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20645338 No.20645338 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true Übersisters?

>> No.20645346

The first paragraph is. However, it's obviously not master morality to do away with masters.

>> No.20645362

Hey, let me used a bunch of terms I heard someone say, I know through pop culture or I read in a tertiary, maybe, maybe! secondary work in my philosophy, sociology... [philosopher], [sociologist] 101 course.

American academia is pathetic in everything non STEM, and these STEM are hardly cultured enough to appreciate the republican democracy they live in

>> No.20645377

unfortunately anarchists also "transcend" any form of viable social and administrative organization and cooperation on a large enough scale to maintain its own systems

>> No.20645401

Naively dumb. Anarchism is an infantile disorder.
>eliminate masters
And how are you going to do that within the actual progression of history where the master and slave are formed by the forces of production and recognition? Elminate the division of labour and put everyone in their own self-contained box so they never have to interact with eachother?

>> No.20645453

Cool, I'll have a large coffee, thanks.

>> No.20645466
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>> No.20645473

>get rid of the current masters
>robespierre 2.0 awakens

>> No.20645475

Twitter screencap threads should be a bannable offense

>> No.20645482
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>> No.20645516
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McCloskey has described herself as a "literary, quantitative, postmodern, free-market, progressive Episcopalian, Midwestern woman from Boston who was once a man. Not 'conservative'! I'm a Christian Classical Liberal."

>> No.20645586
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>> No.20645726

Card is socialist?

>> No.20645765

>Nietzschean ethics

>> No.20645787

What a stupid post

>> No.20645789

Card's a known Anarchist

>> No.20645799

You can't abolish hierarchies wtf why can't people understand this?

>> No.20645806

mental illness

>> No.20645808

this is what happens when you think philosophy is a mere verbal manipulation game. he has no idea what master morality is and why it would immediately re-assert itself in a state of anarchy.

>> No.20645832

That’s a woman.

>> No.20645841

This >>20645808
is what happens when chuds try to lecture people on political philosophies they’ve never studied

>> No.20645845

There’s no abolishing hierarchies in anarchism. Anarchism is a challenging of all unjustifiable hierarchies. Why can’t you people think logically for fucking once in your lives?

>> No.20645851

I agree. Nietzsche would have seen transphobia as a spook like antisemitism. They’re both based on archaic chris*ian values.

>> No.20645872

every political movement seeks to challenge an unjustified hierarchy and replace it with its own. what an absolutely retarded definition.

>> No.20645895

Trans is based on christian spooks, anon.

You don’t understand what you’re talking about.

>> No.20645910

No. One cannot transcend that which is false.

>> No.20645990 [DELETED] 
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>> No.20645993

>There’s liderally no such things as governments

>> No.20646001


>> No.20646002

The most relevant thing anarchists have ever done politically is carry water for liberalism. Most of the time they just jerk their own midwit intellects off and occasionally fuck children.
Authoritarians actually deal with political reality. The two groups aren't even playing the same game.

>> No.20646013


Dude, like what if we renamed the government to something else. That would elimiate hierarchy and everyone would be free. Now get back to work, or you want get any rations from the Collective Ownership Association.

>> No.20646021

Hello agent Smith.

That’s not it either. Would you read a book that can clear this up for you?

>> No.20646022

The irony of an anarchist calling anyone a fed is astounding. You're, like I said, a cop at best and a pervert at worst, so a fed either way.

>> No.20646028

Nothing anything someone that ugly says is true.

>> No.20646042

>The feds have been posing as anarchists in recent years
>Oh the irony that you would call someone out as a fed wuwuwu

Another non-reader shows up.

>> No.20646043

Anarchism is a one of the hundred -isms made up by the bourgeois revolutionaries to saturate the political field in an attempt to make the plebeians stop thinking that kings were a thing. Atheists rewrite history this way.

With its moronic non-aggression principle (NAP), Anarchism is literally the atheist fantasy of ''humanism of the bourgeois, without the legal republic of the bourgeois'' so it remains 100% controlled by bourgeois intellectuals. ie ''humanism is awesome''. And of course it can't be done in real life. It's literally a power fantasy for impotent beta cuck atheists. This is why it appeals to bugmen like tranny-lover Ted Kazincky and vaginally herd-follower Ayn Rand.

