freedom

>> No.20710569
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>gave the white man new bbc
also idc cause i don't pay tuition lol

good one anon

>> No.20710592

If you think BLM riots are explosions of "ethnic tensions" you're a legit pussy. Fucking 60% of those demonstrations, if not more, are white-composed. That's not ethnic separation. I'm afraid you'll simply have to mourn the loss of Kmart.

>> No.20710597
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>Did you know 13 do 50?
The real number is like half that though

>> No.20710695

How did apartheid lack empathy?

>> No.20710714
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Also saved as a potential banner.

>> No.20711564

It's literally all funded by a billionaire family with one member who is a tranny. That's why all of this is happening. Clown world

>> No.20711571

Do you think they could have survived after the Portuguese Empire fell? They definitely could have if it hadn't, but I'm wondering why they didn't go full North Korea. PRobably because the fissure with Britain was too recent for them to be comfortable going through with it, and since the Anglo population there was getting cold feet, the situation was inevitable