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/lit/ - Literature

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20634101 No.20634101 [Reply] [Original]

Name a great book written by a black author that isn't about race or racism.

>> No.20634106

Black here, that's racist to say that

>> No.20634109


>> No.20634113
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It's about yams

>> No.20634130

the three musketeers

>> No.20634136

Don Quixote
The Divine Comedy
The Stranger

>> No.20634163

I'm sorry, I wouldn't know, I don't read anything by them

>> No.20634210
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Fuck all you illiterate racists, this is such an important book it's existence is even taught in middle school. I remember it, too.

Also this person is ACTUALLY black, yeesh:

>> No.20634213

Baldwin has a couple

>> No.20634233

dumas is black

>> No.20634244

Carver was actually pretty cool

>> No.20634256

I'm not sure, but there might be a Sowell book on economy that doesn't mention race/enthinicty, though a lot of them do.

>> No.20634336


Invisible Man. On some very surface level it's about race, but if that's all you take away from then you got filtered.

>> No.20634353
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Also, Quincas Borba, Brás Cubas and The Alienist

>> No.20634359

If the shoe fits

>> No.20634370

The Epic of Sundiata
Kebra Nagast
The Palm-Wine Drinkard
Giovanni's Room

>> No.20634379

all of dostoievski books. slavs are not white

>> No.20634387

>not white = black

>> No.20634389

you're not white either you bad coon

>> No.20634390

He's mixed, 1/4 black IIRC. He more or less just looks like a white guy with an afro.

>> No.20634404

Slavs are objectively white by any sensible definition. You could maybe argue that certain European looking West Asian groups like Georgians and Ossetians are "non-white" by some definitions, but I don't know any definition that make Slavs non-white unless you're applied some ridiculous Nazi standard like only NW Euros are white.

>> No.20634407

he*s black enough

>> No.20634422

everyone below this comment is a Northern Ireland black and tan but more black than tan bad coon nigger

>> No.20634425

>He more or less just looks like a white guy with an afro.
I hate Americans so much.

>> No.20634452

The Palm wine drinkard and his dead palm wine tapster in the heads town. I will now graciously accept your loss and allow to suck the cum out of my balls you midwit gay pussy.

>> No.20634637

Based Machado de Assis

>> No.20634650

Hated this book. Required reading for sophomore English. Teacher made us feel like idiots because a bunch of suburban Whites couldn't relate to bum fuck Africa nigger shit

>> No.20634664
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>be James Baldwin
>known for your incisive commentary on race and class issues in the United States
>write a novel
>it's about faggots in a gay bar in Paris

I wonder if anyone in Baldwin's own time saw that swerve coming.

>> No.20634675

The Count of Monte Cristo (unironically)

>> No.20634687

Their Eyes Were Watching God, it's about a woman with incredibly bad taste in husbands

>> No.20634689

Oh don't be such a nigger.

>> No.20634707

The feeling is mutual.

>> No.20634710

The Color Purple
Another Country
Go Tell It On the Mountain
The Parable of the Sower
A Brief History of Seven Killings
The World Doesn't Require You
Giovanni's Room
The Secret Lives of Church Ladies
The Autograph Man
Their Eyes Were Watching God

Thinking black authors are the ones obsessed with race is just further proof that /lit/ doesn't read.

>> No.20634735

You obviously don't read since no one would willingly read the garbage you posted. Can't even spare enough brain cells to make a decent shitpost.

>> No.20634747

my (stolen) diary

>> No.20634765
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Salvage the Bones. Ward does write about race but she's thankfully not obsessed about it. Instead StB is about ghosts, mythology, prophecy, violence and vision. Also warning, there's a pit bull in it she's cute (and by cute the thing is stealing shoes and ferociously barking at her own puppies on the first page).

>> No.20634787
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Seconding Invisible Man (Ellison) and your comment. A mighty book chooses a mighty theme. I almost didn't read Moby-Dick because I thought it was only about whales. Some books about race are only about that on the surface.

