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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 333x500, facelessjkrake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20639700 No.20639700 [Reply] [Original]

Unironic cyberpunk noir. Somehow less shit than most of /wg/.
Interviewing the author next week. What slurs should I say to him?

>> No.20639718

Who are you and why should I give a shit? Who's the author? What's the book? Why shouldn't jannies clean this shit up?

>> No.20639730

>needs jannies to removes books from a book imageboard
>can’t even be bother to read a fucking book cover
back to whatever shithole you crawled out of, faggot

>> No.20639739
File: 639 KB, 759x619, podcast owl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unreal Press, retard. I'm the guy who interviewed F Gardner. Faceless is this 7/10 scifi and its author keeps bothering me to interview him. Jannies shouldn't kill this thread because fuck jannies.


>> No.20639741
File: 113 KB, 543x640, 0A0AC926-F236-4E58-9F1E-36AFCF03EB0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of it.
Tell him about Burgerpunk. See if he can write something of a dark humored parody of his own style

>> No.20639759

no one on this board cares about your contemporary genreshit. since you're new I'll explain to you that we have a containment general /sffg/ for sci fi and fantasy. that's where you can discuss your midwit hobby. there are about 5 genre fiction authors discussion of whom is permitted outside of that general, and the guy getting interviewed by someone who browses 4channel is not one of them.

>> No.20639770


>> No.20639801

>people are only allowed to like what I like.

You may think you look like a smart fella, but you're more like a FART SMELLA

>> No.20639982

His name is Kraken, so make a ton of Kraken related puns.

>> No.20640193

No it's not

>> No.20640218

It says Krake right there on the cover. Are you calling him a liar?

>> No.20640227

>The same
You got some foreign language translation I should be aware of here or is this Schrodinger's N?

>> No.20640242

His name is Krake, so make Kraken puns, are you happy now?

>> No.20640261

I guess so.

>> No.20640306

I thought unreal already interviewed him. Maybe im thinking about something different. You should ask him if he ever plans to publish undying emperor, thats my favorite story of his

>> No.20640318

Only been a cohost of sorts to talk about books so far, not interviewed on Faceless.

>> No.20640388

Fallen Diadem was better and he had the balls to end it on a cliffhanger.

You finish what you start, boyo.

>> No.20640517

Fallen Diadem had fundamental flaws in character motivation and led to a bitter taste in most character interactions as the violence escalated.

>> No.20640533


>> No.20640579

Is Schrodinger's N the same as Lovecraft's cat?

>> No.20640586

Well that's pretty damning of Undying Emperor then.

>> No.20641256

Generally curious about how genre this is, or if it tries to be literary.
Make fun of how little effort went into the cover? Afternoon of amateurish photoshop?

>> No.20641272

Are you going to publish another anthology / collection?

>> No.20641294

What’s with this board that anytime anything slightly different is posted its shit on while at the time allowing quite literally the same threads to be made copy and paste like grounds hog day

>> No.20641375

While it's not the best cover, I feel I cannot let the opportunity pass to point out that you are literally judging a book by its cover.

>> No.20641473
File: 21 KB, 400x400, rwNyeaMc_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, a self published cover does reflect effort and taste.

>> No.20641484

That's what happens when you half-ass the first impression of your book.

>> No.20641803

You know, discussing the nightmare that is working with illustrators in current year is a good subject.

Some days I wonder if I should have done the Chad Gardner route and just hand drawn some garbage that merely popa out at you

>> No.20641884

If we talk about wg, why is 90% of wg filled with fantasy and scifi retards? Are people there too stupid to write actual good litfic?

>> No.20641944

The answer in 95% of cases is backflow from movies and anime. It comes from the impression a movie can make on a child versus a book.

But, you should also consider that modern life is horrible and people reading stories are looking for something/anything more engaging than the wagie lifestyle. They want to escape, so they dive at fantasy and magic or at science-fiction and space.

I'd also contend that sometimes you need a contrivance from spec fic to tell a certain kind of story. There's plenty of perfectly rich content in the premise of robots and AI and the self reflection of humanity (and I say that fully aware that 99% of artificial intelligences do nothing of the sort). That story could be as "literary" as the best of them, but it would still be labelled scifi.

I think if you actually made an effort post to explain why speculative fiction is bad and the people writing it are retards, you'd realize that the genre isn't bad it just has (nearly) all the bad writers. And, to circle back, it has the bad writers because most people are primarily influenced by movies/cartoons/anime.

>> No.20642507

Most cases I assume spec-fic / genre to be aiming for entertainment. This board favors theme heavy lit such as Moby Dick or Brothers K There is some genre fiction that tries to be very smart, but most of it is entertainment (which again, this board likes to jerk off to how smart they can be).

>> No.20642572

Not sure that's a safe assumption, to be honest. But I generally find most stories to be neither thematic nor entertaining and I've lost the ability to judge averages vs outliers accurately.

