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/lit/ - Literature

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20668241 No.20668241 [Reply] [Original]

Since this is a board of literature, I assume people here read a lot of books every year, so I would like to have a benchmark for a fair comparison. I usted to read around fifteen books every year. (Is that too low?)

>> No.20668438
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>(Is that too low?)
This is not a challenge. Read what you want.

>> No.20668580

>This is not a challenge. Read what you want.
I know what you mean but I was just trying to have someone or something for comparison.

>> No.20668586

20 a year, is my goal, I'll probably blow through that this year.

>> No.20668608

5-10 at the most
I only read to be challenged, rarely for entertainment

>> No.20668627

>reading entire books

>> No.20668638


>> No.20668648

>I was just trying to have someone or something for comparison.
If that can help, for statistical reasons, people who read 12 books/year are considered "strong readers" in my country - that's around 6% of the population (over 6)

>> No.20668653
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I've read 26 this year so far, but a lot of it is non-fic. I think if it was just fiction I'd read a ton more. I only read for a couple of hours a day and I'm a slow reader so you should manage more than fifteen..

read this year:
Adams' The Law of Civilization and Decay
Hamilton's Mythology
Gordon's Children of the Sun
Bergson's Matter and Memory
Adams' The Degradation of the Democratic Dogma
Machiavelli's The Prince
Mosca's The Ruling Class
Kleist's Anecdotes
Kleist's Marquise of O and Other Stories
Cowen's Hamilton on Finance
List's National System of Political Economy
Fuentes' Aura
Fischer's Ablion's Seed
Wicksell's Interest and Prices
Freud's Intepretation of Dreams
Homer's Iliad
Homer's Odyssey
Sappho's Fragments
Simmel's The Philosophy of Money
Aechylus I and II
Waugh's Brideshead Revisited
Euripides I
Husserl's Logical Investigations Vol I

>> No.20668668
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Fuck it! For me is a challenge I want to be the best!!

I AM FAUST!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20668703

Two, but they're very good ones.

>> No.20668726

My idea of a stereotypical "reader" would probably read around 30 a year.

>> No.20669203

I'm sure there aren't 20 good books in the whole world, anon. Unless you count Martial as Fourteen Books and use it to pad the list.

>> No.20669212

He has a point
You're a moron, I don't care if there isn't 20 good books according to your chart.

>> No.20669244

>20 good books
oh please, you probably sit with an upside down copy of george rr martin on every train journey.

>> No.20669253

Probably bait but I’ll take it. If you think there are only 20 good books, you don’t like reading

>> No.20669280

I'm being kind of high-brow troll to be honest yes. I read quite a lot, and when I said this I meant that there're probably less than 20 titles that can be considered high brow. It's about refined taste and you probably wouldn't understand.

think: Constantine VII, for instance.

We also ought not count monographs or works as fictions under this same banner, of course.

>> No.20669571

>I'm sure there aren't 20 good books in the whole world, anon.
name 2

>> No.20669587

ca. 50, not including fanfic

>> No.20669593

Typically 52 of varying sizes. At least four books in the 800 - 100 pg range (one per season), most of them are going to be 200 - 500 pages however.

>> No.20669602

Damn bro did you get married after 2019 or what?

>> No.20669780

LMAO nice one