>> No.20646045

socialism, anarchism, same shit for Nietzsche

>> No.20646048

No lol, they just -are- anarchists. There's not even any irony in an agent of the Judeo-American empire being an anarchist because anarchism is an ideology for bourgeois system enjoyers and always has been.

>> No.20646050

>no really. I am a monarchist!
Go back to dirt nap

>> No.20646069

>Hey, turns out, get this! Turns out that people against authoritarianism the most, are the actual authoritarians! Waaaahahahahhahah gfgfgfgsnrrrrq
Stupid fascist poster.

>> No.20646082

this just in- thread on /lit/ is indistinguishable from thread on /pol/

>> No.20646088

I'm simply describing the actual character of your masturbatory ideology. The royalist is right. Lenin said the same shit. People who are actually interested in serious antiliberal politics, rightist, leftist, or fascist, have no time for you and your deviant friends, but you're very much welcome in the FBI.

>> No.20646104

Thankyou for your service queen

>> No.20646143

reminder that before atheists, anarchism never fucking existed and nobody ever though about this crappy religion (or ideology like atheists say)

>> No.20646167
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I don’t even care if you believe in any of that bullshit you’re vomiting right now.
Lenin? Royalist? FBI? To hell with you cucks

The nature of the MODERN anarchist comes from the liberty project. Which we all understand comes from deep roots that are both pre-christian and integral to what the carpenter preached. Most fully admit we have no place in telling off the faithful, and accordingly wouldn’t impose any state laws forbidding some worship.

But before I get off on a tangent about the more odious faiths to spring from males, lets just correct this idiotic idea that the absence of faith is a faith. It’s not. If atheism was a religion it would have spread faster and deeper by now

>> No.20646177

Retarded take. No surprise it comes from a woman.
"Doing away with all masters" doesn't transcending the dichotomy. It's still the slave revolt because it's born of resentment towards the strong. Further, you can't "do away with all masters". A master, from the slave's point of view, is anything you can't directly fight and overcome. It's anything you have to suffer under that breeds resentment. It can simply be the weather.

>> No.20646206

>Authoritarians actually deal with political reality. The two groups aren't even playing the same game.
Authoritarians don't actually deal with reality. They think doing away with morality, ethics and norms doesn't have negative, long term consequences because they're short sighted about the precedents they create. Anarchists are naive because they don't understand they can't apply their ideas while upholding their moral framework. They just become something want to avoid by their own actions.

>> No.20646212

Anarchism and Marxism is just Neo-jacobinism. They're the same retards by a different name.

>> No.20646239

>Anarchism is abolishing unjust hierarchies bro!
>Anarchism is when I tell you what you can not say or think
Anarchists are so retarded they think they can police peoples' thoughts and morality. Its you make the same mistakes of every idealistic person.

>> No.20646240

No, it’s two separate approaches. Okay don’t come into threads like this till you read something on it.

>Anarchists are naive because they don't understand they can't apply their ideas while upholding their moral framework. They just become something want to avoid by their own actions.
It keeps getting said, but it’s never proven. This is the twistiest most sanctimonious version I’ve seen though. Congrats, windbag.

>> No.20646243

Marxists and anarchists are both degenerates who should be shot by the feds

>> No.20646246

Its really not. Its just same communism trite by a different name. Mental illness, degeneracy, social stagnation - there's no difference between your ideas. Its anti-civilization, anti-humanism and amoral. It offers nothing for society, and the world doesn't need it.

>> No.20646248

> when I tell you what you can not
Nope. You’re confused here. Anarchism is about maximum coordination and consensus building through direct democracy. If the individual doesn’t like what he sees in a community of majority Muslims, he ought to move.

>> No.20646254

Marxists and Anarchists are just one of the many fingers of Satan. You're a conduit of his destruction of this world, and serve as subjects in his army. You serve Talmud and are a useful idiot for Zionist, global domination. Take your Jewish lies and propaganda back to Tel Aviv.