When you only consider old books like Moby Dick, you're implicitly filtering for the best of the best of the best afterall.

>> No.20642580

When I glanced at that cover I thought the book was that series by Jim Butcher. The Dresden Files or something. Sort of urban noir with magic. I guess your guy is similar.

I can't really suggest anything interesting to say to him, because I haven't read him. Cyberpunk noir is a cool genre, but unfortunately all the actual books are terrible. (All the ones I've tried, anyway.) Maybe his aren't, but the odds aren't great.

I like the idea of a cyberpunk novel where the villains keep altering the hero's memory at night without him knowing it. You tell it in first-person perspective, so the readers doesn't know what's going on either. But we will soon work out something odd is happening (MC will remember things incorrectly from the previous day, etc) Then he too will work it out, and WREAK A HORRIFYING REVENGE! Yes!

Float that general idea with your author fellow and ask him if he knows if it's ever been done well.

>> No.20642626

Cyberpunk memento?

>> No.20642683

Well, sort of, but not exactly. In Memento he hasn't got any memory. In my book he has a perfectly good memory, it just gets changed *without his knowing it*. So he's much worse off than the guy in Memento.

But yes, some of the situations are similar. Like in Memento when the woman laughs at him, saying "you won't remember any of this in 15 minutes' time". You could have a chapter where he unmasks the villain and the villain laughs and then next chapter he meets him and trusts him and doesn't think he's the villain.

It will all lead to a MASSIVE CONSPIRACY. Plus there will be a seductive but not entirely trustworthy woman who will have quite big breasts. What a fine book it will be.

>> No.20642819

There are a number of short stories akin to this in a book called Neon Leviathan by TR Napper.

I kind of fucking hated that book though.

>> No.20642856

give me examples of good burgerpunk

>> No.20642879

Faceless? More like sexless, with that fedora! Jacking into the webs 'cause you can't plunge into some sweet houri's coney.

Say that to him L.A. Is't an accurate description.

>> No.20642886

i looked at the amazon sample and it looks like guy #39023482 with no experiences or a perspective or his own doing remix #67642343048234 of his favorite genre fiction tropes. it really doesn't matter what you ask him.

>> No.20643004

The contemporary world as it is now and not as the scifi authors of the 70s and 80s imagined it. I just said it is a parody genre waiting to be explored.

>> No.20643552

Your problem is "burgerpunk" seems synonymous with Babylon Bee

>> No.20643597


>> No.20643789
File: 721 KB, 750x565, BDF3BFFE-8455-4E02-8CD2-16F2B1286E91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask him about the importance of daily word quotas

>> No.20643873

Ask if his book has life extension technology, and if not why.

>> No.20643880

Unironically symptoms of autism

>> No.20643901

>But, you should also consider that modern life is horrible and people reading stories are looking for something/anything more engaging than the wagie lifestyle. They want to escape, so they dive at fantasy and magic or at science-fiction and space.
Probably, nothing wrong with that, I would say.

>> No.20643908

In moderation, no, nothing wrong with it at all. But I do question people who consume garbage for this reason.

>> No.20643940

Because it's probably not garbage to them, or at least they ignore bad parts and focus on things that they find enjoyable and that they crave for in their escapist fantasies. Love, power, happiness and so on. I kind of understand why some people don't like those books, I personally also stopped reading most of fiction in general (mostly just read historical sources and history books at the moment), it just doesn't hit my wants and desires at the moment, feels like I should write my own fantasy for that, but sadly I'm not good enough or motivated enough for it.

>> No.20643953

I reccomend a variety of reading genres. Fun things are fun. Try a comedy book perhaps.

I say this as someone who reads non-fiction/historical/biographical almost every other book.

>> No.20644044

I'm just not interested in YA or spec. Just a preference. Too many other books out there that I am interested in.

>> No.20644097

While I agree on YA, if you're not reading speculative fiction, what are you reading? Literary literary and literary?

Don't tell me you're binging romance or something.

>> No.20644099
File: 64 KB, 342x500, 61QuPic5-DL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, but I am curious about this. One review called it "sporepunk" noir. Has anybody read?

>> No.20644105

Mostly literary, some historical and nonfiction. Fan of war memoirs.

>> No.20644243

My Father’s Diet

>> No.20644278

>Literary literary and literary?
"literary" includes an absurdly diverse range of reading experiences from some contemporary realist novel about sad couples divorcing to a druggie's psychodelic vision to a classic from hundreds of years ago that comes from a culture so different to yours it might as well be another planet. you try going from that to science fiction or whatever and it just looks really pedestrian and narrow.

>> No.20644523

More of a difficulty level

>> No.20644747

what does the f stand for?

>> No.20645213

Seems that this post might have been responsible for like 5 more followers on the webnovel. Maybe not though, if there's only 21 posters.

>> No.20646523

Why slurs? Why can’t you act normal?

>> No.20646808

I think OP thinks his name is pronounced "cracka" instead of "cray-kuh"