>> No.20634815
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cat 4chan_page_download.html | uniq >> do_not_read.txt

>> No.20634829

The posthumous memoirs of Bras Cubas

>> No.20634868


>> No.20634878

>yams are my manhood ooga booga
>noooo White man come on bicycle
>niggers hangs himself from tree
Either you're a nigger or a nigger lover.

>> No.20634922

>Their Eyes Were Watching God
I guess it's fair to say it's mostly not about race... I think a few of Toni Morrison’s novels also fall into a similar category, like Jazz.

>> No.20634926

Nigga that book fucking sucked.

>> No.20634931

In current times, can a colored writer even write something that doesn’t have to do with race without being skewered?

>> No.20634932

African Psycho

>> No.20634936

The Sundiata

>> No.20634941

He said a great book. Dosto did not write a single good book, let alone a great one.

>> No.20635163

Delusional fucking mutt

>> No.20635174


>> No.20635183

Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.20635340


>> No.20635371

Macahdo de Asis unironically is one of the greatest writers out there

>> No.20635394

Why shouldn't they write about their history and experience?

Omeros was pretty good

>> No.20635415

invisible man is the greatest work of any black author, with that being said while it's about more than just race alone, to say that it "isn't about race or racism" is wrong.

>> No.20635440

I can't even name a white author who doesn't write about race or racism. I usually just see their names on the book cover, why would I know their ethnicity?

>> No.20635800

>The Colour Purple
That book is explicitly about slavery. I hope this was a shitpost otherwise you may have the reading comprehension of a toddler.

>> No.20635844

>Eugene Onegin
>Earthseed trilogy

>> No.20635874


>> No.20635881

This is the only answer

>> No.20635947
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>> No.20636256

I feel like James Allen McPherson's stories were more about class than race, so I'd offer his collection Hue and Cry. Gold Coast in particular is outstanding.

>> No.20636266
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>> No.20636279

The Flecktones are probably the most talented musical group of the last 40 years or so.

>> No.20636556


>> No.20636680

>useless use of cat
>no sort before uniq
Pleb tier

>> No.20636810

curl -L '>>20634101.json' | jq '.posts | .[] | .com' --raw-output | grep --only-matching "[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9 &#;-]\+" | sort | uniq

what now nigger

>> No.20636843
File: 42 KB, 622x616, 293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brás Cubas is black?

>> No.20636937

Better, though you could just do .posts[].com and I'd throw perl -MHTML::Entities -pe 'decode_entities($_);' in there

>> No.20636941

ofc it will be about racism if you read modernist shit, just read something about african spirituality

>> No.20636992

The most culturally /lit/erate mutt

>> No.20638648

Three Musketeers XD

>> No.20639310

Maybe I’m misremembering, but didn’t things fall apart because of the white missionaries??? All I remember from the book for sure is when Okonkwo said it’s gay to be on the bottom during sex.

>> No.20640241

All of Shakespeare

>> No.20640257

>Name a great book written by a black author
No can do.

This is an anonymous website. Trying to exploit your status as a racial minority is racist and not anonymous.

>> No.20640278

The Odyssey
Dante's Inferno

Don Quixote

>> No.20640303

he wrote a really good book called the music lesson

alright to say it was well written is a little bit of an overstatement but as far as education/self improvement i got a lot out of it

>> No.20640392
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indeed he did anon, and he has since written a sequel, pic related
he's an outstanding musician. i could practice for a million years and not get close.

>> No.20640494

>Samuel R. Delaney isn't black
5 posts in and someone is already frantically dildoing their own ass with the goalposts.

>> No.20640561

Pushkin would have been “black” in America, but Russia didn’t have a ridiculous one-drop rule, so 1/8 black and 7/8 non-black =\= black

>> No.20640573
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>> No.20640577

Pimp by Iceberg Slim
It's about crime, pimping, women. Race does come up, but only for like 2 paragraphs.
It's a book about a man who was redpilled by his own mother.

>> No.20641611

The 3 Musketeers

>> No.20641633

Finnegan’s wake

>> No.20642428

No, it fucking isn't, you clown. It's about a woman trying to escape from abusive relationships.