>> No.20646263

>First International Workingman's meeting happens
>Marx and Bakunin have it out. Drawing distinct lines for the future of the socialist movement
>The smaller but more ambitious authoritarians seize power in the midsts of an actual revolution. A bloody coup kills and imprisons the revolutionaries

>hundred years later. Some idiot punk online says none of that is real
Flush yourself, dummy.

>> No.20646264
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Now you're appealing to the perceived master!

>> No.20646265

Go to Saturn, schizoid

>> No.20646272

Anarchism is letting people record their kids masturbate on camera for money because parenting is okay because child protective services is an unjust hierarchy.

>> No.20646276
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>Marxists and Anarchists are just one of the many fingers of Satan.
This sounds like what the Falun Gong believes along with the founder who said he gave birth to his own mother

>> No.20646286
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Shoot all the Marxists and Anarchists, and the crime rates would drop. No more degenerates. Kick doors, build the mass graves, and machine gun them all.

>> No.20646290
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A lot of spooks ITT

>> No.20646293

Dude. We have pedophiles now.
I can see only one way to diminish this social rot (socialism!) that being closer knit communities (COMmunism!) in a world run by direct democracy and local free economies we would have the best chance at fighting it. Don’t be so liberal. Clinton, Epstein etc. are liberals

>> No.20646296
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I'm just a fascist that wants to shoot you both, but indecisive on who to shoot first. I'm from Austria, home of the original leader. People want fascists, not some hipster, pozzed, pedophile, drag queen, effeminate faggot like you.

>> No.20646299

>The fool said during the Biden administration of all things

>> No.20646300

Anarchists are pedophiles that should be shot in the face with a 45.

>> No.20646629

I see you’re a pedophile

>> No.20646906

The point is to "eliminate" slaves
t. Bataille

>> No.20646911

>master and slave morality
probably a meme that doesn't exist in real life to begin with

>> No.20646927

How do anarchists view tribal hunter gatherer societies.

>> No.20646993

>my ancestors :)

>> No.20647048

>They think doing away with morality, ethics and norms doesn't have negative, long term consequences because they're short sighted about the precedents they create
Thats not even close to what authoritarians do retard. They want power precisely to impose their morality on others

>> No.20647188


>> No.20647220

I mostly agree with the first paragraph

I don't agree with the second. I think that anarchism is the only worthwhile goal for mankind politically, but I don't think that the "elimination masters" is part of that, desirable or even possible.
But I think there is a problem with enforcing hierarchies, because I feel most legitimated "masters" are just slaves with more weapons.
Didn't some people use the term "Aristocratic Anarchism"? I actually like that. If the best can't be the best without forcing people to recognize them as the best, well they are not the best.

>> No.20647244

>by eliminating masters altogether
This is not related in any way shape of form to what nietchze talks about.

>> No.20647249

>or even possible
It could be, for beings that would not be humans anymore and would fuck off to their of corner of the universe to create physical matrixes or what ever else they would do.
For us, not possible.

>> No.20647447
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Reject Anarchism, embrace the Anarch.

>> No.20647459

I absolutely do know what I'm talking about. all serious political movements look at the world, see it being run poorly, and advocate that it ought to be run differently. I've lived long enough to know that any particular political movement that tries to justify itself as a platitude endorsing everything good is committing a contemptible fraud.
>my political movement only wants good government!
oh I guess I'm with you now
>that means some cringe chaotic paradoxical shit
never mind, I thought you were serious

>> No.20647464

Anarkiddies do not read books.

>> No.20647465
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I'm a liberal.

>> No.20647508

>However, it's obviously not master morality to do away with masters.
The goal of Nietzschean ethics is not to embrace master morality, brainlet. Master morality is no more legitimate than slave morality and, in theory, creates slave morality as an inevitable reaction.

>> No.20647817

>my political movement only wants good government!
Self governance.
>that means some cringe chaotic paradoxical shit
By direct democracy, ideally with a free economy so as to avoid corruption. This allows maximum freedoms, and I suppose you find this too uncertain and chaotic, you have been conditioned to be this afraid of autonomy. Went through the school system didn’t you?

>> No.20647818

Anarchism just is a realistic, serious position. If someone is an anarchist they're either underage or autistic

>> No.20647881

>Anarchism: just is a realistic, serious position